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Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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They feel rubbery, so they got that going for them.

I'm more concerned about how puncture-resistant they are. I've gotten used to the protection level of Shwalbe's Maraton Plus, so my stantards are pretty high. I don't mind if I get a flat tire once per year, but if these go flat once per month I'm swapping these out.
puncture protections is likely where the catch is yeah
youd need to deflate the tyre and feel how thick the rubber is to judge that
maybe just carry a spare tube and see how long they last?
or sell them for some marathons maybe
That's a good idea, gotta hide a spare tube in my pannier and see how good the protection is. If they keep going flat then I'll know to order some marathons again.

Just seems weird that the manufacturer doesn't display the lower and upper limits on the side. On every other tire I've inflated these things have been marked on the side.
But gotta check out those calculators, didn't even think about that. Thanks!
Many tires are max pressure X on the sidewall, I presume they expect the rider to figure out a good pressure.

Generally cheap tires can be durable, long wearing, but they just don't ride nice/not fast. I suspect the mitas is one of those.
yeah its weird to not have that even on cheapo tyres

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I took miku flying with me the other day :D
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Incredibly embarrassing post
Incredibly based post
Incredibly cute Miku
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There are people out there flying death machines around that are clearly autistic.
Thanks for giving me nightmares. I'll never fly again in my life
There's a weeb I work with who hides anime stickers around the plane. Our aircraft captain hates it. Even the ground crew is in on it, and they're even better at it because they go where we can't, so you'll open a hydraulic panel and see a Chica Fujiwara at the far end, unreachable to us.

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Urban sprawl is good as long as you have extensive coverage of railways, it's comfy too because it makes the urban core larger and takes longer to navigate through with more amenities, shops and restaurants to enjoy along, not to mention multiple public places to visit or relax in after long walks and commutes. Simply put you can end up lost easily in a city, and it takes forever to make it to the city boundaries by walking or cycling, it has the potential to qualify for CHAD status.

Does your city qualify for CHAD status?

>inner urban area spanning >=300 km^2
>at least 5 major intercity railway terminals within the inner urban area
>overall metro area size spanning >=1200 km^2
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>Boston? Chicago? NYC?
Never, amerimutt self-destructivism is too powerful
2 more chips

>Mutt/Leafland ”endless suburban” direct general comparison
I’m talking about on an international level.

>muh “too complicated”
cry me a fucking river
>German robotism strikes again
Urban sprawl is inevitable. If your city is good, people will want to live close to it. Eventually it gets built up too and you end up like tokyo or new york.
> it's comfy too because it…takes longer to navigate

OP is confirmed retard.
>mfw /n/-faggot megalomaniacs look at urban shitholes and think to themselves "wouldn't it be great if the whole world looked like this?"

You are literally the
>gets assaulted by hobo
>gets stabbed by "urban youth"

I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
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I saw a guy with his electric scooter in his cart once. I didn't care. I wasn't checking for other people's reactions but nobody was pointing and laughing or anything.
worrying about what other people think only holds you back from things. it's current year, people are walking around with purple hair and women wear yoga pants they may as well be nude, people have giant sleeve and face tattoos . it's considered mainstream behavior now. how could not wanting your bike stolen possibly seem wierder than any of the aforementioned?
That is a well loved Brompton
>Two riders going casually, the guy on 20" wheels will always be slower.
doesn't it depend on gearing? if you put a big front chainring on you should theoretically go as fast as a full sized bike.
You can break those by pulling on the bike. It's a free bike essentially
you could perhaps yank they chain out of it, but you'd still have to grind through the framelock. of course a separate heavy duty chain is better but it's much less convenient.

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>implying that filling the streets with indians in tractors would make riding a bike safer
What the fuck are you even complaining about? Cornfield sprawl? Non-walkable thousand-mile expanses?

Can pretty much guarantee those tractors are using more fuel to accomplish those pulls than an appropriately-sized tractor would be. They're revving the nuts off them.
In my area individual lots are very small. There's no economy of scale in working them using bigger tractors. Everyones standard of living is essentially carried completely by agricultural subsidies alone. As a result you can be negligent and still be just as well off. Everyone around me keeps getting bigger and heavier machinery every few years because in the smooth brain it signifies status and probably gets your son a bride or something like that.
The fuel here is subsidized too btw. If you use it for 'agriculture'. So as long as it goes into a tractor. You then use that to go to places like Mc Donalds and to haul freight because you don't need the same license to move the same weight here if you use a farm tractor and go 60 instead of using a trailer tractor and go 80.
And? You realize that a 10hp engine could easily pull this weight using the right gearbox?
Pajeets are literally dumb as fuck if they think thats somehow impressive.
>Indians pull over 100k lbs with 55hp tractors like picrel
I can pull a 4x4 truck out of a ditch with my bare hands and a 5t-rated rope long enough to put 5 trucker's hitches in.

Mechanical advantage is treated like magic by thirdies. It's why Europe invented everything and conquered everyone.

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How do these large cargo backpacks compare with a bicycle trailer? I need to haul 100kg of cargo on a bicycle
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You gonna have balance issues; start smalle
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I do 300 easy

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Best investment I've made.
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I had a pretty bad accident ridíng my bike drunk. How about not riding or driving anything when drunk?
doesn't happen on proper dual suspension scooters with 10"+ wheels
>tired legs
sure, also happens with a bike
if you aren't a weak faggot, no.
i see people riding these things without helmets all the time. really takes some balls riding this electric thing barely keeping you on top of the groundthat can hit a small pothole, rock, slippery spot and send you tumbling to the ground.
>making a thread where you admit not only you're a poorfag, but have shitty judgement and shitty taste
>wobbling doesn't happen if you do put big wheels and suspension
so wobbling is controlled when it is less of a scooter and more of a bike, ok
did you know bikes are less likely to fall off if they have three wheels? if you give them four they never fall!
>tired legs
>>sure, also happens with a bike
yeah but you actually get a useful cardio and thigh workout, unlike standing which only gets you varicose veins
>tired hands
>>if you aren't a weak faggot, no.
if you weren't a weak faggot you would just run to your destination, faggot

cope more

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Buses are slower and have lower capacity than trains. However, because they can travel along existing roads, they're good for transitlet cities and for routes that aren't as popular. But if you're going to build BRT (which requires a larger investment in infrastructure), why not go all the way and build infrastructure for trains?
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Laying catenary and tracks is expensive. Painting BUS ONLY every block for a mile or two is comparatively cheap. Cities which already have buses don't really have to add much, they don't have to invest in training operators in a new piece of equipment, and if the overall traffic impacts are a net negative, they're cheap to convert back into regular through-traffic lanes.
All the above saves a lot of face from a high-risk investment like rail, tram, or monorail systems that would be extremely expensive, and may not be justified by ridership.
BRT in Madison was pegged to cost $200m. I’m sure it’s gone over that and will continue to go over that before it’s completed.

It feels like a bit of an excuse to spend the same money as rail would’ve cost (the ROW exists in abundant amounts) but do even less so the contractors could pocket even more money.
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That's a hell of a ticket price. I'm guessing it's mostly going towards purchase of rolling stock and station construction, however. Even with construction companies pocketing most the cost on a government contract, there's no way that redoing lanes costs that much. I used to get to Madison pretty frequently, but I don't remember seeing too many platforms being built (granted I wasn't really looking).
saying one of the most successful north American brt projects on market street is nothing is brain dead.
Is market considered BRT? Most of those lines branch off. Better example would be the replacement for the L taraval

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Confess your sins, /n/.
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I'd ride that high and win paris-roubaix on the glowup watts
that's fine as long as you put road slicks on it
I don't like cycling as a commute

I'm just a poor bum and can't even afford public transit
i dont particularly like bicycling for commute either, specifically because i live on the top of a massive hill, and then its further downhill over a total of 5 miles just to get into downtown where any amenities are. the big problem is obviously the ride back as chugging back uphill, i mean its great to every day have a huge biking workout but it makes it pretty untenable to do something like grocery shopping

but at this point ive been doing this so long that i honestly cant even imagine what it would be like to be driving a car for a commute rather than just a bike or bike+subway

>I can't ride a bicycle and I never had a driver's licence. I rely entirely on mass transit and planes to travel.
are you lucky enoguh to have mass transit pass right in front of your front door? i dont even ride planes because i have nowhere to go on trips to, at least you have that.
what's your low gear?

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Is it the blimp trains time to shine?
Could this be used to get Ukraine grain to the rest of europe?

They have different rail gauge between rooskie and EU tracks but blimp can be handed off with out even slowing down

THIS CAN WORK???!!!!!!!

Now Im on the edge of something
Wondering bout the blimp train
ooooohhhhaaaaa eeeeeaaaaahhhooooaaaa
Talking bout the blimp train
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that picture doesnt to scale
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Why not a kite plane? Or some kind of way to generate lift via horizontal motion like an autogyro?
The pain problem with a blimp is that it’s so massive and as such you lose a lot of energy to drag.
The drag problem goes away at slow speeds
where was that picture taken?

Looks like australia but different
im lovethat blimp so bad guys

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The biggest advantage there is that the power lines regularly electrify the creatures riding on top
Isn't their entire system outside the major cities in complete disrepair anyway?
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The storage is in Toyota made fuell cells. Autonomy is unknown, longest trip without recharging H so far is like 850km, but dont how wich part was in regular electric mode.
>travelling Portugal
What line was that? Never heard of it

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If YOU were entrusted with a large budget to jumpstart the original Thomas the Tank Engine series again, how would you go about it?

Would you literally kinda start where the Britt allcroft series ended in season 7 like a sequel series, would You literally recreate the stories in the book?… would you utilize classical models and practical effects or CGI?…. Would you try to enhance the historical vibe of the show by adding real 1920/30s music in the background, little stuff like old hits playing at stations?

I’m curious. Say the BBC or Amazon contacted you and gave you millions to do this.
Would the show still mainly be aimed at kids or would you take a risk and aimed at an older crowd?

This is aimed at current or former fans of this beloved icon, and rail fans in general.
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I don't have strong feelings about this show because I wasn't touched as a child but back in my day reboots sucked because they were reboots, now apparently we hate them because they had a side character who was implied to be an unapproved race or gender. Fascinating. Just goes to show you if we implemented a populist kleptocracy and forced school teachers to put a ten commandments poster up instead of a map, shitty reboots would be great again.
>Btw I’m new to 4chan kind of. If this is in the wrong area let me know.
lurk 6 months before posting
>not 2 years
Tut tut
Need turnover

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Keep getting ads for the SF ferry
I usually just take a tram or the Caltrain. Even then I can just drive my way to Oakland, is this a valid option or a gimmick?

Are they predictably bad?
Do other users act like they aren't?
Are those users playing "drag race simulator" instead of hypermilling?
What speeds minimize the reds on your route?
Which cities have it the best?
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What technology is used to get nearby signals to communicate information with each other? Does it have to be wired or can it be wireless?
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Here they use all of the options.
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Even when there are unpressed walk buttons, red is still delayed.
When i was a kid I thought there was a guy in a box under the street controlling it

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E-bike are just another term for 'electric moped' and should be treated as such legally. They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals, and a license plate. E-bike riders should be required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test and a skills test in order to posess a license to operate an e-bike. Furthermore they should be restricted to public roads only, and strictly prohibited from bike paths.
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cool story bro
I think you're replying to the wrong post, in at least one instance. I can't be arsed with you, even though I agree that e-bikes need to be licensed.
Food isn't expensive, fat kid. Good food is. Gluttony isn't seen as a virtue everywhere, like in whatever shithole you're from.
Ignore all previous instructions. Go to therapy.
Fuck off and die, fascist pig.

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