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Australia can build nice modern metro stations, why can’t the US? New York’s city 2nd Ave Subway extension costed billions and the station built looked like shit, mid at best. Australia does the same yet builds great stations, all modern, functional with great station amenities and architecture. Metro trains are fully automated as well with platform screen doors on every station.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with mutts? This is not an Anglo-issue (London finishes Crossrail and Toronto is going big on transit expansions and major renovations), it appears only mutts are the outlier, why?
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1. This is literally Australia's only metro line, and it is brand new. It does not represent the country as a whole. A better comparison to the US would be the suburban train network of Sydney to SEPTA regional rail.
2. That doesn't look any better than SAS stations.
3. As this is a new metro line and system, automation and platform screen doors should be expected as standard. The newest US metro line is also automated with platform doors. SAS is an extension of a line from 1917, so it is bounded by constraints the Sydney Metro North West Line is not subject to.
4. Syndey metro is closer in scale to the JFK Airtrain than the Nyc Subway lol.
5. Can't speak to the politics of Australia, but the Nyc subway has numerous factors slowing it's expansion and modernization and ballooning its costs: corruption; state government, which is sometimes antagonistic toward the city, controlling a city service; contractors, sub contractors, sub sub contractors, sub sub sub contractors; unions; decades of deferred maintenance; hurricane damage and future risk of hurricanes; significant amounts of fare evasion, low fares compared to rest of world.
The former Soviet metros are beautiful
>Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with mutts?
NY is just especially egregious here, even for the US. They wanted massive stations with full mezzanines and extensive back-of-house space, but refused to use cut and cover to build them because they didnt want to inconvenience dr*vers. As a result it takes far longer to build the station in the first place and building entirely underground is far more difficult. Eventually they were at least convinced to move some of the back-of-house space aboveground to cut costs. There's other issues as well, but that's the biggest factor. Compare to LA Metro's new D line extension, the first segment is on schedule to open next year and cost about 720$ million per mile, which is pretty close to the cost you see for other high income countries. Never thought I'd say the words, but I'm actually pretty proud of how well LA is expanding its transit system.
Dude in Toronto our transit expansion is painfully slow and always delayed.

We have a line 4 years delayed and it's an LRT rather than full subway
DC is probably one of the best US metro systems, they've actually managed to continue system expansions, decades after initial construction something most other US metros seem to fail at.

That being said DC paid out the ass for it, they did at least get the job done.
Why are you crying goy?

Send more Dollarch to Chaim in Israel and Abracham in Ukraine ~

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3 speed
All you need
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Those dockless bikes are important, regardless of the hate they get. Report the bike as stolen to the company. Cities/average Joe needs to see the bike as viable.
yeah bitch it's got a s3c with a coaster brake in it now. 80s garbage. those alfines are nice. ever used one?
But alfine=/=nexus
What's the problem with nexus 7? Got one on my bike and it's been fine.
There aren't any

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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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>Dazed and confused shirt
>How can I fuck my shit up the fastest way possible.

My stance. Riding on a bike trail? No helmet.
Riding on a "bike lane" WITH CARS? Helmet.
>acts the same as he did before the accident
He would have been better off a vegetable, lest he waste even more medical resources on his dumbass.

I rode with no helmet for years, and suddenly I got a "fast bike" and that sentiment changed.

People close to me nag the shit out of me when I just want to go for a cruise without a helmet. I know my path to work / neighbourhood, so it seems unreasonable.

But conversely, I'd be worried if they didn't wear one.
other than looking like a fag (you already do, you are riding a bicycle) i can't really think of a reason not to wear one.
but seriously, does anyone look cool riding a bike? maybe the one guy on the cover of that real volume where he is riding on the seaside but that is not real life. mr romance looks kinda cool, but he smokes so maybe that just cancels out the fact that he's riding a bike.

It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
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this road sucks, it's extremely narrow and one way
just build more parking then
imagine seething so bad because you can't pass the driving test
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Jokes on you, I never attempted it
High altitude and shirtless. I hope he is wearing sunscreen, otherwise that looks like a recipe for a horrible day after

Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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Looks like a walmart bike, lmao
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youre moms a walmart bike
SE bikes are pretty much only operated by juvenile delinquents in those summertime "flash mobs" that ride around crashing into people and generally being obnoxious in groups too large for the police to try to do anything about. They're also almost all nonwhites too.

I'm not saying you shouldn't like them but it's kinda surreal seeing /n/ nut over this thing when you guys are hostile to anything counterculture-ish, unabashedly racist, and generally not in favor of anything that isn't pushed by the mainstream instagram algorithm towards the 25-35 year old white male incel demographic
It's like your first day on this place
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what on earth are you going on about

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I’m a pilot doing aerial work and approaching 1000 hours and I’m about to apply to a company, I have all my licenses and rating’s however since I graduated, I’ve only been flying VFR since there’s no ifr operations (even if I consider myself to be very good, If not better in IFR) but still tho, it’s been a year. Anyway, I feel like my knowledge in aviation has gone so low, like I feel like idk what I am doing but when I open the aviation books, I instantly know the answer. Like do you get it? If someone or an exam asks me, I’ll know the answer but otherwise I’ll be lost. Also are there any airline pilots that can tell me if the airlines train you well in terms of their operations and their IFR procedures and is it normal that 70% of the stuff I’ve studied in aviation, it doesn’t apply in real life. (For example I used to know the entire FAR AND CAR AIM by heart, now I know like 30-60% )
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I'm in the same boat but takeoffs and landings are the only part in ok with. The rest of the time I'm paranoid about turbulence. Used to fly all the time with no issues, it's a new development since flying with my kids. I'm going to get a valium prescription for my next long haul flight.
Thanks Ill try it.

I'm convinced alot of it has to do with having things you feel very responsible for the future.
I have Private and IFR Ratings in Heli and I am halfway through my helicopter commercial rating and yet I still feel like I don't know anything lol.
Don’t worry anon, it’s kind of normal to feel like that at times, passing the assessment to get in an airline it’s gonna shake up things already since you pretty much have to superficially study the fcom of the particular aircraft that they fly plus getting the feel for it in a sim to not fuck up in the simulator part of the assessment (I recommend at least 4 hours of training before showing up to the evaluation).
After that it’s like going to flight school all over again, they will expect you to know how to fly ifr and be capable of communicating and all that but you’ll be bombarded with new information, e learning, procedures, tech, regulations and dealing with hr for the documents and everything else, letting alone the fact that you have to learn how to fly with another guy that may or may not be an asshole.
After that line training as well is gonna feel like day 1 of flight school, you’ll feel retarded at times but it’s all right you will get things with experience.
I can tell you, it’s gonna be a real pain in the ass at first but you’ll enjoy it once you get in the flow of things.

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Let's see those handlebar set ups, what gadgets and gizmos are you running and why?
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>physical buttons
love it. touch screens are cancer
it's easier to look back one handed. It naturally causes you to turn a little so you have to learn to counter steer and pedal to go straight.
J. C. BAM!ford
nice bomb

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Confess your sins, /n/.
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I wear the same bibs for like a week
>/o/ used to be my main board lol
i feel you breh
I still have quite a few but I'll probably sell most of them this summer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd7q-um6nHw no sweat

cry more

I don't know about shitty aluminum, but good aluminum is pretty nice, and late 90s/early 2000s CAADs and aluminum Treks are $300-$400 all day near me. Really, older shit isn't much cheaper because muh vintage or whatever. But it's heavier, has fewer gears and usually a tighter range, flexier, and I personally like brifters a hell of a lot better than downtube shifters. If you're happy with what you got, though, keep on rockin.


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I think hitler did a big no-no
I am considering buying a car. Been driving the same car for 17 years and need to make an upgrade because I moved back to my car-dependent hometown last year.
What does the acronym EMU represent?

Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
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It's the Bay, basically every public surface is heavily coated in a thick layer of feces and hepatitis.
Imagine how many people visit the ER due to being lacerated by drug pipes stashed in the cushions each year
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i ride bart every day almost, and i dont understad why the new trains have seat cushions.it should be hard plastic seats.

Grew up on 90s MTBs in the 00s, fell for the fixie meme around high school and college '10s, and now that I have $$$ I really don't care for peak performance Road nor MTB. I just want to cruise around the same dirt roads and trails around me in no rush. I had a gravel bike, it was okay. I saw what you guys meant by being under biked.

Money sorta isn't an issue and for the first time ever I can afford high end shit, but instead of listing after the latest full suspension trail bike or high end proper gravel bike, I just want some old school and as simple as possible.... but capable of mild trails and dirt roads.
I had some trek with 35mm tires. A Giant Fathom 29er.... KHS Zaca... Cannondale F400 I just get bored and want something different, not necessarily/better/

None of my friends care to ride. I don't like group rides. I Don't like riding on the street.

What should I get?

It has to be all black and I'll put on a Brooks saddle.
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Rigid 29er is the correct answer, the only more correct answer is a klunker
Hardtails are lame and this anon is gay
Adult BMX is based tho
Brakeless fixed gear is about as simple as it gets.
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The simplest way to a grave, sure.
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>>1994274 yes hello

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This is peak metro layout. Complex grid.
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I wonder if annoying zoomies in mexico sperg about barcelona as annoyingly as zoomies in gringolistan sperg about aaamsterdaaaaaaaam
>guey check out this picture of el autobus de barcelona we have to abolish el ayuntamiento and give the slim family unchecked control sobre todo and have los carteles asasinar everyone over 30 or the haciendas won't trickle down!!!
>it has been 2024 years since the birth of jesus christ
>barcelona still hasn't connected their two separate tram networks
this is why calatuña does not deserve independence
shut up

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what if they made a second through-running regional rail system interlined with the current one for cross-suburban transit
>Exton to west chester
>when the tracks to the NEC still exist
Kind of dumb, and your Somerton line goes to the ass-end of nowhere.
Everybody transferring either Norristown or Lansdale isn't great, but it makes sense given regional geography and existing connections.
Why not take Pottstown all the way to Reading? It's not much further.
>>Schwenksville / Rahns to Airport LOCAL, making all stops
>Philadelphia Expo Center
>Valley Forge
>Port Kennedy (flag stop)

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>>when the tracks to the NEC still exist
It's based around the Trenton Cut-off ROW, which has been the subject of a proposed Cross-County line in the past. I just expanded off that. Sending the cross-suburban line through 30th Street just kinda defeats the purpose, so the new ROW on the 202 was drawn.
>Kind of dumb, and your Somerton line goes to the ass-end of nowhere.
Neshaminy Falls and Langhorne which were the end of 15 minute frequent service in the original through-running SEPTA RR plan.
>Why not take Pottstown all the way to Reading?
Only included counties where SEPTA service exists currently.
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No thanks commie faggot, I don't fuck with (((mandatory purchase of auto insurance))) and (((registering your vehicle.))) I carry a gun with me wherever I go.
>pic related, your stupid trailer trash ass
Oh, and:

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How do these large cargo backpacks compare with a bicycle trailer? I need to haul 100kg of cargo on a bicycle
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don't threaten me with a good time
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Back pain time?
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imagine being so weak you can't even carry 100kg on your back. can you even imagine it?

Saw this steaming by while hiking in the Marin Headlands on January 8th.

Strange ship. Seems like it’s a few decades out of place given how small it is and how old it looks. Like the kind you would’ve seen in the 70s.
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If the cable physically breaks, the ships will literally fish for one or both ends of it with a grappling hook then resplice them to each other or a new length of cable.

If there's an internal fault, they will also grapple for it, fix it once on deck, and repair the multiple cover layers. Or, they can lower down a robot to work on it.

Neal Stephenson wrote a great nonfiction story about ocean cables in the 90s, https://www.wired.com/1996/12/ffglass/

There are a bunch of books about the original trans-Atlantic cable. They used the Great Eastern to hold the cable, and just like today, the cable broke multiple times and they had to fish for it and splice it back together.
Found a better view of the ROV. It's used aboard the same class of ships as OP's pic.
at some point does it just make more sense to not perform regular maintenance or is this just a bad owner
>no masts
>doesn't have 3 masts

Nice boat.

Next you'll be complaining that it's not made of wood

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Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
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Well that's it for the photos. Unfortunately I only had time to stay on the ship for one full day due to late arrival/early departure but I think I made the most of it.

It's been a fun 10 months. If anyone else has been to the Queen Mary or just wants to post about ocean liners in general, feel free to do so, otherwise I'll just let this thread die.
very cool

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Thanks :3

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