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Was old London Bridge peak /n/?

You’ve got walking, cycling, ferries, barges, housing, commerce all in the same space.
This is called "transit-oriented development", which is definitely an organic term in that I invented it and I'm going to make my army of sycophants use it as well.
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Transit oriented development is also how you get this pic
I would argue London bridge was ye olde stroad
the new blackfriars is probably my favourite station
london bridge is in lake havasu, arizona now
damn these woke nursery rhymes
that lake has seen so many sunburned white titties now, Jah bless
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Never truss a bitch
>I would argue London bridge was ye olde stroad
Walking is a relatively unobtrusive and high-throughput mode of transit, and people didn't generally have to commute in the same way they do today. I'm sure it was still annoying as hell if you just wanted to cross the river and instead had to barge through a quarter mile of even denser city.
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Surely there was a shit load of horse and cart traffic, especially on bridges.
in what way is this TOD? the only transit possible here is buses, and there barely any development
The guy you’re replying to is a schizophrenic troll.
...because some dumb burger thought he was buying *Tower* Bridge. It's also nothing like the London Bridge in OP.
urban legend
you sound dumb. The guy who founded the city bought the bridge from the City when they replaced it in the city. He bought the 1831 bridge and it's a fun little bridge in a really fun resort city.
Yanks be like
>n-no this is this boring bridge I wanted for my pond in a shithole desert. I totally didn't want that ornate one. L-look it's f-fun! Right guise?
oh fuck off. if you choose to ignore reality and substitute it with your own, that's a "you problem".
>insults and abuse will prove my point
okay then, here's this instead.
>The nagging suspicion was firmly quashed when we visited the man who sold London Bridge, Mr Ivan Luckin, at his Chorleywood home.
>"Of course not," thundered Mr Luckin with the sort of authority you expect in a City man.
...and, frankly, I'll take the word of the Common Council of the City of London member who suggested putting London Bridge up for sale to begin with, to know something about the matter.
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No. Its a shitty idea for bridges because bridges are usually traffic chokepoints and on top of that you are now introducing even more chokepointing due to all that "commerce" going on.

Aka people specificially going to the bridge to shop even if they otherwise wouldn't have done so, shops loading and unloading their stock etc.

It was however probably one of the most based location for you to have a house however. Because you likely had an actual "running water" toilet.
You could say that for any popular commercial street in a city. You’re basically arguing to get rid of mixed-use cities and segregate everything into subdivisions and shopping malls.
That's better. Maybe you'll remember not to be a keyboard warrior in future. Good manners cost nothing.
You gaylords still talking about the Spring Break bridge in Arizona?

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