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File: eva nerv logo dark.png (192 KB, 2560x1440)
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Anything related to Neon Genesis Evangelion. Anime, Manga, Fanart, Movies, Dolls, Toys, Cosplay, everything goes.

Previous thread: >>2242572
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In the mega I have all the eva papes I've saved from here and other places. Plus some AI lewds of Asuka.
I didn't vet or screen what's in the AI folder, so it's a lot of ugly slop. Maybe you'll like some of it. There are some SFW images in the lewd folder, but very few.
Nice, some great stuff in there. Thanks anon!
Thanks Anon! you sure are a nice person!
File: Autumn by Virus76.jpg (1.19 MB, 1450x800)
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File: EVA01 and EVA12 by Amiami.jpg (679 KB, 2100x1180)
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This one isn't really wallpaper sized but I had it for a while just with the edges filled with black
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throwing yall back to december 31st, 2015, when the third impact happened on /a/, I got this requested from /wsr/.
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Wish I had seen that. Got any archived thread links?

Sometimes I think the world really did end that day and that's why everything since 2016 has been fucked. Because of Shinji's choice we have to live in that world rather than be in Paradise.
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>>2255655 (OP)
reposting since last thred is ded. Removed the watermark.
this looks very poorly edited anon
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RIP Gainax
Get that AI slop out of here
One of you guys have to have a sexy Misato bg.
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I know it's too wide, but I've always loved this shot of the Evas just after the Ramiel fight
File: 72.png (5.93 MB, 1920x1080)
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Anyone got asuka getting headshot in the end of evangelion wallpaper? (One of my favorit scenes)
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Maybe I’m not using the right search parameters, but that shit is unobtanium.
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Kino is eternal; men are not.
File: Zc59H2we-wallha.com.jpg (3.63 MB, 7319x3502)
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best i found, is this what you wanted?
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I think they wanted the interior shot, dunno.
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It does? I don't see it.
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>>2255655 (OP)
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When you and your side chick smash all night and your main bitch shows up.
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That’s hot, but blue board, anon.
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one like this but with best girl please
Can you post again
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A dude I used to know went to Japan and brought me that mini fig back. He got it out of a vending machine.
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File: Unit_01_Alt.jpg (904 KB, 2884x1622)
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I have a recolor of this
File: Unit_01.png (4.31 MB, 1920x1080)
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Also one without the text
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looks like this was deleted, was this a cunny dump disguised as papes?
>904 KB,
pls upload the original or get killed by cancer you fucking retard
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My current wallpaper.
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This one is for cucks.
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i was there, and i saved the one thread.

hope you like it.
and i saved the thread.*
File: Asuka korrigiert.png (1.41 MB, 3841x2160)
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1.41 MB PNG
Again the one where the hair is missing the tip. Will my mistakes haunt me forever?
>Dragon Raja's Erii Uesugi and Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion
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There used to be a wallpaper looking like this on wallhaven IIRC, but I couldn't find it anymore, so I recreated it.
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1.21 MB PNG
I have this one
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691 KB JPG
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3.95 MB JPG
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idk why you're having a seizure over it but here.

Shinji rejected Instrumentality for a reason. You still have the ability to choose for yourself. Anywhere can be paradise as long as you have the will to live.
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Can someone re-upload this I can't find the original
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Anyone has one wallpaper of Asuka being mindraped where It is draw like a crayon?
Evangelion is the goat.

This is a long shot, but does anyone have any good screenshots or copies of landscape backgrounds from the original series? Maybe from an art book for the series or something. The landscapes in episode 4 are absolutely wallpaper material if there's any high quality copies.
File: vieja bruja.png (708 KB, 1920x1080)
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708 KB PNG
i need more 4k wallpapers, anyone have any that arent just hot girl
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File: Misato_Nagel.png (388 KB, 1280x1024)
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File: eva_9.jpg (109 KB, 1366x768)
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I really need a wallpaper based on the third impact but i cant find shit anywhere
this is as close as i can get

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