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>I wasted 10 hours of my life to own the chuds
>Yeah crossing the border by car probably would have taken like 4 hours I guess
>ten hours where you can do other shit
>4 hours where you need to be laser focused on driving or some soccer mom on her phone is gonna kill you
His claim was that driving from New York to Toronto would have taken the same time as Amtrak because of the time it takes to cross the border.
If it's driving to Canada, after you pass the NYC and Albany metro areas it's pretty stress free. Like a retard can drive and often you'll be the only person on the road. I spent my whole drive from NYC to Montreal gooning until I hit the border.
You say this as if owning the chuds is not a worthwhile way to pass some time on this meme rock.
4 hours of mind-numbingly boring driving vs 10 hours of a comfy train ride with scenic views and free wifi. I know which one I'm picking.
It was a 12.5 hour train ride vs 2 hour flight
It depends. If I'm traveling for business, and I need to get to my destination quickly, then I'll take the flight. If I'm traveling for leisure, I'll take the train. Planes are like slow teleportation, they get you places faster, but the ride itself is very uncomfortable. Trains are more about enjoying the ride.
you shouldnt do that while driving. cant you gamble next month's rent money instead like a normal person
>free wifi
Reading up on it looks like it sucks.
>To ensure there is enough bandwidth for all of our onboard users, this free amenity supports general web browsing activities only. Our WiFi does not support high-bandwidth actions such as streaming music, streaming video or downloading large files.
>In addition, this network restricts access to web sites with objectionable content.
So no YouTube, no torrenting, no games, no porn, and very likely, no 4chan. Hope you like checking emails and reading Wikipedia articles.
Yes, VIA rail wifi is extremely cucked, I use data instead
this thread could have been a youtube comment
I can't help it I like masturbating

To correct OP it's like 6 hours by car vs 10 hours by Amtrak, but Amtrak is slower and you can't leave when you want. The border crossing is not that bad either besides Canadian border officials trying to be tough for no reason. I have no priors and have multiple security clearances where I can put the public at risk if I felt like it. I just want my orange Juliep poutine and hot dog.
>riding 10 hours in a train isn't mind-numbingly boring
>driving doesn't take you through scenic views
Unless you have a medical condition, driving every time.
>no time wasted at transfers/in lines
>no bulllshit with extra baggage
>better and/or cheaper food
>can find cleaner restrooms rather than a filthy commode
He rides the 12 hour train because he probably gets paid at least 10k a month to make a video bitching about it.
the entire point of the video is complaining about how bad the rail connection is, did you actually watch it or are you just seething at a thumbnail?
none of that applies to properly funded rail transit.
which still loses out to cheap air travel flying a320s/737s 8/10 times
"Good" high speed rail lines have an average speed of about 200kph which is moderately faster than highway driving but lacks the ability of a car to go from the true origin point to the true destination seamlessly and is much slower than air travel.

The only scenario where they have an advantage is city center to city center traffic over moderate distances, and that's mainly because of the TSA security theatre inflating travel times. Without the security theatre, HSR would only make sense if there was no room to expand the airport or highway capacity between two nearby cities with a lot of bilateral commuter traffic.

This maybe makes sense in coastal China (though the Chinese themselves underutilize the system) and Japan, and some parts of Europe. But in general it's an inefficient use of resources because it's a largely inferior form of transit.
that is on the slow end for high speed rail, maybe average speed, and that doesn't "moderately" beat car travel especially when you consider how often you run into traffic, stop lights, slower streets etc.
>true origin point to the true destination
this is not really that relevant unless the stations are really bad, yes driving is sometimes more convenient and so is air travel for really far distances but if you look at something like paris->nice it's half the time to go by train and way less hassle than flying for slightly less travel time.
> HSR would only make sense if there was no room to expand the airport or highway capacity
just not true, highway capacity never catches up with car travel for any large amount of people due to how space inefficient it is. you named 3 massive areas of earth where it works and say it doesn't work because the US sucks ass, not because it's inherently inferior. not having to drive and being able to do shit and get work done on your trip is so much better than you realize, and trains are better for the environment and safer.
>none of that applies to properly funded rail transit.
Yeah right. Let's break these down.
>no time wasted at transfers/in lines
Inherent to rail transit.
>no bulllshit with extra baggage
No railway on earth allows you to take as much luggage as can fit, and have a laundry list of banned items.
Inherent to rail transit. You can increase speeds on rail but most of the time is eaten up in stops and transfers.
>better and/or cheaper food
Inherent to the model. Food is definitely not going to be cheaper that what is currently offered. Some trains might have a stove range, but those would only be only long-distance, overnight trips. Either way you're not going to rise up above a limited Denny's/Applebee's-type menu.
>can find cleaner restrooms rather than a filthy commode
This article suggests EuroStar is the same way; they don't clean it until the trip is over.
>that is on the slow end for high speed rail, maybe average speed, and that doesn't "moderately" beat car travel especially when you consider how often you run into traffic, stop lights, slower streets etc.
That's approximately the average speed of HSR networks of countries that "do HSR right" like Spain and Japan.

You generally only run into traffic on highways at highway interchanges during rush hour, and it usually clears up after about 5-10 min max. After that I regularly go 130-150kph on Canada's 400 series highways, just by going with the pace of traffic. You also get off the highway and go directly do your actual destination without disembarking and hailing a cab or waiting to be picked up. You will also have to go through local traffic in a cab or bus when you get off the train station, so trying to make the argument that local traffic is some kind of major downside to driving is faulty reasoning.

>this is not really that relevant unless the stations are really bad, yes driving is sometimes more convenient and so is air travel for really far distances but if you look at something like paris->nice it's half the time to go by train and way less hassle than flying for slightly less travel time.
Paris to Nice by train without transfers is 6 hours, by plane it's 1.5 hours

>just not true, highway capacity never catches up with car travel for any large amount of people due to how space inefficient it is. you named 3 massive areas of earth where it works and say it doesn't work because the US sucks ass, not because it's inherently inferior. not having to drive and being able to do shit and get work done on your trip is so much better than you realize, and trains are better for the environment and safer.
Most places where it's built it's inefficient. There are some areas where it makes sense to reduce car and air traffic but those are already over-built. The US is correct about this; HSR from Boston to DC makes sense, doesn't really make sense elsewhere.
>how often you run into traffic, stop lights, slower streets etc.
On longer distances that's a non-issue. People who don't actually commute or travel by car have this whole imagination that it takes 30 minutes to drive to get groceries, that commute consists of bumper-to-bumper traffic, that somehow it will take an hour to get wherever you want to go. Reality is that on longer distances you can avoid most problems and congestion is few and far between.
>highway capacity never catches up with car travel for any large amount of people due to how space inefficient it is
Highway capacity never catches up with car travel because usually these are in urban areas which have seen major population increases. This is why there's an element of truth when urbanists talk about "one more lane", a 5% increase in roadway capacity won't solve anything when the population has tripled.
>car travel isn't congested and slow at all! just go on routes that large amounts of people take on a daily basis!
do you realize how retarded this is, the anti train argument usually ends up being "uh they should just make cities smaller lol" since otherwise it's a slam dunk way of commuting between large population centres in terms of efficiency, speed, environmental impact, comfort etc. noone likes flying, they take it when it's significantly faster, if the train trip is 6 hours and the flight is 1.5 but one option has no security, less baggage requirements (excluding shitty ass via rail that NJB covered), good wifi and better food then a lot of people are gonna take that instead unless they are flying out for an emergency meeting. as for car commuting, noone likes that either, i have a manual car I love to drive but commuting with it is mindnumbing shit where I can only listen to music or podcasts and I have to constantly focus on the road or end up dead because other drivers are fucking retarded. turns out when options are presented you can make a choice if you want to use your car and if there is a good train you will probably want to use that for most things.
North American highways over long distances are in fact not congested, congestion is mostly localized to city centers during rush hour
guess what you run into at either end when commuting? maybe you are the one who has never commuted with a car on a busy route because those wide open highways become parking lots as soon as you get near the city. I live in canada retard we have the most congested highway in the world (which is also empty in the middle parts where its' not near cities)
I am talking about my experience driving on the 401. Last week I drove from Toronto to London and it took me about 2 hours, origin to destination. I left at 4:30 so hit rush hour traffic. There's just bottlenecks at interchanges that last maybe 10 min max and then you are on your way.
that time is highly variable, it can go up or down and sometimes an hour more, at least on highways in BC, which aren't even as bad as ontario. also that distance on high speed rail is like 1.5 hours max so what exactly is your point? would the trip not be easier, faster and more comfortable on a good train? and the train route isn't even slow it's literally the same time and that's regular speed rail, imagine if it were operated by a better company than VIA.
>the anti train argument usually ends up being "uh they should just make cities smaller lol"
What are you talking about? Who says this?
Probably not because via public transit I would have to get to Union which would be about 45 min by TTC (assuming no service delays, which is atypical in my experience), then take LTC which would probably be another 30-45 min for a bus ride and walk to the house.

Or I could cab it to union which would be about 30 min and cab from the London train station to the house which would be about 20 min.

So 2 hours total, no transfers or unloading or disembarking, just driving vs a fictional HSR train that would take 1.5hrs + ~1-1.5hr to travel to and from the train stations. The HSR corridor would still be slower than driving and probably cost more.

Even buses are faster and cheaper than trains along that route right now and no stupid baggage policies, same lack of driving. But, are people obsessed with bus trips? No, just trains. Because trains are a fixation and hobby for autistic people.
if you live that far from the central station then you are maybe not the target for a train. busses are great and I take them all the time but they are less comfortable and more crowded than trains, and guess what, they also get stuck in traffic unless they have their own dedicated lanes, a BRT is a good solution but just a bus on a highway is highly variable.
>10 hours in a train
try 12-14 at a minimum. The train always gets held up at the border because a few people get pulled into secondary and the train can't leave until the toll booth cops say so.
>free wifi
Doesn't work for anything more basic than checking your email. There are also a ton of deadzones.
>scenic views
driving in upstate NY is also beautiful. Trust me, after hour 9 the views start getting real repetitive.

The train takes so long that you can't reasonably go to Montreal or Toronto for a weekend getaway. Also, it's nice not having to deal with carrying your luggage through the homeless infested rat tunnels of Penn Station. It's really no contest, driving or flying is far superior for this route. People on this board just like to virtue signal about riding the train. Want to go skiing? Forget about the train, you will need to drive to you destination anyways.
Will not exist in our lifetime. I'm not going to ride the shitty train just to fantasize about how it could be better.
>driving in upstate NY is also beautiful.

It also gives you the opportunity to detour into the Adirondacks. Watkins Glen and Lake George are very pretty and would be missed on the train
>try 12-14 at a minimum. The train always gets held up at the border because a few people get pulled into secondary and the train can't leave until the toll booth cops say so.
Why not have pre-screening like at some airports or, hell, have a pair of border agents board the train a few km before the border to do their stuff then drop them off before crossing
Isn't this just more reason to fund better transportation via railways?
>Why not have pre-screening like at some airports or, hell, have a pair of border agents board the train a few km before the border to do their stuff then drop them off before crossing
Because the border agents have to be able to detain people or some dumb shit. The reason there could be pre-screening like at some airports where you do customs before you could get on the train, but there is no space for a secure international area at Penn. So, train gets held at the border while cops run every single passenger's passport.
he said it will be the last time crossing the border with an American passport. I don't get it, in the Netherlands you don't have to give up a foreign citizenship to become citizen.
>That's approximately the average speed of HSR networks of countries that "do HSR right" like Spain and Japan.
200km/h is the minimum speed to be considered HSR on existing track; 250km/h is the minimum for dedicated track.
The average speed of the Tokyo-Osaka Shinkansen is 240km/h
The average speed of the Paris-Lyon TGV is 320 km/h
As someone who's done Montreal to TO damn near hundreds of times by car most drivers do 110/120 kp/h when traffic and weather permits and even then youre opening up yourself to getting reamed by the OPP
yes, he's showing how bad it is in North America compared to Europe but OP's being deliberately obtuse
>The average speed of the Paris-Lyon TGV is 320 km/h
That is the maximum operating speed, the average speed is much lower to account for regular stops.
I'm all for a train ride, but the trip taking 5 times longer and the train ride costing more than to fly...
There really isn't much upside to taking this route unless you are a giga autist.
And that's coming from a guy who took the Amtrak from Chicago to SanFran on coach.
Fair though even by car unless youre hypermiling youre going to make at least 1 stop to fuel up/piss/grab a snack
>deliberately obtuse
He's definitely making shit up to "prove" his point.
>cries about "airport nonsense" but patiently waits 45 minutes in customs and other lines
>leaves out transfer times when comparing other modes of travel
>thinks the pre-wrapped sandwich he bought on business class is better than the full meals they serve on business class at airplanes
>cries about the toilet having no janitor failing to mention the "Eurostar" doesn't have one either
I always see this argument. What is it that you are all doing on mass transit? Whenever I had to take 30+ minute bus or train rides I would just watch youtube, listen to music or scroll instagram. I actually prefer driving to that. At least in my car I have privacy.
His argument is kind of retarded, amtrak is shit, the ride is much longer than it should be
if it was quicker or the same time as a car? 100% better but its not so its worse
But they'll never invest in anything beyond the bare minimum

he's not american he's canadian
>owning the chuds
We really hate it when you drink bleach. Don't do that ok.
>If I'm traveling for leisure, I'll take the train

>fuck my time, just like my boss fucks my ass!!!!!
poor people are funny.
Just say you retarded. poor and gay.
or just European.
He's also retarded. You are required to enter the United States, or any country, on that nation's passport if you are a citizen of it. Is he really going to renounce his citizenship because there isn't enough "sustainable growth" or "planned progress" or whatever horseshit he gets all whiny about?
Maybe he's one of those few people who actually files US taxes like US citizens abroad are supposed to.
I can picture him being salty about that, if he was a dual Canada-US citizen for a length of time, since the US doesn't have tax-free savings accounts and thus will try to collect taxes on your Canadian one.
US citizenship doesn'tt provide any benefits whatsoever. Why would he keep it off he didn't live in this shitty hole of a country anyway?
The salt from thirdies like you is entirely worth it.
You only actually pay taxes if you make over $125k or so. You get credit for the taxes you pay in your country of residence and aren't taxed twice(to an extent).
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This is the breakdown of someone who makes $100,000 in Michigan

Where do they get the $31,322 back?
What's your point? The discussion was about US citizens being required to file and pay US income tax even if they do not work or reside in the United States.

Furthermore, a 32% overall tax rate is pretty low compared to other developed countries, not that I enjoy paying to support dregs like you.
I'm asking you to substantiate your claim
When you pay foreign taxes you can take them as a credit when you file your taxes. The tipping point is around $125k a year, or at least it was years ago when I looked into it.

If you're this stupid and incapable of following a conversation, it's not worth my time proving anything to you.
>The tipping point is around $125k a year, or at least it was years ago when I looked into it.
Okay I'm asking you to substantiate that
I'm telling you to suck my cock, faggot. It depends on your individual circumstances and the country and I have neither the desire nor inclination to spell it out for you.
In other words, you made it up
Go look up the fucking foreign tax credit from the IRS you dipshit! I'm not doing it for you! PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE WHY /N/ FUCKING SUCKS! YOU ALL RUN YOUR SHITTY LITTLE MOUTHS AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!
I think we just established that's what you did just now
>Be a complete idiot.
>Convinced that everybody else is actually.
The modern youth.
I'm a complete idiot because I didn't blindly accept your bullshit which you can't substantiate?

Maybe you should turn some of that criticism inwards.
>Has access to the sum of mankind's knowledge at his fingertips.
>Doesn't even do a cursory search.
This is your brain on tidepods.
I'm not the one who made the claim out of whole cloth an then cried when asked for a modicum of evidence.
>I'm not the one who made the claim out of whole cloth an then cried when asked for a modicum of evidence.
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And the crying that resulted
>Still doubling down on being a complete imbecile.
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>>Still doubling down on being a complete imbecile.
>Do you have a source on that?


>A source. I need a source.

>Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

>No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

>You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

>Do you have a degree in that field?

>A college degree? In that field?

>Then your arguments are invalid.

>No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

>Correlation does not equal causation.


>You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

>Nope, still haven't.

>I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.
I took the Maple Leaf Express in business class both to and from New York as a Canadian passenger just a few months ago and it is NOT a pleasant trip. I would only ever recommend it if it were an overnight where your information is checked before boarding. I would have flown if the person I with wasn’t apprehensive about flying.
Not just Bikes reeks of onions.

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