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>Cirium data shows that 637 jets with GTF engines were in storage on 1 April – 32% of the total fleet (1917 total)

20% of Spirit's fleet is grounded ATM due to Neos with engines that can't help ACKing themselves from the fan blades exploding. I'm literally sitting next to a 4 year old JetBlue A321N that's been out of service for a year for the GTF issue. 737 Max is unironically more proven at this point at least their jets are still flying...if Ryanair can do USN carrier style landings every day at Madeira with them no issues then its a good plane.
how many people has it killed?
Ey technically no one died in the boeing door incident (and has died since the ethipian crash)
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Its not even funny anymore unironically.

Just sad.
well except the whisteblowers

Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
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i ride bart every day almost, and i dont understad why the new trains have seat cushions.it should be hard plastic seats.
Those things will be around forever.
i ride bart every day, damn i rode those old shitty trains for a long ass time. i still remeber the first time i got on one of the new ones.



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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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May 13th
I like TVRM, it's fine that museums cater to normies because that's where the money is. If you want museums that cater to railfans find examples that don't have anything you can ride, that usually filters out everyone except people with a serious interest.

They probably have to spend a lot of money keeping Southern Railway 4501 running

Is that an IC or Iowa Pacific Holdings car on the left?


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Happy 20th Birthday 4chan. I traveled to Fremont, CA to meet up with some dear friends and family and found out that the the Niles Canyon Railway was doing a steam excursion to commemorate the Bronco Billy Film Festival where they were showcasing silent-era films that were shot in Bay Area at the turn of the century so I booked a last-minute ride aboard it.

Will dump my album and go over some history of the railroad and its equipment below.
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I thought only gypsies stole old metal. I hear this story about twenty years ago about some trains getting delayed because they stole the tracks.


I actually rode on one of their last excursions, was sad to see it go
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saw one of these in cheyanne in the park. its insane how big it really is. its a very nice park. as i was leaving some nice white teenagers celebrating the end of the school year where grilling and offered me hot dogs and burgers. we talked about trains for a while because one of them is going to college to be a rail engineer.i even offered to buy them beer but they declined.
Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Three days later. Rose him from the dead.* *Now. By Jesus Christ alone. God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you.* *If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead* *He'll give you eternal life*

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I've been following Tour Divide for the past year. Basically the most competitive runners use SRAM eagle. and basically they have constant issues.

apart from consuming batteries like a 90s camcorders, and having to keep them constantly topped up, they die suddenly, batteries die to cold, to heat, to moisture, chargers die, shifters die. And so on.

BUT, riders keep on using them because they can install additional triggers on aerobars and they are not so tiring on the hands.
so glad to not have any desire for anything engineered in this century. so many dollars and headaches saved.

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Lycrachads, what about us makes everyone seethe so hard?
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True, it's crazy how many drivers are killed by cyclists every year. These entitled pricks deserve to get run over the moment they set foot on asphalt
/n/ has always traditionally been full of total casuals who either can't or won't do the work to actually improve, and like a bucket full of crabs, they can't stand the idea of anyone rising above them and getting out of that bucket, so just like crabs they'll do anything to drag you back into the bucket down with them.
If you go to the expense of actual cycling-specific technical clothing, that means you care enough about your career as a cyclist to dress appropriately for the sport, and generally you're going to be doing work on some level to improve yourself overall as a cyclist, whether it's for just recreational or commute cycling, or if you're actually thinking about competing. The rest of /n/ seethes because they can't stand being reminded that they're fat, weak, and slow, and haven't got the ambition or personal discipline to even try to improve themselves.
Crabs in a bucket.
Hi fatass weakling.
Wassamatta? You get your crush taken by a road racer? xD
Seethe harder, faggot. xD
>posts pic of pooh-bear
>probably as fat and weak as pooh-bear
tryhards are never run to be around.

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Hi /n/, thoughts on package drivers? UPS package car driver here
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that unwavering confidence of the screen-based workforce, even in the face of ai. also much of blue collar shit is of questionable greater purpose. I long to just grow food and humans, at the expense of what feels like all social standing. the market demands distractions and brutal ethical compromises
what are your thoughts about delivering water bottles? I just ordered some for the first time online
Will they ever give rider helpers better seats?
I've always wondered about people who do this
Worked for fedex express for a little over a month. Absolute shit job wouldn't recommend unless you're seriously hurting for money. I kept passing a chik fil a on my route with a sign saying, "Hiring starting at $18" and I wasn't making $2 more than that.

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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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Yep this thread is done for. Hey cook bake us another. Ahoy!
Can it be towed or will it simply be abandoned?
Abandoned. Marines rescued the crew.
This one hasnt hit the bump limit yet, retard.

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What is the best country for a third worlder to work in as a delivery guy for a while to save a few bucks (50k) and then get the fuck out?
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>as a delivery drone
If you are good and do 12 hour shifts you are going to average out on upper poorfag, means you save maybe 2000 bucks a year. So have fun living in the first world paying first world prices and working 40 years to save 50K
the crashes happen when you're tired. So don't ever stretch a shift too far.
>delivery guy
>save 50k
Save 50k yen maybe
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The best bikes for deliverymaxxing are unironically 90s mtbs adapted for street riding.

Custom built with light tubing, stripped down to the bare minimum it's easy to get one to sub 10kg, narrow bars these bikes will fly through traffic and handle all the shortcuts, steps and cobbled alleyways and still last for 30 plus years.

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What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
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Amtrak can't buy line time because bulk freight owns the lines, and amtrak rents time. Not unexpectedly bulkfreight gives themselves the best windows, and amtrak buys poor quality line time around bulkfreight.
If trains were better than cars then why would people ever switch?
because they gradually became worse. people still rode trains a lot until the 50s when cars had been around for a while. and by the time america had nearly entirely abandoned them in the 60s, japan already had trains going 220km/h
Wrong. You need to have mixed use all around the station area, and then dense commercial use at the station itself. That's how Japan does it.
So unless you're about to rebuild all the hollowed-out american cities it's just not going to work out, sorry.
I literally said replace the parking lots with mixed use, which is apartments and retail, maybe even a mall nearby which has been done in many places and is a successful way to get people to take transit there.

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What are some examples of fairly hilly cities that have a lot of cyclers commuting and infrastructure for it?
I'd like to see improvements here in Sydney but I feel like cycling will never catch on that much because the hills make it too hard for most people.
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I biked about 30 miles round trip to rockaway yesterday. You’re right, super easy ride, at least on the way down

Brutal headwinds the whole way back tho
There's no reason why people can't just buy a bicycle with low gears just like how people but different cars to suit their environment
It will never catch on there because of stupid laws such as no sidewalk, and forcing a helmet
>literally no one uses bikes here in Italy,
more proof than Bozen is not truly in Italy
Where can I buy a road bike with low gears?
>There's no reason why people can't just buy a bicycle with low gears
>It will never catch on there because of stupid laws such as no sidewalk
You pretty much indirectly answered your own question here. People don't want to pedal flat out up a steep hill making miniscule progress while some boomer aggressively accelerates past mere inches from you. I hate it too, which is why I never cycle uphill on a busy road, instead I jump on the footpath if it's wide enough and gets very little foot traffic, or find a better route with a less busy road.
I know some roads with dedicated bike lanes on hills solely for going up which are a really good idea.
Also I don't know if you live here in Aus but the idea that you're actively stopped or policed from riding on the footpath or wearing a helmet is a total meme. It's really not enforced, I've ridden past cops without a helmet multiple times. They do do raids occasionally but here in Sydney I don't think they've done it for at least five years.
And most people are wearing helmets for their personal bikes anyway, it's usually only sharebikes where people can't be bothered.

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New Apartments Edition

Discuss transportation, zoning and walkability improvements in your city or nationwide.
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Nope. You are.
I keep reading different definitions of what an "exurb" is, and they all seem nonsensical and contradictory. What is an exurb?
It's a lot of marketing, mostly, but it's generally a development on the fringes of the urban area. The definition of "suburb" is even more nonsensical and contradictory.
Is it purely an American phenomenon, or can it apply to European settlements?
The MY in YIMBY never actually applies to YIMBYs.

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I got a job at an Amazon warehouse. The commute is 45 minutes. Most of the commute is on the interstate through a metro area and I have to go across a big ass toll bridge.

Any tips on how to not die in pursuit of $16.50 an hour?
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If you factor in that long commute time as part of your daily work ($16.50*8/9.5 = $13.89) you're probably better off finding a job that pays less but is closer to where you live now.
I agree. Be creative in your thinking and find something closer to home.
>45 minutes
>$16.50 an hour
>toll road
You're getting screwed homie, you can do better
commute with a 150cc or greater japanese motorcycle
You can't find a job flipping burgers that you can commute on bike or walk to? Thats around 16.50/hr. That shit is not worth 45 min and a toll.

An anon on /o/ redirected me here. Let's talk about them.
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kek. I know they was a video with 1v1 on one of those things in the dirt.
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I gotta wonder for these, how reasonable of an idea would it be to get a few of those "pedal assist" kits and just have a motor on all four wheels, linked to a throttle pedal?
>Buty why make it have a distinctive automotive appearance ?
cause cars are cool, efficient and manly
Four wheels good, two wheels baaaad
Just a wild guess but I'd say no more than 1k? I bet someone over on >>>/diy/ can come up with a schematic

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>supposedly 20,000+ containers on that ship
That looks like 1,000 - 2,000 at most.
I call bullshit.
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Like >>2000577 says that's 20 foot equivalent. Those look like 40-45 foot containers so it might carrying half of that 20,000+ TEU capacity in actual containers.
Plus there will be loads of containers down in the hull that can't be seen in that picture.
Is that the ship that got truck in the Suez canal? Somebody said it had dead children on it.
Do you realise that bad boi has 45 ft more below the sea line?
what is that?
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