Technically they are like a train but vertical
>>2029929Like those annoying rotating doors they could stop when somethig is detected where nothing should be.
>>2031817leading to everyone who is currently entering or exiting a cabin on another floor to tumble and potentially hit their head
>>2028342Funiculars are kino, I'll give the liftautists that
>>2028332>a whole different levelPun intended? I happen to be one of those liftautists.
>>2031942What do y'all get out of elevators serious question? I understand if it's a particularly ornate one with an interesting design to it but your average mall elevator just seems so nondescript and uninteresting to me.
Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
>>2028534but where did they go? this has never happened before
>>2029387Stop bumping your now-worthless thread
>>2026692oh cool, didn't know /n/ had an archive, I was looking for it few years back
>>2029436it keeps changing as old ones die and new ones respawn, that's why no /n/ archive covers more than a couple of years
>>1915158what is wrong with OP?
You move above the streets, on the roofs. The streets would be free of pedestrians for the most part, imagine how many thousands of senseless deaths would be avoided yearly with people ran over by cars, bikes, buses, trains, etc.
>>2031885would it be preferable if people drove to the chain stores and buskers at a strip mall? this is not an issue of street design.
>>2031891Anon I hate to tell you this but that is a strip mall.
>>2031900the opposite, strip malls are just fake shopping streets without the housing and convenient location, commercial space ripped from where it belongs and placed in the middle of nowhere
>>2025265this but unironically, better to die in beauty than live in ugliness
>>2031880He was talking about whole cities, not streets converted to shopping malls.
We have the flying boat. That planes over seaWhy not land ektranoplans that use electricity from electric lines as trains does.More speed, less road or rail lines infrastructure.
>>2031353Do trains steer?> electrified cooper bar at ground level. > magnetic atachment to it>cable from magnet to wing to ground efect.>a cable roll insite plane with sensors that pulls or let free the cable based on how plane move.> electric engine Fliyng electric train vagon
>>2031353Also Russians did not use the wing in ground effect. And i am not talking about on water transport
>>2031353Not to mention they got experience from it.Beriev Be-200 is currently the world's only jet-powered amphibious aircraft. California at one point want to buy them
we have flying buses already. they're called airplanes.
>>2031920The problem with airplanes is that they spend an ungodly amount of energy getting to cruising altitude, great for when your flight is mostly cruising, shit when you get short flights between small indonesian islands. Ekranoplan is not as fast nor as efficient at cruising, but it's much easier to get off the ground, so it has its place for short range flights over water.
I want to strangle every single big buck roadie fred and especially every single downhill-bike-in-a-park pomp who rides around just to do chainsaw sounds with their bicycle's very very expensive hub. "Give way, the asshole is coming!". Like, if you wanna make motorcycle sounds, get an actual motorcycle. A Harley actually sounds cool. A freewheeling bicycle sounds supremely annoying, and also means you are a weak shit who is not pedalling. Fuck you, go ride into a river.
>>2031882I have zipps too and I don't think they're that loud. they're a little louder than some generic garbage wheels I had back in the day on a cheap bike, they're about the same as my old mavics, and they are a hell of a lot quieter than chris bling. I think a lot of the complaining about loud hubs is just overactive imaginations coupled with the usual unracer seethe about nice things
>>2031893this is the only way a loud motor should sound like just sound like they're broken, nothing cool about that
Silent hubs are the best hubs. Fancy ones reverberate the hollow plastic "carbon" tubes in an unpleasant way
>>2031895>generic tractor soundnah is what ya need
>>2031808>old Shimano 105 freehubI have a 2019 era 105 freehub and I love it. It's not silent but it's super quiet.I ride with a friendly sounding bell to not scare people. But I ride on the road so most of the time it's just to say hi to people I know
What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
>>2018347anon's talking about the underground portion with all the street venders and bums pissing in the stairways, not moynihan
>>1992029>The Sounder regional trains are great up to Vancouver and down to Eugene.Where is this ghost Sounder line that stretches from BC to Oregon?
>>2028861they were just following the Elon Levy model. trains are more efficient if you delete the passengers
>>2028386That's not amtrak's fault, that's due to the arcane way that California governs their state supported routes leading the San Joaquin rail authority to be stuffed full of the cheapest motherfuckers and thinking cutting the cafe attendant would be an easy savings. They totally didn't expect the blowback (somehow) and are now scrambling to attach a cafe car order to the next batch of Venture cars being built.
Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
it's because the thread is so old
pictures age like women. threads age like wine
>>2024561But there are other threads that are older that still have photos
>>2014307is that ken-sama?
>>2024538Same issue with a lot of the sticky'd posts on various boards. Strangely, other people don't have the issue.
Cycling has doubled in Paris. Yes, it's realistic to think American cities can also have large amounts of cycle commuters. We just have to actually build bike lanes. And desu, we have the space.
>>2031913Are they? I thought that the stadiums and housing were all pretty much prebuilt.
>>2031914There's a city beautification movement that always happens in the Olympic City
>>2031913Yeah I just don’t know if that will translate into upzoning. Hopefully. Upzoning would mean more city funds to improve public space and transit at least.
>>2031239>The pro-bike lane segment hates public meetings because they literally can't form an argument.The pro bike lane segment hates these meetings because the John Forester/Critical Mass activists keep fighting for mixing cycles in with the motor vehicles.Is it more important that you get where you are going? Or die trying to slow cagers down?
Bike lanes are proven to increase ridership and boost local retail sales.
Why are American HSR advocates so obsessed with Chicago?
It’s a geographic lynchpin and the ROW is already there.
>>2031657its a major city that isn't on a coast and isn't blocked by the rocky mountains. no one in their right mind would ever want to go to chicago under any circumstances and right now by train it takes like a week from nyc to chicago. the train fags think if we put hsr between nyc and chicago you can link every major mid west city to the east coast corridor and that would justify building the rail, even though again, who the fuck wants to go to chicago?
>>2031657It was the lynchpin of the rail system in the pre-plane era, and it wants that status back.
I am looking for a cheap 50cc moped to buy for about 20 miles of commute and back twice-thrice a week.At first I wanted to get the Chinese ones on Amazon, but after reading about them apparently not being reliable/lasting long, I decided to get a used moped from a more reputable brand. Since I don't have any experience with mechanics and is quite lacking in funds, buying something that might break easily is not a good idea.I went on FB marketplace and found some good deals. There is :>2016 Vespa 50cc for $350>2020 Genuine Scooter Buddy 50cc for $799>2007 Genuine Scooter Buddy 50cc for $500The Vespa is the cheapest but also the most broken(see webm). Parts of it are cracked and the owner admits in the description "broken key but start up good and is in good condition".The 2020 Buddy is a little expensive in comparison, but almost like new.The 2007 Buddy is the perfect balance of affordable, from reputable company for reliable scooters, and does not appear cracked at all(the owner even says he had it repaired at a shop before listing).The problem is that the 2007 Buddy is located 73 miles away from me in a different city. The other ones are at least in the area and I could pick it up by transit. The hill from both cities is steep, so trying to go in bus and go back on the scooter might not be a good idea. I considered uShip but the lowest estimated quote is around 121 (average 211, highest 272).Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2030931Do you think e-bikes would be reliable for 40 miles commute about 3 times a week?And in that case what would you recommend to look out for / to purchase that is within my budget?After doing some research I have seen that e-bikes tend to cost a lot because the motor+battery by themselves are expensive. In my case I would need range for at least 40 miles.I suppose the cheaper e-bike solution would then be to find a cheap conversion kit and battery and attach them to the cheapest used analog bike possible.Anyway thanks for this idea I will consider it as well.>>2030938pretty expensive for me but I'll try to look for used ones.>>2030955>any moped can be electrified. I suppose you meant any bike can be electrified?Yes that's what I was considering. Getting a cheap used bike and attaching motor+battery to it.But I haven't done much research yet.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2030969Once again anon, as I told you in the other thread, my bad if I did not properly consider your earlier point. It is indeed frustrating when you take time out of your day to give advice to someone who is less experienced, and they just brush it off with a dumb excuse. That being said even with a dorm I will need transportation to my job which is 21.5 miles away from my school, and that I do not believe is a bad excuse.Perhaps you will tell me to get another job that is closer to campus. And perhaps this is a good idea. But I don't think I can just leave like that, I have contract. And I highly doubt I will be able to get a job closer to campus, it was already hard getting what I currently have. But perhaps I am also refusing to try and get another job for the same reason I disregarded, at first, your very astute idea of simply subletting and getting a dorm closer.I will try to think this more thoroughly and avoid baseless, perhaps irrational excuses. Thanks.>>2030982>>2030983I appreciate your advice and it does make sense.That being said I absolutely cannot do that.I have transfer opportunities for Fall which I was very lucky to get, which is only for next Fall.If I don't fulfill certain requirements, which include not just GPA but also a certain number of credit hours, I will lose it.
>>2030868I had many 50cc as a young guy and i don't know the Genuine Scooter Buddy, my advice will be to get a japanese one, Vespa is ok too but i don't feel the one in the vid.
>>2030868Sym or Kymco, watch the oil, get services regular. Will be bulletproof
>>2031779As a Jamaican I read this as "Suck your mother or Kymco"
MH17 2: Electric Boogaloo
>>2028740>>2028794 you feel stupid now doncha?
>>2028967>"Vladimir Putin offered his apologies that the tragic incident had occurred in Russia’s airspace and once again conveyed his deep and sincere condolences to the families of the plane crash victims and wished those injured the quickest recovery," the press office said in a statement.that's not an admission of anything now is it
>>2029007Why does russia hate civilian airliners so much?
>make this thread>even bigger fucking disaster happensSorry, my bad
>>2029240seems like everyone forgot about jeju so let's have another round on azerbaijan
How do you mix training for cycling with a proper strength routine?I'm trying to raise my FTP, need to lose like 10kg by next year for climbs BUT the Physiotherapist told me I need to do more strength/weight training for my body... Specially my back and shoulders.I'm currently doing:>Intervals 3x/wk>Strength routine (Kettlebell + pullups) 2x/wk>Long ride on weekendsI've literally never done any strength stuff in my life before and generally hate it compared to cardio.
why do zoomers have so much hate for "trying hard"? why is try hard an insult? phones have raised a generation of nihilists, zoomerism is a death cult
>>2031640It's their way of being a contrarian rebel, think of it like Gen X's "lazy cool." While Gen Z was growing up, Millennial pop culture was very try hard which was our contrarian move against lazy cool. It's that thing where culture ping pongs. You think us Millennials go hard? Mini-Millennials, Gen AI, Gen Alpha, goes even harder
>>2031640in the childhood films I saw the not try hard got the girl.>t. try hard that stopped and is back
>>2031640copy/pasting the best shit i ever read about this:Given how useless I’ve been today, I’m not going to do it justice. However, since tomorrow’s likely to be more of the same, and since I suspect the response will be “you don’t know what tryhard means” (probably true), I might as well get it over with. Let’s do this shit in point form:– there’s nothing worse than being stuck playing team sports with people who aren’t working their asses off– in the face of a cold and uncaring universe, tenacity is the most valuable form of strength, and learned helplessness is the most pernicious weakness– if someone’s born with abilities they didn’t have to work for, we praise them as naturally gifted; if someone’s born with money they didn’t have to work for, we ridicule them as a trust fund baby– untapped potential is fool’s gold– “I could do ____ if I tried” is a statement of cowardice, not confidence– lack of effort or commitment does not excuse or lessen the severity of a failure; rather, it means you have failed twice– if you’re an asshole, and you set world records and win gold medals, congratulations: you’re still an assholeI’m not making excuses for vanity, arrogance, attention whoring, poor priorities, or any other pathological behaviour. Quite the opposite; I’m proposing that we target the pathological behaviour directly, rather than taking the lazy way out.Now here’s the flipside:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
How in the fuck are they pulling this shit off? These commies are making us look like clowns! What is the reason for this?!
>>2031662Debt. Lots of debt. They built a lot of stupidly big and expensive infrastructure with excessive debt on the basis that if their growth continued at the pace it was going, the debt would never be a problem. Of course, the slight problem with that plan is that there was no guarantee of continued high growth.Going to be interesting over the next few decades watching how China copes with the burden of all the shit they've built over the last 20 years. There's going to be some difficult decisions being made about where to allocate continued funding, what to shut down and demolish, and what to continue running on an inadequate budget while trying to avoid becoming a new Liveleak upload.
>>2031662>These commies are making us look like clowns!No they aren't. Communism has always had good mass transit because people don't have any property rights and cannot meaningfully oppose it. How old are you?
No matter what China's political or economic future is, Shanghai will always be one of the world's largest and most impressive cities. I hope to visit someday. Probably when Xi is no longer in power.
>>2031743And why can't mutts do the same thing...?
>>2031770Cuz money is spent on more important thing like the military industrial complex, ai datacenters and oligarch's flying dicks ehm.. """rockets""".
Since the days of Repack the sport exploded and splintered into various specialist sub genres, but for me this is what cycling has always been about, simple bikes out in the wild, taking on terrain that shouldn't be bike friendly.Here's a nice film that covers the birth of the sport from the perspective of a photographer who was part of that American story, tons of cool images.> course off road cycling has many points of origin, in the UK we have the 'rough Stuff fellowship', which claims to be the oldest off road cycling club in existence and predates the Repackers by several decades, here's a link to a thread that talks about that.> doubt throughout the history of the bicycle right across the planet, small groups and individuals independently 'invented' mountain biking' by simply taking whatever bikes they had and riding them in the wild. It would be great to learn more about the history of mans off road cycling adventures and perhaps discover where this amazing sport really was birthed.Share any images and stories here.
>>2031589Nah, you should rope. Ebikes are the apex of cycling cope. They were literally invented for people who are lesser than.
>>2031601I've never been in a race in my life, but if someone entered a foot race with a car and then bragged about how fast and easy it was, I'd think he was a dork, also.
>>2027258>sportAll those repack fags invented was bringing clique to nature riding and pay to win gear faggotry.
>>2031647>>2031654>>2031691Based anons
>>2031717how many cars do we have to drive to live this way?
Now that we are a fourth of the way through the 21st century, what has been the best mass transit project of the century so far?
>>2030215If it's edinburgh (which it almost definitely is) you also got:Airdrie-Bathgate rail link, opening another commuter line to edinburgh from the westThe borders railway to tweedbank was built, including a few rail stations in the city on the east sideThe fife circle extension to leven2 new rail stations on the west side of the city as tram interchanges, but also good connections to different areas of the cityOpen access operator supplying cheaper trains to newcastle and london (£5 tickets to newcastle on the lumo is class, I've used it a few times for day trips with the kids)Lots of speed improvements on pretty much every train line going - electrification has been pretty goodLots of new cycle paths and connections, the union canal was reopened in 2001 as wellGiven that all happened in the last 25 years only, it's been pretty good, hopefully the tram system expands in the next few years, seems like the granton - hospital line will be getting built soonI also think that people forget how shite things were in 2000
>>2030206>The Big Nig
>>2030189 Gotthard Base Tunnel runs straight through the Alps instead of climbing them. It is the deepest train tunnel in the world.
Elizabeth Line's pretty great
>>2030817I live here and Link Light Rail is profoundly awful, its the sort of shitty New Urbanism project where the people planning it don't really seem to care about its actual usefulness as a form of transport as much as "WE HAVE A TRAIN". Its extremely poorly integrated with the existing transit system, by which I mean they've been removing bus lines and funneling people to the train which causes it to go over capacity constantly. This looks great on metrics for sure but tons of people with one seat bus rides to work now have to do two transfers on feeder lines to/from Link, and the Link trains are packed to the gills. This isn't getting into the shitty alignment north of Seattle (paralleling I5 rather than SR99/Aurora), the fact its a rolling homeless shelter, the boondoggle that is the floating bridge...The original line didn't have these issues, its mostly been the ST2 and ST3 expansions that suffer from it.I want to like it, but it sucks so bad.