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/n/ - Transportation

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File: 4chan cycling team.jpg (138 KB, 1024x1024)
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thread for /n/ related AI-slop
File: walkable.jpg (219 KB, 1038x1070)
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>the guy spamming NJB threads and calling you a cagetroll
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>abandoned bikes guy having a normal day
File: gravel.jpg (249 KB, 1024x1024)
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>You dont need fenders, they make your bike ugly
Imma be fr witchu senpai. This thread is even more of a waste of board space than sidewalkshizo and co could ever be.
So which of the AI sloppa referred to you?
>"/n/ related"
>OP pic is literally /sp/ related
longest inactive thread hasn't seen a reply in three weeks
Bicycles, which are used for transportation and fun, are for /sp/

Nonstop Texas real estate developer spam, which has fuck all to do with transportation, is /n/ related because ??????
You can use a bike for sports or for commuting/transport. The OP pic is definitely the former and thus does not belong on /n/.

>Nonstop Tex-
stopped reading cause I don't care lmao

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