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Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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nope, if it fits you should get it - branded 90's hybrids are great and that thing is cool.
rack and fenders, a better seat and less ugly stem, and you'll have a really nice bike.
that thing looks sweet
I don't see why not
people have said that the carbon bonded to alu lugs like that are untrustworthy. there's a guy here who has one, though. just early carbon from that time was generally more sketchy than now.
that frame is really small, be sure it fits you.
the stem and saddle are ass but those can be changed easily.
Old lugged carbon is questionable because the adhesive holding the carbon to the lugs can degrade and cause tube separation.
However, when that happens it’s very noticeable that it’s happening. Further than that, it can be fixed when that happens, it’s just new adhesive required.
Especially on a hybrid or road bike it’s less of a concern, because you’d see the issue gradually form. As opposed to a mountain bike where you could lose a whole lug suddenly on an impact.

I would only buy that if you intend to keep it pavement oriented.

What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
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Take your pills and come home.
We miss you and are worried.
>it was revealed that Russia had not used those SAM missile for nearly 15 years
If the war in Ukraine has taught us anything, its that anything the Russians claim to have withdrawn from service is very much still in service.
I think if it was any actors other than Martin and Candy, the movie would've fallen flat
Not saying they carried it 100%, but they were a big part of what made it good
Galaxy Express 999 is a old classic. All about traveling to space by Train.
Rail Wars as well for something recent.

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Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy. $15 million in liability insurance per bike, minimum, to cover the average damage they do every time they explode. That doesn't even cover the loss of life but it's a start. Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again. Second offense is life in prison, you can't prove me wrong.

>but muh cost of deliveries
Muh cost of rebuilding the entire block after it was leveled and rebuilding the lives destroyed, cash me outside howbou dah?
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OP is schizophrenic
Aslong as car centric infrastructure persists to the ridiculous state that its in, I'll keep riding me ebikes thanks.

You can try to get me to stop if you can throw hands.

Also this shit regarding ebike fires specifically smells of false flagging faggotry given theres a metric shitload of things that run off Lithium that doesnt explode.
>theres a metric shitload of things that run off Lithium that doesnt explode
Maybe that's a hint that there's something about ebikes that's the issue
Outside of the non UL compliant ebikes, what exactly?

I'm all for the ban of non UL compliant ebikes
Maybe initially there was a need for some kind of law prohibiting the use of lithium-ion/pol cells as battery for motor, and allowing only lifepo4/lead?

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I had an argument about the best location to lock your bicycle. I believe that it is against a lamppost on a quiet back street. Cyclists believe that on the main road is safest but I have started copying what motorcyclists do. I chain my e-bike to a lamppost on a residential street and cover it. I never see any motorcycles locked to a flimsy bike stand in front of a train station.

If a thief with an angle grinder sees it and they want it they will take it. Nothing can stop them. Therefore in my opinion it's best to reduce the chance they will see it in the first place. CCTV and crowds don't deter anyone anymore. I've seen many videos of bicycles being stolen on a busy street in broad daylight.

I'm not saying lock your bike on the darkest alleyway behind a chicken shop that you can find. Just lock it on a residential street with expensive houses. Why would a crackhead with a grinder be walking around there?
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I would do that too
strong heat treated chain is the best way to lock your bike, make sure to also lock your front wheel and you should be fine. U style locks are also good but you cant attach it to your frame so you might come back to a wheel with no bike.
bike thieves don't normally use an angle grinder unless you lock your bike in an isolated area with no witnesses, 90% of the time its bolt cutters because they can just SNAP and go.
i used to lock my mountain bike outside of my apartment complex, that place is full of shitheads and one day i didnt lock my front wheel so the next day i had to buy a new one because it was gone. i also stored my shittier bicycle in my shed just to find it gone one day so i had to install a U bolt to the wall and chain it that way. sucks for me that i didnt have a lock in that shed's door
>If a thief with an angle grinder sees it and they want it they will take it. Nothing can stop them. Therefore in my opinion it's best to reduce the chance they will see it in the first place. CCTV and crowds don't deter anyone anymore. I've seen many videos of bicycles being stolen on a busy street in broad daylight.
large population cities are honestly the best place to lock your bike, with an cordless angle grinder and sturdy lock its going to take 1 minute or more to get through if you need to cut in several places, with bolt cutters and trash lock its less than 5 seconds. the chance of a cop seeing it and reacting appropietly or someone calling the cops is waaay higher than in a residential street where someone might peek through a window and figure its just some dude who forgot his key. covering your bike might attract more attention to it due to curiosity instinct, i honestly would peek underneath the cover too without intention of stealing it.
nonetheless even if you are insanely paranoid about bike thieves, a thief might follow you home and just note down who you are and where you live and wait for an appropiate moment to get inside.
Why didn't someone just find the nearest brick or blunt object that can be thrown and lob it at the guy bent over?
There is no 'good place' to lock your bike, unless it's inside an enclosure of some sort that locks, and preferably that is monitored by someone like an attendant, to prevent random people from just walking in and taking a bike.
Otherwise you should never be out of line-of-sight of your bike in public places, and at home you should take it inside a structure that has a door that locks.
Locking your bike up in any public place is asking for it to be stolen, and no amount of chains, cables, locks, and other so-called anti-theft measures will do anything other than slow down a determined thief -- and if you frustrate a bike thief too much, they might just destroy your bike out of spite, because bike thieves are scum of the earth and don't care, if they can't steal it they might just make sure you can't enjoy it anymore either. If you have a carbon fiber bike you might just come back to find it's been broken in two.
Silly argument, locking is a passive measure, you should be talking about active protection measures, either get a lock thick enough to withstand one battery worth of angle griding (only last about 10 minutes)

Or fill that bike with airtags and even custom GPS systems, maybe a motion alarm too, it will scare the thief.

The underside of tbe saddle is a good spot to hide some stuff, if it's not some carbon fibre shit you can even drill a hole throw stuff in the inner tubes, there's even systems small enough to fit inside the handlebar tubes, battery life is not an issue as you can theoretically switch it on and off accordingly.

Some ebike batteries even have a special spot for an airtag.

If it's get stolen call the police, make that faggot think twice before stealing again.

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Houston Infill Edition

Discuss transit planning, infrastructure improvements, streetscaping, and housing design in your city.
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KC does have a busy Streetcar line and it is very active in capacity than other areas in it's size, which makes it really amazing and stands out in a conservative state that actually is Pro Train.
I had a meeting with a construction company today about building a condo. Anyone here ever been involved in a property development?
>one is a need and one is a luxury
Anything is a luxury in a race to the bottom.
Like parking spots. Glad you caught on.
or breathable air

Someone died in a train collision last week. HOW TF DO YOU GET HIT BY A BIG AND LOUD ASS MOFO TRAIN???
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dubstep remix when
My dad killed 4 people in 30 years working at a railroad.

1. Christmas time. Car stuck on tracks, lady had presents visible in the back window of the car.
2. Guy walking with grocery bags.
3. Suicide jumper in front of train
4. Suicide jumper

Always an investigation + drug test afterwards
>lady had presents visible in the back window of the car.
Fake. No way the body didn't disintegrate
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>be me about 20 years ago
>be off-duty deputy sheriff
>be riding Amtrak train coming back from vacation
>train hits car with a pregnant woman in it
>jump out and run to the front of the train because I know basic first aid naively thinking I might be of some use
>car didn't have a roll cage (probably wouldn't have helped anyway), both passengers died instantly, poor girl was squished beyond recognition, blood seeping out of the door, her womb ruptured or something because the fetus was half-hanging out of her
>could've gotten into trouble with the police myself because I wasn't in my jurisdiction (which was in another state) but acted in my capacity as a sheriff on reflex (pulling out my badge, setting up a perimeter, keeping people away, etc.) but they just got on the phone with my boss to confirm my identity and then let me go
>train was cancelled and I had to spend an additional ten hours on a bus to get back

Wasn't the happiest day of my career

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Car dependency is a cancer that is killing civilization.
Delete /o/
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Youre an idiot. Youre a dirty fucking idiot.

I deal with you all the time becuase Im surrounded by dirty fucking americans.

The americans do the holocaust on 4 wheels every day.

I dont want to talk to you unless its about a bicycle because youre blathering useless drivel like a dirty fucking american.

Its because you have to feed a horse.

1 horse epower is 740 watts of power. If you dont want to trash the plaent the way YOU AMERICANS do every day, you need to figure out how much power you are going to be using to move yourselves arouund.

A car has to generate 740 watts of power per horse power.

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have to feed a horse and it farts a lot
You can build 100 ebike batteries from the lithium cells in a single white man's tesla. Look at the americans.
Based, they should roll coal on you more. Muh 6 gorillion smoked cyclists were not enough.
I really wish coal rollers would kill their whole families just for funsies. If not then someone else will do it for them. And that will most probably be yet another coal roller.

Who am I kidding though. The only family they have is their parents which are already one foot in the grave deep.

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Do you think this concept would succeed if built with modern technology?
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gotta go fast
They use ag tractors now. Google “South Pole overland traverse” pretty neat.
Doesn't help they used tires built with less tread than a slip and slide.
Though they are superior on hard terrain, wheeled vehicles do notably poorly in snow, mud, and loose sand. Those are conditions where tracked vehicles shine. Purpose built snow vehicles are usually tracked and occasionally have skis (think snowmobiles, or like >>2009595).
If I had unlimited money, finding this thing on the ocean floor is one of the things I'd fund.
They thought tread would just clog up with ice and snow immediately and turn the tires into slicks anyway. They might not have been wrong with the tire tech of the time anyway.

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Reminder that anyone against walkable cities is a lardass from north america or germany.
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>lives in san Francisco
>mad he can't drive with impunity
if you love driving so much go live in some flyover, you'll never be impeded because noone wants to live there.
It creates joobs and grows the geedeepee. Walking is bad for the economi
Visit Japan in Tokyo and Osaka, Amsterdam fuck even visit Spain and even in Seville Spain is great as fuck. You will begin to realize that everyone else in the world built it correctly, and America with the exception of the obvious areas like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia are really behind. It can exist it just needs more people to speak for Urbanism.
The Dutch made cities walkable without fucking with drivers, in fact driving is really easy in the Netherlands. They were able to do this because they did it decades ago. If they had to do it today, with the compromised state of European institutions, the results would be far worse.

The entire intention behind "walkable cities" in the modern English-speaking world is for governments to make the population adapt to less and less individual freedom. When everyone cycles they will turn the screws on that also; licensing, plates, insurance, mandatory equipment, inspections, onerous traffic regulations, taxes. They're endlessly imaginative.

The point is to fuck with people, all the time, everywhere.
>nonsense, walkability isn't related to whatever some shithole like portland is doing
Here's the relation fuckwit: the people who force you onto the bike also put the drug-addled AIDS zombies on the street.

The ENTIRE POINT of forcing you onto a bike is to REMOVE THE METAL SHELL between you and the AIDS zombie. They want to force you into that vulnerable position so that you then have to beg them to solve the problem. When you need something from them, they have leverage over you.

Comfy Winter Edition

Old Thread: >>1938049
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How does it take FOURTEEN hours to get a light maintenance trainwreck off the tracks?
And the transfer to Meitetsu for Nagoya-Toyohashi probably wasn't helping from a customer perspective.
What's going on at JR Central? Have they skimped on expenses at the wrong end?
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West JR will purchase 10 more N700S sets by 2028, modify 10 more current N700 sets (probably the older non-A ones) into 8-car sets in addition to the 4 sets planned from 2026 to 2029, and retire the rest of the 500 Series fleet by 2027. The following is the current West JR Shinkansen fleet for reference:

N700S: 4x 16-car sets (4 more sets will be purchased by 2026 and 10 more by 2028)
N700A: 24x 16-car sets
N700: 16x 16-car and 19x 8-car sets
700: 16x 8-car sets
500: 6x 8-car sets


>Route it towards the existing Tokaido shinkansen ROW.
Isn't existing Tokaido Shinkansen ROW pretty saturated and pretty difficult to put more trips in? That and I'm not sure if the slightly lesser maximum speed and different ATC system will further complicated things.


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Existing tracks are yes, but I'd think it would be cheaper to acquire additional land where needed to quadtrack that section rather than the whole way north/west of Lake Biwa. Less tunneling needed as well. The ATS systems being different is a surprise to me though, I wasn't aware of that.

I can see arguments either way though, and I'd be surprised if the planners hadn't already considered the option.
Pretty much every Shinkansen line has their own ATC systems and certain Shinkansen sets are equipped with multiple ATC systems for through services like the 8-car N700 R/S sets used for Sakura / Mizuho services

Analog ATC Systems (Deprecated)
ATC-1: Tokaido, Sanyo, and Hakata-Minami
ATC-2: Tohoku and Joetsu

Digital ATC Systems
ATC-NS: Tokaido, Sanyo, Hakata-Minami, and the portion of Kyushu where it overlaps with Hakata Minami
DS-ATC and RS-ATC: JR East's full-spec Shinkansen network, Hokuriku, and Hokkaido
KS-ATC: Kyushu and West Kyushu
Yeah, it makes sense to me for the mini-Shinkansen lines since they're running on widened legacy lines, but I'm legitimately surprised it wasn't standardized for the completely grade-separated ones. I'm guessing that's a due to the Tohoku, Kyushu, and Hokuriku lines all being built post-JNR breakup while the Tokaido and Sanyo were built prior? Basically JR West and JR Central used the same system because they already had one, whereas JR East and JR Kyushu could go their own way since they were building from scratch?

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Why not take the boatpill?
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They look like any generic utility/supply/small passenger vessel. The first has a more upturned sheer line and heavier ground tackle, so it's probably originally a commercial vessel, the second is very yachty.

Probably a 60-70m hulls, so efficiency cruise of 12-15kn, max is much harder to guess because engines can vary enormously.
Thanks anon, that's plenty useful. The two boats are supposed to be the same, but I agree there are differences. The top one takes precedence.
bcuz i live on land lol u fuckin clown. do u live in water like sum kinda frogman? lol this toadie fuck thinks he shud be a boat guy just cus he lives in his shell like a turtle. go b a fish somewhere else
I live near the ocean, but there's almost no wind at all just 3-7 knot at best
can I even sail with a small sailing canoe in this condition?
You're in a wind shadow, offshore the wind will be stronger.

Nowhere on Earth gets only 3-7kn of wind unless there's a prevailing breeze, and it's a windward shore (offshore breeze), and the land is tall right up to the coast.

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I’m going to shit my pants. I hate flying and I have to take a flight on an Embraer E190 - the size of the plane scares the absolute FUCK out of me. So small. I get more anxious on small planes.

I flew in one before and it was pretty scary. How do I cope? It’s tiny af and only has two rows, it seats like 40
people and the niggers cockpit is like 5ft away from you.
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you don't get it. that plane flies 8 sectors a day, every day, for 20 years and everybody always arrives safely at their destination... but OP is so special this time it'll surely be different and it'll crash because OP is the main character and not like millions of other people who flew on that plane. Yes the chance of crash is less than winning a lottery, but OP is soo special don't you know?
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Jesus Christ. Maybe 500 pax per plane is too much.
>inb4 GAAN etc.

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YE OLDE edition

Previous: >>1985990

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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how the fuck should we know ships don't have sonar
That doesn't sound right
Also I assumed this thread was just for maritime enthusiasts in general
ships have radar
they have an echo sounder but the transponder is located on her keel

sonar is for submarines
>echo sounder
Isn't that literally what sonar is, just directed downward?
yes but on ships it's just used for checking the depth below your keel and using those soundings to cross reference on your chart and making sure where you are, or if you are dropping anchor making sure you have sufficient depth to allow for a 5:1 ration for length of chain put down

echo sounders just spit out numbers

using sonar for collision avoidance is a submarine thing

heres a very work in progress pic of my 3x13 39speed
i couldnt see any reason why a 13s wouldnt fit my 9s hub and it seems to so far lol, wit a spacer too
desu im probably gonna convert it to a 2x11 at some point to save weight this is just for funsies
im also running a 12s chain because 13s are silly expensive
what are the chances this fails epically?
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>peak uphill performance
With fucking thumb shifters? I hope you are planning to change that otherwise everyone will know you don't climb anything significant
im sorry man but this fd is kinda a collectable and in good condition i really dont wanna scrape it up
the biggest i can go is 44, a 53 with a 31t granny could work but if it doesnt then the chain will scrape up the fd
yeah theres a version of this on-one fork that has vbrake bosses and disk mounts, i wish i had that one but mines disk only and so is my frame
theres a rare version of this frame that has vbrake mounts but its like rare rare there might only be one or two of them
theres quite a few hybrids and tourers that are compatable with both so i can do a quad brake set up at some point
hhahaa yess damn it took a while the boards rly slow atm what gives?
anyway die?
i can shift from any gear to any gear with one flick of my thumb
fuck mashing a plastic button to try to get down my gears lol
i live in wales btw
i guess its not the swiss alps but its steep as shit everywhere here
normies think im retarded for cycling anywhere but the flat bike paths and towns lol
>not trying to convince you to do it

>collectable front derailer
these old bike parts are gonna be worth alot one day maaan
that dinner plate is making me laugh.
but as long as it works I guess it's fine. that is an extremely low gear, I'm not sure the little ring would even be useful? can you actually ride it fast enough to stay upright in small front big rear? or even mid rear?

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Why would someone ride an e-scooter instead of a bicycle?
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where the fuck do you live you have like 60% hills.
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Maybe Im exaggerating
>single motor
you're probably going to want something dual motor for serious hills
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I ride a regular push-scooter. It folds too.
I honestly dont know.
But i see a lot of people that probably see the walk to the toilette as a chore using them.
My commuter single speed weighs 7kg, is comfortable for cruises up to 50km+ and i easily get a average speed of 27km/h out of it without really pushing it.
Still convenient to take on transport because of the low weight.
Bonus is that it'll run for the next 10 years without needing a new battery or proprietary wheels.

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