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Honestly, I'm just happy this adds frequency in Florida and on the Chicago <-> Pittsburgh routes

It's called the Floridian
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>>hurr durr murrica too big
That isn't what they're saying. It's really quite disingenuous to suggest that america would be well served building HSR between lubbock and branson.
> As in basically Amtrak provides the service so that it's "free" (or subsidised) for the states, and that way the states are less hesitant to have rail service provided (all of this subject to some regulation so that there's not suddenly a barrage of uneconomical train service getting ordered).
Except Amtrak IS paid by taxpayers.
long distance makes just as much sense as short distance trips...

The most major issue is you need decent transit at any destination otherwise you are better off driving there
they can't unless the states pay for it
>Long distance makes just as much sense as short distance trips
No it doesn't lol. Baltimore to New York, for instance, is about three hours and while a plane is going to be shorter (one hour), over a longer period a train is less of a deal. New York to Los Angeles is six hours by plane but by Amtrak you're looking at a 70 hour minimum.

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3 speed
All you need
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that's right
3 speeds
I never understood how the oldschool bottle dynamos could introduce so much drag for the 6 watts of electricity they produce.
They were never serviced so the copper internals corroded and created a lot of drag in the mechanism itself. Next is efficiency, random anecdotes on the internet claim old school bottle dynamos has an efficiency rating of 20%, where modern dyno hubs are about 40% efficient. Bottle dynamos run on the outside of the tire which means more energy is lost to spinning and heat due to the larger circle compared to a dyno hub. Bottle dynamo needs the tire to run the input shaft of the generator which is a frictional interface which means frictional losses. It's a cheap and easy solution but comes with a lot of drawbacks
Every few thousand miles
It's a warning rattle, to remind you that you are going faster than your own freewheel!

Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
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last one. it's been fun.
Why are there dozens of missing thumbnails? It must be those serial killers again!
I've seen this in other boards. 4chan must be having another melty.
it's because the thread is so old

You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
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So I can increase my longevity by deepthroating cocks?
whoa, gays had it right all along!
What's going on with all the missing thumbnails?
That thumbnailed picture was of a rape and murder victim. Some edgelord thought it would be funny about 6 months ago. They're just getting around to cleaning this place up I guess.
There are 10 images in the thread and I couldn't find anything like that, have you considered seeing a psychiatrist?

The OP photo tardo.

here you go I hope you enjoy your sadomasochistic murder rape joke.


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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Okay now for the videos.

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Stage separation
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Booster landing
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Fuck off with that cringe stream

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How would you design a railroad network here?
Standard gauge all the way.
I would make one that goes around the edge Africa and South America don't need railways goods could be transported down the Nile to turkey or along the coast of Brazil

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Trams are a terrible idea. Who actually thought it was a good idea to take a train and put it on a road? Whenever a regular train crosses a roadway, you have to have bells and lights and barriers to warn drivers that it's coming. That's because trains are big, you can't steer them, and you can hardly stop them. They're designed to run on dedicated tracks where they can only go in one direction. And if someone walks out on the tracks in front of you, apart from blowing your horn at them and hope they notice you, you as a conductor can effectively do nothing but look on.
Meanwhile, road traffic especially in cities is busy and full of cars, cyclists and pedestrians going every which way. Now add to that that you're gonna be sharing a lane with a TRAIN. What happens when there's a red light? Can't stop. Sorry, everyone else. Mum crosses the street with her stroller and doesn't see you coming? Oops. All of the accidents that happen with trams speak for themselves. Did you know 48 % of all pedestrian injuries and fatalities in Gotheburg were caused by trams? 52% for all the other vehicles combined. How many trams are there in comparison?
The perfect urban transit method has already been invented and it's called a bus. All problems the tram "solves", all of its supposed advantages are done better by BRTs, buses (can go anywhere on the road, don't need dedicated tracks) and metro trains (carry more people faster over longer distances). There is simply no argument to be had for trams. They are a nostalgic gimmick at best.
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>they are more quiet
The rest is true though.
>a thousand times more people
considering there's a hundred thousand times more cars than trams
...this isn't much of a zinger
and it's not even true. it's nearly an even split, actually.
I was that tourist. I found it a sad ride: You only go straight and can walk the distance from end to end in 20 minutes. Besides, there's little to see in that city centre. I remember a Starbucks, a small library and the fruit in the "old" market was rotten. Probably most Euros visiting during the World Cup will be amazed at how different a US city centre is from the old continent, I know I was.
Toronto has entered the chat.

I love the streetcars in toronto but you are kind of right.

Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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Wait maybe roll is just a bike shop in Ohio lol
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short seat stem is short
Gas pipe garbage. Are you desperate out there?
if it was Rolls Royce it would have the logo on it. Also it would be a piece of shit because they don't know how to make bikes, being a luxury car company

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>it's another "anon has nothing to do on a beautiful weekend so he goes on an aimless 20-25 mile bike ride for an hour or two just to be out of the house" episode
haha gee it was great biking past all the families, friends, people with children, eating at restaurants, walking the streets together, doing stuff at the park, and living their lives happily while i was complete self-congizant how im the autistic retard biking alone through town
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depends on where you live i guess, i know people who never clean a bike for it's entire lifespan. as long as it's not covered in filth the wrench monkeys shouldn't complain
If I know I'm going to the shop then of course I'll stop and clean first but usually my shop visits are emergencies. Got run over by a cager. Cable snapped. Things like that. Like if I go to my doctor for my annual grab the nuts and cough I'll shower and scrub every last crack but if I need to go to the ER I'm not stopping to take a bath first.
I like to inspect my tires for any debris.
That's it.
Oh, and for cleaning I tend to do it before a monthly meetup if my bike is really dirty, or I am wrenching on it.
I use whatever cleaner I have nearby. Sometimes purple power, big orange, simple green, dish soap, etc.

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am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
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bacon evading his ban again
Why the fuck is bacon banned?
Awesome, when do you plan on fellating a shotgun?
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Do you guys ever have conversations with other people on public transportation, or try picking up girls there?

>yet another day riding the subway sharing a car with plenty of cute girls, normal looking guys, and never make conversation with anyone to try to make friends or get a date
>it's been like this nearly daily for 10 years
>even see the same people getting on and off at my same stop, they live near me, and still never speak to anyone
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i listen to bill burr's podcast on my commute, and its funny to hear him give advice to guys who write in about wanting to meet women. he has said multiple times that he would talk to women on the subway in new york when he lived there, usually about the funny/crazy/annoying shit that happens on them, and he meta decent number of women to date on there, but this was back in the 90s/2000s.

compare that to the environment that im listening to the podcast in, on a subway where 90% of people just sit there with headphones on/in, scrolling thru or watching completely useless garbage to pass their half hour commute, where if you dared to attempt to speak to anyone the person would probably be on the subway police text/app to say how threatened they feel. it really blows my mind that we have this subway commute that lasts half an hour where most of us do jack shit, should be a perfect setting to alleviate the boredom by meeting someone, and yet thats frowned upon.
yeah but bill burrs social intelligence and charm is off the charts

all you need is a couple looks / smiles and then it's ok
typical useless advice from a boomer
obviously it was a much different time when bill was doing that and giving that advice. when everyone now has their ears plugged with headphones and eyes locked on a phone or computer, theyre actually doing something, unlike back then when people would jsut look ahead or look out the window. now f you ever want to talk to someone, you're taking their attention from something else

i know its really corny to want to meet someone on a subway, especially when you consider that if the person doesnt want to interact with you, theyre now stuck with you for another half hour. but it just really sucks. it should be such a great opportunity to meet people. you see them getting on/off at your home stop so you guys presumably live near each other, you have half an hour doing nothing to get to know them, you could even get their number and try to meet them for the ride back as well, have at least a few hours of conversation just on your work commute in a week.

i dont see how this is any weirder than meeting someone on a dating app, but i guess its completely frowned upon.
It's not frowned on and it's not impossible you just need eye contact a couple times and a smile first. That is a very soft and obvious way of getting someones approval to talk to them.

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Anyone following the Nashville transit referendum?
Nashville’s seen incredible growth the last decade but has basically zero transit (and not even an Amtrak route) and terrible traffic. Transit is the most obvious dollar-for-dollar improvement you can make for residents there.
The guy who financed the campaign against the transit expansion is a car salesman. Tells you all you need to know.
ha, when I was a kid, I used to take the 3 West End to highschool every day. one day I missed the bus and rode my bike instead, realized it was faster and have bike commuted to work and school ever since whenever possible. haven't lived in Nashville since the early 90s, though.
Uh yeah, that’s based.
This town has grown so fast and built so many apartments everywhere, any new transit project’s going to get good ridership.
Seems like cities are more and more often voting for upgraded transit even if the state DOTs are trying to force highways down their throat.

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This is the longest-produced train in the world (manufactured for many decades, many more modernized 55 years later) that has since passed on to the legends of railfans and its cult fandom as the unmodified units are phased out in favor of the Stadler FLIRT, Newag Impuls, and Pesa Elf.

What does /n/ think of the EMU eternal, the i5-2500K of trains, the venerable EN57 manufactured by Pafawag of Wrocław?
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What's up with one of the electric things being retracted
You don't need both pantographs up at once
Then why do you need two pantographs?
>This is the longest-produced train in the world
Doesn't look all that long to me
longest as in produced for the longest amount of time

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>That cylinder is a mass dampener also known as a J dampener in physics.The purpose is to neutralize high frequency low amplitude oscillations.Mass dampeners are currently used in Moto GP and were banned in F1 in the mid 2000s.The mass dampener can also be placed on the fork,above the bottom bracket and as shown on the rear swing arm/triangle on a full suspension bike.
have these been used on road bikes yet? i have a stiff track bike fixie, anything that could improve performance or comfort would interest me. i haven't paid attention to bike stuff lately so idk if it has been mentioned on GCN/GMBN yet. GCN has done a lot of videos on tire pressure so i could see them experimenting with tuned mass dampers.
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Unlesss I’m mistaken wasn’t Time’s “Aktiv” fork based on this principle?
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that's awesome, i didn't know that. maybe some autist could experiment with this type of thing and turn it into a product that can be attached to any bike.

>Specially designed by TIME using proven vibration reduction engineering techniques similar to those used in F1 and automotive designs, the AKTIV Fork conceals an innovative tuned mass damper that neutralizes a measure of road noise before it travels to your hands and arms.

>Vibrations between 25 and 50Hz – such as those felt on rough chip seal pavement – cause a corresponding counter-movement of the small weight concealed inside the fork leg that cancels some of the input.

>Unlike polymer inserts or springs, AKTIV does not interfere with the bike’s handling or cause a vague feeling at the bars. AKTIV is incredibly light and sleek, providing real anti-fatigue benefits with a minimal weight penalty. It’s easy to see how even this small increase in comfort aboard your TIME can lead to a better experience on the road.

That’s a track bike literally designed to be a dummy stiff as humanly possible
I have a TIME bike with an Aktiv fork. Noticeably smoother on fast descents than my older bikes. Smoother ride over long hours comfort wise. Despite living in a western european country roads are still awful sometimes, ridden with cracks, bumps, non uniform asphalt. Think it only adds up 400 to 500g more weight, so basically the weight of disk brakes
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>laterally stiff vertically compliant meme
>on a fucking alu frame of all things

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I took miku flying with me the other day :D
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your incorrectly oriented image caused me unfathomable rage.
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>pic related, your dumb ass
Also, stop being white
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thanks for sharing

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