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Anyone work for Lime/Bird/Whoever? Any numbers that these share programs are a success? They had them in my distance suburb satellite, and lasted maybe a year. I used a bike share one way on Chicago after taking the train from Milwaukee. Anyone else love the grossness of handles and seats you can't imagine the filth of? How many units have you seen on their sides/not at docks/in canals. Are the another scam/handout band aid on the cancer of car dependency?
I excepted share bikes to be a specialized scam of course, but this is the 40,000 dollar pentagon hammer all over again.
>2k plus
You can get kei truck for 800
A company pays to leave their shit all over public streets and sidewalks, shitting up the looks of certain areas. Meanwhile my car gets a ticket for a meter expiring or towed if i left it in the wrong place.

This is capitalism out of control
I know, it's completely insane. And I'm sure the public will never know. I'm tempted to put price stickers them if I see them.

And they always say they have GPS in them and they can never get lost/stolen. Then why have they become a punchline of being in silly places?
Think through freight. The shipping costs more than the truck.
This NPC chink is Boston is paying 10k. This is a fluff piece, but it illustrates the eternal point that over regulation is the world's only problem.
Just go walking one day (yes, I know you own a car, your vestigal clutch foot will work for walking), and slash every share bicycle's tyres, get a chain punch and punch a link. Often the seats aren't captive so steal the entire seat post.

Become the saboteur you want to be.
I happen to know that a fair number of those scooters have ended up in the bay my city is next to.
The one I saw had the beefiest adjustable seat I've ever seen. Do these things induction charge? This one out here is orphaned.
Daily reminder all "dockless" bikeshares are a scam, they invite theft and destruction because the business is never a serious one: It's entirely a money pit to swindle stupid investors who even by now have realized there was never a business model and it doesn't work

Bikeshares with docks however are an entirely different thing and actually works well be it's fundamentally a un-manned and semi-automated rental product in the very traditional sense.
Sounds like a great racket. How do I get into it?
interesting talk in the matter of micro mobility e scooters companies:
Newest trend: scooter "startup as a service", all you do is the marketing
Cool. Thanks. As much as this board is just whining, why don't we all hijack the grift, and repurpose it to fixing the world? Or just not get had ourselves....and get greased for a change...
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You could reuse the battery pack, the motor and replace the stock control unit with something from hobby king.
You could also get a cordless drill with a sharp 5ish mm drill bit and drill straight through the aluminium frame in a matter of seconds.
They literally have someone go around and collect all the units just to charge them everyday? With induction? I don't even see ports on the bikes!
Ports are probably just well hidden.
It would be very inefficient to use wireless charging.
Well I go to know.

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