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What exactly is wrong with congestion pricing in general? Most people in NYC don't drive so they shouldn't subsidize roads. Also lol taxis being 1/5 motorbikes
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they are significantly slower than driving. it takes 4 times as long to get to a mets game via nj transit/subway vs driving
plus they are full of homeless and troons. like every time I've ridden the subway there was some homeless begging for money and showing his disgusting feet or troons half naked
>the subway is full of half naked trans women
god I wish
congestion pricing still has many carcels screeching even after a week
a. faggot
b. because it did jack shit to address how shit nyc's transit system is

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Quasi-tram/light-rail on existing full-width tracks?
Idk about the specific terms but anyway here's the meat of the issue;
Trams are popping off in Finland. After Tampere successfully opened their tram to a roaring success some years ago other finnish cities are looking on with envy and now want their own trams. One such city is Vaasa. However, the city is quite small (65k + 10k just outside in commuting distance) and doesn't have the funds for a proper new tram network. The city officials have however prepared a plan. The plan includes to use the already existing rail for a local city train. The train/tram(?) would at the very least travel between the airport and the harbour with about 10 stops in between. The line from the train station to the harbour is basically not in use (I've marked it as 'derelict' but it's in very good condition, just unused) In the plans it is also discussed that the train could out into the countryside (bottom right of the map) to provide local train service for people out in the villages where the main service provider (VR, state rail) has stopped servicing a decade ago.
So, are there any other examples of this?
Could this work?
Are the city officials insane, or simply trying to appear busy?
Would this be the joke of the century, or the missing link in the city's transport infrastructure?
Discuss, ask if anything was unclear. Also discuss transit feasibility in small cities.

Problems I see:
>too low population
>whilst the rail line technically passes by the airstrip, it's nowhere near the airport where you'd check in
>a new line to the actual airport would thus be needed
>it's mostly single track rail, suboptimal, especially when regular trains are coming and going on half of the proposed line.

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Of course it's possible, Austin converted a freight line to a light rail-style train (diesel powered) that's compatible with the existing network, it just added stations, a few pass-through points, and upgraded crossings.

Problem is ridership will be abysmal and the fixed costs alone will just make it a waste of money.
How do you know ridership will be abysmal? Austin is building a shitton of new apartments all over town, and has been building like that for a decade. And with no slowdown in sight it sounds like they're the ideal place to build a light rail.

Unless it's just placed very poorly in the city.
I was talking about the small train in Finland. And Austin's train line is still an underperformer.
That's what I was thinking as well. How big would a city need to be though for it to be worth it? As I mentioned the city of Tampere opened their tram in 2021 and had their final station open just a week ago, and it has been a roaring success. Tampere has 260k people and maybe another 50k in nearby villages. 16 million trips were made last year or >40k/day. And they built it from scratch.
The main problem I see with Vaasa in particular is that the centre of the city is quite compact (and small so you can easily walk across it) but the surrounding suburbs are pretty much american style car dependent suburbs. So the people who do live in the centre don't need it and the suburbs are so low density it's not worth it. It only really makes sense as a commuter train for the villages which currently do not have any train service (but have had previously so all infrastructure is still there)

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Sup, hoes. Where do Anons that want the walkable city experience live? I am a software engineer, young guy, looking to grow my career so it has to be a city that at least has a tech sector.
I currently live in the 'burbs and it's fucking dogshit.
>go outside
>get in car
>come back
>get in house
>go outside later to walk the dog
>only children playing and parents outside
>people my age only leave their house to get in their cars and despawn from the map
>feels like nobody really lives here, just come to die
>everybody in their pod home

>I just want to live in a place where I can walk to most places and see my neighbors doing the same.
> I just want to live in a place where some dumb roastie on her phone can't dictate how quickly I can reach my destination.

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Ask your friend how Philly compares to Chongqing for us, Chang.
I live in a walkable suburb in the UK. It means I've got basic stores a few minutes walk away, plus some other basic amenities (I happen to be close to the main city park and some woodland that's good for walks). There's a bus service every 30 minutes to the city, and another to the hospital.
There's plenty of things that I have to drive to (cinemas and theatres aren't close) but not for the basics. My neighbours are decent folks.
Boring blog
t. spammer who's showcasing his butthurt that other people online aren't cagebrained

LMAO. Love it when you own the cagetrolls, Chang!

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How do these large cargo backpacks compare with a bicycle trailer? I need to haul 100kg of cargo on a bicycle
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My bros
OP it’s not going to work.
tighten your chain
It's track slack dad!
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Can’t tighten anymore. Good to go until it pops out 3 times per week
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I beat my record, this time it's even more water, way longer distance, and less money. 16.9ozx24x3 = 76.05lbs going 2.7 miles to a student center so I made much less on this job than delivering to let's say a luxury apartment but I needed to prove to myself I could handle 3 24 packs and so I took the mission

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Winter is coming, or rather, it's here.

What now?
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U5 is the biggest one, otherwise U4 extension and some S-Bahn extensions. They're also relocating Altona Station.
>What German-speaking city has the best mass transit rail?
Probably Vienna, Bern and Luxembourg.
Within Germany there are positive examples like Karlsruhe, but that's not quite at the scale you are probably interested in.
Hamburg is okay, and absolutely spend a whole day at Miniaturwunderland, but avoid procuring too much time for Berlin - you'd only be disappointed.
this is from the view point if I consider the mass transit system as efficient:
so unironically Berlin despite the junkies, hobos and beggars inhabiting parts of the metro. The S-Bahn provides a fast way to traverse the city in north-south, east-west directions and around the city on the ring line. the other modes like U-Bahn (metro), trams and buses provide a decentralized network around the city with many points where you can change between different lines.
I'd give 2nd place to Karlsruhe for their Stadtbahn. Unlike in other German cities, their Stadtbahn runs outside the city on normal train lines. so it runs as suburban rail outside the city as far as the other side of the Black forest and as tram inside the city. it's a huge success and punches way above its weight for the size of the city (300'000 inhabitants in the core city).
Anybody wants to buy some Stadler KISS trains?
they will end up at ÖBB, they need them urgently so they can refurbish the original Railjets. yes, it's really funny that the former trains from ÖBB competitor Westbahn will end up at ÖBB on the the Vienna to Salzburg line to compete against Westbahn.
the 6 car train sets have ETCS, are capable of 200km/h and you can run them in all CHAD countries, so if you want to start a private train company that's your chance.
some fun fact, on the side the registration says CH-DB and not D-DB. when Westbahn originally bought the trains it was faster that way to get an operating license for the trains.

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American high-speed rail map from transportation researcher Alon Levy.

Which line would you build first?
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>In France, people overwhelmingly choose rail for short domestic trips.
Of course, since that the government made short air trips illegal
A big difference from Europe and Asia is that you can drive on large-capacity highways with three lanes for almost nothing. Gas is also incredibly cheap.
Recently, "semi-autonomous driving" such as GM's Super Cruise has started to spread rapidly.
They are probably the biggest enemy of bullet trains.
Seems unambitious.
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I'd go with building the Texas Triangle route, that's such a perfect combination of density and growth.
It's pragmatic.

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This is my bike, what can I do to attract more chicks? I am in Delhi if that helps.
Paint a bunch of swastikas on it for good luck
wash it
do some cable management
install a saree guard so she can ride with you

>Buys a ticket to the Bahamas
>Takes you to heaven instead
If it's Boeing I'm going to heaven
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>If it's Boeing I'm not g-ACK
>b-but the M-max
Yeah, and it was fixed

Why is there nothing from McDonnell Douglas on this list?
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NGs are nice, they get the job done.
And that's the root of Boeing's problems. 60 years ago they designed a bloody good aircraft, and they've coasted on it ever since. If they'd gone back to the drawing board instead of lobbying the FAA certifying board when the A320 launched, they'd be in a better place.

Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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Oh and apparently 6903 is 30x17x7 except when it's DT Swiss or Fulcrum or certain unspecified hubs made anywhere on the island of Formosa, in which case it's 30x18x7 because fuck you?
First, decide whether you're going lightweight, hill climbing wheels, or aero,and if so, how much. For many people, they don't have the legs to make aero make much sense at all and should just stick with lightweight.
the same argument against aero could be made against low weight. the more noticeable differences for a weak person will be gusty crosswinds where aero is generally a disadvantage, and stiffness, which is complicated in how it plays out, but again, assuming the cyclist is not incredibly strong, it's a wash at best, perhaps slightly advantageous in the handling characteristics. really the rim width is going to make the biggest difference in how the bike rides if you're not very strong
>For many people, they don't have the legs to make aero make much sense at all and should just stick with lightweight.
Iunno man , it's true that aero wheels really come into their own fanging it on the flat, but ime it's usually weak beginners who are more interested in the 'i can ride 40km/h for 2 minutes!' version of being fast and who would actually be mindblown by aero wheels

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They should bring back train crashing as a spectator event. It doesn't even have to be a regular thing, just have it be rare and filmed in many points of view with 4K slomo cameras.
Just imagine, Crash at Crush II: Electric Boogaloo.

Bike comes with free roughing up by the neighborhood bullies.

>jumps on bike
>I'm riding yer mom's womb

Birth of a cager.
>mom can we have yimby shitpost?
>we have yimby shitpost at home
>yimby shitpost at home >>2030074
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>be clydesdale
>Ride Orca
>trade it in
>Get Giant tcr

Is there a bigfoot bike company I'll buy that next
My kid has a woom. Tires are too narrow. Vitus does better kids bikes
There got a couple cool gravel Grinders. I always knew these guys as bang for the buck roadies that were a nice price bc they mostly sold MTBs
Sorry that was meant for the Vaya Con Dios Rocky Mountain Cycles thread.

2chainz edition

RJ the bike guy on youtube
Previous thread >>2025931
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No, it means they can't be relied upon to fulfil their intended use case. Their maximum dynamic load with you riding them will be below that of an in-spec rider. You would have to be many times above the specified weight limit to destroy the wheels under a static load.
It means that if you break them and ask for a warranty replacement and admit that you’re over 100kg they will laugh at you
>if you really like it you should.
I did yeah. Love the way it looks and rides. But I also haven't ridden a lot of road bikes. Actually only 3, and 2 of which were vintage road bikes which I did not find very comfortable.
Generally, yeah.
riding more bikes is opening another can of worms. It's almost better to stick with what you have until you really want/can easily afford more.
is the bike industry fucking cooked? how/why the fuck are they raising prices in 2025?

SS United States to be sunk, creating the world's largest artificial reef. RIP to one of the greats.
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>artificial reef
What a waste of precious steel.
ruh roh
It sounds like they ordered the additional testing because the ship is incapable of self-propulsion and they want to make sure it'll make the trip. Surely this is something they anticipated, right?

Okaloosa has $9 million set aside for transportation and environmental services needed before the ship can be sunk.
Damn I knew it was in bad shape but I didn't realize it was that bad.
They should probably just tear it down, though at this point I wonder if you could even recover anything useful from it, at least to offset the cost of the teardown.

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Damn wtf are we supposed to do
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Buses, gravel trucks, and RVs tend to be the worst from my experience.
https://www.thetrillium.ca/news/municipalities-transit-and-infrastructure/toronto-bike-lane-removals-to-start-in-march-at-the-earliest-9961352 March 20 guys
The reason for bike lanes in toronto is that traffic averages 10km/hr and bikes do 20-30. This isn't about making traffic move faster but eliminating the reminder to drivers that bikes are faster by making them wait in traffic too.
Of course this; Ford is just cashing in and stoking suburban culture war bullshit, largely as a way to distract from the ongoing failure of the LRT to be anywhere near completed, his shitting about at Ontario place, and whatever other fucking scam the fat grifting cunt has on the go at any given time.

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>That cylinder is a mass dampener also known as a J dampener in physics.The purpose is to neutralize high frequency low amplitude oscillations.Mass dampeners are currently used in Moto GP and were banned in F1 in the mid 2000s.The mass dampener can also be placed on the fork,above the bottom bracket and as shown on the rear swing arm/triangle on a full suspension bike.
have these been used on road bikes yet? i have a stiff track bike fixie, anything that could improve performance or comfort would interest me. i haven't paid attention to bike stuff lately so idk if it has been mentioned on GCN/GMBN yet. GCN has done a lot of videos on tire pressure so i could see them experimenting with tuned mass dampers.
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>laterally stiff vertically compliant meme
>on a fucking alu frame of all things
there is nothing wrong with any of that
Yeah there's nothing wrong if you don't mind the frame snapping
nothing is infinitely stiff, you can see when a bike is being pedaled on a turbo trainer that it flexes with the bottom bracket moving from side to side and it's not a problem. it's not common for a frame to fail unless there was a manufacturing defect or you crashed it. an aluminium frame has a limited lifespan in theory but will probably last for decades without catastrophic failure even with a lot of high mileage riding.
do they even make those anymore

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