PC, Phone anything goesAIslop fuck off
>even here it's too fat to drag and drop the jpghere's my contributionhttps://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9164137
How do you know what's ai and whatnot?>Check pixiv tags. He could easily lie.
>>2257374look at ai art and get a feel for it
>>2257374It's gotten easier to tell.
>>2257375hikari is def ready to birth children
>>2257368Reminded me of this.>File too largeFat Mikas. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108134088
>>2257369forgot this one
>>2257382and lastly
>>2257360I like it
>>2257884Blue Archive?
>>2257360>AIslop fuck offThat's a shame, there is a lot of good AI art for Blue Archive.
Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive pt 1
>>2258235pt 3
>>2258236pt 4
anyone know of an landscape bunny asuna pic that matches this aesthetic?
Found this while trawling a booru for other images; give Hasumommy some love, she's underappreciated.
>>2257360Does anyone actually use a wallpaper like this? Plana is gorgeous, but I'd get nervous pulling my phone out.
>>2260675Yeah all of these posters are fat obese dweebs who dont leave the house and use 10 year old androids
>>2260682Or they're simply so autistic that they don't care.
>>2260675>>2260682>>2260684Believe it or not there's nothing wrong with having a wallpaper of a cute girl in a bikini as your wallpaper. If you don't sperg out about it when questioned all is well.
>>2260709Objectively, no, there's nothing wrong with it, but even with the surface level of anime going mainstream, normies tend to have a ree about even the mildest of fanservice, especially if they perceive the character as a child, because normies seem to have difficulty telling drawings apart from reality. All it takes is one smoothbrained windowlicker to scream CP and your life is fucked up permanently even if nothing ever sticks legally.
>>2260713Living in an underdeveloped shithole comes with its perks I suppose. I can't imagine the scenario you described happening to me, though I can certainly see it befall another. Or perhaps I'm simply reckless.That being said, I am out of excuses to continue posting Arona and Plana in bikinis.
Is it just me or most of these pictures and broken and cant see them?
>>2260850Thumbnails are broken for me on some posts, too.
>>2260713If you're that much of a beta bitch boi, you should only use the default wallpaper that comes with your device, just in case anyone suspects that you have a personality (which may be seen as objectionable by some people). It's the only way to stay safe out there.