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lol ai
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Al will destroy us all
we are entering the end times
pic related, it's Al
I think we have entered a new era beyond post modern that I would like to refer to as "ludo-modern" this is in reference to the gamification of modernity in regards to the production of culture and products/exports. It is also a tongue in cheek reference to how gaming has taken over the youth.

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when aiko puts on her scream mask it makes nobu cream fast

Your fortune: Godly Luck
nobu has strange tastes (i do too)

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Your fortune: Outlook good
Do you need guidance?
He's only on Zone 5

Your fortune: Average Luck

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how do you pronounce "lole"
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I say loll like the E is absent
basically like this also kys catfish death to namefigs
but the e isn't absent, why would you ignore it's hard work like that
because it's more than normal in french and english is 50% stolen french words

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He fucked a sheboon when he was drunk.
So now he is stuck with the thing.
Let this be a lesson to some of you experimenting with alcohol and having.+promiscuous sex.
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Hi this is spikedog
State your purpose
I'm sorry, are you a bootlicker? If so, please go to /pol/ thanks!
This is you+ your mom on / pol/
I'm sorry? I don't get it, can you explain what you meant? (Pic doesn't load for some reason)

Thank you

this guy's clearly never clicked on [s4s] once ever
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i decided to finally stop ghosting all social media (although 4chan is honestly antisocial media lole) in the middle of you guys being pissed off by walterposter and i had no problem with him whatsoever at any point, so i'm not sure what made him snap
bro didn't snap
he just left and never responded, and everyone went schizo whenever someone mentioned him
Starcraft: Meme War

now that i have a solid 4base terran economy up against his 3base zerg economy, i ran a comsat sweep on all of catfish's possible zerg vocaroo den locations, and no, he hasn't posted any since i killed his hive and all his structures, and he was forced to start back at hatchery tech at his third base

i think he's going to gg any moment

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imagine posting on [s4s] and not knowing how to draw or make your own original content even if it's crude and unskilled


Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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im shaky drawing with a mouse and i dont have a drawpad so i cant :(
i have maid lots of OC ever since i started posting on [s4s] :)
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i love her
i'm incapable of drawing. i'm a software engineer

i'm going to play a game of tetris, greatest game of soviet russia, with miku hatsune's latest hot single, tetoris, playing on loop


now that i figured yes, if you put tetris.com in desktop mode, the keyboard will actually work, i've come up with a theoretical wasd control scheme where w is rotate and s is soft drop, space is hard drop, and tab is hold, and now that i'm not playing on a useless touchscreen, i don't think i can get to level 20 (formerly 19, why don't we start at level 0 anymore?), if i can get to level 10, i'm going to pause the game and jack up the paranoia and anxiety and jack the playback speed of tetoris to 2x

seeing as there's no printscreen key on android, i won't be able to screencap anything except my final score and level

i'm not honestly playing great, because apparently alexei has given tetris a third pass, nerfed sliding, and the new last level is 25, and gives you pity points for any sort of back to back move at all

quite ironically, i got exactly one fugging line then got game over

that was fun

honestly, i was having two problems

because the blocks are using a completely different color scheme than what i'm used to, so i don't just automagically recognize which of the L/J Z/S blocks are, and there's a flaw in my tetris play, that i just never figured out how to use ccw, i just mash cw, and when i played tetris grandmaster on mame which also has a 180 button, i couldn't figure that out even worse

the other problem is that i just kept straight up panicking and made hard drop blunders, which is really greedy because it's honestly not a lot of points compared to a soft drop, but because i could actually control where the fucking pieces go, i could dig my way out of the problem, but i don't think i got a single back to back tetris
i think this whole tetris thing could really catch on
I doubt it
it was produced by soviets in communist russia
if you play and enjoy tetris you're literally a communist and need to kill yourself
I will never support a soviet-made game

Today I found out about the existence of this guy, Santiago, with a tiktok account that was previously dedicated to publishing explicit content and not +18, we are talking about him supporting issues of PEDOPHILIA, CHILD ABUSE, (he comments on videos that have to do with the subject, supporting and defending the sick people who do that, even (I think, I'm sure) even romanticizing the victim) ANIMAL ABUSE, MURDERS (gore) among more, what I mention is only what others say because I am SURE THAT IT IS NOT EVERYTHING. He currently has a tiktok account with two videos, one of them mentions if he has a telegram account (you can imagine what he does there). By posting this on this site my intention is to do "cyber justice", because of his accent and the mentions of La Guajira (a low-income department of Colombia) I say he is Colombian, but I ask for help from people who really know, I am publishing this post in English and Spanish looking for real help. Thank you.Hoy mismo me vengo a enterar de la existencia de este tipo, Santiago, con una cuenta de tiktok que anteriormente se dedicaba a publicar contenido explícito y no del +18, hablamos de que apoya temas de PEDOFILIA, ABUSO INFANTIL, (comenta en videos que tiene que ver con el tema, apoyando y defendiendo al los enfermos que hacen eso, incluso (creo, estoy segura) que hasta romantizando a la víctima) ABUSO ANIMAL, ASESINATOS (gore) entre más, lo que menciono es solo lo que otros dicen por que estoy SEGUR@ DE QUE NO ES TODO. Actualmente tiene una cuenta de tiktok con dos videos, uno de ellos menciona si cuenta de telegram (ya se imaginarán que hace por allí). Al publicar esto en este sitio mi intención es hacer "justicia cibernética", por su acento y las menciones de la Guajira (un departamento de escasos recursos de Colombia) digo que es Colombiano, Pero pido ayuda a las personas que de verdad saben, público este post en inglés y español buscando una verdadera ayuda. Gracias.
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Una foto de su cuenta antes de volverla a crear. A photo of his account before he recreated it.
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you came to the wrong board buddy <3
¡Ay! ¡Al pendejo le gusta el sexo travieso!
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Shut up you fucking freak

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Chemicals+ plastics you think don't need them but you do.
When shit hits fan you will wish you still had me.
I will be beech Florida with dri k 1 hand+ fattie in another.
Some of you need attitude adjustment
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That's like saying your life isn't important
Yeah, you see those hoppers taco boi? THOSE are the chemicals. You're obsolete.
dubs of truth, I guess
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Buy any gifts for Christmas?
How did they get store.?
You ungrateful basterd

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Le chink look

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i can give you my email if you’d like
sure, give me your email
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I never lose!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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i had a crush on her when i was 8 and would replay the game just to reach her scenes again
that's sweet
she is a kind hearted girl so I can understand
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for me, it was mystical elf.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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My you be blessed a thousand fold
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As soon as I have a title. Anyone can give in had to stay with the princess and the and then come up with rest
Give me a title for the next part!
Give me a title
i think you need to heavily revise what you got before you proceed with writing a 4th part, and as a result it will end up larger and more fleshed out and you'll have a clearer picture of what you want in part 4

when i post on 4chan, it's just fire and forget, but when i stop and revise something, it's usually flawless
Ok you're making since

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I just shat myself
I tried to fart but poop came out. I am not proud of myself but I am not ashamed either
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I pooped today
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this is nice board

Your fortune: Average Luck
>I am not ashamed either
so why are you hanging yourself in the image
dubs checking dubs on page 10!

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