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>it's another "anon has nothing to do on a beautiful weekend so he goes on an aimless 20-25 mile bike ride for an hour or two just to be out of the house" episode
haha gee it was great biking past all the families, friends, people with children, eating at restaurants, walking the streets together, doing stuff at the park, and living their lives happily while i was complete self-congizant how im the autistic retard biking alone through town
I did that today too
but I enjoyed spending me time instead of wasting time pretending to be a normie around normies
I do that on sunday mornings. I call it the Church of Riding my Bike. It's nice to ride around and see all the normies going to church and getting out on sunday morning.
>haha gee it was great biking past all the families, friends, people with children, eating at restaurants, walking the streets together, doing stuff at the park, and living their lives happily while i was complete self-congizant how im the autistic retard biking alone through town

Not my problem and you need to socialize more if this bullshit is going through your mind
I was my leg wasn't injured, I love autistically cycling throughout the state and watching other people live their lives (on the rare occasion when they are not sequestered in their shelters or cages)

Hopefully two weeks rest is enough, Ill just focus upper body at the gym in the meanwhile
same here good ole AC joint
I did just that yesterday, comfy 40km with a nasty uphill at the very end (that I bitched out of and had to get off my bike for a short break to catch my breath).

Honestly the best part about cycling is that I can do it alone and dont require managing other people and handling their flakey shitty ass ADHD quirks.
I have a good buddy who is a far more serious cyclist with a proper road bike who often does centuries and he is happy to ride with me on shorter distances but cunt takes 2 hours to answer the text message back so its just pointless. I'm perfectly happy on my own, listening to an audio book and pedaling away.

I got other hobbies that require other people where I get to hang out and socialize.
that's me
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Much better than sitting inside homie, don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing better than most just riding.
chadyes.jpg except I went a little over a hundred
Think of it this way:

If you are on a cool bike and ding ding the flaneurs and tourists with your bell and lycra they return to Grand Island Nebraska to tell about how they got gelato and saw people on bikes and drank an IPA.

Your essentially Pussycat from Once upon a time in Hollywood. You are a part in their tourist story.
Lol, are you me? When I'm on a bike I feel like this is the way normal people must feel all the time. Then I go home and want to kms until it's time to get on the bike again. Needless to say it's all I do in my ample spare time other than shitposting on 4chan.
In theory, yes it's better to be outside and doing physical activity than sitting around inside. But it's a catch-22 for a pathetic loser like me. Stay inside, do absolutely nothing and feel like shit. Go outside alone, yeah it's nice to do shit but then constantly reminded of how alone you are, how everyone has family/friends/kids to enjoy the outdoors with, and you're only out there because you're forcing yourself to be.
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just b urself, it works for me
So stop somewhere while you're out on the bike. More often than not, if I've made the point of giving myself a destination, whether it's somewhere to eat lunch or something, I've ended up interacting with atleast one person.
this is true. not having a destination at all and just going out to bike aimlessly, of course youre not gonna do anything
biking for 2-5 hours is fun
Seriously dude, don't underestimate how much better it is to just go outside vs fester inside when you're in a slump. Yea you're a loser who will never amount to anything and your ghey, but you at least went outside and participated in your hobby.

When you're at the bottom you just gotta take steps to get up out. You can't just color everything you do as bad because you hate yourself. I mean you can if you want, but you'll just keep feeling like shit.
>plan all day for a 50km ride
>perfect weather immediately turns to shit clouds and thunder the moment I step off from work

I am upset
Why care ? Don't you commute ? How about commuting ? You'll realise that no weather is going to stop you. Being a cunt does.
If you're just going for a recreational ride the only excuse is freezing rain. Don't be a pussy
i did the same thing and felt the same way once, it was peak summer. i did eventually get some friends. its not over until its over
Short loop ride nearby. Means you can book it home quickly and still get some training/fun in.
You guys should consider racing. (Or randonneuring, organized century/double century, touring with a purpose, triathlon, etc.). Gives you a purpose for your rides, you clearly have the time to put in a lot of training hours ("it's a blue-collar sport, you gotta put in the miles"--quoted in Joe Friel's book), getting faster is fun, and hey, you might make some friends.
Racing sounds like a hell of a lot of fun but after breaking my collar bone in a crash that wasn't even from racing I'm not eager to rush into a new hobby that's going to make my life miserable for 3-4 months if I make a tiny mistake.
Freezing rain is a lot better than a thunderstorm
Hard disagree, what are the actual odds you get struck?
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I reckon the added risk from racing is fairly small as long as you're not doing crits or shreddy MTB, but everyone's got a different tolerance for these sorts of things. There's always Zwift.
>I reckon the added risk from racing is fairly small
Every "real cyclist" I've spoken to acts like crashes from racing are pretty much routine and from just watching non-competitive group rides, or temporarily getting sucked into a pack of wild roadies when out for my weekend "don't think about sudoku for a while" cope rides, it seems impossible that people could ride that close competitively and not have frequent crashes, the average cruising speed for those people is like my max sprint speed where I'm on full alert for the tiniest rock that will kill me let alone a pothole and they do it without even being able to see the road

>There's always Zwift.
I'd rather get run over by a dump truck
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keep going anon. just keep riding
i was an autistic neet loser for years, only had bicycles, i did those 2 hour aimless rides almost every day, and the occasional eye contact with strangers almost made it impossible for me to even do that. I would be constantly comparing myself.

the bike riding kept me sane and healthy though, it's an incredible thing to have in your life.

I think some people actually respect it, but many people will ALWAYS view you as an autistic retard just for cycling around, so don't feel too bad if that's the impression you think others have of you, because they'd have it anyway. Now i have a job, i've slept with a few girls who i invited for bike rides, and I have the ability to ride with other people, i still go back, and my favorite thing is still just those aimless rides by myself in the city. Doing this is a bedrock which you will have your whole life. It's not better with other people. Your life, generally, would be, but going for a bike ride for no real reason by yourself on a beautiful day is peak living.

Most people don't have something in their lives like that. Most people do not spend their free time in such a good way, and do not have an easy context to go outside and enjoy the world. You are actually able to do something which is more fun and healthy than most people have in their lives. Also posting on /n/ is better than scrolling insta or facebook.
Yeah, no. I don't mind freezing temperatures, I'll even ride in terrible wind but rain kills all the fun out of things. It gets in your eyes constantly, you cant see shit. Fuck no.
Luckily here it rains so infrequently I enjoy it. Well, as long as it's not a downpour.
For the last month I got into cycling more regularly and went from what my usual quick ride (20km) to longer route that is 35km and yesterday did 50km for the first time.

Got proper tired near the end and learned a few things. 0.5l bottles are useless, for shorter rides you don't even need them, and something like 50km I already emptied it near the end and I rode in the very late afternoon. If this was 100 degree afternoon ride I would've emptied it way faster. Need a new bottle now.

And second, since I went a bit further than usually, I put on a small saddle bag with a spare tube and attached the pump to the frame. I don't perceive it as much weight but I could feel how slower I was than the day before. I didn't expect that to make a difference at all.

Trucks are scary.

Will rest today and do it again tomorrow. Solo cycling is fun OP don't give up. It's very difficult to be actively depressed in the moment when you are riding in countryside.
I have places I stop to refill my bottles. Also, many road bikes from the 80's till now have 2 water bottle cage locations, some modern bikes have 3.
This is why I basically stopped cycling, excluding some late night rides. It only reminds me of how alone and miserable I am, while everyone else out there is with someone, doing something, smiling, laughing, having their shit together
I often take the route along the river shore in the summer. Lots of bikini girls laying around.
I haven't crashed in a long time but if I do I'm sure it's bc staring at some chick.
holy checkerino
I've had several close calls with logs and branches on paths and roads. Thunderstorms usually happen when its already dark outside
>It gets in your eyes constantly, you cant see shit.
I'm not here to tell you how to live, but a cycling cap helps a lot with this.
Man how retarded are you? The question was freezing rain vs thunderstorm not thunderstorm at night.. obviously if it's fucking nighttime and thunderstorming you could stay in

Cap or glasses helps with this. I love riding in warm spring rain
Exactly. Probably some sort of mental illness to not be able to do anything without comparing yourself to others or seeing anyone else as a monument to your failures as a person but I’m incapable of not doing it. It’s even the same as taking the subway to my shitty job. I just see all the other people riding and know how much happier and more successful they are than me
most people are miserable man
>goes on an aimless 20-25 mile bike ride
Beats shit-posting on 4Chan.
Yummy numbers
lots of people crash on some occasion in their time with the sport, but that's very different than frequent disabling crashes (and lots of non-racers wh ride a lot crash at some point as well.). anyway, as I say, there are lots of disciplines besides mass-start road racing.
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This is exactly why I bike:
1. In areas where few people come
2. At night
I'm looking for a new apartment and everyone goes like "anon why you want an apartment on the outskirts of the city, you have money to get something much closer to the centre" but they fail to understand that people make me feel suicidal and being able to get out of the civilization within a few minutes is the most important factor for me.
Fuck this shit, with this post I remove the bad luck brought by this shitty comic strip, whoever reads this (including me) all your ride will be safe and happy enjoy
>faggot thinks its ok to lean himself and his cuckcycle against someone elses vehicle
this is why normal people hate you
Watterson loves bicycles look at the detail he put into the first panel

It's self deprecating humor
jesus you're pathetic lmao
Hol up
A nigga got a hip pack/lumbar pack... in 1995? Sus
guess how I know you were born in the 2010s
Breh what? The whole meme around Fanny packs in 2023 is that they're old school
of course a bike get in /n/, wasted
As someone who has a family and all that shit

I fantasize about just going for a bike ride to get away from it all
You're a fucking waste, you pratt. A waste of cum, a waste of an egg, a waste of oxygen etc etc.
Cope. Most people have friends, even your typical "losers". They go out, they know what's happening in the city, they have hobbies, they talk, they laugh, they interact with others, they are happy for at least a decent part of their day
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>that feel when you take a break at a random village store or gas station and pig out on sugary stuff to recharge
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>unironic live laugh love
amazing, I thought it only existed in memes
hell yeah brother, coke and a snickers just like chris horner says
Just sad, man
Clean luv me small loop in town
Evening 35km around the town done, even managed to finally conquer the hilltop at the end without jacking it in and getting of the bike.
I've had this experience with walking. There's nothing wrong with you. Unfortunately, the only solution I found that worked was making a female friend, and if you could do that at will, you wouldn't be in this situation. But hang out with the friends you do have and you might meet one, even if your current friends are worthless alcoholic parasites.
>Go to a comfy warm gym
>Hang out with randos with no fear of punctures or getting slightly cold or not making it home on time
It's nuts how people act like going to the gym is so hard. Oh yeah you got yourself out on a 2 hour ride? Reward: Pain and suffering. Yeah no shit that's more interesting to others.

"Oh what'd you see at the gym?" "a bunch of women power walking in thongs". Nigga i go out at 5am and see pheasants and deer and hungover teens.
70% of people you come across in real life don't go to american websites. 98% of those people never post online. They only care about their immediate world and adjust their desires as such.

Imagine coming home and not having to browse 4chan or even turning on your pc. What are you gonna do? Guess 90 minutes of biking isn't out of order. Shower, shave, cook, sit down at 6pm and look out the balcony.

I still enjoy this sensation
man fuck gyms. even if I'm gonna lift I'd rather do it in my back yard or garage. if I wanna see t&a i'll go to hong kong.
At least you are moving and/out/ in stead of installing gentoo. Keep up the good work and ignore normies
most people spend their spare time on facebook or insta or tiktok on their phone which is just as bad as posting here, if not worse.
I post on 4chan from my phone while riding, what now
on yer left
*swerves* whoa! bit close there pal!
Whoa mama
shifts down twice, sprints.
gives the "look" back
heh, gottem
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>on yer left
>she doesn't shift up to sprint
stay torqueless, leglet
oh look it's another fatass faggot OP with nothing better to do on a Saturday night than make low-hanging fruit troll-posts on the slowest board on 4chan.
>tldr no gf
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As a husband and father, and as a manager responsible for more than 140 people there's nothing better than being able to jump on my bike and just ride for a few hours. All men enjoy some solitude from time to time, it's necessary, combining that with good exercise and fresh air is something everyone should do.
The sense of freedom is real, jumping in the car or on the motorbike is also fun, and of course motorized transport gives you more options in terms of range, but only on a bike can you literally go anywhere you want.
>Forks on backwards
Why would you choose to ride through town anyway? Go out into the countryside and deal with dog walkers getting in your way and avoiding turds every two feet. At least you can direct your hate towards them instead of yourself.
Cycling can get boring too. I remember the times when I (and everybody around..) was smiling like an idiot just cranking those pedals (daddy joke: you recognize a cyclist by mosquitos on his teeth), now it's kinda chore.
This posts reads like an AI generated facsimile of a male who enjoys alimentary products derived from pulses of the glycine max plant
could've just said faggot
>just happened to me again
haha gee, beautiful weekend in the 80s and just to not sit in my room i biked around aimlessly again for a few hours. kill me,
Literally happened to me today, was that you who snuck up behind me and saw me scrolling on the climb? It's common courtesy to let your hubs ratchet or something, are you rude or just on onyx hubs?
why not find an objective that's challenging but attainable for you and train for it?
You are literally coping, but in a healthy way. Don't beat yourself up so much. You'll look back on the day glad you at least got out vs hiding inside.
Damn, are you me? This has been my life every single day for the past 15 years. Autistic and on the dole in the UK. Every day I wake up at 11am-1pm, go on some pointless bike ride until 4-5pm then spend the rest of the day playing video games. Strangely I am still fat.
Why does Britney Spears look middle aged in this?
Ride further and harder.
If you want lift some weights too, helps when standing and keeps you feeling good.

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