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one chance at life
not born a cute girler

it still hurts
nobody cares if you want to wear a skirt
That's not true, I care
I care
post nudes
just inject estrogen once a week

jack ruselel
jack squat
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Your fortune: Good Luck

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long time no chima
15 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
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did someone say delicious?
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all of these are doubles

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based whipping
he was wearing panties

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the rapture more like the raptor
this entire thread would make a good s4s nutshell video, but it needs more pedophilia
pedophilia is banned though
raptor jesus went extinct for our sins

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Important thing
Just when I thought I've jerked off to everything
thanks for sharing
please share more epic porn in the future

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16 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Cock toe twins are better but this is still pretty nice
>well, one two buckle my shoe!
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Your fortune: Good Luck

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ewww what's this get the handgun
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handgun? as opposed to a footgun?
as an animator i hate when this happens
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omg whip ur cocke out
post your animations

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fasting fridaey

(losing 10.8g for every hour spent not eating)

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
13 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
lgbt is pure brainrot
omg I need to drop all my hobbies from when I was a guy and become a dumb bimbo to fully transition
you can't pass as a linux user with an android phone who plays warhammer and does nerd things, women categorically don't do these things.
ramadans over sonic you can stop fasting now XD
I think pervert doctors forced people to do this in the 90s
He should just use freebsd instead

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Goyim were made to serve the Jewish people.
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
The jews never said that and the state of """Israel""" has nothing to do with jews or judaism
i am the queen of england
Someone needs to brush up on the Torah (old testament) and Talmud. Or are you playing the Herbrew weren't Jewish Christian cope thing?
maybe you should do that instead
Gotcha, you've read neither and you're just parroting what you've heard from others. Probably not even the New Testament either unless it was read to you. *pats head* You keep on keeping on Polly.

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cuddling with hags! i love hags! hag love!
marine is my gf
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I am older than hags.

I like touching my trans gf's smol cock to trigger her gender dysmorphia
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I feel mocked right now
>uhm... do you not know what the latin definition is for the word dysphoria? i don't think anyone with dysphoria would get off that shit
fetishes develop from the opposite of what one wants
what if you did look and sound like them though
it's claude shannon 4.3
You don't need to be any of that. You just need to look like a top G gigachad. MtFs are aware of this. They're mostly alpha males. They identify as such and they present themselves as such but with different clothes.

Anons, it is so fun to troll random 35+ y.o. preverts.

About 2 hours ago a random turkish guy wrote me in telegram. After 10 minutes of dialog, I understood, that he was looking for a free sex with a young, European girl (he literally said it to me). So, using photos of my legs I made him to think, that I was a real girl. We agreed to meet at the Albert Hein (it was near my house). I went there AND HE WAS ACTUALLY WAITING FOR ME!!!!

I bought some kefir and went home.
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
how do u get past the stage of wanting to masturbate their pebis
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turkish dubs

Your fortune: Good Luck
She is using an old FL Studio version
Make sure you update your @FLStudio
You should become a serial killer and lure people like him to a secluded area. I mean lole.

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Me posting on 4chan!!!
19 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
Limbs too long, proportions too human
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unchecked doubles on the last page!
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have a more "Accurate" one

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Your fortune: Godly Luck
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heh....... take that king nigger............
We did this already

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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