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Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

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Any updates?

Unfortunately not
>the ex Amtrak HiLevel fleet

Are there any even left?
Apparently not, no wonder amtraks look so dinky now
I understand bumping your other threads but since this project will never happen and no one's interested just let it die

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Can you explain what the Chicago equivalent of this line would be?
brown line. goes to places that are alright, nothing against those places, I should go more often. so anyway, (continues talking about neighborhoods that matter)
old sea stadium was based
I'm commenting as a tourist
Pretty nice if you don't go beyond Grand Central. There must be a reason people warned me to not go to Queens
I can believe it
>A/C or 2-3
They didn't seem to be that bad. I'd say even comfy. A/C (or probably C, I don't have them ready in my brain) than 2/3 BTW.
If I had to choose the worse, I'd chose the J.
I just found out shea stadium isn't a thing anymore. All this time I've been calling it shea not realizing the physical stadium is gone and it's now "citi". Sportsball is funny

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Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
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i've never played railroader, do you actually have to plan out timetables or is this larping?
You run your trains as you please. Bonus for wagons delivered at your customers within a certain amount of time after they ariived at the interchange. Passengers don't care as long as you stop at their station once per day.
this is airport ceo
I played Transport Tycoon Deluxe as a little kid back in the 90s. I'm pretty sure that game made me autistic. Still have the original manual on my shelf. One of my prized possessions.
I stream while playing OpenTTD once in a while to see if I can still do the complicated trains stuff. It's fun, but no one seems interested in watching.
I used to play openBVE

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Hopefully their retarded AG appeals it all the way to SCOTUS so the ruling can be national.

Inner city leftoids will never, ever, ever keep the aids zombies off the trains, which would be preferable, but at least normal people will be able to carry weapons.
Say it with me: A cop on every train car.
I need a Judge Dredd in every train car and bus who has full authority to tase and maim anti-social people.
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Just remove 30% of the population
Remove 13 and solve 50. Is the rest of the 30 just the next brownest?

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am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
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It is because planes are much faster than boats. If you're running low on oil, just make more.
Haha, and where does it come from?
what fraction of the movement is people moving around to do things that could be done remotely

ZOG pays for their golems to fly around to "oppressed" areas and then fly back monthly
bacon evading his ban again
Why the fuck is bacon banned?

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>wears a rolex daytona while driving, just like paul newman
>wears a rain coat when it's raining, just like gene kelly
>wears gym shorts at the gym, just like wilt chamberlain
>wears aviators just because, just like val kilmer in top gun
>wears tacticool ballistic nylon cargo pants when working, just like steven seagal in under siege
>wears cycling shorts when cycling
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>Walton had a bad back
>look at his pro pictures
>all his bikes are normal sized
looks like he fucked himself
>his bars are insanely high
No they're not. They're on a perfectly reasonable level. Your standards are insane.
I second this motion.
how did you get the impression that i think his setup is unreasonable or bad?

i said it looks comfy and aero, learn to read context for hyperbole
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Californian here. Why is there no bus service along the coast from Malibu to Ventura County? Seems pretty ridiculous, since there are local bus routes going the other direction all the way to San Diego, and there are busses that run on PCH from Los Angeles airport to Oxnard and Santa Barbara, but they don't stop anywhere along the way.
I am assuming two things:
1) Malibu seems to me like a rather wealthy town (correct me if I'm wrong), so the vast majority should own a car no matter what
2) With a global metropolis to its east and but a small city and an air base to its west, it makes sense why bus services are focused on the LA metro area.
Both are insufficient reasons IMO if your region gave even a microscopic shit about public transport, but sadly LA and the US at large are still far away from proper bus services. There should be an hourly connecting service between Malibu and Oxnard/Ventura IMO, or at the very least the 134 should be extended up to Thousand Oaks to connect to the Ventura County buses from there.
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OP, very few people live in the Santa Monica mountains and the few who do are filthy rich and they'd have to drive from their villas way up in the hills to get to a bus stop on the PCH anyways. The farther west you get from the city the lower the population density becomes, and after the mountains end the Camarillo plane is all farm fields until you get to Port Hueneme/Oxnard. There is no bus service because there are no people to serve.
>sadly LA and the US at large are still far away from proper bus services
>What are you talking about? It has 117 routes, well over 2,000 buses, a daily ridership of 756,700, and an average ridership of 222,000,000 people. Granted, that's partially on the decline due to never properly recovering from COVID and partially cannibalized by rail service (both light rail AND subway). Governments continue to pour billions into public transit yet somehow it's "not good enough" while being surprised there's pushback.
my old hometown's metro area is probably just a fourth or a fifth of LA's metro and we have way more than 117 bus routes in the city proper alone
Must be mostly poor people. In poorer parts of LA county like south Central, east LA, northeast valley, there are more bus routes cause they need them. Meanwhile, rich people often take the bus like from Malibu to Santa Monica or from Beverly Hills to Hollywood just because with the traffic wouldn't make a difference anyway so they might as well just jump on the bus.

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What does /n/ think? Cringe or nah
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>ring the a bell or produce any audible signal at all
courtesy ringing is uncommon nowadays, people assume the only reason they hear a bell is that a bike is bearing down on them at maxx speed.
>follow the rules of the road
that's a quick way to get killed, just pay attention to what people are actually doing and what they tend to do.
fuck you and your dog
stop thinking of bicycles as vehicles and start thinking of cyclists as turbo-pedestrians
then it will become clear that pedestrians are more agile, less anonymous, more engaged in the present than any vehicle
why not take this further?
motorcyclists: why do they emote? why do they chase others down and talk to them like they want to be a cop?
you wouldn't want motorcycles sharing space with pedestrians either would you?
>'bike lanes' are cancerous and absolute death traps.
That depends on how you define that. A painted bicycle gutter in the dooring zone with a car lane on the left side absolutely is.
A physically separated section that cagers can't get to is safe, and the best infrastructure available in the west.
Yes simple streets that are narrow enough that speed limits are inherent to it's design that make bike lanes unnecessary along with a ban on street parking are better. The thing is Japan's cities have decades of development towards making cars not only obsolete but also a burden for most people.
I change my opinion and agree with you. If motorvehicles 'can't get onto it' a bike lane that has enough space for passing (even more space if you consider allowing motorvehicles of the 'e-bike' type and the associated boomers onto it) then the bike lane would be safe. I guess to have that you need to either ban cars or put the cager inclusion zone underground.
That being said I have yet to see such a thing. Maybe it's my generally shitty country. Like yes, the 'bike lane' is a 40 cm wide strip painted on the side of a road next to a row of parked cars. It's often conveniently forgotten when the pavement of the road is renewed. Every now and then a bus stop replaces it. It indicates to cagies the may now pass even closer because 'on a seperate lane'. Also no cager has the mental capacity to understand how having multiple lanes works which is why they will constantly take a turn across it, be it a left (like when theres a jam and some cager stops to wave another through) or right, back out into it and what not. Sure ride on the street and you get other absolutely pointless BS but in my experience less. In my area they have now also passed a 'mandatory bike lane' law. That will help the demand for ghost bikes to stay where it is.
Sorry of OT.

heres a very work in progress pic of my 3x13 39speed
i couldnt see any reason why a 13s wouldnt fit my 9s hub and it seems to so far lol, wit a spacer too
desu im probably gonna convert it to a 2x11 at some point to save weight this is just for funsies
im also running a 12s chain because 13s are silly expensive
what are the chances this fails epically?
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>fabricating to make it fit to a frame it was never intended for
>would take too much time.

those are both nonsense reasons, wtf would you have to 'fabricate'? Bicycles ARE intended for such things.
>i want a silly meme project but i'm lazy
why even bring it up lol
bro I was just inspired for a minute or 2 lol

seriously it would be fun if I had a ton of spare parts at my disposal, but I don't
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I think there might be something wrong with your brakes
Ok now put your 13s cassette on a rohlff hub

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"No fatties allowed" edition

Pretty asian girls sweating edition

RJ the bike guy on youtube

Previous: >>2016856
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Hey, I need help. I have recurring knee pain from cycling. it's also on bottom/inside of kneecap. I'll wait weeks for it to clear up but as soon as I ride it comes back. Currently seeing a physiotherapist for it and other shit, but was wondering if I'm set up right. Any help would be appreciated.
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Also I just got clipless pedals and as I expected I bailed on my first ride with them cause I forgot to unclip.
when your heel is on the pedal leg should be straight, if it's not - raise saddle
if you're already shelling out money to one professional, you may as well get a professional bike fit. I don't know a lot about it but I think certain Specialized or Trek dealers have a fit machine that shines lasers on your butt, and other bike shops in good standing have old timers that have been doing it for decades.
that said, nothing about your pic seems off to my eye, but I know my fit by feel, not because I can see myself in profile so I'm not an expert or anything
or just do this >>2021309 and fiddle with saddle position a bit. and posture.

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I took miku flying with me the other day :D
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ew...glowie, confirmed!
Tranny Delusions
your incorrectly oriented image caused me unfathomable rage.
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>pic related, your dumb ass
Also, stop being white
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You call yourself an unracer, yet you have drop bars and no carrying capacity? Sorry but, that's racer
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Fenders are actually aero.
Sources: Sheldon Brown
i just like getting where I am going fast you know
How is it superior to front paniers?
I came to the same conclusion. I can carry the same size objects on my regular front rack
you misunderstand
I'm a racist

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The cagers kill two more cyclists.
Hope it encourages people to support more bike infrastructure.
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This is a Fucking booby trap and an illegal War Crime against Fucking Humanities!? How can someone just go in and setup a Fucking gate on a bike trail!? This is pure evil!

Just read this today. Apparently murdering 2 cyclists and injuring 14 is just a few misdemeanors as long as you're in a vehicle! He's only facing 5½ years in prison.

Can you imagine if people walked around shooting guns in front of them as they got from place to place?
>yeah I was just shoot-walking my way to the store and I wasn't paying attention and I shot these 10 kids by accident.
The works would be a better place without cyclists
in america, you can shoot whoever you want as many times and places as you want, and it's ok as long as you're white, the person you shot isn't in law enforcement, and you said the magic words
>I feared for my life officer
can always count on /n/ for a dumb take on anything

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I am looking for a youtube channel of a guy or group of guys putting heavy mileage on ebikes.
Maybe food deleivery ?

What I am looking to learn is about how well these hold up under heavy use and what mainanace issues there might be long term.

I live out in the boonies and need to commute 22 miles each way every day so the miles are really going to add up
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Thanks anon, that is the sort of thing I am after
Nice pic. I've saved it to use as my phone wp.
spread it far and wide anon
Ebike Escape is another decent channel, they review a shit-ton of bikes and accessories (mostly affordable entry level stuff, but also the occasional high-end ride), and they also do update vids like this one:

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Is this better than a kenworth or peterbilt
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It's full irony. They were the only truck that didn't smoke cause they used swedish injectors....now owned by swedes....who are owned by Chinese...
This is /n/. Every Class 8 rig here should be a Kenworth W900 or a Peterbilt 379.
What about Western Star?
meh, try hard truck
rather have a pete

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