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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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What happened to desktop threads?
[spoiler]]sorry, best one I can post rn[/spoiler]
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where are my plasma bros at?
What's going on with her arms? Is this AI generated?
oh my, just grabbed it from >>2250912 because i liked the colors
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Love me icewm. Lightweight, full featured. Simple as.
Based icewm enjoyer, 10/10
I will now install your distro
Where did you get that specific theme color? I've been looking for a theme that looks like that
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Got frustrated with Microsoft again. I'm switching back to Pop!_OS.
The icewm theme or the filemanager theme? The icewm one is a color/button edit I made of the nIceCDE theme you can find on most theme sites. The filemanager one is using the motif style plugin through qt5ct with a custom color palette I made. I can upload either one if you want them and tell me what filehost people use for this kind of thing these days.
Both of them. But yeah I'd appreciate if you could upload using catbox.moe and link them here.
Here: https://files.catbox.moe/oyy5z7.7z
File manager in the screenshot is pcmanfm-qt, btw.
i had so many ideas but i got bored halfway and i was left with this
Took me 10 secs at max with saucenao
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I like your terminal colors.
Very nice, anon. IceWM is such a good window manager.
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I despise Microsoft as I have grown ever dependent upon its divine ruling, or rather the putrid byproduct of monopoly it dogmatically spilled upon the digital era thereby.
kill yourself super quickly! fuck nigga!
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>Red Hot Chili Peppers
>Horribly drawn, bland, generic, soulless goyslop coom psyops redditian certified approved by ign looking ass wallpaper
>Screen snip pinned to the motherfucking taskbar
>Beaner (needless to say)
>"Ay ay ay gringo are you stupido? Ay karimba. mashallah my nigga, my nigga i shouldn't kill myself its not true puta! you are stupid motherfucker gringo! Ay ay ay look i post woman in hot sun in mexico she agree! Amigo why did you say that youre stupido its not fucking true! its noto! Gringo i will kill you motherfucker!"

i honestly mean it lol kill yourself
So, you do have brain damage
Sole Mactard coming through
Bought an old Thinkpad and installed linux for the first time
just dropping by to say the motifposters in the last thread made me install fvwm and dvtools and i love you autists for it
What browser is that?
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sometimes you can't beat the classics
arc browser
iirc it still does not have all the mac features on windows
Thanks. Of course the one browser that looks like it has a really cool UI is the creepy one that forces you to have an account. Bummer.
first time i do this lol
for every promising web browser, you must have a bad turnoff
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mine is the best one
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it's simple, yeah
>Goes on /w/
>Goes on desktop thread
>Sees desktop with anime wallpaper
>Loses his shit
Why are mfs like this?
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Ni- Nishijo
Wallpaper please
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i need a better pink colorscheme
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ayo what vvisualize/music player you use?
Not him, but the player is Musicbee.
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simple lxqt, idle and not.
Could you share the full ls of your music filenames?
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KDE is based, the only thing i change is wallpaper and set the theme to breeze-dark.
nigga what the hell, go outside and touch some grass
Which browser is this? Looks nice
I'm not trying to be an ass, but it's right there in his screenshot. Take a look at the panel.
Wow I'm both blind and retarded. Thanks for reminding me anon
That doesn't look like all of them but still thanks
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Hi anon!
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wallpaper is a low effort 1440p extension of an art that I didn't want to upscale, nor frame in some weird way that would rid me of the diagonal line between the two sides.
thats cool
nice to see some chuubas, can someone try and see if they can fit this OC in a desktop i made the other day? thx
this thread needs more webms (again)
first time using linux
nice. is there a reason why you chose fedora?
First I tried to use Fedora but Gnome is not for me, so on recommendation I tested Nobara which only gave me headaches
So I tried Fedora KDE and so far it's perfect.
Cool as always.
fedora is one of the bests, but i was having problems with wayland so now i'm using mint.
Just installed Fedora Asahi. How do I into desktop rice?
I switched back to linux mint again
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