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Year of opening first subway by country.
Subways are not a very old technology, and a well-designed city should prettymuch always be expanding or upgrading its subways.
>not a very old technology
>bongs figured it out in 1863
It's basically a train in a tunnel, nothing to figure out really except how to not suffocate. And that issue solved itself with electric trains vs steam locomotives.
Also subways aren't indicate of good city design, they're a deceleration of bankruptcy against car infestation. Cagers absolutely demand every last piece of land not otherwise used for buildings and building a subway means they'll get it.
A rapid transit train doesn't need to be in a tunnel.
Interesting take but subways run faster and have more capacity than street-level trams. Subways are great for the economy because people can get around quickly. The only trains I don’t love are elevated trains because they’re just noisy and weird, and can be replaced with different train styles.
I do like at-grade trams though. As long as the city is upgrading either its subway or its trams that’s fine.
You could build a metro through a city on the surface, done with proper tracks rolling with proper speed if it wasn't for streets being reserved for cars.
Pedestrian and Cycling underpasses are easy to build or you can dig a tench instead of a tunnel and use bridges.
Trams can also be as fast as a subway or faster since they can push air aside instead of through the tube as long as they aren't encumbered by car traffic.
And Elevated trains are meant for long distance high speed rail and that makes less noise than any highway.
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>Also subways aren't indicate of good city design, they're a deceleration of bankruptcy against car infestation.
Routing transport underground is simply one of the ways you can do it, along with having it be at the surface or above ground level. This applies to all modes of transport (with some exceptions). Tunnelling is and remains the most expensive option, especially when it can't be done using cut-and-cover techniques; it's uncommon for bicycles and pedestrians, but does turn up for several other modes (light rail, heavy rail, road).
The exceptions above? Air travel doesn't usually involve tunnels. It's fairly uncommon for water travel too.
These colored maps are never credible.
Why does every city build crappy routes, even new systems in modern cities? Why can't they do their best to build a grid system, lines and stations 2km apart, instead of the spaghetti mess they always end up doing?
this would be a perfect solution, if your city happens to be perfectly square
Doesn't need to be perfect or a square, a rectangle or a circle can work as well.Cities are constantly sprawling as well, just sprawl into the shape you need.
>just sprawl into the shape you need
"please re-engineer the above-ground flesh blobs in order to make more practical use of the transit solution i have devised"

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