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awoo offers you banan
do you accept?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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I am from India
13 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Hello anon.
How's life going in india?
It's going on. Nothing worth saying or talking about. Boring

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suns out
bums out
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
unchecked doubles on the last page!
unchecked triples on the first page.. yo deserve it
the real erika made this post

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apple juice is too acidic to drink on an empty stomach
for this reason, it does not make a good breakfast drink
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Orange juice is pretty acidic
it doesnt make a good breakfast drink because it makes you fucking shit yourself i keep shitting myself when i drink apple juice
Coffee does that for me usually
skill issue uwu <3
juice is for fruits, eat some oats brother

is isnt right
whats right anyway
if is not right then i dont wanna be left
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life is like that sometimes

Your fortune: Average Luck

I feel like I'm running out of ways to explain this to you, but once more I shall try. This fly is a major problem for us: It will ruin our batch, and we need to destroy it and every trace of it, so we can cook. Failing that, we're dead. There's no more room for error, not with these people.
9 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
you want all my password I can give to you and you jus DIY
end up gooning til every drop of life

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
it's all trips

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
omg this is excellent i am listening to it rn waiting for the jumpscare and it's just a low quality old song hahahahahahahaha

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Do you have the right koalafications?
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i a,m unkoalafied

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tfw no fursuit gf :((
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I have successfully grabbed your attention.
omg its ray
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please don't do that again
omg its dubs

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he's back for more!!!
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looking at te archives youve been here since July 16
it would benefit you to lurk more newfig
how can you tell this??
also spikemagic
so looking at the archives tell me how long am I here? I kinda have the feeling it's just junk science
I just looked up the image
newfigs thinks 4chan is all about being edgy and saying slurs when its really just /pol/ maybe /b/

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this is how keksandra scratches her futa balls, what's your ball scratching technique?
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pretty eyes~
especially the one eye down below
she stared at you with horny intent
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importan futasandra fact: she gets backed up daily and needs to release a few loads to keep her balls from swelling up. she did no nut november last year and her balls swelled to the size of tennis balls. all her spats had this huge bulge in the front when she wore them and so the spats squeezed her balls and it only made the problem worse because squeezing her balls gets her aroused. then it took three days of milking herself to fix the swelling

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got a lifehack for you
leave your mattress in the plastic wrapping
it will stay clean forever that way and have insect immunity +5
there is no benefit to breaking open the plastic seal
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unchecked doubles on the last page!
mattresses are so cute
how can an inanimate object be "cute"
here's a lifehack: leave the mattress at the store so you don't pay or gather belongings (it does not matter)
piss on the mattress to mark your territory

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Escorce meet up or whatever
I'm cute or maybe just happy

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
i wonder if the background cat girl is intimidated by the popular fox girls

Im a girl. Some might call me a femcel but i think im at least a 5/10. Well all day i sit inside and watch anime and lay in my bed >_< i love this life and a man wouldn't offer me much so whats the point? Im happy, quite pretty, skinny and doing the things i love. I sleep 12 hours every day and walk an average of 300 steps. I have no friends but a lot of followers. I like it this way and i dont plan to change until my parents force me into a job (in which case im planning to run away and being homeless) >_>
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Yes i am. Im.a girl, ive unfortunately been using 4chan since i was like 8 lmaoo....the web just got wierder and wierder and i never left it

I write, journal, draw, paint, ect. I dont play much games since i cant afford a laptop... LOL what a failiure of a neet
Nah just got bored and wanted to larp on the forumsz ^_^
hellooo same here!! love being neet

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
i've dated some 4channer girls. they're the best/worst

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i want sweets
41 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
I like him
there was
at first I noticed your digits but then i thought I'd ask you this: what is the artistic value of saya no uter

Your fortune: Outlook good
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>i want sweets

here ya go. 4 sweets 4u.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
I would eat sweets off those feets
Well I've never actually played it but from what I've heard it doesn't really seem like my thing, I really like the setup and concept/ idea that it had but it was executed kinda weird and in all seems kinda boring as a videogame. I mostly enjoy it because of the art and morbidity.

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