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why aren't new neighborhoods built with separate right of way for different transit modes by default? take picrel for example, blue is for cars/local streets, red is BRT and green is bike paths. it's really not that hard from a planning point of view and makes transportation more convenient for everyone.
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Let me guess you need more?
There's probably hundreds of miles of trails to ride here
If you’re the same guy trying to pretend Los Angeles doesn’t have wide roads please do everyone a favor and stop posting. My eyes are bleeding from the desperation in your spam.
>everyone who replies to me is the same person
Log off bro
t. the same person

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Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
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Did they sink it yet?
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Wrong ship dummy
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Staircase that's seen better days
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There weren't any Chinese people around so I think I was safe


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For as much revenue the MTA generates it dumbfounds me that they don't have cameras on all their subways. Being a Chicagoian I know there are cameras on all the subways and the trains that connect it to the suburbs. Are they really just not not putting in the cameras to protect the image of NYC's diversity?
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No I just think there are a fuckload of cars and they can only put so many cars o.o.s. at any time.

It looks like they have 1000 mta camera trains and the rest are done January 2025.

A subway cam would have freed Bernie Goetz as well as that Marine that choked out the MJ bum robbing people currently on public trial.
I fucking hate how they say you are more likely to get struck by lightning than bit by a shark. It's because something like 99.9% of billion people on this planet never swims in the ocean. Think of it you spend 99.999% of your life away from where sharks are. No wonder you are more likey to win the lottery than get bit by a shark.
Well the soft sell for blue line types was "it removes ambiguity for officers defending themselves" so I guess it worked out?
They have them now

shark bites are still incredibly rare even for regular swimmers albeit
I think it would only really increase in a noticeable way for surfers

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Could LA actually be walkable if we just upzoned a few neighborhoods?
I think the DTLA2040 plan actually does that but I’m wondering what the net effect will be. DTLA is 1% of the city’s acreage but will account for 20% of the city’s housing growth in the next 20 years.
That means a much denser downtown.
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A decent amount of LA is walkable already
I was on holiday there a month ago and did the La Brea Tar Pits, Santa Monica Pier, and Griffith Observatory solely with public transport
Until we density some of those single-family-only areas (which comprise a huge portion of LA), we’ll always have a housing shortage and never be walkable. Slowly the NIMBYs are starting to wake up tot he housing crunch.
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desu you could probably fix the housing shortage by doing eminent domain on all the empty lots and building housing there. There's a lot across from Chinatown station that's been empty for years and you could add hundreds of housing units plus retail on the bottom floor there
True but ADUs and fourplexes are perfectly reasonable anywhere within LA city limits. It’s the city limits of a massive major city, it shouldn’t be zoned like a suburb.
Also I see a lot of empty lots getting filled in with 5-story stuff. Not bad, but not enough to make a huge difference to the average homebuyer.
ive noticed the main blvds are lined with towers and condos and apartment buildings, but the middle
of these giant city blocks is always just sparse suburban housing

>Boeing Seven TURDy seven
how did South Park know back in 2012?

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Got directed to here from /out/. Hopefully yall can help. Copy pasting my post from there.

Had to pack my bike into my car for a move and I'm pretty sure I fucked it up like a retard.
Front wheel had to come off for it to fit, but I didn't know that the axle bolt was a loosen-only type deal and didn't actually come all the way out. Sat there just spinning it thinking it was stripped but ended up stripping it in the process. Lots of metal shavings in the axle threads and when I put the wheel on and tighten it, the wheel just falls off under load, so the threads are definitely fucked and not biting. I think both the wheel bolt and axle threads are fucked. Don't worry about the brake rotor, I took it off (I bent it oops).

How do I fix this bros? The wheel hub bolt comes out (so I've seen) so that can be replaced. What about the axle threads? You think I can rethread them using a tap or do I need to buy a whole new front fork since the axle is integrated and it'll be too hard to rethread? I've heard bike shops are expensive so I want to DIY it if I can. Idk the model I didn't buy it, all I know is that it's a lefty Cannondale.
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Use red loctite. In most cases the helicoil is stronger since it's a steel thread vs aluminum. Seems like it's been working on many bikes until OP stripped the threads.
Proprietary American shit strikes again. Buy standardized hardware next time and never buy cannondale.
The lefty fork relies on the axle being one with the leg. Otherwise this monstrosity wouldn't work at all.
I'd say the threads on the axle might be alright, but you should chase them.
If they're fucked, helicoil is your last option.
Bolt obviously needs replacement.
If all fails you can always replace this stupid fork with a normal one (suntour, rockshox, fox, etc.).
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Couldn't get to replying until now. I inherited the bike so I have no idea what year or model it is. Can't find any indication of a model name/number on it.
If helicoil is my best option next to buying a whole new fork, it doesn't hurt to try it. Worst that could happen is it snaps and I eat pavement and have to buy a new fork anyway.
Looks like a decent bike. As the other anon said maybe try and chase the threads and replace the bolt first, then go helicoil if the prior doesn't work.
Will do

why did it fail?
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Heavier and inferior alternative to lightweight e-scooters.
no vtec
Needs a motorcycle license to use it. Surprisingly cheap, but you can get e-bikes and scooters that don't need a license for less. Also, having an escape pod for your car isn't all that practical most of the time really, and if you want to ride places you can't drive, there's lots of ways to mount a bicycle, motorized or otherwise, to the outside of a car.
I saw a ton off brand versions when i was in china.

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December 2024 will see the launch of the first direct train serving Paris and Berlin in decades, which will use DB's ICE3 sets.

Paris-Est 09:55 - Berlin Hbf 18:03
Berlin Hbf 11:54 - Paris-Est 19:55

...so around eight hours in total, calling at Strasbourg, Karlsruhe and Frankfurt. Prices will be €59 in second class, and €69 in first class.
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you don't need to leave your seat while travelling from paris to berlin and vice versa, which you couldn't do before. if you're going to start thumping the dictionary and angrily spinning a globe, fuck off.
Man, this is why i prefer the french way of building HSLs. So many obligatory and unecessary stops on the german side.

Its better to make HSLs go around cities, with branches leading into it, so you dont have to stop there but can make varying services that could stop at said city, hell Paris and Lyon are prefect examples of this.

Imagine a direct line between the two cities, fully highspeed, it'd take half the time.
I cant wait to see a load of Wehrmacht soldiers disembark at Paris from the fist train. Imagine the lulz.
But isn't this due to the fact that France is more centralized in general?
Population of Paris metro area is 13 Mio, which is 20% of all French.
Greater Berlin area is 4.6 Mio equal to only 5% of all Germans
If we talk about value added to GDP it's even worse lol
I don't think it's longer via Strasburg than via Lille and Brussels. Question would be which route has more HSR, but I dare say taking the french 300 kph HSR to Strasburg and then the German upgraded lines is probably better.

Berlin-Brussels is about 7.30h, Brussels-Paris is 1.30 so ca 9h total, maybe 8.30 if you established a direct train.
This train otoh takes just over 8 hours, I don't think you could beat that via Brussels.

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>wears a rolex daytona while driving, just like paul newman
>wears a rain coat when it's raining, just like gene kelly
>wears gym shorts at the gym, just like wilt chamberlain
>wears aviators just because, just like val kilmer in top gun
>wears tacticool ballistic nylon cargo pants when working, just like steven seagal in under siege
>wears cycling shorts when cycling
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4 u?
That usually happens when the front wheel is smaller than the rear
>wear a raincoat while it's raining
>this is clearly because of gene kelly and not the rain
Fresh from Reddit, I see.
just own it you larper, everyone knows you're only wearing it because you want to be le dancing dapper gentleman

A 17-year-old German teen has been living life as a modern nomad, leaving his parents’ house to live on trains and travel all over his country.

While most 17-year-olds are only just beginning to consider the idea of leaving the nest, Lasse Stolley has already been on his own for over a year and a half. Convinced that his school studies were already behind him, he convinced his parents to allow him to leave their home in Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein to embark on a unique train-hopping adventure. It took a lot of convincing, but they eventually agreed, and for the last year and a half, the German teen has essentially been living on trains, traveling all over his home country, working as a self-employed coder during the day, and sleeping on night trains at night.

“I’ve been living on the train as a digital nomad for a year and a half now,” Lasse told Business Insider. “At night I sleep on the moving Intercity Express (ICE) train and during the day I sit in a seat, at a table and work as a programmer, surrounded by many other commuters and passengers. I travel from one end of the country to the other. I’m exploring the whole of Germany.”

He gave into his wanderlust in 2022, selling most of his possessions and packing what was left in a 36-liter backpack that he has been carrying with him ever since. Minimalism and resisting the urge to acquire new stuff are an essential part of his lifestyle, as he needs to take everything with him wherever he goes. It’s not always easy, but he has found a way to make it work.


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He is living a more interesting life than you ever will while 80% of it is still ahead of him.
>molested on well-staffed public transportation
It's a first-world country, not Hungary or America.
You almost had a point until you played the retard card
You're only mad because he described (You)r own behavior to the t

Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

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>the ex Amtrak HiLevel fleet

Are there any even left?
Apparently not, no wonder amtraks look so dinky now
I understand bumping your other threads but since this project will never happen and no one's interested just let it die
Local /n/(igg)erd breaks down why it's a bad idea

>your foamerfic story
That only happens on holidays.

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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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Nice! Although looking a bit rough. Only two of those H16-66's left. The other one is on static display here in Canada.
Southern's commitment to high hood fascinates me
NW had quite a few high hoods and like SR, was committed to running long hood forward. But NW diesels didn't look as nice
>East Broad Top is a 3' narrow gauge railway.

Ah, keep forgetting that part. It seemed so big when I was a kid.

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Theoretically speaking, if I was an entrepreneuring billionaire and I wanted to bring back one of the great American passenger trains (Super Chief, California Zephyr, Panama Limited, Empire Builder, City of Los Angeles/San Francisco, 20th Century Limited, Broadway Limited, Powhatan Arrow, Coast Daylight, etc.) to run on a regular basis (let's put it at at least two times a month for a start), which option would be more feasible from an economic/technical/legal perspective?

1. Acquire all of the surviving rolling stock (sleepers, dining cars, dome/observation cars, baggage cars, etc.) from the original consist from private owners, heritage railways, and museums, as well as matching surviving locomotives (can be from ones different railroads since thousands of functionally and aesthetically identical EMD F and E units were sold to all Class I railroads). Renovate them as necessary to make them FRA-compliant, obtain waivers wherever possible. Put them into service as a part-luxury train, part-mobile museum.

2. Commission the construction of a replica consist. Building entirely new streamlined cars from scratch, designed to match the internal and external appearance of its original as much as possible, with changes only being made when it's literally required to make the car FRA-compliant/modern user friendly (updated wiring, HEP, power outlets at seats, WiFi support, replacing wooden paneling with MDF paneling etc.). Motive power consists of custom-built Siemens Chargers designed to resemble the original E and F units (streamlining, bulldog noses, matching paint schemes, etc.) as much as legally possible.

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I meant once it enters revenue/excursion service, not a one-time test for bragging rights. Obviously fans of the T1 are gonna want to ride it when it's going the full 100 mph but there's very few places where you can realistically do that, especially with a locomotive of that size, and most certainly not on heritage railroads. Hell, the Acela Express only goes at its full speed on a single stretch of track from New York to Philadelphia.
It would be limited to class 1 and 2 lines that allow for excursion services.
It does happen norfolk and western 611 is not that much smaller and does just that, so did atsf 3751. But those trips are not always for the average person tickets are mostly high dollar fundraisers.

But a railroad should have really come forward by now as a sponsor or partner.
While they have no excursion service yet rail heritage of midwest has a dd40x running doing yard trip on occasion and are working on rebuilding a 4-6-6-4 and 2-10-2 all are comparable size and weight.
>Siemens Chargers designed to resemble the original E and F units

Bro just buy a real one a 645 or 567 will outlast a cummins shitblock several times over.

UP loves hosting steam excursions

Their own steam engines, not ones from other railroads

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No it's from Middle English
Its ancient-albino-chimp-english for "newfag bird"
>Reminds me when in the early 90's a lot companies had an ex suffix to look "modern". X is not used in Polish language, so anything using it had a "modern" vibe. And then tons of companies started doing it creating such fun names like Butex (shoe-x), Drutex (rod-x), Dachex (roof-x) etc. and in the end ex suffixed names became sort of a joke on itself.
Back in the commie days Pewex was the only chain where you could buy imported goods using foreign currency, so the name was attached to luxury in the mind of average Pole.

And my absolutely favorite was Rybex (fish-ex).
Now I feel silly, I never noticed the relationship before, since it is so obvious.
Polish would be Griffinwski, innit.

What causes this?
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shock therapy applied
In the case of Poland, lack of income to upkeep a line on such a scale that we saw was mostly a myth. They didn't improve the more widely used or mainlines as a result, they let it all rot.
>degredation of infrastructure to a comical degree (10-20 kmh slow zones!) deincentivies people to use the trains for freight/passengers
>rail traffic decreases which results in decreased investment into upkeep and upgrades
>this further results in more degredation
And the cycle goes on. The most ironic thing was there was only ONE line in the country that was up to spec in the 90s -- the 270 kilometer central magistrate railway aka line Number 1.
i didn't know that word existed in english, only the dutch and german versions dorp and dorf
shut up pidorashka
Do you think for yourself or are you dominated by symbols and almost algorithmic reactions?

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