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Bike lanes should be wide enough to ride side-by-side with your gf.
no lane is wide enough to fit your gf
I don’t know why we make bike lanes so thin in the US. If you’re gonna build it, just make it the same size as a car lane.
>If you’re gonna build it, just make it the same size as a car lane.
This makes sense because bikes are just as wide as trucks
>his handlebars are shorter than 2m
800mm dh bar? try 2000mm bar
Suck on these nuts.
>it's almost like it costs more to make a wider lane for hamplanets
Just scrunch in when the 1 human per mile you see appears.
>I don’t know why we make bike lanes so thin in the US
This right here is why I consider "bicycles are smaller, more efficient" or "car lanes too wide" to be bullshit arguments; sooner or later the truth comes out
>just make it the same size as a car lane.
>sooner or later the truth comes out
that John Forester was right and all car lanes are bike lanes.
Slow Your Roll Ragie Cagie
Your girlfriend is fat.
If they’re gonna be that wide just make them two-way
Personally I think the bike lanes along the major avenues in Manhattan should all be two-way even if the avenue itself is one-way.
i just take the lane next to my gf. traffic coming up from the rear slows down a bit and i squeeze in while they pass. i can usually hear when they arent slowing down and will squeeze in even tighter
john forester was a hypocritical dementia ridden faggot who constantly shilled for cars and never once proposed roads to be segmented for bikes only, only that you had to share with cagers and deal with it.
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>never once proposed roads to be segmented for bikes only
But that's why he's good? I know you hate cyclists but there are some people on this board who actually ride.
>never once proposed roads to be segmented for bikes only, only that you had to share with cagers and deal with it.
And that's why he was right. Bike lanes are a scam, propaganda invented by big oil just like {{{({((jaywalking}})}}) to segregate anyone but automobiles from using the public roadways. The roads belong to The PEOPLE
extreme cope from a retard who later in his life shilled for the auto industry. if bikes and people truly deserved space why are cars allowed in the first place? the road should be for bikes and people only.
>the road should be for bikes and people only
Aren't they all?
You're so close to getting it
That's how it works where I live, but idiots still ride side-by-side, getting in everyone's way.
>people shouldn't exert themselves or try to go fast in a triathlon
They really just want to ban all enjoyment of bikes don't they. First it starts with the triathlons and the quisling batavophiles go "oh oh yes master please ban those evil triathletes I'm not like those other cyclists though pick me pick me!". Fast forward a few years and the dutch karens are in the same concentration camps debating about how they should have boot licked even harder and thrown real cyclists under the bus even more aggressively and then the anti-bike crowd would have agreed to let everyone live

Kill all normies in minecraft (actually not in minecraft)
The way we can tell what the real agenda is if you look at the double standards with cars. If you drive to work every day and you buy a car that is "too nice" everyone thinks you're a winner and you should marry the princess. But if you ride a bike to work and your bike isn't a rusted out piece of shit you're a "hobbyist" and a "tryhard" and you deserve to be run over for liking nice things. Because it's not actually about what kind of bike, it's divide and conquer. But they start with trying to take away your nice bike.
fucking kek fbpb

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