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December 2024 will see the launch of the first direct train serving Paris and Berlin in decades, which will use DB's ICE3 sets.

Paris-Est 09:55 - Berlin Hbf 18:03
Berlin Hbf 11:54 - Paris-Est 19:55

...so around eight hours in total, calling at Strasbourg, Karlsruhe and Frankfurt. Prices will be €59 in second class, and €69 in first class.
I think there already a night train
Huh???? I don't understand what this has to do with "walkable" real estate developments in Houston and Kansas City?
From what I've seen the Nightjets are booked out very quickly, so getting some more capacity on a direct connection might pay off.
I still think that for that distance and travel time the ICE will have a tough time competing with just taking the plane.
>...so around eight hours in total
Does it take account of the absolute state of the lines on the German side or are they being optimistic about it?
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*Gallic shrug*
doesn't run currently until the end of October due to construction works. and when it runs it's only every other day and not daily.
speaking of sleeper trains the arrival in Paris is too late to catch the French night train going to the riviera. one should be able to catch the sleeper train to Latour-de-Carol, making Berlin - Barcelona possible in 26 hours for the train autists out there. yeah flying is cheaper and faster, I get it.
the direct non-stop trains Berlin Hbf to Frankfurt Hbf are quicker, so some padding is included besides the train saving time by serving Frankfurt Süd instead of the main station and not having to go through the bottleneck of Mannheim.
>berlin hbf to warschau wst/hbt/est exists for ages
>berlin hbf to paris est does not
> 8 hours
At this point it's better to move capital city to Frankfurt.
>around eight hours in total
About 45 minutes faster than current, with the savings appearing to be from avoiding the worst of Frankfurt, Mannheim and Leipzig.
Agreed, Berlin is a slavshit city in name and character anyway like most things beyond the Elbe so not much of value would be lost in that sinking marshland

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