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Disasters never have one root cause and neither did the destruction of cycling. But I know some important milestones in the decline and fall:

1. COVID 19. Enough said.
2. Full suspension mountain bikes. Enough said.
3. Reddit. Enough said.
4. Twitter. Enough said.
5. British "people". Enough said.
6. The d-tch. Enough said.
7. The state of Utah. Enough said.
8. Zwift, Peloton, "Spin Class", and other cancer. Enough said.

What were some other key moments?
>What were some other key moments?
this thread
>more than a hundred years old hobby
>rich history with great influence across the globe
>not going anywhere as long as humans have legs and steel
yet somehow you fucking snowflake can announce it destroyed due to your imaginary reasons no one asked about
Steel bikes being premium
"Touring bikes"
Strava didn't help with their interesting decisions in the past 2 years.
I just use komoot, haven't even tried strava. Komoot is kind of shit but good enough, what about strava?
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What a garbage thread.
>Steel bikes being premium
This isn't a conspiracy

Aluminium bikes are lighter for the money and so suit the entry level market better and so far many more of them are produced and so the price is cheaper, and for many other valid reasons.
I dunno my interest in that stuff has fallen off hard I don't even track my rides or runs anymore because I've lost the competitive part of me due to depression.
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Nope aluminum bikes are the standard slop now because logistics are cheaper with lighter frames
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>What destroyed cycling
What question is that? I ride my MTB's on trails for the last 10 years. Nothing was destroyed. Bikes got better tho.
My roadbike is faster and lighter. Saddle is comfier, di2 is a dream.
Commuting and shopping didnt change a bit.

Overall, cycling improved massively in my opinion. Its much more fun. Bikes are more capable, better geo for bombing hills/trails, suspensions are crazy good now.
>6. The d-tch. Enough said
rent. free.
26" wheels
Shouldn't have gone away from 700c
>cycling is ruined because there are NIMBYs on twitter and people who dare ty to get fit with home bikes
another extraordinarily flamboyant opening poster
Shitty bait thread on a cycling board
Delivery costs for stuff that size is done on volume not weight
>destruction of cycling
you get on the bike and ride, who gives a fuck about 'bicycle culture'? do you also lament the destruction of hiking every time you go for a walk?
And every other material is marginally better.
>What destroyed cycling
Cyclists. Imagine letting riding a bike as a hobby become your whole personality to the point where call yourself a "cyclist". If you heard someone say "Yeah, I'm a driver." and driving cars wasn't their job, you'd think they were a lunatic.
>China 1980
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>China 2020
What went wrong?
Why did cycling fail?
Don't forget, it's easy to hydroform aluminium into more aerodynamic or more marketable shapes (you're not limited to cylindrical or oval tubes), and it's got a very low melting point compared to steel and therefore takes less energy to produce.

It's not a bad material all things considered.
Yeah but what if I have to ride my gaspipe shitter on the surface of venus? Buyfag freds, the china menace, and dentist racers BTFO! I could totally be a pro I just don't apply myself because this isn't a race.
Right, I forgot about tour du Soleil.
Cringe sociopath image
How is cycling "destroyed"?
Who's stopping you from going for a ride RIGHT NOW?
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Pretty good image but I think people who are shitty and elitist about bikes are stupid morons.

If you aren't a bike mechanic or an expert, don't fucking chime in on technical discussions. If you are an obsessive bike nerd, don't be an asshole to the people that aren't. Conflict solved.
It's a shit picture, muh trading card games are a laughable """hobby""" and gatekeeping such faggotry is beyond pathetic.
And hobbies that are respectable enough like cycling benefit from not being tryhard sausage fests. Imagine complaining about having women in your hobbies, as if they were something that scared you.
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Sex segregated hobbies are bad?
Not all hobbies are sports. Segregate them when they become competitions, but don't gatekeep them when it's you and your shitty bingbingwahoos and other niggersoy fuckery.
Also your pic is of women fearing men, which is absolutely normal because women are weak and dumb.
I am afraid of women and I do NOT want them shitting up my hobbies.
I am scared of women and I know the power they have(the law+society).
>i am a huge fucking faggot
yeah we can tell
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Cycling is destroyed? Huh I didn't notice
>What destroyed cycling?
Autistics who made it a faggy gear-n-socialmedia subculture rather than just the simple act of "riding a bicycle" AKA you.
BAWWWWW go ride a bike retard.
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You got it kinda wrong, OP.

There are several reasons why the Bicycle Industry is seeing collapse. And it's not due to cycling becoming mainstream.

1. Pandemic:
Lockdowns & "Shelter-In-Place" orders made exceptions for "outdoor exercise", and a lot of people who typically only went to the gym for a workout thought about what they could do outdoors that's exercise. For anyone not already running, cycling became the big one.
Normies bought bicycles en masse creating massive profits for bike manufacturers.Except normies don't actually like cycling - they did 2-3 rides, didn't like how fit they needed to be to go up hills and didn't like the weather.
The result? A saturated used market for high-end bicycles.

2. Britain:
Look at the cycling brands collapsing and tell me where they're from. Islabikes, Wiggle CRC, GCN+, British Cycling, Evans Cycles - yes, they're all British.
Brexit has resulted in economic shrinkage, as various weirdos too scared of White Slavic Immigrants, now have political leaders who are all descended from former colonies. Immigration is now at record highs in the UK, and they're not Slavic people anymore.
Through a mix of Brexit fucking up the entire exporting of good, and also the Tories waging culture war on cycling, claiming that being a cyclist is "woke", and that being a cager is "freedom", it's had this impact.

3. Corporate Greed:
After the record profits from selling record numbers of high-end bicycles to middle managers with cabin fever, the bicycle industry was convinced that there's now a massive market out there for high-end bicycles.
Year after year, Specialized, Trek, Giant, Canyon, Pinarello, and Scott all made active decisions to shit on the entry level bikes, and make more and more $/€/£10k bicycles with extra special features that will save you 5 watts!
Of course, the used market is saturated with these high-end bikes going cheap, and no one buys a brand new bicycle every year.
No offense but cyclists are some of the biggest elitist fags in any sporting community. It’s clear someone decides what is cool or not, and then the lemmings all fall in line. Examples:

- oh lol you have a dork disk
- lol aero bars ? You mean go fast bars?
- that’s a Cervelo? You must be a dentist
- Fred Fred Fred
- that’s not the right bike for this event. God forbid you own just 1 or 2 bikes

The grand irony is there is usually some sort of intimidation factor at play with gatekeeping. But anyone who takes cycling seriously looks like the just biked out of auschwitz. So as someone who lifts it bring a me great pleasure knowing I could snap all of these assholes like a twig at any given moment
>brexit was caused by racists!
What? That makes no sense. It would only make sense to a pro-Commonwealth anti-Polish racist and they are pretty much non-existent.
>no it was caused by racists but they thought they were being racist and they really were being progressive!
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By what metric has cycling been "destroyed"? How is cycling worse now than it was in 2010, 2000, 1990, or 1980? I don't think OP put much thought into this thread. He's also probably a fag.
Pick one and only you fucking faggot.
>It would only make sense
Making sense had nothing to do with it, except that people who wanted to avoid having to declare their money to central tax authorities were very very in favour of it. And those people own a lot of media outlets.
Makes you think.
>every major financial institution and the sitting government of the day heavily anti-Brexit
>but the REAL powerbrokers didn’t want it
Fuck off, you’re literally the left wing version of Alex Jones listeners and you make us look bad. It’s not a “good vs evil” star wars plot.
high iq post right here
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for whatever reason, cycling attracts narcissistic do-gooders that think they're "making a difference" by behaving like an asshole in public and not accounting for the massive difference between a dude on a bike going 10 mph and a one ton car that can rip to 120 mph at a moment's notice

they're not comparable forms of technology and should not mix. if you go full bike, you really need the separate space for them or you're fighting a losing battle (while have to watch you blow past stop signs and red lights in your mesh suit). i'm supposed to feel "bad" about cyclists when they get hit by cars or killed, but i remember that it's usually an idiot that was so poor they couldn't afford a cheap car and made that inferiority complex their personality.
Thank you for not lying and pretending to support cycling. Usually this argument is wrapped in a disingenuous concern troll shitpost about how in amsterdam blah blah blah. This one speaks honestly. John Forester did nothing wrong.
as a lazy entry-level cyclist I am pretty happy with a light frame also. It's almost the only component I haven't worn out and needed replaced in the last 10 years, not sure where steel would be an improvement.
>in amsterdam blah blah blah
rent fucking free
>John Forester
The guy you're replying to is arguing for the literall opposite.
Cope and seethe.
Steel can give a different ride feel. Everyone groups aluminum as shit, but 2 decades ago it was the shit. If you care, ride more bikes and see if you can notice differences, then you will hone in on what you like.
Or just ride your current one.
Bait image.
A point but things are mostly back to normal again
Don't ride one then
Don't listen to anyone on there
Don't listen to anyone on there
Not real cyclists, ignore them.

Cycling isn't destroyed, it's fine.
this guy destroyed cycling unironically
I fucking hate old fucks using main road to cycle. Like what the fuck are they doing in +40mph lane with hills. I just take local roads to avoid these retards
I bike because it feels good and because I'm better and more fit than you
I will take the lane when I feel like I need to.

Eat my ass.
plandemic was peak cycle boom, especially if you were lockdown rebel larping. We had like weekly cycle group rides on empty streets. Now that my city is pretty much back to prepandemic business as usual and everything has been open for like 1-2 years now, everyone is going back to their old ways and not cycling as much as they did during covid
because driving is the standard, my friend who only uses a motorbike considers himself a biker. So do many who have a motorbike and only ride it in summer as a hobby. Besides that there are tons of people who identify with car brands, state what car they have on social media even if its completely unrelated and take selfies with cars. They dont call themselves drivers, they call themselves shit like mercedes owner or bmw drivers and sometimes even join local clubs.
christian bale?
Cycling became a lot more popular in my area when Covid happened, councils even started making new pop up bike lanes, some of which are still around.
I don't even know why you think it's 'destroyed', you come across as some Lycra larper who's annoyed that muh sanctity of cycling as an elitist hobby is being degraded by more people picking it up casually.
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Cyclists themselves destroyed it.
Everyone wishes they could ride like this.
i don't, this is retarded monkey caprioles
people are still peasants there will always be peasants even if everyone owns helicopters
Enough said.
Cycling when I started in 2008
>New bikes were cheap
>Used market was small. Word of mouth/car boot sale
>Seen as a hobby
>0 bike lanes
>30mph roads in every city
>Cars were smaller and less scary though
>Nowhere to lock up bike
Cycling now
>New bikes are astronomical
>Who cares because there are top-tier used bikes selling for pennies
>They're easy to find with the internet
>So many because casuals bought new and rode once during covid
>bike theft is basically an industry now, further reducing used prices
>"Car replacement" is in fashion now
>lots of cargo frames, baskets, rack types available
>No-one looks at your weird for biking to work any more
>Dedicated bike parking everywhere
>20 roads and more bike lanes
>Filled with idiots who have no clue how to cycle and SUVs
urban problems
>toob is part of the urbanism NJB YIMBY crowd
well that's a shame. oh well. guess I'll ignore all her videos from now on
this crossover episode makes want to kill myself. PT is suicide fuel
Why do you watch youtube?
Steel is for homos needing "a certain feel" to get from A to B.
Modern aluminium frames are just as rigid/stiff unless you weigh 350 pounds
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t. bought a cerevelo with aero bars and was told off by the cool group ride guys
Real answer is CEN.
Steel bikes are pointless now because everything is built like an anvil and doesn't take advantage of the material's properties.
Gotta follow the UCI rules. Don't you see the rules are there because of our safety?
cycling hasn't been destroyed. you can go outside RIGHT NOW and ride a bicycle. anything beyond that is faff and nonsense.
lol how is his voice is it watchable
it's not for stiffness, it's for flex
Just checked my local stores, new bikes are back to pre-pandemic prices. They're actually cheaper than they have ever been when you factor in our money dropped in value by 50%.
yeah I picked up an sworks aethos campy ltd for $12.5k yesterday
I do
I checked mine and they have nothing but ebikes in stock. If you order you have to pay MSRP which is usually like 500 euros more than last year.

Any other answer is just inhaling copium
you don't actually have a bike do you
Preach. It works both ways. Cyclists certainly don’t behave as though they are the most vulnerable road users.

It’s a shame. Bikes should be fun and cheap transport. Let’s all maintain order and follow the rules of the road so there are fewer accidents and everyone gets to go home safely whether they’re on two wheels or four.

Known tons of cool cyclists who ride responsibly. I like to ride in quiet areas for leisure on a nice day. Unfortunately a small group of entitled activists have utterly ruined the reputation of a genuinely great idea
>muh safe space
> cyclists who ride responsibly.
You mean who stay off roads unless there is a 0% chance any motorist will ever see them and be able to get upset. That is what you people mean by this.
Kind of, shows amazing control and balance but at the same time that's really fucking obnoxious and I wouldn't ever endanger myself for something as stupid as random retards online thinking I'm cool.
>for whatever reason, cycling attracts narcissistic do-gooders that think they're "making a difference" by behaving like an asshole in public and not accounting for the massive difference between a dude on a bike going 10 mph and a one ton car that can rip to 120 mph at a moment's notice
this is why I switched to riding a motorcycle outside of short trips around town and dedicated MTB trails
>various weirdos too scared of White Slavic Immigrants
They got spooked by the Syrian refugee crisis. Sure, some might've been worried about Romanians, but they were mainly concerned about the browns.
if you didn't buy the bike, you don't count
nta but it's pretty good
but I might be desensitized to mtf voice since I am a chaser
it doesn't look that difficult, what i do wish for though is to never end up in the same situtation as the car driver
you'd chase toob?
yes? why? not up to your standards?
Aluminum is incredibly hard to weld, harder than Ti. It’s why cannondale CAAD frames are still so collectible and why premium brands like Standert are making more frames out of it.
The gravel riding boom was a sign that things were going downhill into a consumerist pit of money loaded casuals trying to make things that are low skill more competitive. Admittedly cycling technology has been booming for the past 10 years, especially in things that might not be obvious like tires and brakes, but cyclocross has always been a thing and riding off road fast on road bikes had been reserved to people with better than average to elite bike handling skills as something they did intermittently with competitive road cycling. Now chad bros and dentists have made a sport that’s not discernibly different than road cycling except for a few key factors so they can claim athlete status without entering spaces where they have to either be a good bike handler or in exceptionally good shape and know racing strategy. For the same amount of money as a “gravel bike”, you can get an XC mountain bike that can ride actual trails and features but gravel bros will never because they can’t do those things with a bike.
Alu is literally value
>low melting point
>therefore takes less energy to produce
please don't talk shit and delude people when you don't know shit
Even IF this was a question of merely recycling materials you'd still have to factor in the specific heat capacity.
But in reality not all aluminium is recycling material (who would have guessed) and thus the mined bauxite needs to go through the Bayer process first and the resulting AlO needs to be electrolyzed... which is crazy energy intensive.
Once you want to do anything worthwhile, like build a bike, common aluminium alloys like 6061 will need to be heat treated after welding which essentially requires the entire bike to be in the oven.
I imagine a bicycle from commonly used steel alloys is much less energy intensive to produce but I wont be fucked to come up with numbers just because of morons like >>1963742 .
it's because cyclists are either annoying poorfags that seethe over not being able to afford a reasonable car or annoying narcissistic rich fucks that want the society reformed to cater to their shitty hobby. no, we're turning the usa into the fucking netherlands. no, we not making bike suburbs. no, you shouldnt be able to take up a whole lane when you go 10 mph up a hill. go take your lycra wearing ass to the bikepath.
someone got under your skin and I bet they are from this forum
it's partially the memes from here and partially being in dc for almost a decade now. the cyclists are all rich yuppie types that run lights in dangerous intersections and end up dead because of it. they also bitch and moan at council meetings about how they need more bike lanes while fucking over the bus routes.

cyclists also aren't good for the nerd urban renewal thing because they want to replicate car society on a slightly smaller scale rather than putting the pedestrian as what matters the most.
Ah, yeah DC would make me sad too. Never been to a council meeting nor have I met urbanists IRL so I consider myself blessed to have dodged that shit.
TBQH my gut tells me there are 2 types of people you would meet at those places. People who try to keep order, and people you describe wanting their way.
its a bad hive for entitle nerds that "love politics" aka love power and dictating how budgets are set. i will say i am fortunate to be in the second best mass transit city in the US and i haven't needed to have a car ever.

the problem ends up being that there is no holistic plan for transit and housing. congress has been good about bailouts for the metro system since covid hit, but that's not a way to really run a city. for council & wmata issues its ends up being the same people fighting for pet projects rather than finding a way to make downtown dc a great place to live. too many big buildings that were zoned for business/government use only and too few apartments/townhomes in places where people could walk to those huge offices. the stupid federal height ordinance from 1910 fucked up developing the city and arlington was too fucking stupid to build a mini-manhattan across the river in the 1960s & 1970s. they're turning that round now with nice high rises and ending single family zoning, just 55ish years too late.
>Thru axle
>Incredibly hard
>Harder than ti
Put simply: have you seen the price of bikes recently? compare with similar, a couple decades ago....
Oh, and the killing of the 26'" wheel and its millions strong affordable 2nd hand inventory (the actual real goal of industry's move to 29", as openly admitted back then by multiple industry insiders), and the subsequent atomization of "standards", all of them contributing to the price inflation.
Is this also why welded aluminum frames are a dime a dozen?

I'm not a welder but I'm pretty sure you're completely wrong about titanium being easier to weld than aluminum
Non pro welder here, and yeah titanium is levels above aluminum. If I am remembering correctly to do it right you can only tig weld, purge the tube internally, plug the end, and it's more finicky then aluminum.
Retrogrouches hate thru-axle because putting a wheel back on (or taking it off) doesn't require any special technique and that renders their retrodouche gatekeeping useless
Taking a wheel off has never required a special technique. You either turn the nut, or release a lever. Even if it has lawyer lips I reckon 99% of normies would figure it out, it's not like it's complex.
The actual problem with thru-axels is that they still haven't standardised them.
You can say the same shit about the development of mountain bikes. The early mountain bikers were riding road bikes, then slowly bikes better fitted to offroad riding were introduced. Keep in mind, there was a time before knobbly tires allowed you to corner confidently.

The gravel riding boom was just about capitalising on the fact that there are guys who are interested in road bikes, but don't want to ride on the road and prefer nature. It's not that complex nor is it about athletics. Watch Unbound and tell me that what they're doing is low skill. The physical ability required to ride fast on rough terrain for long distances is much the same as road biking, a sport that is very high skill.
I notice how you conveniently ignored the non-parenthetical part
the pros flood the welding room with inert gas and the welder wears a breathing apparatus
Whiter than you amerimutt.
How is that that any different? Same steps but reversed. Has someone gaslit you into thinking there’s something magic going on anon?
if you're using cantis with 2 inches of travel then obviously you're not going to notice but on mech dicks (notoriously common combo with QR for bikes of a certain era) there is in fact what you might call "something magic going on anon" in that the dropouts are prone to a wide range of tolerances
Valtteri Bottas, a professional athlete from a completely different division of sport with no racing history or training, got 3rd in his age group at Unbound. I think a clear line needs to be drawn between physical conditioning and skill. To your point, road cycling is not far behind. Jonas Vingegaard(Tour GC 2023) was a professional soccer player before getting scouted out to cycling because of his physical conditioning, and Primoz Roglic(Giro GC 2023) was a ski jumper scouted under very similar pretenses, both athletes trained on a bike to get in shape for their respective sports and their managing sponsors discovered they had a physical ability that was relevant to the world stage of competition. Neither athlete has ever even attempted racing cyclocross because they lack the bike handling skills, Jonas can barely ride a bike with no hands.
There's also plenty of headset standards; should we go back to "standardized" threaded headsets, because of that?
The benefits widely outweigh any hypothetical problem, and these are highly subjective, anyway. Thru axles are an integral part of the fork/frame, but either way china will gladly sell you cheap replacements for pretty much any standard out there, if you ever need one. So what's really the problem here?
Non-Europeans discovering this white hobby doesn't help.
I am forced to go on trails with my road bike due to a lack of a mountain bike in my posession
Why Utah lol?
Personally I like threaded headsets and I can’t see why the industry ditched them. You can’t uncut a steerer after all. Regardless, the normal 1-inch and 1-1/8 inch threadless headsets are pretty the standard these days and I wouldn’t object to the proprietary stuff going away.
The difference between that and thru-axles is that you don’t have to worry about bullshit like figuring out the properties of the thread to find a replacement. If you can just look up your bike brand model, cool, but information has a tendency to rot over time, as you’ll find out if are interested in vintage bikes.
Pretty sure the standard for mtb nowadays is 44/56 tapered
because it is a shit hole full of ______ like >>2002378
FFS what are you blathering on and on about? Cycling isn't destroyed.
Just regulate e-bikes by mandating training testing licensing and require insurance, and ban all the other motorized bullshit (stand-up scooters and all those monowheel things) and things will calm down. Then only people who are capable of being proficient at riding an e-bike and are old enough to be responsible with them will be using them.
Strava is the same as any other social media site, spiral down into intrusive ads, plans, subs, fake data, irrelevant shit and so on.
I have a 2018 version of the app that still had performance comparisons in segments, while the web does not even do this without paying for some shit plan.
I was tilted enough to code my own app, had it all setup and started adding different stats to it but just said fuck it, its not worth the effort and dropped any tracking tool entirely, rides have never been better and performance is irrelevant, I can still see I can do longer rides and more difficult terrain than before without having it written down.
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Instagram is worse but all influencer cycling is cancer

> he doesn’t know how sea-freight is being calculated
How is it calculated?
Suburbia. Allowed the fetishization or pretending rural roads with no shoulder are bike tracks for bored yuppies at 5pm. If they were in the city were they belong, they could have been in a parks bike path and EVERYONE would have been a lot happier.
mountain bike should be your only bike. But its better this way, stay off my trails
Bike lane urbanists try not to sound anti bike challenge IMPOSSIBLE
Also massive amounts of entitled clowns who won't even turn their heads at intersections to save their lives

I assume most cyclists go through their rides hoping to get a big payout from some hapless driver who didn't see the idiot in their blind spot
how DARE they live in a SFH in the subburbs and commute to work every day oh my god they are DESTROYING THE WORLD, why don't they live in a studio apartment for the same amount of money and BIKE to work !!
Apartments are fine though, how is that the same thing as building containment zones for bicycles so they can be run over with impunity if they dare to use taxpayer funded infrastructure
sex with moo
Not that it helped anyway. Government gonna government.
What about cycling has been destroyed?

i fucking wish there was actual seperated spaces for bicycling instead of the poor excuse that is the broken overgrown sidewalk. but until i get my own lane I have no choice but to risk my life and use the car lanes.
A large portion of the reason I live where I do is because of the 50+mile long bike paths, and more bike paths in this area.
My bike still works fine. Also, let's see a hand and outlet real quick. You know, for funsies.
Where do you live anon?
The american river bike trail is awesome. Found out they are doing some work on it near the university but that's a long enough ride for me, and there are plenty of ways to go around.
is it possible to ride across the central valley without dying or do you have to stay within the city of scramento
I haven't been that far. I know there is hundreds of miles of local bike trail, and in october I will ride around davis at an event, but I honestly don't venture out much beyond my normal ride that I slowly increase the mileage on. Currently doing 40-50 miles and I want to get to 75 miles.

There are a fair amount of backroads one could take to go accross to the bay, south, or north but it will probably be sketch for some parts.
yeah, there are lots of low traffic farm to market type roads where people expect to have to pass a tractor at some point, especially if you don't mind a little gravel
you can ride from sacramento to davis tho at least? I might need to relocate there for a while and I've seen how flat it is, I'm afraid I would lose my mind but if I can get some change of scenery without going in circles that would be a plus
sounds like I should get a gravel bike once I'm there? or you think a decent endurance bike with 28s or 32s is enough?
Yeah there is a bike path from davis to sac over the causeway at i-80. TBQH I haven't done it, and I would bring ear protection since cars regularly do 50-80mph depending on traffic.

Of course beyond that you have all the bike trails, and some other ones north east like the El dorado bike trail that I want to try.
Lots of mtbing around here too if you go east into the foothills.
Cycling is too expensive thanks to middle aged blokes with too much money.
I used to ride them on an old CAAD with 25s, I think you'll be just fine on whatever.
What special skills? You turn a 15mm nut or a 4/5mm allen key and just pull it off. Are you talking about managing the chain and derailleur? I'm a single speed monkey so sometimes derailleurs confuse me but it's not anything special that a little common sense can't fix.
Avoiding brake rub, I assume
What kind of retarded nigger can’t work a quick release?
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>What were some other key moments?

Disc killed cycling. Every oldfag with a working brain stopped buying new shit and stopped participating in the discussions. The industry is rudderless yuppie scum trying to look cool now, but they don't have the autism they need to thrive. Disc is the reason.

Such a garbage move on the industry's part. I completely stopped buying new bike stuff and started shitting on the industry non stop since then. I've been right the entire time. The new consoomers will scream and cry every time you talk shit in disc because that's what they own and they don't want to believe it. Disc was never appropriate for the bikes it has been added to and the industry knew this from the start. Absolutely disgusting move on their part and it destroyed all faith the real ones ever had in them. I hope they all fucking rot
>Retrogrouches hate thru-axle
This is the level of total ignorance the new consoomer cyclist has. The discussion has sunk to the rock bottom of retarded ignorance. Each new product that nobody needs is defended by ignorant children repeating the marketing BS they heard on their favorite YouTube channel. These people have no context for the current state of cycling and think all of this is normal. They have no clue
I had a cable dick break too, I understand your frustration. I'm not broke though so I was eventually able to buy a bike with non-cope dick breaks
>Each new product that nobody needs is defended by ignorant children repeating the marketing BS they heard on their favorite YouTube channel
People parroting marketing spiels as a stand-in for actual experience is what's destroying a lot of hobbies. Maybe things have always been like this and I was ignorant to the fact when I was younger, but it seems to be worse now.
It's always been this way, it's worse now because the loudest "experts" have the means to shout via social media, idiots now have accessibility to a very wide audience. Before social media, there was TV, radio, records, magazines, newspapers, books, etc, it's just the barrier for entry to a global audience is as easy as having a phone and being loud. Everyone is a self claimed "expert" now to the point where only real experts can filter the noise.
Yes, prior to twitter cyclists had to rely on reliable neutral sources sold in newsstands printed and distributed at a loss by devoted enthusiasts who didn't care for sponsorship or advertisement money at all, zoomers finally figured it out!
The difference being that now all of the dogshit available in that magazine isn’t behind a paywall anymore but shoved down people’s throat on social media
You're delusional if you think the difference is anything other than latency
The Internet/social media is a mistake. :-(
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Unpopular opinion. But speaking as a definite luddite and tightwad, it's a great time to be into cycling, if you can ignore all the douchebaggery (I USUALLY can.) The tech explosion of the 80's and 90's is long gone, but the bikes and parts are still out there, scattered across the landscape. Many boomers were caught up in the hype during that time and (practically accidentally) bought great shit, only to enbalm it in storage units so that it could trickle feed into craigslist for decades to come. The last 2 decades have seen the almost total success of the industry in burying old standards for high-tier new bikes, which means current-day consoomers not only don't want the old stuff, they're barely even aware of it. With some specific exceptions for collectibles, bikes that cost thousands in 80's money now turn up for a few hundred; you just need to be ready with the knowledge to know what you're looking at. You can even go on a shameless, overpaying online shopping spree for top-shelf components and pay maybe 10% of what many people normally do for their "gravel bike." And the consumables like pads, tires, drivetrain etc. are still available and mostly better than ever.

I was worried for a while that the hipster-resto-mod-confused-cruiser treatment would boost up classic mtb prices a lot, but unless you NEED a stumpjumper or klein it doesn't seem to have had an effect. I hate the gravel trend for bringing cyclist goons onto roads that used to be my private property for rides, but at the same time I think it may have distracted people from wanting to buy the great bikes all around them and leaving them for me. Get a roomy old roadbike and put great new 35's on it, or get one of the lighter classic mtb's and go anywhere, delete social media, enjoy yourself.
Boomers getting involved and paying absurd prices for bikes and behaving terribly on roads
>man who wants to be surrounded exclusively by men calling somebody else a faggot
I have an irrational fear that my QR wheels will fall off through the dropouts when I jump curbs and make sicknasty maneuvers.

I do not worry about this on my thru axle bikes.

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