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do you guys listen to music while riding a bicycle whether its commuting or not?
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god no, I don't have a deathwish
i use small wireless earbuds, but mostly out of habit when it comes to music. lately trying to either not wear them or listen to audiobooks or podcasts.
mostly podcasts at 1.5 speed, but I primarily stick to cycle paths.
I bought a JBLgo shock proof speaker and a pack of zipties and I put it on the bike snd blast my mix when I start gps.

I can mute it from my phone mount. I think headphones are unsafe. Plus it's a wide pipes moto cope for me: if I blast music on my roadie then soccer mommy won't run me over.

I mute it or ask for what they like to hear if I ride with humans
Yes after getting earbuds that allowed outside noise to pass through I am fine with music and riding

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Delta owns 987 aircrafts, of which about 130 are regional jets. So - what if delta expanded its fleet to include trains?

Let’s say you are going from Augusta, GA to Los Angeles. You could leave AGS at 5:35 and take a 1h4m gate to gate flight to Atlanta, have a 2h16m layover in ATL, then continue on your cross country 5h9m flight to LAX. Add in 2 hours to get to the airport and you have a full day of 10h29m of travel. 5h20m of this time was dedicated solely on getting from Augusta to Atlanta. This is a trip that could take less than one hour on High Speed Rail.
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Did someone say Dash 8?
>Team up with Amtrak
The point of air travel is to be fast
I'll allow it.

>In Caltrain’s transition from diesel to electric, the transit agency opened a new online store featuring a variety of branded merchandise. In addition to holiday sweaters and exclusive boxed models of the new electric train, a much larger commodity is up for sale: the “Caltrain EMD F40PH-2 Locomotive (Used).”
>“These gently used, lovingly maintained 1985 F40 diesel locomotives could be yours,” the listing states. “The historic locomotives come with 40 years of service, and more than 1,000,000 miles traveled. Perfect for your model train set, train-themed diners, ornamental lawn decor or planter box, unconventional bed n breakfast or just to show up your overly gnomed neighbor’s lawn.”
> When Caltrain completes its electrification project with full service Sept. 21, it will retire most of its diesel fleet. Almost 100 gallery cars will likely be sold to another operator, said Caltrain spokesman Dan Lieberman, and the locomotives are being split up by age.
>Nine newer diesel locomotives will remain in use for the Gilroy service, which isn’t undergoing electrification because Caltrain doesn’t own that portion of the corridor. However, Caltrain has 20 diesel locomotives that have passed their expected retirement dates and will no longer be operational.
>These older trains might be scrapped, Lieberman said, but first, Caltrain wanted to give rail fans the opportunity to bring them home and make something out of them.
>The engine must be disabled and the buyer must cover the costs of storage and transportation, according to the listing. The locomotives will officially go up for auction in October.

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>Do you have a source for that?
Yeah. Me. What's yours?
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>A RR for an amusement park or zoo.

I don't think most of them are capable of running an F40PH bro
Just make the tracks more rigid and space them out to 4 feet 9 inches.
mine, if i could afford it
Thomasland would take it. Make way for F40PH Friday!

Whoever was in control of MH370 took extreme measures to avoid detection after deviating from the scheduled flight plan. Maneuvering the aircraft at the exact moment of ATC handoff, choosing a route that avoided military controlled airspace ,disconnecting SATCOM systems and disabling power control to run off the APU to avoid system rebooting , among other direct inputs shows an incredible knowledge of aircraft communication and aerospace detection methods. I think it's obvious who did this, and it was no doubt planned.

If the pilot's job was to kill a specific target on the flight, it would have been incredibly easy to cause an aerodynamic stall and crash the aircraft into the ocean. He could have even pitched the aircraft into the Indian ocean after leaving radar range, yet WISPR data shows the aircraft flew for over 7 hours until it was ditched in an incredibly remote location.

The question which should be asked is what or who on board the flight to Beijing needed to disappear (and also be completely un-investigatable) why was a regular crash not sufficient to accomplish this goal, and who benefits from an unrecoverable aircraft accident?
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/pol/tards shat up this board like mad since covid but all of a sudden aviation is SRS BZNS the second the /pol/tardery isn't restricted to the same whining about minorities, what's up with that?

t. not the op, just good at pattern recognition
Was getting caught part of his plan?
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Hide and seek World Champion
Zaharie Ahmad Shah, MH370 Pilot:

Will he win 2025 ?

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thread for /n/ related AI-slop
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what do you mean?
Spoken like an urban planner retard who has never taken the easy drive from nola to h town.

Honestly all you urban planning losers trying to justify why you have no house and car have gone too far when you tell us bikes aren't /n/
who is sidewalkshizo?
We're in agreement dumb fuck.

GPS used to be fancy, and is now affordable
Carbon frames used to be fancy, and are now affordable
Carbon aero wheels used to be fancy, and are now affordable
Hydraulic brakes used to be fancy, and are now affordable
Wireless shifting used to be fancy, and is now affordable
Good tires used to not even exist, and are now available albeit a little expensive
Lighting used to be heavy and annoying, now it clips to anything and you can light up the road with something the size of your thumb
Wide range cassettes used to be unimaginable, now some lazy people are even going 1x because they got filtered by 2x

It seems like it's all been done. Seriously, what's left. What else is there to improve? We even got bonuses like thru-axle, 3d printed saddles, internal routed everything, and aero frames/cockpits, which let's be honest, you weren't really expecting were you?

Can the cycling industry outdo itself or is it now a plateau of stagnation?
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I've got a new one. We need ERG mode drive trains. This would basically give you infinite gears.
what's erg? equity, reparations, and gender bending? if so I would like more of this too
This reality is close, mechanically geared CVTs are near production and power sensors are becoming more accessible. Give it a computer brain to automate the gearing ratio within a specified power target and there you go, work based output.
>It’s details like the most complex alloy head tube we’ve ever made and integrated cables that make it 41 seconds faster over 40km than the previous Allez Sprint. That’s a hell of a facelift. With 41 seconds, you’d have a podium picture in your Insta feed, just saying.

just sayiing
>power meters
>not found

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What tech, policies, city designs, etc, can be used to alleviate traffic congestion in the U.S. of A? I've seen some people suggest that we need to essentially obliterate The current car centered transportation networks we have in favor of stuff involving buses and trains (a ridiculous pipe dream Yes I know but I would also like to know if fixing the traffic issues is actually possible)

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So can we invest more in commuter railroads, or would that also offend you?
>noooo muh safespace
go back to /pol/
noooo he said the magic incantation and now I must flee
yes, exactly. I alone decide what is "on topic constructive discussion" and what is "off topic /pol/ trolling" and if you don't like it I will have a tantrum for hours

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>GCN puts out bait bike
>gets stolen
>track it down
>homeless junkies living in an alley
>feel sympathy for the junkies
>don't call police and let them keep it
Maybe the underlying reason why bike theft is so common is that bike owners on average just have less balls than bike thieves.
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>I got gang raped recently
>I was pretty bummed about it
>but then I remembered 9 out of 10 people enjoyed it
>the total happiness in the world increased
>so, whatever
no but seriously the person who made that comic was probably just trying to rationalize an upgrade and everyone knows how annoying it is to sell a bike, I'm sure it's less about undeserved empathy for a bike thief and more about not giving a fuck
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Most people don't care that much.
If you watched the video you saw how that niner rider went to great lengths to get back his bike, I think 1 out of 1000 might do that.
Risk is too high and you can't go full american psycho on them and get away with it.
Generally, yes. Until bike owners become more dangerous and start fighting back and making thieves afraid there's not much you can do except stop locking your bike up outside like a poor person.
It's a lot easier to get away with crimes if you're homeless than if you have a job and an address. A bike is not worth getting stabbed to death or arrested, and if you attack the junkie who stole it one of those two things is basically guaranteed to happen.

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Is London the most /n/ city in the world?
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>It is walkable on the sub-district level, but it's hard to say for a district or a city as a whole
This makes no sense to me. In what 10 million population city do you casually walk from one district to another?
Do you mean, avenues? Or highways? Anyways, can't do without either in a city that big.
Paris > London

It takes 40 years for london to build anything, Meanwhile, Paris tripled its transport infrastructure by the time Crossrail 1 got built.

Also London needs more tram lines. Overall
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it was, whenever I'm told that the west isn't in decline and that I only think so because I'm a friendless virgin loser who never goes outside I recall how the AEC Routemaster and Austin FX4 were designed promptly on a modest budget and fulfilled their roles perfectly for 50 years, withstanding the strain of london traffic for all that time and an ever-flowing torrent of urine, semen and AIDS blood for the second half of it, were only ever sought to be replaced because of ecohomo concerns about the emissions of old diesel engines, outlived about five consecutive attempted replacements each which either didn't work or simply weren't as good, and are now supplanted only by a patchwork of expensive and overcomplicated designs from all over the world, all of which are unsatisfactory in one way or another
inb4 that guy who screams about /pol/ in all the plane crash threads doesn't have any problems with this one

What way can I get into northern ethiopia from London in the cheapest way possible?
Years ago I heard an urban legend about a stowaway from Africa who fell out of the sky frozen above Richmond. Your post reminded me of that.
Sorry that travel plan only goes in the opposite direction.

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>I joked a lot with dei and boeing before
>people still are at it with dei even though it was a qualified white woman. Yesterday they were saying it a was troon(I agree they shouldn't be in the military) and after he literally announced it wasn't him people still commented as if it was.
ever heard that, maybe, you are part of the problem? the internet is a big place and most people are low IQ. do the math...
idgi is she supposed to be retarded or something?
because you're retarded and he was right
>The way the helicopter was operating before that was completely normal.
Unable to maintain an altitude ceiling is not "completely normal". What else might this pilot be incapable of?

>and erratic flying is totally normal for helicopters.
It had better not be, particularly in controlled air space. Or kerp your toys inside military reservations.
Thread is hot AF



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Fuck I hate Fedex. Every time I have issues with a package arriving it's always fucking Fedex.

I had a package that was supposed to arrive a week ago and the service paid for weekend delivery, then they just forgot about it. I thought that it was lost in transit because it wasn't updating at a distribution centre for four days. Now finally it goes out for delivery today but the driver didn't make it out to me and supposedly Fedex is bringing it tomorrow (maybe).

This hasn't been my only problem with Fedex. Every time I've had lost packages it's always been Fedex. Or absurd delays it's been Fedex, or delivering the item to the wrong address it's been Fedex.

I'm going to stop buying stuff from places that use Fedex for delivery.
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Pay was good though
i used them to ship shit on ebay for about 6 months - it was cheap af, stuff was arriving fast etc... all good and they'd bill me after confirming delivery.
no probs until they re-weighed a package, claimed it was 30 times it's actual weight, and then ebay whisked $200 out of my bank acct to pay them.
got money back eventually, but would never use fed ex ever again - they were fucking cunts to deal with on this.
dont they pay the worst of the delivery companies here in america? i know ups and usps both pay >$40 per hour once youve worked your way in (not guaranteed), scamazon dsps pay $23.50 and fedex pays less while having you drive cdl-required vehicle (which gets you a dollar or so bonus at scamazon).
don't worry they're getting rid of USPS so pretty soon it will be fedex or nothing
Suits me. USPS was never any good for ammunition, explosives or any other contraband.

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What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?

At a surface level it is obviously meant to (proverbially) throw other cyclists under the bus, but to what end? Would it somehow appease the anti-bike people if the person "blocking traffic" didn't agree to be referred to by the word "cyclist"?
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Remember humans are tribalistic and prefer to have an us vs them mentality. This is why so many are motorist vs cyclist, pedestrian vs motorist, communist vs capitalist, etc. Once you break the veil and realize they are humans like you(hard to see the person in the car). Then you can decipher whether they are a chronic asshole, or just having a bad day.
A little defensive there pal, touched a nerve?
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>What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?
Because the image of "cyclist" is so repulsive to normies on so many levels that even people who like bikes don't want to identify with them. Meanwhile cyclists themselves only seem intent on making the problem worse.
In my native language of Polis, there is a word 'kolarz' whuch is one riding a bike as a sport and 'rowerzysta' which is more general. The OP seems to have the problem that English does not have this distinction and 'cyclist' us an obnoxious lycra cladded fag.
if you don't want to get stuck behind a cyclist maybe take a main road instead of some narrow farm road with sheep on it that was meant for local traffic

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The end of ebike terrorism is in sight. Let's not count our chickens before they hatch, but I'm tentatively feeling hopefully about this. During the time that the last thread was up, hundreds of people were killed by ebike fires. We need to put a stop to this. I just hope they make sure to add prison time for people caught with unlicensed ebikes.
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mopeds should be considered as bikes if they go under 20kph. You want people move away from cars? Give them convenient e-mopeds that can pol useful load.
>300k pop city in Engerlund
>council has finally fucking had it and taking overpowered electric shit off delivery slaves
>no warning gib bike, 30 in two days in centre alone
It can be done
>The rule is basically if it has pedals it doesn't require registration.
The rule should be: If you have to pedal it, it doesn't require registration. I've seen people on e-bikes that never had to turn the pedals one revolution. Just twist the throttle and go. 40 MPH. That's a phony e-bike. I can put pedals and a chain on a Harley Sportster.
The rule should be: if it is a mode of transport other than human feet, you must register and pay taxes on it, thereby covering every mode of obnoxious tranportation that interferes with walkable cities.
I lean into the camp that low-power vehicles like mopeds, e-bikes, etc should have a specific licensing system, but purely human powered vehicles should not. Like maybe a one-time registration through the state, and they get a specialized plate. Require that for any power-assisted vehicle (including pedal assisted ebikes, atvs, golf carts, e-unis, etc) to be used on the road, and require actual license plates on anything that puts out more than "X" ft-lbs of torque, or "X" horsepower. This class of vehicles would not require a formal driver's license to use.
In theory, this means a kid fucking around on an unregistered pit bike in his neighborhood could get ticketed, but if I know cops in the US, the law is most likely not going to get enforced unless someone's in a high-traffic area or being otherwise unsafe. It also has the other side of things where if you're somewhere that has different laws, but it's registered as that vehicle in your locality, it can insulate you from a license you may not be approved for (i.e. no motorcycle permit but a cop calls your ebike a motorcycle).

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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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Walking cyclist FAUNA
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Always wear a helmet
Why so fast, racer?
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I got one, but it's sitting on a bookshelf in its box.

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