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The science is in, rim brakes are and always have been superior to disk brakes in every metric, weight, stopping power, aerodynamics.

The ONLY exception, and there are caveats even to that, is on carbon rims, which are gay.

Watch the first part to see the sciencey bit about how the industry lied about disks to force consoomers into buying cheaper to manufacture disk brakes for more money

tfw when they pushed disk brakes in order to usher in a world where everyone would be proud to pay over the odds to ride bikes made of chinese plastic, including fragile plastic rims that cannot withstand the forces of rim braking without exploding in a catastrophic fashion.
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hydro discs make my dick
200lbs, 6'5 here. I could lock my wheels in the rain with 105 tech single pivot caliper brakes in 2001.

But today you ride disc. LMAO. And you pay extra for a fork stiff enough to do it. Disc riders are idiot consumers and disc is the reason I stopped buying new bikes. Fuck the bike industry and fuck the consumers
more or less this.
Literally most people who ride bikes don't even think about it at all. "idiot consumers" it's literally not that serious for 90% of people. Disc brakes offer real advantage for normies and regardless, they don't really care

For the few people like you who seriously do care, you can still go get plenty of rim brake shit.
No way candle jack browses the transportation boa

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pedals with clips or without?
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and if you aren't retarded, it isn't.
I obviously mean clipless you faggots.
Literally nobody uses the term clipless to describe clipless pedals.
Its always clickies, clicks or whatever but i never heard someone refer to it as clipless.
At the risk of sounding like one of those schizos who can't defend his point of view without screeching about foreigners, are you by any chance ESL? Because in the US, literally nobody says "clickies" or "clicks" to refer to clipless pedals. This sounds like something you made up.
Clickies and clicks are common terms. Obviously their origin is onomatopoeic. And as such those terms are widely understood and an accepted alternative to 'clipless'.
Now the thing is: Why again are (((you))) using the term 'clips' 3 times in your post while completely avoiding terms like 'clickies' or 'clipless' only to later try and make it look like people younare insulting were trying to make an effort to read you wrong ?
You sure do realise the effort you're putting into constructing your alternative reality only so you can avoid realising a mistake ?
>By clips I mean clipless
So just say clipless faggot I've never heard of clickies in my life

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Show me the most degenerate shit you've ever seen
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Not too bad, could be fun. I'd pick different tires tho

Someone post the Dutch city bike with Zipp wheels
look like a cheap homemade gravel, not to bad. but only 1 brake to do offroad seem hazardous
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Tell me your favourite loco and I'll rate it/base my opinion of you from it/foam at the mouth about it if it's cool or I haven't seen it yet. Pictured is mine, class 170 (in ScotRail saltire blue livery) they're kinda clunky and old but god do they ever make the best engine noise in the world, you aren't a railfan unless you've heard one thunder out of Glasgow central station. (Can you tell I'm a foamer for this thing?)
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its like the E60s little brother

it's annoying how little scale model stuff Boston in general has. if you're lucky you can find some F40s (that aren't even entirely correct livery wise) and the comet cars. once in every 3 blue moons some HO scale Bi-levels will pop up on ebay. maybe a poor-quality Boeing LRV from the 70s. no left-hand door PCCs either.
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You have bad taste
Based TexMexposter
Whoa that top one looks badass. Is this Russia?

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Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
because beta smol weewee poorfag status signalling issues
also herd mentality and cage advertising
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>going 50 kmh on a shitty bicycle
dumb /n/igger
Because subhumans will steal it

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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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Is that caboose still full of heroin addicts needles?

lmao what
did HSR get coverage in syria in 2015? Didn't they have other things to be worrying about in 2015 syria?
Good thread OP. When I visited for a school trip >>1928055 this spike was the only thing I remembered so thanks for showing off the stuff I forgot.
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I took the tour at TVRM awhile back and I felt like the only railfan there. It felt like nothing more than a tourist trap for bored parents to bring their bored kids. I wish they'd get this beauty running.

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Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
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Add a roll cage
Checked and based recumcucks are btfo forever.
Shit up a different board with your weird fetish
eboomer full circle. It's been obvious from the get go that the boomers plan with the electric motorcycle is only to penetrate protected infrastructure to later slowly expand into it and overtake it too. Fuck motorists and enablers like Canyon.

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why are guys like this so racist against anything that isn't old and farty?

why don't they just ignore the people flying by them at 40mph having a ton of fun being super fit and not fat and angry like themselves?
Why they such haters?
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I'm a roadie and I haven't owned a cage since 1998, what now
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>I'm a roadie
I can tell
Touring triples are from the era before you could have wide range cassettes. The fact that there's only 5 cogs in the cassette in the diagram should tip you off, this is some 70's shit.
Ok and? What point are you fucking making with your made up statistics? That just because few people need to weld a bike, that it's not cheap/easy? Because it doesn't matter if only 1 person in the world did it, it doesn't change the fact that a steel bike is cheap to repair
not eveybody has money mr richard

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What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
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$50 a day sounds brutal, does Amtrak not offer a commuter pass?

yeah but I don't mind 90 minutes on a train, the real issue is reliability. I'd hate to get stuck in Chicago without a car.
What a cute femboy, giwtwm
why does everyone expect amtrak to run a profit when they don't own the property around their stations? Do we expect tolls to be profitable too?

HK's MTR and Japan's JR are both only profitable because they own the valuable real estate around the stations. if Amtrak could leverage the same they'd be making billions
because what is the point of a train that takes 12 times longer to get somewhere than driving does if it is also going to be a money sink on the tax payers?
Built by the government then privatized

>if Amtrak could leverage the same
Doubt they're legally permitted to and even if they could, the chance to buy cheap land remotely close to city centers disappeared decades ago

Any tips for sneaking a lil hotheaf on a domestic flight?
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They’d probably just ask you to chuck it or give you a ticket honestly
>no no you don't get it i MUST take my own weed to travel or else i get hecking anxious
The absolute state of "not addicted" potheads who "don't really need" to get high
Who said I'm not addicted? I have to rob white grannies every day for my reefer money. If I can't inject an eight ball of primo mexican cartel marihuana every morning I will literally kill someone.
On an international flight like the guy i was replying to said? No fucking way, smuggling drugs across borders is a big deal.
>Literally every single product works a little bit differently, I'm not going to experiment with some random garbage
I know what you're saying. We have Kidd Valley hamburgers here. If I have to travel somewhere with In-N-Out burger joints, I go into withdrawal.

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Disasters never have one root cause and neither did the destruction of cycling. But I know some important milestones in the decline and fall:

1. COVID 19. Enough said.
2. Full suspension mountain bikes. Enough said.
3. Reddit. Enough said.
4. Twitter. Enough said.
5. British "people". Enough said.
6. The d-tch. Enough said.
7. The state of Utah. Enough said.
8. Zwift, Peloton, "Spin Class", and other cancer. Enough said.

What were some other key moments?
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you don't actually have a bike do you
Preach. It works both ways. Cyclists certainly don’t behave as though they are the most vulnerable road users.

It’s a shame. Bikes should be fun and cheap transport. Let’s all maintain order and follow the rules of the road so there are fewer accidents and everyone gets to go home safely whether they’re on two wheels or four.

Known tons of cool cyclists who ride responsibly. I like to ride in quiet areas for leisure on a nice day. Unfortunately a small group of entitled activists have utterly ruined the reputation of a genuinely great idea
>muh safe space
> cyclists who ride responsibly.
You mean who stay off roads unless there is a 0% chance any motorist will ever see them and be able to get upset. That is what you people mean by this.
Kind of, shows amazing control and balance but at the same time that's really fucking obnoxious and I wouldn't ever endanger myself for something as stupid as random retards online thinking I'm cool.

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Eurosistas, they'll make fun of us...
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If the coupler system is already developed, why hasn't any country rolled it out to their entire fleet?

>because Europe is very fragmented between dozens of different freight companies and state-owned railway networks
...and why have no non-european countries done it?
I accept your concession.
How is that a concession you braindead mongoloid?

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I’m starting to feel overwhelmed. I’m 21 years old about to be a co pilot with aircraft equipped with PT6 engines, this is the first time I will be flying a a turbo prop aircraft and I’m baffled. I’m so used to flying 4cylinders 6 cylinders aircraft and aircraft with POH of like 300 pages but now it has 1000 pages. Is it normal to feel overwhelmed? Like what is your advice? I know the basic of how the pt6 works, I understand it. And honestly, the process seems so much more simple. What do ?
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just get lots of sim practice in youl be ok
I hope you make it to the legacies before you start balding. The boys and I will spit roast you like a piggy pink pig and make you squeal.
Well at least he didn't post a frog...
God turbines are so sexy
who is the best tragedyexploitationtoober?
blancolirio? pilotdebrief? dan gryder?

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Why are there no container ports for the Great Lakes, like there are on the East and West coasts of North America?
Why is it only used for bulk cargo at the moment?
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The Canadian version is the Coasting Trade Act. It has the same stipulation about Canadian flagged vessels getting preference in-between domestic ports, but in 2010 they removed tariffs on foreign-made ships, so Canada has a respectable fleet now. Also it’s more permissive of foreign-flagged ships to perform coastal trading if no Canadian flagged vessel is available, the US only allows it by Presidential waiver.
Holy fuck, why is there a /pol/ack who is calling everyone a chink?
Stay on your containment boards, and jannies need to do their job.
Could there be a market in making ports on the canadian side of the border and then doing the last mile to the american side on trucks or trains?
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I randomly clicked on this board just to see if theres actually people talking about something so autistic as transportation, and this is the first thing I see.
The best place to do that would probably be near Windsor. The rail infrastructure already exists, and they're near major US population centers (Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati).
Obviously developing the port, politics, labor constraints, and getting seaway-max container ships are the major impediments. We'll definitely not see any hurry to do anything with the current politicians in charge.

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Many politics of southwest airlines edition

previous: >>1972682
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Houston. Went on like a four month break right at the tail end of the curriculum (way longer than intended lol), but should have the written and checkride out of the way this month.
But that's silly. You should always ask ATC for clarification if something doesn't sound right. I've has to correct ground a few times when doing escorts because they were sending me the wrong way, into the path of other aircraft, or into the wrong taxiway when doing aircraft escorts. Or I wasn't comfortable with the amount of time given on a runway before a plane lands on my head. Or if I didn't hear if they acknowledged my response. They're human too. Those videos are meant for avgeeks and armchair quarterbacks.
that sucks, but is kind of expected tbH. Is not like F1 where everyone is constantly crying about safety so is now rich cunts doing rich cunts things, the danger factor gives them that respect.
Which one of you is this.....

kek what a fag

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