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what do you ask people when talking to them? lel

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Ask themn about their favorite computer
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oi me speccy

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
How are u

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what do?
10 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
Satanic triples on last pagie

You will not lead me astray
satan doesnt want us to furmommymaxx
(anon has been amazonianed till shooting blanks for this reply)

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Pathetic failed thread with no replies (saged btw)
Bell really looks like a girl in that picture.

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The nigger of gay

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It always reduces itself to right and wrong.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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Uhm how many times have you allowed conventions of a "hipster" or rather
>not a hipster convention
take control of who you are?
Besides your bottle of pills??? Who else makes the (You) that is (you) the one it should be? I get a question that says "Stop hitting yourself???" alot.
IDK what do you think?... What else??
(I'm okay...)
You are who you are today, ass well tonight,, lol.
Txt messages I noticed when I had an iPhone,, the little speech bubbles looked funny.
Like cheap art at bars or new coffee shops.
>which I've never been to. I'm serious!
*clap* *clap*
But no, something inside you did stop you from pursuing that?? ((WhAt iZs iTTDDd, HuH!?>? TeLL mE!!*whine* cmon!!!1 tE3333ll Meee!!1! y1EaH! UuYyw0U CAndTtdT~!~!1)
Idk! who is there to trust here on this dumb, dead planet besides yourself? Could one of you tell me?
>inb4 probly not(watch workout videos)

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1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
trips confirm, goober really did type it earlier we swear
Weird schizo faggot
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you lack the capacity to appreciate humanity in its true and absurd state because you refuse to accept death as the end

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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this is nice board

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
if you took all those pills at once you would never feel sad again

Your fortune: Average Luck
we can share

Your fortune: Outlook good
prepare to get retarred and refeathered

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
are you gonna eat that?
double dubs confirm

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When you think about it, she was a quality waifu.

Your fortune: Good Luck
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She also dresses scantily clad.
she was too tame, I wanted to see her at least kick him once or twice like the original. The extreme femdom doujin is alright
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Our friends across the pacific are finally learning what sells

Whatever happened to American? I haven't seen him post here in weeks.
Lain happened.
lame is a whore

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Porn addiction.
porn addiction is OP
Computer ^W^
I’m bout to piss meself

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drawing requests
tell me what to draw
32 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
draw kuromi and beary nice girl sitting on the forehead girls's lap
why he head bigger
Why does Shinji have eyeliner?
i decided to watch end of eva for the first time in 15-20 years, but for some reason you can't rent it off youtube, and they only have the english version, so i was like i'm going to be in for the goriest most over the top action movie ever with some of the worst voice acting i've ever seen and i was surprised

whoever the hell they had playing misato was fine, and even though asuka should have been played by someone with a german accent, she was so angry about everything she was saying it was like ok good enough, and as far as shinji himself, it was very clear they used a 12 year old girl on her period, because she was the most whinest bitch conceivable, so it actually worked

rei and everyone else sounded really montone and boring and sucked

the halfway point of the movie happened to be right as soon as it was time to take my crazy pills, and once i was done, i was like god damn i need to take an adrenaline break and just funpoast for a while

i honestly only bought this video for the part where eeryone but rei and asuka completely fucking explode and watch that over and over so the english dub isn't the worst thing ever. that video used to be on youtube with that part of the movie until the end for years, and i would watch it on loop all the time, then it finally got DMCAed out of nowhere

Last good one they made
Oh wow this is real
install gentoo
trips of my computer going meow meow

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Me after a hard day of bumping s4s furry threads right before they are kicked off the 'log
three same numbers!!
ahahhaha yeaa ^-^

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Is it a cat, or a rabbit? Cat, rabbit; catus, cuniculus. An amalgamation of a cat and a rabbit. Cabbit?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
i don't care what it is, just what tag i need to type on r34 to get more of this
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i rather a Box / Funny
An amalgamation of cute and funny. Cunny!
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cat + bunny
I don't mind as long as it looks passable. I very much like amateur-ish art, it has a certain delectable charm.
kemono + bunny suit?
both are good
It cabbit my dick off :/

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