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You're both correct
>Reminder, this was the empire of the world through the late 19th Century
Its former colonies have nicer secondary cities than Leeds
now, there's an unpleasant stereotype about train enjoyers, but in this case, i think it's justified
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
>Reminder, this was the empire of the world through the late 19th Century
Yes, and the buildings built at that time reflect that.
Please don't mention Jimmy Savile.

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What should I expect?
the train goes choo choo but u cant take off ur sox if ur feet stink :(
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To be late and for the food to suck
Yes it will prob be late
What time is your train departure?
That can be a deciding factor on the chances of it being last

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I plan to build myself a new road bike and the thing I'm stuck on is what frame.

New frame? The all have that increadibly gay sloping top tube.
Old steel frame? That's where I'm leaving from because I'm not 100% happy.
Triathlon frame? The shape is correct but the rest is impractical for what I need.

I've arrived at the conclusion that what I want is an early aluminum frame before the started bogging the frames for gay shit like 'ergonomics' and 'flex'. From what I've gathered Cannondale is one of the best when it comes to aluminum frames and the Caad2, Caad2.8 and Caad3 really fit the bill. But I want to expand my horizons and get some recommendations and inspo for what else is out there.
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These look sexy my only concern is that it I'm buy 30 year old carbon and the general consensus on that is that it's risky if I'm not mistaken.

I checked online and they seem to be pretty rare where I live and those that are listed have asking prices reflecting that. I could have one imported cheaper from the US than what people here are asking but I want to be able to look at what I'm getting before I buy especially since it's used.
>Old steel frame? That's where I'm leaving from because I'm not 100% happy.
Why are you unhappy with steel? Specifically, which framesets made you unhappy with it? What tubing were they made with? The early/mid 90s saw some fairly stiff steel frames with 130 mm between the rear dropouts before aluminum and carbon fully took over.
They were still made in usa up till 2019?
whoa. based Cannondale.
No, I dont think so. Probably taiwan
some gaspipe shitter no doubt

thoughts, opinions? discuss
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how do you stop that shit?
i used to longboard all over the place its rly fun
still have my board
but desu its only good downhill
uphill you just carry your board and on the flat even with the best set up youre efficiency is still like that of a scooter because youre only making power from one leg
oh and the supporting leg will get extremely sore after a while of pushing on the flat
learn to ride switch asap as soon as you start riding if you wanna avoid having one leg more muscular than the other
nah you arent that old lol go do it before youre aaaactuuuaally old and cant because of youre fucked hip or something
then youl be wishing you did
get skate gloves fr
im a no helmet fag even when im going death speeds but i always wear gloves
ive always liked the idea of an eboard but im kinda a bicycle granny now so it seems too dangerous even for me
i used to fall off my longboard alot
running never works loll
i just accept my fate and try to slide on my ass
you either wear through your shoe, your wheels or your asscheeks in the act of stopping typically

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Commuting or cruising with a helmet is cringe
>inb4 get hit by a car
Sharing roads with motor vehicles is retarded and helmet wont save you when you get a 50mph kiss from Karen's SUV.
Helmets are for risky sports.
If your commute is risky enough to warrant one, you are doing it wrong.
If you argue otherwise, you should wear one as a pedestrian too.
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I have a full faced helmet but the jaw part can be detached. Of course I go full face when on my MTB hitting dirt trails. But when I'm on my road bike I take off the jaw part. The main reason being that it's annoying trying to drink out of a water bottle and having to remove a full face helmet just to do so. I know I can get a water backpack thing with one of those sippy lines, siphons or whatever the fuck they're called, but I really really hate having things on my back while riding making it sweat even worse.
I agree with you 100%. The first couple of years I wore one because I was afraid since I didn't feel skilled. Then I just got tired of carrying it everywhere. I threw it out I think
>I don't care if you wear a helmet
>proceeds to write a paragraph on why you should wear a helmet
Kek just dont crash you idiot.
I'll go max 50mph downhill and mostly i ride at 20-30mph. Thats not even remotely fast.
Hell i even do 40mph on some DH tracks and dont consider this fast.
Just get fucking better at riding and reading the fucking SMOOTH road in front of you.
I really cant imagine how some people crash on a fucking straight bumpless road.
Why do you wear shoes?

To protect your feet.

I'm convinced only brainlets mope about helmets. Which is sad because they suffer twice.

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t. 2022 Marin Alpine Trail E2
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the golden age of shimano was like 20 years ago lol
you can just turn the limiter off lol
polica cant enforce it because a manual bike can go faster than that too lol
they are cuckmobiles the only good ebikes are diy
you can get a fun mtb for £10
Lol based

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Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
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>too dumb to understand mocking the OP for being a huge faggot
oh wait you must be the OP that explains the extra faggotry
LOL if an attractive girl has a choice between a guy with his own car and some broke loser that only has a bike she'll pick the guy with the car every single time and you damn well know it's true.
Maybe if you spent less of your disposable income on copium you could afford a car and Stacy would acknowledge your existence for a change.
nta but your repeated crying about stacy and being rejected over no car seems more like a confession than an accusation

regardless ebikes don't belong on /n/
>change of clothes
I'm going to blow your mind like your mom blew me last night: rain jackets exist
Winter, snow, e-fatbike with studded tires, headwind 10 meters/s, rise 10%, weight of rider without equipment - 80 kg. How many watts does it take to move at a speed of 25 km/h? 50 km/h?

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define "walking distance" for you.
>45min normally
>1hr30min if good mood
bonus: what do you listen to on your walks, if anything?
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Anything above 10 minutes is too long for me. Walking bores me to death. I'd rather take the bike for 5km than walk for 500 meters
15 minutes (5km)
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I'm a 45 minute walk from the train station. I do not walk to the train station. I'll catch one of three busses from the train station - they stop 3, 10 and 15 minutes from my house.
There is a coffee shop 15 minutes away that I walk to sometimes.

I will not walk 30 minutes to the beach but I will drive there and walk one hour up and one hour back.
10-15 minutes.
If its farther i'll take my car.
I can cycle for over 100miles but i'll never use my expensive bikes to commute tho.
They are only used for serious cycling.
And i dont want to be seen on a shitty beater ever in my life. It also sucks to carry bike locks with you and destroys the purpose of lightweight road bikes.

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Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
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Fortunately the other lifeboat is in far better shape.
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The bridge. The little house on the wing there has a cute little surprise in it that you'll get to see later.
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Random callbox that got brought over on the ship's final trip from the UK
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4th of July stuff
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They apparently FINALLY finished repainting all of the funnels just a few weeks before my stay. See >>1938708 for how they appeared during my visit last year.

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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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It's a bicycle seat and you see a bulge? That's pretty cool. Never change
>be american
>Yeah we bikers are so uncool unlike car guys
>Doesn't do any spins or flips
>Just riding through the rain to work at 10 mph because he's too poor to afford a car
>my gf insists i wear one
Are these posts real ? I don't browse this board very often.
Didn't a pretty low key injury basically take him out of competitive quality forever?

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Trips, tracks, tickets, trains and stations, they're all good - making up rules is boring so let's just be normal. Questions are, of course, most welcome.

If you feel like travelling, head over to National Rail Enquiries (nationalrail.co.uk/); tell it where you're leaving from and where you're going to, and it'll tell you how you're going to get there; then it'll hand you over to a train operator to buy a ticket. The golden rule is that it doesn't matter which train operator you buy a ticket from, as they'll all sell you a ticket from anywhere to anywhere, for the same price. If you're a visitor from overseas, your best option is probably Trainline (thetrainline.com/) - they charge a booking fee on top of the ticket price, but they'll accept just about any payment card. There's also trip.com/, who are apparently a 'thing' with overseas students: I've not used these myself, so please speak up with any thoughts.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - Likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - railway infrastructure, mapped.

What's happening?
~Phase One of High Speed 2 (Birmingham-London): hs2.org.uk/

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Midland Main Line electrification complete between Kettering and South Wigston ... no, me neither. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3g6r1rk1kpo
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Oh hello
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Also - RIP Kenneth Grange, designer of many, many things, but also of the HST power car ... that iconic nosecone design and blue/white livery.
Applied for a Train Driving Apprenticeship. Wish me luck, lads. Fingers crossed, I'll be doing commuter runs in the South.

Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
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I temember seeing here a railroad maintenance Land Rover (110) with railroad wheels attached to the outside of the regular road wheels
>This on'e been built recently for Egypt.
And based off a model that is already successfully being used in Germany by various companies and in different configurations, inlcuding one that is suitable for use on highspeed lines.
DDZ look retarded and 1980s crap
Prefer the 1990s VIRM. The looks somewhat modern and aerodynamic
New double deckers from 2026/7 for the Dutch railways
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wdym, weird; are you a translinkphobic biggot, or something?

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What goes on here
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That boat has crabs.
through advanced replacement techniques, you too can replace your girth
Chemtrail gates.
They use chemicals to manipulate the north atlantic stream to create toxic environments to kill all sealife in different regions.
Imagine if they cut china/japan/korea/philipines out of all seafood.
Its literally a weapon of mass starvation.
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holy shit

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I think I'm going to Katmandu
That's really, really where I'm going to
If I ever get out of here
That's what I'm gonna do
Air safety culture from the 19th century + tallest mountains in the world

If you deleted one or the other they'd be russia tier - not great, not horrifying
What're we thinking? Did they not set the flaps/slats for take-off?
Looking at the videos the visibility seems okay enough to not cause significant problems. The right wing dips down dramatically. I’m thinking improper configuration prior to takeoff like you said. Kind of reminds me of the Northwest 255 crash.

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Team Ouch! edition

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the day after i zoomed around bristol with the boys drafting eachother and stopping for a joint
we went to the pump track the same day and then i bussied my bike back
we visited a lil diesel train show thingy too i dont have any pics of that for my trainnys tho sorry
I have been on the internet too long
nice blahaj fender
i need to stop posting while im high
isnt he cute :3

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