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What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?

At a surface level it is obviously meant to (proverbially) throw other cyclists under the bus, but to what end? Would it somehow appease the anti-bike people if the person "blocking traffic" didn't agree to be referred to by the word "cyclist"?
noun: cyclist; plural noun: cyclists

a person who rides a bicycle.

So they are either not riding a bicycle, or they are lying.
Your choice.
it's not meant to sway a cager, they will never care about anyone but themselves. so any cyclist who thinks that is retarded, I think it's to seperate the "cycling culture" of the US from people using bikes due to convenience in places like the netherlands, placing importance on infrastructure instead of "well I'M a good biker and I bike on dangerous roads on huge endurance runs so I don't think anything has to change".
In the USA, cycling was mainly a hobby and sport, not a considered form of transportation due to urban sprawl. The stereotype of a cyclist is different from a commuter. Even though times have changed, there's still many who were raised to believe that cycling is separate from commuting and so you hear a conversation like this play out
>"you cycled to work today? I didn't know you were into cycling"
>"oh no, I'm not a '"'"'"'"'"cyclist'"""'"""" I just commute by bike"
piggybagging off this, there's a similar idea in the Netherlands except the words are flipped. A fietster is more like a commuter even though it translates to cyclist but that's because over there, cycling is the norm. They also have a word, wielrenner, which is more like the behaivior and attire of "'''""""cyclist''"""""
>What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?
Could be a multitude of different reasons.
>doesn't want to be associated with yimbys or similar groups
>doesn't want to be associated with dentist group-rides
>wants to draw attention to their practical nature of getting around, not just seeing bikes as a hobby
its an adolescence hang up immature people cling too
being a tryhard is considered lame

also its a sort of passive aggressive way of implying people who cycle for pleasure aren't 'real cyclists' even though they probably cycle more
nice answer. but lemme check something real wuick
no one wants to be thought of as a lycra-clad retard. what's hard to understand?
I don’t have a car and use my bike as my only form of transportation besides the subway, riding every weekday and regularly on weekends as well. I don’t call myself a cyclist because I don’t really do any of the traditional things I think of when I think of a cyclist. I don’t race or do leisure rides with other people or with a bike group, I’m always riding alone. I don’t have any special attire like the spandex suit, clip on shoes, etc., I just wear regular sneakers, shorts, t shirt, usually have a backpack too. I don’t do major repairs or upgrades on my bike and don’t have a lot of bicycle knowledge. I don’t have multiple bikes for different purposes, just one road bike that’s around 20 years old at this point.

So basically I just consider “cyclists” to be people who take it more seriously than I do. Even though I ride around 50 miles a week (currently at 1100 for the year), I definitely wouldn’t say I take it seriously.
Very nice. However on such a slow board as /n/ your digits are less of Paul Allen digits and more of David van Patten digits.
I went horizontal last year riding over some train tracks in wet weather and fucked up myself and my bike. Today it happened again at the same spot, even though I intentionally slowed down to make sure it would not happen again. But, because I was going slower I didn't hurt myself or damage my bike as bad as before. My wheels were perpendicular to the tracks both times it happened so I am not too sure why it keeps happening?
>I am not too sure why it keeps happening?
Maybe because you rode over wet metal, a surface know for its excellent grip?
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It's a form of modesty which is common in the English language

>I'm not a gardener, i'm just growing a few herbs
>I'm not really a cook, but i hope this tastes good
>I'm not a weaver, but i made this

>a person who rides a bicycle.
Except practically everyone in the world has ridden a bicycle before, so technically that would make practically everyone a cyclist and render the word meaningless.
There's a judgement that has to be placed on how regularly or how seriously someone does X to have the identity of Y.

I think we're probably just complaining about the fantasy subset of unracer who takes not being serious incredibly seriously, those people are cyclists, and i think you'd be hard pressed to actually find one who doesn't identify as such.
It's a troll thread racer vs unracer. just change the definition to cyclist vs commuter.
next time walk it. Or find a better place to cross.
They use "cyclist" as an equivalent to "hiker".

So, a person who commutes by walking, even if walks a lot, doesnt identify as a "hiker". In the same way, someone who uses a bike to go places, might not identify as a "cyclist".

Easy as that.
This is all there is to it.
In my midwest suburb cyclist = yuppie

Theyre trying to say theyre ride a bike to the park maybe lets go get a shaved ice type of cyclist.

Im biased. Compared to other high price entry sports like golf or skiing cyclists are cooler. Tennis people are chill but their sport is dying.
>What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?

You tell me. You're the one who said it. Am I supposed to be upset that someone said something stupid?
I'm a cycologist.
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So we can all agree then: urbanists are stupid
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Also batavophiles
I'm a cyclopath

>I tried all kinds of drugs!
>I'm not a drug user!
>I was forced to try them!
>literally anything
textbook projection
probably because drivers are fucking retarded and think that a $1500 bike is a status symbol because they cannot possibly imagine anyone using a bike as transportation and think you are a rich person who drives everywhere except when you get on your bike to specifically annoy that driver by making them 30 seconds late. so people have to defend themselves in conversation by saying they aren't "those" cyclists as otherwise someone will go off on a tangent about how they are the scum of the earth.
$1500 bike is a status symbol
They're not wrong.
>t. 20 miles a day on a $130 Walmart bike for 2 years now

If your bike costs more than $300, you're a fag, sorry.
>$1500 bike is a status symbol
and a 60k pickup truck is not?
A $60K pickup truck is also a status symbol.
>climbed out
And then what?
a cyclist cycles to cycle
Is cycling a community anon? Is driving a community? Is walking a community?
>post has absolutely nothing to do with politics
>person comes in with a comment to create division in groups while complaining that one side always creates division in everything
Mouth breathing fucking retard
>i'm not a cyclist i'm a velociraptor who velocipedes some even call us volominati
You're a bender. You fucking bender.
I think this could be paraphrased as 'I don't cycle unless I want ro go places'. It's still retarded to say.
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>A fietster is more like a commuter even though it translates to cyclist but that's because over there, cycling is the norm.
The majority of the Netherlands commute by car.
29% is massive and more than any other country. he never said "majority". car share is high in netherlands because their transit is honestly underdeveloped and not built for super commuting
>The majority of the Netherlands commute by car.
Blame the weather there.
>29% is more than any other country
So even in the most bike friendly place on earth, the people actively choose not to bike. Because biking frankly sucks.
>he never said "majority".
He said "the norm" which implies it's the most normal and common form of transportation ie. The majority. It is not.
they dont bike because the country is still largely not that urbanized and they have insufficient long range transit, but people who can use bikes do and also, that is "commuters", not people who use bikes for other daily tasks which is absolutely higher. noone cares that you are a fat fuck.
>facts and reality hurt my feelings
>that is "commuters", not people who use bikes for other daily tasks which is absolutely higher
I doubt it's significantly different. If you needed to grocery shop, you'd just stop on your drive home etc.
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Yeah but what kind of pedestrian are you? You don't know?
"The norm" does not translate to "the majority" but rather what is "normal" in society's perception.
>"The norm" does not translate to "the majority"
Yes it does.
>Everything that can be labeled can be hated
(rule of the internet #18, btw)

The word "cyclist" is dehumanizing in a sense. Saying "person who gets around by bike" puts the emphasis on the human being instead of the mode of transportation. It's pretty clever, actually.
>What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?
It is an attempt to disassociate from a crappy subculture nobody likes that made bicycle its virtue signal.
I hate the term gamer even though I play too many video games. What the fuck do I need a label for?

And a term like "gamer/cyclist" means different things depending on your location. A gamer in Japan means you play phone games while you commute on the train. A gamer in the USA means you get sweaty and $$$ on a custom PC.
Likewise, a cyclist in europe is an empty statement. Everyone cycles and they're made to be comfortable from point A to B.
I resent American cycling because we have such a consumerist culture that cycling is all about performance at the expense of comfort. People who cycle vs "cyclists" is huge. I just want a cheap scrape metal on wheels that can take me around. Cyclists are obnoxious and spend as much as a small car on a bike and on faggy clothing.

Basically, I resent American Cycling culture. I wish I was in Europe.
correct, we call them "people who like to party"
Road bikes are comfortable, hence why middle aged men ride 100 miles on a weekend like it’s nothing. It’s casual bicyclist that rides 10 miles at walking pace and complains it’s so long and their body hurts. No I will not ride an omafiets at 10mph and pretend that it’s progress. Dutch cycling culture is unironically trash and can only exist in the lowlands cause their bikes are 30lbs or more. I do appreciate their infrastructure innovations though.
I'm a breather, a pisser, a shitnfarder
It's joever for batavophiles.
Luv bike chicks
Most Americans drive cars so the word motorist is meaningless. I am very smart.
"I'm a gamer"
"i play games"
"I'm a driver"
"i drive a car"
one is a simple statement and other a shallow label people put on themselves to suplement lack of personality.

you may as well say youre a computerist and a typist and a monitor looker. and make it a big deal.

damn I'm such a drinker, let's discuss most optimal water brands and bottle shapes.
We're not talking about the dictionary definition though.
And no American will call themselves a 'Motorist'
When you're walking you're a pedestrian.
When you're cycling you're a cyclist.
When you're driving a motor vehicle you're a motorist.
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yeah, I'm a pilot
Actually it is often used in reverse. People will say, "that's not a cyclist its a guy on a bike" to separate the brain dead tools that blow stop signs, ride on sidewalks, ride against traffic, etc from people that can coexist peacefully with traffic. Many people that ride bikes really aren't cyclists, they are pedestrians with wheels.

The entire distinction is pointless anyway. Non-riders (and self hating cyclists who, "drive their bike to the park and only ride on the paths") will always lump anyone on a bike together. The transgressions of everyone from children, teens, the homeless, clueless casuals, hooligans, lycratards will be attributed to cyclists as a whole.
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>$5000 bike
>$5000 bike made of obsolete parts
To separate themselves from those Critical Mass lycratards.
critical mass is really about cycling for fun, utility, and commuting. not really for the lycracucks.

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