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File: 1344305.png (864 KB, 1920x1080)
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864 KB PNG
I can't believe we don't have a thread about that
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I don't have a proper tools to make this textless base but I made this for my own wallpaper
File: 1705975120695158-edit.jpg (3.74 MB, 4000x2868)
3.74 MB
3.74 MB JPG
I gave it a try.
This one is amazing. I'm using it myself.
File: frieren2.jpg (4.73 MB, 4000x2868)
4.73 MB
4.73 MB JPG
That is a great panel. Cleaned it up and added a little color to use myself.
AI-upscaled starblobs are distracting
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requesting one of Frieren with the goofy :3 expression
File: frieren.jpg (1.16 MB, 7680x4320)
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1.16 MB JPG
at least post one on your request
i made these 2 screenshots wich might make a nice wp
File: kanne.png (1.09 MB, 2100x1181)
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>Assuming everyone happens to have one of everything
>Especially the guy who is requesting
Get over yourself
i wish they put at least the tiniest bit of effort into the background
File: GCxaS_9a4AEpIAT.jpg (254 KB, 1500x1061)
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254 KB JPG
epic thread lads
File: Sou.jpg (1.99 MB, 3840x2160)
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1.99 MB JPG
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File: jef-wu-frieren-sketch-2-6.jpg (442 KB, 1920x1046)
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I was waiting for this one
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371 KB JPG
For fuck sake there's so many good ones above 6mb
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File: Frieren.full.4122916.jpg (2.27 MB, 1456x2250)
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File: Flamme.full.4135878.jpg (1.21 MB, 2100x2633)
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File: Frieren Girlfriend.jpg (294 KB, 1280x905)
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294 KB JPG
File: frieren.png (299 KB, 1920x1080)
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299 KB PNG

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