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I need help. I'm a fat fuck (~260lbs). A while ago I had bent some 20+ year old aluminum 27" wheels and still haven't gone around to straighten them out and buy new spokes. I went to a bike shop and the guy was really weird about not letting me take a picture of his disassembly tool and saying that I would only find it from the manufacturer if I were a special boy, but later saw a chinese copy for like $2. What would you /n/iggas do?

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the two or four prong oldschool freewheel tool is one of the worst things to have made of chinesium because usually you have to really wail on them and they're already really prone to damage.

I would suggest Unior or Icetoolz over Park for most stuff. It's now usually slightly better and slightly cheaper.

I also think it's retarded to respoke some shit old wheel. Even replacing just 1 spoke is usually a waste of time because once one breaks, they're all worn out and they'll just keep breaking.

Depending on the bike I would convert to 700c. 700c, also known as 28" also known as 29" is actually smaller than 27" and so doing a conversion gives you more tire clearance. On a 27" bike designed for fenders you now have HEAPS of tire clearance, so it's a gravel bike. Sometimes you can even use the same brakes, and long reach brakes come in different types.

>I went to a bike shop and the guy was really weird about not letting me take a picture of his disassembly tool
I mean yeah some shops and some mechs will encourage you to do your own shit and give you advice, but they're there to make money, it's kinda like going to a shoe store and trying on shoes and photographing them and telling the clerk you're just gonna buy them online. They're gonna hate you. It's a business, and with a bike shop, a precarious one. If you're in a city, find a co-op, they'll have tools you can use and are actually setup for diy stuff and to help you fix shit yourself. Or, you know, work it out without in person handholding, you could have just taken a picture of what you have and we would have told you what tool you need.
Also, when you're using a freewheel tool, either put the tool in a bench vice so that you can apply downward pressure on the wheel so that it doesn't cam out, or, get a long skewer (like for a 135mm rear hub) and use it to bolt the tool to the hub.

Not strictly necessery on a freewheel that has been recentishly installed with grease but on anything old it's gonna be a fight and you're gonna damage shit if you don't do that.
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The only dildo here is the one you use to hammer your prostate, fag.
This board has a bike question general which would be more than adequate to answer his retarded question since he's incapable of googling.
If you want le heckin safe environment to ask dumb questions, you've likely already got an account and your favorite sub, so kick gravel.
>You made an entire thread to ask about a freewheel tool?
you're the one who has now made it that

this thread could just as easily have evolved into a broader discussion about freewheels, tools, 27", or, (and this is incredibly optimistic) OP may have actually continued to put effort in and kept posting, documented what he's doing, posted OC, and followed up, rebuilding his wheel, his experience with his chinktool or just his project in general in which case it would be a good thread.

But by telling him to kill himself you've reduced the chance of that to zero and turned a possibly good thread into a definately bad one, now it's 100% autistic bickering and basic handholding.

policing hostile comments is pretty obnoxious m8 , you've turned 1 obnoxious comment into a chain of them.
tldr :
It's ok to make a thread about a bike question if you're actually gonna flesh out the thread you made, post pictures, etc

most people don't do that, but some do.

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - that means we're all about big intercity trains, modest rural trains, long freight trains, trips, tracks, (deep breath) trams, subways, stations, and a partridge in a pear tree~.

If you're unfamiliar with train travel, take a look at National Rail's journey planner, at nationalrail.co.uk/ - tell it where you're travelling from and to, and it'll show you a few options before handing you over to a train company so you can buy a ticket. For the same journey, they'll all charge the same price, so it doesn't matter who you buy one from. The best option for overseas visitors would be to use thetrainline.com/ - it'll support your language and payment card.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~Jago Hazzard (youtube.com/@jagohazzard) - London train history. Ditto.

...and some cool 'open data' stuff:
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - not quite 'Google Maps for railway infrastructure', but close.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.

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>giant sea waves
I guarantee every poor bastard in this thing was soaked through and in water up to their ankles
>Why's Gatwick up there while Heathrow's not listed, is what I'm getting at.
Heathrow would count as "inside London".
Also split between multiple different stations and also the Tube (which would be in different statistics).
>It's long overdue imo
Oh god yes. Been obvious that it couldn't go on as it was for decades, and the chaos caused by the extra traffic over the Ordsall Chord just made it clearer.
While they're at it, they should also do something about Deansgate Bottleneck, err, Station.
>it's a nice station
It's the station near work for me, and no, it's not a nice station. Literally the only nice thing about it is the roof, and that only if you don't really expect it to keep the rain off.
It's also even more of a wind tunnel than most stations.
>I mean Northern aren't a franchise any more
The passengers still see Northern. Exactly what the deal is between them and the government makes little difference on a day-to-day basis.
Sounds like one of the more waterproof Pacers.
Those things could flood in light drizzle.

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>only 4 carriages from Birmingham to Manchester?
>An entire carriage wasted on first class
>1/5 of each carriage taken up by luggage space, toilets or food court
>No air conditioning
>Insane pricing where it's cheaper to buy multiple tickets for some reason
>Not even a single electrified train in their entire collection
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>Not even a single electrified train in their entire collection
>Not even a single electrified train in their entire collection
Well duh. Most of their routes involve non-electrified sections (by the design of where the franchise operates) and they're not leading the way on the introduction of multi-modal trains.

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The Eternal Debate...Which one should I get /n/?
e-bike will get stolen.
e-scooter is unstable at high speeds.

Rest is same. Same controller, same power levels (or including more in case of e-scooter). Same batteries.
>The Eternal Debate
Just get a normal bike. You wont cycle or scoot that far anyway and we both know it.
How much is high speed? Are scooters stable at 55kmh? That's about as fast as I wanna go
my nigga the smaller the wheel the higher the chance you hit a stick or pothole and frontflip off.
depends what speed you wanna be ejected at
i think ebikes are gay but if you are fat or whatever then go for it
>How much is high speed?
Above 25 km/h for 8" wheel scooters. Maybe 10" is a bit higher.
>Are scooters stable at 55kmh?
Doubt. If you want to go 55 km/h, you should get a proper moped/motorcycle. They make electric variants. With removable battery so you can steal electricity. They are designed to go fast, and have adequate brakes and everything.

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I want to get a secondary bike for doing errands, shopping etc around the town. I want something relatively small (don't have much space in the bike storage), with mudguards and a rack, maybe a basket too. I found this selling for 80€. Would it be worth it, and would it work for my use? Anything that would need an upgrade right away to turn it into a nice bike? Also, if I wanted to turn it into a dropbar (to make it more narrow for storage), how much money would that take approximately?
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WHEELER was founded in 1972 by CH Yang, one of the future pioneers of the Taiwanese bicycle industry, without any prior knowledge of the industry or technology. Mr. Yang, a visionary who was then working in advertising, realized that the bicycle industry was about to boom after a Japanese cooperation partner asked him about bicycle production in Taiwan and founded WHEELER in response.
Neat. I've got a 6100 (?) one. Currently has 23mm tires. I used a 3mm and 4mm hex key to measure the tire clearance and the chain stay has about 3.5mm clearance left (on each side of the wheel). You think it can fit 25mm tires?
Fixie or safety bicycle
Just found out it barely fits and it is almost hitting the seat tube.

Should I get a third bike?
you don't need any spare clearance, tite gapz is based.

also tire sizes are commonly ~3mm up or down from stated size so it's just a guess whether one size or another will fit and some 23s are wider than some 25s etc.
higher end new tires especially usually run under on older wheels as they're now designed for the de rigueur wide rims.

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I guess it's finally time for new thread.
what are your touring plans for 2025? cooking up some months long big adventure or just few small trips every now and then?
maybe you're already on a tour or just finished one recently?
I'll be going across the Europe to Santiago de Compostela, starting in April.
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you really misread that post lmao
has anon shared some if not all of american cycling association's gpx files?
>whats the hardest part of it?
About winter touring? For me it's probably the short days, particularly when you're somewhere far North. Not a lot of sunlight. I find it extremely hard to get out of my sleeping bag in the morning and dread cycling through the dark after 6pm.
The cold itself is very manageable if you're well-prepared. Hands can freeze fast as fuck if you're not careful, which is annoying. Temps just above 0°C coupled with rain are the worst. Had -9°C degree here yesterday, the lowest temp I've experienced on this trip so far. But sunny weather, not a single cloud, so it wasn't a big deal.
man sounds difficult but how beautiful

>$100M Boeing Super Hornet crashed into the ocean
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How can one single plane even cost so ridiculously much?
>uhh... jets aren't automobiles

Xhe, the Xuper Xornet just transitioned xher gender to an automobile, chuddie. The surgery cost $100M.
It's an EA-18 which is the electronic warfare variant, so it has extra equipment on board that a regular fighter jet wouldn't have. More $$$

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Just got my year-end bonus and want to make a donation. What are some organizations I can donate to, to promote bike lane infrastructure and bike advocacy?
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just find your nearest tech mega billionaire and ask him if he wants your $2000 check, I'm sure he'll be very appreciative of the gesture even if stopping and listening to your buzzword salad for 45 seconds costs him more than your gross annual income
You can donate it to me.
my bank account. i promise i'll use it for bikes or whatever
A friendof mine got killed. Had 12 kids. Riding at 6am killed by a xanaxed out dumb woman.

better off just setting your money in a pile and burning it

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What does /n/ think of tomorrow's upgraded, more inclusive bike lanes? Cagetrolls will hate this, but I for one think it is perfectly reasonable for bike lanes to be open to any vehicle that doesn't have an ICE or require a Class A CDL to operate legally. What's the point of bike lanes if nobody is going to use them!??!?
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the right move would be to get rid of them altogether, like they're doing in canada
forester did nothing wrong
chinese bug culture is coming to the big apple

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His advocacy for parking reform actually did contribute to dozens of cities removing parking minimums.

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glad he's dead
As a cyclist, fuck this commie faggot.
>did contribute to dozens of cities removing parking minimums.
Yeah and in doing so , he stifled economic growth

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>it's another "anon has nothing to do on a beautiful weekend so he goes on an aimless 20-25 mile bike ride for an hour or two just to be out of the house" episode
haha gee it was great biking past all the families, friends, people with children, eating at restaurants, walking the streets together, doing stuff at the park, and living their lives happily while i was complete self-congizant how im the autistic retard biking alone through town
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nta but cycling won't make you tall
plenty of short dudes I know have no problem getting girls
Plenty of fat out of shape dudes too but now you're changing the subject
This is basically why I stopped riding, except the odd midnight on a weekday. Actually I avoid going out as much as possible because the sight of normies being in love, having fun etc has become too painful. It takes me a couple of days to recover each time a witness it
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Happy Valentine's Day, fagboi

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Light Rail Edition

Old Thread: >>1972086
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nice pics
I've been on this from Matsumoto to Nagoya. The trip felt like it lasted all day, but I believe it was barely 3 hours. Scenery was gorgeous.
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It was a comfy ride. I managed to book the front row seat on the green car so I'd have the panoramic view travelling towards Matsumoto and since it isn't the odakyu Romancecar it wasn't so highly solicited (there were a few seats reserved but the ones in front weren't). Pic related, I could see the driver pointing at the traffic lights. Really underrated train, my favourite one so far.
what camera?
Canon AE-1

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Oceanliners should make a comeback, Not everyone loves flying.
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I meant that people won't give up planes (or cars for that matter) for a shitter mode of transport, even if its better.
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Transport the trains acrosss the oceans.
I prefer food travel
This would work if the boat was the size of a city that also included a runway for small aircraft.

SS United States to be sunk, creating the world's largest artificial reef. RIP to one of the greats.
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>It's finally going to move!
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Great, the NYC doofus group is at it again. They want Trump to buy the ship off of Okaloosa via eminent domain and keep it in Brooklyn. Such a historic connection and, they warn, it'll prevent all that ALUMINUM from OXIDIZING! That dangerous ALUMINUM OXIDE has never ever been put into the ocean before, no sir!

Why is it always last-minute with these people?
To be honest the United States sinking in 2025 would be absolute pottery.
I am sure they will do everything so that ship can sink this year to get another oh SO sweet symbolism they crave so much
Departure is back on for February 17 at 11 am!

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>Parallel’s battery-electric cars — which can run alone or together as an autonomous platoon of up to 50 cars — can each carry a single container


Phase 1
>2 mile section of track with no crossings

Phase 2
>30 miles of track
>no other rail operations
>crossings flagged

Phases 3+4
>84 miles of track
>incorporating track warrant authority

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Battery electric is so fucking dumb. They could do this stupid techbro bullshit on the commuter lines bridging from the NEC, and use a regular pantograph, and have it make sense.
Still fucking engineer jobs, but that's a given in this economy.
>existing PTC
>existing block signals
>no fireball on wheels batteries
>send chinesium garbage from port Newark to some Metro North stop outside Selkirk yard between 2 AM and 4 AM when Amtrak doesn't run
>send a staffed shunter to get the container platoon into Selkirk, and then let it be a real freight car for the rest of the journey.
The ex-Pennsy has the same thing, where once a day the Trenton cut-off runs a train of random bullshit to a podunk town between Philly and Lancaster.
As it is, this shit is definitely going to stop dead in dark territory and become a giant firework when either it gets too wet or some unfortunate sod plows into it.
>using these on passenger lines between passenger trains, or especially on tram lines between the trams or at night actually makes sense
I don't know man I think it's another gadgetbahn designed to separate tech investors from their money
clown world
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>shit, we should've left it in a railyard with some shade
>wouldn't the front still need to be modified to be a "start of train" just like how "end of train" signals were added to trains after cabooses went away
All that would be is a pressure sensor for the train's brake line with a tiny radio transmitter and a flashing red light.
I'd be more concerned about a lack of headlights on the head end, when it recognizes a need to blow a horn, and how bad the lithium-ion battery will ignite when one of these things nails a truck on a crossing.

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