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How do these large cargo backpacks compare with a bicycle trailer? I need to haul 100kg of cargo on a bicycle
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Can I ask you for some tips brother? I just started Uber Eats and I like it, but I feel like I'm not optimal, should I just hang out at the loop all day?
Depends what you mean by optimal, $/hour? $/mile? deliveries/day? I think spending all day in the loop is nonoptimal for $/hour but that really depends. My method is to catch peak hours, in river north/loop/westloop/southloop that is between 11am-2pm, refuel the mule during the slowest part of the day 3-4pm then back for dinner peak 5-7pm. I like to be online an hour before peak hits and stick around like another hour after for lingering orders so 10-3pm and 4pm-8pm with an hour lunch at 3-4pm is a normal day for me. Most days I transition from downtown to the residentials like wicker or lakeview for dinner, just my preference, but I stick around downtown when I really need it.

Think about it in the perspective of the customer, you want to work when people are hungry and hang around the places they order from, both the time and place changes all the time. There's a rhythm to it and you find it through experience. Also, be aware that weekdays have a different rhythm from weekends, that should also be a factor for when/where you work. It's been busy this year with the amount of tourists and politicians from out of state thanks to all the incoming national level events.

When your stats are good and you have a good history of deliveries completed and you get the emails regarding future opportunities like pizza, alcohol, grocery, catering, medicine, etc, sign up for those opportunities. Those are the orders that have decent $ per mile. Sometimes those orders have shit $/hr but good $/mile, it's still worth running for the stats and further future opportunities. A few years ago I received an email that gave me the opportunity to model for one of their hiring campaigns, don't be afraid of levelling up and taking the chances they give you.
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You gonna have balance issues; start smalle
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why are guys like this so racist against anything that isn't old and farty?

why don't they just ignore the people flying by them at 40mph having a ton of fun being super fit and not fat and angry like themselves?
Why they such haters?
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Not so fast, unracer
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I compared the two on "crimegrade.org" because apparently the real estate sites killed those features. So who the fuck knows how useful this is (probably not very because the site appears to be an affiliate link farm for selling prepper gear to mentally ill people), but:

West Oakland:
Overall: F
Violent Crime: D-
Property Crime: D-
Other Crime: F

My neighborhood (not doxxing myself because I fear the hacker known as anonymous):
Overall: F
Violent Crime: F
Property Crime: F
Other Crime: F

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If you're wearing long pants, you're generally ok. It's also said that they can't transmit the disease unless they have enough time to get engorged
Lyme is only in the north east/central Atlantic of the US
The ticks that spread it are blacklegged ticks (or deer ticks). They are usually found in the:

Upper Midwest
Pacific coast, especially northern California

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Anyone have a full scan?
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try /r/
I've got a copy at work, but not a PDF.
good luck lol, those things are around 5000 pages
what is it?>
the big register of railroad equipment like rolling stock
has had copies around since the late 19th century

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Why not take the boatpill?
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Much refreshed, much repaired, very wow
All I'm saying is my individual stock winnings based on hearsay from "a guy I know" have outperformed my S&P indexcuck mistakes by about 25% in the last few years and therefore this is a sure thing, passivecels btfo. I recommend everyone invest based on what that dude at work who never shuts up about investing says he's into now. p.s. hey kid wanna learn about options trading
Ehh...I've sailed on both versions of a Sadler 29, both in good condition with clean bottoms, and the fin was noticeably faster and more comfortable. I think once you get down to the 18-22ft lengths bilge keels are less of a penalty because nothing is comfortable and you reach hull speed in less wind.

The benefits of being able to dry out upright are over-stated IMO, you still need to haul out or go to a scrubbing grid to service the bottom of the keels. I would only get a bilge keeler if I lived on a mooring which dried out with each tide. Many fin keelers can sit on their side just fine, they're just annoying to be inside when they do.
>everyone i have seen who is not extremely rich who owns a boat just has it sit in their driveway 99% of the time
99% of everyone's possessions sit doing nothing 99% of the time.
>unless you are a billionaire living on a boat is worse than living in a motorhome
Unlike a quadbike, or a motorcycle, or any other recreational vehicle which might accompany a motorhome, a sailboat won't be stolen, and sailors aren't left stranded.
And this cuts to the very heart of why we love sailing, why men have taken to sea for millennia, how the camaraderie of the wind and sails endures through the ages!...niggers can't swim.
Bikecuck here, my bike is only sitting doing nothing 91.67% of the time

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Commuting or cruising with a helmet is cringe
>inb4 get hit by a car
Sharing roads with motor vehicles is retarded and helmet wont save you when you get a 50mph kiss from Karen's SUV.
Helmets are for risky sports.
If your commute is risky enough to warrant one, you are doing it wrong.
If you argue otherwise, you should wear one as a pedestrian too.
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I think helmets make you look more cool desu, they have some slick designs. Now if you’re wearing elbow, kneed pads, that’s a diff story
>it's a parked car
that literally means nothing are you retarded? the point isn't that the kid would be hit in that specific situation. kids HAVE been killed by trucks like this and SUVs backing into them, and while if someone isn't gonna look at cameras it could happen with any car, a vehicle with a hood that fucking high means even a quick check through the windows does nothing.

as for this thread and the retards who don't wear helmets, a good argument against them isn't "you'd die anyway", wearing one is not a big deal at all so it's not like i'm giving up my riding experience, if some freak accident happens and my wheel gets stuck or a random stick flies into my spokes i want my helmet so I don't die or live with brain damage for the rest of my life.
>a good argument against them isn't "you'd die anyway", wearing one is not a big deal at all so it's not like i'm giving up my riding experience

ive heard that argument too, about how well if you get in an accident youll die anyway, but it makes no sense because the force/speed required to get a head injury or brain damage is much less that what it would take to straight up kill you. like this famous video
imagine youre bicycling or on an electric scooter and take a spill at a simialr speed to this, hit the back of your head on the ground. boom.

and yeah like you said, the freak accident happens. youre biking and a squirrel runs in front of your wheel and you brake too hard/swerve and fall right on your head. some sort of stick or piece of car or garbage that you cant gte around, hit, go down on your head. these arent 1 in a million things either. they can happen all the time.

the dutch dont wear helmets but considering they all bike on crusiers at 10 mph on dedicated bike lanes its not a big deal.
>In Germany you'll be fined

Stop spouting nonsense
I wear helmets I like. Currently mine has a visor and is green, pink, and black.

armor can be cool if you are on a DH bike or sending sick hucks at the skate park.

bicycles should be fun colors, not boring solid colors
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i just slather on black rustoleum on my shitters and ride them until they get stolen
I was considering polishing or brushing mine, but then said fuck it, and left it stripped raw.
boring sells better
>give money to gay retards
That's what taxes are for.

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Subway Police should be allowed to perform wanton brutality on fare evaders, you know, all the people causing the problems in the world's subways. The bums, the drug users/addicts, the smokers, the showtimers, the loud rap music players, the criminals. Riders report these pieces of shit causing the problems, police come in, ask for fare, when they don't have it, the police tase them, beat the shit out of them, physically throw them out of the station, then burn all their homeless belongings. Wanton arrests of all these "people' and throw them in jail without a trial.

If fare evaders were eliminated subways would be great places. Why are they afraid to do it? Who gives a fuck that homeless drug addicts are having their civil rights violated? Who gives a fuck that antisocial people with no regard for the comfort of others are getting their civil rights violated?
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zoom zoom zoom
The police shot him, not niggers.
>I can't have sex so nobody should
>t. sexless virgin
I pity you
la metro now enforcing fares
>>huh??? the streets are full of crazy people running around off their meds? WHY WOULD LIBERALS DO THIS!?!?!??!
This is because they closed all the asylums in the mid-70's. That's where the criminally insane used to be put.

>Beating them up and burning their stuff isn't really gonna affect anything except make them more unhinged and obnoxious to be around.
The vast majority of fare dodgers aren't psychotic. Not every bad person is a bad person because they're insane, some people are just cretins who need to be hit really, really hard immediately after performing the behaviors you want to discourage.
>Psychotic people don't understand consequences so you can't really threaten them into changing their behavior.
Yeah, you can. Even people in a bout of genuine psychosis respond to force. And I say "genuine" because the reality is we have multiple generations of adult toddlers for whom public shame has never existed.

On-the-spot corporal punishment is the only kind of threat that the people who need it understand. You could threaten 1 year in jail for fare dodging, but that wouldn't dissuade the people who fare dodge more than a 30-second caning.

A woman who is in a sexual relationship with an aeroplane has revealed that she travelled abroad 30 times in the last year just to spend quality time with her lover.

Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany, found love on her first flight with a Boeing 737 - after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.

Since then, the 23-year-old has also 'met' 60 figurines and three larger models who she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.

Keeping up a relationship with an object requires real commitment.

The avid jet-setter is so loved up that she has booked 30 mini-breaks in the last 12 months just to be close to her original beau, the Boeing 737.

Despite their many trips together, Sarah, who identifies as objectum sexual [having a sexual or romantic attraction to an inanimate object], is heartbroken that she's never been fully alone with her partner.

Sarah said: 'I'm proud to be objectum sexual – it's a wonderful sexuality, the only sad thing is that I can't be alone with a real plane.

'I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could, I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.

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The world champion of the aero-autisms.
Dude this is a safe for work board
>>hanger 13
Shed 13 probably isn't going to be as bad as that

>5 years
I need to see this thread

Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
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Someone died in a train collision last week. HOW TF DO YOU GET HIT BY A BIG AND LOUD ASS MOFO TRAIN???
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How would they know it isn’t working dingus
I don't understand. In the past few years, there have been way more collisions involving trains and walking pedestrians during the daytime where I live. I just can't fathom how one doesn't hear the horn or feel the rumble of a train approaching you while you're on foot.
I just saw an interview with someone who survived getting hit by a train in broad daylight and the guy was advocating for the trains to sound their horns sooner to make sure people know they're coming. Or hey, maybe don't walk on the tracks, especially with noise cancelling headphones and whatever condition/drugs that disable your nervous system so you can't feel the rumble. And certainly don't ignore all the red blinking lights, loud bells and crossing gates if you're at a crossing.
I seriously cannot understand how this happens to people in non-suicide incidents while on foot.
>I don't think I've ever seen a city so terribly designed that the train tracks were accessible with no fence.
Almost every country in yurop except for the UK has some train tracks that are accessible by foot.
TIL that Canadian steam train that went down to Mexico hit two women trying to take selfies. One just dropped her phone and was otherwise unhurt, the other died getting hit in the back of the head by the pistons in front of her young son.
People really do have to learn some spatial awareness and stop being so absorbed in their phones. I feel awful for everyone involved, especially on what should have been a fun day out, seeing some historic equipment running again.
Cellphone zombies and TikTok generation don't deserve our sympathy. If I was the engineer i'd have blown down the boiler. It's a good way to shoo away people who gathered just a tad close to the tracks for comfort.

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Is this the greatest commuter bike of all time? Assuming you don't live near too many hills of course
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that really depends on your definition of great. a belt drive lasts way longer than a chain for single speed, and is more weather resistant. it costs a lot more though. rim brakes are cheap and easy to replace and maintain, hydraulic disk brakes have better performance though. if you live in a rainy place any 'commuter' bike without fenders fucking sucks, in a warm sunny place that doesn't matter. i commute 25km per day and i prefer a road bike because i love going fast, it's fully equipped for commuting though with fenders, a frame lock, light mounts, a bell etc etc.
no the best commuter bike is a steel hybrid with gears
for commuting, my definition of great is:
>cheap to maintain
>easy to maintain
>mounts for mudguards & pannier rack

And I reckon it fits the bill

>Aluminium frame means no rust (and lighter to carry up stairs)
>V-brakes mean more clearance for big fat comfy tyres and are cheap to maintain
>No derailleurs, derailleur hanger, gear cables and shifters to worry about
>Cup and cone hubs, easy & cheap to service
>Square taper BB easy & cheap to service

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Take a look at places that have actual dedicated commuters. Mamachari, Dutch commuter bikes. Commuter minivelos.
as much as i like square taper, threaded hollowtech shimano is definitely cheaper and easier to service.
For one, you can actually buy a high quality bearing off the shelf, at a low cost. Square taper units in shops are now either tourney level or chinkshit. To get something good you're scraping the NOS UN55 barrel or buying something esoteric and (moderately) expensive. Whereas an ultegra hollowtech bb is like $20 and in stock everywhere, probably one of the best value items in cycling.
The torque values to install are way lower. And the attachment system doesn't have pitfalls. Square taper is a bit of a dark art for many people and problems from poor install commonly arise. Personally I like the system and feel confident in my methods but hollowtech actually has concise instructions. Try to learn how square taper cranks work and you're going to enter a decades long shitfight filled with misinformation and people who loathe it.

The system is also several hundred grams lighter. That's significant.
Square taper only really exists on new bikes as a cost cutting measure. Not that that is a bad thing but i wouldn't be singing its praises in this case. None of this is to say that square taper is bad but it's outright wrong to say that it's cheaper and easier to service.

That crankset doesn't even look like it has replaceable chainrings.

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>watch video on ship sinking
>a lifeboat successfully launching is a near miracle
Why can't we make a lifeboat that not a total deathtrap?
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oh fuck off if you're going to nitpick semantics.
lol did he hurt your feelings by pointing out you're retarded?

In the case of the Titanic, the ship sank before they could get all twenty lifeboats off the ship (Collapsibles A and B were swamped/capsized before they could be launched and floated away as the ship was sinking) so an addition twenty boats wouldn't really have made much of a difference. In fact, it might have made the disaster even worse because it would have dramatically increased loading and launch times for each individual boat.
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you're talking pure nonsense. the vast majority of cargo ships regardless of their flag are heavily regulated regarding safety and survival craft. Almost all of them already have lifeboats, rescue boats and various liferafts

that's nowhere near the reason why lifeboats are dangerous
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Simply having regulations is not sufficient. What's important is having adequate regulations and how well they are enforced. These things are constantly improving, but they are far from the best they could be. Also, recall that I'm not only talking about cargo ships but other working vessels as well (and passenger ferries, most importantly). Nice thing about merchant ships is that they're relatively newer and more modern, whereas vessels in other industries (like fishing, for example) have a lot of old shitty boats grandfathered in and exempt from laws. Pic is a life boat from a ferry which was in service in the 90s and saved the life of only one passenger. Note that it's a wooden piece of shit and filled with water. At the time, modern enclosed survival craft were already common among other vessels (like cargo ships) but were not required for passenger ferries. When people like OP are asking "why are life boats so shitty", it's usually stuff like this that they're talking about.

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So I’ve been looking for a car and it’s been pretty rough finding something affordable. I wanted to know what my best option is for getting to work on the day the buses don’t run. The trip is about 9 miles, I was thinking something like a e-scooter or similar
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all escooters are chink. the difference is high quality chink vs low quality. if you get something like the VDM 10, anything from apollo or dualtron, they will either have default or an option for an LG/samsung battery. and the higher end ones have dual suspension and 10-11 inch tires, an ebike is still way more practical but the escooters are way faster and more powerful per dollar. and the range isn't AS good as advertised obviously but on my 48v battery scooter with dual 1000w I was able to go 36km (18x2) though I did charge it while at work since I was able to and it loses power at lower volts.
dumbest poster on n
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saw this huffy in my local Craigslist for $50, thoughts?
bought a very similar age of MTB, looks fine desu but check the tires, wheels and especially the drivetrain, mine snapped a bolt and bent a large gear making it pretty much unusable after a month of riding, make sure the bolts are all secure and it shifts well unless you are planning to replace it .
Mountain bike, replace knobby tires with road/dirt road tires. Rigid or hardtail.

Don't get walmart shit.

Ebike is also a possibility, but there's a LOT of fucking crap out there.

FUCK no. That's a BSO.

>Hochul Halts Congestion Pricing in a Stunning 11th-Hour Shift
I fucking hate this country
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go back to Long Island
None of the polls in New York were in favor of the "congestion pricing" tax, the only ones that were in favor of it were a small group of faggy Manhattanites who couldn't even gather a crowd of a few hundred people in protest, most of which were tourists.
There is no physical barrier which will stop a determined criminal, really the only way is to visibly enforce the law to deter them. Fare evaders/subway pissers getting the shit kicked out of them in public, spending time in jail then being banned from the subway afterwards would help far more than any new barrier.
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You just love to be wrong don't you
>I thought they wanted shorter commute times
but then how would they complain about gas prices?

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>What bags do you use
>What do you carry
>Why are all saddle bags shit
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So you don't use a bagman support and just let rest on the rack? Does weight not make the whole thing sag?

I can't imagine having anything rub on your legs, comfortable for any length of time...

The other issue is the straps of each compartment themselves, they are pretty old school, and look time consuming to open and close. Are they an issue for you?
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old pic but i have it like this.
there's a bungey cord pulling it down to the rack.

>The other issue is the straps of each compartment themselves, they are pretty old school, and look time consuming to open and close. Are they an issue for you?
I actually really like the straps. They're nice to use and being slightly cumbersome is a small anti-theft measure. Removing the bag takes a while, and i leave it on the bike. You can just not do them up if you want quick access. The main pocket has a drawstring closure too which is faster.
It's WAY more convenient than getting anything out of a bikepacking style saddlebag.
I think maybe my dislike of the bagman support is because the one i have (sport?) is the small one and my bag is a larger one.

Nice man, I appreciate the visual aid, it helps a ton.

I have a similar rack set up, and the nelson looks plenty big. I just need something that will replace my two front panniers that I borrowed from a friend.
Also, the Nelson vs the Camper?

Which would you choose, there is almost a 6L difference...

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