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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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Our journey starts at the famous "Big Four" Building, named after the four founders of the Central Pacific Railroad that was originally chartered to build the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860s.
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Signals displayed outside the museum
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Now there used to be a narrow gauge locomotive that was built for the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition displayed in the front lobby, but I think it's since been sold or sent off to be restored as a working locomotive and they've replaced it with this guy.
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The first rails laid at the groundbreaking of the California High Speed Rail project (which will never be completed, let's be honest lol).
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Also cheeky timestamp :P
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Now I'm kinda retarded and forgot that the second floor doesn't have any actual exhibits except for this smol Choo Choo but enjoy it anyway.
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I believe the this was the Sacramento Railway Station's original schedule board that was donated when they switched to electronic ones.
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Now on to the first proper locomotive exhibit, the Governor Stanford.
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Unfortunately the lighting of this particular room always fucks with cameras so getting a good image without the flash is always a bit difficult.
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An entire section of this coach's facade is missing
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Moving on to the Pullman Sleeper exhibit...
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This exhibit was closed for nearly three years and only just reopened last year.
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I'll actually be riding the Great Western Limited in September, which has one of the few remaining original Pullman sleepers still in service.
>No pictures of the cab forward
Why even bother
>autism general
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We'll get to that, hold your horses
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Where do you think we are?
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Dining car exhibit
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These China sets go for tens of thousands of dollars easily
Nice thanks for the posts
They laid the rails and immediately took it out again to put it in a museum?
You bike queers are insufferable faggots. kys
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>These China sets go for tens of thousands of dollars easily
Nah not nearly that much. Only a few of the pre 1910s stuff from certain railroads do.

t. railroad china collector
Sure, why not. It's ceremonial.

What are your favorite lines to collect? Which ones were the prettiest? What are the hardest to find?
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Rock Island, MKT, Rio Grande and UP are my mainstays, but I have an SP cup and saucer and a pair of New Haven plates along with 3 NY Central plates. In my opinion I think the prettiest was probably the service plate used on Pennsy's 1938 Broadway Limited followed by the grey Mercury pattern used on New York Central's Mercury and then the Rock Island's green sage pattern. The hardest to find or expensive I've seen are the Milwaukee Road's Hiawatha pattern along with ATSF's Turquoise room and anything from a line that went out of business before the 1920s like Colorado Midland or some of the old patterns of any road pre 1920. Also, some business cars were equipped with exclusive patterns, like Rock Island had a business car service plate that complimented their sage green pattern that has big red heart in the center with a gold leaf "RI" monogrammed on it.
ty anon
interesting, Anon. if you wanted to share any more about it, particularly with pictures, i'm sure it would be appreciated.
Seconded. /r/ing stamped silverware
I used to love going to this museum as a kid. Old town Sacramento was so comfy in the 90s. Used to go to River Cats games too
I was born in the 90's. Went recently with my relatives and it was alright. Preferred going there as a kid in the 2000's.

The huge snow blower is still neat.

So damn cool. I also liked seeing the drawings of the engine and other internal bits on the side.

More of a engine/car/motorcyclist now but I still enjoy going to this museum.
I'll get some more pics this evening
Happy birthday anon! Thanks for posting your /n/ trip. More people should do this!
Atchison Topeka and the Santa Fe
waiting for railwaydishesanon to return because i don't want to study anymore pathophysiology right now.
CSRMbirthday anon, I hope I'm not stepping on your toes by posting my shit.

Here's my UP collection. The plate that started my entire search and purchasing "craze" for railroad china is in the back left. I found it one day at an antique store with my ex-gf for $20 and jewed her down to $15. This is Union Pacific's most common and last iteration of china they had manufactured for them. Called the 'Streamliner' pattern, you can see they modelled the train in the center after the UP M-10003-M-10006 trainsets from 1936. They still made it into the early 80s for their business train, so it's by far the most common which is why I found it in BFE of Texas' hat. In fact I think all but 1 piece I found in the wild, not on feebay. A lot of my collection is "well worn". I like to find those so that I can use them daily. The coffee cup and saucer is on my every-other-day morning coffee cup rotation.
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And then the backside of two of them. The Syracuse round plate is "backstamped" with 'UNION PACIFIC RR'. This one is from January 1955, but the Trenton oval plate is from the late 60s. Trenton was the second to last supplier of this pattern and did so until UP sold their passenger routes to Amtrak in 1972. Homer Laughlin made orders after that until the 80s for the business car fleet. UP had several other, less common patterns of which I have yet to see in the wild for a good price.
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That's what the museum staff told me when I joked about stealing some. But I'll take your word for it.

>CSRMbirthday anon, I hope I'm not stepping on your toes by posting my shit.

No, not at all.
Nice. Keep posting bud. The luxury private sleeper car that those famous gays tooled around in is impressive as heck.
Haven't been there in ages,kinda been digging up my towns history with the rails,and our old trolley system if anything on the latter.
Only a few cities down south so it be a day trip.

Mostly Southern pacific and Santa Fe here back in the day,our old Depot is a joke now stg....
Keep posting OP.
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Ask and you shall receive
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Where can I buy some?
Cozy looking.
ebay, or if you're lucky, an antique store. Also some railroadiana specificauctions exist out there.
I'm not interested but good thread anon, hope you enjoyed it
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It's been a few weeks. Got sick, went on vacation, etc.

Thought I'd post some more pics
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>ice doesn't melt

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Okay enough freezing my ass off, time for the mail car.
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The C.P. (not THAT kind of CP) Huntington.This specific locomotive might be quite familiar to those who have visited small amusement parks.
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There, are ya happy now?
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an in-focus replacement
an in-focus replacement
That's so cursed looking, I can't decide whether I love it or hate it, hahaha. I get why they did it, and surely it was much more comfortable, but it'll forever look backwards to me.
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an in-focus replacement
Blessed hobby
good thread op.
Goatse machine
never was a train person but this thread has been really fuckin' cool. thanks OP i'm glad i wandered in.
i hate trains
cool thread
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Sorry that my camera is retarded. The high ceiling fucks with its ability to focus for some reason.
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Inside the cab
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comfy. I grew up going to ride the v&t in carson city.
Many great memories of this place
These are some of the shittiest pictures of that museum I have ever seen
probably a beautiful train but ruined by potato cam
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Now, I was running a little short on time so I kinda rushed through the top floor (the model trains section), but I still managed to get some decent photos.
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This train is a lot like Justin Trudeau and a turtle on a post

You know it didn't get there by itself
It doesn't belong up there
It has no idea what to do now that it's there
You wonder who have thought it was a good idea in the first place
It's elevated beyond its ability to function
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A whole room full of model trains on display.

I could spend an entire day in it.
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Good thread dude
No F40PH?
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They had it either on display in the open air shed or moved to the locomotive works for maintenance I think.

The Warbonnet however was open for public display in front of the roundhouse.
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It's gone to a better place

Lol. I'm Canadian, I'm stealing that. Thankyou sir. :^)

About the museum, do they have any Fairbanks-Morse units?
ah, good memories. I was there last year when second floor wasn't open, so good to see that too.
>7988 GALS
metric is a bitch, isn't it?
It needs the full skirting over the fuel tank back to look proper
cool thread op thanks so much for sharing! :)
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OP here, since this thread is still up, I guess I'll share some photos from previous trips.


Found some pics of the F40PH from a visit in May, 2022 when it was on outdoor display.
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>C.P. (not THAT kind of CP)
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Santa Fe 2925 had a passenger car coupled to it for some reason

What's in there now?
I want to go to the National Trolley m
Museum and the B&O Museum. Are they worth it?
Very nice, OP. I haven't been to the CSRRM since I was a child. even though I could've recently gone with free admission as a foundation member when I was a volunteer at Railtown. Fucked off from California tho.

I hope one day they get more than 3 miles to run their shit on in Sac.

B&O is definitely worth it
Is it a big museum?
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Is that interlaced or dual gauge?
Literally the only reason to go to California. The CSRRM is baste. I havent been in a long time. It really is one of my favorite places. Id sit next to 4294 and just listen to the recordings of the air pumps and whistle.
>implying the kinds of cyclists on /n/ aren't almost as autistic and there is no overlap

Not an insult anyway, in my book. I'm happy OP spent the day in a way he enjoyed, is able share it with likeminded folk and I find the experience somewhat interesting as well.
>Literally the only reason to go to California. The CSRRM is baste
Socal railway museum (formerly Orange Empire) is older, and better.

Most of CSRRMs cars are just cosmetically restored, whereas most of Socal's collection is mechanically restored.
Oh dang, I never got down there. Was always too far
I've never been either, i'm just in the rail museum business and know of it by reputation.
>Assyrian National Broadcasting
A simple google search of "Assyrian National Broadcasting" would've rendered this post unnecessary, but you chose to post it anyway.

One of my state's train museums is Satanist-friendly.
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Here is a picture of a rail car im standing next to, the museum is closed though so I can't show most things.
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Final picture


Cute little toy there

Is it worth checking out?

Alright, I'm gonna have to go here now. I don't really have any reason to go up north, but I've been wanting to see this museum. I was just worried it would have been like the Southern California museum down here which is fine, but is mostly just miscellaneous old rolling stock and a few random switchers
>Thomas WOOD
Jfc op, get a real camera not some shitty cellphone, some pics might be interesting but they all look like ass.
Looks fine to me
Just a random passing through. Happy birthday anon!
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Nice reuse of the boxcar as a billboard there

You're thinking of Overfair Railway No. 15, IIRC was donated to the Swanton Pacific Railroad at Cal Poly shortly before it was the badly damaged in a fire and the University closed the railroad permanently. Now it's going to be moved to Santa Clarita I believe.

Got any recs?

You can get a decent entry level mirrorless camera for like 500-600. Probably cheaper if you get one "discontinued" like a Sony a6000. A mirrorless gives you the DSLR experience but for a bit less money and without having to carry around something as big as a brick.
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you can get a phone that was absolute cutting edge 2 years ago for $500 and it's more likely to be with you 100% of the time and in most cases do a good enough job (in some cases worse in some cases actually better)

pic here was taken at night with my midrange phone from 2 years ago, I have no idea what I'm doing I just pointed and pressed the button. there's far better stuff out there but surely you're not going to say this fairly mediocre phone hardware isn't 'good enough' for almost any reasonable use case
I'll be visiting family there in May; think i'll go and visit it then!

What day?

>tfw will probably be there on Memorial Day weekend for my birthday
I prefer heritage railways myself

Is that caboose still full of heroin addicts needles?

lmao what
did HSR get coverage in syria in 2015? Didn't they have other things to be worrying about in 2015 syria?
Good thread OP. When I visited for a school trip >>1928055 this spike was the only thing I remembered so thanks for showing off the stuff I forgot.
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I took the tour at TVRM awhile back and I felt like the only railfan there. It felt like nothing more than a tourist trap for bored parents to bring their bored kids. I wish they'd get this beauty running.
May 13th
I like TVRM, it's fine that museums cater to normies because that's where the money is. If you want museums that cater to railfans find examples that don't have anything you can ride, that usually filters out everyone except people with a serious interest.

They probably have to spend a lot of money keeping Southern Railway 4501 running

Is that an IC or Iowa Pacific Holdings car on the left?


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