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Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
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do a/n/ons play individual vehicle sims like ms flight simulator, euro truck simulator, Derail Valley, MarineVerse, etc.?
[spoiler]/simg/ over on /vg/ keeps dying[/spoiler]
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I could sit here and watch this for hours.
I bought TSW3 humble bundle last summer and have been playing that for the last year.
fuck dovetail
really like this game, I haven't seriously looked but at a glance it seems like the current crop don't really do it justice

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Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
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> I think this is quite a big angle for a cardan joint. (As far as I remember from uni). And if you are using a single joint and not a pair of joints with correct phasing, then you will have problems with vibrations and maybe even with loosing traction if this is for driving rear wheel .
As far as my research goes I've read that cardans are good for up to 45°. It's not coincidence that I've chosen 40°. My idea was that the suspension is a bit lifted so the wishbones sit at 15° from the horizontal plane, I also accounted for up to 25° of maximum leaning angle, therefore, adding up those numbers I'd need 40°. I wanted it lifted like that so it's more visible to cars over the hood. But I guess sacrifices can be made and the wishbone horizontal angles can be reduced as well as the leaning angle by quite a bit.

>An interesting idea is also (semi) spherical gears. It works like normal gears, except that angles between axis can change. I 3d printed a plastic sample a couple years ago, but I didn't have an application for it, so I didn't go any deeper in that topic.
>Of course this is entirely custom job, but even metal 3d printing is getting cheaper, depending on your budget, untested design, etc.... something to think about.
I don't know what to feel about spherical gears, they are not used much, there must be a reason. Also to keep the teeth touching the mechanism must be relatively heavy.
I do want to use 3d printing for this project, but not in the way you suggested, but to make composites: https://youtu.be/nhqAhYOdGNc

Also the other day after an hour of YouTube research I figured out how to make a simple lockable differential that also should be not much heavier than an open one. The locking mechanism can also be used to lock up a freewheel and engage/disengage a motor, so I'm quite happy with that.
>>2006151 cont.

That said, I check this thread almost daily, but I only respond when I see the thread close to page 10 and reply then to keep it alive. Maybe one of these days I'll be assed to make a 3d drawing of the whole transmission.
>>normies can ride it
>I'll pass
Normies can breathe air; will you pass on that too?
add frame, add roof panels and doors. add comfortable seats, ac and boot space.
Any updates?
Thread almost dead.

Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
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The new cushioning might as well not exist desu. It’s absolutely awful
what is this
>should of
An episode of the 1974 Planet of the Apes TV series, which apparently was a thing that existed.

Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
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Reading right now of the battle of Cajamarca in which the Sapa Inca Atahualpa had his palanquin bearers killed from beneath him as he was pulled to the ground by Pizarro's men
>lined with plumes of macaw feathers
>adorned with plates of gold and silver
>borne by EIGHTY CHIEFS in rich blue livery

Imagine seeing an palanquin with EIGHTY bearers
Imagine the sight of that thing coming down as it's bearers were killed, wow
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It's beyond over now.
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>Airbus has pressurization issue
I sleep

>Boeing has pressurization issue
Ban this plane NOW
Fucking hell you fucking retard 5000 ft/min is a perfectly normal descent rate, it didn't fucking "drop", the pilots intentionally descended because of a pressurization issue, and this happens on all pressurized aircraft
I ain't going if it's Boeing.

Stop being a Boeing shill.
At flight idle with max spoilers and barber pole minus 20 knots i could outrate that on every jet I've ever flown. It isn't a headline quite frankly.

Finally something practical from Crust bikes

20" wheels, breakaway frame, touring geom
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didn't david hon do this like 15 years ago with the smoothhound? oh wait that wasn't a mediocre white guy so this has never been done before
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This is a breakaway not a folder
Seems pointless regardless since you can fit a full size bike inside a case
20" wheels are stronger and accelerate fast, one minor plus.

But also if you're traveling on planes and trains, and staying in small hotels, a 20" wheel is an awesome option.

Also extremely common tire size I think. I love my 20" folder
Nevermind pedal-strikes, that thing looks like it'd strike the derailleur in a tight turn.
i want something like this but a lil more bmx
like a basic single speed just a rear brake a low frame and a looong seat post like folding bikes have with a quick release seat clamp
with bmx handlebars ofc
idk how i build this contraption but from my research a bmx wont work
modern mtbs derailliers hang even closer to the ground than that lol
ground clearence would be fine if it werent for the 1x memes

Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
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Not gonna be doing the holocaust on 4 wheels on this baby :)
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that's a fat, little, freeloader that likes to go underneath me while I'm squat down putting on the running boards to bite my thigh
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only complaint so far is that when on the kick-stand the front wheel wants to pivot to one side. When it does that the light is the first thing that comes in contact with the frame before it stops. The light is attached with a cheap plastic bracket and it immediately snapped off.
Anyone here commute during winter with heavy snow? I'm wondering how well the batteries live during the winter. I don't mind charging often but I'm more curious if they can handle something like -30c without breaking.
4channers hate everything and are pessimistic about everything because they hate life.

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Yep, file this under “based”.
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You have to buy and maintain the truck as well, but then again you'd need to anyway. Meaning it would be cheaper if you could stop having a car completely, but ofc in burgerland that's almost unthinkable.
I don't have a car so taking the train does actually save me money.
In the mixed level train, single level cars can have accessibility whilst the bi-levels can be there to strengthen capacity. For ADA, just have a section of 2-3 single level cars with toilet access and catering, and ensure that all passengers with those requirements get assigned to those cars.

It has the possibility of expanding transit usage, something that will only benefit Amtrak. In addition, Siemens also make a bi-level for the EU. I can't imagine it would be very difficult to adapt for the US.
>You can be drunk or sleep on the train. That's the argument.
People also have to share a ride with nasty people like you on a train. No wonder cars are overwhelmingly more popular worldwide.
The great thing about trains is not having to deal with car traffic or sharing the road with looneys who can’t drive.
Borealis is only $41 each way, pic related for St Paul Union Depot to Chicago Union Station; both of these stations are in the respective downtown areas. If you're getting $100 per trip you're looking at the Empire Builder runs. Those are more expensive since that route goes all the way to Seattle. There are a few expenses that Borealis saves, and is able to pass to consumers.
>No more compensating for train delays
>No overnights for their drivers or crew (just one long as fuck day to go back and forth), saving per diem expenses
>Limited maintenance/fuel stops, since it's just a single day's supplies
So round trip you may be spending around $100, less if you shop around, more if you reserve during peak hours. You also have access to a fairly nice dining car and, of course, the option to have a beverage of your choosing. The Mississippi River Valley in the Driftless Area, which is where the tracks run, is also one of the most beautiful areas of the Midwest, so you can sit back and enjoy the view instead of stressing about driving.

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What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?

At a surface level it is obviously meant to (proverbially) throw other cyclists under the bus, but to what end? Would it somehow appease the anti-bike people if the person "blocking traffic" didn't agree to be referred to by the word "cyclist"?
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Actually it is often used in reverse. People will say, "that's not a cyclist its a guy on a bike" to separate the brain dead tools that blow stop signs, ride on sidewalks, ride against traffic, etc from people that can coexist peacefully with traffic. Many people that ride bikes really aren't cyclists, they are pedestrians with wheels.

The entire distinction is pointless anyway. Non-riders (and self hating cyclists who, "drive their bike to the park and only ride on the paths") will always lump anyone on a bike together. The transgressions of everyone from children, teens, the homeless, clueless casuals, hooligans, lycratards will be attributed to cyclists as a whole.
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>$5000 bike
>$5000 bike made of obsolete parts
To separate themselves from those Critical Mass lycratards.
critical mass is really about cycling for fun, utility, and commuting. not really for the lycracucks.
nobody who does critical mass can afford bibs

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Is NJB moving to Japan?
I hope so! I'm so fed up with all the shills promoting The Netherlands

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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
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wow that train looks pretty cool
would hang on my wall/10
I don't like graffiti, especially not on rolling stock. On walls and stationary surfaces it's not that bad if it's actual art, but 99% of it is tag shit that's just ugly and annoying to look at.
I absolutely love train graffiti. One of my best memories travelling when I was younger was being 10 years old in Budapest and seeing the most vivid, colorful graffiti on one of the subways and it just blew my mind. Ever since then I've had a real appreciation for graffiti
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Should the Port Authority consider the development of a railway/subway line from New Jersey to Staten Island?
Everyone knows that Staten Island is the bumhole of NYC transit, having one heavy rail line that runs worse headways during off-peak than any 24h Subway line during the night. That even includes the Rockaway Park shuttle whose five stops are among the nine least used on the entire network according to 2014-2019 figures.
Now every half assed transit enthusiast knows that Staten Island once had a line going from St. George along the north coast of the borough. The continuation of that line is now a cargo rail line into New Jersey. This provides two opportunities
>A rail line along the existing right of way to Elizabeth and Newark, providing direct rail service to Newark Airport and potentially midtown Manhattan
>A subway (PATH) or light rail (in collaboration with NJ Transit) line that crosses the state border over the Kill van Kull and then uses the existing right of way at Port Richmond
All three options will need at least a 3 mile long tunnel to reconnect St. George with the elevated section at Port Richmond. The rail line option would need a connector to the Northeast Corridor line at Elizabeth Port, while both the subway and light rail options would need a bridge or tunnel to cross the river. And of course the Subway would need a major extension project across Hudson County.
How realistic would such a project be, and do you think it would be reasonable or maybe even needed? Also I am not an American so I don't have expert knowledge on all the different parties required to make such a project happen so feedback would be welcome in that regard.
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Based im trying to live on coruscant
Put Pike county, PA on here, fuck it, grab from 4 states

>doesn't know about sea cliff

friend please
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I fucking hate NJ, but you can bet your limp 2 inch cock I will fight tooth and nail to not have to live in new york

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Winter is coming, or rather, it's here.

What now?
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Kennt man so anscheinend anderswo einfach nicht.
>„Während Menschen außerhalb Deutschlands über die Verspätungen entsetzt sind, kennen diejenigen, die im Land leben, die Probleme der DB nur zu gut.
>Züge sind verspätet. Züge kommen nicht an. Anschlüsse werden verpasst und die Menschen sitzen fest. Setzen Sie sich in einen DB-Wagen, wenn eine
>Verspätung angekündigt wird, und achten Sie auf die Blicke, die die Deutschen austauschen, und darauf, wie sie mit den Augen rollen; es ist zu einer Pointe geworden.“

Wat nu?
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lol, why isn't this a thing anymore? they even served alcohol in the McDonalds restaurant car.
>2025 werden die 49 Euro nicht zu halten sein.
Today was the last day of the SBB panorama coach in Germany in regular use. You will be missed. The EuroCity 8/9 is coming back after the Riedbahn closure for one last year, but without the panoramic car.
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Found a video of former DB type Bpmz IC coaches in service for Bulgarian state railway BDZ. They were purchased just a few months ago if I remember correctly.


It was tested in Germany during the early 90s as well with two dining cars and called "McTrain", but stopped after a year since demand was too low to make it worthwile. Nowadays it's not really a viable concept anymore, because every bigger city with an IC or highspeed train stop will likely have at least one fastfood restaurant available for travellers.

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this shit is why no one is taking public transit. despite the subways being so fucking dangerous the national guard needed to be called in and criminals force feeding people human shit before being released on cashless bail, NYC is adding gun scanners to subways to make sure you can't exercise your constitutionally protected right to carry a gun in public, both on the subway and at your destination
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Nyc is such a shithole lmao
why do they blame guns? they know what the real problem is.
because guns obviously act on their own
[spoiler]because they want people to be victims and they want to protect the criminals [/spoiler]
another CTA Purple line W

it's not just the us systems, any older system without full height psds and good ventilation will have this problem. paris is notably bad as well. rubber tyres are even worse.
not shocking with how shitty the subway smells even if you ignore the bo and homeless piss and shit

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Navigate it.

Note: it didn't have any stop signs until 2008 after too many fatalities caused them to decrease the efficiency of traffic flow.
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Why this kind of intersections are common in Eastern Europe?
This was an intersection in my city (except even worse somehow) before it got massively reworked. Yeah it had stop signs on each street but there were like 8 two-way streets converging still in a fucked up nexus of pavement chaos. Not sure I ever biked through the original design. The current design directs you to ride on the sidewalk and use the crosswalks, pretty easy and the drivers act just about graciously enough.
kek is this east longmeadow?
It’s not even that bad although I admit the signage they added does help if you’re not familiar with the area.
See also: Kelley Square. But I haven’t been back to MA in years, I hear they fixed that one.
This might be because most Iron Curtain cities were built with war and defense in mind, that's why they usually have unnecessarily wide streets and other quirks.

Building a fortification on a flat intersection without a roundabout with a statue or a bunch of trees in the middle would be much easier.
They were used more often as squares rather than roads because of how few people owned cars.

You can set up a yearly parade or selebration in the name of some random mass murderer every other week easier with those.

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