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Are 24"x6.2" the future?
another fatbike?
lose some weight, fatty
It's 6" tires and pinion which is a new thing
They shot themselves in the knee with that shit.
Who tf will buy this? Like really?
I even like fatbikes and think they have certain usecases but this 24kg monstrosity?
Holy shit its literally the most useless bike ever created and it even looks like shit with that weird downtube.
Great, so 200 dollar tires and expensive e-motors.
There's no replacement for displacement.
Nice chainstay.
no joke, what is this for? Am I supposed to use this to struggle over snow in the winter or something
My thoughts exactly.
does it come in black?
that's not what Pinion makes. it's a gearbox which eliminates the need for derailleurs.
yeah, sand and snow.
well, they've been selling them for years so apparently there's a market and they're seeing a profit, so looks like you're totally wrong.

reworking the logo to look like NASA's is a nice touch
fat bikes aren't really any better at this shit then mtb with like 2.6" tires
you can manage like 1" more of fresh snow and thats it really
if you want to have any fun on snow you have to ride groomed trails and regular mtbs work the same on that
>its literally the most useless bike ever created
The most based bikes have been the most useless bikes
They need something new to sell huh
surly specialize in terrible colors and sometimes only one option per year
they do make a motor gearbox
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what logo did they rip off its bugging me
theres a bike that uses this font
I bet that thing loves sand dunes
>Who tf will buy this?
I was just looking for one a few minutes before seeing this post.
I just want one for when the bike paths have a foot of snow on them and I am feeling restless.. also I like to do stupid shit like running for a few miles in near blizzard conditions.
Seethe you poors

This is going to be my sand bike
You’re not getting through a foot of snow. The rolling resistance in deep fresh snow is off the charts. High effort and slow speed means sweating like crazy. The snow needs to be at least tamped down by vehicle tires or foot traffic so you aren’t breaking a 6” wide tail. And you wouldn’t get the benefit of running over the trail you broke on the way back as there’s no threading that needle. Veer off track even a little and the unpacked snow will self steer you off to the side. But once a few walkers blaze a trail you’re good to go.
such a fun thing to bike on
This Anon is basically correct in everything they're saying. But still:

>You’re not getting through a foot of snow.
True enough. But with stupidly low tyre pressure it is actually possibly to deal with snow coverage that you couldn't handle before. 6.2" might even help more here.

>High effort and slow speed means sweating like crazy.
I'm not the wicked witch of the east; I won't melt. But yeah, from a practical standpoint you're probably better off walking. Some of us ride for fun and exercise though, and out of stubbornness to see how much we can actually deal with.

>The snow needs to be at least tamped down by vehicle tires
That's what I'm doing!

>And you wouldn’t get the benefit of running over the trail you broke on the way back as there’s no threading that needle.
I blazed the trail one way, I can do it again on the way back. Do that a few times and you'll probably start to get a ridable path. New snowfall has a tendency to undo all that work though.

>Veer off track even a little and the unpacked snow will self steer you off to the side.
This is absolutely correct and very annoying. You just have to deal with it I guess.

>But once a few walkers blaze a trail you’re good to go.
This is when a fatbike really comes into it's own.
A dropper post is a must on any fat bike you plan on using in soft conditions. Without one getting on the pedals from the stop usually means spinning out the rear wheel, which leads to having to get off and push to somewhere you can get started. With a dropper you can start pedaling from a stop while seated to keep weight on the rear wheel.
Since there are no 190mm front hubs, Surly has gone back the the original Pugsley thing of running a rear hub up front.
Ok I did write a foot of snow, but I guess you are taking me kind of literal and that is fine since that is indeed what I wrote. However in some areas of the country we can get a good 5-6 inches of fluffy powder and like earlier this week 2-3 inches of heavy wet snow. and as far as sweating and suffering.. I kind of like it, bring the pain. It only snows a few times a year here anyways and usually melts in a week.
Ain't yall heard of cross country skis
Where I live those are almost exclusively used as a means of exercise on prepared loops.
On days with particularly heavy snowfall I have seen a few people commuting on skis on the bike paths though.
Personally I like riding my bicycle better than skiing.

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