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yeah dude let's shred, send it bro
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Old geezers on ebikes are bros though. One time my usual route was blocked off due to construction and there was a dude like your pic and he guided me along a 4 lane freeway to get to where I was going, literally just pulled me in his slipstream with my heart at 175bpm for a couple of miles going at batshit speeds with cars passing us at 70 and took an offramp and got me to where I could find my way and then just zoomed off without so much as telling me his name, nah ebike geezers are cool and I will never say a word against them.

If you think my issue with ebikes is those guys you're sorely mistaken, what I hate is millennial/genX aged dudes buying these things and acting like jackasses because they've never gone that fast on a bike and they don't know how to handle it. They don't even have an excuse because there's no pacemaker, no doctor telling them to take it easy. They can be healthy and fit, they just choose to be antisocial morons who burn down the nearest building with their incendiary bombs, they are NOT the same.

t roadie
How the fuck is he getting that bottle out? For someone with so much shit attached to his bike you'd think he'd get a side loader
I was about to say he doesn't have that much, but the more I look the more I see....
>weird beaked seat
>suspension seatpost
>seatpost bag
>wahoo/garmin on bars+throttle
>cheap suntour fork
and of course a kickstand.
>weird beaked seat
Looks like a normal selle SMP to me but what do I know
i've met someone exactly like this and they're cool
The only people I see on e bikes are pro riders doing 30+mph
nothing wrong with kickstands man
Wait what's the problem with this?
What do you think "pro" means



nothing wrong with suspension seatposts
until you're going over bumpy ground and they fold down on their own, there's a reason MTBs practically never have one
>fold down on their own
i guess that depends on the type you get, i have a really stiff one that doesn't move on it's own at all.
As long as they're pointing backwards, they'll fold straight back up again.
He thinks
>good at cycling, safe, responsible and courteous

I think it means
>using the bike for professional means
>food delivery thirdie

I'd estimate that here in Bongistan, at least half of e-bikes are ridden by food delivery thirdies with no regard for human life, even their own.

While we're at it, what's up with electric scooter riders? Here they're 100% all scummy black "gangstas" (including white wannabe or pretend gangstas). Every time I see one I pray for them to crash.
>nothing wrong with kickstands man
they typically clamp on frame tubes and can easily damage your frame

they're also prone to rattle loose and then make noise or stop working
didnt bother taking it of off a bicycle that just came with it for 4 years or so. Never used it during that time. Hardly ever bothered me, but it announces its presence audibly when going iver a bump.
Finally got around taking it off. No real difference. Only the noise mentioned above is gone.
Honestly what do people do with kickstands? If you want to stop somewhere there's usually a vertical surface you can lean the bike against. If not you can just lay it down, which is probably the best way to make sure it wont fall.
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i like mine, it's a bit heavy but doesn't rattle, doesn't get in the way, doesn't damage my frame, always works. very useful for quick stops everywhere, laying it down on the dirt just feels wrong, so does leaning it against a wall where the bar tape can get damaged. also where i live there's a lot of bicycle parking areas that are just lines painted on the ground
t. Muddy handlebars
The real cringe is zoomers mumbling "sick" every corner. Then they have to spend 10 mins high fixing after every trail.
What fucking kickstands have you seen that don't fold to the back?
those lines are giving me anxiety
>vertical surfaces for leaning
im straight up not leaving my bike anywhere (outside of my home) unattended for any amount of time
I am paranoid but I want to do chores on a bike. I have this issue too, even though I have old cheap bikes.
>heh, even though I have a 400w motor on my $15k 30 lbs enduro, I still can't make it up over this small rockgarden on the climb since I'm 300 lbs, I'll just go over here and cause a bunch of trail erosion
>nothing personal non-fat fucks
Hook a Velcro loop over it.
>t roadie
opinion discarded
>what sort of bike do you have

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