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I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
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I am new to brompton and I have lots to say

I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING TIRES! i just want to remove this stupid fucking tire and replace it.

WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HARD TO REMOVE??? MAKE A FUCKING TYRE THAT EASY TO REMOVE. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a wrestler and can remove tires. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to ride bicycles SO WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE WIRE BEADS? make an easy to remove tire and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS.
use tire levers and a bit of soapy water to help the bead clear the rim
i got called a noun today for asking if i could bring my brompton into a cafe after folding it
Which noun? "Miscreant"? "Reprobate"? "Cyclist"?
>"Omg, did you see anon come to work on a kids bike today?"
>"Ahh omg yes. Really highlights how pathetic he is lmfao."

Are 24"x6.2" the future?
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A dropper post is a must on any fat bike you plan on using in soft conditions. Without one getting on the pedals from the stop usually means spinning out the rear wheel, which leads to having to get off and push to somewhere you can get started. With a dropper you can start pedaling from a stop while seated to keep weight on the rear wheel.
Since there are no 190mm front hubs, Surly has gone back the the original Pugsley thing of running a rear hub up front.
Ok I did write a foot of snow, but I guess you are taking me kind of literal and that is fine since that is indeed what I wrote. However in some areas of the country we can get a good 5-6 inches of fluffy powder and like earlier this week 2-3 inches of heavy wet snow. and as far as sweating and suffering.. I kind of like it, bring the pain. It only snows a few times a year here anyways and usually melts in a week.
Ain't yall heard of cross country skis
Where I live those are almost exclusively used as a means of exercise on prepared loops.
On days with particularly heavy snowfall I have seen a few people commuting on skis on the bike paths though.
Personally I like riding my bicycle better than skiing.

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These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
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Happy anniversary!
Now I wanna see someone try a pedal-powered hybrid airship: the buoyant lift might reduce the thrust needed just enough to allow human-powered flight.
There's been some.
That looks unsafe
It doesn't look unsafe enough

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Is it worth putting some money (maybe 200€) into upgrading one of these shitters? It's the only bike I have but it's not very good to ride.
Rear wheel needs truing and cassette needs to be changed. Brakes are also shit.
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>hard to believe
It's true, it's a boomer owned shop that existed for 40 years and it shows, all they have is old stock and feels like they are just letting the time pass until they eventually retire or die. I like to buy from them when I can but mostly tubes, cables and brake pads since there's not much offer there, even simple stuff like grips is unironically all 90s or early 00s leftovers lol.

There's a second lbs but sells nothing but high end fredsleds I don't give them my business.
i can understand the parts thing but like... do they do not repairs?
that's a pretty fucking basic tool and MORE relevant if they're an oldschool shop

the actual fuck
>do they do not repairs?
No, they sell bikes and parts. There used to be a couple oldtimers that had a garage that did that but one has died and the other simply closed doors. As a kid I used to go to the former and the only tools I ever saw him using regularly was the hammer and screwdriver kek.
Then there's the fredsled shop that does indeed do repairs and maintenance but no one is taking shitters there since it's not cheap service.

Honestly I've taught before of start doing small repairs but I don't know where to start or if there's an actual market for it since the town is only 20k population.
>Honestly I've taught before of start doing small repairs but I don't know where to start or if there's an actual market for it since the town is only 20k population.

I do this, my advice would be try to just do tune ups, don't take on complete basket cases, and don't try to comprehensively go over anything. Don't suggest doing bearings unless it's something you can quickly swap out. Don't open cans of worms, first 'do no harm'. Most bikes can be improved with a clean, chain lube, bolt check, air, and a pad/ gear adjustment. Charge like $40 an hour. 30 mins or 60 mins on a bike is enough.

You might also do chains and hydrualic disc pads for e-bikers. Or grips / bartape, or offer nicer pedals / saddles you source from china.

The other way to go about it is to specialize, probably either in wheelbuilds or servicing suspension. But you'd have to get good at those things before you start asking money.

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>California Citizens: We want affordable high speed rail from SF to LA!
>State Government: No problem! Give us $10 Billion and we will do it!
>California Citizens: (votes for $10 Billion in bonds in 2008)
>Fed Government: (Kicks in another $10 Billion)
>Rail Authority: Oh LOL this is going to cost $100 Billion total
>California Citizens: What the Fuck!? That's not what you originally told us?
>Rail Authority: K. How about $68 Billion?
>California Citizens: No! We never agreed to that! We only voted for $10 Billion!
>Rail Authority: Great! We'll get started with Merced to Bakersfield
>California Citizens: WTF!? No!
>Rail Authority: Oh LOL! We don't have enough money to complete it. We're gonna be 50 miles short and need another $10 Billion
>California Citizens: Fucking no! Nobody asked for this route!
>Rail Authority: Merced to Bakersfield should be ready by 2030 if you give funds
>California Citizens: ...
>Rail Authority: Oh Yeah and it will cost $120 Billion now to complete SF to LA

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Now that CAHSR is basically dead with federal funding cut coming within a few months, what should the already built sections be used for in the future?
Truck route express lanes. It's wide enough for two lanes of trucks plus some breakdown lanes, provides flat surfaces, and has plenty of engineering. Just charge a nominal toll and trucks will be zipping down the pathway instead of being on California's outdated freeway system. Wouldn't break even but at $100B+ it never would anyway.
example of usage would be some buisness man going to a agricultural buisness meetinng/appointment/checkup, not all buisness activities can be done by skype. im sure theyll have car rental places at the train hubs. though youre only cutting a 4hour drive down to a 2hr travel but that might be significant to someone who has to make that trip every week
California is a hell on earth if you live in a population center and actually pay taxes.

Nothing this state does is good or intelligent. It is run by evil people and populated by evil people.

Every good person I've met her has moved away. The state is surviving on legacy industries and control of ports while it rots from the inside out

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Was old London Bridge peak /n/?

You’ve got walking, cycling, ferries, barges, housing, commerce all in the same space.
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okay then, here's this instead.
>The nagging suspicion was firmly quashed when we visited the man who sold London Bridge, Mr Ivan Luckin, at his Chorleywood home.
>"Of course not," thundered Mr Luckin with the sort of authority you expect in a City man.
...and, frankly, I'll take the word of the Common Council of the City of London member who suggested putting London Bridge up for sale to begin with, to know something about the matter.
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No. Its a shitty idea for bridges because bridges are usually traffic chokepoints and on top of that you are now introducing even more chokepointing due to all that "commerce" going on.

Aka people specificially going to the bridge to shop even if they otherwise wouldn't have done so, shops loading and unloading their stock etc.

It was however probably one of the most based location for you to have a house however. Because you likely had an actual "running water" toilet.
You could say that for any popular commercial street in a city. You’re basically arguing to get rid of mixed-use cities and segregate everything into subdivisions and shopping malls.
That's better. Maybe you'll remember not to be a keyboard warrior in future. Good manners cost nothing.
You gaylords still talking about the Spring Break bridge in Arizona?

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Bike lanes should be wide enough to ride side-by-side with your gf.
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>never once proposed roads to be segmented for bikes only, only that you had to share with cagers and deal with it.
And that's why he was right. Bike lanes are a scam, propaganda invented by big oil just like {{{({((jaywalking}})}}) to segregate anyone but automobiles from using the public roadways. The roads belong to The PEOPLE
extreme cope from a retard who later in his life shilled for the auto industry. if bikes and people truly deserved space why are cars allowed in the first place? the road should be for bikes and people only.
>the road should be for bikes and people only
Aren't they all?
You're so close to getting it
That's how it works where I live, but idiots still ride side-by-side, getting in everyone's way.

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What do you think about the new plan to tunnel under the 401 highway in Toronto?

They want to build trains and additional express lanes underneath along a stretch of about 40km of an 15-20 lane highway

Over 500,000 vehicles use this stretch of road per day
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why use small trains for short distances when you could much easilier use trucks?
oakland has a bunch of freeways zipping through the downtown area and it has relieved a lot of the trafffic from surface streets
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>do minimal upgrades to infrastructure even though population doubles
>wonder why it doesn't seem to fix issues
Lmao Atlanta does maximal highways expansions and the traffic sucks ass. Even driving short distances will get you caught in nightmare traffic. Designing for pedestrians over cars would make trips shorter for most people.
>Lmao Atlanta does maximal highways expansions
The only expansions in the last two decades have been rebuilding antiquated interchanges that badly needed it and adding express toll lanes. "Lmao"

>Designing for pedestrians over cars would make trips shorter for most people.

Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
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>I don’t know what you’re referring to.
I think you do
No I really don’t. Covid exposed that BART at its core was always just a work commute subway system. Once work commuting substantially disappeared due to working from home, ridership completely tanked. It’s recovering somewhat, but it will never come close to what it was before Covid. The Bay Area could go full republican and institute draconian policies for Bart with fare enforcement, policing, substantial jail time and fines for any homeless drug addicts found in the system. Bart could become the safest and cleanest subway in the world. And it will still never recover ridership because the Bay Area is a car culture who works from home at their worthless tech jobs.
>le black people
Yea undeniable that crime and junkies caused a lot of issues and drove people away from bart, but in the past year riders have been feeling safer and there's been far less crime/squalor both in my experience and as measured by surveys and crime reports
Agree that in the bay specifically work from home is a serious issue for transit systems; caltrain and bart both suffered nasty ridership drops while more local systems like MUNI recovered strongly. I do think we're heading in a good direction though with more transit oriented development near stations that will feed people into the network organically (although 40% of the population are convinced that building a condo in a 10 mile radius from their home is equivalent to a nuclear holocaust). Also, at least with caltrain, leadership has seen the writing on the wall and is going hard on outreach to youth, elderly, and leisure riders to try and diversify their ridership base
MUNI recovered strongly because it’s in the only extremely densely populated city in the region and is at almost every single street corner in San Francisco so you can get pretty much anywhere in the city you want to go. It’s not fair to compare it to Bart which stretches from Richmond to San Jose, Dublin to San Francisco. It hits almost every big city in the east bay but people still don’t really use it as leisure transport because these cities are too big and you would have to add a bicycle, or Uber, or carpool to the end of the Bart trip to get where you’re trying to go.

I actually probably ride Bart the most of anyone you’ll ever find in the Bay Area. I don’t have a car so I use it to get all over and use my bike with it as well. I ride on weekday commute hours, I’ve ridden regularly on weeknights after 9pm, I’ve ridden regularly on weekends. It will really piss me off if/when Bart shuts down, and it’s going to be single handedly because of the tech faggots. Although I think it is pretty fitting. The tech industry is what ruined this entire region anyway and sucked all the soul and character and community of of the region, now they have also ruined the only great public service it has.
i regularly take bart but ill be driving a lot more instead now that theyre curbing fare evasion. public transit should be cheaper than driving

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What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?

At a surface level it is obviously meant to (proverbially) throw other cyclists under the bus, but to what end? Would it somehow appease the anti-bike people if the person "blocking traffic" didn't agree to be referred to by the word "cyclist"?
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I would go so far as to say urbanists hate bicycles. they also hate people, particularly those who live in cities, but that's another discussion. you know what actually I take it back. it's just different facets of the same issue. urbanism is driven by hate and a need to control people. it's pretty much the same as hard core christian fundamentalism but with Ctrl-H on some of the words.
The biggest tragedy of the anti-religion movement is that they blamed the vehicle (religion) for the problem, rather than the source (human nature and the innate desire to hate and control others). Now it's still there, but spread out all over the place.
would you say that inspiring people is a form of control?
It's a form of influence. It's a suggestion, but one people are inclined to follow.
"i pay someone else to fix my bike and i dont care about the new bike parts you just bought"

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who would travel between montreal and toronto?
They speak 2 different languages
This announcement is just a desperate ploy for votes from a government with horrific polling due to their horrific policies. They doubled the national debt within a decade and can barely make interest payments and this line is projected to cost hundreds of billions. This line will not be built.
Plenty of Montrealers move(d) to Toronto to either escape french language bullshit or seek better career opportunities.
According to Via rail in 2022 saw 1.8 million passengers between mtl and TO, and thats not including people to travel by bus, car, or plane.
A lot of people do already, and a lot more people would if there was a high-speed rail connection.
Toronto has a large francophone community as well.
Montreal has some English-language universities, which used to be pretty popular because the tuition was super low compared to Ontario. I think the tuition gap is narrower now, but they can still be popular for people looking to practice bilingualism in pursuit of government jobs. Students tend to make a few trips home every year.
Montreal is also a hub station for train service to the maritime provinces, and Toronto is a hub station for train service to Western Canada.

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I didn't see one or something similar in the catalog so here we are and I need help.

I had my chain skipping in the hardest gears on my road bike, 10speed cassette and double crank, which I don't normally ride in. But no issues otherwise
So I thought maybe my chain was to blame but never measures and don't have the tools for that anyways. I bought a new chain and now it starts to skip on the front sprocket.
Now I'm starting to wonder if I have worn out both the front large sprocket and the middle of the cassette to the point I just need to replace all of it... thats a little pricey and I'm cheap.
How should I proceed in trouble shooting this?

thanks in advance
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lol nice one, ESL
Same anon here. I tried replacing the chainring and chain with basically identical but brand-new ones, and now everything runs flawlessly so far. Lesson learned: Don't skimp out when converting, or you'll be without a bike for two weeks.
As if most native English speakers know how to spell.
>tubular tire keeps leaking out air
>dip it in water
>can't find leak anywhere
Should I just pump it with some sealant?
>tubular tire
are you 80 years old?

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Ironic. In cities with no nighttime transit, first and last shift bus and tram and train drivers cannot commute to their work by mass transit (unless the company launches a pickup bus service for them)
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The ones riding to Wall Street are the low-level flunkies that don't have any money or power. Just because you wear a shirt and tie doesn't mean you're some sort of high-roller. It's like how people both believe the quote "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars, it’s where the rich use public transportation" and don't have any idea where it even comes from.
So much hyperbolic strawgrasp in this post it reads like comedy. Lol.
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In my city, there are night buses, but I usually use one of the carsharing providers as they are 3 times as fast and not that expensive.
Also the Czech railways give out a small bonus for every shift starting before 6:00, so that usually covers the cost.
I'll do you one better.
In my city, they wanted to reduce the amount of money spent on overtime for transit operators.
The biggest source of overtime, was not getting operators back to their clock-out point on time for the shift end. Like, a bus driver behind on their schedule, and arriving late at the depot. Or a subway operator being on the opposite end of the city, and needing to get back to where they parked their car.
The transit agency decided the best way to address this was... setting drop-dead deadlines for operators to stop driving the route and return to clock-out. For buses, this meant "kick everyone off the bus, go to depot NOW." For subways, this either meant, "kick everyone off the train, turn it back into the direction of the operator's clock out point," or, "stop the train, wait for an opposite direction train, swap the crews."
Where this intersects with nighttime transit, is that nighttime is where a lot of those shift change problems are happening. The number of vehicles being operated is tapering down, so you need operators to wrap up on time. But, also, the number of vehicles being operated is going down, so any kind of disruption to the schedule means it will be as much as 30 minutes until the next scheduled vehicle.
Overnight transit was hellish before I just started biking literally everywhere, no matter the distance.
The bus operator needs to run buses to/from the route start/end to depot, and workers (not just the drivers) take these buses to go to and from work. It's a bus only for bus drivers

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Hey guys, I need advice to buy a new bicycle for commuting to work (and also start delivering after work)
I've been using pic related for a year or so now and it was pretty comfy, but I realized that parts and replacements for that kind of bike are rare and very expensive for some reason
To the point that I think is better to just buy a new bike and just forget about it, I have like 300 bucks so maybe I get a cheap fixed gear or single speed since I liked that kind of bike
But do you think I could get a gravel bike with my budget? what bike do you recommend me?
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see if there are any decent fixies on marketplace. Don't get anything with colored wheels etc because they're shit. You might find a Fuji Feather or Kona Paddywagon etc. Be prepared to drive a bit
probably some vintage quill stem shit or something
do you seriously ride flat bars when people can see you?
who gives a fuck?
>But do you think I could get a gravel bike with my budget?
No. Some basic market research would tell you that yourself.

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Disasters never have one root cause and neither did the destruction of cycling. But I know some important milestones in the decline and fall:

1. COVID 19. Enough said.
2. Full suspension mountain bikes. Enough said.
3. Reddit. Enough said.
4. Twitter. Enough said.
5. British "people". Enough said.
6. The d-tch. Enough said.
7. The state of Utah. Enough said.
8. Zwift, Peloton, "Spin Class", and other cancer. Enough said.

What were some other key moments?
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>I have an irrational fear that my QR wheels will fall off through the dropouts when I jump curbs and make sicknasty maneuvers.

Neurotic zoomers feel safe following marketing hype
Sick bike if that's yours
I'm gen x and I'm with that person. lawyer lips weren't invented as a joke. now go ahead and scream about boomers, because age-related strawmanning is the best you'll be able to do
Le 'if you don't like something you must be SCARED of it' trope.
Straight out of the reddit playbook.
Why are you scared of women anon? Who hurt you?

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