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>it's another "anon has nothing to do on a beautiful weekend so he goes on an aimless 20-25 mile bike ride for an hour or two just to be out of the house" episode
haha gee it was great biking past all the families, friends, people with children, eating at restaurants, walking the streets together, doing stuff at the park, and living their lives happily while i was complete self-congizant how im the autistic retard biking alone through town
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>people loathing themselves for enjoying themselves
>people loathing themselves for not enjoying themselves
>people loathing everyone else for enjoying themselves
good summary of 4chan tbqhfam
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>its another anon has to make time from his work, side-hobby, browsing internet addiction, newborn, wife, to-do-list, laziness, boredom; to escape and do the 2hrs/day planned training session for bicycling with a main goal to lose weight (did it before without any of the above and it was much more fun and relaxed and easy :( all before the gnawing of time robs away all physical ability unto frailty and disability each passing day while desperately trying to find deeper satisfaction in an anti-social existence)
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>pretending to enjoy yourself for your instagram followers = enjoying yourself
Riding up the final hill to home, ever so slowly pedaling standing up in a high gear, pedaling with full ankle range of motion to slightly stretch tired legs.

Riding forest trails with light and shadows playing everywhere, feeling the cool forest air pass by your sweaty face, the ever so slightly moist road being smoother than asphalt roads.

Finding new barely used section of gravel road that is almost 10km, and links nicely to other grave roads and forest trails.

Feels good.

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>just converge two highway lanes...
Oh boy, just hold your breath.
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am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
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At this point schizo is nuspeak for heretic.
You could replace humans with robots and there will still be a large amount of airplanes, even more so now that there are no pilots
That's a plot of changes, not absolute acreage. It totally gives a false picture of the significance of things.
There certainly is research being done into putting oil-producing enzymes into microbes. It's not the highest priority thing ever, but it is being done and will result in an effectively infinite supply. Price will be whatever it is economic to be, but we'll have oil for thousands of years if we feel it is important, and it will be as carbon neutral as we care to make it.

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The eternal debate...Which one is better /n/?
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I had my bike stolen once and all the guy left was the front tire

fucked up world we live in, man
Rawdog it and live the rest of your life as a brain damaged retard
so you were too dumb to properly lock your bike?
He took a fucking saw to it
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e-brompton foldie consumes less spaces and very office friendly, so ebike

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I’m new to bike tires. Heard good things about gp5000s but they seemed too race oriented and wears quickly. Are there any tires that has a good mix of speed, grip, and durability?
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>puncture-resistant tires are impossible to ride
skill issue
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Still having a good time on gatorskins, 28mm rated but measure 26mm. I have another bike with 23's and those are faster. Just a different experience.
I weigh 250 lbs and my gp5ks last me 4000 miles on the front and 3000 miles on the back. I ride tarmac.

Theyre another 50 bucks each over kendas. Spend the $ you feel it cornering 1000%.

Also, never buy tanwalls
you've probably gotten used to them, and their ultra high rolling resistance... when i tried them they were unridably heavy

i will buy gp 5000 next to try out, as they been tested to have low watt resistance in lab tests

this site seems to have all the tires tested


Recommend me a commuter bicycle within a 125mi or so radius of Columbus Ohio.
>5 foot 8
>Rim brakes
>$300 or less
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I'll sell you my Giant MTX youth bike that's been beat to hell but still werks for 50 bucks. I'm in Cincy.
Pros are nobody will try to steal it.
Cons are the frame geometry is retarded and you will not do anything fancy with it.
Tossed the grip shifts for normal ones some years back so the shifters actually work but are comically large for the handlebars.
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I have a fucked up brooklyn roebling I'd be willing to give you if you wanted to come grab it
it's pretty fucking beat but I was just gonna throw it away
>haven't ridden it in like a year
>bunch of rust
>handlebars were bent and realigned multiple times
>rear derailer or w/e is fucked, used to have to realign it every few days
offer goes out to anyone in columbus btw, the bike retails for like $6-700 so I assumed it would have value to someone who could be bothered to fix it, I cba trying to actually sell it though
Yes, they will respond. But if you're still nervous then you can post your new account and I'll friend you
Bike buying thread? Bike buying thread.

Can anyone help me with the same in my area?

I’m a 6’4 chunked and just looking something to commute to work with, about 9 miles each way. Looking for cheap as possible but I’d get one for about $150

You are now your local government, what do you do to make your neighborhood /n/ friendly?
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roundabouts everywhere there's a 4 way stop light.

any housing regulation, citywide or HOA wide, that limits density abolished and ruled unconstitutional

I fuck this guy's mom

Land Value Tax
To be libertarian and still be pro car you need negative iq, roads and car suburbs are the most subsidized transportation in the world
I'll do as follows

>LVT as the only source of revenue for the city
This will change the incentives of the entire administration, starting a chain reaction to a more transit oriented city

>Abolish the separation of rural and urban zoning
This will lead to greatly reduced real estate prices. Some sprawl will be created, but it is not a problem here for now

>Create a haussman/hobrecht/cerdá style blueprint to direct growth
This is to stop this bullshit sort term planning made my sucessive city governments. Nobody has a long term vision and all major projects are disconnected from eachother

>Abolish all building regulations and replace with japanese scaled zoning. In the main avenues, abolish it all

>Build a tram line
Rich people like trains but not buses. They will absolutely not use buses here, because they are low status. But trains do not suffer this problem

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Imagine willingly admitting you're a midget.

>LVT as the only source of revenue for the city
You'd think that would result in incentives to increase proberty values over all but all that would end up happening is jacked up tax rates to cover for initial loses in revenue. 2/10 idea.

>Abolish the separation of rural and urban zoning
>Create a haussman/hobrecht/cerdá style blueprint to direct growth
>Create a haussman/hobrecht/cerdá style blueprint to direct growth
Sounds a lot like yimby babble but first point is alright.

>Build a tram line
I'll let you in on the rich people secret. It's not that rich people don't like busses, it's that they can afford alternatives that provide more comfort, privacy and separation from the societal scum.

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Also NTA but those 2 are not mutually exclusive - the road USED to he a thoroughfare for all until it became the solely the realm of the automobile, and everyone else was pushed to the sidewalk/gutter

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why are guys like this so racist against anything that isn't old and farty?

why don't they just ignore the people flying by them at 40mph having a ton of fun being super fit and not fat and angry like themselves?
Why they such haters?
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If you're wearing long pants, you're generally ok. It's also said that they can't transmit the disease unless they have enough time to get engorged
Lyme is only in the north east/central Atlantic of the US
The ticks that spread it are blacklegged ticks (or deer ticks). They are usually found in the:

Upper Midwest
Pacific coast, especially northern California
pretty sure walnut creek counts
Watch out for native deer if you are worried about ticks. They were swarming the deer I hunted and I ended up killing some ticks in my sleep after skinning and gutting said deer.
Was graton/sebastapol area on a private vinyard

A 17-year-old German teen has been living life as a modern nomad, leaving his parents’ house to live on trains and travel all over his country.

While most 17-year-olds are only just beginning to consider the idea of leaving the nest, Lasse Stolley has already been on his own for over a year and a half. Convinced that his school studies were already behind him, he convinced his parents to allow him to leave their home in Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein to embark on a unique train-hopping adventure. It took a lot of convincing, but they eventually agreed, and for the last year and a half, the German teen has essentially been living on trains, traveling all over his home country, working as a self-employed coder during the day, and sleeping on night trains at night.

“I’ve been living on the train as a digital nomad for a year and a half now,” Lasse told Business Insider. “At night I sleep on the moving Intercity Express (ICE) train and during the day I sit in a seat, at a table and work as a programmer, surrounded by many other commuters and passengers. I travel from one end of the country to the other. I’m exploring the whole of Germany.”

He gave into his wanderlust in 2022, selling most of his possessions and packing what was left in a 36-liter backpack that he has been carrying with him ever since. Minimalism and resisting the urge to acquire new stuff are an essential part of his lifestyle, as he needs to take everything with him wherever he goes. It’s not always easy, but he has found a way to make it work.


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Bold of you to assume that their crackbrains haven't made them piss and shit themselves so much that they cease all motor functions.
Nice titties
You still need exercise. If you don't you end up a skinny weak fag with tits oh wait hang on a minute
i had a good buddy in college who dated a girl from an extraordinarily wealthy west coast lumber baron family. at their yearly family get together all the younglings would pitch their entrepreneur ideas to the adults and many of them would end up getting funded. most failed, of course, but failure is part of being a serial entrepreneur, or even the average small business owner. as you say, it's obviously easier to take these sorts of business risks when you know it won't ruin you financially or really have any effect at all. never forget that the vast majority of wealth is inherited, not won from scrapping in the free market
there's an interview with him today in the most serious German newspaper FAZ. some takeaways
>he mostly eats the free food in the DB Lounges
>after 1 year he upgraded to first class, he plans to do this one more year to get to 1 million km on rails.
>during his first year he slept on an air mattress in the luggage rack
>he washes his clothes in the DB Lounge and then hangs his clothes in the train to dry
>he usually works in the lounges for an IT start-up because of the free wifi. the wifi in the trains is too slow.
>he sleeps in the ICE trains that run through the night, somehow he managed not to get mugged so far, as theft is a common occurrence.
>he showers in indoor swimming facilities in Munich and Berlin.
>there are about 10 other people doing this

if you don't know how to bypass paywalls, then just stand next to the first class of a ICE train, connect to the wifi and download the FAZ newspaper for free.

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Just think... we could have been exploring the stars by now...
The orange line is practically the current N line. The brown line makes sense. The blue line gives a direct route for niggers to come into the asian neighborhoods. The black line would never be allowed for the same reason.
I do not care for san francisco
we're never going to see another mass transit project in this country again
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Posted this elsewhere, but this is what Chicago needs.

City of Toronto has 2 new LRT lines set to enter service later this year or early 2025 (both extremely delayed and over budget) Orange and Grey line in the image.

Both lines have significant at grade sections. The orange line, Eglinton, is fully grade separated from the western terminus east to science centre Station. East of science centre the line runs at grade in the middle of the road and does not have signal priority.

The finch line, Grey line, is completely at grade with the terminus stations below grade. Also does not have signal priority.

Can lines operate successfully this way? I feel the Eglinton line's tunnel and grade separated section is completely compromised by the at grade eastern section. Without signal priority it's just another street car line.

I believe finch has signal priority on some intersection but only to keep it within a few minutes of a set schedule.
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The dumbest part is each line has its own model of rolling stock and it's own yard
It's like each new line is a project to undermine the entire system as a whole... I don't understand this city. I guy I know was working concrete for the engli to line. Apparently all these delays are from some aquafir they just discovered around Yonge and englinton. They are considering splitting the line there having one go east of Yonge and the other west. With all these environmental studies n shit you would think there had been some kind of contingency or engineering to rectify this issue....
The Milton line is also being grade separated and will have high frequency service that'll effectively make it a heavy rail metro.
why the fuck do they use light rail for such things
>later this year or early 2025

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Whether in elegance of design, efficiency, the lives of the crew, the romance or just the wild amount of often forgotten designs from days of yore, what are your favorite eras in steam Locomotive development?

This is mostly tailored for Americans, but cite your country of origin or even the nation you pick as you make your pick and perhaps explain why.

The Experimental Era(1804-1828)

The Beginning (1829-1845)
when the first proper railroad companies began to form, think of designs like the Planet, Rocket or Best friend of Charleston. Rough, pioneering and adventurous, everything was being thrown at the wall pretty much.

1845-1860 (Age of Builders)
The age of iron. imagine the 4-4-0 American, first gen teen wheelers, early camel backs, iron boiler and wooden cab era , also antebellum America.

1861-1895(Age of Distance)
More refined 4-4-0’s, slowly improved performance with better track quality, higher boiler pressures, consolidations and early experimental compound locomotives are beginning to appear. Final era of brightly colored locomotives (in America )

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Geared locomotives. I like that a new idea was tried with how to transmit the power to the wheels.
The streamliner era was gorgeous, but I also have a fondness for that turn-of-the century era when you still had little engines, but some were getting bigger
This is true. Those last few steam engines still inspire awe
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The alternate universe where the Breitspurbahn was built.
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I’ve always liked the super colorful and highly ornate aesthetics of the mid/late 19th century in America. This being before they just started to paint everything black to not have to wash these things daily.

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Is Tirana when Albania was under communism the dream /o/ city?
>cars are banned
>everyone has to take public transportation
>lots of parks and shit
>roads are aimed for bikes
So why doesn’t /o/ talk about Tirana that much?
I mean /n/, not /o/. Wrong board name
Because nu-/n/ is only able to discuss the contents of real estate industry press releases concerning kansas city or houston (if you disagree with me you are a cagetroll nimby boomer)
It’s at least partly because people on this board don’t talk about policy, we just fantasize about our personal dreams coming true. Also there’s not much consensus on the role of the state in urban planning and infrastructure here since opinions range from everything should be centrally planned to wanting every city to be Houston but with more trains. Finally most people on 4chan are already from Can-merica so there’s overall a fear of communism paired with general lack of interest in other countries
I miss the old /n/ where we had threads that were several years old with people actually talking about modes of transport rather than urban planning politics.
>cars are banned
Whichever bureaucrat put this measure in place is a genius. People won't notice the state was in no way able to keep up with the demand for private automobiles if they don't look into buying a car.

Also says a lot about what the people want when nowadays every man, woman and child in Albania drives a Benz.

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Post runways
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have you been there? my brother was in the peace corps in lesotho many years ago so i've actually spent a fair bit of time there.
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Logan International Airport, East Boston, Massachusetts.
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this is where I tie down
Boeing's flight test airport, an abandoned air force base in northern Montana

bicycles should be fun colors, not boring solid colors
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describe, in specific terms, the "years worth of empirical evidence". evidence of what, exactly? most of the time when you see someone saying something along the lines of the frame "doesn't matter" what they mean is that factors like the angles, the tire pressure, and the physical preferences/limitations of the cyclist, are going to render any difference between carbon layup or brand of triple-butted meme steel insignificant. and all of that is true.
so what exactly are you trying to argue here?
looks like a tranny bike
I thought you had tranny derangement syndrome but then I saw the pic
rent free bby
true but sad.
To be fair it does have 2 out of the 3 colors

Anyways, what's the best way to paint an aluminium frame? How rough should the surface be for optimal rattle can adhesion?

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