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Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy. $15 million in liability insurance per bike, minimum, to cover the average damage they do every time they explode. That doesn't even cover the loss of life but it's a start. Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again. Second offense is life in prison, you can't prove me wrong.

>but muh cost of deliveries
Muh cost of rebuilding the entire block after it was leveled and rebuilding the lives destroyed, cash me outside howbou dah?
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So you agree, ebikes do not belong inside residential buildings.
>Is your local morgue getting flooded with dead bodies from cordless drill fires
you undercut your own point and drive fence sitters away when you go overboard and exaggerate like this
its possible to make a point without ridiculous hyperbole
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So are we saying that it has to be made in first world countries like Korea?
yeah for 5 seconds lol
an abolute elite cyclist will sustain 450 W for an hour.
300 W for an hour makes you a decent rider.
What is a garage

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>After completing a three-hour ride, the two drove to a supermarket and a nearby department store as part of their planned stopover to grab some food and get a change of clothes. However, the place had been struck by a tornado a few days before, and on reaching there, they found that both the facilties had “just disappeared”.

>They decided on a change of plans. “We would then go for lunch at a Mexican store. We had a three-hour training ride behind us and were now quite hungry,” Ten Dam said in the podcast. “It was half past two in the afternoon. I just wanted to take a little cold shower and so, Thomas threw that water over me.

>“We stood between the car doors, taking a shower. After Thomas washed me off, I quickly swapped my pants. But while I'm doing that, I hear a very angry person screaming across the street… we just wanted to freshen ourselves before some Mexican.”

>“Suddenly there were five police cars. That man who had yelled at us also stood there and said: ‘for this you have to go to prison’. It was actually a typical redneck. They got Thomas first, he was searched and then got handcuffed. So I thought: shit. Then I also had to turn around and I was also cuffed.”

>Dekker added: “I didn’t dare to do anything. I had five pistols pointed at me, even though those people had an IQ of a shrimp.”

Oh sorry it's not the "dirty kanza" anymore it's the "unbound gravel" because we're pretending it's a good idea to attract thousands of normal people to a backwards shit hole and act like it's going to turn out well.
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>You can, it just depends on what you think is reasonable and whether you are aware of other people's standards. It's fair to assume gravelfags live in a naive bubble and therefor they are innocent.
That will be down to a jury to determine
>just not relevant to this specific case
It wasn't in reference to this specific case, it was in reference to the troonpocalypse fantasist who was attempting to claim that laws about children being abused are AKSHULLY about women wearing pants. >>2002400

But this specific case is embarrassing because the recounting of the arrest is such an absurdly fake caricature that it immediately draws into doubt everything else the two said about the incident.
>recounting of the arrest is such an absurdly fake caricature
which part is unbelievable?

strong arming sexual perverts is something cops would do and most people would want to happen, and if that's not how they were characterized to the police, being arrested at all doesn't make sense.
and yeah sorry i just butted into your arguement i didn't even really read the shit you're tlaking about and i find it hard to care about all that in either direction
>There is no such thing as "legal sex"
i can already tell you know nothing about law

What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
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>dr. strangelove
WMD mass transit
is the hit song in this movie?
>pedo maniac is getting away in the end

How do you think?
KONTROLL is a very mystical movie. Highly recommended if you are a cinema connoisseur

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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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That looks fun as hell good snag cannondale anon
Is the Cannondale Topstone Apex 1 any good? I have bought one and waiting for it
im 6'4 chunker
and will be using to commute to work and local shopping

This paint scheme is so sexo

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"most dangerous job in aviation? boeing whistleblower" edition.
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Hey....buddy you can't park there!

>open emergency exits
>passengers slide down below into a freeway with 50-60mph cars
if i had to guess, hiring will be slow til the literal end of the 2020's then the regionals and probably majors will open their gates in around 2030 and keep it going for a while
not great but not terrible, and not nearly as bad as the old days
CFII way, way, way before floats. Realistically IRA is kind of a PPL add-on and a CFII is a much more professional proof of your competency flying instruments.
Airlines hire for two reasons. They hire to cover growth and attrition. The attrition is still there but for a variety of factors the growth has not come to pass. As soon as that picks up again hiring numbers will stabilize. I don't know what my guess for timeline would be but I wish the best for the up and coming behind me.
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Old beater edition
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>huge boulders
>skid or small dozer aren't big enough
what size boulders and what size skid/ dozer?
also, how far do you need to pull them and whats the terrain like? anywhere you can use pulleys?
also this >>2000771
It's for a sea wall, so bigger is better and there are many different sized ones so I'll definitely be looking into that hammer drill and wedges/feathers. They need to move 200-400 feet on mostly unpaved but solid enough, even terrain.

Looking at skids carry capacity it seems enough and they seem to have attachments for picking up large objects. Would be useful for excavating the rocks too.
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just a suggestion, but maybe a small articulated loader could be more what you want/ need
in my experience they can carry more for a give machine weight, and they can pull a good amount too when necessary
picrel is the model my dad has and it can lift about 1000 kg (so roughly 2000 lbs) at the end of its reach without any extra counterweight at the back, brochure says it can lift up to a max of 1700kg (~3700 lbs) with counterweights installed
That seems exactly like what I'm after, thank you very much!
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its so ugly
I love it
neato, whats the make/ model (if it has one)
I wanna try and read up on it if possible

Has there ever been a bigger meme? Why would anyone use these, especially in the modern day?
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It never ceases to amaze me how shitty people on the internets are at reading comprehension. Go back and read my post again, fucktard, I didn't say IGH was 'exotic' I said there are exotic alternatives AS WELL.

The 'sponsors' know what works and what is a stupid meme, unlike you. IGHs are only good for city bike casuals/normies at best. They aren't very efficient compared to a derailleur system and that's a well-established and acknowledged fact.

Oh look someone with an IGH and a bad case of buyers remorse wishing he had more gears or any ability to have a different set of gear ratios. Here's my advice to you: get a real bike with a real drivetrain and join the rest of the human race, mmkay? Then we won't have to hear you whine about it anymore.
>x or other elements in Y
>x or elements in Y
There's a semantic distinction between these statements. The former clearly implies inclusion of x as one of the elements in Y.

It's not my fault you don't know how to communicate.
Derailleurs are pure cancer

I only wish pic rel had a low enough gear for climbing some of the roads where i live
reject chains, retvrn to shaft
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I just want a plain bike to ride for daily exercise

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I want to learn from the design and/or code of (good, ie. Non-USA) large-scale infrastructure systems.

eg. Rail Ticketing Systems like MARS
or Traffic Management like SCATS
Step 1: make cars and parking suck so much that public transport is viable in comparison
Step 2: bucketloads of government money

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What are some good and simple carbon roadbike fenders/mudguards? I got showered 4 times during a ride yesterday (and the 5th tine was a hail), I'm sick of road spray. I am looking at the zefal swan (pic related) because it seems simple to mount when needed and is really cheap. Are the aks ones much better? They seem way more involved to install.
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>Or you could deflate the tire
That's pretty good idea, should have thought of that, thanks
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seconding full fenders, i got a set of sks raceblades that connect to the rim brake and mounting holes/quickrelease. a real bitch to set up but keeps you completely dry and can be clipped off easily in good weather
fyi theres no point to fenders being cf since they don't have to be strong, you'll find plenty that are just plastic and they're just fine
The fender material is irrelevant as long as it's light, plastic if fine for this and carbon fibre just is strengthened plastic, but as there's no need for strength it's retarded to pay more for it.

Now, carbon fibre struts do make sense, as do titanium struts, and that's why I use them.

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/bbg/ Bike Building General
"I'm not paying Park for a fucking bike stand, or cleaning my shed" Edition.

A place to ask questions, and to share tips & resources. Post your projects, your finished & in-process builds, restorations, etc.

Barnett's Bicycle Repair Manual - https://www.flwlib.org/DocumentCenter/View/2461/Bike-Repair
UCSB Associated Students Bike Shop Manual (2022) - https://bikeshop.as.ucsb.edu/files/2021/08/AS-BIKE-SHOP-WEB-MANUAL.pdf
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Info - https://www.sheldonbrown.com/
Bike parts, tools, etc. - https://www.universalcycles.com/


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why did saddles with springs die off? they're the best.
Steel is incredible. Why would one ever want anything else?
this is great
Should I completely strip my 700c compatible frame, and have a cool steel-finish, or should I just swap it out for a new frame?

Ultimately I really want to try out a 650b frame, but that means a whole new bike.

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I'm a public transit user cuz I learned to drive at 21 a year ago. I live in a US city that isn't NY or SF but decent on public transit in the areas I frequent...

I hate that car ownership is mandatory in America, I'll basically have no choice after I graduate, give or take a few years but to have the level of adult independence I want l will need a car.

Euro cyclists cannot even understand the difficulty of cycling as commute in many many areas that could geographically be just fine for it, but this was just never thought of

I am beginning to understand how this young country must be so tacky and cheap to the rest of the world. Ok no /b/ politics in the replies please. It's just sad that we don't have this thing that should be an integral part of a healthy society. Auto industry has even convinced people public transit use is something to be looked down on
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After WW2, the newly acquired wealth America found enabled its politicians and corporations push near sighted policies that continue to deteriorate our society to this day. Their intentions were initially good but the lack of knowledge, experience, and the test of time is now showing us the huge fuck up of what was the post-war dream. As time went on, a lot of malevolent policies and coverups became more prevalent in order to keep pushing "the dream." Before WW2, American cities had the infrastructure for local travel, out of necessity, but many of it was dismantled as neighborhoods changed rapidly from how accessible cars were. As accessibility to affordable and reliable cars decline, the pressures of a car dependent society will push our country into a self inflicted culture war.
>car ownership is mandatory.
(You)'re just weak. Man up, refuse degenerate prostethics.
Bet your ass looks like Dylann Roof IRL, scrawny, pasty ass white boy
Don’t delude yourself. The buses in Europe don’t run as well as the overlords would have you believe. Nor do the trains. Wales has been cancelling bus routes because the 20 mph zones were making it infeasible. Afaik it works fairly well in Poland but they aren’t overrun by commies so the public services including transport actually works reasonably well. Case in point the goal is to get rid of the transport options so if you aren’t fit enough to walk to work you’re pretty much out of a job and not needed anymore
Did you really have to resurrect this shit thread

I want to get a minivelo bike for getting to and from the store, going around the town etc. What are your experiences? Is there anything I should keep in mind?
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The idea of the tiny wheels is making the bike not so cumbersome inside a train
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Also, there are other types of tiny-wheeled bikes which look interesting
Why board a train if you have a bicycle ? Also take the wheels out if it's that much of a problem.
Or just refuse to be carted around in motorvehicles like cattle.
It's not though, don't play dumb. The geometry is entirely different, you wouldn't say a hybrid is exactly the same as a rigid MTB because the rim size is the same
What a retard argument

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Unless you’re trekking via donkey lower your tone while speaking to me
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thats a mule, not a donkey. how embarrsing for op.
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No thanks. I'd rather have a pack of... pack goats.
>his girlfriemd, the mule
LOL my mistake xD
Thats a donkey my guy
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i like hinnies

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Is it the blimp trains time to shine?
Could this be used to get Ukraine grain to the rest of europe?

They have different rail gauge between rooskie and EU tracks but blimp can be handed off with out even slowing down

THIS CAN WORK???!!!!!!!

Now Im on the edge of something
Wondering bout the blimp train
ooooohhhhaaaaa eeeeeaaaaahhhooooaaaa
Talking bout the blimp train
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so the people of the subway
mount your horses , draw your sword
and the killed the blimp train riders
that picture doesnt to scale
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Why not a kite plane? Or some kind of way to generate lift via horizontal motion like an autogyro?
The pain problem with a blimp is that it’s so massive and as such you lose a lot of energy to drag.
The drag problem goes away at slow speeds
where was that picture taken?

Looks like australia but different

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Are model trains sentient within the RWS universe?
Idk what you're talking about
Thomas is based though
whether even the trains are sentient in the RWS universe is ambiguous
model trains aren't sentient in the TV series though
>3D slop
not my Thomas

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