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I am looking for a youtube channel of a guy or group of guys putting heavy mileage on ebikes.
Maybe food deleivery ?

What I am looking to learn is about how well these hold up under heavy use and what mainanace issues there might be long term.

I live out in the boonies and need to commute 22 miles each way every day so the miles are really going to add up
EbikeSchool and Electrek, both channels with Micah Toll, are good spots to begin. In general, hub motors will need to be checked for gear tooth wear and kept lubed, mid-drive motors will require more chain/cassette maintenance and swapping due to wear. Some kind of tire liners/flat protection is helpful, too, I use Mr. Tuffy liners for my cargo bike, if you live in a place with lots of broken glass/goathead stickers, Tannus armour inserts might be necessary.
Thanks anon, that is the sort of thing I am after
Nice pic. I've saved it to use as my phone wp.

From old to new, big to small, I have almost never heard of;
>Planned Obsolescence
>Vendor Lockout
>Poorly Speced Components
> Quality Control Problems
>Price Gouging
>Lack of Parts Availability(Even on equipment from the 70s)
>Dealerships being so much as impolite to customers (even if they are only buying one part for a 50 year old machine)

Comparing similarly sized machines with skid steers, its night and day.

In the general world of heavy equipment, everything is whittled down into something that just barely lasts through the warranty period, except for some reason forklifts. Why can I buy a forklift that is so damn well thought out, reasonably priced and dependable, but not a skid steer, dozer, washing machine, car or truck?
Forklifts don't and can't have any safe failure modes.
Forklifts come with service plans that are factored into the cost of buying a fleet of them, right alongside liability contracts for avoiding downtime. And and in order to keep that cost down, they need to be dead simple and reliable. Not just because the repair and maintenance needs to be cheap, but because if downed equipment impacts a customers profits, the company selling the lifts will be sued into the ground shortly after, and subsequently have their reputation tanked.

I work for DHL, we buy Crown forklifts. They’re simple machines, propane 4 cylinders at their core which require little maintenance and can be abused horrendously without batting an eye.
If they had say, some flawed component that caused 3/4 of the fleet to fail one day, that would cut our ability to move freight so heavily that it may shut down a customer.
And in that scenario time becomes money very fast, like $10,000 a minute fast on the low end.
If that shutdown is deemed to have been the fault of the equipment provider? They will pass that bill down until it’s Crowns problem.

So crown brings us solid equipment, because they can’t afford to do any nonsense since the outcome for product failure isn’t like how the automotive industry handles it. If the Corolla sucks for some reason one year, big deal, there’s some recalls and people don’t like the Corolla name for a while.
If a certain range of forklifts causes a loss of time, no customer will ever buy those forklifts, and they will avoid your entire company, and encourage others to not buy your forklifts.
They are inherently valuable, unlike a consumer automobile (worst "investment" everyone in common life makes).

And the eternal pressure of other business men not buying a liability of a dog piece of equipment, unlike the eternal sucker or the citizen consumer...
But to be fair, forklifts are hothouse darlings of hyper primitive suite of simple machines in a supremely prepared use area. I worked in material handling corp, and they had a onsite museum as they sold forklifts. Shop too. I used to have to drive by hundred of these things off trucks. And every other kind of lift/electric floor jacks too. Loved that job but it was a career dead end.

It's beyond over now.
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>Who's asking
We aren't asking, Jim.
And now a tire explosion that killed American workers. It's so over for Boeing.
>MiniShuttle and Satellites that are being used to coordinate the control over larger planes with the automated uninterrupted flight control features that were installed after 9/11
pls elaborate
Replacing the upper management from engineers to mba grads
25 000 / 5 = 5000 feet per minute
That's a perfectly controlled descent not a "plummet"

What is /n/'s opinion on these? Fun on- and off-road transport, or rolling deathtraps?
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Fuck onewheels those things are cancer. Do EUCs run in the rain or do they suffer the same achilles heel as eskates?
>Do EUCs run in the rain
Now some EUCs have official IP rating from the factory: V11, V12, V13, Veteran products. They would bear through splashes. But if you want regulary ride through rain you need custom waterproof work (generally glueing hatches and covering every connector with compounds as much as possible).
>eskate is more fun. I dont think EUCs carve
dude, it's one fucking wheel, of course it carves dumbass
considering it takes more skill to ride an EUC,
>Do EUCs run in the rain
pretty much every modern one from begode, leaperkim, or inmotion will survive a bit of rain or mud
manufacturers have really stepped up their game lately with battery safety measures, redundancy, and build quality, my begode extreme is built like a brick shithouse
>considering it takes more skill to ride an EUC,
sorry i got distracted mid type and just hit post
considering it takes more skill to ride an EUC, and they have bigger wheels with more suspension travel to go over obstacles, an EUC is going to be way more fun than a board
If the came with brackets to be independent hub motors, there is a nice standardization motive. As they are, death machines. They could be legally capped for walking/running speeds to be what the Segway should have with less overhype, but it's like saying normies have the athleticism for stakeboarding or similar....

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I took miku flying with me the other day :D
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Sorry mate, we're military
ew...glowie, confirmed!
Tranny Delusions
your incorrectly oriented image caused me unfathomable rage.
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>pic related, your dumb ass
Also, stop being white

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Pretty asian girls sweating edition

Peak Torque on Youtube

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How hard is wheel truing? I will replace a spoke on my rear wheel soon and thought I could try to true the wheel too.
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thanks for input. I'm thinking about going steel for loaded touring and I wanted to see what frame others around my height ride.

This is what I currently have (size M, -6 80mm stem). I get sharp pain inbetween my shoulder blades/traps/rhomboid/neck area quite rapidly when riding on the hoods. I ride most of the time on the drops. Honestly I can't tell if I'm too cramped due to high stack and short stem, or I'm just too long. The whole bike just feels wrong. This is my first bike ever and I've ridden it for a year.

I have a couple stems here, 70mm and a 90mm -35deg but I'm hesitant to try them on. I can still return them and they're 30-50€ a pop.
Is there a single decent site where I can sort various bikes in particular categories by weight?
Just watch some videos and read sheldon browns website. Oh, and make sure it's the right size spoke nipple tool. Do not go ham with the wrong tool.
> I get sharp pain inbetween my shoulder blades/traps/rhomboid/neck area quite rapidly when riding on the hoods. I ride most of the time on the drops. Honestly I can't tell if I'm too cramped due to high stack and short stem, or I'm just too long. The whole bike just feels wrong.
Too cramped. Especially since you ride most of the time in the drops. I think just lowering the stem would be enough. If you have some spacers to flip above the stem I would slam your current stem so it's in the lowest setting. Ride for a week, then see if you adjust to a better position or not. If you are too long you will ride on the "tops" or "ramps" more often since that part of the bar is closer to you then the hoods or the much further drops.
To me your bike's specs seem to have a long top tube, and the head tube is reasonable to a vintage bike, but on those you have deeper drops and longer reach bars. I prefer to ride with more reach and less drop, but people are different and I adapted to this as a teenager so it's "normal" to me.

Is an interesting video on this issue. I have ridden a bike with too low of a handlebar and I did roll my shoulders forward+extend my fingers. Haven't done too high since I just bend my arms more on bikes with taller headtubes/stack.

Just try stuff and make decent changes at first, then when you know what direction is feeling better reduce that till you end up where you want to go. If you had a local used bike store/community shop those places have cheap stems and parts to swap out for this type of stuff. I would only buy new if you knew the bar setup would be perfect.
Don't forget the batteries. They were selling more environmentally friendly ones, but I doubt all considered beat good nickel metal hydride.
Used to be able to buy direct from Rayovac there, but I can't find it.

Where are all the kits?
>fixes the inherent instability
>reblances inherent load distribution
>instantly makes biking more accessible to disabled people
>maintains ride height unlike recumbents
>saves shipping costs off-standard trikes that balloon costs
>keeping 60% of the bike standard and deconvertible

I have 4 pairs of identical junk bikes but no welding equipment, so ideally bolt on everything, and possibly maintaining original front fork that saddles into reversible bike trailer. Other rules are all same wheel size. Someone explain to me the instinct to go small or slightly smaller wheels. Just to carry different inner tubes? Sell more overpriced specialized equipment?
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Balance? When you vertigo have anything to do with IQ, you non@ing, coward. Talk about 3 fingers back....
Forgot to mention that fucking chain slack.
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meanwhile a pedal powered tadpole trike with sane design decisions, that you can buy right now
>basically a speedbump
Bump for thee only thread that matters on thak graveyard of a board....

what would happen if I took away all of those little rocks sitting under the rail tracks?
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Crash and burn.

Let's face it, the world's safest mass transit systems rely on stoners.
for who??
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plants would grow there (bad)

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t. 2022 Marin Alpine Trail E2
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>shit that easily catches fire because of lithium-ion batteries is based
top kek you're fucking retarded.
I don't hate people who ride E-mtb or anything but I can bitch for days about the bike itself

you're adding 20 lbs to the frame, 75% increase in weight, that's heavier than strapping a roadbike to your actual mtb.

This means you NEED the system to work for it's own weight. When battery die, how much fun are we having?

a 5lb motor is cool. 7 lb is ok. but 20 lbs and permanently changing the frame? no way. there has to be better ways.

Also, the pricing is fucking nuts. comparing the tag on that E-bike, you could get the elite components on the same model minus the pedal assist system, and it'd weigh like 30lb not 55. FFFFFUCK
I'd like something closer to an e-gravel bike. something that could do dirt, light trails, and also be more at home on the road.
I ride as much as I can manage to fit in after work while there's still light out, and my probable riding area is bisected by a large hill that makes rental-spec hatchbacks struggle to clear it without a head start. If a car can't do it, how could I expect to manage in my limited riding time without giving myself a heart attack?
maybe actual emtbs will lighten up enough that I would feel comfortable riding it with no assist until I wanted to hit one of the "oh fuck" hills
Do not buy this
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why not? rumor has it they may explode. is it true?

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What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
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NY penn is brand new
nta but 90% of the complex is still a cesspool, they just bolted on a nice part for photo ops
government debt is a meme, most if it is owned to itself, and the rest of the countries can't call on it, unless they want to loose access to USD
The airline deregulations meant the airline companies could control operations like fares, routes, and market entries, not the government. It has nothing to do with Boeing's self-destruction.
>that would get hefty checks from developers.
That's what matters most

How do you deal with heat when biking?

I planned for a long ride today but called it quits after 4 hours. I went through 5 gatorades and a couple of granola bars but still developed a strong headache and painful leg cramping. It was only 84F
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two fags bought a geophasic dome house in my area and painted it pink.
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good for them. my car is hot pink and it brings much joy to the community
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>New expensive bridge is being built over the Mighty Mississippi
>Only two lanes
What the fuck is wrong with the Midwest?
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Every time I see a map of STL I get irrationally angry that they didn't finish I-170 to I-55. There's a reason why the west suburbs are continuing to grow while the south is dying, and it's because it takes 2-3 time as long to get to places, so people don't want to live there.

>>2017519 There are plenty of other old money suburbs. River Forest is more old money and right next door to Oak Park. Winnetka as well in Chicago. And University/Shaker Heights in Cleveland.
>I'm not sure where those numbers are coming from.
26 minutes would seem to be the "everything flowing as it should" numbers.
45 looks more like the "normal congestion" numbers.
60+ would be "unusually bad" I guess, and I've no idea how usual that is. It's not my goddamn continent.
I mean where anon said "45 minutes to 1 hour"
And you showed a 45 minute time. If there's one stalled truck its an hour. Plus the arch is downtown and it can be slowed by congestion on the exits.

Its alright for a commute, thats why maryland Heights and Chesterfield iare nice
24-40 minutes in rush hour, and often Google Maps is quite accurate on times. 40 minutes is on the high end, so it's not like that every day.

It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
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>were they wearing bright clothing? and why weren't they in the bike lane? they deserved to die for not being in the bike lane

Back at ya, yankmutt. I work in auto repair and will gleefully key your car for a paycheck bonus.
Just bike on slow roads and sidewalks???
>inb4 noooo muh pedestraianinos
Yeah, go slow when they are around. Easy.
Did we learn anything today? Obviously not because evil people are still pushing bike lanes.
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>initially super cheap compared to taxis
>taxis have to raise fares to remain profitable after losing business
>uber raises prices, now more expensive than taxis prior to uber’s existence (even when adjusted for inflation)
So the advantage that made them a better alternative to taxi cabs isn’t true anymore. This is VC money at work.
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Don't know about you, but with taxis, here, you can choose the road to take, every fee is regulated and known in advance, meters are sealed, never had any problem getting change, and you can pay with card/app anyway, and choose which car. Also, every taxi is literally an app-based taxi, as well (e.g.: taxi-link, izzymove).
>everything I don't like is incels
It's even funnier hearing that word from an indian
>choose the road to take
>every fee is regulated and known in advance, >meters are sealed
So many measures to prevent cabbies from ripping off their customers and yet it only mimics a fraction of the convenience of a price set in advance.

You cannot even reimburse regular taxi expenses at my employer without attaching a screenshot of Bolt/Uber for Business stating that they don't operate there or that it's more than 20 minutes of waiting time.
>Fixed fare = rip off
>Arbitrarily floating fees = totes no rip off
>My employer
Zero fucks given
it does tho

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Vandalism 100% but still a form of art. I could sit here all day and argue that trains are vandalism and an afront to nature in the same sense, but they're a art form of the pinnacle of human ingenuity
"vandalism " means destruction, but graf is just visual, nothing is destroyed. and technically it's preservative since a layer of paint protects the surface from the elements.
not sure there's any point in making a separate legal distinction, but from a technical perspective, graf is very much *not* vandalism.
I feel you on the industrial vehicles and factories being environmental vandalism but yeah I like machinery, too
If you egg someone's house it's still vandalism even though you didn't destroy anything.
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yeah, from a legal perspective so is graf because there's not any other legal classification to put it under.
but when the Vandals sacked Rome, they weren't throwing eggs or painting anything, they were physically destroying the infrastructure and statues and stuff. the word is supposed to mean destruction. it's just ironic to me that paint is actually protecting the surface *from* destruction by weathering. but yeah when you get hauled in for graf, your charge is vandalism, I'm not arguing that.

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