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>tfw no ethanol fuel cell for e-bikes

Imagine if you could just stop at a gas station and fill this little black box behind the seat tube in 4 seconds instead of risking a house fire to charge it overnight.
A fuel cell capable of say 250W output would be as large or larger than the battery. You would be able to get away with say 100W if you're using a hybrid system which tops up a battery continuously but the added complexity would make it expensive and possibly not more efficient than just using a large battery.
>risking a house fire to charge it overnight.
Solved by not buying bottom of the barrel chinesium crap.
how about you just pedal and stop being fat
E-bike are just another term for 'electric moped' and should be treated as such legally. They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals, and a license plate. E-bike riders should be required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test and a skills test in order to posess a license to operate an e-bike. Furthermore they should be restricted to public roads only, and strictly prohibited from bike paths.
This. Here in bongistan they are a fucking menace. For some reason (same as escooters), they are anlmost always ridden by scum. I don't see why a
with a
isn't classed as a
>charging an ebike overnight
E-bikes are the lesser of two evils.
Heavily regulating them will just mean more cars.

Be clear that's what you want.
What do you mean by e-bike? A bike with pedal assist or a bike with a throttle? Because most people use ebike to describe the former.

In Germany the term e-bike applies to bike fitted with a throttle and they don't need an kind of registration or lisence. But the can only go up to 6 km/h otherwise the are classified as regular motor vehicles. I'll be honest with you idc if you don't have license while riding at a snails pace and neither should you commie.
>Implying the majority of people riding these things don't have DWI and wouldn't be driving anyways.
>They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals, and a license plate.
What kind of cucklandia do you live in? Mopeds don't require any of that shit in US.
You can just buy one and ride it around no license or plate.
Engines don't have torque like motors
>Engines don't have torque like motors
>Engines don't have torque
Thanks superhuman IQ anon. I was wondering why cars, trucks, busses and motorcycles never move.
With reduction gear transmissions.

~1 horsepower gasoline engines have nearly 0 torques.
If only there were a way to run the moped's engine at high rpm while having the wheel rotate slower.
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>required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test and a skills test in order to posess a license to operate an e-bike
Do you have any evidence that requiring a license produces superior outcomes? Or does it just *feel* right? This goes for car licenses too, btw.
>doubles down on retardation
I'm not sure where to start with you, oh great one.
you mean a fuel tank? for a Engine? you fucking retard its a motorcycle then
Ethanol should be consumed by the rider, not the machine
You should all have your houses burn to the ground with you inside them for buying this cancer.
Repent, discard your e-bike faggotry and ride a real bike.
Pedestrians should be legally treated as a kind of vehicle. They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals and a licence plate. Pedestrians should be required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test in order to be in public.
>I will make you pay 50 euros per year plus insurance and have a piece of metal attached to your bike and that will make things better somehow
This but unironically. Holy fucking shit why are pedestrians such fucking retards? They hog the sidewalk, stop very suddenly without a warning, are never aware of their surroundings and act completely unpredictably.
Foot traffic is still traffic, asshat, treat it as such.

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