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I've been debating selling my car for a bike and I want to know what you think /n/. All my life all I've ever owned are cheap ass big box store bikes and I thought that's just how bikes were. I thought the expensive ones at bike shops were just for hardcore riders. Well, I decided to check one out as there are several in my town because riding is quite big here. Well, I don't need to tell you guys how much better these bikes were. And it had me thinking.

I'm a tubby broke neet. I need to save more money and get in shape. I can get somewhere around $7000 for my car, enough to get a really solid bike and have plenty extra. I want to know if anyone has ever done this. I've thought about it for several days, and the ONLY reason I can think against it is "driving is easier". There are bike paths and lanes everywhere in my town. It snows maybe 2-3 weeks a year. Grocery store is a 5 minute bike ride away. Has anyone done this before?
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>I am still looking but the only used bikes I've seen for "fifty bucks" are walmart brands like nakamura. There are many brands mentioned from anons itt like canondale, giant etc but they are all well over $500, not fifty bucks. And unfortunately the ones I've found are all too big for me.

any idiot can find a $50 bike and overhaul it. you need a couple basic tools. some grease, and a wire brush. new tires, cables and brake pads and you're golden. $100 investment. i understand wanting a nice modern bike, but i can't understand selling my car to purchase one, especially when a cheap bike will suit your needs.
how many times are you going to post this image from a shithole like sanfransisco in every thread? go back to /o/
the thing is a car isn't really "free" even if it's paid off, maintenance, gas and insurance are gonna be hundreds of dollars a year if not over 1000
I didn't say I wanted to put my feet flat on the ground. You said that. So I'm not gonna bother with the rest of your post since you didn't bother with mine.
Damn so /n/ has their own version of "3k civic" guy.
>i can't understand selling my car to purchase one
You might not do it and that's fine. But if you bothered to read you would understand it.

Thanks to those who were helpful but the shitposters are here so I'm out. Cheers
yea and while youre at it you can make a decent pair of shoes out of cardboard boxes and twine, only an idiot would pay for brand new shoes

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my favorite transportation related song is "Nighttime In The Switching Yard" by Warren Zevon
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Pearl Harbor and the Explosions "Drivin' "
You say black, I say white
You say bark, I say bite
You say shark, I say, hey, man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don't like Star Wars
You say Rolls, I say Royce
You say God, Give me a choice!
You say Lord, I say, Christ!
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman
All I wanna do is
I want to ride my
Oh that takes me back.
MD-90bros? Where are we at?


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How do these large cargo backpacks compare with a bicycle trailer? I need to haul 100kg of cargo on a bicycle
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ok you are a retard but i will bite. The weight will be on your asshole/saddle not just your shoulders. It will split you're gay asshole in half.
don't threaten me with a good time
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Back pain time?

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You WILL fly supersonic this decade
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Why do you think Boom won't fail the same way Aerion did?
I think one of the big issues was re-engining. It used the same 1960s-era afterburning turbojets it did back when it was first designed. However, there wasn't any newer engine available that could do the job. So it was eventually decided to pull the plug on support.
Considering that Olympus593 was developed in the 60's, 50 years of advances in metallurgical technology could improve the fuel efficiency of the engine by about 20%
Concorde was economically inefficient because it was built in the 1960's. An old airframe with inefficient engines that guzzled fuel.

A newer design can be more efficient; in fact the Concorde B was always planned to be built which would have had a more efficient wing profile and engines (no afterburners) and used much less fuel, but it obviously never got built because nobody bought the original.
>only 20%
They already knew how to increase efficiency in the 593 by 25% back in the 70's. They just never built them because nobody needed them.


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Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
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I do this for a living, but I have no idea how I would simulate trains running on the tracks.
Nowadays I mostly struggle with getting the right property sets to be exported to IFC, which is a true pain in the ass of manually punching info.

Transport Fever

mini metro

Rolling line

Rail Route

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I love Railroader, but the scenery is very bare bones. Let's hope they have finished this game in a couple of years time.
i like spectating the transport autists in openttd multiplayer games
I'm looking forward to Century of Steam.

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>be airbus
>do nothing
>stay winning because your only competitor can't build anything except a rehash of a 60 year old design that keeps nosediving
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Huh? How isn't the A350 innovative?
Ahem. Also 737 Max's seats was a nightmare; specifically designed to make passengers uncomfortable so I am glad with Turkish airlines decision.
>737 Max's seats was a nightmare
I though people on this board were somewhat less retarded

Plane manufacturers are not responsible for seats, the airlines choose and install those.
How new the "basic design" of an airplane is is important. The more recent it is, the more reliable the plane can be based on various new technologies and experiences.
The A350 was designed with 21st century HPC and has the most powerful computers of our time, but the 777X is an improvement on a product developed in the Game Boy era, and some of the avionics are probably antiques.
>it has funky folding tips
i give it 6 months after entry into service for one to fall off, jam upwards, or otherwise move undesirably during flight.

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Post what kind of rapid transit you'd like your city to its metro to
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Imagine the world if we never went through the republifat dark ages

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certified bruh moment
this was certainly one of the most moments in civil aviation

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What does /n/ think of tomorrow's upgraded, more inclusive bike lanes? Cagetrolls will hate this, but I for one think it is perfectly reasonable for bike lanes to be open to any vehicle that doesn't have an ICE or require a Class A CDL to operate legally. What's the point of bike lanes if nobody is going to use them!??!?
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kek can't wait to see as pedestrians get ran over by pajeet driving this, all while I sit comfortably in my diesel truck
yeah if there's one thing amazon delivery drivers are known for, it's being indian
hello saaaar
Do you have me confused for a SWE
If I catch you driving in my lane you son of a bitch you son of God I will pull you out of your car and deliver you to demons

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Totally random late night thoughts

At the current known speed of travel throughout space (maybe not max) but at the speed the JSWT (telescope) reached the L2 zone in space. It would take 7291 generations of astronaut to reach some planet they believe has a civilization on it meaning it would take 324.7 Million Kg's of food for the entire journey assuming only 1 breeding pair or humans at any one time (inbred as fuck)

583333.3 years assuming 80 year lifespan which isn't including the 20 year overlap having 4 people on board whilst children are brought up to speed and left at age 20 by their dying parents. They would they be dead because the amount of inbreeding required at those levels would make them so fucking retarded they would forget how to breathe.
In closing. Close to 700,000 years worth of life, 389.7 Million Kg of food (including the 20 year overlap) is what would be required to make it to that planet

We aren't making it to any other civlized planets before our finite resources are depleted. Humanity is fucked unless we come leaps and bounds in space travel and shielding technology.
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>fixed point in space
but he's driving
I just started reading this book, and it has some dumb passages.
The time tunnel is acted upon by gravity and electromagnetism, so it traces a path in roughly the same position on earth's surface.
This is why the flux capacitor even works. If it wasn't affected by electromagnetism, how could the conduits even direct or influence the flux?
The concept of seed ships have been speculated in scifi since the 1960s. Essentially you send autonomous AI ships stocked with human sperm and ovum. The ship wanders the cosmos at "slow" speeds for hundreds or thousands of years until it finds a suitable planet. Then the ship AI inseminates thousands of ovum with the sperm and artificially birth the babies. Robots will become the surrogate parents and educate the children. Once the humans are ready, they will be transported down to the planet. The seed ship then departs to repeat the process elswhere.
cryostasis sleep + relativistic speed


FTL warp

>Staten Island to Manhattan
>only 5.3 miles in distance
>max depth 80 ft
>average depth 50 ft
>bridge totally feasible
>tunnel totally feasible
>tunnel can be electric train only like the Channel Tunnel if creating an artificial island for mechanical ventilation for car exhaust is a problem

How come there isn't either?
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The 3% number sounds closer to what you'd get if you took the number of apartments currently listed as "available for rent" vs the total number of existing apartments. If someone owns an apartment but never places it on the market, that may or may not be considered "vacant" depending on whether you use MLS listing data or ACS census-style data
>If someone owns an apartment but never places it on the market,
This is happening at extremely low rates.

>b-but muh 6 million rent controlled not being listed
This has been debunked thoroughly.
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Non-sequitur. Rent stabilization applies to old buildings. You're not from around here but when people talk about LIC they're not talking about art deco. This is what LIC looks like.
I was just bringing up the rent control point because that's the current tiktok/twitter leftist reason as to why housing is so expensive. The notion that most of those new buildings in LIC is empty is ludicrous and unfounded.
Ah yes deregulating the markets and removing price controls, that well known leftist take on market failures.

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Died due to "suicide". We're reaching new lows here
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Car crash
FriendlyJordies getting in on the action too, losing his house (luckily while he wasn't inside it)
In the US, it's often handgunshot in a parking lot.
This Boeing whistleblower's death is just like Lee Haney's.

What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
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More /k/ than /n/ desu they jerk off to fighter planes over there. But Miyazaki has lots of awesome portrayals of planes n trains for sure

Loved the film too
>So strange to see a mexican movie from that time shot largely on location and portraying trams
Why is this strange? did they not have trams then?
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Mine too! What this have to do with this movie? Honestly curious.

One of my favorites.
isn't luise bunuel a spaniard?

Why does the New York MTA cost so much money compared to other train systems?

NJ Transit gives you so much more milage and it's literally just across the river.
you have no idea how much difference a river can make
If I recall correctly, the MTA retirement plan is an old style DB pension whereas NJTransit is a 401(a) which is much cheaper for the employer

Also in order to preserve the lie that the trains are "24/7", the fact that no line is ever taken out of service until a train derails or something important catches fire or a tunnel floods, there's no such thing as preventive maintenance and everything is still running on the original 150 year old technology. So you have to have standby crews of sub-subcontractors sitting around until the next emergency that prevents 20,000 people from getting to/from work, and then send the emergency crew to fix some burned out hand made glass fuses somewhere and then handcraft the replacements on the spot. And maybe there's 3 other fuse boxes nearby that are on the verge of breaking but nobody wants to touch them so they just wait for the next system outage to happen during rush hour when there isn't a junkie available to take all the trains out of service for having an overdose on the platform.
it really doesn't. not sure what you're on about. if you're in nj it's more likely you'll have to pay extra fares for the different systems, like njt bus or hblr to path to mta subway. someone equally far from the city in east queens or nassau would be paying a single $2.90 for their bus to subway to subway ride. mta's flat fares are a godsend. chicago is the only cheaper system in the us worth comparing to, metra tickets and
the cta and pace unlimited passes are much cheaper than mta.
lirr, mnr, and njt commuter rail are all too expensive, but not too far off from other places in the world

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What are your thoughts on this now that it may actually be built for real?
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but why that one post and not any of my other schizo rambling? it doesn't make any sense. if anything the removed one was more about transportation because it mentioned ferries. the second one was just about freeways, the discussion of which is barely relevant to this board but has somehow become the main topic since yimby spammers took over
better get one before the bridge building actually starts. maybe it's different in southern italy; it probably is, but in more developed places even the whisper of a big new transportation project, especially if in a big city, can send speculative real estate values up
why does it look like that render has been reduced in resolution using nearest-neighbor
Ganzirri is somewhat nice tho.
They're starting eminent domain expropriations, I only hope they don't start the excavations and leave it half done, that's the worst scenario.
As someone said, given the specifics the project is more akin to aerospace rather than civil engineering, the winds are very strong in the strait and 3 kms span without middle pillars is challenging itself.

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