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Winter is coming, or rather, it's here.

What now?
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WESTbahn (under a new name SÜDbahn) has requested the austrian regulatory bodies for a schedule for 5 daily trains Wien-Graz-Villach in the years 2025/26.
Proposed rolling stock would be Stadler SMILEs (similar to SBB Girunos)
Quelle: DSO
I hated to beta test these trains as normal passenger. I was stuck in one for an hour once, that's why the Girunos aren't my favorite trains. they look like bad jokes at Milano Central next to the sleek Italian highspeed trains. SBB is actually using them between Frankfurt and Zürich now. but I'd rather take the ICE, even with the delays, the seats in ICE second class are more comfortable that the seats in first class of the SBB Giruno.
what's funny about the purchase is, that SÜDbahn only wants to keep them until the Semmering base tunnel will be opened, then they want to switch to Stadler KISS trains (yeah, they want to try out the CRRC copy sooner or later, but chinks still haven't managed to get it certified) and sell the Stadler SMILE.
Stuttgart says S21 will be ready in 2026 but this is a political lie. The construction will drag on until 2028 and open either later in the year or in 2029. It literally says it in the the Terminplanung.

your secret agent among them, don't report me please
Kennt man so anscheinend anderswo einfach nicht.
>„Während Menschen außerhalb Deutschlands über die Verspätungen entsetzt sind, kennen diejenigen, die im Land leben, die Probleme der DB nur zu gut.
>Züge sind verspätet. Züge kommen nicht an. Anschlüsse werden verpasst und die Menschen sitzen fest. Setzen Sie sich in einen DB-Wagen, wenn eine
>Verspätung angekündigt wird, und achten Sie auf die Blicke, die die Deutschen austauschen, und darauf, wie sie mit den Augen rollen; es ist zu einer Pointe geworden.“

Wat nu?
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lol, why isn't this a thing anymore? they even served alcohol in the McDonalds restaurant car.

How do you see the value of scooter/mopeds? Are they still a good budget mode of transport or have they been overtaken by e-bikes?
I never see them discussed on here and I'm curious what the conse/n/sus is.
I think the negatives are that
>scooters require registration and licensing that makes them more expensive overall
>not as portable as a bike
>still run off petrol and not electricity
On the other hand, they
>have better range
>are more comfortable
>a pillion passenger is far more feasible
>can be parked on the street without much fear of getting stolen
Also they have a very developed secondhand market which I don't think e-bikes have and probably get a lot more mileage on average than the average e-bike.
A secondhand scooter is probably priced similarly to a new high-level e-bike, albeit with higher maintenance costs going into the future, but will still probably get higher mileage in the end.
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Motoring is a signifier of a disease that starts in the mind and spreads to the body. Its a downwards spiral of weakness of the body and mind from there.
Scooters and e-bikes, like all forms of motorized transport, violate human dignity. A self respecting human that is not an actual cripple should refuse using those.
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in western europe scooters are almost exclusively associated with bottom of the barrel inbred north african trash, and even the natives that ride scooters tend to be lower class dysgenic garbage. i'm so disgusted with those people that i categorically refuse to ever ride one.
>still run off petrol and not electricity
What ? There is plenty electric scooters in EU going from 50cc to 125 and even some 250cc like picrel, they use the old classification to give you an idea of the power but they are full electric.
Bersonally I don't find either very useful since parking is no issue and I have to have a car anyhow because ruralfag.
But the way I see it, e-bikes have less stigma than mopeds that are seen as mini-motorcycles and even need registration and licensing in many parts of the world.
>better range
care to explain, how scooters had
>better range
compared to bicycles ?

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LA metro now actually enforces fares. For a while they didn't since it's racist or whatever and I got caught. Was only let off with a warning though.
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I encountered fare enforcement when I was visiting London last month on the Overground, was using a contactless card and had genuinely tagged in but it wasn't reading on the guy's scanner. He let me off with a warning though, so it was ok.
>Someone in the police union must want something out of someone in power.
That or someone realized they went away too far on the progressive politics and the 1970s are back in the worst way. The people who actually work for a living are leaving NYC in droves and they aren't coming back; the denizens of the city are increasingly bums and illegals, neither of whom get taxed.
This back and forth has been going on since there was an NYPD. They do some outlandish act of violent public sadism, there's backlash, someone in politics tries to be a hero, the cops all stop doing their jobs for a couple of years, the public cries to them about crime, they revert back to their usual "crime fighting" (which barely differs from what the italian mafia did in the old days, which is unsurprising because it's the same people operating by the same rules). And every time the "anti crime" (aka pro corruption in civil service) people say it's going to be like escape from new york or something.

Given a choice between people pissing all over the floor of every subway car, and violent long island thugs gang raping teenagers in the back of a squad car, I guess I'll take the gang rapes but let's not act like this is some victory over crime, it's just moving the pieces around.
What certain group?
nta but it used to be at "certain precincts" they would actually go out and break all the metrocard machines and then wait for people from the neighborhood who were late for work to jump the turnstile, they were called "strike teams" and I assume they were disbanded which is why there's no fare enforcement at all now. the pig apologists will frame this as an either/or: you have to either tolerate shameless lawbreaking on the part of the pigs, or you have to have total anarchy in the streets, you can't possibly expect taxpayer funded services to behave professionally because that's "woke" or some shit

A thread to discuss bike touring - bikes, routes, gear, stories, etc.
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It was ripped like 6 inches. Legit thought I might die out there because no one picks up hitch hikers anymore and it was hot AF and I didn't have cell service. Didnt take any pics lol.

I'll be aiming for a 100 km a day, but yeah the aero penalty worries me. I've had smaller 2x 12.5 L panniers, and I know that headwinds were a bitch.

I'll be travelling mostly on gravel roads and between forests.
Do you have rear panniers already?
4x panniers sound like overkill with modern equipment. If you don't have a rear rack, why not?

I have posted this pic >>1998126 a few times and yes this was my multi-month set up. It served me really well and I managed to pick up a steady pace as I got fitter.

The front panniers were borrowed by a friend, and the back two were mine. I'm thinking of shifting those to the front and having a Carradice saddlebag instead. The tubus rack seems adequate to hold the weight, and on top of that, I don't have that much weight in those big panniers (sleeping gear, clothes, tent, all ultralight).
I don't like thunderstorms.

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>it's another "anon has nothing to do on a beautiful weekend so he goes on an aimless 20-25 mile bike ride for an hour or two just to be out of the house" episode
haha gee it was great biking past all the families, friends, people with children, eating at restaurants, walking the streets together, doing stuff at the park, and living their lives happily while i was complete self-congizant how im the autistic retard biking alone through town
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I would actually really enjoy that. Maybe get over yourself or take the pinkpill if you want to be a bitch
sensible chuckle
that's what I'm saying senpai, these guys could be racking 25hr weeks and crushing transiberica or pbp or california triple crown or whatever but instead they're sadpoasting on /n/
Cringe sour grapes cope
Wake up at 6am and ride. Get an off the books job for ca$h and double collect.
https://rusa.org/pages/new-member-guide here, put that effort toward a purpose

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3 speed
All you need
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What I never understood was why they didn't put clutches on derailleur systems. It would solve the one deficiency they have - the need to move while shifting.
It wasn't really that important until cassettes got ultra-ginormous, and it wasn't great for the feel of the shifters either. Also doesn't play nice with oval chainrings not that anyone actually uses them other than contrarian weirdos
a contrarian would be less likely to believe their purported benefits, dork
I have an oval chainring and you're wrong. I decline to elaborate.
my trike has a 3sp and its great for my area which is mostly flat. its my first igh and i love being able to shift while not moving

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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
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Looks like complete shit
trainkeks btfo lmao
I'll accept the 8000s only if they are in the same metal-and-brown color scheme as the old trains. Otherwise the entire system is dead to me.
WMATA is a great system (though my home system is the MBTA so maybe anything looks better by comparison...) but yeah the new trains aint it imo.
Not sure how Saudi's do it but I probably agree with you

City of Toronto has 2 new LRT lines set to enter service later this year or early 2025 (both extremely delayed and over budget) Orange and Grey line in the image.

Both lines have significant at grade sections. The orange line, Eglinton, is fully grade separated from the western terminus east to science centre Station. East of science centre the line runs at grade in the middle of the road and does not have signal priority.

The finch line, Grey line, is completely at grade with the terminus stations below grade. Also does not have signal priority.

Can lines operate successfully this way? I feel the Eglinton line's tunnel and grade separated section is completely compromised by the at grade eastern section. Without signal priority it's just another street car line.

I believe finch has signal priority on some intersection but only to keep it within a few minutes of a set schedule.
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Eglinton should have been a full subway from the start
>Don't most streets downtown have four lanes
The driving culture exists, we as motorists are happy to drive along side the streetcars but we're also happy to drive

Some routes limit motorist which perhaps is the right way about things however our driving city culture will never go away.maybe a driving fee like London does could be warranted
A car just got stuck on the eglinton lrt tracks and the darn thing hasn't even opened yet
These new lines should have been built completely underground or above-grade. Also the rolling stock should be the same subways. Why introduce new rolling stock with new yard which would not have interchangeable parts and require new training for maintenance?
So stoooopid.
The dumbest part is each line has its own model of rolling stock and it's own yard

Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
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don't be butthurt sweetie
IIRC Dc Capitol metro system still uses a WEDway peoplemover system
I have not heard this to be the case but would love to be proven wrong.

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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Sarcasm has never come across well over text.
>Music while bicycling
Listen to the fucking traffic so you don't get run over turning some poor fucker into a manslaughter suspect
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RIP Akira Toriyama

But I ride my bicycle in a car-free area?
Here's my umbrella music

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When you're mountain-biking...

Grieg,Edvard ~ "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

Savatage ~ "Hall Of The Mountain King"

Tell Me Why

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"Fred" edition


Previous thread: >>2002406
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this video tells me fuckall about cues and what sets it apart from other groupsets
Btw how do you carry it around while riding?
Trying to fix bike fit issues for my partner who has a bike but never rides it.
Is it safe to take a flat bar fitness style bike and put a riser stem on it to make the fit more upright?
It has a ~100ish mm minimal rise/flat stem and the seat is about level with the flat bar.
Should I go for a 45degree 90mm stem instead or will that scrunch it up too much and instead go for one of those stem risers?
I could maybe also change out the bars for something more relaxed and upright but I'm trying to do it on the cheap
Padded handlebar bag, or a small padded camera bag inside a handlebar bag but that's less convenient
Nice didn't know those were a thing. What about walking around, do you just use a camera bag?

Here we talk about the failure of one of Medellin's metro cable lines whereby a descending cable car fell along the cable and crashed into a car Infront of it causing it to fall from the cable.

The transportation authority is still investigating. What do you guys think happened? This is a relatively new system. The German company did an inspection earlier this year.
>a descending cable car fell along the cable and crashed into a car Infront of it
This sounds like the gripping mechanism which holds the cabin to the cable failed, though not entirely, so that cabin didn't fall but it lost grip and slid downwards. I remember some other cases where this has happened before, but I couldn't say when or where.
I don't understand how if this is a recurring issue there still hasn't been implemented some sort of fail-safe. It seems like a significant weak spot on these types of cable cars.
>I don't understand how if this is a recurring issue there still hasn't been implemented some sort of fail-safe.
The grip has to be applied and released every time it's put on the cable and taken off in a station. It's a moving part, usually spring-loaded, so it will need inspection and maintenance. If you start scrimping on both, eventually you get an incident, which is probably going to be the root cause of this accident.

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A cool thing imho would be Astro-Inertial Navigation System like the one on the SR-71, so that reliance on GPS/GNSS is basically eliminated (gps spoofing these days is everywhere) and avoids normal INS' accuracy decrease over time.

On the other hand a really comfy interior with wide seats, in terms of passenger experience
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Maybe find a way to make planes fully recyclable so that airlines will have less interest in longevity and innovation could happen more often than every 2 decades. Plus it also means we won’t need to dedicate hundreds acres to airplane graveyards.

Just do a lifting body at that point. The fuselage is like that because a pringles can with wings can fly for 40 years. Try to be creative instead of pandering to a bunch of shareholders who want to maximize what goes into their pockets and minimize the products cost to make.
>Maybe find a way to make planes fully recyclable

Aluminum already is fully recyclable just like soda cans and metal fatigue makes it so they have to be replaced after X amount of cycles. There's already early production 787s being sent to the boneyard because they ran out of flight cycles. The biggest concern will be during the transition to composites but even then just shred it...it's carbon fiber at the end
What book is this?
Some kind of deodorant so when I have an Indian sitting next to me and he takes his feet out of his shoes I can apply a deodorant spray to nullify the smell.
I'd love to see some avionics data on the in flight entertainment system

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am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
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If you feel that is bad, go on Marine Traffic and zoom out. There are.. an awful lot of ships.
i hate to say it, because i want to return to anprim, but every time i begin to think "oh i just realized we'll probably run through the world's fuel reserves by the time i get old" i find out that the US government has just found another century's worth of oil somewhere really remote
basically we're simultaneously being led to constantly fearmonger and becoming slaves to the endless reserves of fuel that keep getting more expensive
sure one day it will run out, but we'll be dead by then, and by that point nuclear energy might replace everything if the next generations are smart
>buht uranium will run out in like 60 years
breeder reactors can run for the next 4 billion years (4.3e+09 years) on just whats approximately on earth
billions must breed
Economics follow the process, not the other way around. It's not economically feasible right now because no effort's been put into it, so no infrastructure is being made to make it more logistically and economically convenient. Prototypes are always expensive and unwieldy, that's why they're prototypes and not the final product.
At this point schizo is nuspeak for heretic.
You could replace humans with robots and there will still be a large amount of airplanes, even more so now that there are no pilots

Are they predictably bad?
Do other users act like they aren't?
Are those users playing "drag race simulator" instead of hypermilling?
What speeds minimize the reds on your route?
Which cities have it the best?
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There is a city in BC Canada where if you drive exactly the speed limit you won't hit a red light driving through the whole city. It's called "ride the wave" program. It mostly works. I did hit a red light once.
Piedmont in Atlanta works like this. it's not due to anything other than it's a one-way street with like 7 lanes and infrequent lights so you can always go fast, unlike every other street. I don't know if the speed limit is the right speed but you can go from where it starts downtown at least to Ansley and possibly further by just coasting if there's a red in the distance and then gunning it through the greens without stopping. you only have to avoid the first red if you do it right
What technology is used to get nearby signals to communicate information with each other? Does it have to be wired or can it be wireless?
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Here they use all of the options.

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