Oceanliners should make a comeback, Not everyone loves flying.
>>2033694I meant that people won't give up planes (or cars for that matter) for a shitter mode of transport, even if its better.
>>2033694Transport the trains acrosss the oceans.
>>2033689I prefer food travelhttps://youtu.be/jCw8XzgR9jc
>>2033689This would work if the boat was the size of a city that also included a runway for small aircraft.
>Parallel’s battery-electric cars — which can run alone or together as an autonomous platoon of up to 50 cars — can each carry a single containerhttps://www.trains.com/trn/news-reviews/news-wire/fra-approves-first-test-program-of-autonomous-rail-cars/Phase 1>2 mile section of track with no crossingsPhase 2>30 miles of track>no other rail operations>crossings flaggedPhases 3+4>84 miles of track>incorporating track warrant authorityComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2032064Battery electric is so fucking dumb. They could do this stupid techbro bullshit on the commuter lines bridging from the NEC, and use a regular pantograph, and have it make sense.Still fucking engineer jobs, but that's a given in this economy.>GPS>existing PTC>existing block signals>no fireball on wheels batteries>send chinesium garbage from port Newark to some Metro North stop outside Selkirk yard between 2 AM and 4 AM when Amtrak doesn't run>send a staffed shunter to get the container platoon into Selkirk, and then let it be a real freight car for the rest of the journey.The ex-Pennsy has the same thing, where once a day the Trenton cut-off runs a train of random bullshit to a podunk town between Philly and Lancaster.As it is, this shit is definitely going to stop dead in dark territory and become a giant firework when either it gets too wet or some unfortunate sod plows into it.
>>2032613>using these on passenger lines between passenger trains, or especially on tram lines between the trams or at night actually makes senseI don't know man I think it's another gadgetbahn designed to separate tech investors from their money
>>2032046clown world
>shit, we should've left it in a railyard with some shade
>>2031974>wouldn't the front still need to be modified to be a "start of train" just like how "end of train" signals were added to trains after cabooses went awayAll that would be is a pressure sensor for the train's brake line with a tiny radio transmitter and a flashing red light.I'd be more concerned about a lack of headlights on the head end, when it recognizes a need to blow a horn, and how bad the lithium-ion battery will ignite when one of these things nails a truck on a crossing.
Damn wtf are we supposed to do
Maybe Ford might get too busy with Trump and the tariffs to bother with this bike lane shit?
>>2032037I hope for your sake this is a copypasta.
>>2022515If you're European (which you probably are if you had cycle lanes in the first place.) just use the road. If someone hits me they can pay for my mortgage for a few years.
>>2027465I guess those horses are terrified of sodomite flag. Actual phobia.
>>2022759 Canadians don't participate in their own politics. The average Canadian knows next to nothing about domestic politics and even Canadian news outlets talk about Trump more than anything happening at home. This leads to poor voter turnout and wins for Ford. The Canadian right wing (who aren't really conservative for reasons I won't get into) put far more attention and effort into politics than the left (who aren't Liberals even if they use that word to describe themselves) and generally feel more in touch with their national, provincial, and municipal identities. The rise of smartphones (especially The App Store and Google Play) kickstarted a wave of cultural Americanisation that hit the hardest in Canada and the UK. A lot of this has to do with the fact that the internet exposes Canadians to less of their own media and culture than TV, radio, etc.
Do you cycle in winter, or are you worried about ruining your bike with all the salt on the roads?If you do ride, how do you maintain your bike afterwards?
>>2033640In my experience, the bearings are usually fine too but, yes, they need to be unpacked and regreased if they aren't the fully-sealed kind.As for the absence of salt, in some areas the temperatures are regularly cold enough that salted water will still freeze. In those places, they prefer to use a traction-enhancer like sand or wood chips instead of salt. You can't get rid of the ice, so you just make driving over it safer.
>>2033640>How does your city deal with the ice/snow then?That's the joke, it doesn't. Now in my lifetime it snowed once at my highschool, which was a couple hundred feet higher then the rest of the suburb. Today we have a freezing warning but it's so minor.Other anon is right in that higher up in this state where it gets really damn cold they use sand.
I live in the South so I don’t need to worry about thatHowever in the South we don’t really have bike infrastructure so I have other things to worry about
Did you oil the chain?Yes?Do you store it "dry", so it doesn't get covered by salt and then snow down?Yes?Then I don't care.The only real hazard, is letting it get covered by snow, as in completely submerged. Not because snow is acidic or corrosive, but because the coating of salt and grime do not interact well with the snow slowly melting as its completely caked. That is the only real danger.You could also fuck up some bearings by storing it tilted to the ground, but that is very minor.
First time commuting year-round and I'm not doing any maintenance on my bike this winter. I'll replace the chain and cassette when it gets nicer out.
>Buys a ticket to the Bahamas >Takes you to heaven instead If it's Boeing I'm going to heaven
>>2030320NGs are nice, they get the job done.
>>2030412And that's the root of Boeing's problems. 60 years ago they designed a bloody good aircraft, and they've coasted on it ever since. If they'd gone back to the drawing board instead of lobbying the FAA certifying board when the A320 launched, they'd be in a better place.
>>2030320You mean Bahamas is heaven?
>>2033569Don't know, either way you won't be uncomfortable
>wears a rolex daytona while driving, just like paul newmanFine>wears a rain coat when it's raining, just like gene kellyFine>wears gym shorts at the gym, just like wilt chamberlainFine>wears aviators just because, just like val kilmer in top gunFine>wears tacticool ballistic nylon cargo pants when working, just like steven seagal in under siegeFine>wears cycling shorts when cyclingWhoa wait WHAT NOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU TRYHARD WHAT IF SOMEONE THINKS YOU'RE LANCE ARMSTRONG AND YOU WOULD HAVE TO TELL THEM YOU'RE NOT A PROFESSIONAL RACING CYCLIST THEN THE UNIVERSE WOULD EXPLODE NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
>>2033878no, i don't like drive + ride and try to avoid it
>>2033879so what do you do, carry your bibs in a backpack while wearing jeans until you get to the mountain and change when you see the first grizzly bear eating a moose?
>>2033881no i just feel retarded for about 20 minutes at the start and end of long road rides and when i see other roadies in the city looking gay i have to remind myself they've probably just come back from looking cool
>>2033889I think I got over that feeling my first 6 months wearing lycra. how long you been doing this?
>>2033894first kit was about 15 years ago
girl cabin editionPrevious: >>2017914
>>2033380>company like MaerskSorry I dont want to buy up respectable merchant fleets, fire all the competent workers and replace them with poojeets and Ivan>>2033382Thialf and Sleipnir. Worlds largest (number 1 and 2) Semi Sub heavy lifters. Number 3 the Saipem 7000 might as well be called the 3500 since they done dropped the hook in Norway.>>2033376I agree anon, only a true autist (bridge officer) could stare out the window for endless hours and not go insane out of boredom. Euro coastal/river shipping might actually be fun, tight schedules, narrow channels, tides really matter, actual maneauvring, with maybe one bowthruster (if you're a rich fuck) and you can actually see something else besides endless water.Most of them are captain/owners so the money you earn in game can be used to upgrade your boat. I imagine stuff like big upgrades like extra power on the engine. Some stat boosts like a coffee machine giving +4 awareness and good cigarettes give +10 morale
what about sailwind? theres alot of doing nothing in that game, on the longer missions at least
so what are the kind of people that post on /mg/?deckhandswheelsmanmechanical assistantsofficersengiescaptains?I am a wheelsman that just became 3rd officer
>>2033337I'm a 21 year old man in the UK and graduating in computer science from a top university.Unfortunately what I really want is to work on a container ship/bulk carrier. I am quite sure of this, so please don't try to dissuade me. I have read the stickies but still have some questions.What is the quickest way I can become an officer. I'm mostly interested in the deck side of things but I'm wondering if about the off chance I could leverage my degree to fast-track into becoming an ETO in a shorter time.Besides that, what is the course of action for me?
>>2033868I can only tell you from my experience which is canadaBefore you join your officer academy, work as a deckhand/able seaman (able seaman is what you want because it's closest to your goal)When you go to school you will have so much more knowledge about literally everything (not the hard stuff that requires a lot of math but don't worry as long as you're not retarded you can do it) but the day to day operations and shitplus the money as AB is goodso call the school or google what you need to work as a deck hand, do the courses and get your medical, get with the union or cold apply to companies, once you're onna ship ask the capt. if you can learn to steer and get him to sign a steering testimonial, take that to the govt and get your AB, work as an AB and then consider applying to officer academyI promise you bro you'll be head and shoulders above everyone while having a lot of money and IN's with companies WHO actually are willing to pay for your schooling to boot definitely spam the office lady with email questions about the company paying for your schooling
Happy 20th Birthday 4chan. I traveled to Fremont, CA to meet up with some dear friends and family and found out that the the Niles Canyon Railway was doing a steam excursion to commemorate the Bronco Billy Film Festival where they were showcasing silent-era films that were shot in Bay Area at the turn of the century so I booked a last-minute ride aboard it.Will dump my album and go over some history of the railroad and its equipment below.
>>2018994That coach has seen better days
It's a shame all the pics got murdered
Is the San Francisco Zoo's train worth a ride?
>>2021340Chattanooga Choo Choo?
>i don't need fenders, they slow me down
>>2030678well i mean for the rear maybe yeah but full front fenders are absolutely necessary for anything else than dry climates. having a commuter without them is retarded. but yeah I dont use them on my touring bike or while doing messenger work because getting wet doesn't matter that much
>>2030677only a retard would ride in the snow
>>2031072I don't even know where to start with you
>>2031082thats a pretty racist meme you got there anon
full fenders, much like full length leather dusters and katana sword canes, are excellent for protecting your virginity against wet pussy
Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets youThe only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that pointAlso discuss wheels and stuff
>>2031102I don't know. I have old mavic rims and all of them are great, I heard the factory moved to romania so the quality may be the same, worse, or better. I do know mavic doesn't supply nearly as much OEM as they used to.I would say dt swiss took over their position as the popular euro brand.For rims in 2025 I would look at velocity, h+sons archetype's, and even some chinese brands.Or go old school and just buy a used wheel, true, and ride.
>>2033813I'm very open to the arguement that good gravel tires are essentially road tires but wide and that both the grip and comfort of good road tires is better than practically anything else considering all else and that is what a gravel tire is or atleast should be, a minmaxed based speed tire and expensive. by 'road' i mean fast expensive grippy >28mm tires
>>2033813>wider rims and tires exist and work well with tubelessyeah lol
>>2033813whats the internal width of open pros ?
>>2033840I've got a set that are 15mm
if it's Boeing, I'm not goeingsimple as
>>2029594A misrepresentation in its not the whole picture but what Boeing did do is no less damning. The aforementioned lacking corporate culture does exist and was responsible either way. In fact it’s worse, Boeing was not just trying to avoid engineering cost but also regulatory cost- putting lipstick on pig and making it more attractive to airlines. Which is hilarious when you think about the ridiculous self regulatory privileges the FAA has given them>just a couple simulator hours maybe, no new type training required!
Boeing 787 flight from Nigeria to DC turns back after "technical issue" results in injuries to six peoplehttps://wjla.com/news/local/united-airline-flight-lagos-nigeria-washington-6-people-4-passengers-2-flight-attendants-dc-technical-issue-technical-issue-and-unexpected-aircraft-movement-boeing-787
>>2029224>Traveling is gay and for women anywayskek this is a good take
>>2029594>>2030042The Max should be banned. It's an inherently unsafe design no matter how much they tinker with it.
>>2029111If it's flying I'm not riding.
I took miku flying with me the other day :D
what happened to the thumbnails?
>>2007105Miku a cute
>>2007105Fly on Miku!
>>2009873you could of also said the same about cars
>>2007105omg it migu
herro? herro??https://youtu.be/MYhMjGChybY
I could not have saved her.
I turn now, good luck everybody else!
Confess your sins, /n/.
>>1989966Urbanism is for basedmen, troons, and weak doughy manchildren who went to Amsterdam once to get legal weed.
>>1991994Quit trying to make other people do things they don’t want to do for your fever dreams.
>>1985790I dont have an license
I just saw the 777-9 with the foldable wings at the tips and what is even the used of this? The difference between it being folded and not folded is so little how does this have any used at all (generally speaking)?!!?
>>2031464So it fits in the gates you dumb buffoon
>>2031530yeah, the gates of hell
>>2031464>I’m a dash 8 pilotsure, in microsoft flight simulator
>>2031464Muh 0.003% fuel savings per seat per mile per flight per capita adds up