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What tech, policies, city designs, etc, can be used to alleviate traffic congestion in the U.S. of A? I've seen some people suggest that we need to essentially obliterate The current car centered transportation networks we have in favor of stuff involving buses and trains (a ridiculous pipe dream Yes I know but I would also like to know if fixing the traffic issues is actually possible)

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Classic example of this is Brickell in Miami. Miami’s been a car-dependent city but with all the new towers going up it’s becoming much more pedestrian-friendly. Brickell’s actually a beautiful place. A friend of mine just moved there from NYC.
Build lots of apartments and condos so more families can afford single-family detached houses (if that’s what they truly prefer to buy). Win-win.
It's a combination of density and location of jobs. Even low density areas can have terrible traffic if everyone in those areas has to drive at the same time to get to and from work.
>No responsible parent is letting their kids go anywhere
And they wonder why the kids are turning out broken after the pandemic...
I hope your friend Xiang has settled into Miami nicely, Chang.

SS United States to be sunk, creating the world's largest artificial reef. RIP to one of the greats.
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update again:
"Due to the amount of space and availability (only 2 to 4 months) in Norfolk, Virginia, Okaloosa County has decided to move the SS United States to a dock in Mobile, Alabama, that has recently become available”
No date set for the tow.
Odds the hull rips apart when they start towing it and it sinks in the Delaware River?
The ship will start moving on November 14, taking two days to get into Delaware Bay with the right tides. Then about a two-week tow to Mobile.
track it at https://www.destinfwb.com/explore/eco-tourism/ssus/
update yet again:
for unexplained reasons, but partly related to the tropical storm starting to form in the Gulf of Mexico, the tow is delayed. New date not set.

does anyone still use a 50ccm scooter
I use a Piaggio Typhoon just like this one from 1994
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I paid the previous owner $1000 for it. Licensing depends on location but in my state I don't need to register it/get a motorcycle license because it's only a 50cc. Best option to prevent theft would be a garage but since I have an apartment I just lock it up with a chain similar to this one.
>be me
>ride a honda zoomer to work and to weekend excursions
>never late
>never stuck in traffic
>always have a raincoat waterproof pants and boots in the under carriage so only my hands and face get wet
>only use my car when i have to carry a lot of stuff/people
>spend $4 on gas per week
Scooterbros...I love life
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I own a 2017 Kymco Agility 50
Love this little nigga
If I wanted to ride something with that small displacement then I would just ride a motorized bicycle because where I live they are treated to the laws governing bikes instead of motor vehicles.
So no registration, no insurance, not even a license is necessary, and I can ride them in the bike lane without getting shit. Yet because they are lighter they tend to have more zip when puttering around making them more fun to ride imo.
The main downside is they tend to need a lot more maintenance and usually something you put together yourself, so mechanical skills are a must.
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lucky enough to live somewhere that doesn't require anything for a 50cc scooter.

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Is it worth putting some money (maybe 200€) into upgrading one of these shitters? It's the only bike I have but it's not very good to ride.
Rear wheel needs truing and cassette needs to be changed. Brakes are also shit.
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>hard to believe
It's true, it's a boomer owned shop that existed for 40 years and it shows, all they have is old stock and feels like they are just letting the time pass until they eventually retire or die. I like to buy from them when I can but mostly tubes, cables and brake pads since there's not much offer there, even simple stuff like grips is unironically all 90s or early 00s leftovers lol.

There's a second lbs but sells nothing but high end fredsleds I don't give them my business.
i can understand the parts thing but like... do they do not repairs?
that's a pretty fucking basic tool and MORE relevant if they're an oldschool shop

the actual fuck
>do they do not repairs?
No, they sell bikes and parts. There used to be a couple oldtimers that had a garage that did that but one has died and the other simply closed doors. As a kid I used to go to the former and the only tools I ever saw him using regularly was the hammer and screwdriver kek.
Then there's the fredsled shop that does indeed do repairs and maintenance but no one is taking shitters there since it's not cheap service.

Honestly I've taught before of start doing small repairs but I don't know where to start or if there's an actual market for it since the town is only 20k population.
>Honestly I've taught before of start doing small repairs but I don't know where to start or if there's an actual market for it since the town is only 20k population.

I do this, my advice would be try to just do tune ups, don't take on complete basket cases, and don't try to comprehensively go over anything. Don't suggest doing bearings unless it's something you can quickly swap out. Don't open cans of worms, first 'do no harm'. Most bikes can be improved with a clean, chain lube, bolt check, air, and a pad/ gear adjustment. Charge like $40 an hour. 30 mins or 60 mins on a bike is enough.

You might also do chains and hydrualic disc pads for e-bikers. Or grips / bartape, or offer nicer pedals / saddles you source from china.

The other way to go about it is to specialize, probably either in wheelbuilds or servicing suspension. But you'd have to get good at those things before you start asking money.

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Literally scrapped because of a refrigerator.
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yuck. it really has that squashed nose look that's so prevalent on EMD third world shithole export locos
The big woosh


or slant it back for aero
the connecting rods on the wheels look like the ones on the N&W J-Class, very unique turbine design

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - that means we're all about big intercity trains, modest rural trains, long freight trains, trips, tracks, (deep breath) trams, subways, stations, and a partridge in a pear tree~.

If you're unfamiliar with train travel, take a look at National Rail's journey planner, at nationalrail.co.uk/ - tell it where you're travelling from and to, and it'll show you a few options before handing you over to a train company so you can buy a ticket. For the same journey, they'll all charge the same price, so it doesn't matter who you buy one from. The best option for overseas visitors would be to use thetrainline.com/ - it'll support your language and payment card.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~Jago Hazzard (youtube.com/@jagohazzard) - London train history. Ditto.

...and some cool 'open data' stuff:
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - not quite 'Google Maps for railway infrastructure', but close.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.

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>live in Leicestershire
>have a mate in Northampton
>journey from my home to theirs is about 45 miles as the crow flies
>journey by train has three changes (Leicester, Nuneaton, Rugby)
>takes ~2 1/2 to 3 hours
>costs ~£25-£30
>same journey by bus has one change and so costs £4, and takes about the same amount of time
>bus between Leicester and Northampton is always crowded, but can't run double deckers because of bridge clearance issues on the route
>Market Harborough-Northampton line closed to passengers in the 60s and to freight in the 80s, and there isn't enough demand to justify the captial costs of reinstating the route

The East Midlands is shite if you want to get to any place that isn't London.
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The first 807 went into passenger service today, heading between Liverpool Lime Street and Euston - they're the all-electric 80x trains that complement the bi-move 805s.

If I remember correctly, the way, way, way behind schedule EMR 810s were supposed to be the 806, until some marketing knobhead decided 810 was a bigger number and therefore better. Prat.
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...oh, and the 'Nova 3' carriage sets that Transpennine Express ditched are probably going to be handed over to Chiltern instead.
>Northampton population 249,093
>Leicester population 373,399
Surely cities of that size within such proximity would generate enough traffic to justify a direct rail link. That being said, the coach via the M1 seems like a better alternative than taking local buses even if ticket prices are capped on the latter.
Merseyrail should have an orbital running from the airport to Bootle.

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Winter is coming. What is your experience with picrel, /n/? (It's hard to find reviews online that aren't just bait for Amazon affiliate links, and of course Amazon reviews themselves are often sus). Any particular brands/models you've had success with? From what I gather one of the main general issues is noise.
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They seem functionally identical to these, but with more faff. And these suck.

If I'd absolutely necessarily had to cycle indoors (velodromes notwithstanding) I'd go for rollers just because I imagine they retain more of the aspect of what makes riding a bicycle actually fun.
I'll tell you my story. I got one of those trainers this year around January. I got it from Amazon for 80 bucks and it was OK at first. However, it broke within the first month of usage. I should have returned it but I used my DIY skills to fix it. This time it lasted around 3 months before breaking again. Fortunately by this time I was riding outside so I just left it to rot in my basement. The trainers are alright ( not taking into account that I broke mine twice). My biggest complain about them is that they don't emulate the feeling of riding outside that well. Bear in mind I was using one with magnetic resistance (supposedly fluid trainers are better at this) and I was hitting 40+ mph easily. i.e. unless I manually increased the resistance I didn't get an air resistance effect. This is sort of OK though. Riding for more than 30 minutes inside is pain so I mostly did HIIT while on it.

This year I started riding for about 1 hour+ every day. Since I wanted to keep that momentum going on I decided to get a direct drive trainer (kickr core). I initially didn't get it because I consider them to be rather expensive plus I didn't want to pay for Zwift. I figured that if I couldn't get into using the direct drive trainer I could just return it and that If actually liked it, I could just bite the bullet and pay Zwift for 3 months. Fortunately for me I quickly found out a very pleasant option: Mywhoosh
It is completely free ( no 20 free miles BS ), it is compatible with the kickr core and it has made my training fun. I can last more than an hour riding inside now vs the 30 minutes on the magnetic trainer . I'll give some more details about it in my response to the other anon.
I frankly don't remember how stationary bikes work but I guess the same principle applies. They may or may not simulate the air resistance effect. Direct drive trainers can easily do that plus simulating gradients. For me one of the things that makes riding my bike fun is the "racing" aspect. I like challenging myself and I use my bike as part of my training routine (I'm into weight lifting). The trainers have a power meter so you can see how many watts you are producing and for how long. I enjoy seeing the numbers go up ( just like when lifting weights). Granted, a stationary bike may give you those numbers as well, but direct drive trainers open the road for another from of enjoyment, riding (and 'racing') with other people. Out there I always try to overtake anyone I encounter and it's the same when I'm riding on mywhoosh. Keeping up with other riders and attempting to 'win' really makes me push myself.
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I want to try rollers. Any tips or recommended brands in EU?
I was thinking about ordering these and some trainer wheels.
>built in mag resistance
>roller frame moves a little forwards and backwards
No idea in europe but I always heard kreitler rollers were some of the best bitd.

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>California Citizens: We want affordable high speed rail from SF to LA!
>State Government: No problem! Give us $10 Billion and we will do it!
>California Citizens: (votes for $10 Billion in bonds in 2008)
>Fed Government: (Kicks in another $10 Billion)
>Rail Authority: Oh LOL this is going to cost $100 Billion total
>California Citizens: What the Fuck!? That's not what you originally told us?
>Rail Authority: K. How about $68 Billion?
>California Citizens: No! We never agreed to that! We only voted for $10 Billion!
>Rail Authority: Great! We'll get started with Merced to Bakersfield
>California Citizens: WTF!? No!
>Rail Authority: Oh LOL! We don't have enough money to complete it. We're gonna be 50 miles short and need another $10 Billion
>California Citizens: Fucking no! Nobody asked for this route!
>Rail Authority: Merced to Bakersfield should be ready by 2030 if you give funds
>California Citizens: ...
>Rail Authority: Oh Yeah and it will cost $120 Billion now to complete SF to LA

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Now that CAHSR is basically dead with federal funding cut coming within a few months, what should the already built sections be used for in the future?
Truck route express lanes. It's wide enough for two lanes of trucks plus some breakdown lanes, provides flat surfaces, and has plenty of engineering. Just charge a nominal toll and trucks will be zipping down the pathway instead of being on California's outdated freeway system. Wouldn't break even but at $100B+ it never would anyway.
example of usage would be some buisness man going to a agricultural buisness meetinng/appointment/checkup, not all buisness activities can be done by skype. im sure theyll have car rental places at the train hubs. though youre only cutting a 4hour drive down to a 2hr travel but that might be significant to someone who has to make that trip every week
California is a hell on earth if you live in a population center and actually pay taxes.

Nothing this state does is good or intelligent. It is run by evil people and populated by evil people.

Every good person I've met her has moved away. The state is surviving on legacy industries and control of ports while it rots from the inside out

Why aren't bicycles cool like cars or motorcycles?
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>cycling is cool because it's healthy,
To drive in cold rain and snow. I am sure it's "healthy" in your mind. The rest of us who live in reality where it is fall and winter 6 months out of the year and / or they live in suburbs - you need 4 wheels , an engine and a roof over their head.
>having fun while riding
I am having fun. Just a little bit. Just enough to justify using a bicycle as a means of transportation. Because cycling as a sport is one of the most boring things you can do. It's autistic crap, like curling. Anything is better for fun than cycling.
And yes I live in a city and commute on a bike.
>Because they are slow
Much faster than a car in any city.
>In fiscal 2024, which ended on June 30, the average traffic speed in midtown Manhattan was just 4.8 mph
>The average speed in downtown Houston is 16 miles per hour.
>Along with New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and Boston, Chicago has the slowest average downtown speed of 11 mph.
This why car hate is a downtown thing. When you live 2 miles away from downtown cars make sense and when you live 5 miles away from downtown cars are extremely useful.

Such a simple argument from reddit but it BTFOs any right winger on this board. Uncanny.
>Nooo, le heckin bunker troon
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it makes you feel powerful , especially riding higher up
it's not even about feeling "powerful" in the sense that I think you mean. if you're in charge of a motor vehicle you appreciate having some visibility. especially shorter people (women) who are sometimes at a disadvantage in terms of seeing over the dash in some of the largest sedans these days
You never know when you might need to move and haul all your stuff somewhere far away, and if you're renting that's always more likely.
Men and women are more antagonistic and hesitant to form families, and quicker to dissolve them, than ever. Many families can get away with one SUV and one sedan, or one truck and one van, but if you're on your own and have children anyway because their no good deadbeat boring stupid father doesn't deserve them, you'll need the cargo room for something or other sooner or later so you have to get the bigger car, unless you want to have to deal with rentals every time you need to haul a lot of stuff.
Most people are aware that a heavier car has an advantage in any collision with a lighter car: the heavier car will experience less deceleration, and that means less shock on you. You don't want to be in the lighter car.
A higher ride height really does make you feel taller which gives you a leverage advantage in any hand to hand fight so it makes you feel more powerful but I suppose that's only true if you can actually see around you, of course that's going to get obliterated if your situational awareness is destroyed.
If you're old, getting out of a low riding car can be very difficult. A ride height that allows you to put your feet on the ground and have your thighs tilted just slightly downward makes the car easier to get into and out of.
I would laugh but then I remember that one time I rode into a utility pole head on from being momentarily distracted, nowhere near as fast as the video, I was probably doing less than 10mph. My bike was surprisingly ok but I smacked my head into the pole (thank fuck I was wearing a helmet) and fell on my back in a way that my elbows hit the pavement first and again the helmet saved me since the back of my head hit the sidewalk. I got lucky this was on a sidewalk and I didn't fall towards the road lane. I limped home with my ego hurt more than anything.

When I got home I inspected my helmet closely and noticed I managed to make a crack in it. Great, now I have to buy a new one. Also I had a fair amount of dried blood down the side of my nose because the impact drove the bridge of my glasses and cut into the skin. I didn't even feel or notice it until I looked in the mirror at home.
t. Self-loathing homosexual mutt

I bet you suck a mean dick on the downlow.

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A token system:
>A person buys ~10 tokens
>Can use 1 token for bike, 2 for bus, 3 for train and/or 4 for short term ride sharing
>Now people have an incentive to use buses/trains/bikes, but also have something cheap for last mile.
You're welcome.
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>inb4 "uhh, no that doesn't count"
>I live on ten acres of land with livestock in a sparsley populated area, and yet I also work a fairly high paying job in a major metro area.
You may be correct, I unironically want to destroy your way of life. Stalin did nothing wrong, the kulaks deserved it and so will (You).
But aside idgaf really, the problem is an incentive system where that makes at all sense.
t. Fat idle cunt
>the cyclist contributes nothing
In the third world, maybe.
The solution seems obvious. Stop paying the exorbitant fees and become a cyclist.

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could you /n/oggers keep up with nyc bike messengers from pre-9/11? what do you think of their setups? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyitrLKUUJI
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aw hell naw, my pin legs cant keep up.
that and the traffic would spook me.
maybe there is still some demand for couriers to haul more lucrative goods.
There is. I've met a couple guys who do it, it's not so much documents now I guess but garments getting shuttled back and forth for the fashion industry (whatever that means.) So, I think they're mostly riding cargo bikes now. As far as I've seen, they're real crusty and bitter middle-aged dudes, not what hipsters want to be, but maybe what they're destined to become.
it's funny that they made this guy a semi-antagonist for riding a nice road bike instead of a brakeless fixie
Lots of uber eats etc
Hardcore. 90s early 00s NY had some gritty yet pulling vibe to it, now it's just yuppie jews owning everything.

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It's interesting how the people who are most interested in pushing the "lawless subways" narrative don't live anywhere near the city, isn't it?
>The results were so embarrassing that we deliberately compromised them.
>a survey will clearly debunk the dangerous subway myth

Meanwhile day 3 of the Daniel Penny trial just finished and he's gonna walk.
more likely it was a stupid public poll emailed to all workers and someone posted a link on facebook

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Was old London Bridge peak /n/?

You’ve got walking, cycling, ferries, barges, housing, commerce all in the same space.
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okay then, here's this instead.
>The nagging suspicion was firmly quashed when we visited the man who sold London Bridge, Mr Ivan Luckin, at his Chorleywood home.
>"Of course not," thundered Mr Luckin with the sort of authority you expect in a City man.
...and, frankly, I'll take the word of the Common Council of the City of London member who suggested putting London Bridge up for sale to begin with, to know something about the matter.
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No. Its a shitty idea for bridges because bridges are usually traffic chokepoints and on top of that you are now introducing even more chokepointing due to all that "commerce" going on.

Aka people specificially going to the bridge to shop even if they otherwise wouldn't have done so, shops loading and unloading their stock etc.

It was however probably one of the most based location for you to have a house however. Because you likely had an actual "running water" toilet.
You could say that for any popular commercial street in a city. You’re basically arguing to get rid of mixed-use cities and segregate everything into subdivisions and shopping malls.
That's better. Maybe you'll remember not to be a keyboard warrior in future. Good manners cost nothing.
You gaylords still talking about the Spring Break bridge in Arizona?

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Bike lanes should be wide enough to ride side-by-side with your gf.
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>never once proposed roads to be segmented for bikes only, only that you had to share with cagers and deal with it.
And that's why he was right. Bike lanes are a scam, propaganda invented by big oil just like {{{({((jaywalking}})}}) to segregate anyone but automobiles from using the public roadways. The roads belong to The PEOPLE
extreme cope from a retard who later in his life shilled for the auto industry. if bikes and people truly deserved space why are cars allowed in the first place? the road should be for bikes and people only.
>the road should be for bikes and people only
Aren't they all?
You're so close to getting it
That's how it works where I live, but idiots still ride side-by-side, getting in everyone's way.

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