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>used to riding motorcycle and cargo ebike
>fix the flat on my old shitty bicycle to get some exercise on a nice day
>trail angle super aggressive and unstable
>center of gravity stupid high
>leaned all the way the fuck over, can't see shit
>wheels feel comically oversized, steers like shit
Now I am a fatass that knows nothing, can someone explain why I would need the stupid geometry outside of racing, which I will never do? Explain to me how pic rel wouldnt be better than a normal bicycle if you just want to have a fun experience riding
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i live in philly even when I see pro urban cyclists riding they are going like 20mph max. Any faster than that and it's a lycraboi

> undiscovered pro-athlete-tier rider and everyone else is beneath you
that's a lot to assume, I get passed by people all the time on roadbikes but they're always wearing spandex with $4k bikes and you know they do it all the time, not commuters.
oh no wonder, yeah I've been to philly, bought a bike there once and took it home on the train. the riding is granny-tier. pancake flat, narrow streets, and blind corners, you don't even need gears because there's no way to go more than 15mph unless you're suicidal. sucks for you I guess
are you riding a 29er mtb?
post bike
yeah this the com being high is unsolvable
its rly not an issue anyway but interesting to note
who the fuck never goes 30?
i go over 40 every ride but i live in a hilly place so i wouldnt expect the average person to do that but 30?
cmon fucking anyone can hit 30 on even the most gentle downhill
17mph is my average lol

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conclusion at 46 minutes in, thank god for sponsorblock
thakns anon

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Old beater edition
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Bouut 350
rule of thumb that Ive heard is ~1 metric ton per 10 horse
so by that logic, you should be able to get about 2.5 to 3 tons out of it
>Would you intrested in some progress pics?
>should I spam them or make a mega folder
Im good with either
Cheers for being helpful.

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How has cycling culture changed in your area?

About 10 years ago it used to be mostly younger people on older bikes who used them as their only form of transportation, fixie hipsters, and old hippies. Some roadies too ofc. Riding was much more unpretentious, it was just a fact of life.

Now we've been gentrified and the number of cyclists has gone down a lot. Partially because everyone who moved here drives, whereas everyone who used to move here was a poor and who biked. The majority of people who I see out these days are on fancy new trend bikes (gravel, etc) and are older. Still some cycle commuters, but not nearly as many. Everyone seems to be a bit more of a pansy when it comes to riding in the street too. Another trend which I see is that there are a ton of people on ebikes who ride really dangerously.

I feel like we lost our grit. Riding a bike seems to have become more of an exercise of consumerism than of rebellion.
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rural england
used to be alot of bmxers around but now the kids are riding dirt jumpers or mtbs
theres still alo of old mtbs on the road but now besides that its mostly gravel and touringy commutery bikes and the odd ebiker
theres roadies around too ofc
ebikers never wave or say hi back why is that?
even motorcyclists do on the backroads here
thats the only change i think desu just the gravel bikes and ebikes
old mtbs and touring bikes have been the default here for a long time i think
in town theres alot of deliveroo ebikers but they mostly just ride in traffic like motorcycles
I do think cycling is appealing less and less to younger generations, for starters because they're so risk averse and too scared of sharing the road with cars (admittedly this is also a growing issue with drivers becoming more aggressive and in bigger cars), also the mechanical knowledge needed to maintain a bike is eroding rapidly among them, and are also just so unfit or at least unwilling to put effort in for transporting themselves (this is probably less relevant for flat cities)
Cycling will never take off in my city because it's too hilly and full of arterial roads, although there has been a lot of progress made on bike paths
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Keeps happening around here too. Built an entire 6km road trough what is essentially slums just to have dead end 500m short of next suburb. And it's not like they plan to continue after this winter or next year. It's been left like that since 2017 while similar dead ends are being built elsewhere.
>also just so unfit
And with the extreme acceptance culture there's not incentive to change either. People used to take pride in beneficial activities, now it's seen as attempt to put down those who dont.
i rly wouldnt agree desu
i see where youre coming from but i actally think these things are helping kickstart alot of young people into biking
i still mostly see older people on bikes but i think im seeing more young people gradually and online and amongst friends it sounds like lots of them are actually trying to get into cycling because nobody has cars and public transport is fucked plus its an excuse to go outside
just give em time to build their skills up riding offroad and learning i think in a few more years there will be more young people on the roads
as for the maintenance side although the old knowledge may not be getting passed down through generations the conventional way theres an infinite amount of resources about bike maintenance and riding skills on the internet

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Who is he?

Some guy who lives out in the sticks in Connecticut who capitalized on the hipster trend of "unracer" bikes and made a business out of it.

/n/ told me to hate him, and initially I did, but after some adventuring of my own - he made a lot of sense to me.

So this is a Ronnie Romance thread.
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so he's an asshole then. since you seem unaware, micro electronics and bluetooth are not cutting edge technology, you don't need "big shitty corporations" to do that stuff. and "irrelevant lycra boomers" are just people who spend enough time on bikes that they're more interested in comfort than appeasing people (you) who hate bikes. taiwan has hundreds of small boutique shops producing oddball bits and parts, you just don't like them because they're not rubbing their nutsack for you on instagram let alone bashing the people who keep the market alive

hopefully his factory never reopens
he's a wealthy poorfag (Bohobo) driving up the cost of good parts, I have no other objections
for me road bikes are only fun when going fast, otherwise they have no purpose unless you have the worlds strongest bike lock.
>I'm not obsessed with speed, I just seethe about how fast I perceive others to be going because I'm almost never actually on a bike
mathematically unlikely

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Considering the foul odor given off by your average Indian male would suffocate the passengers?
It's a nice open air ride
and cheap
Get a pic of indian mass transit.

Tell me your favourite loco and I'll rate it/base my opinion of you from it/foam at the mouth about it if it's cool or I haven't seen it yet. Pictured is mine, class 170 (in ScotRail saltire blue livery) they're kinda clunky and old but god do they ever make the best engine noise in the world, you aren't a railfan unless you've heard one thunder out of Glasgow central station. (Can you tell I'm a foamer for this thing?)
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(I'm op, different phone)
>having an incredibly obscure opinion
>treating it like it isn't
>unless you've heard one thunder out of Glasgow central station
Do you mean Queen Street? They're a rare sight in Central
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I really don't know much about trains but I like the noise this makes when it pulls away

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>The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore [Maryland, United States] has collapsed after being struck by a large ship, videos show

Port camera livestream:
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Tourists are the fattest of all tho.
Bit boring though lol
>moron pajeets
>not moron burgers who can't builtd safe thing
Like you'd know, Cletus kek

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The biggest problem with rail in America is branding. Literally, who does it appeal to?

There are two demographics American Rail can lean into: comfort people or busy people. personally I love amtrak because there's always a nice area to relax and work. its like having 16 hours to spend in a cafe to chill and focus on my work backlog while I'm traveling and enjoying a nice view. Its a unique pull since many are now working remotely

structure it as a trendy way to travel rather than the way other countries see it as a way to quickly get from A to B. it's the best bet if American rail refuses to update the infrastructure imo. Put whoever was in charge of the McCafe rebrand in charge of rebranding Amtrak and you'll see improvements. Good rail dependence always starts as a luxury service and improves from there as a commuter service

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>Amtrak at present exists in a different context than what HSR supporters want it to be. It's a luxury you take if time isn't an issue as it exists now, whereas if you're poor or in a hurry, you fly or take a greyhound.
Not entirely. Amtrak in the NEC is what HSR supporters want for intercity in other US regions. Frequent, fast service between nearby major cities and the smaller towns in between. It's a very different service from the long distance sleeper trains, which run at best once a day and are more of a "cruise, but train" style luxury as you described.
>screaming about parking minimums in a train thread
Meds anon
>>thinks paris - bourdeaux (>500km) is short distance
$150-200 per 500km per person is expensive af, in a car you can pool cost with other people
In a car the same trip is going to take 5-6 hours compared to 2.5-3 hours on the train. If you're only carpooling with one other person, using the French government's mileage reimbursement rate for a small car, cost of driving is still about 150 euro each way (584km at .529 euro per km is 308~ euro, split between two people). Just because you don't think about the cost of wear and tear on a personal vehicle doesn't mean the trip is "free" other than gas.
>Amtrak was the last rail operator to remove galley cars iirc.

lol no

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If you take public transport (paid), are you a passenger or a customer?
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nursing texts increasingly refer to patients as clients and it makes me furious
im a customer because i fare evade almost every single day
you are perhaps the most unhinged and retarded faggot on this entire board.
thanks but the effusive compliments are not necessary, I take satisfaction in knowing that my existence enrages the yimbys
None of these people look like they would actually take public transit except for the nerd who looks like he teleported out of 20 years ago

What's the /n/ consensus on Zero Enigma? Is he right?
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There is a level of fault to where the slower one is and where they came up. A car can't stop in time if a cyclist decides to be a retard and jump right in front of a car, likewise a train can't stop in time if a motorist decides to be a retard and jump right in front of a train.
Oh it's THIS dude. Yea he's a faggot. Very obviously going out of his way to be a douche, though he may think otherwise. Similar pattern of behavior to when BLM was going around and people were ostracizing anyone who had questions about it all. He somehow thinks he's justified in his villany because of the letter of the law, acting like it's the pedestrians fault for not memorizing all the rules and following them to a T. Guarantee you this guy runs stop signs and reds (we all do, because the letter of the law is goofy)
I watch every video he posts at 2x speed. I do like how he yells at people but his hypocrisy is really annoying. Also he will deliberately bike in a way that can cause him to get hit like seeing that a car isn’t going to stop turning for him, and instead of braking, he prefers to keep going until he gets hit because it’s his right of way, he would prefer to get hit and blame the driver for being wrong then to avoid getting hit in the first place.
But if pedestrifags know you will always try to avoid hitting them, they wouldn't respect any lights. Of course they show respect to cars because they weigh tons but as soon as they a cyclist they treat it as a green light for them
Enigma doesn’t respect cars tough, that’s what I’m talking about. I’m all for him screaming at retarded pedestrians. But he will see a car 100 feet in front of him turning into the bike lane as he approaches, clearly not looking for him. And instead of slowing down, he just keeps going at the same speed so that he can tell at the drivers window or slap the car. He also does dangerous shit like lane splitting in the dark next to moving trucks.

The only thing he cares about is what he can “legally” do and to stick it to car drivers even at the expense of his own safety. Hell, one of his most popular videos is him crashing into a pedestrian who you could see 50 feet ahead was going to be a retard and he didn’t even try slowing down when approaching

previous >>1979094
post pictures plans dreams setups questions trips and tips
Milena und Sophia please stop mein penis can only get this erect special spring edition
mods please delete I botched it, I commit seppuku now
in the future may I suggest you finish masturbating BEFORE creating a thread?
them hoes dont even look good bro wtf
Gonna post this again because the old thread was autosaged:

What month of summer can I ride highway 1 in baja california without dying in the heat? Is there a good way to ride down the west coast by the water without ever going inland?
Weather sources that I've found are kinda conflicting. Some say that highs only reach into the 90s but forums talk about highs of 110-120.

I'm thinking that if it gets really hot like that I'll just ride in the early morning/at night.
i will NEVER finish masturbating

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here is my racer lance armstrong device but as an ameriburger I feel it is my duty to mention, unprompted, that I can shift a cage shifter all by myself! wow!

I forgot what else I'm supposed to say that nobody asked. oh right. I crossfit, keto, I'm a vegan, and an atheist. oh and I went to burning man, bro, like, whoa. ever done ketamine? I do intermittent fasting. like whoaaa duuuude. vinyl is sooooo much better. actually most of that is false but I do have a brompton ($2400). just kidding I only ride 700c.

ok I schizoposted, see you in 3 days when my ban expires.
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Op here see you then. Mine ends tomorrow
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sorry for the glare. when the stitching on the original shifter completely fell apart i got this for funsies.

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ITT post pictures of weird bicycles
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those must be the wrong handlebars
i could be the weird bike gf but wheres my weird bike bf :(
I knew a guy who used a rebar bike like this as his daily rider when he got a dui
so it can be steered from the front or back? wacky. i could see how that might in theory come in handy in a military situation

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