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*whistles tune* *SNAP* ACK!
>>2032741 (OP)
Aluminum has a fatigue life.
Crashing can break things.
not my problem(right now)
>>2032741 (OP)
dumb fuck clearly overtightened it
there's a reason you're supposed to use torque wrenches
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>>2032741 (OP)
You looked at it wrong, didn't you? Should have shown deference.
>>2032741 (OP)
damn, so this happens to aluminium too? i put my stem bolts on pretty tight, should i get a torque wrench and redo my bolts or is it too late? or get a titanium bar?
every 2-3 years of regular use swap alu bars or risk it. I'm convinced to get steel bars next year
yes, yes, you should buy new bars every 2 years and new frame every 36 months!!
not if it's steel but hey I would rather keep my teeth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0SwNvdv198 [Embed]
I've never had any failure from aluminum bars, or any aluminum part
>>2032741 (OP)
>>2032741 (OP)
>front wheel gone
>big scrapes on the *top* of the front light and hood
Yes, definitely a fatigue issue here.
>ten years old
>been creaking for two months
>iT JuST suDDenLy SnAPPeD WiThouT WaRNinG!!!1
kek, I love it
"carbon" isn't actually carbon. It's mostly plastic
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>ten years old
>implying that's a lot
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This is why garbon will never touch my bike.
>>2032741 (OP)
Kid word.
>>2032741 (OP)
That tube looks as thin as tinfoil. People buying ultra-light bike components from out of chinesium are just retarded.
Won't happen with a normal aluminum handlebar or a high quality carbon one.
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TCP is 51 years old. The day of the pillow is near for you. :D
>>2032741 (OP)
no fatigue limit, ANY stress no matter how small will push it further to the point of ultimate failure

seriously, what did you expect?
Anything can break
This topic is autistic
steel don't suddenly kill you tho, you little retard
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honestly who the fuck runs steel bars and stem?

even nitto who stress test all of their items to the point of failure say the cromo items also fail eventually

https://youtu.be/XYIV6O6tOvY?t=61 [Embed]
My chrome moly bike is 35 years old and still as good as the day it was made. Aluminum is shit.
It either
>has a bunch of aluminium components including the one we're talking about
>is very low end and sucks
>is decked out in incredibly expensive hipster garbage components

not sure which is worse
None of the above.
lets see a pic steelbro
don't got one, deal with it. It was a very nice bike when it was new and it has been in my family maintained in good condition ever since. the most it has ever been altered is being stripped and powder coated.
>very nice bike when new
>steel handlebars
>steel seatpost
>steel cranks
>steel rims
>steel hubs

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early 90s schwinn crisscross. pic related is not my bike but seems to be virtually identical. mine is in nicer condition though
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yeah those 700c schwinn cromo hybrids are pretty nice

i restored a crosscut a while ago which is the higher spec one

you would be surprised how much more comfortable a nice allum seatpost makes the ride. And allum bars can drop several hundred grams weight, ones without rise are basically free giveaway parts too. Aside from the insanely light ones, it's really not something that breaks either, they still do just bend if you crash them.
Those steel parts are purely cost cutting.

keep the stem cos the cable stop is cool
Those riveted cranks are also extremely heavy, you can easily drop weight there too.

But yeah I like how those things ride.
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interestingly the 'hybrids are gay' idea dates back to the 90s

now they worked out just to call them gravel bikes
I'm sure the aluminum parts are lighter and nicer for that, but I wouldn't count on those parts to last 30+ years. depends on how much it's used of course, but the fatigue situation for aluminum will just never be as good as steel.
There's a good arguement to be made for steel forks and frames but taking it onto components is just ridiculous and you're only justifying riding heavy stiff crap.

Measuring wear in years also makes no sense. You have a bike with riveted chainrings, they can't even be replaced. It's designed to be disposable.

Even if you want maximum theoretical reliability just buy a new aluminium seatpost and bars. It's a good upgrade.
>some companies are calling them cross, crossover, fitness, or all-purpose bikes
I really want a vintage steel fitness bike.

>titanium bar

No, however a torque wrench is a good idea.
I have a crmo stem and crmo handlebars, they weren't hard to find
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUXow3d3-b0 [Embed]
Where did you find a steel stem? It seems like nitto is litetally the only modern standard steel stem manufacturer that i could find and they are the long road type that i dont want.
not him and i usually run allum stuff but there's a lot of old steel mtb stems in 1" around (some of them quite cromo ones)
Steel stems are easy to repaint black and there are NOS ones floating around.

I put a Tioga T-Bone cromo one on this and a junkyard one found in the basket.
Yeah but i need a stem that goes around the steerer tube. Not inside like the old ones.
threadless stems only ever fail because the threads strip out and that is just as likely to happen with steel as aluminium so just.. why?

If you want secure just go for one that is not super light or super cheap and with 4 bolts.
That is not true. There is a reason why quick release skewers have steel inserts in the nut. Or why crank arms have steel inserts for pedal threads. Aluminum stems are also chunky and ugly.
is there also maybe a reason why practically every single stem is aluminium including from the brand that almost makes what you want and what you want doesn't exist ?
also this doesn't mean a lot but i have like 50 old stems and the one that's stripped out is steel
Yeah the reason is that there is less manual labour and the industry is weight phobic. I still run steel frames and have no plans to switch to aluminum. If it would be up to me i would get steel rims, hubs and cranks too but nobody makes them anymore.
there's nothing wrong with arbitrary preferences
i like steel stuff because [valid reasons] also [i just like it]
that's cool

but when you go and say that aluminium stems are a liability which they aren't it's becoming a cope
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Maybe not if you are a regular person who buys a new bike every few years. When the time goes on the risks are getting higher.
9/10 of the bikes i ride are steel and i've totalled several steel frames / forks in different ways
eBay, that's the only place I looked
it was new and $20-25
lol old
there are 1⅛ threadless stems in crmo as well, that's what I have
I would do the same brother, steel lasts more than one lifetime if its well cared for
You can get new steel cranks but they're for BMX and unless you ride a fixed gear you probably won't be able to make them work on your bike
You can occasionally find old steel hubs and steel rims for sale but they're definitely not common
Do tell
Manufacturer? Do they fit 22mm steel handle bars.

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