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Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy. $15 million in liability insurance per bike, minimum, to cover the average damage they do every time they explode. That doesn't even cover the loss of life but it's a start. Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again. Second offense is life in prison, you can't prove me wrong.

>but muh cost of deliveries
Muh cost of rebuilding the entire block after it was leveled and rebuilding the lives destroyed, cash me outside howbou dah?
Just ban them. Nobody needed electric bikes for the last century and a half, there's no reason they need them now. Unless they're an Amerifat.

Either ride a real bike or stay sedentary.
i've never even heard of this but anything with a battery could do it rlly so nice cherrypicking
retard they didn't exist back then
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Do you ever read, like I mean actually read not watch "Not Just Bikes" youtube reruns while rocking back and forth?
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One every 36 hours but sure, cherry picking
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and that's only one city, meanwhile...
Turn about is fair play. Drivers have been destroying property for a century.
>ebike fire don't happen
>but if they do it's drivers who get killed
Imagine how much better this board would be if flyover land IP addresses were permanently rangebanned
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So what now I have to have anything with a battery registered and insured? Can't have a drill or saw?
Does your cordless drill come with a 24ah battery that will burn through a fireproof battery box in a few minutes and keep going? Do cordless drill fires cause a fire every 36 hours in your city? Is your local morgue getting flooded with dead bodies from cordless drill fires? Then yes, that's probably a good plan you absolute genius. Someone should make you mayor.
the scooter is still in a pretty good condition despite 1,000 degrees of heat.
please kill yourself
the problem exists because imported batteries dont have to meet any kind of safety or quality standards
everyones using cheap batteries from aliexpress built to the lowest possible cheapest standard imaginable with no safety features like thermomiters fuses or anything
this shit doesnt happen with european or american batteries
the simple solution is that imported batteries should meet the same standards
then the chinese battery makers will be forced to do the bare minimum to make their batteries not ticking time bombs
its that fucking simple holy shit
if your building or buying an ebike chinese motors are awesome but do not by any means use a chinese battery and if you have charge it off the bike outdoors or if you cant in a fire bag next to a window or door you can throw it out of and never unattended
then when it happens buy a good battery that wont explode
hmm, so the government should take a more active role in guaranteeing that ebikes meet safety standards and bring them in lime with the standards that would be preferred by P&C underwriters?

a sort of "registration system", almost?
a registration system is unneeded, just a standard for which batteries can be imported and sold as ebike batteries, with hefty fines on those who break the standard. You don't need to know about every single ebike, you just need to punish those who break the standard. Europe could do it, America can as well.
no regestration system just making imported batteries have to meet the same standards as ones made in first world countries
how the fuck would regestration solve anything?
litterally what does his have to do with regestration?
fuck you holy shit
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t. will burn down my building at some point in the next 18 months
>oh no!!! who could have foreseen this!?!?!?
and your HO6 limit isn't going to cut it, enjoy your wage garnishment for the rest of your life
Why is just pussy bikes? Everything's battery powered these days.
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Your average cell phone battery fire can be contained by an alert bystander and as long as you're not in an airplane over the pacific ocean the property risk is minimal.

Indoor ebike battery fires are not possible to contain, once that thing starts burning your only option is to evacuate the building.

This observation will make the ebike internet defense force seethe, because they know it's true, but pedaling is secret club toxic masculinity and if you think most people can pedal their bikes it means you hate women, sweaty.
But is this a real risk with batteries that conform to the EU standards?
Let me piss on my powertube to prove you wrong
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ebikes are doing freeway speed these days without license plates, good luck getting any of us to register jack shit
a registration system isnt going to change anything you glowie
teslas have registration and they still explode
you just hate cyclists and want us all to have numberplates tax licences and all kids of other beurocratic bullshit like your cuckmobile does defeating the entire value of bicycles
remember when smartphones were exploding?
the dreamliner had exploding batteries
ev batteries in cars and busses explode often enough
modern laptops are explody
i fly rc planes and the batteries require alot of care to keep them safe
keeping them cool, not letting the voltage get too low, not letting them get dented, not overcharging, not storing them charged, these things are very fickle and even then they have a limited lifespan and get puffy and can burst and catch fire
its just how lithium batteries are
anything with lithium batteries can explode especially if they are being used by idiots that dont know how to safely charge them, probably are using stupidly oversized motors and regularly run them flat, dont monitor thier tempretures, damage them physically, and then run the things completely to death without ever diagnosing their condition to know how dead they are
then the blast it full of electricity from the electricity holes in the wall like they do with their phone(which theyve also destroyed the battery on in only a year) and blow it up
especially especially if those batteries are cheap chinese garbage with no enforced standards at all
ticking timebombs
im a woman and i can pedal fuck you
its fat men that ride ebikes and blow them up with thier stupidity
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>sits on a 500W motor
>twists throttle
>I'm a cyclist now!
good one
a good battery has fuses and shit in it so that doesnt happen
legally ebikes like that are supposed to be registered as motorcycles which i think is fair
if it can put out more power than a roided racer can and doesnt even have pedals then it should be considered and electric motorcycle
not that i agree with all the awful beurocracy and especially insurance that would entail but ive seen how you retards ride your like children that have barely had their training wheels off riding motorcycles
none of the grace and manner motorcyclists or even moped riders have
regular ebikers are normally no better but they cant go much faster than a normal bicycle
thats exactly what im saying retard learn to fucking read
did you not try to argue that my desire to not have my home destroyed by your stupid shitty battery is motivated by a hatred of cyclists?
I see, so who's the retard now?
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Another day, another fire
A ban cannot come soon enough
> and that's only one city
> one very enormous city
> one city with a population bigger than 75% of US states, whole ass states

Ok buddy guy
no idc about nyc and all the faggots that live there
also u didn't address or refute my post at all so clearly ur the illiterate one
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Four dead this week, two more in critical condition, and it's only Tuesday but I'm sure they were just "cagetrolls" or "nimbys" so it's ok >>1917703
E-bikes are so stupid. Just stop being lazy and pedal with your muscles
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Nobody cares what happens in fargo, cleetus. Go spank your horse or something.
> Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again.
Go fuck yourself. Your safety shouldn't violate my freedom to use Zheng cells in my ebike. Hell, it is not even your safety, but a pocket of a scared insurance company that realized that e-bikes do not need any bullshit moped or car needs, and thus they wont get any shekels.
I need to get around places, not pedal.
Maybe apartment buildings are unsafe and we should make landjews pay more insurance?
Maybe I should repeatedly firebomb your SFH and make your insurance company drop you
Law makes a difference between intentional firebombing and accidental fires, and one is illegal, while other is just unfortunate, so you will enjoy getting your orifices enlarged by Tyrone and Jamal when you drop soap on the floor.
It wasn't intentional though, the "energy cell" (the beer bottle full of gasoline) simply failed energetically, it was an unforeseen accident, why do you hate Urban Micromobility™?
I don't want to sweat. It's very uncomfortable sweating in a city environment.
Unracers will tell people to buy a cheap shitty boat anchor that weighs as much as a motorcycle, with tires pumped to 30 psi and useless gearing and 20 extra watts of drag on the freewheel alone, because "they don't have efficient bikes in amsterdam" and then when those people complain that pedaling 3 miles is exhausting they tell the same people that pedal bikes are for judgmental middle aged mamil athletes and you should instead ride around with a 20 pound incendiary bomb at all times
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The problem here isn't really ebikes, it's the cheap battery powered garbage coming directly from China. Battery fires are basically unheard of when it comes to brand-name ebikes, because any company with a true market presence (not just a web storefront) knows they can get sued for millions and have their market reputation ruined if they sell batteries without ample safety precautions. But if your ENGWE or SZTPS or Sailnovo (I'm just picking random brand names off Amazon here) burns your house down there's nobody to hold responsible for putting something dangerous into the market.

The only real fix for this problem is to establish a national standard for batteries that must be met for all products sold or imported into the US. We could simply copy the the EU regulations and that would be fine... but it would come with major headaches for highly profitable companies, so there's no chance that the federal government will do this any time soon.
just dont use e bikes, use cars, walk or normal bikes
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sprinklers can prevent most fires, even e-bike and lithium battery fires, from spreading beyond a single 20ft radius or 1 room in a residential unit.

you could also develop picrel into an auto-extinguisher of sorts to put the fire out or at least immediately contain it's size, maybe a bunch of golfball sized versions in the extra space inside the plastic battery shell
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>like children that have barely had their training wheels off riding motorcycles
>none of the grace and manner motorcyclists or even moped riders have
yes but they will all be ded soon one way or the other so there is that
Stop buying cheap fucking batteries from China.
yeah my ebike uses individual cell fusing and a bms with overcurrent, overvolting, overtemp protection, all of which isnt even needed because it uses lithium titanate oxide cells that are even safer than alkaline cells. you are retaredded
ok what if a dog doesnt piss on it you retarded nanny state FUD scaremongering little pissbaby ZOGGER!!!!!
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An ebikist shot an old man for thrills this weekend. Why these things are tolerated is beyond me.
They should be regulated in the same fashion as in Singapore. the entire short distance delivery market there pretty much runs on teens with e-bikes and PMDs, with much higher average temperatures than most of America, and yet there are very few fires there - if any.
How do Singabros do it every single time?
Probably the fact that there's the death penalty if you own the wrong arrangements of atoms.

I don't agree with capital punishment but I'd make an exception for ebike "people" (I use the term loosely)
I assume most of these fires come from ebike conversions. You can't really stop people from being retarded

How do they regulate them in Singapore?
No issues here because cheap, uninspected chink batteries are not allowed.
So just improve safety inspections and testing on imports from China and the problem goes away.
Fuck ebikes. Literally the most pathetic shit ever. Shift down a few years, use your peanut brain to re-route, or get stronger. Zero reason to purchase an ebike for anything outside of maybe mountain biking, where it's purely recreational. If I see another ebike commuter in san francisco I will scream.
>Why these things are tolerated is beyond me.
Yeah let's just effectively regress society by 100 years by getting rid of anything with an engine or battery
retard enjoy ur fag bike I never break a sweat on my folding ebike regardless of how far I go
You are so full of shit. It's literally the most efficient form of locomotion on earth. There's no "regression" you've already peaked. The fact that you need a motor and a battery on top of all that is sad as fuck. Maybe if you're past retirement age it's OK, sort of like how adult diapers become OK in your late 60s. Still gross and pathetic.
Dude I also take pride in cycling on a fixie everywhere but you can't expect everyone to be able to do the same. Some people live in hotter climates and can't really show up sweaty, some live in hilly places, or simply sweat badly no matter how little effort they put in. Don't be an asshole.
Not that the other guy isn't an asshole, I'm just taking his side.
I don't ride a fixie, my bike has multiple speeds and I live in the hilliest city in America. Every day, I cycle 30 minutes to work w/ a 315 foot elevation change, and I'm a county executive so I'm expected to work in a suit. The solution? Pack a change of clothes, shift to lower gears, and choose your route thoughtfully. There is no acceptable justification for this electric bike shit on any paved road outside of maybe disability or age. It's a total cop out - you might as well be riding an electric scooter or one of those stupid moped vespa things - which I also think are dumb. I don't think heat is a valid excuse either, I've lived in DC and Atlanta and I'll tell you the sweat is going to happen irrespective of whether you use a powered bike or not. People need to just get stronger and/or smarter with their commute, which is very easy to do if you do it every day. It's about having some dignity, and putting in the effort.
*bureaucrat - I don't work in city hall thank god.
replace death pently with strict enforcement of high fines to scare the amerimutts who only care about money, problem solved.
Oh yeah, the drug penalties are only death if you are smuggling or related to smuggling. Plus you shouldn't be doing drugs, it makes the entire alternative transportation movement less credible when I learn its comprised of potheads and druggies.
>how do they regulate them in Singapore?
1) there is a limit on battery capacity
2) electric PMDS have a speed limit on all roads of all types (walkways, bike roads, etc), bikes don't have this limit
3) all electric PMDs must be registered and the user display a registration on the vehicle, so that asshole riders or speeders get high fines for being dicks, and hooliganism is discouraged
4) registration involves getting the vehicle approved by the ministry of transport, so that low quality bikes likely to burst into flames are disapproved and the user told what's wrong and what the risks are.
There are more marijuana users than cigarette smokers. Also, you people allow sex trafficking, you have no moral authority when it comes to someone wanting to inhale burning leaves in the privacy of their own home.
Singapore is wrong on a great many things, I think all forms of prostitution should be illegal but politicians see it as a great form of tax revenue from foreigners. I wont back down on drugs being evil regardless.
lol enjoy ur 100 year old trannycycle meanwhile some grandma will blow by u on an ebike
>"lol enjoy ur toilet meanwhile some grandma will just wear diapers and shit herself"

Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's good, moron.
it rlly does tho
by ur logic ppl should just run everywhere since it's the cheapest
unless u account for the hidden costs of these high-calorie activities aka all the extra food u have to buy
Buy something that isn't chinkshit
That isn't my logic. Electric bikes aren't that expensive. You can pick up a decent one for well under 2 grand. Part of what makes cycling to work so amazing is the exercise - with an ebike you lose that.
NTA but for most people the exercise is just a nice side effect. The big advantage to using a bike to get around is being able to take quicker routes / bypass traffic
reddit, NOW
nta but cope and seethe
Yeah, America definitely needs stronger and more consistent gun regulations and laws.
Not That Anon you fucking midwit
woah these are cool
we should standardize on batteries like the one in this video, designed to contain and control the ventilation of the runaway cells without ever becoming a fire.
>cash me outside howbou dah?

you're a faggot.
haha chinese batteries go boom
many many such cases
>when you try to sound clever, but end up looking like a clown
Fatties mad
no u
and yet WTC 7 collapsed into its own footprint in mere seconds

Anon discovers that skyscrapers are large. More at 11.
it didn't fall at freefall speeds you sped.
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'ate chinky batteries
simple as
that house looks fake, it was probably built by cagetrolls to make ebikes look bad
>Nobody needed bronze for however long we've been here, there's no reason they need it now. Unless they're a farmfag.

>Either use stone+wood or stay sedentary.
That's just Britain. It's one of the finer houses on the island
>Living in an apartment
Lol. Lmao
if fucking retards would stop buying Unit Power Pack trash or the AliExpress blowout specials these fires wouldn't be a problem. Many times people have opened up UPP batteries and found an absolute half assed rats nest ready to catch on fire.
A strong licensing and registration system could solve that
>We want to stop ebike fires!
>We want better battery packs, BMS components including more speed, more efficiency.
>There, no more ebike fires! Now we don't have to register bikes because we're free!

sounds like a deal to me.
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YIMBYs will defend this
My bike my rules.
or summary execution for ebike rslurs who kill people with their unlicensed electric motorcycles
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blame this jewish tool alcohol fetus syndrome bitch
I love how urbanites bitch about living in a city being overly expensive, then in the next breath they cry for something that will make living in a city even more expensive.
“I ride a bike because cars are too expensive and too much of a hassle.”
“We also need to make owning an E-bike twice as expensive as owning a car with registration fees and unholy insurance premiums.”
serpentza - who always has nice things to say about China - dropped a new video on the exploding chink bikes.

Imported batteries with garbage safety are only one of the problems. You've also got to stop people from trying to fix or modify their batteries as that could easily bypass any safety features.

What's becoming a big problem in my city is that junky bike thieves steal e-bikes, so they have the bike but no charger. They then try to jury rig something and burn down their social housing complex.
E-bike operators, like all other motorists, should be strung up.
cringed almost to death
You're an idiot. Rather than attempting to understand the issue you resort kneejerk authoritian antics that unnecessarily restrict freedom and raise costs.

Lithium batteries are safe when designed properly. The issue is many brands pump out shitty designed battery packs, controllers, and chargers without reliable over current protection, low voltage cutoffs, over charge protection, short detection, poor soldering, undersized conductors, subpar quality control, ineffective or sometimes non-existent balancing mechanisms, no armoring of the cells, and lacking redundant fail-safes. It's not just the batteries, a dumb battery and charger is fine as long as it is designed to work with a controller that handles all the logic, though the charger, battery, and controller should all have their own safety mechanisms that work together in case one fails to do it's job.

Large 99Wh laptop batteries and power tool batteries don't have this problem because they're usually designed by people who actually know what they're doing and operate in countries that they can be held legally liable in. There's nothing inherently wrong with Chinese companies, they produce some very high quality stuff, but many of them don't and they can undercut the market and can't be held liable if they put out an unsafe product.

Ultimately the consumer and the bike manufactures are the problem.
Also, we need to move to LiFePO4 batteries. They're far safer and have a much longer lifespan than standard Lithium-Ion or LiPo batteries at the cost of energy density. With additional R&D the energy density and cost difference would come down.
>blah blah blah
>blah blah blah

Should have thought about it BEFORE burning down half the city. The public has been radicalized against you. We're coming for your ebikes and there is nothing you can do.
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When the new york daily news agrees with you, you know you're doing something right
but how many will?
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Time for Jihad against non-believers.
Nobody needs cars, ban them too.
Ok? So what's the catch?
Your whataboutism was already defeated here >>1947840
any other attempts to defend your incendiary devices?
Even when it's got nothing to do with the conversation there's always that one
>reeee cagetroll reeeeee
flyover moron, sometimes I wonder if it's an attempt at promoting cars via reverse psychology
Unfortunately every idiot has a right to voice his opinion. When you hear people talking about almost any issue they don't know what the fuck their talking about and have terrible solutions that don't actually address the real issue. These idiots drown out the people that actually know what they're talking about. The Issue with Taiwan and TSMC is a perfect example.

E-bike batteries are very safe when designed probably. Look at power tool batteries made by reputable companies like DeWalt, Milwaukee, Makita, etc. These things are abused, left in work trucks in the summer where the cabin reaches over 120°F, left out in the cold below freezing, are over discharged and then used again after a few minutes to try to squeeze out that last bit of juice, are repeatedly charged, sometimes over 1000 cycles, left on the charger overnight,
sometimes left on the charger constantly when not in use, dropped (sometimes from 2-3 stories) and yet they don't have the issue you see with some E-Bike batteries.
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>Air travel is safe when done properly
The problem is "properly" is not known until a lot of people die first

The rules are being written in blood as we speak
No, we've been making lithium batteries for decades. We know how to properly design them. The issue is many e-bike battery manufactures are cutting corners.
The issue is not that the technology to create stable batteries doesn't exist. It's that there is no effective system to ensure that only those kinds of batteries appear on the market.

A strong regulatory system (made up of laws, surveillance, and punishment) is called for when the market fails. And it is plainly obvious that the market has failed, and isn't going to fix itself out of the goodness of its heart.
Sure. Ban all imports from China. The issue is these idiots want forced insurance, battery registrations, annual government inspections, etc.
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Every other business that depends on china trade would laugh you out of the room if you proposed that. Ebikes are simply not important in the grand scheme of things.

>hese idiots want forced insurance, battery registrations, annual government inspections, etc.
If pharmaceuticals have managed not to kill hundreds of people a month, maybe regulations work? Because back in the day, a little law called the "Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act" was passed.

Another such Act, but covering home incendiary devices, is overdue.
but the fda is famously corrupt
I meantime Chinese ebike batteries, but I wouldn't mind all import. Idk what companies who do business with China think. Most of these companies only care about their own profits at the expense of their own nations.

The FDA is a joke. American food has lots of toxic chemicals that are banned in other civilized countries. Drugs like Ozempic are allowed which are very dangerous meanwhile safe drugs are banned for nonsense reasons. Likely because they threaten the profits of FDA donors. The FDA is incredibly corrupt.

You can have regulations requiring temperature sensors, automatic shutdown to prevent thermal runaway, requiring load balancing, requiring over/under current protection, etc. That would make sense. The battery registration, taxes, mandatory inspections are ineffective, costly, cumbersome, burecratic nonsense.
It's easy to say ozempic bad when you're not surrounded by obese people. We have a real problem here and this might be a real solution

Your suggestion to have regulations to have certain features built in, but no regulations to make it enforceable, is ridiculous. Why would anyone comply with the regulations if there's no enforcement system?
The solution isn't some fucking drug, it's these fatties eating less which could be enforced by bringing back shaming and standards in society. The fact that people resort to a pill to avoid eating less shows how far our society has fallen.

You don't need to enforce it on the consumers creating a massive money wasting burecracy. You enforce it on the manufactures which manufactures in most countries would follow. Most Chinese companies won't, hence the need to ban importation of Chinese batteries or a default ban, but with a whitelist of Chinese companies proven to comply with US regulations.
So let me get this straight. You're in favor of putting the responsibility on individual fat people, because muh freedom, but you're also in favor of putting the responsibility on a bunch of companies in another country when it's your firebombs that burn down other people's homes. You're the unironic embodiment of the "rules for thee not for me" meme.
Yes, fatties should take some responsibility for themselves.

And yes. It's reasonable to expect a company with an engineering department to properly design a battery, controller, and chargers. What are you proposing? To put that on the consumers? Consumers are fucking retard.

No, I don't believe in regulating foreign companies. I'm a nationalist that firmly believes in sovergnity. I'd love nothing more than to implement protectionist policies and have everything made domestically, but because politicians and consumers chimp out at that then the solution is to regulate imports.
Explain following. Why should I care if my ebike catches fire if I live in my own house well enough separated from neighbours? Maybe building anthouses for people should be illegal, instead of banning anything remotely fun?
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Do you have a wide mote?
Fires spread regardless of whether you or anyone else thinks they can or will. The phrase "spreads like wildfire" exists for good reason. Over 4,000 acres of land in my county have been burned in largely uncontrollable wildfires in the last month, it takes them weeks to stop a huge fire and it's only with the help of distant fire departments and tons of helicopters carrying bags of water. Tons of people had to evacuate their houses, and obviously not all of them had a house to go back to. You can't isolate the risk of fires, ebike related or not, and based on your attitude towards the subject you have no interest in even trying. Maybe instead of living in an anthouse you can just stop being poor?
If you have a quality battery and take care of it the risk is extremely low. That being said, the fire can spread even if you think it can't. Insurance prices are based on risk. If there's an increase in claims then there's an increase of premiums.

Have your e-bike, but take precautions and don't be a burden to others.

It's like when niggers burn and loot and leftists say, lol, why cares, that's why people have insurance. First of all, not everyone does, and second, insurance companies don't pay for anything, their customers do. In extreme cases, tax payers foot the bill.
>stop being poor
nta but my "ant house" is worth more than most SFHs in burgerland, can't speak to australia or wherever you're from but you're only "not poor" in relation to the local glue-sniffers
So consumers are smart enough to figure out how to turn their lives around and stop being fat after being fat for 30+ years, but somehow they can't manage to figure out that if they are caught with an unregistered battery they'll go to prison? I don't think you've thought this through.
No building ever "collapsed" that day though.
if you're nta then stfu, your statements aren't even relevant to the discussion dumb shit
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yfw you're just leaving Warwick Castle and an incompatible charger turns your house into a bomb.
>Fires spread regardless of whether you or anyone else thinks they can or will.
Yes, but if you have distance, chance of it happening is low.
But I want aliexpress battery, because I like fireworks
No fatties are pieces of shit and will blame everything other then themselves for their situation.

Wtf is a battery registration going to accomplish other than be a burden? Idiots buying shitty chink batteries and those buying quality ones or properly assembling their own will all be required to register it. It's just a way for the government to feel important and take peoples money. It won't do shit.
It will ensure that people like you can't get away with your bullshit anymore. Because you obviously aren't going to buy non-exploding batteries out of the goodness of your heart. Not like it's your building anyway, right? The landlord's insurance will probably cover it.
Except I have, I own my own house, and I'm the one that made the comment about insurance. Your mind is set and you've ignored everything I've said. TL;DR You have shit for brains.
t. ronald bartel
t. (((landlord)))
is there a law you can pass to stop people from plugging their non explodey safe registered legal approved insured battery into the wrong fucking charger like >>1948380
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Not yet but soon hopefully

Meanwhile there are other approaches being considered (I'm sure these are being pushed by "cagetroll conservative nimby boomers" who don't even walkable cities)
Ban private posession of motorvehicles ? Also have strict regulations regarding storage and operation of motorvehicles, including extensively trained and certified personel, retested at regular intervals ? Strict regular inspection of storage facilities for motorvehicles ?
if by "motorvehicles" you mean ebikes, that seems promising
why do you care about nyc burning
its a fucking shithole this is actively a good thing for society, and the world
this may come as a shock to post rona /n/ since you're all teenagers from south jesusburg nebraska now, but some people here actually still live in the city and their autism about trains and bikes is because of direct personal relevance and not just a fast fashion identity to piss off mamabear and daddychuddy
bizarre post
This thread was made by the schizo who singlehandedly ruined the electric mobility general so it doesn't even exist anymore
He has a deranged hatred of most electric vehicles and would spend, no joke, 16-18 hours a day replying to every single post in /emg/ with very angry, confrontational or downright facetious nonsense. No conversations could ever happen because he would just derail the thread as soon as he could.

Now that /emg/ is gone, he just sits making bait threads of his own and will reply to every single post in them with hateful shite about electric vehicles. Some of them will show just how deranged and unironically schizophrenic he is, like >>1950236

rent free (I'm not the guy who you're describing, assuming he even exists) but I'm glad everyone is now him, for you
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Now that it's affecting the flyover states too, maybe NUMTOTs will start to notice the problem is real
my roommate left an ebike battery in the backyard in a box.
rain fell on the box
then sun shined on the box
then a few days later the battery spontaniously combusted in the backyard

i asked the fire department if this happens often and they said no.
Corroded to hell batteries can do this
la incendiaria
happening in australia too
Yeah you're a "woman"... a "woah man, that's a man!" Lol! Only joking my dear haha
I make Work Bikes and I make them haul 1000lbs and go fast.....talking up to 60mph for the Police Patrol and Security Trikes.

I have an engineer from NYC, and the guy and I agreed that we won't go anywhere near Lithium Ion or even the newer "safer" models.

Basically with Lithium you have a battery that was designed for the use for small electronics and for simple tools that require a bit of juice like an auto ratchet with a single battery in the handle.

Nothing high Voltage or Amperage.

When dealing with these Electrified bikes you have a manufacturer that has begun to create accessories for bikes that initiated the move with small hub motors.

Some pedicabbers used them for an extra boost and to go further on less pedal assisted modes.

The problem there was that the extra loads would strain the motors and the batteries for more weight resistance that was applied by the rider and his extra loads. A few of them were overworked and caught fire when charging, because as an element the Lithium Ion does not have the resiliency to take the draws that go through them and still maintain the chemical compound's structure.

This is due to a number of elemental factors of which cold weather and hot weather variances are one, and the other is the fact that with a high draw the heat will change the composition of the battery, which means that when the reactions occur, a small amount of hydrogen is produced that will actually cause the ignition of the batteries without any puncture.

You can't take a small toy or cell phone battery, and place them into a battery pack with hundreds and expect to get the same function or durability out of them to get more power out of them.

They were never engineered to be used in a battery pack of them together.

NiCad was designed for higher draws and constant output at higher amperages and was supposed to be the next gen when cameras were made from them.

The EU banned the chems so they converted to NiMH batteries.
>When dealing with these Electrified bikes you have a manufacturer that has begun to create accessories for bikes that initiated the move with small hub motors.

Taking off from here.....these were being made to have a small under 20 mile range battery pack added with a small controller pack that regulated draw. It worked fine when designed to regulate the flow.

With the inception of the "Electric Bike" which is pedal assisted, they were actually working to advance the draw and flow of the batteries to the motors to try to make a better running bike, so they wanted a lightweight battery to integrate into the package to be able to be ridden when it ran out comfortably.

They chose poorly

They were wanting longer ranges and different power draw settings, which would in turn bring on the creation of the Lithium Ion batteries and then some seeing the flameouts would change sources to LiPO4.

These bikes were put together with an engineer that added momentum to the drivetrain but when tested you will find that they never really used a weighted bike to test them.

With this added weight of the passenger you get the dynamic variables in efficiency, and with the durability of the battery's chemistry.

You don't get a fully engineered vehicle, and you don't get the chance to accomodate for these dynamics except by changing the battery draw to the motor on the multi-power setting switch/cpu

With this you get the overuse factors in the battery that cause it to wear rapidly and become unstable.

You generally don't have fires from a new battery that has its chemistry corrupted, you get that from the charger being cheap and leaves power flowing after the charge is full.

There is a massive advancement in design that COULD be made to make these more functional and safer, but the interests that controlled the initial developments were geared at funding their company expansions rapidly into the E-Bike market with a battery that shouldn't be used.
Quit talking bullshit.
>Basically with Lithium you have a battery that was designed for the use for small electronics and for simple tools that require a bit of juice like an auto ratchet with a single battery in the handle.
Power tools consume up to a kilowatt from a relatively small battery pack.
>The problem there was that the extra loads would strain the motors
Motor is motor, absolutely not related to fucking battery.
>the batteries
Hence you need to design a pack that can provide required power. Use proper cells, etc.
> A few of them were overworked and caught fire when charging, because as an element the Lithium Ion does not have the resiliency to take the draws that go through them and still maintain the chemical compound's structure
Absolute bullshit. You can abuse the living hell of the lithium battery during discharge, and it won't cause any catastrophic failures.
E-bike battery is charging at relatively low currents (often lower than 0.5C) so lithium plating, which can cause increased self-discharge and potentially short circuit inside the battery, won't happen, unless you charge the battery in the cold (<0C).
So? What causes fires?
Poor mechanical design, where cells are allowed to contact metallic casing or other cells when thin heat-shrink wears out due to vibration
Fire-hazard BMSes that do not cut off the charge properly. Worst offenders are ones that use bunch of 1S protection ICs instead connected with some glue logic, instead of dedicated chip for 10S, or whatever voltage is required by the battery back. Those BMSes do not disconnect the charge/discharge even when BMS lead is disconnected, which can cause overcharging of certain cells and this does cause lithium plating, "battery puffing" (in case of 18650s it will just trip the CID), and fire.
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Based and axemurdererpilled
>NiCad was designed for higher draws and constant output at higher amperages and was supposed to be the next gen when cameras were made from them.
NiCD are shit. They suffer from memory effect, and while they don't require BMS, and more frost-resilient, they have absolute dogshit energy density, and are charged with insanely low currents which means charging process is really slow.
NiMH are shit too. They still suffer from the memory effect, but energy density is about half of the lithium ion.

NiMH and NiCD were used in e-bikes in past. Why did they stop using them? Shit energy density, that makes e-bikes unpractical at all.

Also, in power tools lithium batteries are abused way more.
For ex, an e-bike, escooter, doesn't matter has 700W motor, that draws, idk, 20A at 36V. And has 15 Ah battery pack. That is 1.3C discharge rate. All cell, including shitty laptop cells can survive up to 2C discharge just fine.
Drill, let's say Makita DF330 or 12V Milwaukee Fuel something, they have just 3 cells, connected in series for 12V (10.8V). with 1300-2000 mAh capacity. Power-tools can easily draw 400W. That is 37 AMPS. 37 AMPS. PER CELL. That is like 18-28C discharge rate.
Shits fine. Power tool fires are super rare despite literal cell abuse. WHY? Because Chinks didn't design those battery packs. Or well, maybe they did, but they didn't save up the last yuan on BMS, enclosure, etc. Just like laptop batteries, or phone batteries.
E-bike batteries are designed by dumbasses. They collect water, get vibration damage, use shittiest BMSes... Because hey, its 1 cent cheaper this way.
i believe the battery caught on fire due to the hot and humid enviornment created by the wet cardboard box & packing material left in sitting in the sun
holy dunning kruger batman
You can think whatever you want.
Fact is that laptops, tool batteries, they all have proper BMSes that do turn off the battery pack when shit's fucked. And e-bike BMSes sometimes are so shitty you could have just used a battery pack without it.
Here is a photo of a shitty BMS. See something like this? Avoid it. It has 50% chance that it won't cut the battery in case of wire failure, which is dangerous.
Guess what 138 firefighters did for fun this weekend?
I should add, probably nothing, it was the cagetrolls who tricked them into thinking something happened.
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This post aged well
Nothing because they prettymuch never happen and OP is a faggot
t. Vivian Hong, Vice President, Zhejiang GFNOVD Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd.
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Fines should be in the millions but rome wasn't built in a day
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Enough slander. There is no officially acknowledged proof that it was an ebike that sank the Felicity Ace.
what does it even represent? satanism but gayer?
>EU standards
CE marking is apposed by the mfr; it just means "I swear this shit is top notch". there's no independent certification body, like fcc/whv.
First of all, CE mark usually means Chinese Experiment, not Confomee european or whatever.
Second, I think UN38.8 is too shitty of a standard, as most hoverboard batteries did comply but were shit.
So best way is to fuck around and find out, i.e. disassemble and see if it has fuse, if it has holders or spacers or whatever.
Vibration and bigger density
>Indoor ebike battery fires are not possible to contain, once that thing starts burning your only option is to evacuate the building,
I think its still better to evacuate ebike and get some burns than have no house, given just the fist cell went out. If its been on fire for long time, well, forget about it.
Might be a good idea to store ebike near entrance door, and make sure there isnt anything flammable like closets or idk wood-plastic nearby. and if impossible, put a sheet of drywall to protect it.

It should be like kitchen, where u can leave a pan full of oil burning without any consequences.
just remove the battery and put it outside (veranda), protected from rain and sunlight.
if battery is removable (and I think on most legal ebikes it is, unlike e-scooters, idk why), its definitely an option. Or to store in on the balcony, given your building is made out of masonry/concrete.
Other thing to keep in mind is not to charge when it is freezing outside.
Ban them
put the luddite to death
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Death penalty for possession of ebikes when?

She never said that.
nothing of value is lost
Fat retard.
Why is this board filled with seething nannystate faggots?
I'll buy batteries now just so nigs have to keep on mining the cobalt
Because they got butthurt about being called gay nonstop daily on /o/
Your right to ram a telephone pole at 35mph on an electric motorcycle that you bought on ali express because you were too incompetent to get a motorcycle license ends where other people's property rights begin
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Urbanism zoomers will defend this because the victims were probably getting in the way of another 60 floor glass high rise
Anon that's gay. The solution is to enslave the e-bike owner until he pays off the damage. Or forever if killed someone.
Don't be a Karen.
The issue itself originates from importing loads of Chinese e-bikes of very poor quality.
How come battery tools are not exploding everywhere while being tossed around by construction monkeys, while they use the same exact tech?
>crown heights
People aren't exactly lining up to build there lol. $10 says they just boarded up the windows and left the burned building sit there.
Per the Furman Center, from 2006 to 2021, both median rent and median income increased faster in crown heights than in NYC as a whole. Additionally, new residential building permits increased by approximately 300% between 2021 and 2022, and are 6300% higher than in 2006. As usual, it would seem the /n/umtots are allergic to facts
Apparently some Finnish goth metal band. So you're fairly on the nose with that description.
Thunberg doesnt think electric cars are a sustainable or healthy option
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>I was just mindin my own business and the next thing I knew there was a building and I had to set it on fire! It came outta nowhere!

Ebikes claim another family of "cagetrolls", no criminality suspected
good reason not to cheap out on shitty chinese batteries
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YIMBYs will defend this
This but unironically
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Building collapsed today in morris heights. 100% guaranteed a yimby is jerking off to this image thinking about the 50 story glass and steel high rise he could put there. Ok it wasn't caused by an ebike but it's celebrated by the same kinds of people
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oops wrong image lel
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If you don't support burning people alive you are a cagetroll and you don't even know what's in your own interests
Nothing because the OP is an obvious troll
If you ever see an ebike on a train, wait for the next one
Ebikes are not the problem. It's the chinese. They are notorious for cutting corners and not caring about safey.
Magical thinking. "The chinese" isn't an action plan unless you plan on carpet bombing china with nukes

And the people who buy these bikes are perfectly aware that they could buy something expensive and with proper QA. They just won't, because they'd rather enjoy a cheap piece of shit, and the current lack of enforcement allows them to impose the costs on unwilling third parties aka the neighbors and property owners
>Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy.
Cos you wanna give the government even MORE control, right?
And sometimes their corner cutting makes no sense what so ever.
We have a serious problem. Quality ebikes cost waaaay to fucking much. Not worth it. So it is much cheaper to buy a cheap chinese garbage and spend some time fixing flaws.
But then there are some people in denial, that won't even check their chinkshit ebike/escooter/ewhatever.
With just $5 of replacement shrink wrap you can avoid 99% of the problems with battery fires, just by inspecting the god damn thing, and idk, adding a fuse, or swapping a BMS for a better one.....
And in some cases, you don't even have to disassemble the thing, you can check photos online and see everything for yourself.
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Weak but at least it's a step in the right direction
Won't do shit. Remember hoverboards? All of them got UL-certified or whatever and still kept on catching on fire.
Different standard is needed.
But then again, most stuff you buy from local resellers (which would be the only ones affected) is already certified, so.... Solves nothing.
Yeah the only real answer is >>1917453
Unlicensensed ebike because cops cant care less.
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YIMBY types are no doubt overjoyed to hear that a record number of "cagetrolls" (people who live in cities) were killed off last year. Plus, some of them were probably elderly, disabled, or non white, all things that are getting in the way of the future paradise that "guerilla urbanists" are fighting for.
More batteries - more fires.
Idk, you can prevent battery fire just with $5, by disassembling the thing and checking if it has fuse, what kind of BMS it has and if it would rub through and touch metal. You fix the flaws and then shrink wrap it back.
Problem is that it is something Zheng should have done at factory. Not you at home. But only ebikes we get are from Zheng, because white people apparently hate money so they don't make them for reasonable price.
Urbanists will defend this
Now do gas cars
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You people are unbelievable
Electric cars have lithium batteries too
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Are ebikes really that much cheaper than entry level motorcycles? This bike costs about 3600 aus bucks(2300usd) and can do 60mph-ish. Can ebikes even reach that high of a top speed? Idk man ebikes have theie place but motorcycles outperform them in every way.
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>unless you plan on carpet bombing china with nukes
Yeah honestly china had a good run. Their time has come. They've fucked around for too long and now they must pay the ultimate price.
Skeezy unregistered gas bikes are a lot more likely to get the attention of law enforcement than skeezy unregistered ebikes. The general public associates the former with antisocial/violent behavior and criminal activity, and the latter with food deliveries. So the piggies, who are more than happy to ram their cruisers into a soon to be deceased, snot nosed teenaged drug dealer on a little 50cc piece of shit, are generally going to overlook exploding ebikes going 45mph on the sidewalk, because they're terrified of having to go back to the days of deliveries taking 120 minutes and calling the pizza schop on their cordless phone and yelling for 15 minutes and getting yelled at back and waiting on hold, the app companies have exploited a little bug in the economy called negative externalities and the common attitude is "well, those guys don't live in my neighborhood and it's not my lungs that will fill with soot before I die in the hallway trying to claw my way blindly to the stairwell so it's not my problem"
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>florida is more advanced than civilization now
What a crazy timeline we're living in. I guess it's like how a lot of third world shit holes were early adopters for a lot of advanced high tech stuff like NFC mobile phone based payments, and just completely jumped over the awkward early stages with handheld phones containing an analog television receiver and a mini disc player, like they had in Japan
The "entry-level" motorcycle doesn't exactly exist in the States. The companies that do offer a new small displacement beginner bike are asking almost big boy bike prices for it so nobody buys them so the used market for entry-level bikes don't exist. To top it all off, bikes in the 50cc-250cc range are near useless for the speeds our suburban and rural roads require. That's half the reason why motorcycles here have generally been relegated to weekend toys instead of actual tra/n/sport.
>need petrol, insurance, licence, mot
>have to keep up with traffic and generally follow laws
>have to pay for parking
You may as well buy a car.
Why not treat them like any other motorvehicle:
Require registration and license to operate. Mandatory insurance for various damages. Operation is exclusively permissible on private property and within the confines of the cager inclusion zone.
There. Problem solved. Why would we have excemptions for certain motorvehicles in the first place ? Because the throttle mimics something completely different ? In that case automobiles don't require registration either because your chair at home doesn't need one and operating one mimics sitting in your chair at home.
Because then no-one will use them.
Problem solved.
I nominate this person for dictator to save us from the drooling ebike mob
was gonna get an ebike but i have nowhere to store but inside my apartment and i didnt want to die in a fire while sleeping
bam margera popularized the symbol outside finland
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Per FDNY an hour ago
>FDNY Fire Marshals have determined that Friday’s devastating fire at 2 St. Nicholas Place in Manhattan was caused by a lithium-ion battery. The fire claimed the life of one person and injured 17 others.
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Look, another fire. I mean another false flag by Big Cagetroll.
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Implying people on e-bikes weren't motorists just like cageoids.
Nah setting buildings on fire is completely fine because it pwns the cagetrolls
Amish ebikes
you guys sound like redditors
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what does /n/ think of giving ebike criminals the van? it's a cost effective and humane way to deal with the ebike problem.
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What the fuck, I came into this thread thinking it was a shitpost, but how the fuck are these things still legal?
I've come round on ebikes and battery electric vehicles in general OP, I agree now. Not only are the batteries dangerous and less energy efficient than gasoline/other ICEs, they let people think that they can have personal transportation and still help reverse/lessen climate change, when the only real change will come with a heavy reduction in personal vehicles and greater focus on public transit which can be powered by energy transmission from static generated electricity (ie. third rail or overhead wires fed from nuclear and renewables).
The government should start clamping down on electric AND traditional ICE vehicles. Stop subsidizing fuel suppliers and auto manufacturers (ICE or internal), heavy penalties for companies found to be using lithium sourced from human rights violating countries (and in cases on countries relying on forced or underage labour, military intervention if necessary).
because everyone in a position to do something realizes that the whole delivery app gravy train is a major force in gentrifying the cities, if you ban the ebikes you destroy the profitability of these apps, which eliminates the well paid tech jobs, which suppresses demand for the cool gut renovated loft apartments in old warehouses, which is terrible for property values, and the whole house of cards falls down

basically it's better to deal with some fires (which pretty much have their impact limited to brown people anyway). it costs less, it keeps the firefighters busy doing something related to their jobs instead of getting into brawls at irish pubs and using their union connections to avoid drunk driving arrests, and it might even clear up some precious land to build the next colony 1209
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England too
Run away!
Stop burning hundreds of people to death every year would be a start
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yimbys will defend this
In exchange for Banning E-Bikes, Electric Cars must be banned as well due to having similar issues.

Ban the chinese garbage, and require UL compliance. Fires are because fucking hobos wants 50 dollar ebikes that go 70MPH
>overlook exploding ebikes going 45mph on the sidewalk

Those are chinese throttle scooted that are sold in bulk online to fucktards. Not e-bike if there is a throttle.

Those scooters are fire a hazard like most chinese garbage.
Reddit spacing
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I agree, knowing how to format a paragraph to make it readable is indeed reddit behaviour, and not welcome here.
That's not reddit spacing, newfag
yes it is, dumbfag
Oh no... blame reddit spacing, and deflecting from the truth of the matter. Chinese garbage is the cause of the problem. Stop being poor fags.
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Finally some progress. Even if it's politically impossible now, the next generation of leaders is being taught the truth about electric motorcycle fires
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most of the posts on /b/ in 2008 that reached two lines were spaced like this
It needs more consistent and stronger nigger regulations.
Cracker communist faggot
In 2008 most of us were using qwerty keyboards and computers made of parts bought off newegg. Today's phoneposters think complete sentences, commas, and paragraph spacing are "reddit" because that's the only place they see other people typing like that. And if you post something longer than 5 words it means you're "seething" because posting that much text requires a herculean effort on a phone, and the only reason to do that (or to have complex thoughts) is that you were "triggered". As usual, phoneposters ruin everything.
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Even the flyover states are getting sick of this shit. If we band together we can defeat the yimby scum
screw you. Gonna keep driving 50 mph on bicycle roads with a sticker on the license plate holder saying
>I'm a bicycle
they pay insurance though and taxes
you dont have to pay for parking though in most places

a bunch of car haters, train fans and bikers, who knows why, right?

that's like commie-core
People hate ozempic purely because they don't like seeing anyone losing weight "the easy way". it doesn't affect them in any way but they will go out of their way to hate on it purely because of this crab bucket mentality.
I ride an 750W fat bike and today I got smoked by a road cyclist. My speedo said 29mph yet he sailed past me.
750W is nothing, especially weighed down by all that fat bike slowness. A competent cyclist can push 2kW of power, the highest level of cyclist can throw down 3kW. Pair that to a road bike that weighs nothing and your fatass on an underpowered fat ebike has no chance.
Subsidize certified, safely engineered and built batteries and chargers such that they're significantly cheaper than the bullshit AliExpress ones. That simple.

Everyone benefits except tax-paying cagers and the people recklessly selling bad equipment. It makes eBiking more accessible (I hate riding them myself, I like to pedal, but that's not most people) which benefits everyone. Less cars, less traffic, less pollution, more infrastructure, more people getting the benefits of bikes.
no. Tax and tariff china out of the global market. If you want communism, go to china
Well anon?
>What should we do about e-bike fires ?
How about sinply not using motorvehicles ?
You don't bring your car into your house or building
So you agree, ebikes do not belong inside residential buildings.
>Is your local morgue getting flooded with dead bodies from cordless drill fires
you undercut your own point and drive fence sitters away when you go overboard and exaggerate like this
its possible to make a point without ridiculous hyperbole
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So are we saying that it has to be made in first world countries like Korea?
yeah for 5 seconds lol
an abolute elite cyclist will sustain 450 W for an hour.
300 W for an hour makes you a decent rider.
What is a garage

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