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Needs more Bebop.
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>"See you later, space cowboy."
Miss you, bud, hope you're doing well.
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could someone do a edit of this one with stars in the background? just purely black and white?
sorry my mistake.
>Wallpaper thread about Cowboy Bebop
>Not a single Faye Valentine's pic
I was just about to say the same thing, except I don't mind. As much as I love Faye she's the obvious fan favorite sexy pape girl.
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Gotchu Fayebros.
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Current pape.
(It's actually upside down but I like it better flipped.)
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> no space samurai
over rated af
Thank you kindly anon.
nah its one of the only endlessly rewatchable anime
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forgot image KEK
anyone got the og version of this? been digging for a while.
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best I could find in 3 seconds with yandex image search.
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refrigerator episode wallpaper. does it exist? just the fridge floating in space, would be awesome
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What do you think happened to Ed after she left the bebop?
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Made an edit of this pape, enjoy.
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I remember falling in love with this anime the second I finished the intro, bump.
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cant be fucked to remove the watermark
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