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This build costs at least $4,000 but will perform like a $500 hybrid. Why is this allowed?
Slow people want to participate in the biking subculture but are afraid that they will lose face due to a deep rooted belief that bicycles are for poor losers. They're also intimidated by what they regard as "racing bikes" because someone will think they're slow, and they're completely obsessed with how fast they might be perceived as going.

So they pay someone to spend as much money as possible to deliver something that is slow, and obviously expensive. That way nobody thinks they're poor, and nobody thinks they were trying to be fast. No on the contrary they want to be slow, ok? If you like going fast you're a judgmental asshole!
I can tell you aren't from america. Here "freedom" is still a mantra true citizens follow, so they don't need to ask "why is X allowed".

Performance of a bike is 95% rider so yes any fancy bike can perform slower or as slow as a faster rider on a beater.
>that gearing
>This build costs at least $4,000
Yeah and? Theres a lot of expensive parts on that bike.
>Why is that allowed?
You know that some people have jobs and can afford a 4k bike which is not really that expensive desu.
My mtb build did also cost over 4k same as my DH bike.
And dont get me started about my road bike.
>Why is this allowed?
Because the world has bigger problems than trying enforce what aesthetics people choose to spend their money on.

>This build [...] will perform like a $500 hybrid.
I don't actually believe that's true. Not in all aspects of a bike's qualities. Certainly there are diminishing returns on investment, but nicer parts will make for a nicer bike to ride and to work on, and nicer parts cost more money.
>true citizens
>it's not the bike it's the engine
I remember when all I could afford was a gaspipe bso

stay strong lil poorfriend :(
>muh fallacies
not my problem. True americans know who they are.
>mamil posting
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Ever notice how everyone says they'd buy the slow thing if they had money but as soon as they have the money the story changes and they're jerking off over their super record F12 with 5 inches of spacers under the aerocockpit? Riding a bike and enjoying the sensation of speed are inseparable and denying this always sounds like rationalization or cope, because it is.
because building something custom with custom low run parts is fun for people with the money to do so
Post bike
>everyone says they'd buy the slow thing if they had money
Nobody says that, besides you head ghosts. Take your meds, schizo.
rent free
Cuz you give them money?
>his build costs at least $4,000 but will perform like a $500 hybrid. Why is this allowed?
free market, my dude. i HATE crust as a company but i would never try to stop them from selling their shit unless it was straight-up dangerous to the end-user.
Riding fast bikes slow is more fun than trying to ride a slow bike fast.

And I'd much rather have a 3500 usd Giant TCR 105 with the aforementioned fred stack. Its more fun to ride, it fits 33mm tires and its fun and fast.
Plus we are into the hobby. Never underestimate how much casuals lean on aesthetics. And crust is super about fashion.
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>this is only a deposit :: the total price for the buffed raw aluminum frame and silver powdered steel fork is $2200, half due now, the other half before shipping :: a colored powder coat will be available for $200 extra. I will email customers about that when the time comes :: once the bikes go into production in November, it becomes a non refundable deposit.

>Riding fast bikes slow is more fun than trying to ride a slow bike fast.

Personally, I want a fast bike. But I definitely want to be able to put fenders on it, maybe a rear rack. That bike should have a standard, non-proprietary seat post, and all the fasteners should be tightened without a torque wrench. At the same time, if possible, I would like the frame not to crack into pieces after a fall. Unfortunately, the shitty bike industry does not make such bikes. Anything "fast" is just overpriced disposable crap.
>I'd much rather have
About 8 years ago I bought myself a carbon Bianca. I rode it for a month. Then one day I leaned it against the railing while opening the door. The bike slid and hit the railing with its top tube. The force of the impact was probably 5 Newtons max. And guess what? A crack went from the steering column along the entire top tube for half the frame.
So no, I will never buy carbon crap again in my life. It's a marketing ploy to convince goyim to buy disposable bikes.
post pics of the crack or made up bullshit from some neet poorfag
Poe's law in full effect here
the fork is what gets me. looks like the fork on my old charge plug (gaspipe shitter). how can anyone defend this?
>but made in USA
if that's the best MIUSA can do maybe it's time to just accept the superiority of the greater sinosphere
Yes, that style of fork is bottom of the barrel in terms of how much it costs to make which is why you see them on walmart bikes
most people say they ride like shit too
just say you can't afford it
there's literally nothing wrong with a unicrown its how mtb forks were made for 30 years
you see diamond frames on walmart bikes too
Only downside is aesthetic, and when you stop looking it's fine(imo).
If I want an aesthetic bike it's going to be british for curly lugs, french for weirdness, italians, or japanese for chromework.
I would go american for geo and history since so many older american custom builders learned from the greats, or pushed mainstream brands like specialized and trek along.

Obviously that frame needs campy mtb groupset.....
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t looks revolting, like a 90s mtb with too much bad taste bling put together by a childless male with peter pan syndrome and a disturbing fondness for kids.
Picrel cost me £500 7 years ago, it has soul, rides beautifully and actually IS what the Crust is trying desperately to be.
Absolutely sick frame. And it's fucking titanium. that fork is insane, what is it?

Crust is cringe. Straight gauge aluminum was available from Nashbar.com for $99 per frame and it was a bad deal. $2000 is insane
>that fork... what is it?
Trimnel dual crown forks.
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You _need_ more?
how much did you pay for that thing, hipster
Yes. I need my than one hand position
5k for rim brakes, you are all old fags stuck in the past.
Not only that but you also match colors like some feminine bitch would sort and match her bookcase books, talk about immature and "bling" behavior you absolute moron, at least 90ies normies into adventure sports where the first at something, you place second at being gay projector.
kys lmao

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