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I've been getting into the steelisreal, rim brakes are good enough side of youtube lately, and the clickbait has gotten me thinking about my next bike. How much truth do you think there is to these memes that say that high end steel isn't like the cheap shit I think of when I think of steel? I refuse to consider cantis and if I get disc steel I'm told that's no better than carbon because it's "overbuilt" at that point which "defeats the purpose". So it has to be dual pivot classic road frame made of thin walled fairy tubing, and no I will not elaborate because we all know why.

So it looks like if I'm not too hung up on getting a name brand duende meme bike I can probably pick up what looks like a pretty good steel frame for under $3k. Possibly even less. But then I'd really have to go with some pretty narrow, hard, puncture-prone tires, and I just don't have the energy for that shit. I haven't struggled with inner tubes and frame pumps in pelting ice cold rain by the side of the road in years and I like it that way, latex blood runs through my veins. But TPU was invented, and that's caused me to begin doubting my faith.

Would I be consumed with post-purchase rationalization if I fell for the steel meme? Are steel bikes and rim brakes the cast iron of bikes? Opinionated attention whores who need to have something to argue about at all times so they pick the most argumentative pointless crap that has a grain of truth that gets overemphasized at the expense of the big picture? Or is there something to this memery?

Before you start your angry typing, I am a mamil with crabon and aero and absolute black and all that stuff, so please, be accurate with your strawmanning. I can supply some other personal aspects of myself if you wish to find something to be aggressive about but I trust I have given you enough information to get irrationally angry over bicycles.
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>It's just a shame that basically none of those will take a modern hub without bending the frame which gives me the heebie jeebies
lots of 90s bikes are spaced 130

8 speed campy is 130

and usually 126mm frames can simply be pulled open to fit a 130 hub, they don't require cold setting.

>If you are looking for a rim brake steel italian bike look for anything with dedaccai or colombus steel
Oria? Big Migs pinarello was Oria. My Moser Forma was Oria.

>I would rather have eye-talian because of sex appeal
That's kinda ridiculous dude. There are sexy high end steel bikes from all over. The Italian stuff usually is all fancy like the entry level is fancy but anything top shelf from around the world is gonna have the same appeal.
But there is a lot more of it from eye-talian brands and besides I've had made in USA, I've had made in Japan, I've had made in Taiwan, now I want made in Italy (made in France is something I also want but that is a whole other thread)

Realise though that a lot of high end bikes that aren't italian are italian.

My Concorde (SPX tubing and a race number braze on) was made by Ciocc but it's a Dutch brand/ team.
Merckx frames are god tier and were made by various Italian shops.

And many Italian bikes aren't Italian, Taiwanese Bianchi etc.
Yeah when I said Taiwan I included the Bianchi I used to have (among others)
for me, it's Australian bikes

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I'm looking at getting a bike and my choice is between these 2
Trek Zektor B
Shimano Alfine hub, belt drive, hydraulic brakes


Cannondale Bad Boy 3
Shimano Alivio 3x9
Mechanical brakes
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Get the badboy, alfine hubs feel like shit.
Also make sure to get some new nice tires for it. Those wtb shits are heavy and roll slow af.
Why not?
I got the Trek. Seller agreed on $255
cool, let us know about the alfine hub and the belt drive, most of us don't have personal experience with those.

pic shows optimal leg extension
>I would go with the Cannondale for easier tire changes
you have to remove the caliper to change the tire

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Sup, hoes. Where do Anons that want the walkable city experience live? I am a software engineer, young guy, looking to grow my career so it has to be a city that at least has a tech sector.
I currently live in the 'burbs and it's fucking dogshit.
>go outside
>get in car
>come back
>get in house
>go outside later to walk the dog
>only children playing and parents outside
>people my age only leave their house to get in their cars and despawn from the map
>feels like nobody really lives here, just come to die
>everybody in their pod home

>I just want to live in a place where I can walk to most places and see my neighbors doing the same.
> I just want to live in a place where some dumb roastie on her phone can't dictate how quickly I can reach my destination.

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It's propaganda silly. How else would you lure the scientists from China and Russia?
Does this count?
I also moved from Missouri (Wildwood) to D.C. Much better in the District.
I might actually take the pro-car anti-pedestrian trolls here seriously if they didn't all sound like autistic schizos foaming at the mouth.
Everyone with an opinion different than mine also happens to be an autistic schizo as well. Great minds think alike, Chang!

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Space transportation general: Stage Separating into a new year edition.

This general is here because spaceflight is increasing exponentially. We are up to at least a launch per week and we are now in the midst of flight testing an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:


Upcoming NASA operations:

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Chopsticks being installed on 2nd tower.
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NASA's SPHEREx space telescope, scheduled to launch into orbit later this month
Because it isn't a good idea anymore.
>STS actually became a real vehicle

It was never a real vehicle. Too big for a reusable crew vehicle, not enough payload to be a useful cargo hauler. The Saturn V rocket, a previous generation system was cheaper per launch and could get more payload to orbit. To the order of $100-200 million per launch.

If the Saturn V + Skylab combo was used for the ISS, you could build a space station of roughly equivalent volume in 3 launches. Plus you could use an SV for large outer solar system probes
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$1,000 for this hunk of shit.
Remember when cycling was exciting? There were new design innovations every year. Now it's all static. Just the same shit over and over at lower levels of value. Surly is an embarrassment these days
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Just like shoe and clothes sizes?

The real logistical and environmental nightmare would be adopting your cope size and making 90% of existing wheels obsolete. 27.5 is literally the thing you're complaining about. It does nothing that 26 or 29 can't do.
29/700c is peak.
32d is the future and I am tired of short queens claiming it isn't, like just, grow, shrimp.
do you mean to say that federal and regional governments around the world have been imposed upon and impeded by transnational agents to act in accord with policies that encourage bicycling over driving and owning vehicles?
Is anyone forcing you to buy it?

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It is said that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Are you one of the good ones, /n/? Do people say you're not like those other cyclists?
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Yeah it’s more horrible than you can imagine.
i don't get it, to me that sounds perfectly normal?
I think I'm leaving this board forever cause I can't stand this amount of faggotry
Ok see you tomorrow then
So, how's the quitting going?

This build costs at least $4,000 but will perform like a $500 hybrid. Why is this allowed?
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not anon but surly is the most 'normie' of the steel hipster brands, and could fit wide tires before lots of others, seems pretty reasonable to want one.

inb4 90s mtn bike meme
It was mostly a joke, and I guess there are people who want bikes to match their black car.
>people who want bikes to match their black car
isnt that the people who want a black specialized tarmac?
>paying more than 1K for a bike
basically, the cancer that killed cycling

A 17-year-old German teen has been living life as a modern nomad, leaving his parents’ house to live on trains and travel all over his country.

While most 17-year-olds are only just beginning to consider the idea of leaving the nest, Lasse Stolley has already been on his own for over a year and a half. Convinced that his school studies were already behind him, he convinced his parents to allow him to leave their home in Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein to embark on a unique train-hopping adventure. It took a lot of convincing, but they eventually agreed, and for the last year and a half, the German teen has essentially been living on trains, traveling all over his home country, working as a self-employed coder during the day, and sleeping on night trains at night.

“I’ve been living on the train as a digital nomad for a year and a half now,” Lasse told Business Insider. “At night I sleep on the moving Intercity Express (ICE) train and during the day I sit in a seat, at a table and work as a programmer, surrounded by many other commuters and passengers. I travel from one end of the country to the other. I’m exploring the whole of Germany.”

He gave into his wanderlust in 2022, selling most of his possessions and packing what was left in a 36-liter backpack that he has been carrying with him ever since. Minimalism and resisting the urge to acquire new stuff are an essential part of his lifestyle, as he needs to take everything with him wherever he goes. It’s not always easy, but he has found a way to make it work.


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You're only mad because he described (You)r own behavior to the t
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I can no longer see helicopter shots of stroads without thinking of the west hollywood shootout

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would you laugh at short planes?
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For me, its the 747-SP
Damn tubby, lay off the Jet A
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imagine the p/w ratio on that pocket rocket
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flounder plane

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shoutout to all short people
i'm so happy
never felt so free
going around with my
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literally why the Townie bike was made.

it's not a speed bike it's a comfy commuter
That cruiser is sick
If I stretch my toes and they touch the ground is that ok, or do i need to raise my seat more?
it's ok if you need to stretch your toes, what's more important than being able to touch the ground or not is proper leg extension while saddled, for very aggressive bikes like velodrome bikes that means you can't even touch the ground while saddled while other bikes like the Townie above has geometry that allows full leg extension while saddled.
Thanks anon. I'll try raising my seat even more, because my fitness level doesn't justify being so damn slow

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New study just dropped

>24% of London's cycle network is rape-friendly
>50% of all London cycleways contain at least one rape-friendly section
>7 London cycleways are totally rape-friendly
>a third of women cyclists avoid cycling at night so they don't get raped
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>every woman I've ever dated looks like this and I take out my frustration on people with higher standards than me
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>I look like this guy
Just pointless to even engage, really. Like talking to a combination of a kindergartener and a chatbot.
aunt gertrude has passed away
[dire straits - sultans of swing.mp4]
:laugh: :laugh:
>Such is life in most western cities
Who's doing the raping?

*whistles tune* *SNAP* ACK!
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kek, I love it
"carbon" isn't actually carbon. It's mostly plastic
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>ten years old
>implying that's a lot
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This is why garbon will never touch my bike.

Passenger Rail is the superior mode of transportation. Nothing can beat the speed, safety, and luxury of riding on the original form of mass ground transportation. Airlinetards will never get to this level of prestige, only MCAS failures, door plug blowouts, and flight path collisions.
The Railroad once again reigns supreme.
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>Tradition in actuality
what if you replay the metal wheels with rubber wheels
and replace the rails with asphalt
and call it a "road train"
It’s more comfortable than a car or airplane. Airplanes cram you in like sardines.
>going cross-country is an overnight trip
for you, here going cross country is about 1 hour

>No wi-fi, warmed-over food. You'd do better with a car at that rate.
not here, get some hot bakery stuff at the station before you go and it's extra comfy, wifi on trains here is pretty decent too
>Euroshit's country is the size of Ohio and wants to brag.
Nobody cares, faggot.

>Safest form of travel goyim.
>Oy vey! 83,000 deaths since 1977?
Steam engines were safer.
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never been on an airplane never will
But France cancelled all domestic flights. This must be a lie because la belle republique would never expose its population to more death just to virtue signal green.
Illiterate traintard
Frankly it's even more an indictment of the true cost in human life train-advocates demand, since while 99% of the time airline deaths are only those that voluntarily accepted the risk, trains are ran straight through urban centers where the population serves as unwitting sacrifices
Among billions passengers not a single one was ever killed in a TGV accident since the start in 1981, in fact it's the safest train in the world with the Shinkansen.

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If the road floods, it's literally not the railroad's problem.
That's the point of sinking the road (not the railroad, and no bridges) and making the crossing as dogshit as possible. It would be an ass move if FEC did something like that, but externalizing all of the costs of the other transport method is one way to limit the cost as much as possible.
Your entire line of reasoning is that of a child's. You have no idea how the world works. Please stop posting.
I bet that retard believed "lights are for cars" until he finally found a vehicle who wouldn't slam on the brakes for him.
Brightline only travels at 110mph in the exclusive right-of-way section along highway 528 (new track constructed specifically for Brightline between the CSX track on the coast and Orlando International Airport).
The shared section on CSX track forces the trains to slow down to 65-70mph (max). Freight gets up to that speed around Palm Bay/Melbourne all the time.
Brightline doesn't share track with CSX. It's FEC.

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