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>bus, aesthetic
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How about Elon Bust?

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>I wasted 10 hours of my life to own the chuds
>Yeah crossing the border by car probably would have taken like 4 hours I guess
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>Still doubling down on being a complete imbecile.
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>>Still doubling down on being a complete imbecile.
>Do you have a source on that?


>A source. I need a source.

>Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

>No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

>You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

>Do you have a degree in that field?

>A college degree? In that field?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I took the Maple Leaf Express in business class both to and from New York as a Canadian passenger just a few months ago and it is NOT a pleasant trip. I would only ever recommend it if it were an overnight where your information is checked before boarding. I would have flown if the person I with wasn’t apprehensive about flying.
Not just Bikes reeks of onions.

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It's over.
Bikes destroy male organs.
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Literally same, but I also experimented with supplements. Insane loads
Because no one here is uncivilized/poor enough to ride one
We just like to jump to extremes all the time.
I remember some time ago the newspaper ran a headline saying you might burn more calories watching football vs. actually playing it
The reason being that watching a match you're invested in elevates your heart rate for a solid 120 minutes (match+break) vs playing where you'll catch your breath every here and there and take a 30 min break.
Obviously that's probably never gonna happen but tabloids here are very "So you're saying it COULD happen?"
>But subsequent studies, such as a 2020 paper published in the Journal of Clinical Urology on data from 8,000 male cyclists, failed to find a link between cycling and increased risk of prostate cancer.

>One such study, published earlier this year on over 50,000 men, found that men who exercise regularly, including cycling, have a reduced chance of prostate cancer compared to those who don't.

>The Swedish study, published in January, found men who undertake regular cardiovascular exercise had a third lower chance of developing prostate cancer.

I only read the parts that I want to believe.
>tabloids here
still the fact is this super healthy guy who must've lived 100years died so early. I gave up on my bike, will sell it or break it, just don't want to ride anymore, running is more fulfilling.
You might say it was genetical, but the amount of training he did to win olympics 6 times should've given him a ten times immunity from any problems with reproductive system, but it turned to be otherwise, nature didn't make that area pressure-resistant, just like it didn't make our faces to sit on them. Nature has put reproductive organs in most safe place surrounded by "airbags". We should not sit on our dicks, balls, prostate.

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It's F40PH Friday post some F40PH.
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Bros how do I get passed “our system thinks” or “corrupted files” I’m trynna post some stuff from the metro link
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It's Friday!
God I love the E60 - its like the closest N. America got to one of those Soviet Style flat-face brick-shaped electric locos
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It's Friday somewhere in the world now!

Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
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Wow, that's some mental illness there. I almost wish climate change is real and leads into mass suicide so that this guy can become plant food as soon as possible.
Not a bikefag so forgive the dumb questions.
I just recently started a job and I only need to commute to the train station & back. The drive's not long at all but my car is a shitty beater with expensive problems beginning to crop up. I was thinking of a bike but I'm a fatfuck and the path needs to go up and over a hill so I was thinking of an ebike. There are places to stow your bike while riding the train but there have been cases where like 10 bikes were in the same train, there was just a huge stack of bikes and nowhere to put them, so a folder would be kinda nice. With that context let me ask my questions:
1. Anyone have this Lectric XP Lite 2.0 suggested earlier? How is it? I'd really like an affordable folding ebike, so the Lectric seems perfect, I briefly looked at folding ebikes but scoffed at the price.
2. There are bike racks outside my workplace and they are monitored but I'd still like a strong chain, how is the security on the included bike lock? Any suggestions for better bike locks?
3. Should I get the fenders or can I just get any random fenders and they will work?
4. Also real newbie question, what's a good helmet if I decide to pull the trigger on one of these.

Any answers or resources for any of these questions would be much appreciated anons.
Also, don't tell me to get a real bike, I work a white collar job and don't want to be all sweaty when I get in.
>they are not easily DIY repairable
Which ones are generally repairable?
>"""daily""" ebike thread
>a month between posts
Your board is as slow as your vehicles. That said, I bought a slightly used chinkbike. Hope it doesn't burn my house down.
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i have an electric bike ive been riding for 3 years, last week the phase wires for the motor melted together after a steep slow uphill climb
I've had to replace the controller and some other parts
ive got the bike up and running again but now the brakes dont cut off the motor and the throttle doesn't work, the speedometer and odometer don't work properly either, neither is giving an accurate read out
the controller came with a connector for a brake light, which i haven't connected, i dont have one, im wondering if not having the brake light connected will cause the circuit to be not connected and cause the motor cut out to not function, i have no idea though
as for the speedo and odo i wonder if ive damaged the hall sensor when the wires melted

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If you don’t want your bike stolen, just paint it pink. No nigga is gonna be caught riding a pink bike. Better yet, put some hello kitty stickers on it, maybe some MLP and barney stickers too
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My bike just got stolen. I think the next one I will engrave the frame. What sort of GPS tracking options are there?
>de-stickered mavics larping as campagnolo
>that awful carbon seat stay thing they used to all do

>my bike just got stolen
Please dont tell me you leave your bike unsupervised at some bike stands anon.
I keep my bikes in my garage and none of them got stolen.
Or just start looking for prosecutors who will put bike thieves in jail and otherwise enforce penalties for theft instead of treating criminals like victims, so people have to stop changing how they live just to avoid becoming a victim of crime.
My garage isn't getting burned down by some sketchy Chinese electric bike. It was in my backyard but I don't always lock it up.

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"Winter randonneuring" edition

RJ the bike guy on youtube

Previous: >>2018905
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Are hookless rims dangerous for heavy riders?
Newer XT derailleurs come with cartridge bearings in pulleys
Compared to how I sit on my current bike, I wish the handle bars were closer to me be about the length of my hand. What change in bike geometry am I looking for to achieve that?
I can't post pictures because someone on my ISP got it blocked but I had a size L of this bike and I'm wondering if a size M would bring the handles closer to me.
you can buy a stem with less reach, you can buy more compact bars with less reach, you can unwrap the bars, loosen the brifter clamp and reclamp them a little closer to you. you could tilt the bar upwards a little, but that's only good for a few mm reach.

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The cagers kill two more cyclists.
Hope it encourages people to support more bike infrastructure.
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The works would be a better place without cyclists
in america, you can shoot whoever you want as many times and places as you want, and it's ok as long as you're white, the person you shot isn't in law enforcement, and you said the magic words
>I feared for my life officer
can always count on /n/ for a dumb take on anything
i want to live in this paradise
Literally just add a slightly wider paved shoulder. You don't even have to paint it green.

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Anyone work for Lime/Bird/Whoever? Any numbers that these share programs are a success? They had them in my distance suburb satellite, and lasted maybe a year. I used a bike share one way on Chicago after taking the train from Milwaukee. Anyone else love the grossness of handles and seats you can't imagine the filth of? How many units have you seen on their sides/not at docks/in canals. Are the another scam/handout band aid on the cancer of car dependency?
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Well I go to know.
Its a Veoride, but there seems to be no bike shares that use them in the region.
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Anyone familiar with these?
>come to /n/, expecting /n/ related stuff
>it's a thinly veiled /o/
o has no right to exist.

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>tfw no ethanol fuel cell for e-bikes

Imagine if you could just stop at a gas station and fill this little black box behind the seat tube in 4 seconds instead of risking a house fire to charge it overnight.
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If only there were a way to run the moped's engine at high rpm while having the wheel rotate slower.
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>required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test and a skills test in order to posess a license to operate an e-bike
Do you have any evidence that requiring a license produces superior outcomes? Or does it just *feel* right? This goes for car licenses too, btw.
>doubles down on retardation
I'm not sure where to start with you, oh great one.
you mean a fuel tank? for a Engine? you fucking retard its a motorcycle then
Ethanol should be consumed by the rider, not the machine

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