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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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Hello everyone. I'm a huge fan of 07th Expansion even though the franchise took a hit with Higurashi Gou and Sotsu + the lack of news regarding Ciconia, in my opinion. Regardless, I think a thread with comfy, stylish, cool and magical wallpapers could be fun.

I'll post the few I do have and use, I hope you guys have some stuff from the lesser known titles like Rose Guns Days, or Higanbana.

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys can also contribute.
Very good thread, I bless this thread with a long life
Based thread, will contribute at home
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this is from the artist's pixiv
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There exists in secret a new Umineko large-scale project from a fan. Could be interesting.
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Based Naimaposter
If anyone has anything Shannon-focused in 2560x1440, I'd really appreciate it.
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here's a shot at AI upscaling
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please tell me where i can find more of these LN covers in decent quality
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Anyone have this in better quality?
bump, don't have images to post now but I'll be home in a bit
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>in a bit
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Literally came to this board for the first time for this. Thank you.
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Onii-chan never came home :'(
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here's some Rena for you
If anyone has some nice Shions I would 'preciate
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Best girl
I don't care what anyone says, chapter 7 was my favorite

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