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Happy 20th Birthday 4chan. I traveled to Fremont, CA to meet up with some dear friends and family and found out that the the Niles Canyon Railway was doing a steam excursion to commemorate the Bronco Billy Film Festival where they were showcasing silent-era films that were shot in Bay Area at the turn of the century so I booked a last-minute ride aboard it.

Will dump my album and go over some history of the railroad and its equipment below.
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I actually rode on one of their last excursions, was sad to see it go
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saw one of these in cheyanne in the park. its insane how big it really is. its a very nice park. as i was leaving some nice white teenagers celebrating the end of the school year where grilling and offered me hot dogs and burgers. we talked about trains for a while because one of them is going to college to be a rail engineer.i even offered to buy them beer but they declined.

okay schizo

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LA metro now actually enforces fares. For a while they didn't since it's racist or whatever and I got caught. Was only let off with a warning though.
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>For a while they didn't since it's racist
It is. Paying fare undermines people of color and puts them at greater risk of financial instability because of white supremecy.
i would see people getting caught before, but this was pre-coof and not in any regularity. i pay my fares but wouldn't like having to tap to leave stations
>LA metro now actually enforces fares.
literally all it takes to purge nigs and junkies
Absolutely moronic reply.
excellent and well reasoned rebuttal

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Disasters never have one root cause and neither did the destruction of cycling. But I know some important milestones in the decline and fall:

1. COVID 19. Enough said.
2. Full suspension mountain bikes. Enough said.
3. Reddit. Enough said.
4. Twitter. Enough said.
5. British "people". Enough said.
6. The d-tch. Enough said.
7. The state of Utah. Enough said.
8. Zwift, Peloton, "Spin Class", and other cancer. Enough said.

What were some other key moments?
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because it is a shit hole full of ______ like >>2002378
FFS what are you blathering on and on about? Cycling isn't destroyed.
Just regulate e-bikes by mandating training testing licensing and require insurance, and ban all the other motorized bullshit (stand-up scooters and all those monowheel things) and things will calm down. Then only people who are capable of being proficient at riding an e-bike and are old enough to be responsible with them will be using them.
Strava is the same as any other social media site, spiral down into intrusive ads, plans, subs, fake data, irrelevant shit and so on.
I have a 2018 version of the app that still had performance comparisons in segments, while the web does not even do this without paying for some shit plan.
I was tilted enough to code my own app, had it all setup and started adding different stats to it but just said fuck it, its not worth the effort and dropped any tracking tool entirely, rides have never been better and performance is irrelevant, I can still see I can do longer rides and more difficult terrain than before without having it written down.
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Instagram is worse but all influencer cycling is cancer

> he doesn’t know how sea-freight is being calculated

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Where we talk about stopping, or as Campy fanbois call it, "uhmmm actchyully it's about modulating your speed in the peloton"

QOTT: If you had to have one road bike, would anyone actually choose one with rim brakes in this day and age? For crying out loud it's almost 2015.
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Not only can you coast, but you can coast much longer on a coaster brake than you can on a freewheel or cassette.
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DAMN that's so cool
I have Ultegra dual pivots and they're completely fine though, what is the advantage of these? Even MORE power?
Probably for people who want to run carbon rimjobs
So you can crush your rim?

Anyways I googled it, it's primarily for TT bikes. Makes sense, more power in an aero package

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These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
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planefag here, paragliders are based as hell
i wanna buy a cheap kit biplane with an open cockpit someday for light aerobatics
and i think wing walking is exceedingly based, theres a guy who gives lessons and lets you do it in the span of a single day
and its not that gay shit where you're strapped on top of the plane for the whole flight, you get out of the cockpit yourself and climb on the wings
I love hot air balloons because it's objectively the most hilariously retarded mode of transport.
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I'd take it with a grain of salt. They almost certainly just let the invasion happen as proven by massive shorting on the stock market just days before, so it's not that paragliders were somehow tactically advantageous and made a difference.
It was the first flying machine, respect your elders zoomzoom

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I need to buy a nipple ring for my bicycle. Is there a standard size or are they all different like hangers?
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If they're hard to turn at all (most wheels), make sure you put a drop of oil on each spoke.

singer oil (sewing machine) is appropriate and comes with a nice little nozzle.

Also if they're bladed spokes make sure you hold the spokes while you turn the nipple.
too late

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Subway Police should be allowed to perform wanton brutality on fare evaders, you know, all the people causing the problems in the world's subways. The bums, the drug users/addicts, the smokers, the showtimers, the loud rap music players, the criminals. Riders report these pieces of shit causing the problems, police come in, ask for fare, when they don't have it, the police tase them, beat the shit out of them, physically throw them out of the station, then burn all their homeless belongings. Wanton arrests of all these "people' and throw them in jail without a trial.

If fare evaders were eliminated subways would be great places. Why are they afraid to do it? Who gives a fuck that homeless drug addicts are having their civil rights violated? Who gives a fuck that antisocial people with no regard for the comfort of others are getting their civil rights violated?
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>I can't have sex so nobody should
>t. sexless virgin
I pity you
la metro now enforcing fares
>>huh??? the streets are full of crazy people running around off their meds? WHY WOULD LIBERALS DO THIS!?!?!??!
This is because they closed all the asylums in the mid-70's. That's where the criminally insane used to be put.

>Beating them up and burning their stuff isn't really gonna affect anything except make them more unhinged and obnoxious to be around.
The vast majority of fare dodgers aren't psychotic. Not every bad person is a bad person because they're insane, some people are just cretins who need to be hit really, really hard immediately after performing the behaviors you want to discourage.
>Psychotic people don't understand consequences so you can't really threaten them into changing their behavior.
Yeah, you can. Even people in a bout of genuine psychosis respond to force. And I say "genuine" because the reality is we have multiple generations of adult toddlers for whom public shame has never existed.

On-the-spot corporal punishment is the only kind of threat that the people who need it understand. You could threaten 1 year in jail for fare dodging, but that wouldn't dissuade the people who fare dodge more than a 30-second caning.
Then why bother with fares? It’s just an expensive infrastructure to maintain with almost zero money saved to the government. It would be far more efficient to just remove the barriers at stations cause so many people just can’t be bothered with doing the steps needed to go on public transportation. Yes it would reduce the ability of the state to do its job (a welfare state by definition needs to be a surveillance state in part to know what welfare means in the context of the country, so harvesting data such as public transport ridership can help in determining budgets) but ridership would definitely increase. Us humans are incredibly lazy, you’d be surprised how many people miss out on welfare and benefits simply because they don’t want to fill out a bit of paperwork or procrastinate on it.
Easier to drag someone off for fare evasion than to try to argue some arcane rule in court about "vagrancy" that's going to be in years of dragged out court battles over some constitutional nonsense, though that may be less relevant if the entire country is placed under martial law which seems increasingly likely

I sometimes wonder what life is like whilst sailing in the Arctic like in Northern Canada.
Very few do that so godd luck getting reports here.
probably quite cold
Might be cool

Are there any examples of 21st century steam locomotives? Not preserved historical steam engines made in the 19/20th century but original 21st century steam engines.

It doesn't matter if it's standard gauge or minimum gauge.
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Seing a website address on a steam engine triggers anachronism.
>completed in 2008
>the first steam locomotive to officially reach 100 mph (160 km/h) on British tracks in over 50 years
Takes lots of heat to warm up that much water. Hotter fire warms it up faster. Gotta have high pressure to work efficiently.

A low temp/pressure might be feasible in smaller scales
Propane has more heating value per pound than coal or oil but less per cubic foot, plus it needs to be stored under pressure.

Any fuel can burn hot enough. Flame temperature doesn't really matter unless you're using a radiant superheater, and I don't believe any locomotive boiler uses them (but I could be wrong). The problem in any boiler is getting steady combustion of the correct amount of fuel to keep up with steam production.

I'd rather have a rack or basket than panniers. I think panniers are gay and stupid.

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>bike purse


Not true. I use panniers and I'm a weird middle aged man but I never do bike tours.
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Reformed pannier fag here. I used panniers daily for half a decade. Towards the end I started jerry rigging my setup more and more. Never really liked the panniers for countless reasons.
Installed >picrel bad boys. Sadly I did not have alot of miles for testing due to an injury sustained soon after. But from the few k km I did I can say with certainty to be reformed.
panniers are for ppl who think baskets and milk crates are gay and stupid. this is the world, particularly now, in a nutshell.
bob trailer master race laffing at u cargolets

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>Be riding electric bicycle around town
>See firemen standing next to a van
>Me - "Excuse me, which fire extinguisher do you recommend if this thing were to catch fire?"
>Fireman - "Run"
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This, plus /n/orimono, Japanese for "ride thing."
But why Japanese specifically? Why not Dutch /r/ijden, Tagalog /s/umakay, Chinese /c/héngzuò, or hell, why not Halkomelem /l/épets.
Is it weebs?
>Is it weebs?
Obviously. This is primarly a japanese prawn breeding forum after all.
because 4chan started as moot's anime buddies and /a/ was the first board.
weebs are literally baked into everything here
>Is it weebs?
Unironically, it is, realize 4ch has its founding roots based on /a/nime (the first board) and Japanese culture anything else was /b/ ("random"). This is oldfag lore we're talking now

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SS United States to be evicted from Philadelphia Home Pier 82, in September, judge rules
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Imagine if we donated this to the US Navy. They have such a fuckoff huge budget they could probably convert it into an aircraft carrier if they wanted
>foreign military aid is a charity given by bleeding heart liberals
My goodness how times have changed, back in my day we bitched about the US trying to stick its fingers in everything for its own (implied to be morally questionable) advantage
Break it down, melt the parts and build a new ship.

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Are bicycles of any real use in rural areas?
>dangerous roads
>next village is 20 miles away
>all the most direct routes are motorways/freeways
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Unfathomably based
Multiple times I've ridden up to the start of an intended hedge lined route, looked at it once and noped because I saw death.
I never really been afraid of rural roads. Frequently turning urban trucks and buses are more scary. I wouldn't go somewhere rural at night but I don't really have much reason to
Now that's what I call based, we ridin
Just don't pass trucks on the left. Idk why people say urban cycling is dangerous. 90% of deaths are women hit by lorries turning left meaning that the vast majority of the deaths are due to timidity. On rural roads however there is nothing you can do to stop some hoon plowing into you at 60 mph.

Yeah, that's right, they have a bad range, need lithium for their batteries, electronics for the battery, novel station designs to allow charging on the go, and that's on the top of my head, I'm sure you can find even more flaws the more you look.

You know what isn't a scam? Trolleybus. Fucking buses on wires. No batteries. No fancy electronics. Clean and silent. All this tech existed for almost a century, in a much more affordable package. No large spending on the rube goldberg machines that are the dirty diesel buses. No battery replacement every few years.
>But muh cables are ugly
No one cares, stop being a whiny NIMBYist.
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How is this a "compromise"? It has all the disadvantages of a bus and none of the advantages of light rail.
It's much cheaper, simpler to maintain, and has less bureaucratic overhead than light rail. The advantages versus a bus are route permanence and they're much quieter inside and out (like light rail), and no exhaust.
You're dumb. It all comes down to what is cheaper. Batteries are cheaper than installing overhead wires all over the place.
batteries get cheaper every year, and they're easier to maintain than wires.
The electric double deckers in my city can go a whole day without charging.

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Monkey prefer track drops


Previous thread: >>2005789
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this is why we wrench our own bikes here
First road bike, it's not that fancy but it does go fast enough that I want to try clipless pedals.

I know that the recommendation is typically SPD since they are more forgiving. However, should I just go straight to SPD-SL? How many times am I going to fall with them before I learn? My thinking is this road bike (Steel, SLX tubing) is at some point going to be too heavy for me and I'll want to build or invest in some modern carbon road set up. And it seems silly to ride dedicated road bikes with mtb pedals.

Either way probably going with some Lake shoes since no one else has the curtsey to post their actual shoe dimensions in a public place. CX or MX 219 depending on which cleats I decide on first.
>However, should I just go straight to SPD-SL?

nah. full blown road pedals are only worth it if you're the kind of athlete that is routinely riding double centuries or qualifying for ironman kona or whatever. normal SPDs are all you'll ever need as a mere mortal.

Everyone falls at least once but usually not much more than that.
imagine not waxing your chain
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What kind of handlebar wrap is good? In college I used polypropylene packing foam covered with athletic tape. It was comfy but a little thick.

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