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Do u believe in aliens?!?!?
33 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
dond b rewd
Good boy. Good rational critic boy. Have a cookie.
give me the cookie. i need the cookie
>>ohh no not another finger job
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Here's your reward for not being a lunatic.

Thread's dead baby.
Thread's dead.
>>11662822 (dubs)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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Nice bike I like your Ape Hanger handlebars
Proof that swaglord is addicted to weed.
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Page 10 save rave!

Your fortune: Outlook good
anonstar show we the way...
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You my Figga?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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So sigma of you!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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i love le kobener so much

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

two HOT HORNY SLUTS enjoying a nice cup of coffee before I IMPREGNATE THEM BOTH

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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wow so sigma of you

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magick magick u should definitely kidnap me bc im urs,,, ^-^
i love u lots my little deadbeat
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You should be impressed two discord drones and a schizo replied. I bet you feel soo lucky teehee

Also sup with magick being dumped by every sissy he ever flirted with? Kinda strange...
he hits on every namefig and gets really needy and also has a really long memory so you get caught off guard idk
It just amuses me that tsxd(long gone sissy) said magick never showed his pic yet they were in a "relationship" lole.

I will always bring this up when he and his two discord simps try to paint the picture with their own brush

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
smart of him considering ppl dox like yourself you retarded scumbag
Magick is kind of a genius desu...
if a sissy is dumb enough to think s4s is actually a cute and nice board they'd also be dumb enough to think magick is cute and nice

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Watch my dotter
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Hi dotter, wanna sit on my nose and fart?
LOLE farde for mr babysitter, i'll buy u wendys after
Ok I watched her Op what do I do now I'm done watching her
ok but why is she doing that
cherry pits
unchecked doubles on the last page!

if i go crazy then will you still call me superman
this isn't /co/
no cause thats devil guy not super-man
unchecked doubles on the last page!

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Hahahaaa I wanna die I wanna get drunk lole I can't take this world lole
Did you know did you know did you know the world is shit
Did you know did you know your family did it LOLE
Ur gay lole
Ur gayer then the gayest gay LOLE LOLE LOLE LOLE LOLE
Get rekt ur the gay gay gay lole
You are with the lele anime color lole
like no other lole
The flube has got you

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3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Pls meditate yuji, i care about you.
The spiritually disturbed board
you forgot to say penis

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Pen is
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Pen is where?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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why would she...why...;_;
4 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
is it cuckolding or is she just sexting proof that she's a slut to you and wants to suck you off too?
Nigger mentality.
i hump anyone that even looks at me in a slightly convincing manner

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
unfortunately anything said by you holds no weight because you are severely mentally ill LOLE
to make you leak in your cucky cage ^_^

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hello how do I learn to shitpost?
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first you must then the next step is guaranteed
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uh oh! pooped my pants again!
*sits down and squishes underwear*

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Are you still here, nermalfig?
I know you heard the rumors
You must get over to it right away
If anyone can do it
You gotta get there soon, it's not okay
You got cars to drive, plenty jets to fly
When will you arrive? You're running out of time

Don't you see that everything is on the line?
So, I'm sorry, but you have to choose a side
You'll never know when it's your time to go
And where you end up in life, that's code
You can't ignore, you're spinning your life
Your watch is broken 'cause you spent all your time
It's now or never on this everything rides
Before the spinning stops, you must pick a side

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God, I want to fuck Nermal! <3<3<3
I don’t see Garfield thread that much in /co/ sadly. :c

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I want a girlfriend that will treat me like her child her baby :3
grow up
I no no wanna :(
girlfriends aren't real

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How do I find a girl like her
97 replies and 42 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Your fortune: Godly Luck
they both should have sexo time
unchecked doubles on the last page!
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>I know you heard the rumors you must get over to it right away

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Tomorrow is Saturday
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yard work begins tomorrow for me
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today is friday
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Job interview tomorrow for me.
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That means monday is almost here
Happy friggday

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Your BLACK Gorlfren wants you to be happy today, so make sure you achieve Diamond Rank in Overwatch 2!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
The BLACK emo has returned to us...

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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