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Why would someone ride an e-scooter instead of a bicycle?
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the scooter I currently own has a real world range of about 30 miles, and is infinitely easier to carry up my 3 flights of stairs. it gets me to and from work in 18 minutes round trip. charges back up to full in 2-3 hours while i'm resting. i'm already at work standing and doing shit for 8 hours, i'd rather this than having to pedal my ass all the way home after a long day.
What is better if you want to go to the city on dates? I think carrying around a scooter might give girls the ick, but locking the ebike might as well guarantee some subhuman will steal it
A poor understanding of physics.
Immune to theft since you can take it with you into the store etc.
There is nothing fun in escooters. Especially like on op-pic.
Physics are weird for escootes.
Stability at low speeds is way higher than on a bicycle. Handling is also better, much more nimble (again at low speeds).
Makes it possible to ride it on sidewalks, which is somewhat hard and annoying to do on the bicycle, while with escooter its doable.

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>not affected by chink materials
>not affected by (((executives))) greed
>not affected by DEI globohomo

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It became too expensive to develop and them getting customers to try their product would be even harder. COVID was the final nail in the coffin.
Never should have retired the mad dog
You have to give it to the HUEBRs, Embraer is quite a success story.
oh god. I bet they want a feature where you have to pay for the window to be undimmed.
What the fuck is that scale?
Where is Douglas?
Or any Soviet manufacturer?

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ITT post things you hate about bicycles. I'll start; These stupid brake pad washer things. I hate them! They are impossible to adjust correctly
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>I need more gears
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not him but
>A rubber pad will never wear a metal rim.
dude most newer rims have wear indicators
it's a little divot or groove in the surface, and when the rest of the rim wears down to that level they disappear and the rim is (conservatively) dangerous.

They do wear down. It's not occasionally, it's almost most old wheels. It's absolutely something that happens.

Wheels without wear indicators will go concave to show they're badly shot.

You're thinking that rubber is softer than metal, therefor it can't wear it down. That's correct, but what happens is that sand and grit get on the rim, especially from riding in the rain and create a kind of grinding paste, also shards of metal imbed in brake pads. Those will wear down aluminium.
There are obviously lots of high mileage old wheels that are fine, but if you ride in the rain, don't regularly clean your rims and pick the metal out of your pads, and do big descents or just brake hard a lot, they will wear out. It is honestly not unusual for some roadies to go through rims every season or two.
It's also not unusual for rims to last practically for ever. It depends on how you ride, how much you ride, and how you maintain your bike.
I believe you, because I saw it. That rim was done. There was cracks forming into the bead channel inside the rim. I think everything you wrote is true.

And I do wipe my rims and will resurface the pads so they brake well. That's probably why it hasn't happened to me. Just like you mentioned
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20,000 miles over 20 years means those are bikes which never seen a real winter ride. Here's my wheel that saw close to triple that mileage over the course of 5 years doing courier work regularly being overloaded in aggressive stop and go traffic in rain, snow, and salt. I will say though, it takes a lot to crack a rim from regular use, I also frequently neglect cleaning and maintaining my bike during the winter months because it'll just get dirtied again so in reality, those rims could've lasted double the mileage if I was strictly a fair weather cyclist on top of my maintenance game, so yeah, your normal person wouldn't even come close to wearing out a wheel.
Yeah I only rode in socal and AZ. There's no slush from the snow, no sand and no salt

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Urban sprawl is good as long as you have extensive coverage of railways, it's comfy too because it makes the urban core larger and takes longer to navigate through with more amenities, shops and restaurants to enjoy along, not to mention multiple public places to visit or relax in after long walks and commutes. Simply put you can end up lost easily in a city, and it takes forever to make it to the city boundaries by walking or cycling, it has the potential to qualify for CHAD status.

Does your city qualify for CHAD status?

>inner urban area spanning >=300 km^2
>at least 5 major intercity railway terminals within the inner urban area
>overall metro area size spanning >=1200 km^2
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a single 'central station' is a completely modern concept, though. everyone knows that ancient cities were located near a river or other source of water, and were largely contained within walls that kept undesirables out: likewise, cities where the industrial revolution happened, were sustained by importing raw goods and made rich and powerful by exporting finished goods, a process which necessitated railways and stations where goods and people were needed, with animal muscle used for the "last mile", as urbanist dorks call it these days.

so, a single 'central station' for passenger travel would have to be a) large enough not to immediately reach capacity and become redundant itself, and therefore b) require a gigantic amount of c) expensive inner-city land that's d) convenient for all possible 'OK, you're here ... now what?' uses and purposes. and, well, good luck with that lol.

which is probably why, come to think of it, I can't think of a capital, or even a major city, with just the one single 'central station' serving intercity trains.
Trannyposting belongs to plebbit.
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>Urban sprawl is good as long as you have extensive coverage of railways
"urban sprawl is actually good BUT ONLY if it's on my terms"
No one is stopping you from escaping the very shithole you live in.
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Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
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my boomer mum got an e-bike a few years ago. she almost never drives now. she fucking loves it. Boomers love e-bikes.

my dad crashed his one and smashed up his face and got badly concussed which was pretty scary but they still both ride everywhere. And these are people who viewed bikes just as toys their whole lives and refused to commute even when i gave them nice bikes before.
Hopefully my mom and dad want to ride with me eventually again, and I would put front e-bike motors on their bikes since it makes the most sense for local riding.
Boomers lived through the 70's bike boom and many rode around so it makes sense.
>Boomers lived through the 70's bike boom
yep. in their head road bikes are awful

and they ALSO lived through the 90s mtb boom so those were the first bikes they ever rode that could actually brake /shift smoothly. And weighed 15kg and had heavy knobbly tires. So they also think 'nice' bikes are next to impossible to ride up hills on.
>perfect speed to get killed by average negligent cager
I'm all for solving these issues and makig a under the line "car" as the 3 empty seats and two tons to get a cup of coffee is the world's biggest mistake.
My mom has her raleigh i bought her that she rides in the 4th of july bicycle parade but she had a recent fall so ebike commuting isnt really on the cards.

She'll take her red raleigh out and do the 3 mile parade then itll be back in the garage until labor day bike parade.

I suggested she flip the raleigh and get 300 for it bc she only rides 3 to 4 times a year...you'd think I suggested she pawn a kid.

It's beyond over now.
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You are clueless about the business world (not an insult), investing 10M dollars to create a lasting product looks much worse than saving 8M and creating a turd in balance sheets. Good quality is never in the mind of the MBAbrained kike.
> dropped
>Airbus has pressurization issue
I sleep

>Boeing has pressurization issue
Ban this plane NOW

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Why are there no container ports for the Great Lakes, like there are on the East and West coasts of North America?
Why is it only used for bulk cargo at the moment?
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Anyone have a theory on what Michipicoten hit?
Hopefully she didn't hit her own anchor again.
Does Rochester even get any ships going to it's port anymore? In fact the entire New York side of Lake Ontario is pretty uninhabited compared to the rest of Western New York.
Ask JHK. It's one of his favorite subjects.

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Last thread hit bump limit

Spring is coming, get the winter stuff when it's on sale. Except people from Argentina, for you, get the summer stuff when it's on sale

Anyone use winter-specific road or MTB shoes? I've been depending on overshoes for too long

Discuss bike apparel. Engage in catty tribalism between "lycra lout aero fred" and "practical normal not-a-cyclist' (actually still marketed to cyclists but with reverse psychology) apparel. Boast of your metric century (not a real century) wearing just jeans and a t-shirt. Conveniently, there is no strava of it but it totally happened I swear!

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Get bibs instead of shorts so your rolls don't hike them down and expose your asscrack
How do you avoid sitting on your balls riding nude?
Who said they want to avoid it? It's a cheap alternative to expensive orchiectomy
What's up with all the korean road cycling social media content these days? It's like out of nowhere my feed is flooded with slender porcelain korean dolls spinning through rice fields on winspace builds without a single bead of sweat or split end
you're just caught in the coomer algorithm

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Sydney Metro edition
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the City section of the Sydney Metro is gonna open sometime in August, probably mid-month
Have any concrete plans for the connection between Hunter Street and Martin Place been revealed?
I know that on the Martin Place metro open day a few months ago there was a wall which they were saying would be the entrance way to the connection to Hunter Street. Wynyard Station is also gonna get connected to Hunter Street
How far are the stations from each other, as the crow flies?

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What does /n/ think of tomorrow's upgraded, more inclusive bike lanes? Cagetrolls will hate this, but I for one think it is perfectly reasonable for bike lanes to be open to any vehicle that doesn't have an ICE or require a Class A CDL to operate legally. What's the point of bike lanes if nobody is going to use them!??!?
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When was that? Musk is a socialist scammer. His entire business is build upon socialization of capital risk through subsidies and public backed private loans through different channels all around the world. Dude is probably the closet to the ideal communist than anybody ever before.
Also define reactionary, that word sounds like typical religious marxist blabbing, like "capitalism" or "racism"
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>salad is socialism
I thought it was just a meme
wtf i love bike lanes now
driving a 170kg "bicycle" with 70v/5K Watt Hub BLDC going 70 kph over bike lanes, I really like to remind bicycle drivers that when they try to queue jump at red lights that one careless lane change means their dead.
I've been seeing some "bicycles" the size of freight trains in the bike lanes lately. Amazon logo of course, with a huge electric motor attached

Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
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that's cool lol
you got any cute little wood stoves?

>viable product
eh i mean people who're gonna accept there is risk and spend money/effort on it are probably just going to buy not chink batteries and not want to live with the fear at all.
Yeah, that also scares me. I don't even know what the best course of action would be if it catches fire. What's the idea with your case anyway? Maybe it won't ignite the rest of your house, but if it goes off, you still won't be able to handle it and throw it out.
The idea is that you can grab the handles and throw it out the door/window
Since it's all metal, the handles will get hot too.
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I mean yeah if the battery fire has raged on for a minute or something. But in actuality steel is surprisingly poor at conducting heat so I'd wager that those thin handles would stay relatively cool for a long time.

I did add plastic handles so no worries about heat but I did it because of the sharp steel edges and not heat.

Are there any examples of 21st century steam locomotives? Not preserved historical steam engines made in the 19/20th century but original 21st century steam engines.

It doesn't matter if it's standard gauge or minimum gauge.
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Liek dis?

*hauled Abraham Lincoln's funeral train

Didn't realize that I forgot to write the end of this post
Nah, where they use steam to generate electricity which is used to power the motors.

Pic related, but with coal instead of uranium.
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the french did it
Seing a website address on a steam engine triggers anachronism.

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SS United States to be evicted from Philadelphia Home Pier 82, in September, judge rules
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I don't think a hulk being towed to be turned into a hotel qualifies as a commercial ship, anon. But if you think this story is neat, i think you would probably like the one of MV Lyubov Orlova.
It's just an old ocean liner that's been gutted for awhile. A shell. Scrap her or reef her. Makes no difference.
The money is there, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the US overall budget. There's just no political will to do so because congresscritters don't care and most people who aren't maritime history nerds don't care.
Its the principle. We have spent enough money to restore this ship thousands of times over on Ukraine and Israel in the last 3 years. We have spent many more times that money on foreign aid over the last 40 years.
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YE OLDE edition

Previous: >>1985990

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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>COVID vaccinations required for most vessels.
>Full COVID Vaccination
>You will not be considered for employment if you do not possess all of the above items.
No thanks
Are they still serious with the jab? When I was applying to one company, they said I need to be vaccinated for typhoid and covid. I took the former and ignroed the latter. Company seemed to also ignore the latter and accepted me.
But that was in Europe.
That's just what their website says
Wobbie I'm tired...


Message is authentic

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Reminder that anyone against walkable cities is a lardass from north america or germany.
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>no one I know had any vagrant incidents at all
That's because they're not found in subdivisions like the one you grew up in

Yeah, I make decisions based upon prior experiences and intuition. Again, that's what normal people do.
>I'm as retarded as the median person
Is this what passes as an "own" on nu-4chan?
Yeah it is plus I'm not scared of cars driving past me
Walkable cities are silly. Just fund public transportation like normal people.
Skill issue

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