If they were, how would it change the world?
>>2031276Children, subhumans, and midwits would cry about "jetpack-oriented cities"
>can a very inefficient mode of transportation ever be as cheap as a moderately efficient mode of transportation?no, dummy, unless you build a society centered around subsidizing jetpacks.
>>2031276That landscape is utterly barren. Where the hell does all their water come from?
>>2031667desalination plants powered by cheap oil. also it rains occasionally
>>2031352>>2031359Imagine getting stuck in jetpack traffic.
Can I into gliders as a poorfag?
>>2030701in other words, not even half as long as this site existscome back in 2069, when they've been here for at least 4/5 of its existence
>>2030692how so? the club where i live offers 20 minutes sightseeing flights for tourists for 120€ which includes an aerotow to 2600 ft, so the price for a tow doesn't seem to have changed that much?anyway pretty sure winch launching is free for members and has existed for a very long time
>>2030692>a different time2022?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0nsVzK0tik&t=1m20s
>>2030756How about we compromise at 3/5?
Polite BumpAny other private owners lurking here? What's your ship?
Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.What we know:>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already startedThe most detailed sources I could findComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Apparently BMW's involved now for some reasonhttps://lamag.com/latravel/luxury-sleeper-trains-set-to-connect-la-and-sf-overnight
>>1992961>LA traffic makes it take nearly as long to drive down as go by railJust drive at night, you can do it in like five hours
Nobody gives a fuck, let the thread die and start a new one when something tangible happens
>>2028656I care
>>2031508Nobody gives a fuck
Any of you guys live in New York and ride the train? What was your experience?
I'm moving back to NYC soon. Looking forward to less traffic on the streets now that they have congestion pricing.
>>2031184>the reason the busses are slow is because of car traffic.they are slow because they stop every 12 feet > had trip speeds that were nearly four minutes shorterwow, 4 whole minutes, while still being slow as fuck and smelling like piss and being full of crackheads and pieces of shit who blast terrible music. still 4 times slower than driving, still the worst experience ever >jalopnik is a car blog.jalopnik is owned by gawker which is a left wing jewish chinese communist company that wants to ban cars and guns
>>2031191have fun when the rest of the businesses close
>>2031215actually correctjalopnik is a car blog like streetsblog is about cars and buses have to make 30-50 stops to get to my final destination which is why my commute is 90 mins by bus (40 stops on the q3, then 34 stops on the q17) and 20 mins by carguess who's driving despite having the highest insurance rates, registration fees, tolls, having to look 30-60 mins for street parking at times, etc
>>2031222>guess who's driving despite having the highest insurance rates, registration fees, tolls, having to look 30-60 mins for street parking at times, etc>New York my son, people must commute to work. You must decide>Do you improve mass transit with the billions and billions of dollars the MTA spends each year? >Or make driving worse and worse until it's somehow worse than transit?
>live near some farm fields>there is a lap (~10km) that I do on the dirt roads between the fields thats pretty fun>go do it after work, reach around midway>they plowed the fields>road is basically just a bunch of loose dirt now
>>2031387balkanssome of them were plowed, it fucking sucksI had to drop to the near town as it was getting dark, and I literally couldnt pedal uphill on the loose soil...I wonder if I take my moms 4wd toyota and do a couple of back and forths the dirt will compact and be fine to ride
>>2031387Wow what a classic vidWhen I finally saw her tits I simply moved on
>>2031385I kno that feel.On my fav 50km road lap, they removed an entire road.It was a small paved road between fields with low traffic. Now it's gone and I have to detour on a larger road.
>>2031407Link please (for research purposes)
>>2031456Katee Owens
Is it the blimp trains time to shine?Could this be used to get Ukraine grain to the rest of europe?They have different rail gauge between rooskie and EU tracks but blimp can be handed off with out even slowing downTHIS CAN WORK???!!!!!!!BLIMP TRAIN HOLEY ROLLERRIDE ON THE BLIMP TRAINBLIMP TRAIN SAVE THIS COUNTRY AND MAKE IT WHOLE AGAIN Now Im on the edge of something Wondering bout the blimp train ooooohhhhaaaaa eeeeeaaaaahhhooooaaaaTalking bout the blimp train
>>2025178/n/ has a time machine anon, we all use it
>>2022388how do you mean?
>>2022388of course
>>2024303women will look like this and then have the nerve to complain when I just want to get topped by men
>>2030796what are you trying to say?
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkI6Fmet4FE>build giant transit system with biden bux>no one wants to use it in very typical government project fashion>jillions wasted>"UHHHH THE SOLUTION IS IMMENANT DOMAIN TO FLOOD AREAS AROUND TRAINS WITH CHEAP HOUSING"The mindvirus strikes again. Once again they think society should be built to make their policies work, not policies built to help society work.
>>2031173What is wrong with you?
>>2031168The USPS in certain places practically is welfare for blacks. The union won't let them fire the useless ones so yes it's a jobs program.
>>2031168The USPS loses money in part because it has to service everybody. Trains and transit only work on a very small geographical area of a city, and yet everyone who lives within 50 miles of the city is expected to pay up.This is pretty sketchy as-is if we didn't have retards screaming about suburbs "aren't paying their fair share".
>>2027390I live in Denver. In order of importance, the reasons nobody uses rail here is 1. the constant presence of homeless people on transit, 2. the fact that the train routes don't service large portions of the metro area and that some travel by bus is generally necessary (and the buses are even more inundated with homeless people), and 3. the trains tend to run behind schedule and it's hard to reliably get somewhere on time.The video you embedded is correct on some accounts and incorrect on others. The crux of his argument, about the train stations being in largely unpopulated and random areas, is true. You can still use RTD to get places, but in general, a train ride is one leg of a public transit journey here, and some amount of bus riding is virtually always necessary. At the end of the day, the reason that's unattractive to most people who live here is the fact that the buses are fucking filled with homeless people and crime. I suspect this is probably the case in most other cities of Denver's size with unused rail lines.
>>2031168USPS is an anachronism like trains themselves. Oh nooo... what if I couldn't get my junk mail? Nothing would change if USPS simply went away at this point.
>bro just 10, I mean 20, I mean 30 more years and the US will totally look like this>oh yeah that project got cancelled>and that one>yeah that one was a complete failure>that one didn't even last a month>but this one's coming soon! (we've pared it down to a single unprotected bike lane for half a mile)At what point do you just give up and accept the United States is a lost cause
>>2030757Why would Americans learn third worlder language?
>>2031399>poor access to services in the countrysidesuch as?
>>2031399Ah yes, the vitally necessary cultural enrichment package.
Actually, light rail in Salt Lake City, UT is pretty based. Yeah it does the usual "hardly faster than walking" thing in the downtown area, but once it leaves that, it really hauls ass - maybe up to 60 mph? Anyway, it actually goes out to where people want to live, which is the suburbs, and it does it pretty well. So if you want to be a train fag, I suppose it's not a bad place to do it.That said, if you don't have a car you are totally missing out, there's awesome driving all over the place there.Urbanist limpwrists usually point to places like NYC and Boston - crime-ridden, unaffordable shithole and unaffordable, NIMBY-extreme shithole - places only wealthy faggots actually enjoy. To everyone else, it's a rat-race nightmare of struggling to afford it, and if you're anywhere near mass-transit, you can't afford it.
Actually if you build more urban housing you don’t even need as much transportation infrastructure in general because people can just walk and bike. Or use the current transit infrastructure more.
>>2030924working on your bike is not wasted time if you enjoy it
>>2031176nobody enjoys working with chains, they get dirty and disgustingit's like changing the diapers, no matter how much you like being a parent, that is at best a part that you tolerate
>>2031177There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. instead of despairing over how dirty a chain can become, one can feel satisfaction and gratitude in seeing it clean and shiny again.
>>2029565marketing scheme developed by big rear hub and big bottom bracket
One day one of these bad boys will crash.If you're on that flight make sure you take a selfie for the Guinness world record
>>2029868Jesus fucking christ. I had forgotten about that. They almost did a bowling strike of three planes, plus the AC759. Total of 4 aircraft destroyed.>>2029726Not true. Emirates largest A380 operator has an A380 config with 615 seats (58 biz+557 coach) + crew. Handily beats the 583 dead in Tenerif and 509 dead on JAL123
>>2029858aviation is safe in spite of regulation, not because oftechnology has removed all the causes that actually crashed planes
>>2029678Obviously because it's fucking massive. Even the more iconic 747 pales in size and sheer beefiness. When you see one in person you realize just how big they are, the vertical stabilizer alone is the size of some entire planes. It's the biggest plane you could realistically fly on without having to the military.
>>2029666Sadly they'll probably be all retired before they even have a chance to cause a horrific crash.
>>2029831It might be able to maintain altitude if the weight is low enough.
>finally bite the bullet and move to Eastern Yurop from NA>doesn't make financial sense to pay to ship my bikes, sell them before moving>move to small but comfortable commiebloc apartment >having a bike would take too much room + I don't have a lot of space to perform maintenance>most people who commute to work outside of cages and public transport seem to use e-scooters here wtf lol>(except for food delivery jeets who exclusively use e-bikes and chinese gas powered scooters/mini motorbikes)>used bike market is shit and filled mostly with expensive full suspension MTBs probably stolen from Germany or literal trash>decide to buy a cheap commuter kick scooter to try out / get around and explore>turns out it's fantastic for commuting in a dense euro city>decide to rent an e-scooter to get across the city one day to see what it's like>it's fast, nimble and super fun>stores easily and can cross the city twice on one charge>don't have to get to work covered in sweat>easily take it on public transport if neededComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2030448>stable from 10 km/hWtf anon??Do you fall over if you do 5km/h?My bikes are stable from literally 1-2km/h or how this anon said >>2030481 from literally standstill
>>2030481>>2030482I guess my definition of stable is different from yours. For me things are stable when you don't need to actively correct steering or weight balance. Obviously, you can ride bicycle at any speed you want, hell even trackstand, but that takes a bit of effort... Kind of like balancing a pencil upright (the infamous inverted pendulum). Other thing I should mention is that in general, the stability of bicycle is greater, because small disturbances on the road (i.e. pebbles and uneven pavement) don't affect anything much at all and you can ride with hands off the bars without any issues. But in case of the e-scooter with its tiny wheels, hands-free riding is only possible on extremely smooth pavement since any pebble will upset steering enough for you to loose balance. Other thing to consider is turning radius. Actually, maybe it is much more important than stability lol. dunno.
>>2029905in a city with cycling infrastructure these things are so fucking awesome
>>2029905Your opinion should be disregarded because no intelligent human would move to Eastern Yurop from NA, cutting their salary 70% in the processYour greentext also sounds reddit tier>>2030541riding even one handed on an e-scooter is extremely unstable and dificult. Meanwhile I can easily ride with no hands on a bike.
>>2030760Just moved to western Europe. Make more now than NA. 3bdroom Apt less than 800. 200 a month for groceries. My bank account looks phat. Good bye america. Keep taking your copium.
redpill me on sky janny>all the liabilities of aviation, 0 the fun>more stressful than being an actual pilot>be sitting at 0 kt GS all day; probably can't even see outside>your job depends on periodic health checks up as stringent as pilots>lengthy training regime>one oopsies and it's overwhat seems to be the appeal?was it the job security? the power trip of ordering planes around
>>2031247don't you have to be under 30 to get in the door?
>>2031250yeah age limit basically just like commercial pilot entryalso the acceptance rate is low and the training is lengthyhttps://subscriber.politicopro.com/article/2023/11/faa-looking-at-ways-to-curb-controller-academy-wash-out-rates-00128065https://www.aviationjobsearch.com/career-hub/articles/career-advice/air-traffic-control/how-long-does-it-take-to-become-an-air-traffic-controllerbut instead of flying you stare at a screen all day
>>2031209>redpill me on sky jannyIts a highly important skill that isn't taught in college. So you can have a hs education and a clean piss test and psych and make 100k a year. You can live and work in aviation and afford your own Cessna and get licensed. You make 40k a year more than a pilot at a small regional commuter airline.The story was always you could do it out of HS but I'm not sure since there are so many people coming out of the military.Seems like it would be a good career.
>>2031247>For someone with a high school diploma you're not going to find a job with a better salary and benefits than ATC.I can think of one...nuclear defense industry.Honeywell will pay you 100k to retrofit nuclear weapons missile triggers. They have to be replaced every 20 years. You need a top secret clearance. All the people they hire are either 18 year old hs grads or fresh out of school engineers for the supervisors. They pay you to sit in the office for 6 months doing nothing while you get the TS clearance.
>>2031295At the plant in KC? I live near by and do LE already but it's a fuck
What could have been done to save the Pacific Electric Railway?What would public transit in LA be like today if it had been?
>>2015105To be fair, that would still have put PE in a bad position once passenger rail started declining in the late-40s and those terminals started seeing much less usr
>>2011628>>2011630Is there any website that tracks the individual Muni street cars?I've always wanted to ride the Pacific Electric one but always wind up missing it.
>>2028236Yes, here https://streetcar.live/The PE one is actually out as I'm typing. But it's not really an original PE streetcar, it's just painted in the livery.
>>2020053>Yes but extensive doesn't equal good if it means to many branches with low demand. That's a bit of a trap. You can't shut down feeder lines just because there's low ridership. They're the ones bringing pax to the main ones. Back in the 1980s British Rail shut down a lot of low-usage 'capillaries', and ridership completely collapsed across the board (including in lines that were previously profitable). The entire network must be approached holistically.
Honestly, I'm just happy this adds frequency in Florida and on the Chicago <-> Pittsburgh routesIt's called the Floridian
>>2027711I don't understand the difference - the Chicago - Pittsburgh route goes through much bigger cities on the way than the Edinburgh - London routePopulation served is less in the UK, as it goes down the east coast, which is relatively lower populationI would say the big difference is that the public transport on both ends is better in the UK, so the long distance train makes senseWhereas you get your train to pittsburgh, and then what? How do you get to the end destination?Feels like that should be dealt with before proposing epic intercity trains
>>2028399Here's what you are missing: London and Edinburgh are the ONLY TWO PLACES TO GO.The States United have a Million places to go, so people go all over the place. Density is very very low, which is why cars work so well.
>>2031002I mean, Europe has a million places to go, so people go all over the placeYou can still have good public transport with lots of destinations. And in that corridor from Chicago to Pittsburgh the density is very similar to many european countries with decent intercity trainsThe fact that the USA has shite public transport is a choice, not a natural result of the lay of the land, could be crime related, everytime i've taken the bus or train in the usa there have been some kind of fights or druggies
>>2031114Foreigner "knows" what the US needs to do