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The greatest anime of our generation, Chainsaw Man.
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Kobeni's car.
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the artist name is someonelse45
he also made art for Makima, Denji and Power
just download and crop it to the 9:16 ratio for smartphone wallpaper
show me your devil contract i showed you mine
artist is afpocketbee btw
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I love Power, she's such a brat.
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This is fucking cool but
>Two "wallpapers" shrunk down even smaller within that
>And with fucking icons on them
Jesus Christ dude fucking step it up, this wouldn't be passable in 2009.
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You're right.
Let me spoon feed you
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Black edition
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Grazie. Reverse image search only brought me to a Patreon/shit quality caps and I was not about to pay for papes lmao.
need some nice makima wallpaper for my phone but make it decent and sfw
posting my angel devil ones
You are the dude, dude.
just started reading the manga and i love it, very happy i picked this up
File: makima-4.png (1.26 MB, 2560x1440)
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Man I hate Makima but she's an excellently written character and drawn for hatefucking. I'm just really not into smug dommy types and don't have a humiliation fetish though. Her arc end was super satisfying. RIP half the main fucking cast.
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She knows what she is and how to manipulate those around her. Honestly, devil powers aside, she's the most realistic character.
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Would I be wrong if I said this Anime/Manga is Men In Black with Demons instead of Aliens?
Whatever the answer may be I am hooked.
Japan does do everything better, including Hollywood recycling.
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Going down the rabbit hole on Yandex.
I don't want to spoil myself.
Happy New Year everyone.
Stay safe.
Captcha is Hell
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she isn't smug at all and that's why she is so alluring; she doesn't have the typical smuggy overconfident arrogancy of someone in power; it's almost as if her "victims" don't even deserve her smugness
yeah, she was made for hatefucking, i've never felt that for an anime character
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Amazing, thank you anon
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There are only two types of Makimas: Hot Makima and scary Makima.
Any Asa ones?
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1 MB
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Kobeni 16:9 papes that aren't frames from the anime?
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kobeni's car is best girl
Anyone have a manga edit of the fox devil, need a vector of it just pulled from the manga.
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I love this pape so much. Thanks anon.
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trying to see if anyone has a certain gun devil wallpaper i saw in the old thread
was black n white, gun devil bust, pretty much kinda hard to describe
I'm more of a fan of the second one.
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Hope you guys don't mind caps. They are from the Blu-Ray, so they're highest possible quality.
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>The greatest anime of our generation
the bar is extremely low then
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4.15 MB JPG
needed a new pape
this is the cutest kima ive ever seen. real shame about the image set it comes from..
Why you think I cropped it?
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Anyone have any nice part 2 wallpapers? Ones of Asa would be nice
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Looking for my old phone wallpaper.

It's Makima staring downwards where her top half is in shadows. Her eyes are clearly visible though the shadow. The PoV is down below her so it looks like she's looking down at you.

Here's my current wallpaper as recompense for this request.
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Give me Himeno or give me death!
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Who here knows what movie this is referencing?
Porky's, 1981 sex/comedy teen genre movie set in 1954 Florida...

...search on YouTube "hilarious porky's scene". The entire movie is like that.
That there is a goddamn American classic.
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306 KB JPG
he's not wrong faggot
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Anyone got a shot from the opening where Denji and Power are looking at one fence, Aki is looking over it at another, and Makima is above them to the side looking over both fences?
Would be appreciated it you share, thanks.
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If the text on the back was in English or Japanese and not in Brazilian, it would be the best wallpaper
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can someone help me find the original? I did all the typical reverse image searches.
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886 KB JPG
Actually it’s greatest manga of our generation. Season one of the anime doesn’t capture the soul of the manga.

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