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milk outside edition

Last thread (where screen related is taken from!) >>2212447
Archive-ish, for some inspo maybe?: https://archive.alice.al/w/search/subject/phone%20thread/

>How to rice
Use KLWP or KWGT + ANY launcher.

>Introductory guide

https://homescreens.org for inspo and some cute rices.

if you have a phone from 2012 check the older threads for deprecated resources!
I just bought a new phone and did this. I'm pretty satisfied with the result but I feel like it could be improved somewhere, but I'm not sure, I like keeping things simple. Any suggestions?
Heres a setup I made for my new phone, inspired by a post in the last thread. Thinking of making different panels for different pages but nothing in mind yet

I would use the empty space between the hands and face or the blood in the foreground to make it feel like it's integrated to the bg
>Use KLWP or KWGT + ANY launcher.
I have nova launcher and an icon pack so far. Should I get KLWP or KWGT? or both? Do I have to get the paid versions?
any recommendations for launchers that work with huawei and klwp? nova doesn't work so i've been using action and it's dogshit

depends on what you want to do/make. klwp means everything is just a lockscreen, whereas kwgt you can drag+drop your widgets on different screens. i think they also have different refresh rates

>paid versions?
nah, unless you want to import other peoples works. paid version allows you to use all the features on your own.
if you're desperate to import but dont want to pay, theres a download for a free premium version that comes with ads

also what the fuck is up with the 4chan captcha. i havent posted in years and it's literally unreadable
Really like that Lain one from last thread.
Anyone else on iOS 15 who is waiting for a jailbreak thinking of jumping ship to iOS 16? The new lockscreen sure is sweet.
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I will rewrite it next time. Use KLWP as a default :D, it is a live wallpaper with which you can interact, most (if not all) of the better rices are made with this. I cannot think of any newer rices made with KWGT of the top of my head.
Paid versions are not necessary as the other anon pointed out!
Don't use "simple" as an excuse to hold your creativity back!
holy shit so based, how did you do it?

I wanted to ask is there anyway for me to change the icon of specific applications?, there are some icons that the icon pack doesnt cover and I wanna fill in the gaps but im not sure how
First time using KWLP
Looks sick man, If you dont mind me asking what icons did you use?
Pixbit and standard ones
It's not much but I like it
Was going to clean up some elements before posting, but it's been months

See you guys in another 2-3 years when I get another new phone
Anyone got an ios16 weeb themed up
Not sure if I should update or wait if iOS 15.4 gets a jailbreak.
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No rice just cute ShuubaDuck
Not sure if I'm smart enough to do something like this myself I feel far too overwhelmed
This looks really cool though how did you do it? I want to do something like that
the op has simple tutorials to follow. whas up with all users on this site being dumber than dirt
im sorry i got really confused
his post also contains which app he used, its really simple to use, WYSIWYG editor, the animations can be annoying but with simple 2 page setups they aren't that much of a bother.
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>learn how to resize a shape
>learn how to move it around with animations
>learn how groups work
>copy something like the first 3 seconds of pic related
now you know how to make the rice you want
Anyone know how this corrupted image comes to be and how to fix it?
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Image I'm using
very nice Milk in the bag style
My homescreen is from my tablet.
Good examples
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Nice holoscreen anon, heres mine. Just finished it last night. I was thinking of changing the icons to a different shape or something but yeah. Feedback?
Pls lemme get the full version of the image
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Nvm found it myself
Pixel 7 Pro. Still using 3 button navigation.
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I own a Pixel 7 now and don't know what to do with it.
Install KLWP and go ham with it
No KLWP yet, haven't had the time to do anything creative.
Is 3 button nav any better then gesture nav? I've used Pixel's gesture nav for so long now, I can't get used to 3 button.
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Need some advice. Do I buy KLWP OR KWGT pro?
Post wallpaper man
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Anyone know how the animations and general interactability were done in this? Can't tell if its some combination of KLWP and Tasker, some standalone widget pack, or something else.
If KLWP is involved, I'd be interested in knowing how interacting with objects like this by dragging them around is working.
This was made with flutter by Kali_ in the #homescreen irc room, and is a custom made launcher. There is a very general guide on https://homescreens.org/wiki/flutter/
It's been a while since i made one of these, recently finished P5R and wanted to do something, any feedback appreciated!
New phone, crazy what you can do on iOS these days. I haven’t been into customisation since the iOS 7 jailbreak
Apple is so close to have meaningful customization nowadays but I'm not sure if they ever will add the missing bits like true Homescreen Layout customization and different icon themes without workarounds.
Nice lockscreen btw!
all hail subaru girl
10/10 love everything you've done here
are third-party launchers just dead now?
is customization down to widgets and icon packs?

it's all so tiring
no, where did you get that idea?
I just began ricing my phone. though I have no hope making a live wallpaper by myself. is there any possible way to download live wallpapers from some database or some such?
looks cooler with the glitch, I'm going to use that lol. Save it as a .jpeg or something, or try lowering the resolution to 1440 vert
Where do I find some very clean icons? Maybe some stylised ones?
my newest rice !!!
shit is impossible I give up
ricing in iOS is a fucking nightmare I should've bought a Pixel 7 pro ffs
What icon pack is that? Looks nice anon! I wouldn't show that to anyone though.
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I got the flip phone, and I'm looking for wallpaper, any ideas?
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Make it look like a GBA SP.
Is there a proper /w/ archive other than archived.moe and alice.al ? Most of the images on these archives are gone. I wanna see the phone threads from 2 years ago
When does KLWP or KWGT usually go on sale? Don't really want to spend the 6 dollars
Wallpaper please. I'll suck toes
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Drops + Delta
I made the icons smaller with icon pack studio
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Here you go
this looks great anon
stay as low as possible, anon. i'm staying strong on 14.8
flip4 don't like klwp so this is all kwgt
here's the tablet rice while i'm at it
Actual fucking hot garbage taste. Kill yourself.
nice, theres a really good pr5 rice on the website if you want some inspo
love those icons desu.
decent but the colours dont really mesh with the pics
nice, maybe you could find a way to make the icons fit better? hiding the navbar always looks better imo
this is nicer than the phone, personally id nudge the clock a bit upwards instead of aligning w/ bottom edge of image, about one or 1.5 digit widths. also maybe align the "other" at the bottom with the separator line instead of left margin.
post screen
Can you share the pape anon?
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Reminds me of the album cover World Class by luxury elite. Did you take inspo from it? Looks nice, Anon.
here's another one, i agree it might've been a bit cluttered

yea i looked up some magazine covers and combined certain aspects

thanks for some productive feedback

i'm sorry my applications offend you
but not really
er meant no, but great album rec
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Looks sick pls share
Do you lads have a discord or something?
Nice, can you post that wallpaper? All the images that I can find have really bad resolutions.
I tried using nova to get a scrolling wallpaper on my android, but I couldn't get it to work. Is that something that can even be done with it? I have a long wallpaper and want it to show the whole thing as I slide from left to right
wallpaper please?
Pretty lazy so I just did a basic setup. Any suggestions?
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I made the original render and it's a shame to see it so blurry.
I take it you cropped your wallpaper from >>2242861?
I remade it so it's much sharper now.
You might have trouble seeing the difference with the pixel density of your phone.
But seeing it on a computer, it's night and day.
Original render (much higher res): https://files.catbox.moe/8l7lse.png
Yeah I just saved it and set it as wallpaper. It's on a pixel 3xl so I can't really see any imperfections
Pretty new to klwp, is there no way to make stuff in a group have an animation ?

im making a simple music player and want the whole thing to display only when a song is playing, but since everything is in a group I cant animate any button press (quick fade out)
how can i rotate my lockscreen through different wallpapers
Only the items in the root directory can use animations. This guy is a wealth of knowledge for klwp https://www.bcraftmath.com/
This looks better without the widgets but whatever.
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Hi all, I'm trying to make a 4chan tomorrow themed homescreen. Nearly every photo and text in this is just a placeholder and I was wondering what launcher can help me with precise app placement which will go in the posts well and tiny text I can insert that can tell the time next to the post numbers? Sorry since this isn't anime-wallpaper related but /wg/ doesn't have ricing threads.
If you dont mind a bit of a learning curve you can make it all in klwp.
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Thanks anon! I tried doing it, and it looks great! Wanted to test it but none of the text or buttons are showing up right now. Currently trying to identify the problem. But thank you for pointing me at the right direction!

Used to have a similar problem. not sure if this will work for you. Set wallpaper scrolling in nova then set wallpaper to a normal wallpaper long enough to scroll then back to klwp.
I've never had that problem before so I hope you get it working! I added a few things to the one I mocked up and if you have the full version of klwp here is the file. I always found it helpful to see how things are done, obviously you will need to change some things to get them working. Good luck.
Oh /wg/ has >>>/wg/7972929 which used to be more active, pretty dead now.
Tried this, nothing. Oh well, I'll tinker around a bit more.
This is awesome anon! Thank you! I'll try to get it working but this looks really cool!
Whats some CASE anime pics like pic related but socially accepted that I could use?
Word your request differently, I can hardly understand what you're trying to ask for here
I've been using Niagara launcher for a long time. I tried to go back to nova + KWLP stuff, but I went back to Niagara and tried to make a shitty widget on KWGT.
How did you add the cat and the moon and what do they do?
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Keepin it simple
I wanna get back into ricing, should I try to make something with Megumin or Kurisu?
Kurisu 100%
Megumin 101%
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As nice as all of these are, I adore my discreet launcher the most so far.
None 102%
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Been a long time since I don't come to these threads often but here
>love those icons desu.
pape please
Anyone has tried getting KLWP apk? is it worth ?
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Not made one for a few years but was inspired by the convenience of my new smart bulbs to start integrating various APIs (mainly Octopus Energy and SmartThings) into a homescreen. Some themes have legibility issues but it's not enough for me to care about.

I wish KLWP had an easier way of making a frosted glass effect for non-root backgrounds/objects, unless they already do and I wasted my time taking 144 screenshots of every FG/BG combination.

KLWP and (usually) a different launcher are all you need
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I wish I could get creative with it or make it more high res but I don't have a scanner or PS talent
Absolute based. May I see more of the themes you made?
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Webms will be somewhere in the ancient archives but I had these two (the left one is likely broken due to a new phone with a higher res) that weren't really fancy outside of animaions.
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Any free theme for poco x3 pro that is worth it?
Venti is a cute boy
I'm probably retarded, but is there anyway to get this one still?
Nevermind I'm just retarded
Making a pape inspired by this >>2233608 anon's work. I'll admit it took me a while to figure out the animation and finding a pic that might look good in angled wallpaper.

Anything I could do to improve or finish? Stuff I've tried making in the past always ground to a halt when it came to making finer details, I can never find the right clock or the right amount of text that should appear on screen.
Maybe add some more icons on the other screens. What icons are those btw?
Does anyone know if you can put widgets on the lock screen with klwp?
first rice attempt using KLWP, (thanks anon for the pape) last rice was 5-6 years ago using zooper... those were the days. my launcher (Niagara) kinda limits me in terms of icon placement, but nova is 2outdated4me as is... suggestions/ideas? not sold on the font
how on earth did you burn 1100 calories without even moving half a mile? either you are a full blown body builder or way too fat that you burn calories even when you breathe. do you have a job you fucking weeb? I'm itching to know about what's up with you
>two clocks
>cringe text
>mismatched font
>ugly icons
If you are going to use the music player from Niagara, make your wallpaper font match the font of that. Alternatively, make a music widget in KLWP

I presume it's also tracking calories burnt from being alive
how good are live wallpapers like this on battery power nowadays? back in my day(tm) they pretty much drained your battery to shit
i am retarded too please help me how to get that wallpaper
How do you guys record your phone homescreen?
I've used
that's so cool, can you teach me how to do that?
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First time using KLWP, so it's still a work in progress.
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Btw nice wallpaper. Anyhow, do any of you anons know any jailbreaks for IOS 16.6?

how you change the theme/skin on android?
Simple, clean setup. The characters fade between on screen swipe, the date, time, and music player are interactive, and the battery indicator wraps the camera cutout. Might try to add some icons on the different screens, but not sure
Is there any widget or launcher or something that can get me app Icons that scroll in a circle around a point? I found these cool card-looking icons that would be perfect for that "hand" look if I can rotate a half-circle along the bottom of the screen but it seems there's nothing that does that or can easily rotate individual icons if I wanted to go static.(Icons are Verticons)
Just installed LineageOS
Very comfy
Need some widgets to match the icon pack though
Pape stolen from local phone thread
First time making something in years. Borrowed from a few other people's stuff. Not really sure if I'll do anything else to it. Still don't know about the font though. Couldn't really find something I liked that much that fit the look
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Maybe I should do something about the bottom
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I know it's probably been done to death, but it's comfy.
Hey guys, I've been looking for some help, but I suck at rising my phone.
I'm thinking of making an unlock screen with a slide that changes while sliding. Like 3 different color buttons or something like that. I don't know if I'm explaining enough. Also, to show only the icons of the apps that are showing notifications.
Where do I start?
Original Image, icon pack is called drops
First time using Niagara after being on stock pixel for years. Next step is to try out KLWP or KWGT.
>download KLWP
>images don't load
>but animated ones do
Wtf is going on? Happens in both the official new one and old cracked one
Do the pixel owners, what do you do to get rid of the google search bar at the bottom and the weather "for you" at the top?
Install a new launcher. The things you want to get rid of are selling points for the pixel launcher
I figured as much. Just didn't really know if there was any other way. Any recommendations on a launcher?
literally google it yourself. If you're asking for what I use it's Niagara
Imagine having a clock instead of the text "PRESENT DAY, PRESENT TIME"
What are the best FLOSS launchers?
How does it react to rotating the screen?
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Does anyone know how to create something like picrel?

I'm still kinda new to making my own rices on my phone, and I've been watching some of the guides by Brandon Craft, but I still can't quite figure out how to do something like picrel.

The color changes, the diamond-shaped album cover preview and the icons are hard to mimic for me.
its just putting the simple elements from the tutorial together.
album cover is just a image with a 45 rotation.
colourchange looks to be a element fading in ontop with a different colour.
icons are just icons from some icon pack, probably imported as images into klwp and then made into buttons through touch actions.
I'm back with a new phone and need some recommendations on what else to put on my screen.

Also what is the best ffmpeg command for converting and compressing?
the layout for the learning japanese section is sick
show us what happens when you press the incognito button on the theme selection
The webm shows it at 38 seconds, it just overlays an image and date/time over everything else.
First time doing anything with Nova and KLWP. Used an existing theme as a starting point and went from there.
Is there an image display widget on f-droid? Only found puppyimage but it's ancient, so doesn't work properly.
Tried kwgt but can't import images with MIUI optimization disabled.
Anyone has a baroque/rococo inspired rice?
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Man, I used to care about ricing my phone so much 10 years ago or so, but my interest died when I graduated college. I also lost interest in rooting / flashing ROMs at that time. Since then, I've been using the same icon pack (Pixel Dark), no widgets, and I only change the wallpapers when I get a new phone every 3 years or so.

I'll post my favorite rice I made over the years so I'm not just blogging. I always liked how minimal this one was despite the low effort.
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old but gold before i finally move onto my new phone
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Nothing crazy
hey there, ricing beginner with a crackhead idea

is it possible to put a dpad and a and b button on my homescreen, and make my home navigation play like a old-school RPG menu?

less inuitive, sure. more fun? maybe.
KLWP should be able to do this. Sounds like it could be fun
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klwp can definitely do it, and it is probably not too difficult. This is somewhat similar in function to what you suggest.
iirc it's a lot of global variables, toggles, invisible buttons and tons of touch actions.
Is it even worth ricing phones anymore? Haven't done anything more than these 5 icons on a stock launcher in like 6-7 years at least.
hi guys!
do you have any up to date resources to learn
Im maily interested in KWGT, want to make a widget that fetches a random image from my homeserver
>Use KLWP or KWGT + ANY launcher.
Any application alternatives that don't sell all of my fucking data?
Hi im kind of new into this, how do i set a gif.file to be a wallpaper? do i need an app for my phone?
write a live wallpaper from scratch using flutter, theres a writeup on the site.
craftmath's tutorials are pretty comprehensive. If you managed to set up a homeserver i'm sure you can tinker about a bit with kwgt, it has a way to fetch images from sites, and surely it can randomize it.
it has never been "worth it" for anything more than having something cool to look at, if you don't value that then no its not worth it anymore.
its probably easier to google it than ask here, but klwp can do it.
Yeah fair. I used to do it a lot when I had smaller phones and more free time on my hands. Only thing I really rice anymore is my Linux setups on my laptop and my server. Windows I keep bone stock now because UWP apps being broken is a dealbreaker for me and there's no way to theme them. My phone, well, I only use like 5 apps and they just sit at the bottom of my screen at any given time.

Pic related was I think the last phone rice I ever did. :/

If anyone remembers the name Cirno from back in the day, Hi, I'm still alive.
I like it. Good job
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Looks great! Here is my half assed attempt. What did you use for the task bar and photos?
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Trying to improve, love hyperion
Very basic layout but I'm too lazy to do anything fancy. Anyone recommend something to add functionality or some zest?
Very simple desu, it's just Niagara with a custom font, but I like it
breddy gud. which launcher?
moved from niagara to total today. feelsgoodman
Where can I get this from?
What font is that?
Not >>2256112 but you can use https://www.myfonts.com/pages/whatthefont
In this case it looks like the font is Freude
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Did the Homscreen Thread over on /wg/ die for good?
Haven't been ricing actively for what feels like 2 years now but wanted to check in and couldn't find it. Also looks like homescreens.org hasn't been updated for a while either
There was one a couple months ago. It was actually posted in significantly more often than this thread. Then it died and (as far as I know) hasn't been remade
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what would the icon style of the steins gate icons be classed as ? what icon pack gets closest to it ? older Samsung ?
Get a launcher that can use custom app images and use these.
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x=5+n steps ahead of you, the pic is already mine, but I wanted to figure out what os had the most similar-est icons so that the system is more coherent.
best I found is the iOS 6 icons but they are a little too skeumorphic.
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does this count? It's not exactly anime but...
its so hard for me to find a wallpaper that i like
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I couldn't be bothered to add more.
Imagine the smell of this thread
does anyone happen to have the icon theme and the klwp that is used in this setup?


there's a version of it in the archive that is missing a few bitmaps and a few other things like the "risk of rain: #%" in the weather tab. i want to find the same one in the webm, but i'd settle with the one that isn't missing any bitmaps.
it's just the Standard Pixel Phone Launcher
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Updated with some new Syoko themes and rounded rectangles for the theme switcher buttons. Probably the last time I'll add any themes as it took 112 screenshots just to add in Syoko with a total of 256 screenshots to get the frosted glass effect for all foreground/background combinations.

Pre-iOS 7 icons are your best bet as that's what S;G is mimicking with the glossy texture, though I doubt you'll be able to get a perfect match for everything out of the box
Still have the pape anon? I can't find a higher res version.
NTA but search gelbooru for "sayori_(neko_works) chocola_(nekopara) striped_panties" and it's the first result - max res file is too large for here
Not sure why I didn't just link it
Just got a new phone and getting back into ricing. This thread made me realize I never posted this back when I made it. My phone's looked like this for a while, so it's gonna feel weird seeing something else.

Also, does people still care about Clover or Kuroba? Looks like last update on Github was 4 years ago.
looks like KurobaEx and Dashchan are the to go tos nowdays.
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i dont rice anymore but this was one of my favourites (it was pre-KLWP so incorporating a gif was a big deal)
I really wish mari okada had nothing to do with canaan. I rewatched it a while back, and I noticed her bullshit way more than when I first saw it. I still love the show, but man, it could have been so much better
postings a friends home setup its simple but neat in my opinion
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Anyone knows how to force Android's Monet to update based on what KLWP has displayed at the time? My KLWP setup is set to change element colors based on the currently playing music's album art, and if it's paused, it will be of the last played song. The idea is to have the phone's system UI to change colors on a regular basis, but as it is right now Monet appears to only update... sometimes? I don't even know what triggers it, it just happens.

pic semi-related it's an old one, just imagine the whole thing changing colors instead of just the pause/play button when I skip tracks
Are there any refresh options for the Monet app in KLWP- Touch -Launch Activity?
There isn't even a Monet app, Settings don't seem to have anything relevant either. I tried installing ColorBlendr but there's no option for it with that either.
curious if anyone has screenshots of rices that look great with night light/blue light filter. I'm not at all familiar with colour theory or graphic design, so I'm curious if anyone has had some cool ideas.
Do you know if this a KLWP preset I can download? Not the same anon as the other post but I'm also new to KLWP and have been trying to figure out how to make something akin to this.

Also, anyone know where to download Kustom presets? I've got the pro versions however only a couple actually show up in the "discover" tab of the app.
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looks nice. mind telling which fonts you used here?
having a hell of a time trying to find full res papes for my new phone, wallhaven doesn't support 9x21 (but they do have some, if you edit the address manually from ratio 21x9 to 9x21) also "all portrait" doesn't work at all.
wasn't expecting a resolution problem.
That's a problem and that most art is so -fullscreen- nowadays that you don't have anywhere to place widgets or other stuff. Wish artists would leave some space to the top so you don't cover character faces.
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i like the style, pitch black background with an anime grill window in the middle. Looks cool on OLED

tried to recreate something similar with KLWP, but still using Niagara since I'm autistic and I can't live without it
How do you get the image to overlay specific parts over the widget/clock? Is this with kustom lock screen? I know apple does this automatically but did you have to manually crop it or is it something else?
It's with KLWP but I'd imagine you can do the same thing with KLCK too. Yeah, you will have to manually crop the image and put it as a layer over the clock
Blurred background maybe? Looks cute to me
Looks a bit better than pure black, but overall kinda meh. It's got potential, though.
It was banding like hell when I looked at your picture on my own phone though. I guess my display doesn't have as many colors.
I feel like with the blurred background it looks better or worse based on the image. Pic related looks good to me, with all the yellow and cyan. Also I resized the portrait to be exactly the same as the Niagara popups.
there's also an app called "depthfx wallpaper" that can do this
Very nice, anon
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Niagara is pretty cool
> download for a free premium version that comes with ads

Are these ads only shown in APP, and won't display on your wallpaper or anything like that right?
What's a good model for ricing, anyway? Currently running one of those cheap poco phones. The best I can do is having it as clean as the bloatware system allows.
Last time I used KLWP, yeah, the ads only show up in the app itself.

newfag here, hi
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What music player apps do you guys use to listen to local audio files? I've been using Shuttle since forever, and Shuttle+ since they made it free. But it's not beign maintained anymore, so there are UI glitches and stuff. Also, it used to get artist pics and album art from last.fm automatically, a feature I really liked. But they changed it to discogs after last.fm changed their API. Sure, I could just download the images for artist and set them manually, but I'm not gonna bother with that. Anyways, what do you recommend?
I always used Poweramp.
I've been learning this and its been really fun!
Wallpaper engine on mobile works apparently
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I second >>2260386
It is the only paid app I've got on my phone.
share the wallpaper bwo
I heard iPhones introduced more customization. Is it finally possible to make proper homescreens that do not look generic as shit?

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