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thread for /n/ related AI-slop
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>the guy spamming NJB threads and calling you a cagetroll
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>abandoned bikes guy having a normal day
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>You dont need fenders, they make your bike ugly
Imma be fr witchu senpai. This thread is even more of a waste of board space than sidewalkshizo and co could ever be.
So which of the AI sloppa referred to you?
>"/n/ related"
>OP pic is literally /sp/ related
longest inactive thread hasn't seen a reply in three weeks
Bicycles, which are used for transportation and fun, are for /sp/

Nonstop Texas real estate developer spam, which has fuck all to do with transportation, is /n/ related because ??????
You can use a bike for sports or for commuting/transport. The OP pic is definitely the former and thus does not belong on /n/.

>Nonstop Tex-
stopped reading cause I don't care lmao
Their helmets should each have a letter, starting with "N"
Ai haters should die already, future is now old man
The term AI applies to many usefull things. Generating shitty images because to 'creator' is too much of a mental cripple to draw, photoshop or photograph what he wants to portray is not one of them and shouldn't have a place in any future.
nta but I can snap a shitty pic of my bike in about 10 seconds, it takes a good 20 minutes of fucking around with stable diffusion to make it do what I want, maybe you should actually play around with the technology because clearly you lack the intellectual curiosity to experiment with new things
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I hope I never turn out this bitter as I age
He's been busy today
This board is too leftist to tolerate that. I had a post deleted for saying le heckin future doctors have no interest in high speed rail from New Orleans to Houston.
>someone brings up intercity train routes
>anon posts passive aggressive word salad complaining about black people
I can't even begin to imagine why your posts keep getting deleted, it must have been those roths children again!
>word salad passive aggressive
No, it was just aggressive.
I said niggers in New Orleans and Mexicans in Houston have no desire for high speed rail between the two cities.
No, it's just simple leftist logic. Ban ideas you don't like.
what do you mean?
Spoken like an urban planner retard who has never taken the easy drive from nola to h town.

Honestly all you urban planning losers trying to justify why you have no house and car have gone too far when you tell us bikes aren't /n/
who is sidewalkshizo?
We're in agreement dumb fuck.

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