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Team Ouch! edition

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Got the new hub laced into the rim and initial slack taken out. Managed to lose 1 nipple while disassembling and cleaning the parts, but I have spares.
I popped a spoke last week and replaced and retrued it. after some short road rides I pronounced it good. but yesterday, the instant I took it offroad it turned into a pringles potato chip.
I knew it was under a lot of tension but that's what I needed to straighten the bends that got in it after the spoke broke.
got home and detensioned it and did it right by pushing the bends out by hand and beating the low spot down with a block of wood and a hammer until the rim was straight to begin with. tensioned, trued, prestressed, didn't need the excess tension to pull those bad bends. feels the same tension as the other wheel now.
if it fucks up again I'll just get a new rim but I'm pretty sure I've got it now. sick of fucking with it but should have known better than to think I could pull those bends out just with tension
I'm surprised how true I got the wheel just by visually checking that each nipped was threaded on an equal amount with the end of the spoke flush with the nipple slot. Only 4 spokes were out about a half turn each. Now to dish, tension and fine tune.
they make a screwdriver bit for your drill that is slotted but the center is longer and pokes down into the spoke hole, so you can fit it into the inner slotted end of the nipple and it stays centered in the middle and then you zip it down until the long center part bottoms out against the spoke and that makes them all screw down the same amount.
I just found out when I was ordering parts the other day, mine will come hopefully this weekend.
they make a special screwdriver with a crank on it that works similarly, but if you've already got a screw gun, may as well just get the bit
Over an inch of rain over the past 2 days which means I'll have to avoid gravel roads and dirt shortcuts for a few days.

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I must have missed this but I am heartbroken there was no accountability here. What did we...? What did we think of this? Some judge just overturned it no problem.


>On Wednesday the court of appeal in London overturned her conviction after her lawyers argued she was a vulnerable pedestrian who “should never have been charged”.
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The defense lawyer says hostile gesticulation is not a crime... Wasn't someone just convicted or at least charged with exactly that during the 'riots' where someone yelled at a cop
Accidents happen when you let cripples roam free. Let this be a lesson to you bongs.
video where?
kek, based homeowner

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SS United States to be evicted from Philadelphia Home Pier 82, in September, judge rules
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The SS US can't do that anymore either. An Army division carries a lot more stuff now.
It has plenty of room for their iPads and HRT pills
What modern ship can even carry half as many men at half the speed?
Troop ships haven't been used in decades
You sure about that?
Just 3 more days

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Airbus A310 Accident rate 1.89 per mil depart
Boeing 737 Max Accident rate 0.7 per mil depart

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>widebody departures vs narrowbody departures
I fly the MAX and hate the bus, but stop being retarded
Dying when you get on an airbus is just part and parcel of buying European, get over it
The Max has spent most of its existence grounded.

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What could have been done to save the Pacific Electric Railway?

What would public transit in LA be like today if it had been?
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>Full of junkies, crackheads and undesirables
You must feel right at home

Brainlet here, what's wrong with LAUPT?
LAUPT was forced by the city on the private railroads, who wanted to keep their own terminals. The alternate plan the railroads proposed (which was defeated in favour of LAUPT in a non-binding referendum) was to link the existing terminals with a network of elevated tracks to be used by them and the Pacific Electric, all paid for by the railroads.
See Chapter 5 of Los Angeles and the Automobile by Scott Bobbles for more details.

They already had that IIRC
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It would have had to become either publicly-owned or subsidized. The sad irony is that many US transit systems closed down because they weren't profitable and they wouldn't get subsidized, only for the cities to later implement publicly-owned and highly subsidized transit services. If they had just taken over the existing systems, tho more expensive to operate, they also would have had more passengers and more revenue. At worst it would have been slightly more expensive to keep and run but with massively better service.

The PE network after WW2 was quite serviceable. It would have benefitted for either full grade separation or at least transit-only lanes for its streetcars. In the long run an additional southwest-northeast tunnel through downtown LA so that especially the expansive southern and eastern lines could have achieved better speeds. Rolling stock was getting dated, they could of bought more PCCs, maybe even second-hand, afaik PCCs easily achieved speeds of 60 mph so they could be used on the private ROWs as well.

The PE running an interurban-type operation with private ROWs and street-running is in retrospect actually a really good concept, at least if you want to save the cost of expensive tunneling or elevated tracks. This idea is being re-invented now as so-called tram-trains.

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YE OLDE edition

Previous: >>1985990

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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High five, anon!
Yea they have very few spots
Any regrets?
High five
Not getting it sooner once I knew my stuff, having so much anxiety about it

NEW THREAD this one reached bump limit

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Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
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>to stay legal you can't go over 25km/h (Europe)
You can go over the power limitd if you want, you only need ebike(L1e-A) insurance, like 30-70€/year. You can even go over 25 if you register it as a moped
I don't think the shell is the important part, but the power source and efficiency and economics of it
Heat mirror, shade cloth, gapped second skin. Need all these things for buildings too btw.
If you are still thinking about differential; check Samagaga differentials.
But I don't know if they are real diffs or just double one-way wheels, like some other companies have used in the past.

>structural reinforcement
You plan to do this out of plywood?
Will you do full CAD design and then send it to laser cutting or will you do it just by hand?
Look into making tarp kayak or skin-on-frame boat. Maybe you can get some ideas.
Or you could do something like a basket weaving, except more spaced apart, which would also let you use stiffer material.
First make one velo for yourself only after then go for peoples velo.

I also get side-tracked by wild ideas. My latest was about "high" velomobile. Similar to high recumbent (like >>2012183 posted), but with 4 wheels and a body completely above the wheels. So the whole velo (including the wheels) would be very narrow like 60cm or less (good for aerodynamics). And there would be plenty of space to turn the front wheels, because the body would be above them and would be no interference. Another good thing would also be good visibility. for the other people on road and also for the rider it would be a better view. In standard velo you cant even see over the grass.
But this comes with the downside that it needs really good and precise tilting mechanism. Narrow, tall and top heavy, not much margin to play with.


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Theoretically speaking, if I was an entrepreneuring billionaire and I wanted to bring back one of the great American passenger trains (Super Chief, California Zephyr, Panama Limited, Empire Builder, City of Los Angeles/San Francisco, 20th Century Limited, Broadway Limited, Powhatan Arrow, Coast Daylight, etc.) to run on a regular basis (let's put it at at least two times a month for a start), which option would be more feasible from an economic/technical/legal perspective?

1. Acquire all of the surviving rolling stock (sleepers, dining cars, dome/observation cars, baggage cars, etc.) from the original consist from private owners, heritage railways, and museums, as well as matching surviving locomotives (can be from ones different railroads since thousands of functionally and aesthetically identical EMD F and E units were sold to all Class I railroads). Renovate them as necessary to make them FRA-compliant, obtain waivers wherever possible. Put them into service as a part-luxury train, part-mobile museum.

2. Commission the construction of a replica consist. Building entirely new streamlined cars from scratch, designed to match the internal and external appearance of its original as much as possible, with changes only being made when it's literally required to make the car FRA-compliant/modern user friendly (updated wiring, HEP, power outlets at seats, WiFi support, replacing wooden paneling with MDF paneling etc.). Motive power consists of custom-built Siemens Chargers designed to resemble the original E and F units (streamlining, bulldog noses, matching paint schemes, etc.) as much as legally possible.

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I don't think they're planning on resurrecting the Broadway Limited for the T1 project (as much as they should, plenty of retards richer than me would definitely shelf out 10k over an overnighter excursion on a T-1).

One of the big issues I've had with the T1 as a whole is what the fuck that are they actually gonna do with the locomotive once it's actually completed. It's a little too big for use on most heritage railways. Definitely can't be pushed to its full potential unless it's running on mainlines that are crowded with Amtrak, Metra, MTA, and CSX trains.
Disagree; as a Brit kiddo E and F's were wrapped up in my "idea" of the US and Canada, were beautiful to me then and still are.
I thought they were going to run it on the high speed test track in AZ to set a new steam speed record.
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I meant once it enters revenue/excursion service, not a one-time test for bragging rights. Obviously fans of the T1 are gonna want to ride it when it's going the full 100 mph but there's very few places where you can realistically do that, especially with a locomotive of that size, and most certainly not on heritage railroads. Hell, the Acela Express only goes at its full speed on a single stretch of track from New York to Philadelphia.
It would be limited to class 1 and 2 lines that allow for excursion services.
It does happen norfolk and western 611 is not that much smaller and does just that, so did atsf 3751. But those trips are not always for the average person tickets are mostly high dollar fundraisers.

But a railroad should have really come forward by now as a sponsor or partner.
While they have no excursion service yet rail heritage of midwest has a dd40x running doing yard trip on occasion and are working on rebuilding a 4-6-6-4 and 2-10-2 all are comparable size and weight.

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Does wearing a helmet actually help?
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I don’t know if you guys watch or have heard of the show “hard knocks” about the nfl, but I was watching the second to last episode and one of the players had this emotional story about how he was hit by a car on his bike when he was 9 years old, broke bones, in a coma for two weeks, almost died. He’s crying while retelling it, how scared he and his family were, etc.

He’s telling this story on the backdrop showing him riding a bike around on streets, while wearing no helmet. The retardation is unbelievable
I've fallen off my bike due to road conditions more often than I've been hit by a car.
Every time I've fallen off my bike like that, I've been glad I had the helmet and cycling gloves on.
So at least for me, those helmets have been paying dividends. Your mileage may vary.
Also, the helmet makes it easy to mount my camera. So checkmate, heretics.
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You obviously have never come across picrel
All I know is that I wanna go fast. If a helmet is aero, aero I will be. Much better than my hair blockading the wind anyway.

Besides, if I wanted safety, I would wear a football helmet and not a bicycle one. My helmet is not for safety, it's to make me go fast.
>I've been glad I had the helmet and cycling gloves on
>Mentions the most useless pieces of equipment to prevent injuries
Unless you somehow fall on your head like a retard every time you lose traction and tip over your bike, the most important areas to protect will be your elbows and knees. Because you instinctively use those body parts to cushion your body when you fall, resulting in the majority of scrapes and bruises being near the elbows and then near the knees. It's baffling that you consider gloves before elbow pads, as someone who has fallen often on the sidewalks before.

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Has anyone had urinary incontinence from cycling? I’ve been dribbling a little bit recently

Serious question
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No you only need shorts if your saddle doesn't fit or for VERY long rides. Saddles with cutouts are designed to prevent penile issues.
Keep ordering saddles from Amazon and return them until you find one that's comfy. I settled on a wtb koda which is a girls saddle but it has a big cutout for my big penis and balls
Aldo certain saddles which get rec'd online are absolute dick destroyers like the charge spoon which seems designed to push itself into your taint as far as possible.
Learn the milk move
Yes, I've had urinary problems for years and I am convinced it's caused by cycling because I do so a lot and notice a difference based on what saddle I'm using.
Incontinent cyclist here. I just tried it and it actually worked.

Why is Montreal's bike sharing system so popular compared to other North American cities?
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it's culturally very different in Quebec, they speak French, eat different foods, etc. I'm not trying to be a dick but you know where Montreal is right?

We could try to sort through causal and correlation, but I personally think the main reason is that they don't have the same stigma towards bikes as the rest of north America because the language/culture somewhat isolates them.

We can't look past how stigmatized cycling is in north America, it's the elephant in the room.

Cyclists are:
Don't care about traffic laws

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follow up,
it'd honestly make more sense to compare bike sharing statistics with European cities than it does American
>San Francisco and Pittsburgh, extremely hilly, about 70/30 ebike to pedal use ratio
>LA, urbanized areas are pretty much completely flat, 85/15 ebike to pedal use ratio
Are southern callifornians that lazy?
It's not because of hills, but distance and average traffic speeds on the streets. That's not to say that travel habits in southern California aren't insane (they are), but a preference for e-bikes makes sense in context.
>this is the the transportation version of racism
so you're saying it's accurate pattern recognition that seeps through no matter how much people try to ignore it?

Post the greatest bicycle type of all time, in your opinion.

For me it's the v-brake steel touring bikes of the 9 speed era. They are the pinnacle of utility, function, durability, and serviceability. Fast enough for commuting and staying enough to take you across a continent.
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It's a touring bike -- the whole priority is comfort and longevity. If I can't use the bike comfortably for 100+ miles in a single day, then it's not doing the job that I'm asking it to do. I recently swapped out the bars for Velo Orange Noveau Randonneur handlebars and am even more comfortable, but had to lower the stem on the stack a little bit.

IMO, the drops are best used for descent and trying to get away from the wind on this set-up. And the drop set-up is so comfortable that I'm able to use it almost exclusively for a good 20 miles without hand or back pain. I don't see other set-ups being capable of that unless you're willing to have the bars up as high as mine are.

You can hate if you want, but you're not the person throwing a leg on this bike and riding it for 150 miles each week. You can keep working yourself up on an internet forum -- I'll be out riding in the meantime.
This bike carries 50+ pounds of groceries, gets me to work, now has full dynamo light set-up, and can take a kid seat on the rear or front so I can ride with my daughter. The frame size is ideal for me because I'm a manlet. I can repair and work on almost everything on this bike and the parts are inexpensive (like $20 for a new chain vs. the $50 11 speed chains, $10 brake pads, etc.) I've had many other bikes but this one is easily my favorite, most versatile, and most durable.
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This will be peak bicycle for me when I switch to wider rims and go back to 2x. 165mm cranks fit me just right, but the choice is very limited. I tried 1x and it just isn't for me, finding short 2x cranks took some time and effort and they're currently in shipping.
The fork feels worlds better after a full service, I was considering switching it out, but now it's working just right.
The peak bicycle for me is the one that fits me right, doesn't strain my budget, doesn't let me down and gets me out into nature.
I rode some brilliant mountain routes during my vacation this summer on this bike, the limited range of the drivetrain and the slight squirming of the tires on lower pressure are the only things that let it down right now, which I intend to fix for next year.
Being blessed with living a walking distance away from a metro station and being cursed with living ~30km away from work, I don't see commuter bikes as peak bicycles, sorry urbanists.
The final spec will be:
700mm alu bars
ESI racer's edge grips
70mm 7° alu stem
0 offset seatpost
165mm Prowheel Zephyr 551 cranks (36/26)
2x10 m5120 drivetrain
Suntour Epixon fork
m6100 brakes
Maxxis Ardent 26"x2.25"

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These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
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this is Gaza? I had not seen this video until now. Hilarious paramotors, but sad how it's all rubble now
we're supposed to think the IDF simultaneously has the ability to manchurian candidate sleeper agents to assassinate heavily guarded VIPs in the heart of tehran and get away without being detected but also somehow can't spot a coordinated paramotor attack by hundreds of militants in their literal backyard, hmmmmmmmmm yep no one saw it coming! everyone rally around bibi, who definitely was not about to go to jail
you can buy paramotors online and store them inside a car...
supposedly the IDF can tell who is and isn't a hamas special forces operative with their super quantum entanglement brain wave detectors even if it's a 3 day old infant in the maternity ward that can't speak yet, yet they didn't notice that hundreds of hamas special forces operatives simultaneously ordered and trained on paramotors after receiving coordinated transfers from the IRGC, hmmmmmmmmmmmm
>Can hold more than one person (girlfriend/friends)
Women ruin everything, why would I want one gasping randomly every 10 seconds while I'm flying?
Lol, lmao even.

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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Rusty (PC-98) - Red Sunset
Return of the Jedi Theme [Amiga]
Necronomicon (PC-98) - The Deep One
A Ressha De Ikou IV / A列車で行こう4 - PC-98
Metal Gear OST (MSX) - 3. Red Alert
YU-NO - Impatience (PC-98)
>refugee outreach
They better be Ukranians and not brown mudslime shitskin rapefugees you fucking faggot
Nvm just read the rest of your post, kys fag
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Radio Ga Ga - Queen by Alyona Yarushina

Running in the 90s

SADDLE UP by Geoff Castellucci

Snake Eater - Big Band Version ft. Tiffany Mann (The 8-Bit Big Band)
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Flobots - Handlebars

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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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an old negro yelled at me from his car today but we was a lot more polite when I caught him at the next red light :)
No car plus can't find a new job, current one both pays poorly and requires I either stay in the rural area I'm in or take an hour+ commute by bus to a car dependent exurb 5 days a week

>In middle or high school
I wish, I'm sadly an adult that went to university during peak COVID in a field getting flooded by idiots and Indians every day
old people are not good at judging speed or distance, that's why they shouldn't be driving but yimbys want to ban old people from taking the bus so here we are
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gotta be BS. the bike lanes are completely disconnected and barely functional and most walking is beside extremely loud motorways. there is an express bus and the skytrain terminates here but 91 rider score makes no sense. also it sucks ass to drive too.
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small new england city scored worse on biking than the small texas city i moved from, almost identical scores otherwise. on one hand, the hills in new england make biking considerably more difficult (but also fun); on the other hand, in new england i'm not prey to roaming packs of large dogs and lifted F-150s on the streets

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