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The cagers kill two more cyclists.
Hope it encourages people to support more bike infrastructure.
Green paint isn't going to stop drunk drivers. What needs to happen is drunk driving needs to be a mandatory 5 year sentence and crashes caused by drunk driving need to be a mandatory life sentence but we're living in a bizarro world where you get a fine and a temporary suspension instead.
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Furthermore I'd like to point out that advocating for a bike lane through every alfalfa field in bumblefuck nowhere is neither viable economically nor a smart political strategy, whereas everyone understands "tough on crime" and criminalizing motor vehicle homicides is *slightly* more realistic though still a very steep hill to climb.

Unlike some "tough on crime' strategies the data on drunk driving homicides is unambiguous. Stiffer penalties result in fewer deaths.

But do go on about how Oldman Township NJ should totally put green paint on this road and it would have somehow magically prevented this.
You’re fat
Yes. I'm also a right wing boomer nimby boomer cagetroll. I think we've discussed these "facts" ad nauseam

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, any real arguments?
Statistically, driving while using your phone has a higher rate of causing crashes. By this logic, I believe that drivers who use their cell phone while driving and causes a negligent collision should be held to a higher degree of punishment than driving while intoxicated because it is a concious decision to negligently drive while cell phone distracted
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It is viable, but the west is in decline so will never happen. The most mundane public works are herculean efforts these days.
you could make a bike path for a tiny fraction of the cost of a road, it doesn't even need a fucking base just slap some asphalt down on dirt

>blame the drinking for someone driving like a fucking retard
>never blame cyclists who are literally blocking lanes doing 1/5th of the speed of traffic
There is never going to be a bike path on every road. Not even in the netherlands. You are a shill for the AAA and your true goal is to rationalize making it unsafe to travel on public roads by creating an outlandish definition of acceptable riding conditions instead of taking the pragmatic approach of disincentivizing violent drivers. You aren't fooling anyone. Forester did nothing wrong.
That would be nice too. Make drivers fear the consequences. There is no reason we can't do that, but AAA shills want total motorist impunity while they create disinfo campaigns about muh bike path
Why were they riding after dark in a storm? Furthermore, why is the news only discussing him as a "suspected drunk driver"? Did they not test him for alcohol at the time?
Driving while intoxicated is also a conscious decision.
Consent laws says otherwise
Bikecucks need to use common sense. May this event remind them.
WTF? Common sense equates to keeping out of the way of drunk drivers?
Yes, you don't belong on the road.
It was cloudy and hadn't rained for 6-8 hours. And because the press has rules:

-if a cop killed you in cold blood, you "had no known active warrants"
-if you actively kill someone with a car, "the car clipped a cyclist (who wasn't in the bike lane) with its front bumper, the cyclist then lost control of the bicycle and went through the windshield"

Reminder to bike lane people that you are on this person's side
This is just one more incident that goes to show that drivers licenses and vehicle registration should not be given out freely and haphazardly. Instead prospecting drivers should be regularly tested to a standard that is actually selective and tested not only for their understanding of traffic law but also sanity, integrity and character. Any person demonstrating negligence in their use of motorvehicles should lose any permission they may hold and not be eligible for reissuance.
I think we should just set a target number of active driver's licenses (based on stuff like population and infrastructure capacities), and then let people thunderdome for the license quota. Like, dynamic prices for license renewals based on quota remaining, aggressively revoking licenses for driving violations because "we want that quota in the hands of the better drivers, not the worst," regular retesting of qualifications like you said.
We have too many cars on the roads (which is why congestion is so bad!), so we should get behind pulling the worst drivers off the roads so the better drivers who are driving for more socially-valuable reasons like work can get around easier.
Why do you retards always bike on the highway
Get some therapy dude.
You have down syndrome
Nah that's crazy. We should just act like children and demand that some broke township in cumberland county NJ should build special lanes for bikes, so that when 1/1000 of those demands is finally met you can just go "but were they in the bike lane? why weren't they in the bike lane" after running them down after 16 "cold ones"
>cagetrolls immediately swoop in to claim bike infrastructure does nothing even though all studies show it makes roads safer for everyone

Lol, predictable.
It's exclusively motorists that advocate for "bicycle infrastructure".
Pay or fuck off, simple as.
Yeah when do we finally make cagers cover the cost of automobilism?
I’m surprised that one guy hasn’t showed up to call everybody Chang
Why do you, a cyclist, feel entitled to go on a road that has a speed requirement well above what you can manage?
Roads don't have speed requirements, they have speed limits.
cagers once again demonstrating how the cageoid degeneracy is not merely the superficial physical degeneracy but degeneration of the mind first.
At least try and put the required effort into your childish response. Cyclists are not 'driving' bicycles.
Degenerate motorist. Grow up and man up.
Only in some jurisdictions do some roads have a requirement for vehicles using them to have a top speed greater than a set limit. Funny enough it's often less than somene sprinting on a bicycle.
I have not yet read a law, from anywhere, that states a nominal speed that road users or users of select roads need to exceed.
>I have not yet read a law, from anywhere, that states a nominal speed that road users or users of select roads need to exceed.
Probably doesn't exist. What does exist are regulations like we have in Germany that for example state that to be on the Autobahn your vehicle needs to be able to exceed 60km/h. This obviously doesn't mean you're not allowed to go bellow while on it but it gates vehicles that have no business being there.
I pay road and gas tax, you pay nothing.
Fuck off or pay, communist leech.
This. We need a driving license and registration for cyclists.
Also cyclist tax and yearly mandatory bike inspections.
That applies to interstate highways in the US or what are colloquially called "freeways", those are restricted-use roadways like your autobahn, where slow vehicles are not allowed.

A two lane local county road between two small towns, with farmhouses on both sides? There are no such minimums there, because it's the only road that exists and everyone from tractors to pickup trucks or, in this case, bicycles, has to share the same roadway.

It is the anti-bicycle lobby aka the car lobby in the US that promotes the idea that no public roadway used by motor vehicles should be usable by anything less than a 3500 pound sedan, "there should be bike lanes" means "there should be a mandatory sidepath law" which means "no bikes anywhere except in these little recreational containment zones. These people do not want bicycles to be used for transport, ever, anywhere, because then motorists would have to exercise caution and face consequences.

Forester did nothing wrong.
maybe don't go near heavy deadly machinery on top of a few flimsy pipes wearing just a dumb foam helmet, ever thought about that?
Funny how this thread onve again serves to highlight the general mindset of the cager.
It serves to show that the cager is not, as some like to suggest in his defense, simply unaware of the consequences of his actions. Instead the cager is actually selfish and often even vile if not outright evil. The cager is either aware and at least indifferent or unaware but wouldn't care or change either.
>exercise caution and face consequences
This is the exact reason why bicycle license and registration are needed.
Cyclists need to learn accountability.
Reality doesn't care about your communist hugbox opinion.
You don't get to ride your toy wherever you want and no people do not need to cater to you.
Learn accountability.
Two less americans is a good outcome i agree.
American cyclists, make use of your 2nd ammendment and ride strapped in case you need to shoot an american cager. Everybody wins.
>Learn accountability.
Drunk driver.
And people shouldn't need to suffer consequences of your efeminate and selfish life choices.
>efeminate [sic] and selfish life choices.
Like drunk driving?
like motorism in general
If you are 2016285 then apologies, I misunderstood the tenor of your post and agree on motorism in general.
yeah nothing about the DUIs or anything. It's just that motorism seems to very much cater to weakness of the body and mind, low drive, comfort addiction and what not.
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On a scale of 1 to 10 how sour are the grapes, poorfag?
your schtick isn't clever or endearing
now that's a funny attempt
besides ,ou not knowing and being wrong
its ironic how its always the lower classes and the literal poor who buy, own and operate motorvehicles and obsess about them.
Also you're evading the point. It is the lack of ability, strength, determination, drive, and will and the addiction to comfort and laziness - all which are defining traits of the lower classes - that motivate the motorist. Also some weird poorfag signalling perhaps. So again: There's hardly anything more homosexual than accepting undignified means of transportation that employ a motor and a foreign energy source to move you.
>Courts will decide
Yeah, it looks as if the spirit of justice is standing on enormous bollocks.
I've well-off and would happily, eagerly even, accept your terms if they were accompanied by literal billions of dollars in cycling infrastructure interconnecting every part of my country.
Deal? Fuck the poors, I've got my mine.
cager enabling
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>writes blog post to cope
Seething poor lol you envy us
Will you pay for it? Will other cyclists pay for it?
As I said, we need registration and taxation of cyclists.
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sorry sister, those are the only guns we non bigoted progressive cyclists carry
>...we need registration and taxation of cyclists,
No, just need competent car drivers. That shouldn't cost anything.
Roads are not your infrastructure. Will you pay to use our infrastructure? Why not?
neither you not your cuck government bought and paid market prices for the land roads are built on. Also you're not compensating society for your actions. You're literally dependent on the most subsidized industry there is. In all places around the world where there is a major automotive industry it has ties to the cuckbermint as strong as it would have in a communist state. It doesnt work without. You're literally depending on the highly pigmented inhabitants of africa, arabia and the likes and supporting terrorists, dictators and war with your motoring and domestic heating.
Motorism has been pushed by big government historically and has reached a point of normalization where braindead mongrels stopped questioning. Because many of its implications were only found about later. If there was a new invention, made today, that was equal in adverse effects on society, individuals and ecology and was equally pointless or easy to substitute for everyone would know what to call those who would advocate for making use of it, let alone adopting it widely.
>yet another blog post
Lmao seething poor got triggered
So, will you pay for infrastructure access or not? No? Then take the bus, commie faggot.
delusional and self contradictionary
>no rebuttal
Kek commie faggot lost again
Pay up or fuck off faggot
sa,s the guy who cant even read and is the actual big government redistribution commie type
Drivers didn't pay for it either.
I'll pay the bike tax, sure. But the deal is I still get my gimme's too. I want a national network of dedicated cycling infrastructure, paid from general revenue. Then our bike-tax base pays for a share of the maintenance on keeping it running.
>Daddy gubmint build me roads and subsidize shit for me!
>I need to support the melanine because BLM! BLM!
>I aint reading alldat shit hue hue hue
>also: nO rEbUtTaL kekekeleelkek !!111
You probably never asked yourself why it's exactly holywood, that tries so hard to push the narrative that motoring was not some pathetic weak gay shit but actually cool, and every example of their shit product needsto show the protagonist motoring because supposedly it's cool.
Roads are financed by their users, unlike cyclists. You need to pay up commie faggot.

Untrue. Drivers pay taxes for it.
>paid from general revenue
The more you demand the more you need to pay.
Don't like that? Too bad, society won't finance your little hobby.
no they dont see above cretin
in addition to that the cost of roads is not the only cost associated with automobilists
Paid for by the driver.
You don't pay at all but demand everything.
Society doesn't cater to your little hobby.
Pay up or find a new hobby, faggot.
you're wrong. see above. or think.
>verification not required
>first federal road subsidies 1916
>first federal fuel tax 1932
1916 is before 1932
You do not pay: car tax, fuel tax, tolls, other fees applying to road infrastructure
Therefore, you have no business on car infrastructure, simple as.
Pay up or get another hobby, poorfag.
Communism failed
Pay up
I'll pay $500 for paint and stencil bicycles on the curb lane myself at midnight. Deal?
You're the only one ITT advocating for 'communism', more precisely redistribution (besides other mongoloid demands) and not even realising it.
Paying for consuming products or services is not communism. It is an exchange of values.
Not that a poorfag nocar commie would understand..
They don't (unless you're talking about people who've been intoxicated against their will)
>not a communist
>intensely advocates for taxation
>taxation is not theft but a voluntary exchange
>still not a communist
how do you even explain coming here shitting over an entire thread with your quintessentially leftist ideas only to end up explaining how others are the communists?
go be an oilsheikh cuck and womanly cager in your shitbox on your paid for out of pocket private road or something please
Speed limits are maximums, not minimums
Most cyclists still own cars, and gas taxes and registration fees typically pay less than half the cost of road maintenance. Your vehicle causes more need for maintenance anyway, so your dumb ass SHOULD pay more
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good luck enforcing that kek. are all bike fags delusional?
I advocate you pay for the product/service you consume, simple as.
You are not owed anything.
Pay up or fuck off communist faggot.
Congratulations you have the right to enter car infrastructure with a car.
Now pay up for cycling usage (leisure). Society won't pay for your little hobby.
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>blue jackets star johnny gaudreau and brother dead just before sisters' wedding
Lol, nope.
All politics is local and we own the local politics.
We bike to places in our neighborhoods. You drive to places across municipal boundaries, because your shitty-ass bedroom community doesn't allow stores.
We vote to take "your" car lanes away and give them to bikes, and you can't vote against it. You don't live here. You don't get a vote.
We repeat it in every gentrified or urbanized area, because people living in these areas all want the same thing: a community for (us), and not for (you) outsiders.
Sucks to suck, carfag.
>yet another cope blog post
Lmao seething poor cannot afford a car lol
Just take the bus lol ain't paying for your little hobby
Correct, (you) aren't because you don't pay property taxes here. Now fuck off and stop bitching about our bike lanes and our "lefty" mayors.
You didn't pay for any of it.
Pay up, simple as. Are you poor?
cry more, still doesn't give you a vote here
>tears down another urban expressway
based and relocalization-pilled
So what you're saying is, nobody can ride bikes anywhere outside your little gentrified bubbles where they can't bother any "real people". Typical bike lane shill. Pretending to support bikes while doing the auto industry's dirty work
This thread proves people who ride bikes are fags but people who drive cars are genuinely mentally ill. It's crazy just how close minded you are, as if you can't see any other form of transportation other than a car. A true goyim, slave to the auto industry. I'm out here getting exercise and fresh air during the 2 mile ride to the local grocery store, while you sit behind me seething in your financed $40k SUV on your way to your wagecuck job. Lmao at your life son.
>2 mile
is this bait?
Wow that's a lot of coping and seething. I'll be sure to think about how i'm literally hitler when i'm enjoying the ride and plow through some trash laying on the road like it was a whiny cyclist.
>tear down first world infrastructure
Enjoy becoming a third world shithole lmao
The privately owned automobile is simply the superior mode of transportation.
ok fatty
Yeah they laid it on a little too thick there
this nigga wants there to be a shoe tax for walking on the sidewalk
>he saved that pic on his computer
literally me
Looks like feeding the troll only makes it hungrier.
get a job, hippie
Biking is great and everyone should do it. All cars should be limited to 35mph maximum speed
Seething poor
Cycling is nothing but a hobby and should be banned from public roads.
Under that premise, cars should not be capable of driving over the speed limit, neither should they possess power to weight ratios beyond reasonable safety from a purely transportation perspective.
highways shouldn't have a speed limit, if you can break the sonic barrier it should be legal to do so
False. I need V8 because it is faster transportation and speed limits need to be abolished.
I agree, any speeds greater than the full gallop of a horse are unnecessary and dangerous. How many thousands of people die each year because of excessive speed related traffic fatalities? Far too many. It’s time to stop seeing cars as playthings and stand ins for masculinity and see them for what they really are: motorized carriages used for horseless transportation.
Like you are biking at fucking night on a rural road where cars are zipping past you

What are you thinking
You're actually more visible at night than in the daytime because a red blinking light on a field of black is impossible to miss unlike a shapeless blob against a complex moving background
>green paint...
...is not a bike lane. Building the equivalent of a sidewalk with some bollards every so often, that can also be used as a sidewalk, is not a huge ask from the entities skimming everyone's earnings for the stated purpose of exactly this kind of problem.
>no-uism about licensing
Everyone csn see the faggy bullsjit you're trying to pull. That only applies to cars because cars are big and deadly. Should kids have to get bike licenses, faggot? Do I need a loicense to walk on the sidewalk, too? No, you need a license to operate big machinery that can hurt others because it's big and can hurt others.
he was dumb but people die all the time from retarded/drunk/impatient cagers every day at all times of day in many situations and nothing will prevent it from happening except complete grade seperation. people are retarded, especially americans, trusting them with machines that can easily reach 100mph is not logical and the road deaths (which continues to climb) proves it.
1. ride against traffic so you can see whats happening
2. let people pass you fagot
3. dont bike at night
4. dont bike on rural roads with no shoulders
>1. ride against traffic so you can see whats happening
literally illegal and you'll still get hit
>2. let people pass you fagot
if you let people pass you then they will make sure to pass you as close as possible and possibly injure or kill you
>3. dont bike at night
bike at day and still killed by an impatient cagie who wasn't looking
>4. dont bike on rural roads with no shoulders
yes, but you can still die on a large stroad with a big shoulder/painted lane (most deaths are there actually)
it's pointless to argue with cagers. It's obvious from their choices how they are emotionally women and children. Its pointless to argue with either, let alone the co.bination of both.
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which would you feel safer riding on given these options?

top is a legal detour that passes by a rock quarry

bottom is a direct route but it's a highway (40mph but motorists routinely do 65) that prohibits bicycles
Top, because CDL drivers know to wait until it's safe before executing a maneuver instead of just doing it anyway because they're enraged by going slower for forty seconds
fair but also consider that non-CDL drivers are also on that road and don't give a fuck about zipping around blind corners
Take the bus of you cannot afford the privately owned automobile because you have spent what little you had on your little hobby.
Not my problem.
i have a car, i just dislike having to drive everywhere
Drunk drive murderers need to have their heads pulled off with a hydraulic ram.
You sound fun at parties. I enjoy a good booze cruise no matter the nature of the wheeled vehicle.
most deaths are clueless cylists with their air pods in their ears listening to gay pod casts that don't even check over their shoulder going through intersections
Post coordinates
41.538200, -72.725332

there's just not a lot of good east-west routes in this area
There is a sign just south of Mattabeseck Road that specifically prohibits bicycles which is strange since the highway is neither divided or limited access past that point. I don't think petitioning local government for a mixed-use path paralleling Connecticut Route 66 is an unreasonable request.
man this pisses me off. that nice wide clean shoulder could be a good direct route where you can hit 20-25 mph on a bike but banned from riding on it. i understand that its ridiculously unfeasible to assume that people would regularly cycle on highways but it would be great to allow them on roads that have these types of access
for the payload of stupid delivered in a given character count this is easily one of the purest concentrations of stupidity I've ever seen on 4chan and I've seen some shit
>1. ride against traffic so you can see whats happening
This! So much this!
Seething poor cyclist faggot lmao
I don't even cycle, I drive.
People who drink, get into a car, and kill people, deserve to be executed. It should be treated the same as intentionally doing it, because it is intentional. If you drink and drive, you intend to drive impaired.
Execute like 3-5 convicts and drunk/intoxicant driving fatalities would halve the following week. Keep it up for a couple of months and people would sober up quick.
Same should apply to vehicular homicide while disqualified or voluntarily distracted. Those truck drivers who rear-end families on stopped lanes, with their cab camera watching them checking their phone, should be publicly hanged.
It's not even drinking that is the problem, it's driver entitlement. It was such a selfish retard nigger tier maneuver the guy tries, even if he was sober it should he jail for life or off with the head
Yeah the fact that you can have 12 beers and kill 2 people and get a $150 fine isn't a problem, it's "driver entitlement", brilliant take
the problem here is that they killed two equally entitled cyclists, not people.

otherwise they get a whole lot more than a fine, as they should.
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"People" like you will cry about how he should be executed but then look at articles like this and don't see a problem with it
An event so rare that literally every instance of it makes the national papers. Every injury described and printed.

Meanwhile, if one of the dudes KILLED in this story wasn't a hockey player, it wouldn't make news outside the county. It just happens all the time, everywhere. Trucks and cars hitting and killing cyclists and pedestrians. Thousands of times a year. Everyone sighs like it's a weather report.

This is where I'll level with you; someone should have taken a bat to that cyclist's teeth.
>People who drink, get into a car, and kill people
No I get drunk, become incapable of proper judgement and then drive. You sound very bigoted towards alternative lifestyles.
>Reminder to bike lane people that you are on this person's side
Don't feed the troll mate.
See >>2016781
>maybe don't go taking your heavy deadly machinery near a few flimsy pipes wearing just a dumb foam helmet, who have every right to be there, ever thought about that, fatty?
lol at the fat cunt. Who is he? He looks like he has to pay for sex.
Too bad dem car-humpin' mfs at the top ain't carin' for anythin but dem bottom line. Such tragedies can and will be used to just bolster the fear of not driving a car.

I fuggin hate that shit, but man do I hope that it doesn't stay that way
bicycles don't belong on the road, cars do, tranny.
In New Jersey? Nah. Not a chance. No one will learn anything from this except "don't ride".

We can go harsher on drunk drivers but ultimately addicts are gonna addict.
Used to be drunks would pass out upstairs in a bar but that hasn't been a thing in the states for decades. Aus still does it, but few other places.
We gave up on that when we prioritized driver safety over pedestrian safety (see: SUVs). Now they can slam into a wall at 50 MPH and walk away unscathed- why bother paying attention to what's in front of them? (I say rescind driver crash safety ratings. Make them optional. If a bad driver dies, they die. Maybe they'll drive more carefully and stick to speed limits, IDK.)
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Fuck that. Call murder, murder. You hit someone, you blow over whatever, executed on the spot.
That's why you need BETTER crashworthiness than a car, which is easy with 3 wheels and roll cage, and pedal assist to make the human power equal to being on a trek 12,000 I'm a dumpy doughy yuppie who thinks I'm lance armstrong carbon fiber bullshit. And of course a black box recorder to prove the attempted murder.
>>2015974 (OP) #
John Forrester fan was right, except about paying for it with your life. So crash worthiness of a car, only made possible by safety cage, reversve trike, pedal assist to offset all that weight, and a black box to tame the car bitch.
Somewhere in your fantasy you forgot that a plastic card doesn't stop someone from getting in a vehicle and driving anyway.
Murdered by the state DOT. It's ridiculous that they allow people to joy ride 2T tanks and have normalized it.
Just do 10-30 years of political activism until you can get your road changed before you have the gall to use a bike line
State DOT first, they are 100% liable for every road murder by allowing cars on the road to begin with.
If there is a single vehicle death on a road then the road should be closed, at least to that specific kind of vehicle. It's a complete design failure, it's as if bridge collapsed and people keep driving on it.
Unless... unless roads are designed to kill you.
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Trump invested heavily into cycling in the 90s
Legalize cycling on sidewalks. They'll give you a misdemeanor for trying not to get run over.
Apparently not heavily enough, else he wouldn't be the hamplanet he is today
Cute, but are you gonna die for this moral superiority?
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how are they not seeing the giant gate? it looks like it's painted white, even
>instead of taking the pragmatic approach of disincentivizing violent drivers
well yeah why would I want to stop myself from doing my favorite thing
For one thing, they're all going way too fucking fast for the conditions and visibility. The gate might be obscured somewhat by the tree over the path and there's only about 1 second between that tree and the collision. Still should be enough time to respond, at least the bikes in good weather (dunno about the scooter in the rain with the rain jacket over her face). But if you figure it takes half a second to realize there's an obstruction ahead, that leaves only another half second to hit the brakes and when you're already going at retard speed that's not going to be enough time to avoid a collision.
The escooter is going at 25-30km/h
The bikes even faster
Also bad habits.
The guy is 80 something years old. He still has his mind and is traveling around the country campaigning. Say what you will about the man, but he's in pretty damn good health.
>He still has his mind
lmao no, have you listened to the man speak any time in the last 6 months?

>traveling around the country campaigning
Far less than he did in 2016. From June to September 2016 he did 72 rallies, same period this year he's done 24. Instead he's ranting from Mar-a-lago. Biden was campaigning at a far more aggressive pace prior to dropping out.

>he's in pretty damn good health.
He's morbidly obese from a lifetime of little exercise with McDonald's as his staple food. He's beating the odds on life expectancy, but that's a VERY different thing from actually being healthy. Getting on a bicycle for a photo op != regular exercise and good diet.
You'll never make it to 80.
This is a Fucking booby trap and an illegal War Crime against Fucking Humanities!? How can someone just go in and setup a Fucking gate on a bike trail!? This is pure evil!

Just read this today. Apparently murdering 2 cyclists and injuring 14 is just a few misdemeanors as long as you're in a vehicle! He's only facing 5½ years in prison.

Can you imagine if people walked around shooting guns in front of them as they got from place to place?
>yeah I was just shoot-walking my way to the store and I wasn't paying attention and I shot these 10 kids by accident.
The works would be a better place without cyclists
in america, you can shoot whoever you want as many times and places as you want, and it's ok as long as you're white, the person you shot isn't in law enforcement, and you said the magic words
>I feared for my life officer
can always count on /n/ for a dumb take on anything

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