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Happy 20th Birthday 4chan. I traveled to Fremont, CA to meet up with some dear friends and family and found out that the the Niles Canyon Railway was doing a steam excursion to commemorate the Bronco Billy Film Festival where they were showcasing silent-era films that were shot in Bay Area at the turn of the century so I booked a last-minute ride aboard it.

Will dump my album and go over some history of the railroad and its equipment below.
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We start out with McCloud River Railroad Fire Car #1711. Built in 1914 originally as a box car, it was converted in 1941 to a water car of use in fighting fires.

Fun Fact, the McCloud River Railroad only stopped running in 2010
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Our locomotive, Clover Valley Lumber Company #4. Built in 1924, this locomotive saw 30 years of service hauling lumber in Loyalton, California after which it was turned into a stationary boiler in the Reno area. In 1973, it was acquired by the Pacific Locomotive Association and ran for close to a decade on the Castro Point Railroad as an excursion locomotive before that was shut down in the late 80s and moved to its current home on the Niles Canyon Railway.
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Coupling the locomotive to the train
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If you're wondering why they would go all the effort to bring a water car, I talked to the to one of the conductors and apparently the quality of the water in the Fremont/Niles area is extremely poor and the chemicals they put in the water to turn the frogs gay also has a tendency to clog the values in locomotives, so they filled the tanker with water from up in Sunol and brought it down to act as an impromptu tender.
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Timestamp as proof :P
This is cool, I should see if something like this is done in my area. I've never seen a steam locomotive running from close range.
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Where do you live roughly? I might be able to do some research on heritage railways in your area.
>Leaves his fingerprints exposed on 4chan
Hey Steven.
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Who in the Hell is Steven lol
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The building on the right is one of two freight depots in Niles, which now houses the Tri-City Society of Model Engineers. The other freight depot in another part of town saw use as an office for maintenance crews all the way until the dissolution of the Southern Pacific Railroad and was subsequently abandoned after Union Pacific tore up the tracks.
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Passing Amtrak train on an adjacent track
Rad to see this. I lived in Niles, and the canyon, for many years. It’s like full immersion in the world of trains both current and historical. ACE, freights, NCRY, the depots, the modelers. Fuck.

My last place was adjacent to the tracks and the gate to the Secret Sidewalk. Got to know the patrolman and had free rein of the place. Every Fremont kid’s dream.
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How do you reach the Secret Sidewalk anyway? Is it safe to go in?
Just jump the gate with all the schizo warning signs at the end of Old Canyon Rd, or walk the tracks from the Clarke Drive crossing if you’re a puss (which is ok haha).

One more thing…look into riding the ACE train, it goes daily from Stockton to San Jose with lots of stops in between. It goes thru the whole canyon, with some amazing views and tunnels. You can even just catch it in Pleasanton and bail in Fremont.
Yeah just follow the tracks it's nbd, toughest part is getting back down if it's muddy
>tfw I live in Fremont
This is concerning. I thought our water was from hetch hetchy?
What's in Sunol besides the railway?
Calaveras rd
A Mallet Tank Engine, that's dope. How long can it go before it needs to take on more water?
>>1952986 (OP)
Beautiful train
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guess i'll give it a bump
>>1952986 (OP)
Niles Canyon is a nice place. I miss when they had Southern Pacific 2472. Love espee, simple as

Niles Canyon is great, although it’s a little short of a line. Less than nine miles.

I’m hoping that they eventually run the tracks all the way to Pleasanton. Maybe even extend to the fairgrounds during the Alameda County Fair. There’s already a station literally right there for the ACE trains
The Charger is the ugliest locomotive perhaps ever.
I wouldn't call it ugly but it's the most forgettable, throwaway design of any diesel. No one gave a fuck, no one wanted to be remotely bold
OP here, sorry I’ve been MIA for the past month. I’m uploading some pics on my phone as a Christmas present for all of you
Not even "beaners-selling-bacon-hot-dogs-on-the-street-corner"-tier but given the fact they didn't have a kitchen and were using a converted baggage car, it was alright.
That’s all for now. Hope y’all have a Merry Christmas

oy vey

shut it down

What /n/ lore is this?
>I traveled to Fremont

did your car make it without getting bipped
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Amazingly yes, the junkies and vagrants infesting the ruins of the flour mill were surprisingly well behaved
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If you look closely, you can the see the date the bridge was constructed.

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Rest of the locomotive got stolen by niggers
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Entering the Brightside Yard
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QRD on this Steven guy?
Nice to see they got the turntable in unscathed. Now to just install it.
>>1952986 (OP)
i'm an avid watcher of people who enjoy vintage railway stuff, you guys are like unique in a cute way.

I've always wanted to go to the Secret Sidewalk

Some of the concrete sections are starting to fall apart because the aqueduct hasn't been maintained in decades.
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>mfw missed out on opportunity to ride the speeders this year

>The Diary of a Young Girl Inside a Young Girl
I thought only gypsies stole old metal. I hear this story about twenty years ago about some trains getting delayed because they stole the tracks.


I actually rode on one of their last excursions, was sad to see it go
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saw one of these in cheyanne in the park. its insane how big it really is. its a very nice park. as i was leaving some nice white teenagers celebrating the end of the school year where grilling and offered me hot dogs and burgers. we talked about trains for a while because one of them is going to college to be a rail engineer.i even offered to buy them beer but they declined.

okay schizo


anti yimby bump
Nice trains, appreciate the dump. I live in Chattanooga, we have a pretty alright steam museum, they even have a streamliner caboose in their yard. I want to be come a steam autist but don't know where to start, any recommendations?

That coach has seen better days

It's a shame all the pics got murdered
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Is the San Francisco Zoo's train worth a ride?
Chattanooga Choo Choo?

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