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Hi, I don't post here ever but I don't have many people to talk to in my life about this and since it's about aviation I think it's a relevant topic here. If it's not mods pls delete, I don't wanna offtopic. I applied for Air Traffic Control in April when enrollment opened and I just got correspondence that I've been accepted to take the ATSA.
Unfortunately the only time I had available was like 8 AM in a couple days, but I took it since I really want it.

I'm super excited, I've been making a lot of moves to renovate my life to something less awful and this is a huge step in that direction. If I do well this will completely change how I live for the better.

Are there any ATC anons here or anons who've taken the ATSA in general? What should I expect or consider? All I know is it's a 3 and a half hour assessment on logic-based problems you don't need to study for.
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Forgot I made this thread. Did the ATSA, finished it an hour shorter than they estimated, but I also will say the radar test really fucked me up once they started flinging math questions at me while I had to stop interceptions on a keyboard with a numpad that kept refusing to work a good quarter of the time.

Haven't gotten a response yet but I dunno how long it takes.

>Kim's Place is a good choice for lodging after you pass basics and head to MMAC
Which lodging option did you take for Kim's Place? The three-person house seems like a good idea to cover resources via grocery list and save time, but it'd be my first chance at living privately even if for a little while so the private family home seems more appealing.
It took I want to say a month and a half for me to get results of BQ WQ Q or NR.
If you get BQ you're probably going to eventually get a job offer and WQ is still pretty possible if my class was anything to go by.

I woudn't worry about living on your own. Living with classmates makes studying easier. I wound up not living with any of mine and it was a miserable time trying to study alone. You will not succeed without your classmates. If you pass academy, there'll be plenty of time living on your own in whatever ciry the FAA dumps you in. Or you can choose OCONUS because those are always alternates.

So advise I would've given for ATSA was don't worry about the math so much. It seems like they're mostly trying to trip you up on your prioritization.
Finally, you sound way under 30 and your ATSA score can be overwritten next bid if this one didn't pan out for you. If you got BQ though IIRC your job offer can take 2 years depending on class availability so make no major life changes under the assumption you have a new job yet.
>Finally, you sound way under 30
26 (Turning 27 in a month). I was taking this summer off of work regardless but I am kinda rushing it since I at least wanna try to get on the road to a proper job offer before I'm 30. Do you think that's realistically possible?
how about anatole?
from what I read online it seems like there's two section in it it, and one is for low income residents in OKC and all the rooms are moldy and shit, and the other is for ATC trainees and it's much nicer
fwiw my friend went through this training but for N90 last year and got through it while drinking every night and fucking ratchet ass oklahoma whores
Oh absolutly, I took my ATSA in November, got hired in June. I just mean it CAN take a long time, the feds move at 1 speed.
Well first
Lol, lmao
I had a classmate stay there, no strong opinions other than the bus servoce from the academy sucked because they were the last pickup on the route at the time so they had to send another bus and they were late to class twice. (You can nver be counted as late if you take the academy shuttle though, it's just a massive PITA)
Besides, you're going to be there a minute so a house is pretty nice and not being near crack heads was pretty high on my priority list.
You need to be exactly the right kind of person to do this job. It's like 911 operators in that you either do it for a couple months or it's your career. That and you'll definatly be someone's last conversation on this earth, probably multiple someones at some point.
N90 specifically is really hard to transfer out of from what I know, most centers are too but TRACONs are something else. I salute the poor bastards that work there keeping this shit show running.

It really does depend on the person. I'm trying to get back on with the FAA in a tech ops role because I liked the organization even if I didn't make the sub 60% pass rate cut. since I might be running around with undiagnosed and by extension untreated ADHD according to my doctor. Her's also my AME so we agreed to just say
>ADHD is just liberal propaganda and testing for it is for dorks
Since ADHD = No more airplanes for me

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How much longer do you think it is before they convert the vegas loop to go hyper? I know they have been using Teslas to test it and are able to execute the loop faster and faster now. It seems like the Boring Company has to be pretty close to making it go hyper?
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>The streetcars had contracts with the city to operate on the streets and maintain their own tracks and the pavement around them.
Yep, but carspergs freak out whenever you suggest they do something like this for cars instead of paving them using general property tax revenue.
>A vehicle with 1 out of 4 seats occupied is much more efficient than a large vehicle carrying 10 (or less) out of 60 seats
An SUV is what, 5 m (16 ft) long? A transit bus is like 12 m long, right? Back of envelope, in order to meet the spatial efficiency of a car, a bus only needs 3.6 passengers. I didn't even include a the stopping distance you need between every vehicle, which would be drastically longer for busload worth of cars than an individual bus.
It seems pretty apparent that even at low demand cars are just god awful spatial efficiency.
Idc I'd rather drive my car than ride a bus
irellevant, this is about some shitty tunnel using tesla taxis as a train or bus replacement. also if a bus is good and clean, fuck driving, I wanna read shit or play games on my commute.
Street cars completely ruining the roads they run on
And they turn any road repair into a 6 month project rather than an overnight repaving

What happened to the future of cycling?
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thank you for your service
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forgot pic
My condelences. May I offer you a thread about shizo yimby/nimby ramblings to cheer you up?
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use the filters

lol I ripped ass on my last flight from Newark to Chicago and my neighbor looked like he was gonna pass out. RIP bro, I should't have participated in Taco night
I always make sure to crop dust everyone on the train as I walk off
I hate flying so much it's unreal
department store fragrance section for me

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Old beater edition
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It's for a sea wall, so bigger is better and there are many different sized ones so I'll definitely be looking into that hammer drill and wedges/feathers. They need to move 200-400 feet on mostly unpaved but solid enough, even terrain.

Looking at skids carry capacity it seems enough and they seem to have attachments for picking up large objects. Would be useful for excavating the rocks too.
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just a suggestion, but maybe a small articulated loader could be more what you want/ need
in my experience they can carry more for a give machine weight, and they can pull a good amount too when necessary
picrel is the model my dad has and it can lift about 1000 kg (so roughly 2000 lbs) at the end of its reach without any extra counterweight at the back, brochure says it can lift up to a max of 1700kg (~3700 lbs) with counterweights installed
That seems exactly like what I'm after, thank you very much!
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its so ugly
I love it
neato, whats the make/ model (if it has one)
I wanna try and read up on it if possible
was going to upload some flail mower ki/n/o today but my mower shit the bed after ~5 minutes so I didnt get around to filming it (drive belts are fuarked)
>sageing because this isnt worth a bump

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Anyone know what plane this is?
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B737 MAX
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Hop in!

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Wow: that's one fast tractor.

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A cool thing imho would be Astro-Inertial Navigation System like the one on the SR-71, so that reliance on GPS/GNSS is basically eliminated (gps spoofing these days is everywhere) and avoids normal INS' accuracy decrease over time.

On the other hand a really comfy interior with wide seats, in terms of passenger experience
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racing stripes so that they can go faster.
Also flame decals on the engines
don't forget the lightning bolts on the wings.
Yep, same with the A300/A310, A320 family, 727, and 737 NG series. In my opinion the Airbus ones look the best.
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nuclear powered blimp

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Time to pay up wagie! Mr. Sheckel... i mean the environment must be saved!
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Yes, you're here when you shouldn't be.
Have sex incel
*Passenger pay more to cover airliner climate tax so the goverment can have more tax
I'm fine with that, changes consumer habits and potentially indirectly harms corporations by decreasing sales. More to the point it incentivizes actual change, most pollution is from corporations whether energy for cooling and lighting large office buildings and warehouses construction of concrete or shipping goods and people. The onus for stopping climate change shouldn't rest solely on individuals.
>You vill take ze public transit
>You vill eat ze bug
>You vill recycle
>You vill live in ze pod
>You von't use plastic shopping bags
>You von't drive a cool car
>You von't water your lawn
>You von't take showers longer than ten minutes
>Time to pay up wagie! Mr. Sheckel.
0.2% of the world population, 90% of the space in your head

It's really a bad look when the worlds most famous bicycling event is so prominently displaying cagies.
Could it even be held without support cars or motorcycles?
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You can literally ride most tubeless tires down to the thread without punctures. Most punctures in the pro peloton nowadays are because of bad application of tubeless (like having no sealant in tires, yes they actually do that) or the refusal to use tubeless. It's at a point that I don't know anyone that has race day tires and wheelsets anymore. Everyone rides the same wheels and tires in races as they train on.

Also there are no crazy high mod frames made for one season. My last bike was highest tier frame available and I did over 100 000 km on it. Including couple crashes. It still rides like new.

There's downtime between stages, including rest days. Changing a tire takes like 15 minutes tops. You start the race on new tires and swap new tires on every rest day. Not an issue. Of course you're still leaving some life on the tire when doing like that but you can reuse those on training and some irrelevant kermiskoersen. Or gift them to poorfags like you that complain about bikes being so expensive.

And the bike doesn't go into a ditch. The mechanic takes it and swaps a new wheel onto it so it's ready if something happens further down the stage. They'll often swap back to the original bike if there's a quieter stretch in the race.
You can’t /thread your own posts you fucking newfag
Professional cycling athletes are not 'cyclists'. They will literally go motorized if their training plan does not call for cycling. They may have been cyclists once but have sacrificed everything else on their way to peak performance.
they're just like me fr fr
"cagies." i thought you had to be 18 to post on 4chan

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Is grant petersen's quote still true?
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That's great but if I need parts I can just buy a used bike for under 100usd and stash the spares.
Never forget that gravel is basically hybrid 2.0
>I have to
>Put the plug in the wall once a month for an hour???????????????
>How can any one deal with that??????????????????????????
>shits on electronic because it's the 'next best thing'
>goes through new groups, frames, tires, wheels once a week
what did he mean by this?
Same deal as the "minimalist" lifestyle people who show they are outside the system by owning less than 50 things*

(*because everything else is subscription based or they count buying stuff and throwing it away after using it once as "not owning" a thing)
Ride whatever you want, however you want. Just don't break the law and don't be a dick to other people

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there are so many bikes
i cannot choose
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I know it doesn’t quite have the raw Chad energy as old Vanny Zanny, but these 3 stooges would make a comedy trio that could make Aeroflot blush!(although they’re always blushing with their BCA)


(Mostly accurate, but both it and the Mayday episode miss the fact the engines were shut off, just later then they should have been and only after being reminded by ATC. Then they said they were going to begin evacuations and that was last contact)

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Sydney Metro edition
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me and the boys
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love trannyperth <3
the connection between Martin Place and Hunter Street looks like it will be only 100m, because the entrance to either station is literally across the road from one another.

not sure about Hunter Street and Wynyard
metro opening august 4th

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What are some good and simple carbon roadbike fenders/mudguards? I got showered 4 times during a ride yesterday (and the 5th tine was a hail), I'm sick of road spray. I am looking at the zefal swan (pic related) because it seems simple to mount when needed and is really cheap. Are the aks ones much better? They seem way more involved to install.
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seconding full fenders, i got a set of sks raceblades that connect to the rim brake and mounting holes/quickrelease. a real bitch to set up but keeps you completely dry and can be clipped off easily in good weather
fyi theres no point to fenders being cf since they don't have to be strong, you'll find plenty that are just plastic and they're just fine
The fender material is irrelevant as long as it's light, plastic if fine for this and carbon fibre just is strengthened plastic, but as there's no need for strength it's retarded to pay more for it.

Now, carbon fibre struts do make sense, as do titanium struts, and that's why I use them.

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