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Should the Port Authority consider the development of a railway/subway line from New Jersey to Staten Island?
Everyone knows that Staten Island is the bumhole of NYC transit, having one heavy rail line that runs worse headways during off-peak than any 24h Subway line during the night. That even includes the Rockaway Park shuttle whose five stops are among the nine least used on the entire network according to 2014-2019 figures.
Now every half assed transit enthusiast knows that Staten Island once had a line going from St. George along the north coast of the borough. The continuation of that line is now a cargo rail line into New Jersey. This provides two opportunities
>A rail line along the existing right of way to Elizabeth and Newark, providing direct rail service to Newark Airport and potentially midtown Manhattan
>A subway (PATH) or light rail (in collaboration with NJ Transit) line that crosses the state border over the Kill van Kull and then uses the existing right of way at Port Richmond
All three options will need at least a 3 mile long tunnel to reconnect St. George with the elevated section at Port Richmond. The rail line option would need a connector to the Northeast Corridor line at Elizabeth Port, while both the subway and light rail options would need a bridge or tunnel to cross the river. And of course the Subway would need a major extension project across Hudson County.
How realistic would such a project be, and do you think it would be reasonable or maybe even needed? Also I am not an American so I don't have expert knowledge on all the different parties required to make such a project happen so feedback would be welcome in that regard.
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It was a stunt that lasted about 10 minutes, which is typical any time upstates sticks its fingers into the inner workings of NYC transit
I saw two of them at Columbus Circle today.
I wonder how jack is doing today
Which county
stfu crakka, urban footprint needs to expand

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Why do conductors still exist? In the 21st century aren't doors centrally controlled and monitored with CCTV? And why does this archaic practice of leaning out the door still exist? Is it not dangerous to hang out the side of a moving train, and are they not setting a bad example for their passengers?
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>lives in a country where all the violent freaks are condemned to live in the racial ghetto
>all the psychotics are put into asylums & forced to take meds so they don't break with reality and start stabbing people
they are dickhead

yes, it's not fun and it really makes you never want to take public transit if the crazy guy is threatening you and your wife. i wouldn't recommend it. fucking euros or australians and your disneyland ass continents.
Most american light rail is quite literally filled with drug addicts, these aren't just tired looking people, they are drugs addicts. It isn't black and white thinking, on american transport its very common for there to be screaming, crack smoking, homeless people, they aren't just misunderstood "unruly passangers", you will methpipes on the ground in places like that.
>fucking euros or australians and your disneyland ass continents.
Fuck you and your crab-in-a-bucket mentality. What you should be cursing out is the third-world place you live in.
Conductors exist because low platforms still exist.
Ignoring Amtrak's funding problems, which are equally valid for most regional operators in shares tracks with, building high level boarding on stations from the 1900s costs money and time.
Closing stations increases the chance that people will drive instead, because the parking situation at most stations is shit anyway, so a podunk Amshack or gutted building for a regional line is better than not having it. But paying a contracting firm to build an ADA compliant concrete base 4 feet high costs 10s of thousands per station, and almost always comes with environmental impact surveys and pork barrel requests that spike the price into the cool low millions range. And if the station isn't ADA, you need a person available to unlock and operator the wheel chair lift.
Paying a wagie 200K over 5 years is less than the cost of upgrading the station, and so conductors remain.

I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
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Like one of these for example
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Look at this goofy ahhh riding pose
Credentials do look good though, but prices are comparable to Brompton and as far as I can see so are the specs on their more expensive model, it's not like they're rocking some nice disk brakes or the like that it's east for a layman like myself to spot.

Between the 12 speed P-Line and the BYB S11 I can see that the BYB has larger wheels, whereas the Brompton is 2 kilos lighter and has an extra gear.

What other elements of the BYB S12 set it above the Brompt?
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I bought the Brompton. My local bike shop sold me on it, I'm sorry.
Sick colour bro.
Ty, it's got a sort of dark aquamarine tone in the full sunlight

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The eternal debate...Which one is better /n/?
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Who cares? You're only debating this because you have DUI.
Both are bloat
So... reasons?
They're both cancer in my opinion. The only thing that's worse are those monowheel contraptions, totally unsafe.
The e-scooter would be good in a big factory warehouse or something like that

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Does covering your bike make thieves more or less likely to target your bike?

I am looking for reliable solutions to keep my electric bike intact during work hours. My office has a history of thieves randomly showing up during peak hours to powertool off locks and ride off into the sunset. Out of dozens of bike they always go for the most expensive looking ones, naturally. I just know my shit will stand out.

I also have a keychain tracker, but I'm not sure where is the best spot to hide it?
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This is actually a great idea. Might as well take the seat too.
>Might as well take the seat too.
This is actually a terrible idea if by seat you mean saddle and set post. It will rain inside your frame and fuck up the internals.
Just put a bunch of tags in it, and carry a gun to track the nigger down
I'll ignore for the moment that I consider e-bikes to be cancer since you're using it for actual transportation and not clogging up bike paths with actual cyclists on it.

Get an alarm system suitable for a motorcycle. It's not like you don't have a battery on the thing to power it, or that you're worried about extra weight. An e-bike with an alarm on it would probably make a bike thief shit themselves when it went off, the last thing they want is to draw attention to themselves.
>My office has a history of thieves randomly showing up during peak hours to powertool off locks and ride off into the sunset.
Bring your bike indoors, if your employer complains ask them why they're subjecting you to having your shit stolen.

Fucking do not interact with the kinds of people who steal bikes, they will kill you over a bike. They steal bikes, they're fucking vermin, they have nothing to lose.

29 inch wheels are ridiculously big for people under 6 foot tall
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who cares even if it was true, it's not a beauty contest faggot
this. they don't want to hear it, but it's true.
I bought a 29er because bigger number mean better
No. Have you seen modern enduro/DH tracks?
People are getting taller with each generation, small wheels make no sense any more.
The message should instead be: people under 6 feet are ridiculously short.
I have a burning hatred for short women

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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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that does not seem sustainable
uk; kills several people on the ground, literally walks away uninjured (got thrown out of the plane by impact force), walks out of court scot free.
Wait, really? The pilot survived and got off like that? I don't remember that detail. Crazy shit.
seems he ejected just before impact, injured, but recovered.
acquitted on trial by jury, but seems finally was found guilty by coroner of unlawful killing a couple years ago. 11 people died on the road he crashed onto.

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Who's worse?
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This desu. Southwest is a LCC, Ryanair is a ULCC. They're not comparable.
It's frontier or spirit but with the network size and ubiquity of southwest
Easyjet are miles ahead of ryanair. And it's mostly because A320family is just a nicer plane than the 737, seats wider, aisle wider, slightly more legroom.
>seats wider, aisle wider, slightly more legroom.
Internal configuration is up to the airline

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Boeing Sucks

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fat tranny "wife"


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Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
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bump because it's not /pol/urbanism
lol at mexican tradesmen cutting holes into beautiful paneling to add hdmi ports and plastic duplex socket covers
ethernet ports*

there's literal slaves on the wall
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is that a GEODESIC DOME?


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I’m a pilot doing aerial work and approaching 1000 hours and I’m about to apply to a company, I have all my licenses and rating’s however since I graduated, I’ve only been flying VFR since there’s no ifr operations (even if I consider myself to be very good, If not better in IFR) but still tho, it’s been a year. Anyway, I feel like my knowledge in aviation has gone so low, like I feel like idk what I am doing but when I open the aviation books, I instantly know the answer. Like do you get it? If someone or an exam asks me, I’ll know the answer but otherwise I’ll be lost. Also are there any airline pilots that can tell me if the airlines train you well in terms of their operations and their IFR procedures and is it normal that 70% of the stuff I’ve studied in aviation, it doesn’t apply in real life. (For example I used to know the entire FAR AND CAR AIM by heart, now I know like 30-60% )
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i just want to get in with frontier or allegiant tbqh. maybe southwest. i value not being gone
Just because others seem to be better doesn't mean you're shit. Usually they're good at something specific and you're envious of that, but you may be better at something else, or you may have a wider but more diluted skillset, which has its uses.
Of course there are cases where you really objectively are far less experienced than you'd like, but most people realize this if they don't constantly live in an echo chamber.
>I value not being gone
>t. ACMI

How many times have you practiced flying into a tall building


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Riding a bike in a way that causes harm to others to be treated the same as murder under new UK laws.

>'Cycling where people are walking needs to be done responsibly' Said Rishi Sunak, 'And people who put the lives of other people at risk should know that the full force of the law will be used to punish the, should they cause harm to others', the PM added - 'Cycling may be good for the climate, but dangerous cyclists are a menace and this new law is long overdue.' - The law change comes after a spate of fatalities involving cyclists and pedestrians, including the death of 6 year old Hannah Dobbs in 2023, who was struck and killed by a man on a mountain bike as she walked home from school.

Everyone hates cyclists, even environmentalists, who themselves are vile, despise the two wheeled cretins. 14 year jail sentences inbound.
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how does this not just fall under manslaughter? fucking UK always has to make new laws they just love doing it
He's not even an actual politician. At least now we get to see how long it takes his constituents to boot him out after electing him.
>to be treated the same as murder
The UK is a grim country.
Unfortunately it's not enough, the hope that a future punishment will keep cagers in line is wishful thinking as they've consistently proven themselves incapable of operating their missiles with any care. Just ban the damn things with the exception of a few designated routes and save everyone the pain of living with them


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>filters normies
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Sorry, Tullio.
My chain keeps jumping down gears in high load situations (uphill or acceleration standing on it) no matter what I do. Seriously don't know what to do. I literally can't ever trust it and have to feather on the pedal or else I find myself stepping into nothing accompanied by a loud CRACK and potentially a massive and deep imprint on my leg by the other pedal.
Have you tried leaning to the left to counter-act the chain sliding down the cassette? Otherwise give chain tensioning oil a try. Make sure to get a synthetic one though.
Are you cutting it down?
qr tight? had this issue with a loose qr even on friction shifting.
Besides that check your derailleur hanger if it's janked.
fd for sure
>using a pliers to attach rd cable
ngmi (I admit I used to do this a long long time ago when I was a tard)

I want to buy a new e-scooter.
I'm hesitating between Vsett 9 and Techlife Q3. Both have a top speed of 45 km/h and NFC reader/lock.

Vsett 9
>better brand
>17,5Ah 52V
>650W (900W) motor
>8.5 tyres, one solid one pneumatic
>25 kg

Techlife Q3

>less known brand

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First it depend of what you gonna do with it, if it's for city commuting (which is the main purpose of those little scooters) speed is not really important and btw NFC lock don't protect you from anything. If it's for road riding, long distance or offroading an E bike or electric scooter like picrel is better but more expensive.
I myself use E-scooter for commuting in an EU city so i favor compact size and low weight because bring the stuff with you is the best lock system you can have and i don't need 100 Km/h speed or 150 Km range so i have a 200Euros one with (real) 20 Km range and 30 Km/h speed for 12 Kg with basic suspension and solid tyre and even if i lost it it's not a big deal.The wheel size is important for safety reason and confort don't go under 8.5 and ideally 10. Suspension, big wheel, big battery is nice but heavier but if you plan to use it for going to work weight is not important since you can put it in secure place, powerfull engine is nice if you're heavy or you use it on slopped roads.
They are all chinkshit.
Zhengshui self walking rickshaw co ltd, Cheng motor vehicle co ltd difference very slight, especially since most critical components such as battery aren't made by either of those and ordered from third party suppliers, and there money decides everything. 1 yuan less and you get no fuse and shitty BMS without balancing. 2 yuan more and you get actual waterproofing and BMS that wont kill cells.
That said, 10" tires is what you want if u wanna go 45 km/h. 8.5 inch too scary. 8.5 is scary for 25 km/h, let alone 45 km/h... unless you have so much fat you wanna grind it off using asphalt or something.
Motor watts are arbitrary.

Honestly, I dont understand the race to the top speed, its irrelevant. Anything above like 30 km/h is scary, anything above 25 km/h is illegal in EU. Why not make motors that actually have torque and can climb hills, with lower KV rating?
damn EU is cucked, I can drive my VDM 10 at 50 in canada and the cops don't give a shit. and it can climb steep streets like in seattle while i'm carrying a backpack and heavy duffel.
There was no regulation few years ago but there was so many accidents that they put a 25 Km/h limit but honestly i never hear about someone get a fine for riding at 45 maybe in Paris..
Kek europoors are cucks as usual

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