Need more.
>>2212168>2. Single image request threads are highly discouraged. Please upload some of your own content when making a thread.
>>2212170Why are people so frickin lazy? It's like every beg thread expects their thread to be magically filled up.
>>2212168this was my wallpaper in 2012 i remember playing dark souls and watching claymore and thought it was appropriate
Someone has more of this aesthetic?
>>2215174menacing looking woman with an enormous phallic bladed weapon?better page dr freud mate
for those who really have a hard-on for girls in 15th century gothic armour
Some Warhammer Fantasy
>>2215308Is this a vatican guard?
>>2216128No. She's just a Landsknecht Doppelsoldner >>2215285 is
>>2216128>>2216128This >>2215290 too
>>2216957>found this pic on /e/>sloppily crop it>upscale the crop>post it to /wg/>catch it on a thread i monitor on /w/love you all anon
>>2216965Ya got me. I saw this on a thread I monitor on wg and liked it. Good eye anon.
>>2215182holy this made me laugh pretty hard
>>2212170Suck my dick
>>2222893This isnt anime
>>2223841Stop being a bitch and post.
>>2215308But where is she from? Standalone art?
>>2223879Looks very close to Warhammer Fantasy fan-art.
>>2215182Take this reddit gold, good sir!
>>2224798Just look what she holds...
>>2227675dat monkey face though
>>2227676Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one who saw it.
anyone got these or more in phone wallpaper size?
>>2227697>>2226531also, phone is not a size... you're expected to make requests in WIDTHxHEIGHT format... or at least X:Y aspect ratio
>>2227711oh, well good thing this is a completely different thread, and everyone would know what I was eluding to with "phone size". you're like one of those kiss ass teacher's assistant kids. fuck off, nigger.
>>2227717Don't be a beg fag, it's simple. Use Google if you're too stupid to understand that.
>>2227719how about you fuck off to whichever one of your parents still remain or care, or to a therapist about why you impose yourself with this silly ass self aggrandizing bullshit on 4chan over someone simply asking, not begging for a phone wallpaper. don't bother replying. also good luck, I believe in you.
>>2227721Stay on topic and read the sticky.
>>2228796Is this from something?
>>2228794kinda getting Mount & Blade vibes here
>>2212168y’all guys seem to hate 16:9 aspect ratio
>>2231724So much better!
>>2214906Omg I forgot blade kitten was a thing.I played the first game years ago and never got to play the second.
>>2233029My god these designs are absolutely insane and ridiculous.
>>2229517well, this is bannerlord fanart
>>2239453alternate version with higher contrast but some of the gold embellish gets lost
>>2239454I can't remember if the central character was supposed to be a man or a woman according to Last Saga's lore.
>>2239471And I'm out of worthwhile posts.
>>2219714The very first. I kneel.i wonder how older ones looked like
>>2239455Wait Pixiv Fantasia has actual lore? And each subtitle does too?
>>2245781>Wait Pixiv Fantasia has actual lore? And each subtitle does too?Yeah. For Last Saga, the host of the contest came up with three countries and some lore about why they were fighting, and then artists make their entries and then the votes are tallied up and at the end the country that has the most votes "wins" the contest.
>>2225757I'd consider this to be perfect if not for the stupid spike on the shoulder and forehead.
>>2251014hey that's from guardian tales
>>2215284easy access >:)
wish was higher quality..
>>2212168man, that pape is so old