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The future of transportation has arrived.
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He needs to make a unicycle model
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And yet you never make it to work on time
Your mom works it on time
this guy is pretty clever

Pic related DC-8
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McDonnell ruined Douglas and fucked up boeing. God i hate the beancounting bitches in charge.
A challenger approaches.
having the jets in the sight line of passengers was probably an issue. no one would want those seats
>I'll never forgive the DC-10 for murdering the Concorde.
That was the Boeing 2707. Lazy B couldn't even build a plywood model, so they fucked up the entire SST market.
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They should bring back train crashing as a spectator event. It doesn't even have to be a regular thing, just have it be rare and filmed in many points of view with 4K slomo cameras.
Just imagine, Crash at Crush II: Electric Boogaloo.
Or public airplane crashes
Didn't they stop doing these when a bunch of spectators died
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>They should bring back train crashing

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Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this thread. It's been up for a whopping 482 days (so long that the image previews don't work anymore wtf) and I figured that it should make way for a new one and I should send it out with a bang.

Thanks all of you for bumping and keeping it alive. Unless any of you have questions about the Queen Mary or just want to chat, I'll let this thread go into the archives. Until next time frens.

OP signing off
your photos somehow look like you've taken them on film; color is warm but the quality is excellent
what model of camera is that?
some of these look like you've taken them 30, 40 years ago
I enjoyed browsing, thank you OP
No way!
cool ship. is this supposed to be like a replica of the titanic or something?
also holy fuck this thread is over a year old!

No, it's got nearly twice the gross registered tonnage. If you hollowed out the Queen Mary, you could literally fit the Titanic inside it.

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Theoretically speaking, if I was an entrepreneuring billionaire and I wanted to bring back one of the great American passenger trains (Super Chief, California Zephyr, Panama Limited, Empire Builder, City of Los Angeles/San Francisco, 20th Century Limited, Broadway Limited, Powhatan Arrow, Coast Daylight, etc.) to run on a regular basis (let's put it at at least two times a month for a start), which option would be more feasible from an economic/technical/legal perspective?

1. Acquire all of the surviving rolling stock (sleepers, dining cars, dome/observation cars, baggage cars, etc.) from the original consist from private owners, heritage railways, and museums, as well as matching surviving locomotives (can be from ones different railroads since thousands of functionally and aesthetically identical EMD F and E units were sold to all Class I railroads). Renovate them as necessary to make them FRA-compliant, obtain waivers wherever possible. Put them into service as a part-luxury train, part-mobile museum.

2. Commission the construction of a replica consist. Building entirely new streamlined cars from scratch, designed to match the internal and external appearance of its original as much as possible, with changes only being made when it's literally required to make the car FRA-compliant/modern user friendly (updated wiring, HEP, power outlets at seats, WiFi support, replacing wooden paneling with MDF paneling etc.). Motive power consists of custom-built Siemens Chargers designed to resemble the original E and F units (streamlining, bulldog noses, matching paint schemes, etc.) as much as legally possible.

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They could probably run somewhere flat like Utah
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>these will never run again
At least we have a few that have been carefully preserved.

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Has anyone who mountain bikes NOT broken a bone?
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Check out YT tutorials for making better MTB videos. This is pretty terrible to look at.
Do you wear helmets now?
Yeah because if I do that again I'm a human potato. I wore them on long rides, just not 2 miles from home to town. But the road bike is always a dangerous beast, beware /n/!
sounds like you have a chronic fracture not showing up in xrays
Ships are safe in the harbor, but that isn't what they are built for.

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If steel is so great, why do the companies that make the best steel tubing in the world use carbon for their forks?

If steel is so great, why do the finest steel bikes in the world use carbon forks?

It seems to me that steel has an aesthetic value that cannot be substituted by anything else, but as a material for building bikes, its value decreases the more that is demanded of a component.
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Pretty dumb and irrelevant post since it doesn't account for manufacture and fabrication which is cheaper when it's just a chink putting fabric in mold
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Why did my carbon sled cost 7k dollars then instead of 60 bucks?
Wtf my frame only cost $2.00
wise words
This is extremely well said.

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These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
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That looks unsafe
It doesn't look unsafe enough
needs moar mast bumping amirite? then you can blame the pilot for something that only happens in it. blimps are safe though.
you don't need power at all to stay airborne, just clever usage of updrafts
electric motors are small as fuck
this one weighs 13 kg
so someone who weighs in at 70kg can pack this and 7kg of batteries to give him more freedom between updrafts and when they're flat he's still as efficient as someone who weighs in at 90kg in an unpowered paraglider
Class G is for everyone, suck it up cupcake

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>tfw no ethanol fuel cell for e-bikes

Imagine if you could just stop at a gas station and fill this little black box behind the seat tube in 4 seconds instead of risking a house fire to charge it overnight.
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Pedestrians should be legally treated as a kind of vehicle. They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals and a licence plate. Pedestrians should be required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test in order to be in public.
>I will make you pay 50 euros per year plus insurance and have a piece of metal attached to your bike and that will make things better somehow
This but unironically. Holy fucking shit why are pedestrians such fucking retards? They hog the sidewalk, stop very suddenly without a warning, are never aware of their surroundings and act completely unpredictably.
Foot traffic is still traffic, asshat, treat it as such.
sorta this. They have no place on bike paths but proper electric mopeds that drive under 20kmh should be unrestricted like regular bikes are and be forced to drive on the proper road or with reduced speed on the bike paths. This would kill 40% of all car traffic.
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It already existed decades ago, it's just that faggot pedophiles running the world are so cerebraly paralyzed that they won't allow you to treat this as a bike because it goes brrrrr and an "ebike" with the same power output but with a battery goes whizzz

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>This was a common sight over Europe in WW2
Pretty wild

"oh god, oh fuck— ground"
that's hillary duff, lol
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I miss her so much vros...
Hannah Montana, actually
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Heavy traffic edition

Prev: >>2003913
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>atleast 183 days outside UK.
same in Croatia, but depends in which bracket you are based on your income. I know usually 3rd and 2nd mates dont earn enough to get taxed at all regardless of days and the senior officers all have to spend 183 days outside Croatia to get tax exemption
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Did you ever worked with a girl
Did you?
A few times, but it happened on ferries and proportions are obviously skewed there. Most of them were in the hotel department anyway.
3 months in a hotel. finally got an assignment. fly out tomorrow bros
Anyone else here /dredge/? Thoughts? How can I position myself to get back into real maritime?

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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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gotta be BS. the bike lanes are completely disconnected and barely functional and most walking is beside extremely loud motorways. there is an express bus and the skytrain terminates here but 91 rider score makes no sense. also it sucks ass to drive too.
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small new england city scored worse on biking than the small texas city i moved from, almost identical scores otherwise. on one hand, the hills in new england make biking considerably more difficult (but also fun); on the other hand, in new england i'm not prey to roaming packs of large dogs and lifted F-150s on the streets
>unemployable, poorly socialized yimby neet blames indians for his inability to complete a job interview without making the interviewer send a confidential report to HR to never hire this person for anything
elevation changes should increase the bike score, flatland cycling is hell and encourages obnoxious behavior see for example amsterdam

Has anyone here rode through the Moffat Tunnel?
It's a 100 year old, 6 mile rail tunnel through the mountains in Colorado. Apparently there's no ventilation and very little clearance with the walls.
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Have there been any fatalities in it's 100 years of operation?
Sounds like a death trap
I go through the Moffat 2-6 times a week.

Damn my pic didn't load

That's not true at all, the fans do run while a train is in the tunnel, depending on direction of travel of the train.

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>Jeju Air black boxes ceased recording before plane crash, South Korea says
>Transport ministry is investigating the cause of the data loss following the worst-ever aviation disaster in the country’s history
FDRs and CVRs don't just stop working for no reason. What the fuck is going on?

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so there was a bird strike? what a twist
>Crucially, the NTSB said that the last 4 minutes were never recorded as opposed to being deleted or damaged later.
Somebody in the cockpit pull the breaker to both units?
based adhd not reading the thread

Technically they are like a train but vertical
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Like those annoying rotating doors they could stop when somethig is detected where nothing should be.
leading to everyone who is currently entering or exiting a cabin on another floor to tumble and potentially hit their head
Funiculars are kino, I'll give the liftautists that
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>a whole different level
Pun intended? I happen to be one of those liftautists.
What do y'all get out of elevators serious question? I understand if it's a particularly ornate one with an interesting design to it but your average mall elevator just seems so nondescript and uninteresting to me.

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