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I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
Anon, the entire point of getting a brompton is to announce to everyone (unsolicited) what you paid for it. If they lowered the price everyone would just buy a tern.
>Do you need the folding aspect more than 2 times a day?
Get one
>less than 2 times a day?
You dont need a folding bike.
I don't understand why they're so popular. They're ugly. Surely there are better looking folding bikes.
That is a really good point.
I guess I'd fold it at home and in the office, and anywhere I can take it in, e.g.: shops.

The one big put off is locking it up outside for any reason. My city is safe, but bike theft is a thing and I dont know if Bromptons are hot items. How do you even effectively lock up a Brompton?

As for touring, there is some dude who straps a backpack on the rack, and has a large 23L front bag. He seems to be able to take it around the world.

It seems out of all of the folding bikes, Brompton will be around for some time. Good bike retailers stock different parts and offer servicing as well.

They look a bit goofy, but design is limited if you want it portable.
What should you do if you need to fold your bike once a day?
>I guess I'd fold it at home and in the office, and anywhere I can take it in, e.g.: shops.
>My city is safe

ok so you're planning on folding it for absolutely no reason at all, fantastic
To keep it out of the rain/snow? To reduce the likelihood of it getting stolen. You conveniently left out the fact that I said bike theft is a thing, and a brompton is easy pickings.
Are you that batavophile moron who thinks the dutch are enlightened for intentionally converting their BSOs into rust faster than any other country? It takes a lot to make a mouth breathing anglophile look stupid but batavophiles are clearly up to the task
damn this board is angrier than i thought. like jfc
Patricians prefer the Moulton.
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Right? Don't know one can be angry and ride a bike...
Am I meant to be impressed? That's not really foldable at all.
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there are better looking folding bikes but none of them are more functional.
bi-fold bikes like a tern or dahon have to be carried and are not as small, and are also unwieldy to fold and unfold. i've only ever seen one other trifold that wasn't a straight up brompton clone, and while impressive it was still missing many features that make a brompton as useful as it is (rack, roller wheels, front carrier that works when folded, etc.)
furthermore the size of the brompton makes up for all of the other compromises. it easily fits in a car trunk even if the trunk is not empty. it will fit between or under seats on a bus. you can carry it onto an airplane even. the only bikes that even come close to this are basically folding scooters with tiny scooter tires and not bikes, or look even crazier like the kwiggle.
This overhead luggage meme is suss, I've watched a shitload of videos and not once has anyone claimed this was possible. Maybe someone else's anecdote, but overall, this is kind of impossible on low-cost, international flights.

Everyone gets that Ikea bag to store in the hold. But I wouldn't trust some shit chucking ape not to fuck it up.
it's really not a meme, here's an airport worker who does it regularly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0JGypiuotc

you can't bring practically anything on a low-cost carrier without getting nickel and dimed so that's moving the goalposts.
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I don't really understand the brompton approach

Pic rel costs £1,495.00 and weighs 12 kg

It's portable right? That's the point?
now pic rel, as an example, is 6.5 kg.

You can easily put together a singlespeed that weighs less than 8 kg for $500.

Isn't that bike gonna be easier to carry up apartment stairs? Easy to take in a lift (can just roll it up vertically)? Easy even to store somewhere, easy to hang, easy to take the front wheel off to fit in a small car. Easy even to take on a plane, as you can get a bike box for free at any bike shop, and pretty much just put it in as 1 extra piece of luggage.

People don't seem to realize that you can easily/cheaply have a bike which is extremely light. It doesn't even mean you have to be a strong rider, your mode of riding is just walk up hills.

And the only bike which is actually practical is one you're happy to leave locked up. OP mentions folding it and taking it inside shops with him, so he's carrying round a fucking heavy bike everywhere, that doesn't make any sense to me.
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>I don't really understand the brompton approach

Let me help you understand:
The weight is about 10-12kg, and about 2k euro. Expensive. But have you see how these things fold? It's practically a small piece of luggage. No other bicycle folds down to this size without compromising on durability and consistency of performance.
Yes, 12kg to carry around is heavy. But the point is to lug it up stairs from train stations. Not to hike with it.

In your pic, do you see a tiny wheel on the rear fender? Well that, or a fender upgrade gets you the option to roll the bike if needed. People even use the front bag as a shopping cart.

>You can easily put together a singlespeed that weighs less than 8 kg for $500.

Singlespeeds are some of the most useless daily bikes imaginable. I live in a hilly city, and enjoy good knee health. Your pic shows no brakes, which is stupid.

>Isn't that bike gonna be easier to carry up apartment stairs?
No, it's huge. Good luck putting it into a lift, packed train/tram. All your points you make are moot, when you know you can fold your bike into a small package that doesn't even make people blink when you share the same space.

I get your point, but single speeds are near useless for commuting, you're better off having a geared bicycle at that stage.
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OP here,

Did a little test drive, and I think I'm convinced. For a bike that looks like a toy, it rides just like a normal one. The wheels are twitchy due to their size, but the length of bike makes it very stable.
Gearing was also quite satisfying. I need to have a rack and maybe a different handlebar, and I'd be set.

Do you think a black laquer finish for 250 bus extra is worth it?
Don't do it
Did you test drive any other modern folders or are you doing the "average bose customer" thing where you compare the carefully set up bose system (that conveniently isn't allowed to be ABX tested against anything per manufacturer rules) to your $10 speakers and you conclude that bose must be the best in the world
rent free!
Why do these kinds of things always attract snobby faggy types?
see >>1979722

it's a lifestyle brand and the value proposition is virtue signaling that you're a member of the club
Admittedly I haven't cycled any other folding bike. Most of the halford/decathlon ones look like absolute shit, and dangerous.

Please list "other modern folders". And no, some obscure Moultons, or whatever don't count.

I saw it unfolded, I sat on it, and took it for a 15 minute spin, up and down some hills. I was impressed. For a second I forgot I had 16 inch wheels and I could really move quickly.

I compare it to every bike I've ever cycled. I'm not a cycling snob, so I've experienced a vast range - and the Brompton felt like a pair of really really nice shoes.

Right, but some people ( a lot), have this sentiment:

Tern and dahon are much more common than brompton, have you done any research on this at all?
No they are not.

Both cost the same as a Brompton, if not more, and they can't be tested anywhere near me. They don't fold down as nicely.

Try again.
wtf? do you live on some desert island where there's a brompton dealer and nothing else?
Sort of!

I live in Scandinavia and a lot of these brands are either in boutique shops and aren't listed online. This makes it difficult to hunt them down.

Tern is a brand very popular with parents cos they carry their kids to school, and thus they don't have much reason to stock anything besides their cargo electric range.

Dahon, I've never seen it, but apparently you can get it.

Each brand is about 200-500$+/- to Bromptons.

My city has two Gold-level brompton sellers, both reputable, and all of the dudes that work there own one.
how bizarre, well at least you still get health care if you lose your job or start a business and fail, I'd take that over having access to a normal selection of bicycle brands
>weighs 12 kg
>oh no its too heavy. I can't carry 12kg around. My hand is getting tired. Maybe my wife's bf Tyrone can help me carry it.
How much of a faggot are you?
Go for it. I have a P-line Brompton and i just love this little bastard. I don't know how long it will last me but for now i'm gonna keep enjoying it.
pic very related. My P-line at Brompton Junction NYC
Even if you live in a safe city you don't want to leave a bike outside in the same spot every day for ~8 hours
P-lines cross the line for me in terms of price. It's nice that it's lighter, but it's just a shit load of money.

Do you have the 2 or 6 speed?

The 4 speed is coming out which makes things interesting.

How often have you had to replace the rims?
because of weather damage?
>It's nice that it's lighter, but it's just a shit load of money.
yeah its 3k$ and it weighs around 10kg. With that money i'm sure you could even get a decent road bike
>Do you have the 2 or 6 speed?
Nope its my first and only brompton
>The 4 speed is coming out which makes things interesting.
From what i heard its prolly around 2025
> How often have you had to replace the rims?
I haven't replaced anything as i don't abuse my bike to the extreme. Plus i only got it like August last year so the bike is basically brand new.
it's like a 2kg saving as well. 1000$ for 2kg...

I meant did you get the 2 or 6 geared version?
>Please list "other modern folders".
Not the other Anon but I've been thinking about buying a Vello (Rocky Titanium pictured) for daytrips and vacations by interrail this year. Not quite as compact and lightweight as a Brompton, possibly not even the secondary choice for daily public transport commuting, let alone the first, but a large amount of intercompatibility and seems a hell of a lot sturdier and more bike-like to ride than most foldies. Off the shelf gearing and shifting, off the shelf disc brakes, off the shelf seat, off the shelf 406 (20 inch) wheels, not sure what the maximum clearance is but they sell with tires up to 47mm (1.75), can install off the shelf handlebars if you so desire, front bag mount compatible with Brompton bag clip or with a detachable front rack of their own design, an exactly fitting frame bag is also available. They sell it with different derailleurs or an Alfine or Rohloff, with or without a hub motor, with a steel or titanium frame, and with a gravel drop bar or a sectional handlebar of their own design. People biketour on this thing, it comes across as seriously dependable and confidence-inspiring.
I'm going to start calling the community that steals bikes near me "weather damage".
lol, i assumed that community wouldn't be around in a safe city, places like tokyo or singapore perhaps.
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Also the Riese & Müller Birdy, dates back to a '90s design but has seen a major revision and various minor ones over time. 18 inch, anti-dive full suspension, middle of the road folded dimensions.
Also the Reach GT, although we're in compromise territory at this point. This one clearly prioritizes weight and speed over foldability or compatibility. Really fast but meant for taking travelling with you rather than commuting because you have to remove the front wheel and handlebar to get it to its smallest dimensions.
>meant did you get the 2 or 6 geared version?
For the P-line its either 4 speed or 12 speed. There is a 4 speed version for the C-line coming out next year. My P-line is 4 speed but can be upgraded to 12 speed if i want.
Btw there is a 20" brompton in the works. Not sure if you want to wait or not as its gonna take a couple of years for it to be officially released.
Pic related. No this is not some modified trifold from China as it uses Brompton standard components.
How are you arriving at the assumption that this is an official Brompton test mule and not a guy who's thrown some third party accessories on his bike as is well documented in the community and even GCN have done?
Goddamn, so should I just wait for these to come out?

It seems like the C-line is the best for me. The gearing would suit my city well. I don't use mutli-modal transport, and maybe the odd time I'd carry it on a train.

My bike guy recommends the P-Line, but his is a 2-speed, one. He doesn't like the rear-rack and hub gears. It's super light, something he's after, but later revealed that he walks up steep hills instead, kind of defeating the purpose of one...
There are two reasons this is an official bike from Brompton ( its a prototype of course so the final product might not look exactly like this).
1. The frame geometry is completely different. GCN took the regular 16" brompton, swapped the fork and the rear triangle to make it a 20" bike. But essentially the main frame is still the same. This is not the case here.
2. The bike in pic related is an Ebike and if you look carefully you can see that the battery on the front is a Brompton component. As far as i know there is no 20" trifold ebike using Brompton components or anything like this on the market.
>My bike guy recommends the P-Line, but his is a 2-speed
Thats not a P-line. Its called a Superlight which is P-line's predecessor. The Superlight line is exactly like the C-line but equipped with Titanium fork and Ti rear triangle. Its not discontinued and replaced by the P-line.
now discontinued*
>C-line is the best for me
yes the C-line is an all round bike and its the most popular Brompton. I know its a bit heavy but as long as you're not a 100lb female then i assume thats not a problem right? You can buy the rear rack with addition wheels to push it around like a cart.
How noodly do single tube foldies really feel? They always look to me like you'd have to treat them like raw eggs.
I travelled up mountains with a 35kg load, bike and gear. It was a learning curve but not impossible. Right now I'm 100kg and 6ft2, so the 12kg weight doesn't seem that bad.

Reddit Brompton people keep saying to get the P line but I can't justify the extra 1k for a bit of a weight reduction, and even fewer gears.
If you want a wider gear range, get the P-line 12 speed. But budget-wise the C-line speed would be a better option. I mainly use my bike to commute around the city so 4 speed is more than enough. I'm trying to get it down to sub-9kg and i'll be happy
*the C-line 6 speed
>They're ugly.
You buy a bike for its functionality, not because its pretty. Who gives a fuck what it looks like as long as it does what it does and is convenient. Are you a woman because only a woman would care if something is ugly or not?
Maybe I'd buy one if they were called something else. Brompton just sounds so ridiculous.
>Brompton just sounds so ridiculous
Just remove the logo sticker on the bike and you're good to go.
What if someone asks me what kind of bike I have? Am I just supposed to lie?
"folding bike" is one of my search keywords i have setup for marketplace and craigslist. everybody just wants them out of their garage after it was purchased it 2006, ridden for 3 months and left to rot. the resale value is absolute dogshit but you can make good money stripping them down and offing the parts on ebay.
bromptons hold their value pretty well. think about it: the only reason to have one is to tell people how much you spent, so there's no motive to haggle, just pay what's asked or even offer more
i don't live anywhere near a metropolitan area with a bunch of high-earners who ride bikes, so this social dynamic is completely alien to me.
Does the weight reduction make a significant difference?

The gear of the C-line seems to be logical given it's a heavier bike. My city has hills, and I'd like to take it out for short tours (around 500 km).

I also have a touring bike, with 27 gears, racks, dynamo, so I wonder if I really need the 6 gears, maybe 4 is enough.
>Does the weight reduction make a significant difference
I have no idea because the P-line 4 speed is my first and only Brompton. I haven't tried the other models but a 2kg reduction in weight is drastically huge especially when you have to fold it and carry around. I mean it really depends on what you really want. Why don't you visit your local brompton dealer and try them all at once?
Call it the nigger magnet bike. Niggers love stealing Brompton because of its weight, compactness and high resell value. If you left your Brompton outside for more than 10 minutes in Nyc niggers would steal it in a matter of seconds
It's a Brompton, just fold it and bring it inside, that's half the reason to even have one. It's like you don't even understand the fundamental appeal of a folding bike.
if you NEED your bike to fold more than zero times per day, get a folding bike.
if you don't need it to fold, but you still think they're cool and want to own one, go ahead and buy one. who's gonna stop you?
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That's almost certainly a Eerder Metaal conversion.
Na i live in london so lots of public transport but i cba to use it when i can bike so barely ever fold but being able to use it as backup if i ever need it is great, also my uni doesnt let us keep bikes in dorms so its good to be able to fold and hide in the cupboard for the termly room inspections
> termly room inspections

Right after termly penis inspections?
I had a single speed in ATL for a few years before it got stolen and I upgraded to a mid-range trek. Yes, you can totally walk it up hills, but the hill is still a huge pain in the ass. It just kind of blows. I can't really speak on whether a brompton would be any more convenient though - I'm looking at those tiny wheels and thinking "fuck."
I swapped to a lower chainring on my brompton because I was having trouble on hills. It's not made for climbing
they do those during the room inspections, for efficiency im told
What is climbing though? 5-7% is nice hill, anything above 10% gets tedious, and 15+ requires concerted effort and wide gearing.

The Brompton is made for the city, but I see the 6 speed is a popular choice with touring and there are people that have taken it to the Himalayas. I guess it depends on your fitness (but conversely parts wear down faster).
If you're not climbing with either, might as well just buy a cheapo fixed gear. You'll have more fun and look a little less like a tool.
Everytime I ride mine in rain, the pedal strokes start to feel weird, like something is stuck in the chain, but when I check there is nothing. Also rain seems to fuck up the alignment of the brake pads or the wheel or something, I never really understand what the fuck is happening with the bike while it's raining, but I can't be arsed to stop while it's raining and screw around with the bike. It basically turns into a complete piece of shit when it is raining.
It's still new and I love it when the weather is good, but kind of frustrating that it is basically just a good weather bike only.
OP here.

Having hesitation to pulling the trigger. I am eyeing the M6R in black lacquer, setting be back 22750 SEK, about 2220$ in dollarbux. I'd also need some extra bits, so the price would go higher.

I had a chat with a friend over the weekend about his brompton and day to day usage. Overall great, but prices have skyrocketed after the pandemic. You also need to have it with you at all times, locking it outside is not recommended cos it's eye-catching.
He used to keep his in the office, but recently some bitch from building management told him off and he has to keep it in bike storage. What's the point in having one when some retarded building admin forbids you from bringing in your foldable bike?

I have no idea about the policies my company has. We have open offices segregated into quiet / non quiet / total silence zones. I work from home a lot, idk if it even would make sense, or if I should ask someone if it's allowed. I could use the cover and just hide it in plane sight but what a drag that would be.
Fuckkk, it basically rains all the time here... :(
That's some goofy shit with his bike, not something that is a common issue with Bromptons.

Bromptons are lame as fuck though, so by all means let it dissuade you
buy the cover bag and no one would notice. Its not that expensive btw
Just spotted someone in my office with their Brompton. Seems to be all good.
I did it bros, pulled the trigger and bought the fucker.

Order sent, should be delivered in 6-8 weeks.

No regrets.
>only folders for sale are bromptons
>6-8 weeks delivery is acceptable
what a different world you must live in. did you order it from a print catalogue and send them a paper check in the mail?
It's made to order with my specs. Not sure how my purchase upset you.
Enjoy your new bike. I don't really understand all the hate for Brompton. Its an awesome commuter bike. I mean its expensive but thats understandable because its not some cheap ass bike being mass produced in China.
Cheers bro, I was hoping this thread would stimulate discussion amongst Brompton owners and give an objective opinion which would help in the decision process.

Instead I got shit like:
>"get anything else! Like a Tern, some obscure brand, or some chinkshit knockoff!"
>"Y-you're virtue signalling!"
>"Get a single-speed! I have no idea about your situation, or preference, but they are better!"

As a once student I could only afford decent-ish second hand bikes, it feels fucking nice to just walk into a shop and choose anything I want.
Was also about the fence last year and posted in discussions here on this board at that time. Pulled the trigger and no regrets. I would recommend buying a bag immediately. The usefulness of the bike doubles with a good bag. In many cases the fact that it is a folding bike is irrelevent, but I still pick it over my other bike, because the bag system is so convenient for every day tasks. Also bringing it inside the places I go ended up so much more convenient than bringing a lock and locking up a normal bike. No one ever gave a shit me bringing a bike inside, it is just too small for people to care.

Only thing that I dislike is that the drivetrain gets dirty super quickly, because everything is so low to the ground. Especially on wet roads, all the components can get incredibly muddy in just a few kilometers. Luckily it is easy to just rinse under the shower because of its size.
>No one ever gave a shit me bringing a bike inside, it is just too small for people to care.

Did you ever use the cover, or just roll it, or simply carry it? Work seems ok with Bromptons, a few people have them in the office, but what about cinemas, gyms and the sort? I guess there is only one way to find out.

> I would recommend buying a bag immediately.
Noted, will probably go for the bigger one to double up as a shopping bag.

>but I still pick it over my other bike
A big point for me is the utility of not having to wear special clothes or shoes, like with my other (touring) bike I commute with. The fact you can hop on and off seems great as well.

>Especially on wet roads
Yep, saw this with my friend's bike. I wonder if the derailleur or the hub make a difference?

You've got me excited now anon! Thanks for sharing :)
I don't own the cover and never needed it. Try to bring it into places, you will be amazed how no one gives a shit. I think it is because from your perspective it is a big deal, but from the outside perspective no one cares and if they notice, it is a grandma trolley maybe. I don't even ask for permission, literally nobody cares. I roll it in shops and carry it in other places.

Last time I got it dirty enough that the derailleur stopped working. It is fixed by giving it a good cleaning though. The hub is very resilient.

If you worry about normal wear and tear scratches, get a sticker for the spot where the front wheel latches on the chainstay. There is a sticker on it already on your new Brompton but it took me 2 weeks to wear it out and slightly scratch the frame where it latches. It is a non-issue, but I put on a carbon fiber sticker on it. Might want to do that right away if you are fussy about these things.
You fuckers would throw $1300 at least for a 3 speeds rust galore which can't climb shit.
I can get that for $200 at Decathlon and won't cry when a car runs over it or if a drunk student steal it on a Thursday night.
Poor-fag cope.

Yeah I get it. But it's like saying I'm gonna buy cheap shoes cos I might step in shit.
They're the same bikes and there's nothing special or original about you.
Sure thing, they're the same bike.

I feel bad you've probably never had anything nice in your life.
The whole point of a BRAPton is to fold it and stroll it inside wherever the fuck you go. You never leave it outside.

Dear lord fuck your brompton.
You posted some unfunny boomer giving an ironic and convoluted way of saying how much he loves his brommie.

Your point retard?
You can lock one
Shove it up your ass.
That's my point you massive faggot.
Poorfag rage lmao

Enjoy your chinkshit decathlon "foldable" bike on your way to your deliveroo job. Hurry up the pizza is getting cold! You dont want tyrone to get mad!
>brompton owners being racist
That's a new one but it's pretty much on brand when you think about it. Rich white liberals who act performatively woke until someone makes them mad, which is evidently what happened here

Not the guy who made you mad btw just pointing out facts
I never have or will act woke you dumb nigger. Not sure what that other faggots issue was, it was clear he didn't even watch his "le epic takedown" video.

The only people that have bothered posting negatively in this thread are those who likely can't afford nice things. That's ok, just don't put your impotent rage on display.

The term chinkshit is widely adopted as a term for mass produced, poor quality land-fill fodder . The world needs less of it.
>I never have or will act woke you dumb nigger.
t. has pronouns in his linkedin bio and a "coexist" sticker on his subaru so his liberal friends will accept him and has to come to 4chan to say what he's really thinking
The issue with you is not realizing it's isn't about money but about you being a stupid faggot.
I won't argue more than that, it could accidentally teaches you something.
just buy a dahon its cheaper AND nicer
Too late, order sent, expect it in two weeks.

It's going to last me years, not sure if I can say the same about some chinkshit copy.
>nooo it's too expensive go buy bikes from chinaman
It's always fun to see poorfags cope and seethe. Have fun with your new Brompton
I sold my dahon because it was the worst bone shaker I have ever rode. The geometry is horrible.
>bone shaker
sounds like you overinflated your tires
I dunno why the frame integrated lock hasn't been designed.

An unsprung aluminum frame is way different from brompton although I have never experieced the bromptons suspension
The Bromptons are quite bumpy on bumpy roads, and not super forgiving. But the steel frames make up the stiffness. I will report back when I get mine.
I think >>1989433 is probably correct. I did notice considerable difference in smoothness, reducing inflation from the near maximum to lower half of reccommended range.

In general, do smaller wheel sizes mean more sensitivity to overinflation?
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>I dunno why the frame integrated lock hasn't been designed.
in the uk we have this thing called cycle2work scheme, it's basically a way to get a bike on interest free finance with a discount that you need to do through your employer who gets a tax break.

anyway, I already have all the bikes I'll ever need, but i don't have a folder, thinking of a brompton, could someone in the know talk me through the differences between c and p models? etc.

are they any good off road? i like the look of the 12 speed.
OP here,

I'm about to receive my Brommie any day now.

I picked the C model as it was nearly a grand cheaper in difference with the P.

The C has 6 gears, but I think the P can have up to 12. The P tends to be lighter, and is more suited for regular picking up and carrying over stairs. I also think that the P might have titanium parts that contributes to a lighter build.

I think the 6 speed has a remarkable range for what it is. And the weight doesn't seem much of an issue.

If you have money to blow, go for the P.
So are they still smelting the steel or wtf? It's almost 2 months now. I can order a brompton and it's at my door next week.
Uhh... I guess, the local bike shop is run by hipster retards, they moved the delivery to first week of May. I'm as furious as you guys, it's crazy.
But thanks for your interest, I will post it asap.

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