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who would win?
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assuming these stats work in the simplest way possible polywok would win doing 1 damage per turn while grubbus does 0
speed is always the most powerful stat in fights. Defense is number 2. Attack is your lowest priority. That attack power means nothing if you can't get close enough to hit, and even if you do get a hit in, the opponent's defense could mitigate it.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
it depends how speed affects combat but if u get 6 attacks for every 1 attack u must win gg ez
this, can't believe these smoothbrains saying grubbus has a ghost of a chance
that depends. if def = atk will the attack at least do 1 damage or 0?
if it does minimum 1 damage then grubbus could win but we are lacking important information like hitpoints, and how the stats affect them

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this board should become
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I love you
thread is infinite
infinite welfare was a very fun and chaotic 3rd person fighting game on roblox. it's many bizarre items lead to a very unique and dynamic gameplay style unlike no other on the platform. these servers used to be filled with so much people, you really had to be there during that wave of popularity to truly appreciate the game in it's glory.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
really love infinite welfare, wish it got popular again. hypothetically if i had the money and time i could create my own game that automatically teleports you into infinite welfare and market that using roblox's promotion feature it would get some players again. but that would take a lot of consistency and lots of money, which im not willing to do.
music to my ears

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go on other boards dummy
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sometimes i post on /lit/ and /fit/ but im extremely sneaky about it

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Gah! Can't believe I said that!

Your fortune: Average Luck
when i go on other boards they just tell me to kill myself so it is not so different from here
i am a visitor from another board
dubs check!

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I'm the Michael Rappaport of [s4s].
You’re the unfunny faggot of s4s
(Your threads are trash)
who r u

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fortunately she's just being s*xually ab*sed
thank god
She must have caught the stomach bug. Get better soon!
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this girl is the same as this one:

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I love cade
The Big Mac is just so good it's worth tearing up over. :)
how do cade know whad burgors is??

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Ikr lol they never give up
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u like male lol

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
after drinking a lot for many years and never experience nausea, lately, as in only for the past month or so, I started getting pukey after drinking a small amount of anything alcoholic
this makes me unhappy it's my main cope and my body is phasing it out
what can I do now?
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I drank it
more like fale

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some people say watches are obsolete but i still wear mine everyday
It probably hurts to shove a meat thermometer in there
korean mangaka are deranged

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
hote pussy
Too hote actually
She needs to go to a hospital
If I somehow get a girlfriend I'm going to tell her that this is what I must do when she gets sick.

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Her is a list of my fav foods in no particular order but the top two are my two most favorites for sure, post ur favs too
Italian sandwich
Buffalo shrimp
French dip
Brunswick stew
Rainbow roll
Hibachi stuff
Fried turkey
Buffalo chicken
WaffleHouse Cheese eggs

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the only girl i've ever loved
was born with kindness in her spleen

but then an ebil dashed her dream
one evening, two thousand thirteen
nary a nicer to be seen
and only weeks before the rudes
all came and turned their attitudes

now she's a lost gril in ukraine
flinging flubes filled with flames
on empty rings around the moon
all sing to say bunnies are bune

Your fortune: Godly Luck
sorry to hear that

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hello how do I learn to shitpost?
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first you must then the next step is guaranteed
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uh oh! pooped my pants again!
*sits down and squishes underwear*
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smug anine grillers always win arguments
also call someone salty or imply they are mad because if the other person is upset you have acheived victory

painkillers + beer pure bliss

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I have been drawing for years and I always feel like I am stuck in the same thing, or that my drawings are not progressing or even if that happens, I don't feel that people notice it, sometimes I would like to interact more with my drawings and people but I don't know how :c

(I drew this)
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Yeah FRICK OFF lol
Fucking losers taking shit so serious.
It's really good advice and I never expected to appreciate my art a little thanks to 4chan, I think I'll be posting more often here but looking at my older drawings, they're no longer scratches from an edgy child
In your drawing I feel the UGLY STENCH of your festering hands and your googly eyes! Blech. I can just SMELL the wretched things on that piece of trash paper blech. Barf!!! Ugh!
I'll accept it, well done!
To get to the otter's side?

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