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>bro just 10, I mean 20, I mean 30 more years and the US will totally look like this
>oh yeah that project got cancelled
>and that one
>yeah that one was a complete failure
>that one didn't even last a month
>but this one's coming soon! (we've pared it down to a single unprotected bike lane for half a mile)

At what point do you just give up and accept the United States is a lost cause
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is that you in the hat?
For me it's not that there's not a.bunch of trains, just that infrastructure in towns is so bad because cars get priority. There's a lot of parks in my town that are underused because it's a shit fucking walk to them even under a mile away. 3 lane rounds and no crossings, 30mph straights. It's ridiculous
>cartoonish characters
Says the anon with the prepper delusions
>Japan OTOH is the perfect example of simply not having much space due to the geographic constraints. Car-oriented development would be completely unsustainable over there.
japan is as big as the entire east coast of the USA
Yeah. After 200 years it's about time.

I have a question for all you gentlemen who love aircraft.
I live in Asia and work in the army maintaining aircraft.
I would like to obtain an American A&P license and make it my job.
Would military maintenance experience meet the requirements for A&P?
By the way, my current maintenance qualification is only available to the military.
I am also thinking of using the ASA eBook as my A&P textbook, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me how you studied.
What entitles you to come to the USA? Wow you can follow instructions and wrench on a plane. Literally an associates degree level of skill and a certification people get almost accidentally across the general aviation world.

It’s just not a scarce skill set, despite what the airlines (who also profess a non-existent pilot shortage) say. You won’t get a visa and nobody is going to hire an ESL for such a safety critical job.
I'm not going to move to America just because I'm qualified to maintain American aircraft.
It's a qualification that can be used even when I'm not in the US, and I'm hoping to do business with privately owned aircraft such as business jets in the future.
It works in other places besides the US but iirc, EU/UK needs EASA/JAA which isn't transferable, you'd need to test and do everything over. Also military experience counts but YMMV, you'd still be forced to do learning hours under FAA requirements.

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Here we go boys. ATC training starts in June. How fucked am I once I obtain my controller license? What should I expect?
Can you pass psych and drug screens? No offense not common on 4chan
in my country i got sent to an airport in the middle of nowhere for 3 years and had my fun
now im in an international airport, short shifts but shit can get hectic and very stressful in less than 20 minutes since we handle flight schools and vfr and ifr traffic at the same time
im doing a lot of night shifts nowadays which leaves me with a shit ton of free time but ill probably be mentally dead by the time i hit 40
your job could be replaced by an AI in an instant
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brother, the airline industry is notorious for slow adoption of new tech. Most airports use stuff in the '80s. Even if an AI were good enough to replace controllers you'd have to somehow convince 190+ ICAO members to follow you. Not to mention AI would cause a 100% pushback from unions?
You NEED to study and practice with your classmates. Goin it alone is borderline impossible.
Non-radar sucks partly because the row instructors are all on their 3rd divorce except for Radar Bob who was chill. When you get to Radar get your scan down so you can build a picture in your head of the scenario.

Get ready for 3 years until you see a Saturday off too. Scheduling for the year is done by bid with seniority to determine order. It's not a job known for work life balance so make sure you let work (and school to a lesser extent) stay separate from home to some degree.
You get to retire with full government pebsion early for a reason and it's only stressful until you git good.

Is actually retarded and no, AI ain't coming for this one any time soon. The FAA will certify AI control instructions about the time they address the rampant alcoholism among ATPs and Controllers alike plus >>2030755

>t. Washed out a couple years ago because classmates wouldn't study abd probably have undiagnosed adhd.

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A lot of people are convinced that rail could never work in most U.S. cities because we have too much sprawl, but it's more complicated than that.

Transit can serve *residential* sprawl perfectly fine. What it can't handle is *commercial* sprawl.
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Austin is not super sprawled, you're retarded.
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America WILL have modern rail lines and I will keep handing out fivers to hobos to set fires along the planned construction sites until I get it.
>taps the sign
>not adjusting for urbanization and and density
lmao even

Switzerland is 29 btw
everyone who pushes for busses and trains and shit wants everyone else to live in a pod in a gun free zone with no cars or guns so billionaires like musk and gates can own all the land

A 17-year-old German teen has been living life as a modern nomad, leaving his parents’ house to live on trains and travel all over his country.

While most 17-year-olds are only just beginning to consider the idea of leaving the nest, Lasse Stolley has already been on his own for over a year and a half. Convinced that his school studies were already behind him, he convinced his parents to allow him to leave their home in Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein to embark on a unique train-hopping adventure. It took a lot of convincing, but they eventually agreed, and for the last year and a half, the German teen has essentially been living on trains, traveling all over his home country, working as a self-employed coder during the day, and sleeping on night trains at night.

“I’ve been living on the train as a digital nomad for a year and a half now,” Lasse told Business Insider. “At night I sleep on the moving Intercity Express (ICE) train and during the day I sit in a seat, at a table and work as a programmer, surrounded by many other commuters and passengers. I travel from one end of the country to the other. I’m exploring the whole of Germany.”

He gave into his wanderlust in 2022, selling most of his possessions and packing what was left in a 36-liter backpack that he has been carrying with him ever since. Minimalism and resisting the urge to acquire new stuff are an essential part of his lifestyle, as he needs to take everything with him wherever he goes. It’s not always easy, but he has found a way to make it work.


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You're only mad because he described (You)r own behavior to the t
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I can no longer see helicopter shots of stroads without thinking of the west hollywood shootout

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Is it the blimp trains time to shine?
Could this be used to get Ukraine grain to the rest of europe?

They have different rail gauge between rooskie and EU tracks but blimp can be handed off with out even slowing down

THIS CAN WORK???!!!!!!!

Now Im on the edge of something
Wondering bout the blimp train
ooooohhhhaaaaa eeeeeaaaaahhhooooaaaa
Talking bout the blimp train
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new here?
/n/ has a time machine anon, we all use it
how do you mean?
of course
women will look like this and then have the nerve to complain when I just want to get topped by men

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Can I into gliders as a poorfag?
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>election tourists
anon it's been 8 years
in other words, not even half as long as this site exists
come back in 2069, when they've been here for at least 4/5 of its existence
how so? the club where i live offers 20 minutes sightseeing flights for tourists for 120€ which includes an aerotow to 2600 ft, so the price for a tow doesn't seem to have changed that much?
anyway pretty sure winch launching is free for members and has existed for a very long time
>a different time
How about we compromise at 3/5?

You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
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There are 10 images in the thread and I couldn't find anything like that, have you considered seeing a psychiatrist?

The OP photo tardo.

here you go I hope you enjoy your sadomasochistic murder rape joke.

bump because why not

She was neither raped nor murdered.
probably an LLM hallucination, nowadays they're struggling with lawyer-added pre-prompts allowing the to make inferences from a URL but not actually load the link

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These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
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There's been some.
That looks unsafe
It doesn't look unsafe enough
needs moar mast bumping amirite? then you can blame the pilot for something that only happens in it. blimps are safe though.
you don't need power at all to stay airborne, just clever usage of updrafts
electric motors are small as fuck
this one weighs 13 kg
so someone who weighs in at 70kg can pack this and 7kg of batteries to give him more freedom between updrafts and when they're flat he's still as efficient as someone who weighs in at 90kg in an unpowered paraglider

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>finally bite the bullet and move to Eastern Yurop from NA
>doesn't make financial sense to pay to ship my bikes, sell them before moving
>move to small but comfortable commiebloc apartment
>having a bike would take too much room + I don't have a lot of space to perform maintenance
>most people who commute to work outside of cages and public transport seem to use e-scooters here wtf lol
>(except for food delivery jeets who exclusively use e-bikes and chinese gas powered scooters/mini motorbikes)
>used bike market is shit and filled mostly with expensive full suspension MTBs probably stolen from Germany or literal trash
>decide to buy a cheap commuter kick scooter to try out / get around and explore
>turns out it's fantastic for commuting in a dense euro city
>decide to rent an e-scooter to get across the city one day to see what it's like
>it's fast, nimble and super fun
>stores easily and can cross the city twice on one charge
>don't have to get to work covered in sweat
>easily take it on public transport if needed

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>bike is stable from
pretty much zero if you can trackstand. if you got particularly fat wheels you might hit people's legs, but i've never had a problem weaving through pedestrians on my 26er.
>stable from 10 km/h
Wtf anon??
Do you fall over if you do 5km/h?
My bikes are stable from literally 1-2km/h or how this anon said >>2030481 from literally standstill
I guess my definition of stable is different from yours.
For me things are stable when you don't need to actively correct steering or weight balance.
Obviously, you can ride bicycle at any speed you want, hell even trackstand, but that takes a bit of effort... Kind of like balancing a pencil upright (the infamous inverted pendulum).
Other thing I should mention is that in general, the stability of bicycle is greater, because small disturbances on the road (i.e. pebbles and uneven pavement) don't affect anything much at all and you can ride with hands off the bars without any issues. But in case of the e-scooter with its tiny wheels, hands-free riding is only possible on extremely smooth pavement since any pebble will upset steering enough for you to loose balance.

Other thing to consider is turning radius. Actually, maybe it is much more important than stability lol. dunno.
in a city with cycling infrastructure these things are so fucking awesome
Your opinion should be disregarded because no intelligent human would move to Eastern Yurop from NA, cutting their salary 70% in the process

Your greentext also sounds reddit tier

riding even one handed on an e-scooter is extremely unstable and dificult. Meanwhile I can easily ride with no hands on a bike.

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Solo Rides Edition

Previous Edition
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>and also likely to mock me a bit
if i were in a position to do that to my friend as a joke, i so would
Not him, but I think the rule is center of bb/crank bolt to top of seat. Keep riding, and try the seat up 1-2cm every week or so towards the .885 and you will notice when it's too high.
Symptoms of too low seat are knee pain at high power, not much hamstring engagement, and possibly hip pain. Too high is ass rocking side to side, knee pain(too much extension), and harder to keep cadence up since you have to extend so much.

Anyways keep riding. That's all that really matters.
(inseam-12cm) is a better starting point to find your ideal height than the multiplication imo
i do feel very bad about it but i have no other option
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>broke 50 km/h on my mtb

I also raised the seat quite a bit, and it was okay, didnt measure it though gotta do that these days

1) If you could travel on any ocean liner in history, which would you choose?
2) Aesthetically, what do you think is the best looking liner?
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Lusitania has really grown on me over time
They took them from us
Literally the titanic.
>Inb4 such a bland and boring take
Most aesthetically beautiful ship and interiors. I also Like the 3rd Rotterdam (picrel). I think a lot of the old ocean liners with clipper sterns look very nice.
I also love the design of the rmmv oceanic(unbuilt, dismantled on slipway) I wish it had been built, it looks way better than the Queen Mary.
I do Like the Normandie but I think it’s a bit overrated imho.

Pic related DC-8
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when did planes stop having shiny bellies and why
The real angels in LA;
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Carbon composites and the difficulty of maintaining a polished belly

When you see it

Previous: >>1781074
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I heard it was pictures of a serial killer
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I wanna explore the east coast and take amtrak cascades around the country
Riding Amtrak sucks shit if you’re a light sleeper, I could not fucking sleep for more than a few hours. I’d recommend driving around America using the interstate highway system instead. Then you can at least fucking sleep every night.

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