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because american pilots make fuck you money
girls used to fucking high earning pilots wont look twice at paco in his cuckonomy seat
I hate you phone posting faggots. You cannot be bothered to use punctuation to correctly convey an idea, so you don't deserve to have your ideas shared.
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If shit gets too boring, you could do some aerobatics with dash 8.

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It does actually, retard.
So they’re adding yet another major technical hurdle to their engine design. Fantastic.
>Time is money not just for the passengers but the airlines. This is why turboprops for instance, which are significantly more fuel efficient than jetliners have mostly dissapeared in favor of jets.
Modern turbofans can get more fuel efficient than old turboprops. That still isn't the reason why many airlines go for regional jets for their feeder traffic, that is because they can keep aircraft types in the fleet at minimum as regional jets can usually fly bit longer routes as well.

Boom Overture is doomed. No credible aircraft engine manufacturer is willing to work with them. Rolls-Royce made mistake in doing feasibility studies for them, that gave Boom some credibility they didn't deserve. Only manufacturer willing to work with them is making turbines for target drones, decoys and cruise missiles. Cheap, simple and tiny jet engines that aren't meant to used again. Its going to be a sight to see once they start making stuff that is order of magnitude bigger and more complex as I assume Boom wants to re-use their engines.

Odds are that supersonic aircraft is going to require more inspections and maintenance to stay safe. Airlines have always gone for low costs.
No, it doesn't.

They're simply using high altitude + a computer that limits them to supersonic flight in a VERY limited speed envelope so the boom wont reach the ground.

Which in practice limits them to a MAX speed of about Mach 1.3, only ~20-30% faster than high speed subsonic passenger flights that are already a thing, and they have to sacrifice a bunch more fuel for that 20-30% additional speed.

Meaning in a REAL WORLD transatlantic flight, you MIGHT save ~90 minutes.

There is never going to be any real use to this technology, it's simply not a big enough leap forward for existing airlines to bother and the time savings and fuel savings margins would be minimal enough any new airline would struggle to find an audience to pay for the flights.
They are aiming for mach 1.7 top speed. I guess mach 1.3 speed limit is only for overland use.

That still doesn't solve their engine issue. The gigantic part where they are making their own engine in 160kN thrust class and only company willing to work with them as design consultants has only experience with 880N thrust or smaller engines.

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Can we implement congestion pricing in basically any American city?

I used to think you needed a downtown that was segmented from the rest of the city via a waterway (like South Beach Miami or San Francisco or Manhattan), but now I'm thinking you can just employ it on any urban freeway.

Also, is there any reason NOT to use congestion pricing? It seems like the only way to fund urban freeways. It's been tried and tested in several countries around the world.
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Like you, Chang, I deny that density leads to traffic congestion.
urbanism threads are a great contribution to board culture and I love all the intelligent discourse and cool people who post in them
Kill yourself self hating faggot
I’m amazed the cagetrolls are having such a hard time coping with this one. More funding means safer transit and more frequent service.
It's funny how the cagetrolls are always coping. Yet sad at the same time. Do you feel the same way, Chang?

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>be me, born 2002
>given the gift of train autism
>foam over dash 9's and GEVOs
>witness the majestic site of an IC SD40 deathstar leading a long distance freight job
>suddenly become nostalgic over time period i was a part of
>realize i will never see this again

standard cabs were the peak of american railroading and i never got to see it :(
Standard cabs sucked and I do not miss them. Also, most of those ICs have been repainted to the CN colors. That's the real shame.
Also, in a SUPER pedantic note. GEVO is the name of the actual prime mover in them. The locomotive is an Evolution Series or EVO.
nobody calls them EVOs though lol
People that build them and work on them do. GEVO is even a poor descriptor because there actually is a surprising amount of variation in prime movers across the line.
what's a standard cab

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I understand the 747's four-engine design consumes more fuel than modern twin-engine aircraft like the Dreamliner and Boeing 777, leading to higher operating costs for airlines but doesn't Airbus A380's massive body and 4 engines consume even more fuel? Why are they in such high demand?
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The 747 should be brought back. Such a beautiful plane.
A380 looks kind of dumb IMO, and they were a moneypit for Airbus iirc and had never recouped the cost of development.
Not many airports can house A380s due to its wong size. They could have neen shorter if Airbus didn't want a one size fits all solution and the plane would have bukakked all over Boeing but such is life.

The 747 killed PANAM. The operation costs where insane. It was like using a Truck instead of a bus to hall people.
They designed the A380 wing to fit a stretch version, rather than for the original -800 version.
Making it thicker, heavier, and less efficient overall. It was unfortunate too that Airbus didn't wait a few years. An 380 incorporating the current or next gen engines (e.g. RR Ultrafans), composite airframe and/or wings would be a game-changer.

However, I think Airbus will be focusing most on the A320 then a330 replacements. They've captured most of the long haul and mid-distance markets. They need to get a design for a composite a321 sized aircraft out there and have a shrink and stretch variant.
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It's mostly about ETOPS limits being changed to allow twin engines to fly a lot further (or over oceans) from the nearest emergency landing spot.

Back in the day, engines were unreliable and so you generally had the rule of four (over water) and rule of two (over land) but since engines and planes in general are much more reliable, the ETOPS relaxed rules meant that now twin engined planes can be used for long hauls.

There's also the obvious fuel cost savings that came with it so 4 engines is now basically redundant, they burn more fuel and add more weight and cost more to manufacture.
Man I love AI. I can just ask "what's the airplane poop hole engine thing for" and it'll know what I'm talking about and give me an answer. I spent so many years not looking this (and many other things) up because I was tired of trying to find the right keywords for the search engines, then you gotta look for something that's not quora or reddit or stackoverflow trash, then the answer is somewhere in a 15000 SEO essay.

Do you guys ever have conversations with other people on public transportation, or try picking up girls there?

>yet another day riding the subway sharing a car with plenty of cute girls, normal looking guys, and never make conversation with anyone to try to make friends or get a date
>it's been like this nearly daily for 10 years
>even see the same people getting on and off at my same stop, they live near me, and still never speak to anyone
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The train is my safe space. Fuck off. Niglets are already a problem, I don't want to hear you chuds whip out cringy pickup lines.
its just so devastating for me. i see all them and all i think about is how they probably have successful normal boyfriends/husbands/gf/wives and kids as well, have worthwhile jobs, have actual lives where they do activities and actually enjoy living. then theres me the guy who just stands in the corner of the door never smiling looking down at the floor. even guys or girls who get on with bikes, thats a talking point, a shared interest, maybe we can go on a ride together, i still just never speak to anyone.
>See a hot girl sitting next to me on the bus
>"I like your dress"
>No response
>"I like your dress"
>"Where are you going?"
>"To my boyfriend house" (i call it bullshit)
>"Okay i shut up dont worry"
Kind of expected result desu
>great opportunity to meet people.
You are implying that i have anything worth to be meet for, wich is false
>few hours of conversation
wtf do you want me to talk about for more than 15 minutes? I rather kill myself honestly
skill issue

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65k a year, what a joke
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don't do it too much, don't do it too little
is flying twice a week too little you think? I would prefer three but its hard to keep up on all the homework with three times.
homework isn't really bad. maybe it depends where you're going. but it think 4 days a week is best, 5 days a week is ideal too obviously, and maybe 3 day weeks intermittently if you want more days off. this is all if you want to make a career out of it. if you're only doing flight training twice a week it's gonna take much longer to get through all your ratings
Lol, I make $400,000 selling counterfeit Ozempic to fat people.
Sounds comfy, can't you just sit around and chat on the radio?

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24, second year uni student doing the “best” business degree in my country. Supposedly a golden ticket to the big leagues—consulting, IB, maybe even VC if I licked enough boots. Thought I had it all figured out.

Then today, I’m sitting in my financial accounting class, staring at a balance sheet, and it hits me like a freight train: I don’t give a single fuck about this. I don’t care about IFRS standards. I don’t care about “optimizing shareholder value.” I don’t want to be some Excel wageslave shoveling numbers for some middle manager who clocks out at 5 to drink himself to sleep.

I've always wanted to fly. Not the airline cattle herding bullshit, but real flying—bush planes in Alaska, aerobatics, corporate jets where you get paid six figures to sip champagne at FL450. Problem is, flight school costs more than my net worth (which is fucking zero), and I don’t have daddy’s trust fund to bankroll it. The rational choice is to finish my degree, get a stable job, and maybe try to pivot later. But that sounds like slow death.

It’s like I’ve been lulled into this easy, respectable path, the kind everyone around me nods approvingly at—“smart choice, good future”—but at the cost of ignoring the closest I can get to a real life of adventure.

Do I finish the soul-sucking business grind, or do I say fuck it and go full send on something I actually want to do, even if it means being broke for years? Anyone else been in this position, or am I just terminally retarded?
do it after the business degree, don't lose your slot to the comfortable high paying paper pushing desk job

how did it end up on its side? were you hurt?
I think the picture is sideways, not the train.
no, train sideways
I was badly hurt but am now okay, thanks.

Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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i have an og early 80's bmx frame in the shed from when i was a kid i might do it up and post some before and after pics.
I dont know what we should do here
I'm somehow still getting it, although pics in other threads have disappeared for me
the photo is just stuckted in your catch
I dont know how some blessed mod was able to pull off this collectible miracle, but you have done a great thing and good things will happen in your future!
You are truly on the golden path

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I was going to school online in Fall but this Spring, I have to take courses in person.
Unfortunately, campus is 5 hours and 30 minutes away walking, and 1 to 2 hours by transit.
Transit here is kinda expensive and can be unreliable.

By car though, it takes 25 minutes to get there from my apartment.
I don't know what to do. I'm too broke to buy a car at the moment. Buying a car implies not just buying the car, but also insuring it because it's mandatory in my state.
Maybe I could consider an alternative vehicle that's faster than walking? Like an electric bike?
The problem is I know nothing about these things.

I see a lot of people in my city with scooters, electric bikes, etc... and there are also e-bike/scooter rental services but honestly these seem like overpriced memes.
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OP here,
Sorry I wasn't here.

Attendance is required in all of them unfortunately. And 2 have labs.

Alright, I might abandon this idea then.
Maybe >>2030981 is right(I think you were >>2030593) and I am overestimating the cost of moving closer to campus and subleting the apartment temporarily.
At the same time though I would still need transportation. Because I also have a job. From my place, my school is 20 miles north and my job is 1.5 miles away south. If I moved closer to the school I would still need transportation to go to work. And I have to go to work because 1) it was very hard for me to get this job 2) I have a contract 3) if I don't have a job I won't have any income.

Without the factor of the job location, what you two are saying makes sense and I am realizing that earlier, I was disregarding this very astute solution of simply subletting and moving closer based on perhaps anxiety, unfamiliarity and retardation when it comes to anything money related. But there is after the factor of my job location I hadn't mentioned.

Once again my bad >>2030981 if I did not properly consider your solution at first. On second thoughts you made a very good point and my response about income made no sense, since that's the point of subletting and getting the cheapest option on campus(in the end I could even end up paying LESS than at my current place)
Sorry I am paranoid.
I cannot ever give away my location online.

I do not live with my parents. My budget is tight because I rely on my job but it's minimum wage, + financial aid.
It's Miami isn't it?
I might be stupid for telling you that it is incorrect as that narrows down the correct answer to more options.
But no I definitely am not in Miami.
>but also insuring it because it's mandatory in my state.
drive without insurance retard.

Touring Edition

RJ the bike guy on youtube

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you'll be fine even going significantly over the limit
my wtb i23 rim just got kill.
can you recommend some rims? I don't want wtb for now. how about those ebike rated onse, will they live longer that 3 years? I run mezcals 2.25 tubeless
Remember if you need a warranty replacement you weigh 80kg.
Just like the other anon said you will be fine.
DT swiss, Velocity, h+sons
Thanks bros, time to bike
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I have a 29er with 32 teeth in front and the smallest cog in the back has 11 teeth. I also recently got an old 26er with 36 teeth on the largest sprocket in front and 11 teeth in the back. One full revolution of the cranks on the 29er would move the bike ~265 inches and on the 26er ~267 inches. Yet the 26 feels lighter to pedal. Why is that? It's probably a retarded question, but I've forgotten all the physics I'd ever learned long ago.


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Soul vs soulless.
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I remember when left was one of the pinnacles of human engineering.
this can't be real
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standard cabs have soul

It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
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how do you go to places in the united states with out having the white people shit in your cereal by telling you to leave your bicyccle out side where it will be stolen and destroyed by the elements?

drawing a parallel between a common issue in software development—where suboptimal solutions become widely accepted simply because they are readily available—and a broader societal issue, possibly related to infrastructure, accessibility, or even systemic exclusion. Sometimes, solutions to problems become entrenched, even if they are not ideal, because they are the easiest or most immediate answer available.

In software development, this phenomenon is often referred to as "technical debt," where quick fixes or suboptimal solutions are implemented to solve immediate problems, but they create long-term challenges that are harder to address later. Over time, these solutions become so ingrained in the system that they are difficult to replace, even if better alternatives exist.

society sometimes settles for inadequate solutions to problems, especially when those solutions are tied to larger systemic issues. The reference to "Mr. Hitler's exclusionary vision" and the "autobahn" suggests a critique of how certain systems or infrastructures are designed in ways that exclude or marginalize certain groups, forcing them to conform to a dominant model or face consequences.
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>demand improvements to cyclist/pedestrian infrastructure
>offered a grade-separated bikeway
>get mad that it doesn't "own the carbrains"
>wonder why everyone despises your kind
or maybe I just want to be able to get from Point A to Point B where the locations of those two points is my own decision and not the decision of some anti-bike "avid cyclist bike activist" paid a salary by the Automobile Association of America and REBNY
>paid a salary by the Automobile Association of America
work on better bait next time

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