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post monstrosities
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>have boring looking all black bike
>decide to live it up with some accent colored parts
Just your average homesick jangpuri MIT student towing buffalo wings for tuition
That dude is a giant! That's like a 64cm frame
thats what I was thinking, or maybe its just a very narrow frame
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Comfy Winter Edition

Old Thread: >>1938049
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>JR West reopens some of the San'in line section damaged by torrential rainfall and landslides last year
>specifically Nagato - Hitomaru and Takibe - Kogushi
>Hitomaru - Takibe still needs more repairs, to be completed by the end of 2025
Onoppunai and Minami-Horonobe stations to be closed with next year's timetable revision:
Passing loops to be removed at Bakkai and Saku stations September 24th.
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The Soya line is inching closer and closer to becoming limited express only past either Nayoro or Bifuka.
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Updated because I found this list of stations that JR Hokkaido supposedly wants to close
Don't know if it has been officially confirmed, but it seems to track so far. It does point to local trains only going up to Bifuka and the remainder being either Limited Express only(and making them stop at Yuchi) or at best only having a commuter local train between Wakkanai and Toyotomi/Horonobe.
Mayor of Hirosaki announced that Kounan Railway's Owani line will not be closed despite only having 400 transportation density, because there is a shortage of both bus drivers(nationwide) and taxi drivers(Hirosaki speciffically), making providing sufficient public transport coverage impossible.

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These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
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the thrust you'd get would be negligible compared to just the speed gained by pointing your glider downward
thats why it took so long for the plane to be invented, and by extension paragliders, because they have to have a shit ton of force while weighing nothing
planefag here, paragliders are based as hell
i wanna buy a cheap kit biplane with an open cockpit someday for light aerobatics
and i think wing walking is exceedingly based, theres a guy who gives lessons and lets you do it in the span of a single day
and its not that gay shit where you're strapped on top of the plane for the whole flight, you get out of the cockpit yourself and climb on the wings
I love hot air balloons because it's objectively the most hilariously retarded mode of transport.
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I'd take it with a grain of salt. They almost certainly just let the invasion happen as proven by massive shorting on the stock market just days before, so it's not that paragliders were somehow tactically advantageous and made a difference.

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Car dependency is a cancer that is killing civilization.
Delete /o/
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>everyone is FORCED into a car
In a perfect world, you may be right, but everyone also has to have housing and food, too. The issue is that if you're concerned about being "forced" to have a car because of financial reasons, the alternatives (living in an expensive city like Amsterdam or New York) are far, far more expensive.
Car infrastructure is transport related
See >>2004629
I dont even really mind cars. What i hate is all the ghetto monkeys who speed, break every fucking traffic rule, have loud exhuasts, and other shit like that. If those subhumans could follow traffic rules it wouldn't be so bad
Authoritarianism is based tho

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Team Ouch! edition

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Good lad. You're learning.
Care with the triflow though. The PTFE in that will make things slippy, also spraying gratuitous shit in places will build up dirt/gunk.
Also straight up, check your quick release skewers are correctly tightened and your wheels are seated properly. The cam should be at 90° when it loses play and begins to tighten fully.
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Hell the fuck yeah bro

Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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Yes op is a shill, but ultimately rims
are a disposable bike part.

Anon, all you need is zip ties
A spoke tension tool
And a spoke wrench

And you will also be able to repair your wheels whenever because the hippies at the bike shop work 10am-4pm Monday-thursday
Guy who rides downhill mountain bikes here.

Carbon rims are generally considered destroyed when there is a visible delamination/crack or you completely folded the thing in half and broke into several pieces still attached to their individual spokes on the landing. If it does look broken it probably isn't.
Road bike rims are definitely more fragile.

I also only run aluminum parts to avoid dealing with this issue, that and they are too expensive to buy new ones every other season, mostly the cost thing
Fuck I can't proofread

>If it doesn't look broken it probably isn't

Especially if it didn't hit hard enough to cut through your tire
I don't need to repair my wheels often enough that the mechanic's hours are a determining factor in what kinds of hoarder clutter I crowd my apartment with. I get it, that stuff doesn't take up much space, but it's like muh grams. If you apply that attitude to everything pretty soon you're up to your neck in crap you use once every 36 months at best.

What's a "season"?
>A spoke tension tool
shop mechanics don't use those for wheel trues...
More for wheel building, maybe you'd use it to do a really comprehensive job on a really fucked old wheel, but no customer with that job is wanting to pay for that.
If you're going to use a spoke wrench then you're going to re tension every spoke and start truing from scratch. That massively blows out the amount of time it takes.

I wonder if the tensionfags i see here have ever trued a wheel before.

It's really only the spoke wrench and zip ties that you need. And oil.

that's not the reason lol. The reason is that if you're just looking after one or two decent bikes you're not going to get enough practice to do a good job. Wheel truing is a skill that takes practice.

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you don't need 920mm bars on your medium frame mountain bike that you take for a loop around town on saturdays if the weather's nice.
You look like batman flying in to save the day, absolutely ridiculous.
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cagers and race-ists seethe behind my 30" almost as wide as the bike lane bars as I slow my roll. I will upgrade to 31" bars when the time is right
Very based, but for me it's 40cm bullhorns.
I also have a bike with 40cm drops and that thing goes through the tightest of gaps but being tight all the time is rough on my aging body, so this bike is purposefully exxxtra wide
Bars should match shoulder width; I'm comfy about 720/740. Riding 740 rn.
Here's how I check it:
Straighten up your shoulders;
Put your arms downs naturally;
Lift your lower arms up naturally;
Check total hand to hand width, add an extra couple cm (because your hands won't rest right at the very end of the bar);
That's the natural way your arms flex and the bar width you should get.
I wish those people wouldn't also take their ridiculous bikes into trains.

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Why aren't they move prevalent in this day and age? They were supposed to be the future of rail transport, yet there are only 6 operational maglev lines - mostly in China and Japan.
>capable of high speed travel
>suited for long distances
>much less polluting than air travel
There could easily be a coast to coast maglev network in the US
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People here are talking about technology and are being retarded,
The more simple answer is that an expensive track plus hard to find unused land that doesn’t get snatched up by real estate speculators whose whole thing is to blow the price of property into the stratosphere, thus making any attempted infrastructure project get annihilated by the sheer price of land acquisition.
Like, half of the reason California hsr is so fucked is because they keep getting into debates with property owners who want to charge the state the value of their land based on their predictions of how the line will inflate the price.
France built much of its rail by literally seizing land for public good or underpaying it via the boot of the state. China does the same thing, and doesn’t bother to pay land owners what they want for the property.
The vast majority of existing rail in America was built privately by independently wealthy robber barons who hadn’t yet gotten ravaged by anti trust laws, and the trans continental lines were literally given that land for free provided they linked the coasts. The American state literally doesn’t have the legal infrastructure to use land at such a scale because America is a land of homesteaders and people who came explicitly for the prospect of owning land. If the state gets away with seizing land via the threat of violence on a large scale, (ignoring the many times it did that to the natives) the whole foundation of trust in American free markets will be shattered. Nobody wants to bite the bullet and do anything for the public good at the expense of the capitalists so nothing new gets built.
>Downside is the cost of the track.
>If only the track could be passive, and the train active.
The new chinese maglev has an active train and passive track, I think
>If the state gets away with seizing land via the threat of violence on a large scale
The state can, provided it collectively grows a pair. You can't build big infrastructure anywhere any time without pissing someone off, but you can decide how happy you are going to be with that happening.
>This integration is actually a problem
how will you move trains around the network? for maintenance, after they have been manufactured, to redistribute the load based on demand etc?

normal trains are great since you can ferry HSR trains on slow tracks when needed
>how will you move trains around the network? for maintenance, after they have been manufactured, to redistribute the load based on demand etc?
Those features are nice to have, but you can work around them. And this becomes less of an issue once the network grows.
You still need extra track since current rail is either congested or not suitable for HSR. Why not create something competitive with flight that can achieve 99.9% punctuality, instead of the 73% that the ICE has.

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Houston Infill Edition

Discuss transit planning, infrastructure improvements, streetscaping, and housing design in your city.
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I can't wait desu
my mistake then, maybe they were a scandinavian thing
still need the name
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Our current type of AI is just repeating what it gathered from the internet.
Exactly. Even Eisenhower had envisioned the highway system to be ring roads, and he was completely dismayed when he discovered cities building urban freeways. It was the opposite of his original vision.
The issue is that "ring roads" wouldn't be considered ring roads by current development standards. Even in most "downtown" areas, much of the city core was avoided. Because most of the development in cities was done post-1950, there's a lot of handwringing about how highways "cut through the city" when those areas were considered more "suburban" at one time.

Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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Does it count as collectible if it's literally a museum piece in a museum?
I been trying to get a hole of this guy for weeks now but he wont responde

Its literally one of the only delta v1000 that has even traded hands in years


He has no idea what he got
My fingers are itching even though its value is entirely in novelty. I'm just a sucker for gimmicks.
>Does it count as collectible if it's literally a museum piece in a museum?

not only does it count, it makes it the only collectible bike in this entire thread
that thing is minty

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Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
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>I still have not put down a single rail in the TS Classic editor.
it's jank as fuck (the only way to quit without saving is to ctrl+alt+del, for instancee) but fairly intuitive
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Try Minecraft Transit Railway, it's made by an autistic Hong Konger and is quite decent.
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I came across the Industries of the Caribbean mod and it got me interested in OpenTTD again. This is a total rework of the base game's economic model (you only make money on exports) that makes building out an expansive transport network difficult.
based TF2 enjoyer

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Is anyone aware of the pilot leaf? He’s my husband. I apologize for his behaviour. He’s been having a hard time transitioning from the a320 to a330 despite them being exactly the same according to him (I don’t know anything about aviation )
Please accept my condolences. It must be awful learning the heartbreaking truth about your husband's transitioning. No woman should have to put up with that sort of senselessness.
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>pilot leaf
herewe,,,just callthata driver.,with anew battery should be ok range. i hope you have asolar chargeing station!,
>husband's transitioning
hinduism has confused him,,,ratgods?,elephantgods? ,Wemengods?,snekgods?,ITSANIGHTMARE!!
,,, Please ASK GOD for guidence., READ A BIBLE>King James version.,nothe newsatanicrap!!,HE,,HIM,,HIS! bible.,
,Jesus, help OP,,,,and OP?showus yourTreats!,cinnimun bunns? or justa sandwich.

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It's crazy looking back how adult men used to be the default in pro cycling. Now it seems like it's all kids and you're over the hill at 19.
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Vingegoh isn't young he's 27
lance was 27 when he won

Nibali (le shark), 29
Vroom 28
Vroom 29
Vroom 30
Geraint Thomas 32
Bernal 22
Tadej 21
Tadej 22
Autismo fishboy 25
fishboy 26

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How much longer do you think it is before they convert the vegas loop to go hyper? I know they have been using Teslas to test it and are able to execute the loop faster and faster now. It seems like the Boring Company has to be pretty close to making it go hyper?
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Is it just a metro system for cars?
Why not just make an actual metro system at that point
ramming through junkies with a tesla as you travel is part of the experience.
The vegas loop?, No they're expanding it.
>I know they have been using Teslas to test it and are able to execute the loop faster and faster now.

It's amazing how if you wait long enough, you can sell people the same scam / magic beans from 100 years ago.

>May I present to you the all new Cir. 1861 -- Hyper Loop !!!
>tunnels are a scam, anon discovers the long-forgotten truth

Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

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>It's supposed to use the ex Amtrak HiLevel fleet that has been sitting in Fort Worth for god knows how many years now,

Not the Coast Starlight ones that were retired just a few years ago?

>some dude bought them surplus from Amtrak, retrofitted them to comply with modern standards and went "surely someone will pay to use these on their private passenger rail service in the United States!"

Honestly I would. But only if they give the trains a nice paint job.

We unironically need to RETVRN to tradition when it comes to paint schemes because everything since 1990 has been uninspired dogshit. It's gotten to the point where I unironically prefer Caltrain's aesthetic to Brightline.

>300-1000 sounds way expensive.

Sleeper class on the Coast Starlight between Los Angeles and Oakland (comparable distance to San Francisco, which is just across the Bay Bridge) is around $383 during periods of low demand so $300 would actually be a steal.
>A trip like this that leaves late and arrives early

Eh, I think their current proposed schedule (10PM-8:30AM) might be a bit too late. An 8 or 9PM departure would be better, would allow for dinner service and an earlier arrival (around 7AM) so people working 9-5 jobs could actually use it as an efficient means of commuting.

Also make the food actually good and not the dogshit Amtrak serves, that way it encourages repeat customers.

Honestly the HiLevels are probably in better shape than most of the Superliners simply because they haven't been worn down from an additional twenty years of overuse (most except for the Coast Starlight's Parlour Cars were retired in 2003).
>Also make the food actually good and not the dogshit Amtrak serves, that way it encourages repeat customers.

How bad is it?

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