What happened to desktop threads?[spoiler]]sorry, best one I can post rn[/spoiler]
where are my plasma bros at?
>>2257901What's going on with her arms? Is this AI generated?
>>2257902oh my, just grabbed it from >>2250912 because i liked the colors
Love me icewm. Lightweight, full featured. Simple as.
>>2257910Based icewm enjoyer, 10/10
>>2257910I will now install your distro
>>2257910Where did you get that specific theme color? I've been looking for a theme that looks like that
Got frustrated with Microsoft again. I'm switching back to Pop!_OS.
>>2257951The icewm theme or the filemanager theme? The icewm one is a color/button edit I made of the nIceCDE theme you can find on most theme sites. The filemanager one is using the motif style plugin through qt5ct with a custom color palette I made. I can upload either one if you want them and tell me what filehost people use for this kind of thing these days.
>>2257962Both of them. But yeah I'd appreciate if you could upload using catbox.moe and link them here.
>>2257963Here: https://files.catbox.moe/oyy5z7.7zFile manager in the screenshot is pcmanfm-qt, btw.
i had so many ideas but i got bored halfway and i was left with this
>>2257973Took me 10 secs at max with saucenaohttps://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73110889
>>2257901I like your terminal colors.>>2257910Very nice, anon. IceWM is such a good window manager.
I despise Microsoft as I have grown ever dependent upon its divine ruling, or rather the putrid byproduct of monopoly it dogmatically spilled upon the digital era thereby.
>>2257989kill yourself super quickly! fuck nigga!
>>2258026>Red Hot Chili Peppers>Horribly drawn, bland, generic, soulless goyslop coom psyops redditian certified approved by ign looking ass wallpaper>Screen snip pinned to the motherfucking taskbar>Beaner (needless to say)>"Ay ay ay gringo are you stupido? Ay karimba. mashallah my nigga, my nigga i shouldn't kill myself its not true puta! you are stupid motherfucker gringo! Ay ay ay look i post woman in hot sun in mexico she agree! Amigo why did you say that youre stupido its not fucking true! its noto! Gringo i will kill you motherfucker!"i honestly mean it lol kill yourself
>>2258027So, you do have brain damage
Sole Mactard coming through
Bought an old Thinkpad and installed linux for the first time
>>2257874just dropping by to say the motifposters in the last thread made me install fvwm and dvtools and i love you autists for it
>>2258023What browser is that?
sometimes you can't beat the classics
>>2258105arc browserhttps://arc.net/iirc it still does not have all the mac features on windows
>>2258110Thanks. Of course the one browser that looks like it has a really cool UI is the creepy one that forces you to have an account. Bummer.
>>2257901first time i do this lol
>>2258111for every promising web browser, you must have a bad turnoff
mine is the best one
it's simple, yeah
>>2258027>Goes on /w/>Goes on desktop thread >Sees desktop with anime wallpaper>Loses his shitWhy are mfs like this?
Ni- NishijoTakumi
>>2257955Wallpaper please
i need a better pink colorscheme
>>2257989ayo what vvisualize/music player you use?
>>2258170Not him, but the player is Musicbee.
simple lxqt, idle and not.
>>2258152Could you share the full ls of your music filenames?
>>2257901KDE is based, the only thing i change is wallpaper and set the theme to breeze-dark.
>>2258027nigga what the hell, go outside and touch some grass
>>2258021Which browser is this? Looks nice
>>2258266I'm not trying to be an ass, but it's right there in his screenshot. Take a look at the panel.
>>2258275Wow I'm both blind and retarded. Thanks for reminding me anon
>>2258214That doesn't look like all of them but still thanks
>>2258284Hi anon!
wallpaper is a low effort 1440p extension of an art that I didn't want to upscale, nor frame in some weird way that would rid me of the diagonal line between the two sides.
>>2257874thats cool
>>2258216>>2257989nice to see some chuubas, can someone try and see if they can fit this OC in a desktop i made the other day? thx>>2258280
this thread needs more webms (again)
first time using linux
>>2258465nice. is there a reason why you chose fedora?
>>2258471First I tried to use Fedora but Gnome is not for me, so on recommendation I tested Nobara which only gave me headachesSo I tried Fedora KDE and so far it's perfect.
>>2258444Cool as always.
>>2258465fedora is one of the bests, but i was having problems with wayland so now i'm using mint.
>>2257874Just installed Fedora Asahi. How do I into desktop rice?
I switched back to linux mint again
>>2258548Nice background.
>>2257895what music player is this?
>>2258548Going to need that wallpaper, friend.
>>2258039IS THAT FUCKING OPERA GX A CHROMIUM BASED BROWSER WITH FUCKING MALEWARE AND USELESS BULLSHIT look the resource limiters do nothing its just a fancy show off of a browser with people sponsering it everywhere i recommend you use something like brave for a chromium based browser and firefox for a non-chromium browser
>>2258453Didn't realise Kali linux could look so nice I might switch to it as a consideration
>>2258453It looks really good I was wondering what windows manager and/or theme you were using to achieve the same style
>>2258021>It looks really good I was wondering what windows manager and/or theme you were using to achieve the same style
>>2258631Why are you switching your distribution for that? You can install Xfce and that theme on any distro.
Oh what the heck
>>2258585not op but here you go
>>2258698Many thanks
>>2258159aw shit wallpaper plox
>>2258705It's a tiled background that's too small to post on /w/.https://github.com/tile-anon/tiles/blob/main/tarot_fran%C3%A7ais_tile.png
Rip Ram
>>2258027that's exactly the kind of autistic rant over something stupid like a shitty rice that keeps me coming back here.never change anon, i love you
>>2258444You seem to be super mysterious and unreachable by using only software you made, do you use any instant chat platform irc,xmpp,matrix??
All I'm missing a good clipboard extension, Pano isn't compatible anymore for some fucking reason
>>2258781>Portuguese (Brazil)>REDE CLARO_2G>Riced up Hyprland on an i3 AspireFresh as fuck, you truly are my nigga
>>2258781We have a dwarf lost in these parts. k
>>2258777i'm on rizon but i don't really use it, only check once per 2-3 months
any tips for customizing win 11?
>>2258577Thank you!
>>2258465Had some problems in kde and used as a excuse to try GNOME againThings are doing good so far (still on fedora)
>>2258197How does LXQt feel these days?
linux mint normie here.>pls no bully arch master race
>>2258846>linux mint normie herethat's the least of your problems m8>stock Cinnamon theme>coomer wallpaper with a bunch of useless text no one reads>half covered watermark by taskbarit's almost like you set up Linux mint with the first ISO you found, used the first wallpaper you found on /w/ and posted here.At least temper with the system colors a bit anon, this is the linux equivalent to windwos 10 with the entire homescreen full of shortcuts to CoD, Battlefield, 1 or 2 generic RTS's, at least 2 browsers usually operaGX and Chrome, maybe brave or firefox instead of chrome and some kind of minecraft launcher.
>>2258501the first cinnamon rice I can really appreciate! also decent taste in games, would hang out with you anoncomfy/10
>>2258633like a quarter of the screen is exactly what you are asking for retard
>>2258021How do I make my Linux look like this? I still don't know the keywords for customization
>>2258862anon didn't provide any specs like other anons usually do but this looks like openbox to me, could also be i3 or bspwm.I'd recommend i3 to start with ricing, it's the usual go-to, really good documentation and easy to modify.after picking your WM it's mix-matching the programs you wanna run like your terminal emulator, music player, browser.check out the suckless projects, they are usually lightweight and widely used in those ricing threads.if you just want a highly modified and customized interface but with way more guidance xfce modification is something to look into but that's not really what you were asking for
>>2258863oh and try to settle on something for a while.things can get overwhelming when you hop between tiling and floating window managers, they function mostly on keyboard shortcuts so its better to get familiar with one after the other
fuck you
Hello guys a lot of good desktops here
>>2258870Nice dockapps.
>>2258879thanksI figure it's not worth bothering to configure tint2 or anything when openbox supports dockapps natively
>>2258805first of all get rid of that plain orange shit
GNOME with pop shell.
>>2258631You're a special kind of retarded. You must be from /g/.
>>2258863nigger, this is dwm
>>2257909Nujabes picbased
my old one, but still working
>>2258021may i ask, what is that font :3?
>>2258931pierdol sie
>>2258931>mackek, spadaj z tąd
dwmblurglass, transflyouts, windhawk, startisback
>>2258961>AgathaNow, that takes me back
Which one
>>2258968fuck wrong thread and just noticed nowcant delete the post lol
>>2258961Nostalgic dwarf
>>2258023this is horrendous
>>2257903anon this is not okay how did you not notice it
>>2258931post shondo pape
>>2258047wallpaper please? sauce nao only shows other edits and desktop posts.
>>2259073https://boobsphoto.name/pics/uploads/posts/2023-03/1677638087_boobsphoto-name-p-porn-russian-home-alone-in-a-crowd-68.jpgI have no clue why the url is named that way and I'm honestly very curious; I'll go investigate that next. Found with tineye.
>>2257895>>2258112>>2258781Brazil mentioned.
>>2258019can you share that wallpaper please? It looks so nice
>>2259092Here you go, anon.https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tile-anon/tiles/main/bluebonnets_tile.png
>>2259094it's a very nice pape, thanks!
>>2258159Is this Gnome?
>>2258893What now?
>>2257989cool song
>>2258931shondo pape pls
>>2258778could you share the chii ascii art?
>>2258805Install arch
Have a nep.
>>2258778good music taste, love dethtech
>>2259174neptunia fan here so 10/10
>>2259160so good!!!!
>>2259174Cute panel nep.
my mental state
p46 x1050 </3
>>2258019do you mind sharing what theme do you use? and some software to recommend? I like your setup
>>2259286>gtkIt's a customized version of https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1420871/.>iconsA combination of NsCDE icons and https://www.xfce-look.org/p/1371886/ where I edited/re-colored the folders.I'll post a catbox link with the gtk and icon themes if you want themhttps://files.catbox.moe/i5ckcr.tarI don't really know what kind of software you have in mind so I'll just list some that I regularly use.>text editorvim or mousepad if you want a gui>music playerAudacious>video playermpv>image viewerfeh and mpv for animated gifs>image editing/making backgroundsgimp>file managerpcmanfm>browserLibreWolf or Firefox>terminalurxvt>theme selectorlxappearance>program launcherrofi
>>2259134Where's this picture from?
It's a little boring, sorry.
>>2259316>best DE>ArtixGood stuff, anon.
>>2258847God Damn go take a shower.
Same as always.I must confess that I'm actually getting a bit tired of the 9x look and am considering reinstalling 10 or "upgrading" to 11 and recreating Vista's look, since it'd be much easier to start from scratch, so to speak.I'm definitely not rushing this decision, though.
>>2259316this is kino
>>2259155can i run all my steam vidya with it10 years ago linux was very limited
>>2259160Fantastic! Assuming this is Windows 7, can you share the theme used?
>>2259350If its a singleplayer game, you are fine, if its a multiplayer game, It may not work.
>>2259343Nice background.
>>2259351It's this theme https://www.deviantart.com/givesnofuck/art/Uniko-271047758 ported to windows 10
>>2259316It's great, i wonder if its possible to do something similar with windows since it's quite simple
>>2258021How did you make your 4chan/your browser look different? Sorry ricing newfag here
>>2259317>>2259345Thanks.>>2259375I couldn't tell you since I know nothing about windows - sorry! Though if it means anything to you, this is just one of the default themes that came preinstalled with mate, I assume it's supposed to mimic clearlooks. Look for that.
Any tips for a newfren?
>>2259391what music player is that?
>>2259397Its spotify-tui :3
Stopped by to grab some papers. Dropping a contribution.
No neofetch only book
Quitting Nobara.Just got in love with Gentoo
idk how to show the spec with some shape made from word and else, but here's mine
>>2259469It's neofetch. You can actually get it on Windows too. In PowerShell, type 'winget install neofetch', and then after it installs, just type neofetch.
>>2259471Oh, Thank you, Anon!
>>2259403is it available for Windows and much lighter than the original app?
>>2258152>>2258829>>2259160its funny coming back to ricing just to open the desktop thread for the first time in 10 years and still seeing desktops being riced the exact same way. fucking nostalgic
>>2259473What's keeping you on Windows?
>>2259498uhh... I've been using Windows OS since kindergarten, so it's my comfort OS I guess, idk how to use Linux too and if I'm not wrong, Linux is majorly used for coding and something like that. I don't do any of that, I mainly using PC just for gaming and entertainment. BTW I'm nta who's asking what music player you using, just want to know is it available for Windows
>>2258021my favorite one so far>>2258143based Chaos;Head enjoyer>>2258152nice color scheme but that illustration looks terrible>>2258444this looks so nice, can you share the wallpaper?>>2259160cute
>>2259502nta>uhh... I've been using Windows OS since kindergarten, so it's my comfort OS I guessisnt this the case for everybody before switching?>idk how to use Linux tooyoull learn>and if I'm not wrong, Linux is majorly used for coding and something like thatyoure wrong>I mainly using PC just for gaming and entertainmentthen linux suits you especially. most people cant make the switch because of work applications>just want to know is it available for Windowshe dropped the name of the player which you couldve looked up. yes it is available for windows though idk why youd larp lightweight and minimalism on windows
>>2259507>you're wrongmb>then Linux suits you especiallymaybe I'll try sometimes, not soon tho>you could've looked upI already looked it up, I thought it's an application but the one who appear is on github, which need an understanding of coding(?) mb if wrong. Guess I'll look a tutorial how to install it on YT.>idk why you'd larp lightweight and minimalism on windowsmy PC is so potato bro here's my spec >>2259472for example, when I play Dota2, LoL and else, I can't play the game while listening to music. If I do, the game fps will drop and stable at 10 - 15fps.
>>2259515>I thought it's an applicationit is though?>but the one who appear is on github, which need an understanding of codingyoure wrong>Guess I'll look a tutorial how to install it on YT.there are install instructions on the github pagealso, are you over 18 years old
>>2259531>there are install instructions on the github pageaight MB bro, the instructions is clear and simple af. Seeing it on github already make me lose hope cause whenever I see some apps or anything on github I thought it's needed some understanding of coding, but now here I am using the spotify-tui. BUT, it's need premium account (even the spotifyd), so here I am back to the original app.>are you over 18 years oldyeah, do I look like a kid? or you thought I'm a retard? hahah, yeah lot of people said that too.sorry for taking your time and post something not related to the thread( ´・・)
>>2259543I see Vaundy and Dazbee, I like your style bro.(I dont have anything to show, i just wanted to point that out)
>>2259546Thanks! one of the best artist out there IMO, especially Dazbee, her voice is so soothing and soft⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
>>2259381Yeah, never enable Snapd.Always download software from the source, never trust an unverified re-uploader (e.g. an Unofficial flatpak over an official .deb and vice versa and everything in-between)
>>2258483Fedora's stream is really rough for first timers. It's been having a lot of issues lately, and I blame IBM.The only people who really prefer it now are either oldfags or sysadmins.
>>2259437very nice
>>2259469>>2259472>>2259543post wallpaper pls
>>2259558It's actually a 1280 x 1280 image, but I changed it to 1920 x 1080 just by using fullscreen feature in Microsoft Photos then I screenshot it. So, sorry if the resolution is quite bad.
Recent reinstall. Too lazy to bother with with desktop toys and other weird ricing.
>>2259405>torcan you upload that pape here? I would really like it
>>2258039Ugly>>2258504Beautiful >>2258681RGB gaymer tier >>2258805Uninstall it>>2258931Spent all that money and it looks like trash>>2259236At least you’re doing actual work unlike these NEETs
Comfy OS X
>>2259595>Uninstall itWhy
>>2259597Windows 11 is retarded and gay
>>2259599>Bloat>Microsoft>Runs slower than a slug hot glued to a tungsten cube
>>2259600then what should i replace it for
>>2259601Linux. Mint is a good beginner's distro.
>>2259602But linux is bad for vidya
>>2259603I'm able to play all the games I like on my Linux system just fine. With notably better performance actually.
>>2259596is that a Crimewire icon I see?>haven't seen (or used) that in 20 years
>>2259605Limechat. IRC client.
>>2259603Only if you play goy slop anticheat games
>>2259603There isn't a single game in my Library I am unable to play, and as mentioned, most perform better under Linux
>>2258019can you make a video installation on your setup anon?
>>2259362>>2259608>>2259609Which one is it
>>2259619Here you go, anon. I don't know how much of the installation that you wanted, so I did an install from scratch in a VM. I'm including two catbox links with the video and my configs. All of the keyboard shortcuts that I use run with sxhkd, bspwm has no keyboard functionality so make sure that sxhkd is installed before launching bspwm.>videohttps://litter.catbox.moe/kj2s7q.tar>configshttps://files.catbox.moe/f1xau8.tar
>>2259619>>2259632I forgot to include the nerd fonts used in polybar. You can use https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet to search for glyphs.https://litter.catbox.moe/xk8mvh.tar
>>2259632the video link is not working
>>2259624The only ones I know of that don't work are R6S, CoD MW2+3 remakes, and Roblox.First party ESG games don't work either, but DESU you shouldn't be running the ESG on Windows either.If you want to play fortnite or fall guys, you may as well emulate the console version of either, and in that arena, Emulation is also much better on Linux.
>>2259641And of course I deleted the video, here's another one. I had to scale the video down because I kept getting upload errors from catbox even though it was under 1GB.https://litter.catbox.moe/cbw7mv.webm
>>2259645Thank you for sharing anon. It's my first time on linux though just want to understand how anon setup his config. Thank you again
>>2259648Messing around with the configs is probably the best way to learn. The github pages for bspwm, polybar, and sxhkd have some examples and information.https://github.com/polybar/polybar/wikihttps://github.com/baskerville/bspwmhttps://github.com/baskerville/sxhkdYou can also look at the configs of other people for ideas.
>>2257901>where are my plasma bros at?drowned by bugs (and autism)
>>2258106aero is kill anon, give up in bringing it back
>windows 10 ltscdo you need more?
>>2257874based or cringe
Picture 1/2. Pretty basic Mint setup, nothing too fancy. I've been thinking of doing more ricing or setup up a different system all together on a different machine.
Picture 2/2.
Still currently ricing hyprland.I've got it set up with an auto theme switcher that matches my desktop.I'm currently just using wofi to select themes, swww to set the wallpaper, and then wpgtk to set the colors, but I might switch from using wofi for it to using waypaper-engine. I can share how I'm currently glueing everything together if anybody is interested. Wofi + notifications aren't themed yet.Either way, I'm pretty happy with what I have :DI love being able to hotswap wallpapers + themes
>>2258630or librewolf
One day I will sit down and learn loonix,But not today
>>2258465 hereAfter 2 months using Fedora I decided to go back to Windows. It was fun, I'll try using another distro another day.
>>2259672No rush.It's the attitude that matters
my custom widget project is complete!
>>2257901right behind you
>>2259676Nice job, they look great.
>>2259674most useless nikke oat imo
>>2259676THIS IS SO CUTE
>>2258019Just finished understanding the linux environment and a video setup from anon. Thank you so much for sharing. sorry if I copy much of your setup at the moment but I like it.
>>2259506Looks great, what fetch and font are you using?
>>2259374Thanks! Is the port available somewhere?
>>2259691It looks good, anon.>using the shimsim tile that I madeNice.>sorry if I copy much of your setupI don't mind at all.
>>2259695kudos to you anon!
>>2259691Would you mind re-uploading anon's video please? The link expired.
i love my computer
>>2259701Uh-oh I didn't download the video anon sorry.
>>2259679>Uses Plasma>Makes it look like stock XFCEWhy even carry the bloat?
getting ayylmaoware is one of the worst decision of my lifeshould've gotten myself a desktop instead
>>2259701Here's the video, it's just me installing Devuan in a VM and installing packages and copying/editing my configs. If you want the configs or themes/icons I can re-upload them as well.https://litter.catbox.moe/3b5mi7.webm
>>2259692thanks! I'm using fastfetch and CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font
>>2258845it feels nice.Simply comfy, I'm using it daily with no troubles at this point.
>>2259717Bless you, anon~Didn't wanna bother you directly because you'd already re-uploaded it a couple of times, but I appreciate you doing so anyway!
>>2259704Can I have that wallpaper please?
>>2259704I love this. Would you mind dropping those icons for qbittorrent, discord and the rest?Also I've tried to replicate win7 look but the only programs for that I found were non-free. What soft did you use for this?
>>2258706Do you make these yourself? if so,Any pointer on how to make the marble-like texture that is so prevalent on the background of these style of wallpaper?I kinda want to make my own.
>>2259755>Do you make these yourself?Yes.>Any pointer on how to make the marble-like textureA lot of the background patterns that I use come from this bitmap texture collection. You can edit/combine them to make your own. For the background in the image that you quoted I cropped a picture of a felt playing card table, then used the "tile seamless" filter in gimp and applied a dithered effect to it.https://files.catbox.moe/dymg1d.tar
>>2258027based take
>>2258829wallpaper ?
>>2258829What shell is that anon? Looks dope!
I have shit ton of wallpapers that are shown in the form of slideshow, so I thought I will simply show some of them
plasma sure is comfy
>>2258112that icon pack is horrendous
>>2259865that screenshot does not look like 20240825
>>2259923Can i have that azunyan wallpaper please?
>>2259946sure, anon
>>2259950Thank you!
>>2259969Best ITT
>>2258444Music player?>>2258579Had the same question. Don't know, but it looks identical to g4music?
>>2257874I keep this on my work computer. People seem to like it.VAG0L
>>2259748not op, but the icon they used for qbittorrent just appears to be the older varient of the logo. you could probably get it by installing an older version of the program and looking through the files for the icon.https://web.archive.org/web/20140207184915/http://www.qbittorrent.org/
No idea what font to install.
>>2258216decided to finally use wayland after learning about waydroid. Switched Devuan since cachys installer kept crashing, apt is easier to understand anyway.
>>2259979wrong board, isn't animu
>>2260013Kde was a slow buggy mess.
>>2258143even though its gnome it looks nice>>2259506kino wallpaper, did you have to disable animations to run hyprland on 8gbs of ram?>>2258453paper?>>2260076Sovl, vista taskbar is a work of art.
>>2260076>those windows barsThe window manager in Cinnamon doesn't support proper transparency. Also, the bars are bulky and usually have no icons. If you want a more authentic aero experience, you should try it on kde. Also, you should know that qt apps are also themeable, if you use Kvantum.
>>2257874Yes I merged two images together, yes I use kali for pentesting, daily drive and as weird as it sounds, I am enlightened
>>2260094how do you daily drive Kali?
Why do these all look so fucking weird
>>2260095umm idk, when im not working where I need kali I watch youtube videos, listen to music, scroll 4chan like rn
>>2260097Oh okay. I understand.
>>2260098what about you? whats your main os and why?
>>2260099Debian 12 because I fear my system breaking and being unable to fix it and also my strong autistic need for things to be unchanging as much as possible.
>>2260100if you like unbreaking things go for openSUSE lmao never heard of anyone who used it fr
>>2260101I don't trust Redhat since they got bought by IBM.
>>2258023mind sharing the pape?
>>2260090I tried theming KDE, but I personally found it to be a pain in the ass. I found a good theme, but I couldn't compile the window boarders properly. For whatever reason, I also just didn't like the feel. I didn't like the KDE apps and I didn't like the settings page.
>>2259983>https://chino-chan.gitlab.io/programs.html#s3source code doko?
>>2260123>I couldn't compile the window boarders properlyLolwut? Just download them.>I didn't like the KDE appsYou know you don't have to use them, right? Nothing stopping you from using the Cinnamon apps on KDE. Although, there is one KDE app that I do recommend you use: Dolphin. For one simple reason: It's address bar is like in win 7
>>2260132There was a specific theme that I wanted to use that accurately recreated the Aero Glass effect. I'm probably just going to stick with Cinnamon for now since I prefer the feel.
me humble fedora.
>>2260101I actually had it break once. I've never really had a distro break for me before.
>>2259664>>2259665how did you get that funky screensaver?
Pika OS is pretty cool
>>2258504Yo tile anon, how do you make tiled backgrounds? Also how did you make certain characters look like they were drawn in MS paint. I'm trying to make one on hex maniac.
>>2260215I use gimp to make my backgrounds. If you are wanting to find out how to make your own look up how to make repeating patterns, it's pretty simple in gimp and photoshop.>how did you make certain characters look like they were drawn in MS paintI usually find a screenshot or image of a character that I want to use and scale the image down to fit the tile size that I want. After scaling the original image down I create a new layer over the scaled image and trace new lines with a 1 px square brush with the pen tool, when that is done I create a layer underneath the lines and fill it in with color. I made a short video with a Hex Maniac image from gelbooru.https://litter.catbox.moe/29kgda.webm
>>2260216Wow this is everything I wanted. I really appreciate it man, you're the best.
>>2260217You're welcome, anon. I hope it helps.
>>2260218Finished my first pape. Really do appreciate the help. You have any tips for fonts for text? I wanted to get something like this one: https://github.com/tile-anon/tiles/blob/main/jashin-chan/evolved_tile065.png
>>2260229For that one I used Adobe Garamond Pro.https://litter.catbox.moe/5bvbkx.tarAnother font that is similar and is most likely available in your repos (if you're using Linux) is EB Garamond, Times New Roman would also look similar. If you want small text, maybe around 9 or 10 pt. a bitmap font would look nice and sharp, but it really depends on the look you're going for.
here's a stupid windows 7 from right to left on a very old shitty laptop
pretty happy with how the tiled wallpapers came out, my only regret is making them 700x700 and 500x500 but oh well
>>2260327Good work, they turned out nicely.
>>2258774Best in thread.Anything that would be helpful to know about how you accomplished this?
Too dumb to install Arch
archcraft and bspwm setup
>>2259679where can I get that high quality rei wallpaper?
>>2259497i need wallpaper
>>2260517Not him, but here you go:https://yande.re/post/show/464211Try saucenao next time.
>>2260533thanks!I will try
>>2260405link to theme? soulful
>>2260548NTA, but I'm pretty sure it's Expose Blue
Steam Deck (OLED) user here
>>2260644would suck your dick
>>2259655you need to share that wallpaper
>>2259963hey phallus, what's your new git?
>>2260644Why are you using such a terminal heavy workflow on the Steam Deck?Doesn't having to use that pop-up keyboard all the time get annoying?
Hi here too!!!
>>2260786Oh man, this takes me back
>>2260786>background>icons>window decorations>artixGood stuff, anon.
>>2260786>>2260789>all those girls are in their 30s now
>>2260786best ITT
>>2260790>>2260819Thank you. I'm glad you like it!!!
>>2260405try BSD
>>2260401It's just a scripthttps://github.com/mylinuxforwork/dotfiles
So I see you're running Gnome. You know, I'm actually on KDE myself. I know this desktop environment is supposed to be better but, you know what they say. Old habits, they die hard
>>2259308>catboxcan you upload the icons and themes again anon?
>>2260983I just tried the link and it's still working, but I re-uploaded them just in case.https://files.catbox.moe/pu9s5z.tar
>>2260984>https://files.catbox.moe/pu9s5z.tarthe url is not took so long to load are there any bash commands?
>>2260992took so long to load
>>2260984can you upload it on the other platform? like mega or any
>>2260827link to that thing on the right? what is it
>>2261010Not him, but the thing on the right is conky.
>>2258444anyone knows what is the pixel anime overlay on the bottom right? was that a software or setup?
>>2261024nice theme color and icons thx anon
>>2261021it's system stat mascot i madehttps://files.catbox.moe/exli9q.taryou can enter the name of the network interface (like wlan0) as an argument and it will monitor the speed of it
>>2261065send it on other platform anon. please. catbox url hard to reach.
>>2258778whats the music player? it looks great
>>2258284Damn that city looks better than my Cities: Skylines build... What game is that from?
>>2258550That status window looks cool as hell. How did you make that ? (noob here)>>2259316Best terminal placement. Ever. XD
postin, hate that you can't set the bar at the top on W11>>normally use Firefox but recently my posts do not go through when using FF
>>2259923I like this, what's the icon theme?
>>2261481pape plz?
>>2261482https://www.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/heart/full_4.php here you go buddy
>>2261485i recommend upscale it if you can
>>2261481Really nice desktop, BeOS/Haiku icons always look great and the colors and wallpaper look like something from the early 2000s. I like the wallpaper so I edited out the watermark and tried upscaling it with waifu2x (catbox link).https://litter.catbox.moe/l6746e.png
>>2261487thank you, great job editing the watermark, i really appreciate it
>>2261488You're welcome, anon.
>>2259068can u share ur foobar skin?
>>2261443Tela Circle Blackhttps://github.com/vinceliuice/Tela-circle-icon-theme
>>2259691is that tsukimizu???????????????????
>>2260545what makes you stay on win11 ?All that debloat makes me think you're not a normie that think gaming doesnt work on linux in 2024 and or you're not playing any of the goyslop zoomer games with a spyware has an anticheat(pisslorant)I guess because you use adobe or an other windows only software
>>2261511Not him, but it's a tiling background that I made with tkmz characters from Shimeji Simulation.https://github.com/tile-anon/tiles/blob/main/shimeji_simulation/shimeji_tile.png
>>2261518These look awesome anon, how do you make them? Or do you draw them yourself?
>>2261537For the ones with characters I usually scale down an image and trace it with a 1 px pencil brush in gimp, a few of them are drawn from references.
>>2261511yes. I got it from github/tile-anon there are alot of pixel tiled backgrounds there. check it out. it's cool
>>2258832Hello there, fellow CachyOSer.
>>2259863can I have your xoblite config sir?
>>2259920She's never going to knock on your door, anon.
>>2257901What laptop?
>>2258284Use case for 32gib ram?
>>2259314Portal 2.
>>2259585>1440x1080What monitor?
>>2262121multi lover and junglist massive
Is someone planning to bake a new thread?
>>2258216Can you please send this wallpaper?
>>2262429It took me about five seconds to find it on gelbooru.https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7200408
new monitor!
>>2259596based and redpilled
>>2260405>deltron 3030chad
>>2262617New laptop, you mean?
>>2261481How did you get Photoshop to work on Linux btw?
>>2263037Excellent, I really need to try out TDE one of these days.
cba to do a fetch config atm
>>2262121this shit kicks so much ass anon