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Technically they are like a train but vertical
I take the stairs
funiculars are basically just long sloped elevators and they are considered public transport, so are cable cars which are basically just suspended inclined elevators, so no reason to argue otherwise.
Elevator autists operate on a whole different level. Trainspotters are one thing, but those dudes who go film elevators scare me
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Hotel NH Prague City has an elevator that's actually a funicular that will take you to the top of the hill where the restaurant is located.
Just stroll into the hotel like you belong and enjoy the ride to the top.
I like elevators. I work in a 12 story building that was built in the 70’s. Sometimes the elevator shakes and rattles a little and it makes visitors and women nervous, or at least comment on it. One old guy who’s been there forever told me it used to be faster but they had to slow it down in like the 90’s or early 00’s. One of my coworkers swears the elevator goes faster if you press the floor number and door close at the same time, but I still can’t tell if he’s right or not.
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that's one thing i really remember about bilbao, loads of outside public elevators that take you around the city

there was also a sloped one that was pretty funky - pic related, it just took you down a small hill, not even that steep
Another form of public transport. Look here OP.
For me, it's the Wonkavator

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