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How to trim your mustache

Your fortune: Outlook good
i can't grow a mustache
grooming guide
i have a mustache ringht nowe
im convinced the only reason people will grow a moustache is so that they can make extravagant claims about insurance companies and the like but i cant tell if i only think that because i saw it on american dad or not....
I hate having facial hair. If I wasn't so ugly I'd be facially bald


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beary pink in a trashcan
beary pink in a trashcan
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why is she doing that?
becausvits nice
this is nice board

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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sometimes u just want to eat hair

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This picture really activates my neurons.
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it's a ftt female to tomboy lol !!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDXXDXDXDDXDXD LOOLLLL l!!!! XDDXDXDXSDXDXDXD
does it matter, qt either way
only if mtf
enbies are my favorite gender
be more generous with ur horniness

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sometimes i feel like i'm getting too old to fap my pepis to anime girls.. but i don't feel comfortable fapping to real people..
5 replies omitted. Click here to view.
that's it!! from now on i become a Buddhist monk.. i already believe in Buddha, now all i gotta do is actually live by his teachings.. (been nice posting here, but i'm gonna go live in a temple on a mountain now)
monks actually have prostate cancer if they don't have wet dreams, not using a part of your body despite what that jewish cult tells you is a bad idea.
Buddhism existed long before Judaism.
However, you're not wrong about the biological part, plus not cooming blocks your chakra (Sacral Chakra to be exact)
The women in porn look at me with a face of disgust and say "How dare you fap to me you creep? You should be ashamed of yourself you pathetic loser!"
Chat roulette is not porn
(and if you're genuine.. sauce? i'd like to see that actually, seems funny)

hi frends
im back to s4s with my frens
i hope frens have been keeping the boared TOP quality while i've been gone!
no one knows me
how are frens today? are you happy? are you sad? are you feeling glad? are you feeling rad?
i hope we can have a happy nice thread today
im posting from the 5th circle of hell
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weekend weekend weekend omg its weekend
nothing going on cept the 4cc
but im not complaining
silly person doing something naughty to get there!

wekend dubs
no complaints is good compared to when i was last here
i need to not be a lazy fig and draw some more for s4s frends

Sanism is bad, it makes you mad.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
lmao thats so true
Hating on crazy people will always turn you into a prostitute.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
ya can not say prostitution because the most common type of prostitution does not includes sex...

Your fortune: Average Luck
i am a crazy prostitute
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The prophecy...

Sometimes I think just spending money to chill out with women is cool too..

Your fortune: Average Luck

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>be me
>try to think of greentext
>can't think of one because im stupide

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
9 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
left is so horte
>be me
>get raped at the age of 11
>get addicted to sex
An ex of mine once said she was raped as a kid and I could never look at her the same. I did not judge, nor think any less of her it just...left a foul taste in my mouth
is she a squid or is she a kid?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
you are not stoopid and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate booshiii for the 100 bathmassage milestone ...don't be shy

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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bikinen day in bocchi town
I thought that was arisu from blue cunny for a second

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Imminent sexual assault micker
Wtf I wanna be a girl now
nice le dubs. she looks pretty excited about it.
hope she will be ok
don't threaten her with a good time

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she is so silly
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she feet
what a fool
she dubs

Your fortune: Good Luck
lmao fucking loser

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dead board wake the fuck up WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP
im up!!!
toilet cat lmao loser

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Sonic Toaster toasting Toast.
I want to buy Sandwichmakers/Toasters branding my bread with Popculture but I can't find any.
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seems burned

Your fortune: Good Luck
why would I want to eat burned toast just because some funny image was branded on?
Too fast for the naked eye.

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i should be liiik
but me be liiike
i fail its ok
i just draw and listen to song

Your fortune: Average Luck
31 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
yay you did it! let's all go out for ice cream! :D
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dubbies :3
You can do it I belive in u
have her play NIN Hurt on guitar
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hecking krita crashed... and i has so much to hecking doooo
running out off time...
time to panic with the last time i has!!

no thank it too cold outside

uhmm nu uh prespective is too hard its just looks whacky!!

nope black metal bnuy saga is behind i no longer do coffee or guitar

ching chong bing bong

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
she needs a penis
she needs double dubs

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