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File: IMG_4279.jpg (82 KB, 960x551)
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Anybody here working in trucking/dispatch/freight brokering or something related?

Seems like there's no love for trucking on this board
Trucking has always gone to /o/ for whatever reason. Goes back to the Truckerfag threads well over 10 years ago, but even those threads are pretty rare nowadays.
depends on the mood of the current janny
I did it for a few years before the pamademic
and one year of heavy haul in 2021

ax me anything
What's something that dispatchers usually dont know that you think that they should know?
They are terrible at estimating time it will take you to get somewhere.
I would try to tell them about road construction and traveling to miss rush hour in major cities,
They dont get it, To be fair its more complex than you might think with your hours of service
What about fuel costs? How steep is the difference between hauling a 5k lbs load vs 25k vs 45k actually?
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If I am really light, I can get as much as 10 MPG
When heavy and in the mountains on I80 between denver and salt lake, its more like 5 to 6
I-80 doesn’t even go into Colorado.
How much money you made? Why you quit?

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