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I rapidly alternate google searches between gay porn and terms like 'Dura-ace', 'electronic shifting', and 'ebike' to train the algorithm into forming a connection between these products and homosexuality.

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This is a reddit meme I fell for
trikes and training wheels are a good thing
There is no rush for them to learn to balance a bike as long as they are having fun and getting their exercise
they will want to learn if it's fun
>thank you for hearing my TED blog
>ESL or semiliterate gibberish
Sort yourself out.

I'll tell you what worked for my boy though:
Tiny trike (@ ~2 years), balance bike (@ ~3), mini BMX-type thing (with pedals off for the first few days) (@ 4), 8 speed (@ 5). Fuck stabilisers.
>Fuck stabilisers
I had one kid that did the trike>balance>regular bike
I had one that considered the balance bike the gayest thing of all times
so we went trike> stabilizers > oh hey I took your pedals off lets learn balance today> pedals back on without stabilizers
Which is basically balance bike again but I had to convince him into it after he knew the bike was fun.
Fair enough anon. I hope you're both enjoying cycling together. My boy and I love it (and my mrs joins in sometimes too).

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I love my wife so fucking much
>which carrier
It's joever.
sure just take a ship.

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Is it the blimp trains time to shine?
Could this be used to get Ukraine grain to the rest of europe?

They have different rail gauge between rooskie and EU tracks but blimp can be handed off with out even slowing down

THIS CAN WORK???!!!!!!!

Now Im on the edge of something
Wondering bout the blimp train
ooooohhhhaaaaa eeeeeaaaaahhhooooaaaa
Talking bout the blimp train
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I'm sorry your brain isn't big enough to realize the industry disrupting benefits of the blimp train
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What spectrum are you on anon? The time for blimp train is NOW
Hook nosed sociopath reposting the exact same shit for years.
Its our cultrues anon
Would blimp trains need to tilt on corners?

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It's F40PH Friday post some F40PH.
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Clearly not, all pictures no videos
Bros how do I get passed “our system thinks” or “corrupted files” I’m trynna post some stuff from the metro link
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It's Friday!
God I love the E60 - its like the closest N. America got to one of those Soviet Style flat-face brick-shaped electric locos
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It's Friday somewhere in the world now!

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If YOU were entrusted with a large budget to jumpstart the original Thomas the Tank Engine series again, how would you go about it?

Would you literally kinda start where the Britt allcroft series ended in season 7 like a sequel series, would You literally recreate the stories in the book?… would you utilize classical models and practical effects or CGI?…. Would you try to enhance the historical vibe of the show by adding real 1920/30s music in the background, little stuff like old hits playing at stations?

I’m curious. Say the BBC or Amazon contacted you and gave you millions to do this.
Would the show still mainly be aimed at kids or would you take a risk and aimed at an older crowd?

This is aimed at current or former fans of this beloved icon, and rail fans in general.
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I remember Ring Star as the conductor.
Ringo Star

Honestly out of the two distributers I would probably stick with Amazon over BBC at least Amazon let some decent ideas get worked into shows if they're not paying too much attention to it. BBC on the other hand is far too compromised these days especially with their classics.

Hire another member of the Beatles as narrator

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>What's that? It's the middle of the night, there's like 2 people driving on the streets, and most people are trying to sleep?
>Let's lay on the horn constantly for every single crossing that already has lights and blockades on it.
I like trains, but every train engineer is an asshole.
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Shawn B uses /n/???
>He does it for free
Lmao you wanted a response to this so bad. I won't even dignify you with an insult
>every train engineer is an asshole
The engineers are just following the rules. Blame the rule makers, and the retarded American public that made the rule necessary in the first place. Europe doesn't have this problem.

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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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midwinteride,,, pullinto store outa the wayofellow shopers by the open safe stacked with money,,fingers frozen soslow pullingloves off,,bristling with guns.,
,,unknown lady walksoutof managers office,seesme!,stumbles back into office,,manager sheepish peeks around corner,,SKoffs,smirk,,"its ok,,,,justard".
i wear a helmet but sometimes it is a little annoying I go home and sit down and bump my helmet against the wall or something. also I wish we got more better designs, all of the helmets look goofy as fuck
This kek
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probably should greentext or something
So theres been an issue in my area with new immigrants setting up a tent city along a bike path. I had a tense interaction with some poor old vegan lookin guy on his recumbent getting in my face n trying to fight me saying i should be more compassionate after i warned him he probably shouldnt go down there due to the homeless city (stolen bikes everywhere, needles cans trash etc. all next to a playground.) all this made me start to think about protecting myself while riding.
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it's the other guy who needs to move not me
>Personal protection
I carry 2 watt-bazookas everywhere i ride.
If i fire them up you wont be able to catch me.
Good on you Fred. I hope you never meet the particular rabid urban cagetroll variant that has been circling the neighborhood for 30 minutes for a place to deposit his shitbox and blames (You) for it.
If you feel that scared/threatened move somewhere else. You have the money to do that right? You're not another white trash poorfag in a city pretending to be better than your fellow poorfags, are you?
Yes let's all move to Amsterdam, I'm sure the dutch will welcome the influx of autists.

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What are your thoughts on modifying conventional railway infrastructure, including traditional railroad switch technology, to allow conventional tracks to be used for maglev trains?

I was considering whether improvements in electrification could enable this modified infrastructure to reduce the need for frequent electrical substations or repeaters, potentially allowing them to be spaced much farther apart than the catenary poles used on the fastest high-speed railways.

Below are some suggested ideas for improving maglev track-switching technology, inspired by the widely-used standard gauge tracks:

>Track switching for a magnetically levitated transportation system and method: https://patents.google.com/patent/US7757609B2/en
>Magnetic Transport Systems (MTS) has developed a game-changing breakthrough in railroad technology: https://www.magnetictransportsystems.com/magLEVrail.shtml

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look at their website further, they promise mixed conventional and maglev on same track

Maglev isn't an advantage. When Linimo was inaugurated for the Expo 2005, they had to ask people to leave because the train couldn't run with full passenger capacity.
The (theoretical) advantage with the transrapid was that it ran on a viaduct, which with automation could be built cheaply. But then China noticed they didn't needed maglev to build viaducts.
For everywhere else, the ability to use conventional rail stations and embankment construction is a advantage for HSR (let alone regular trains).
maglev tracks never wear out in use and trains can go vastly faster than any conventional high speed train without having to fight against material physics the whole way
If material physics were the problem, every railway would be operating at 320 km/h.

Also, tilting trains do not change the center of rotation of a train, so why they can go faster? Because the passenger comfort is actually the limit in corners for a lightweight train. If you want to go faster, you need larger curves. Or better passengers, idk
>If material physics were the problem, every railway would be operating at 320 km/h.
for high speed rail it is. the tracks and wheels wear out, unlike maglev since it literally floats

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Has anyone who mountain bikes NOT broken a bone?
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40 yo and never broken a bone.
I only started MTBing last year, so I'm not sure that counts, lol.
I remember when you bought that bike. great action shot
True, I did post a picture here, haha.
Thanks, man.
I MTBed for 6 years, broke a rail on a bridge with my shoulder and ended in the drink, but no broken bones.
Based Ride&Destroyer

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Literally scrapped because of a refrigerator.
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The loss of all of the NYC Hudsons is a death sentence worthy crime.
they realised too late they'd built a gigantic penis on wheels, complete with glowing urethra
>what a motherfucker has to do to avoid diesel-electric
A local railroad Museum was more than willing to move it
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The idea was good.

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is this true /n/ ?
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meanwhile in reality theres plenty routes, yes even between towns, where one consistently comes out faster on a bicycle.
Cagies are degenerate enough to be reliant on motorvehicles and still are slower. Fucking kek.
Get his ass, Chang.
I know because I live it
I drive an SUV, my commute is 17 miles and takes an hour because of rush hour traffic, and that's on a 4 lane highway most of the way, not stop and go city traffic. If I used the shit public transport we have in Arizona it would take me 3-4 hours to get to work
I wish I could take fast public transport to get to work but Phoenix is so badly planned out it would take significant investment to fix our transport problems
>theres plenty routes, yes even between towns, where one consistently comes out faster on a bicycle.
Source: my ass
Bicycles are only ever faster than cars in congested inner cities

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What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
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Acela SHOULD be ~10-20mph faster as well. But even with that, depending on the time of day acela can actually take longer than the north east regional. And it's not due (solely) to station stops.

Assuming you take the 8:00AM Acela from NYC to DC you get to DC at 11:01AM with 6 stops (Newark, Metropark, Philly, Wilmington, Baltimore Penn, and BWI)
Assuming you take the 7:25AM North east Regional from NYC to DC you get to DC at 10:46AM with only 5 stops (Newark, Trenton, Philly, Wilmington, Blatimore Penn)

So you save ~15 minutes on acela but stop at one extra station.

In the opposite direction you can take the 7AM NRE from DC to NYC and get there at 9:52AM with 5 stops (BWI, Baltimore Penn, Wilmington, Philly, Newark) But acela is even worse in that direction in the morning, 7AM departure gets you to NYC at 10:02AM with 5 stops (BWI, Baltimore Penn, Wilmington, Philly, Newark)

So even with both trains only hitting 5 stops on the way, NRE is still ~10 minutes faster for the 7am trips from DC.
Using Beoing as an example of deregulation lmao
BSNF/Union Pacific and all these other shareholder Dodge Brothers companies that hold the railroads hostage should be nuked with their assets bought out. AmTrak and everything else should then be reorganized into the state owned American Federal Railways under one umbrella with local governments having a say. Ditch retarded rolling stock and adopt railbuses, EMUs, and locomotives for correspondingly demanding lines. Electrify the mainlines. Fix the retarded scheduling and increase frequency.
>actually being minorities
Wew lad.
/g/ has been aware of the Jews (Intel), Chinese, and Indians for like fifteen years. If you don't know this you're part of one of the problem groups.


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Heavy traffic edition

Prev: >>2003913
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Thanks, brother. I'm just inbetween waiting for my docs to process.
I hope everything goes well for you, Anon.
Don't knock the SIU's apprenticeship. I overheard someone saying that they where extraordinarily short handed.
I'm guessing that they'll let in anyone to this program.
However you have to a whole lot of stupid shit, like going to the galley every weekend until you get privileges as well as marching everywhere.
Most of these tasks are rather easy but they get old within a day.
I've got unusually supreme benefits with my current job that I'd be throwing away but it has me absolutely trapped in a life I'm not satisfied with. bit of a risk, but my goal is to upskill and get rated in the unions to be able to take the hitches I choose, whenever, with a variety of companies, eventually for much higher pay and with similar benefits as I have now. Even with the sacrifices you make, it's my kind of lifestyle.
I need all the money I can get to keep saving and invest proper.
9 months during 2014 2015 offshore crash
6 7 months during covid
5 months this year

I regret nothing and the best time i had at home with my son
Going back at sea after so much time at home feels like shit but it is what it is
MSC reduced requirements again to get promoted and sail as AB. Is it the same outside MSC or strictly for them?

For the record the change went from needing your 120 sea watches, watch assessments and deck assessments completed before beginning your 360 sea days. Now your 360 sea days begin as soon as you come aboard, not needing the sea watches and assessments done before the timer starts.

Then you need lifeboat and an AB class and wait on your endorsement from the USCG to sail as AB and get AB pay.

I'm hoping to get AB late next Summer and I'm the anon that started NEO last January.

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