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Hi /n/
I'm a bike commuter and i'm sick of dick head car brains shitting up the already shitty bike lanes
Whats the best way to ensure I don't get caught for slashing a tire, breaking a window, breaking a mirror, or all of the above?
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I've seen some videos of people slapping stickers with something like "nice parking on the bike lane!" on the car as they ride their bike. If you're really angry you could use some heavy adhesive like those Russian kids on youtube from a decade ago doing the same thing.
I don't condone this stuff, it's unproductive. We live in a free speech democracy in the information age the best return for your energy and anger is pacifist campaigning. Youll only get arrested if you fight a single cager, but you can have a great impact with a smart campaign. That video by casey neistat crashing on cars was golden.Those videos of sticker slapping usually attract comments of angry cagers and angrier bicyclists and the whole thing gets confrontational and unproductive.
Bolshevik paste a propaganda sign on the back window.
Kick cars while you ride next to them duh
Just pull up behind the vehicle, lean against it with your hand propping yourself up on the vehicle, and start loudly drumming your fingers until they move.
I guarantee this will send the average driver into a blind rage, but is probably legal in most jurisdictions. Won't send your blood pressure spiking either, since you're taking a breather.
love punching the shit out of side mirrors
also modern plastic front bumpers are fun to kick

America has globally, objectively low commute times. And generally the more public transit usage and walking there is the longer the commute.
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Haven't read everything here. I'll comment on OP's commute time comparison. In the Netherlands and my guess is also for a lot of other Euro countries. Commute time is this "low" because of public transport. If we'd cancel our public transport we wouldn't get lower commute times. Quite the contrary.

American cities are built very grid-like. Which is very specious and allows for multiple lane roads within cities. We do not have that space. Inner city travel is always going to be quicker using public transport here in NL.

Another problem over here is our current housing crisis. Much of that has to do with poor policies. But that's another debate. Amsterdam has over 50% social housing. Anyone with a regular job cannot afford to live in the city. Most people who work in Amsterdam therefore do not live in Amsterdam. Trains during rush hour are completely overloaded. Despite our public transport being the most expensive in Europe by far. Parking in Amsterdam is equally the most expensive in the country. Using a car for many is simply not an option when going to work. Anyways, I hope that explains why our commute times are as high as they are.

I actually didn't know American commute times were this low. When I think of American commuting i immediately think of the dreaded traffic jams in LA. I guess that's just a public image thing.
The entertainment industry is based in LA and NYC where commuting is insanity except for a small number of super rich people who can just walk or take a helicopter
>Commuting is increasingly insane the more your state is dominated by road closing and illegal immigrant welcoming Democrat bureaucrats.

>not pictured
Chris Christie, a republican, is the one who likes to close roads at random for political reasons.

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Why not take the boatpill?
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Motor sailors are terrible motor boats and terrible sailboats. Just pick one.
what's the difference between a motor sailor and sailboat with a motor? Every boat above 25' or so seems to have a big inboard anyway
Usually superstructure looks more like a trawler, and sticks up farther from the hull. This is an issue for actually sailing >>1982906. Motor-sailers will usually often have a more powerful one engine than a dedicated sailboat since they expect to spend more time motoring.
i almost capsize when i was in the academy with a captain professor. wind is no joke

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Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
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>bike tech advancements
That's a good one.
timeline of goober biking trends:

00s: Fixies
late 00s early 10s: CX
early 10s: "Adventure bikes," Monstercross
mid 10s: early gravel bikes (endurance bike geo with wider tires)
late 10s: bike packing
20s: race geo gravel bikes, people paying 1500 for some shitty 90s MTB frame and decking it out with Paul Components, White Industries
mid 20s: big big wheels
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So basically since fixies it has just been different words for the same thing. Sure, the tech has gotten better and nobody would be caught dead riding cable dicks anymore but otherwise ??? same shit right? inb4 muh wheelbase, these things are all over the map when you go from size to size, people who ride "L" frames might as well be in a totally different category of bikes from "XS"
is it the platonic form of bikes?

>cycling on sidewalks is... le misdemeanor!
>you should drive on the streets with a speed limit under 50 km/h
name a more braindead law than this, jesus fucking christ
99% of people riding bicycles do it all their life
I am convinced the only reason this law exists is so that the ONE time some cop(s) with nothing better to do blocks your path, they can milk you for fines and report all your personal info to the big brother system

the whole fucking point of a bicycle is that you are not a car and that you can go places cars cannot, but carbrained lawyers the want to regulate the shit out of it for some reason, even in le walkable non-carbrained EU city

fuck I'm so pissed off right now
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The average healthy adult will get a broken arm at absolute worst if a bike crashes into them, and spend a month in the hospital at absolute best if a car crashes into them.
The sidewalks in my town are absolute shit
I don't even want to know where all the NH tax dollars are going
You're SO close to getting it but your commitment to defending the official policy positions of the American Automobile Association is too strong for you to ever accept the truth
>non committal non answer
No it does not. Also, nice to see a Kobo chad here

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Is grant petersen's quote still true?
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where's REEEE THE MARIHUANA JUNKIES REEEEEE guy when you need him
He's actually right
He’s not. His point is that Anglo bicycling culture is fucked, stiffed between families going 12kmh on the footpath swerving side to side, extreme lycra racers and full sus mtb. I don’t think Riv frames make any sense for anyone, but Grant knows how to take the middle path and I trust his opinions.
>make sense

they make sense if you have a handlebar moustache and haul a 1940's typewriter into starbucks to write poetry
Sure, but there are better value frame options for casual riders, regardless of how hipster you are. Obviously, value isn’t always a key part of a purchase decision. I just don’t find what their offering worth it, and I ride a Velo Orange Rando frameset, I’d consider myself in Rivs target audience.

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Hey guys, new bike day for me. I pretty much just ride for exercise but the road bike has gotten a bit boring... So I bought an entry level trail bike and although I likely overpaid I'm still happy for now. Gonna try some easy trails in the next few days and see how it goes. How important is it to have knee and elbow pads? On the easy stuff?
Also how much hate should I expect for going with a trek?
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If everyone you meet is an asshole...
>says everyone he met in the last few days mtbing were nice and friendly
>says meeting roadies were usually d-bags

nah brah your just proving my point. Go troll somewhere else
I've met one or two roadies who seemed like jerks, out of hundreds. The vast majority are friendly and have good manners.

Most MTB people I meet are obnoxious low class boors.
Ok you win, I hope some good happens for you today
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dumb leftcel

For those who are sailors, what sorts of books to you take to read while underway?
Read "the eduction of a wandering man" by Louis L'amour. Describes his early life as a vagabond, sailor, surveyor, freight hopper. He lists all the books he can remember from that time. Some interesting reads in there, the book itself isn't bad either.
I have a 2TB SSD filled with nothing but hardcore gay porn

annas archive is a good resource for books
you don't look like that THOUGH

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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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Shit company that’s always hiring because nobody wants to stay there, but if you’re totally green with no credentials beyond wiper/OS you might as well jump at anything that will get you experience. Bank that seatime and upgrade to AB or QMED after 6months/year and the whole industry opens up for you.
>if you’re totally green with no credentials beyond wiper/OS you might as well jump at anything that will get you experience
I did that and just got an hr email from them that my application is declined.
You can expect a lot of that. Getting your first job on a boat is the hardest part. Once you’re in, you’re in, assuming you can handle the life.

Mass apply to every listing you can find. Tugs are probably your best bet for a job that actually pays ok. If you’re really desperate you can go for tour boats. Pay sucks but it at least counts as experience and you can get an AB special that way.
Take initiative to acknowledge the alarms whenever possible so the engineers don't have to rush away from their projects to take care of it
Literally how

>Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its $1.5trillion plans for a 106-mile linear desert megacity, according to reports, in a humiliating climb down for the kingdom.

>The Line - part of the country's audacious and futuristic NEOM project - was meant to be home to around 1.5 million residents by the end of the decade, with plans to ultimately increase its full capacity to nine million people.

>Now, according to people familiar with the project, the development will only stretch 1.5 miles and house fewer than 300,000 residents by 2030, according to a new report from Bloomberg citing sources close to the project and documents.
Lol it didn't take long to happen exactly what /n/ said would happen.
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Your average amerifat constituent can't even find Saudi Arabia on a map, let alone gives a shit about their petrodollar-funded pipe dreams.
but looks they cleaned the sand half of that distance
Why don’t they just build an actual decent city
Yup. Now they say there's no scale back.
>scale back
that's funny
you mean "abandon"

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Why does this keep happening?
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Obviously won't happen over France tomorrow due to ATC strike
>I should know, I’m a pilot
you say this to the cashier when checking out groceries, or the UPS guy when he delivers a package, don't you?

i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Those clowns over in ATC need a refresher course on Vitaly Kaloyev.
>i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Thank you for kneeling, subject.

What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
Singapore, but the cycling is terrible

Which is weird because they make really good bib shorts
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unironically tokyo, because of public works programs focused on grade separated highways, and of course their public transit which speaks for itself. for a country that adapted so much good urbanism from the western world their bicycle infrastructure is shit though, close to american-tier.
New York

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Is there anything more soulful than taking a Greyhound bus from coast to coast?
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reported for racism
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It's was nice back in the day. Too many wild "Youths" aboard today.
Imagine the smell.
Yea me banging your mom
>sovl is when you spend a week in a smelly bus with an overworked driver about to steer you into certain death and 20 druggies that take every coach stop to smoke crack

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New Apartments Edition

Discuss transportation, zoning and walkability improvements in your city or nationwide.
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What do you think of Baton Rouge, Louisiana basically splitting into two cities (or rather, its suburbs incorporating as one)?
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Delicious NIMBY tears lmao
I read about that. I assume the suburb will go bankrupt so it’ll just be a good lesson for them to learn.
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Alberta bros how we feeling?
That is the tax base seceding from the uh... "strength".

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3 speed
All you need
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they have shit gear range
>loses 50% of pedaled energy from mechanical losses
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Not quite all I need but makes a nice bar bike that is not too fast.
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