loleYour fortune: Better not tell you now
>>11883841>REAL PUSSYthey are all lined up to be monsanto contract cunts.they don't sex.they don't enjoy benis.they is paid.this is freedom.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11883839>raldaboath.jogthe most filthy, deceptive, profligate and profane so called religious icon ever seen ever until the twelfth of never but my cum is ever hard out muh dick into the fermented pussy
>>11883856try the decaffYour fortune: Better not tell you now
sad that your house burned down.Your fortune: Bad Luck
jack ruselel
>>11883808Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
uh oh...stinky o.o
>>11883589I know taco, in esfoures are a lot of nigfags but you need to stop gooning
how is babby formedhow girl get pragnent.
>>11883020She's reading House of Air.Your fortune: Good Luck
>>11882473you are barren If you even doing right she never get pregnant
>>11882443This is an important question, please respond.Your fortune: Better not tell you now
everyone above a certain age in a certain culture can recite it from memory with 1:1 spelling
Pregnant? You mean that fruit?
Posting it again.Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>11883777i don't mind the AI much but him being far-right makes me filter him
>>11883792lol, I'm antipolitical, it is an abstraction only good for humor, le cool fake abstraction "right" tends to be more edgy and funny though so, please filter me harder.Your fortune: Outlook good
>>11883798The best political humor tends to be "corrected" cringe leftist comics I find.
>>11883809All corrected comics tend to be gems, no cap.
Your fortune: Godly LuckYour fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
le faceYour fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>>11883597Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>>11883597Who is this handsome gentlemanYour fortune: Outlook good
gn esfores
>>11883655goodnight cute dubs getter nicepost poster
>>11883655>55Gn sweet dubs
Which 2hu would you become friends with?
i wanna be frens with the scarlet devil mansion people and live there
>>11882838the neet chick forgot her name
>>11882838This one
Pick my top
>>11883657the black tee
>>11883657all of them layered together!
Big tits, this bitch knows what sells
>>11883787Those tits anon
>>11883787I thought you liked guys
>>11883795More Elvira
>>11883776>>11883795dommy mommy material always the love
>>11883795I doYour fortune: Outlook good
I'm looking to buy a decent inkjet printer for home or small officeIt has to have a good compatibility with linux and CUPSAny recommendations?Is Canon a decent brand nowadays?
>>11882942for some reson this character make me wanna order fast foodYour fortune: Better not tell you now
>>11883192ikrevery time I watch athf I get hungry
I have a canon IP2810 I bought for around $20 brand new at Kmart about 10 years ago. I have a little business where I need a lot of color sticker labels. That thing has worked flawlessly. Where they get you is the ink cartridges. When this little guy dies I'm going to get one of the newer models that have ink tanks. They are pretty affordable. I like the Canons. The HPs I've used were good, but I prefer the Canons. I've run Brothers, but not enough to have an opinion.
>>11882942>>11883019the smartest answer is to not get an inkjet unless you're printing posters or somethingthe smartest answer if you must buy an inkjet, is to get one ancient enough that you can refill it with syringes and fool its judaism circuits with tape bitmasking tricksdon't ask how i know such oddly specific lore
>>11883219thanks for advicethe one Canon printer I was looking for has a linux driver and decent documentation so it should be alrightHP nowadays is fucking dogshit and I frequently had to fix issues with it>>11883547well I wanted to try out printing some stickers and I would like it to be compatible with modern standards
Queen of s4s
off with her head!
>>11883735Gato sexo
>>11883748*sip*let's say it simple:F&Udranx more rum u demented liddle kunt gif*sip*Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
smh. tbh.*sip*bon ftw. fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>11883770"but we've got the biggest balls of them all"*sip"cheers /s4s/****sip*****Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン