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>California Citizens: We want affordable high speed rail from SF to LA!
>State Government: No problem! Give us $10 Billion and we will do it!
>California Citizens: (votes for $10 Billion in bonds in 2008)
>Fed Government: (Kicks in another $10 Billion)
>Rail Authority: Oh LOL this is going to cost $100 Billion total
>California Citizens: What the Fuck!? That's not what you originally told us?
>Rail Authority: K. How about $68 Billion?
>California Citizens: No! We never agreed to that! We only voted for $10 Billion!
>Rail Authority: Great! We'll get started with Merced to Bakersfield
>California Citizens: WTF!? No!
>Rail Authority: Oh LOL! We don't have enough money to complete it. We're gonna be 50 miles short and need another $10 Billion
>California Citizens: Fucking no! Nobody asked for this route!
>Rail Authority: Merced to Bakersfield should be ready by 2030 if you give funds
>California Citizens: ...
>Rail Authority: Oh Yeah and it will cost $120 Billion now to complete SF to LA
>California Citizens: Please stop...
It really is embarrassing how much of a boondoggle this is.
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>>California Citizens: Fucking no! Nobody asked for this route!
it's part of the route...
I don't know much about California. Is there like high demand for travel between Bakersfield and Merced?
have you hippies ever left your nuclear weapons free zone in marin county? third world countries can get this kind of shit done because if the local poors complain they hire local organized crime to cut a few people into pieces and make an example out of them, then there are no more complaints and the project goes off without any more fuss. china gets this shit done because nobody dares to complain about anything. you want the same thing done in america because you think those kinds of things wouldn't come back to bite you in the ass. lucky for you most voters have enough common sense to know better.
I sometimes believe we need a new form of eco dictatorship as a form of state to get shit going. Western democracies became incapable of stemming large infrastructure projects. Project costs and time demand factoring between 3x and 10x of original planning became the regular procedure now.
In Germany alone there is a long list of failures, whether its a new airport in Berlin, a new train station in Stuttgart the new tram line/theatre building/student cafeteria in my city. Comical project dysfunctionality on all fronts.
Meanwhile authoritan infrastructure projects are mogging the west hardcore and it only gets worse.
Cherry on top: the absolute fever dream idea of building a brand new maglev line in Nuremburg. Only corruption can explain this nonsense.
shitty authoritarian countries where 3/4 of the population lives in a shantytown are going to have an easy time implementing wonders because there's so much room to improve. it's like a morbidly obese guy who lost 50 pounds and increased his 1RM by 200% in his first month of going to the gym while a fit person takes 6 months to bump up his 1RM by 25 pounds while maintaining his current bodyfat. the part you don't mention is that these dirt poor countries also boosted their automobile fatality rate by 50,000% in the last generation and the major cities are now blanketed by a thick layer of smog, but yeah sure now there's a high speed airport rail link to the CBD, and they only took 18 months to build it, great!

the fact that people in countries with a high standard of living are now looking to countries with a low standard of living as a model is a sign that the education system has failed us. shallow thinking and simplistic mentality that focuses on a single metric without considering the big picture.
>It's good that we waste tax payer money on frivolous lawsuits and drive the price of infrastructure through the roof.
I despise you.
Only a retard believed the $10B number (or any number they have ever provided). They lied to get funding. The liars call it politics. You also forgot to mention the classic trap of shortening the promised alignment.

No. They built that section solely because it is the easiest/cheapest section and they know nobody will stop the project since they started construction.
Good, now fuck off to China and go enjoy the public transit with the other bugmen
Hey, homie, I'm not advocating for that extreme(and personally I think that nearly every government financed transit project is a huge waste of money), but certainly you can see that the cost of public infrastructure has ballooned in decades due to corruption, hiring contractors that are less qualified and more costly but hit some diversity metric, and the petty lawsuits that waste public money.

I'm saying that tax payers are getting very poor returns for their money because the process is broken and there's no accountability. I'm saying we should be asking why we could build so much more for so much less even 50 years ago. I'm saying that CHSR was rushed, misguided, and poorly managed because they HAD TO spend money by certain dates or else they'd lose access to more.

Get that straight--they had to waste YOUR MONEY in order to get access to more of YOUR MONEY. That's bullshit and everyone should be upset with the outcome. Especially in this case where what's being delivered is much less than what was promised, costing much more than what was estimated, and being finished much later.
>noooo you can't just use the legal system the way it's supposed to be used, you signed up for binding arbitration in that 30,000 page EULA you agreed to 10 years ago when you made a gmail account!
The idea of high speed rail in California is stupid anyway because the biggest problem California faces is intracity traffic and not intercity traffic
The money CAHSR spent on building viaducts in the middle of nowhere could have been more fruitfully spent funding BART or LA Metro expansions
Even after it finishes construction people will still prefer to drive or fly
THIS exactly. What we needed was another Transbay tube, way more LA Metro expansion, Caltrain electrification (although we did get that one at least), etc. Not a train to nowhere which no one but foamers will ride.
Absolutely deluded by westoid propaganda
Yeah, fuck property rights and individual freedoms! I want to ride the choochoo 200 miles for just the change I find under my couch cushions.
Wow its almost like your urbanist eco policies are all financial grift! Whoopsie! Thankfully we're fighting the system with diverse politicians who are really struggling against institutions setup to prevent eco policies from being successful. Remember to vote in November! /s for those too stupid to know better
The lag time between proposal and shovels (and the ballooning cost) basically comes down to the following
>environmental protection laws weaponized by the wealthy and car lobby against anything other than road widening
>environmental protection laws, while written with good intentions, drastically extend the time needed to actually start work on a project, which makes everything cost more
>balkanization of US state, county, and city governments into dozens upon dozens of petty fiefdoms that rarely cooperate with each other
>California, and the US for the most part, have privatized all state capacity for these kinds of projects to the point that the various governments can't even manage them effectively, leaving the door open for both insane project requirements from government and insane levels of private contractor grift
>for California in particular, and partially covered in the last one: Tutor Perini

In California's defense, they did eventually realize how out of their depth they were and began hiring back skilled project managers, which is why construction is proceeding as well as it is now that we're past all the lawsuits and environmental box checking. It's dumb that we haven't learned from Italy, Germany, or Spain, all of whom actually keep design teams and project managers on staff full time so that they don't lose all that institutional knowledge after each project. This also provides more accurate cost estimates, and these experienced teams can tell when a contractor (e.g. Tutor Perini) is bullshitting them. But maybe we'll finally learn from our CAHSR case study.
It took them 14 years to complete an Environmental Impact review!? Is that real?
>No. They built that section solely because it is the easiest/cheapest section and they know nobody will stop the project since they started construction.
What will happen when they run out of funds?
They'll beg for more money and they've sort of got 'em by the balls like a shady contractor you'd hire to work on your house.
>Awwww geeze, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, you've got such a lovely home here!
>It's a real shame that you don't feel like giving me another $10k to install those windows we talked about, but ya' know prices go up, yeah?
>Well, I'll just leave you to it. It'd be a real shame if it rained and ruined your nice home while I've got it all torn apart.
Basically like that except with an incomplete barely functional railroad.

You got that comparison flipped in a positive note. Which is incorrect.

A better comparison would be a professional gayman being able to fit an extra 7th dick in his mouth over the last record wont be that surprising, but uncle jerry who you thought was straight this whole time coming out as gay is super surprising.
>nobody asked for this route
yeah except for bakersfield threatening to fuck over the project if a stop wasn't added in their city since they had control over the right of way. I think another city also did the same thing. and the entire reason the fucked up route existed in the first place is citizens and local governments not wanting to let the train pass through certain areas to make it more of a straight path.
I really don't know how you would dodge Bakersfield in any event, it's a 400k pop city RIGHT THERE at the base of the valley you come into from LA. Fresno is even bigger, and the whole valley area has a population of millions. So it does make sense to hit the major population centers in the valley rather than just following I-5, a route which would serve basically just LA and SF.
Because it's a city of poors out in the middle of Fucking nowhere! It has no metro area! What reason do they have to ever go to Los Angeles or SF? These Cocksuckers aren't gonna be riding the rail. Fuck these assholes!
Nta but pro-rail people always talk about how passenger rail encourages development. Now it's "fuck them"?
Yes, passenger rail does encourage development, which is why it makes sense to connect it to Bakersfield, Fresno, and other smaller cities in between. It's why the shinkansen between Tokyo and Osaka also connects to small cities like Odawara, Atami, and Kakegawa, all of which are smaller than Bakersfield. Connecting intermediate stops is what rail excels at, since all it takes is a couple minutes to make a stop, and you can still run express services that don't stop at all stations.
That's how European HSR also operates.
And the rail operator can legitimately tell the intermediate cities that if they grow more, they'll get more frequent stops. Frequency review: once a year.
>And the rail operator can legitimately tell the intermediate cities that if they grow more, they'll get more frequent stops. Frequency review: once a year.
Source? Would like to learn more about this process.
>[I] would like to learn more about this process.
It's called "communism." Take note of all the passenger rail advocates on this site(or nearly anywhere). They want everything centrally planned. They want to tell people where to live. They use threats to force people into accepting their beliefs if they don't(you'll grow your city how I tell you to, or you won't get more stops!).
Communism is based. Humans are dumb as fuck on average.
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>I sometimes believe we need a new form of eco dictatorship as a form of state to get shit going.
Nigger we already have an eco dictatorship that's why things *don't* get done, because there's so many regulations and studies and whatnot that it's impossible to get such large projects going
I don’t really care that it costs this much. Building HSR is so essential for America that we just need to get it done. And expand it.
>I don’t really care that it costs this much.
I don't either. I'm glad we can agree that it's beneficial to ignore cost overruns and incompetence as long as we get trains, Chang.
do you understand the definition of "dictatorship" retard
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>no results

>just ignore the fact that your job is a dictatorship goyim
Uh... /n/bros, why has there been no Summer 2024 updates?
The Bakersfield–Merced part is basically from bumfuck nowhere to whoop whoop
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never felt this way desu.
EPA has been defunct and under-funded for years.
FDA literally gives a green light to companies like McWanolds.
You will almost never see them fined at all at the rate of a local restaurant and they seem to get away with countless violations and only barely reach the news unless they fuck up majorly.
the issue is these eco and protection agencies are both dysfunctional,underfunded and misused by third parties.
anyone remember that comcast or was it verizon indian guy who got elected into that internet regulation taskforce something something.
net neutrality something ?
yeah thats the world we live in.
big companies themselves are fucking up their own regulatory bodies kek.
whatever happened to antitrust laws?
this world isn’t black and white.
both the companies,governments and regulators are all in it against the avg citizen.
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Now that CAHSR is basically dead with federal funding cut coming within a few months, what should the already built sections be used for in the future?
Truck route express lanes. It's wide enough for two lanes of trucks plus some breakdown lanes, provides flat surfaces, and has plenty of engineering. Just charge a nominal toll and trucks will be zipping down the pathway instead of being on California's outdated freeway system. Wouldn't break even but at $100B+ it never would anyway.
example of usage would be some buisness man going to a agricultural buisness meetinng/appointment/checkup, not all buisness activities can be done by skype. im sure theyll have car rental places at the train hubs. though youre only cutting a 4hour drive down to a 2hr travel but that might be significant to someone who has to make that trip every week
California is a hell on earth if you live in a population center and actually pay taxes.

Nothing this state does is good or intelligent. It is run by evil people and populated by evil people.

Every good person I've met her has moved away. The state is surviving on legacy industries and control of ports while it rots from the inside out
im a nice guy and i live in california
You should leave, the US may break apart soon and if it does the last place you want to be is California. They'll pass laws on speech and weapons which will make the UK's Labour party look like libertarians.
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>California Citizens: Please stop...

Lol, they vote for this shit time after time

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