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Ohh shitto, we neeto maakeu ouuwa shiito moow fucktetu
Hayaku taro-san nigeru, fuckku da shitto up
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There’s no such thing as “French.” There’s just niggers that the Persians tricked Germans into mixing with.
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capable engineers have sufficient control of their process and introduce the desired randomeness where needed. Same with things like time sync in simulcast technology and such.
>capable engineers
>capable low-bid day laborers
two very different standards
The Shinkansen was built before the TGV, so they ran into this oscillation problem at what point?
If the story in the OP is true, I'm pretty sure the French engineers made the spacing uneven on purpose.
The French may have tried even post spacing like on the Shinkansen, but they ran into the oscillation issue after a certain speed threshold.
When the Japanese engineers decided to increase the Shinkansen's speed, they also ran into the oscillation problem and found out how the TGV got around the issue.

Has there ever been a bigger meme? Why would anyone use these, especially in the modern day?
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>don't have the range
neither they have repair-ability

In 20 years of cycling i've tossed 3 gear hubs, because nobody will touch them, there are no common spares or standardized components. Simple 3 speed ones. Still using my oldest 8spd hub on it's 2nd disk and 3rd cassette with tens of thousands of miles on it.
Yeah. the problem is shimano doesn't have any decent IGH. And you won't fix neither rohloff nor pinion.
Well. It's better than everything that shimano can offer for sure.
oh look another brainlet who can't comprehend how it works or how to maintain it properly.
You should just take the short bus and let the adults do the thinking.
Nexus 3 if you're somewhere kinda-flat. Broader range than SA3, but in the same ballpark.
Alfine 8 is perfectly fine. A lot better than NuVinci, and SA 5 is a joke with a false neutral. Why the fuck would anyone tolerate a false neutral in an IGH?

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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Consider not limiting your sense of hearing when riding a bike, do not wear earbuds or headphones, maybe one of those external little JBL Clip style speakers are ok but only in a reasonable volume.

I feel like the hearing connection with the machine is super important, while your vision focuses on driving ahead, your ear should focus on all the sounds your bike makes, the chain, the wheel, the pedals, the clutch, the breaks levers, the motor if you are motorized, everything makes a distinct sound and the human ear is so sensitive it can pick up and remember and notice slightest change of pitch.

Lets not even get into the actual usual traffic safety concerns.
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My parents made me study French in school. Being able to understand Jacques Brel's lyrics is worth the effort alone.
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Hildegard von Blingin'
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Weird Al

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3 speed
All you need
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>you can force me to spend fifteen hundred dollars on my drivetrain every two years
No thanks :^)
>spend fifteen hundred dollars on my drivetrain every two years
That's utter and complete bullshit. A properly maintained (kept clean and adjusted, replacing the chain BEFORE it's all stretched to it's limits and ruining cogs and chainrings) will last for YEARS. Quit making up shit.
>will last for YEARS
Two even! Also, you're right! You better make sure to replace that chain every 3-6 months if you want it to last for two(2) years! Thanks for reminding everyone! I'm sure they really appreciate the reality check that it's going to cost even more! Anyway, i have to go adjust my derailleur (again) but it's been real chatting with you man!
So 100 watts?
Me peeing makes more watts.

Kiddo start running long distances instead, cycling as a workout is the the cringiest fad ever started, was literally invented by marketeers to sell products to 60 year olds with arthritis and menopausal women.

Cycling is running but with training wheels, get off your sissy anal probing seat and start subjecting your body to the forces of gravity as they accelerate your entire fatass mass down the ground, that's the manly thing to do.

We have been subjected to Decades, DECADES of propaganda about running harming the knees and joints and that cycling is a safe alternative only for scientists recently coming out and starting to argue against that shit, if you are under 40 you have no fucking reason to not start running now, your own two feet is all you fucking need you cattle.

All the cyclists i know are the weakest motherfuckers ever, they I run 30 miles a week every week and I absolutely guarantee you not one motherfucker from my local bikeshop club could ever keep up half the pace, not even close.

So yeah, put a motor in that bitch, its a transportation vehicle, it was what it was invented to do.
No, you're clearly a smoothbrain that doesn't know how to properly maintain a modern bicycle. You probably can't understand what cog or chainring to be riding in, let alone how to adjust a derailleur.
Fixies are made for people like you, since you're too dumb to understand anything else.
Bet you blame your tires and tubes for all the punctures you get, too.

Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

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>Also make the food actually good and not the dogshit Amtrak serves, that way it encourages repeat customers.

How bad is it?
>...people working 9-5 jobs could actually use it as an efficient means of commuting.
Are you high? Tickets starting from $300 one way and you think someone would do that for commuting? A someone who has a 9 to 5 job?
>Tickets starting from $300 one way and you think someone would do that for commuting? A someone who has a 9 to 5 job?

Professionals. Lawyers, doctors, businessmen, and the like.

t. read the article
>people that have access to private planes and consider their time to be very valuable.

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>be me
>ride Amtrak for cross-country tour across the United States
>have lunch
>can't have a burger and fries

Explain yourselves Americans.
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Amtrak is buying new long-distance rolling stock in the 2030s and should bring updated kitchens
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>In these glory days of rail safety, nobody wants a vat of hot oil sloshing around in a confined space

McDonald's was briefly contracted to handle catering for Deutsche Bundesbahn in the early 90s and they did manage to rebuild a pair of surplus dining cars into restaurants that offered the full McDonald's menu, using custom-built deep fryers similar to the ones used on ships.

From a technical standpoint, the project was a complete success. It only failed due to poor sales, poor logistics (restocking had to be done with McDonald's restaurants along the route instead of from fixed mid-journey stops), and the fact that the 90kW power consumption was very taxing on the cars.

They didn't do much with the Viewliner II procurement in the mid 2000s, but this round is supposed to be the single largest rolling stock purchase in amtrak's history, so we could see some push for real dining innovation.

We will see.

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>Amtrak has a fixed menu?

Even worse, that's the NATIONWIDE menu. Meaning that basically every overnight passenger train in the country serves it. The cafe cars are even worse.

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What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
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Wrong. You need to have mixed use all around the station area, and then dense commercial use at the station itself. That's how Japan does it.
So unless you're about to rebuild all the hollowed-out american cities it's just not going to work out, sorry.
I literally said replace the parking lots with mixed use, which is apartments and retail, maybe even a mall nearby which has been done in many places and is a successful way to get people to take transit there.

its not amtrak's fault its the government that owns them
>Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.

I've always wanted this with the Coast Starlight. Two trains daily, one departs in the morning and the other at night. Would solve a lot of the issues with a twelve hour ride between Los Angeles and San Francisco if you could just sleep on the train.

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you don't need 920mm bars on your medium frame mountain bike that you take for a loop around town on saturdays if the weather's nice.
You look like batman flying in to save the day, absolutely ridiculous.
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36cm drops???
so like 32cm tops
That's a little too much for me.
The tops are the same as the drops on my bars, I simply meant the style of handlebars.
ah, another handlebar width thread reminding me how many opinionated manlets and child sized adults there are out in the cycling world. as i used to say about saddles, there is an ass for every seat. same for handlebars in a broader sense. stop being so one sided and absolute with your opinions.
has never rode a single speed mountain bike
Most people haven't.

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>not affected by chink materials
>not affected by (((executives))) greed
>not affected by DEI globohomo

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>American orders 32 E175's

There are basically no remaining countries that don’t have some nice parts. I’m talking even really backwards places like Albania or Papua New Guinea have a few very well developed enclaves.

Now take a country the size of Brazil and it’s not too shocking. South Africa has a similar dynamic going on. Basically take anywhere with an appreciable number of white people and resources and you’ll see some progress. Brazil has more whites in it than most white countries have people in total, and in terms of resources they are about as rich in those as possible.
At the risk of derailing the thread, chicago schoolies will always go on and on about how import substitution industrialization is "a proven failure" citing latam countries having coups and shit, but the fact is these were places that were literally just dirt farming mining shit holes and they became somewhat passable industrialized nations with, in this case, a true aerospace sector, and also the coups were mostly engineered by those same chicago schoolies so it's clearly a self serving argument. I'm not saying tariffs are always smiles und sunschine, just that nothing is as clear cut as people with an agenda will want you to think.

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What does /n/ think of tomorrow's upgraded, more inclusive bike lanes? Cagetrolls will hate this, but I for one think it is perfectly reasonable for bike lanes to be open to any vehicle that doesn't have an ICE or require a Class A CDL to operate legally. What's the point of bike lanes if nobody is going to use them!??!?
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who do I have to drive my cager over to get one of this? Quick electric conversion and make it a campervan for instagram fame, I'm fucking so hard rn and I don't even bike.
Actually the problem is exactly that we aren't stuck in cycles! Ho ho!
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Thinking about re-inventing these for the Tour de France
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Dude's riding a Burley with a Sui-side axle attachment on one side and bent-assed tow bar bent around a half-assed turning radius are like, "what is that?"

As if they created an "industry standard".....
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If you know then you know

When you see it

Previous: >>1781074
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i have about 25 tires, wheels and rims all shoved on a high shelf in my small bedroom. they fit pretty condensed upright against the wall. but as they get further from the wall they flop more and more and more...

any good diy methods for condensed wheel storage?
i find i have to remove or add a wheel or tire out of there maybe once a month
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>with these weird bolts
Those are anti-theft nuts, looks a lot like the ones Pitlock makes. The take a special kind of bit to open and are installed to ward off fuckers like you.
>stop hoarding

i cut out most of the bullshit. a lot of those wheels and tires i use to help fix up other peoples bikes
Look man you got to quit that shit. Maybe it's not a bad thing from where you're standing but from the outside looking in you're standing at the edge of a cliff. Keeping bike parts is a *very* slippery slope. It starts out with a few tires and some spare hubs, next thing you know you've got 25 boxes labeled 'bike frame' stacked in you garage. You've already let them take your bedroom. What's next? Your wife?
Based. This is not a race
I can't tell if OP is having a posting battle with himself again, or if there is a reason this thread gets reposted months apart from each other.

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What is it with cycling and roll tops ?
Are roll tops our bag ?
What makes the roll top the supposedly better bag for cycling ?
Also are roll tops the objectively better bags ?
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Cycling roll tops are usually waterproofed and a roll top is inherently a waterproof design compared to a zipper, even weatherproofed zippers leak but a roll top doesn't even in torrential downpours.
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>What is it with cycling and roll tops ?
/n/iggers copying people on social media. The peak bike bag is actually generic milsurp. Take a look at this FILBE assault pack
>back stiffener plate
>you can overstuff this motherfucker with over 50 pounds of weight, it won't poke your back
>9000 denier cordura nylon, bag won't rip when overloaded
>weather-lined metal zippers and drainage holes for any water ingress
>MOLLE straps to rig more bags on top of your bag or rig your bike locks

>not ultralight
>you can't buy a nice one on eBay for $50 anymore the supply's gone dry
Chrome used to make a bag like that, not sure if they still do. They're dead to me since they moved to p*rtland

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Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
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From just road riding or are we talking real mtb stuff?
I did already
already just from road riding lol
Reduce your tire pressure

That brake pad looks like it was set up by a blind man

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I'd like to buy whoever invented the thru-axle a beer. It's a fantastic invention and I have no idea how it manages to be so good. It makes replacing a wheel so much nicer than fucking qr skewers.
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i got my steel thru axle literally seize to the alu hub. then got some anti-seize and problem solved.
I'm sure if you added tungsten stuff it would work great
I just want to bump this as a great example of how the internet works. A reasonable question is met with smug, useless answers from people who have no idea what they're talking about
There cheapest Endurace comes with a full tiagra, while Trek's similarly priced Demane comes with an incomplete Claris, and an additional kile (if not 1.5).
If it coupled securely to the radial load-bearing bearing then it would be great, now it's just tolerances in play, which is bad. At some point it behaves like a friction bearing. Better grease them up.

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