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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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if you don't put in your exact address your score is fake btw
Cannot wait until I can move out
What's stopping you
most of these people screaming about cars are underage and in high school or middle school
>Walk score 58
>Transit 32
>Cycling 74
Definitely could be higher.

Fuck this garbage French dogshit design
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all hail Blitzventil
>It never ceases to amaze me how some people can blame an inanimate object for their own lack of skill and patience.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people can defend a defective object

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how do you rate babbys first road bike? 700 bucks for this used, with a powertap g3 and ultegra di2. its a specialized sl4 tarmac pro mid-compact. holy BASED!
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Good to know fren. You know that our kind triggers cagies the most?
Be safe out there, the fat positivity movement is actively trying to kill us out there. They could do anything if they get 2 minutes late to their daily MC'ds appointment.
remember to wear glasses, eyes are fragile
topkek, people in cities are unhinged. inconvenience them by 20 seconds and they get hysterical. i havent ridden my bike on the street yet, im gonna get a garmin varia first, and a good bike lock. theres a nice paved trail in my city for bikers only so ive been going there
i want some racing goggles kino, but ill settle for a fignon special
I mean, people get stuck by lightning all the time, too
I undermine your power when I ride my bicycle

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"The Bike Tree" edition


Previous thread: >>2007454
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The leading edge of some of those cogs is clearly worn. Look at the one the chain is on and the one smaller.
But also yeah hanger is probably a touch bent, housing and cable look a little crusty, shifter could likely use a flushing with solvent or hot water.

A spare QR rear wheel can also be used to align a hanger. Just thread the axle into the hanger and get the wheels parallel.
I mean it’s not good but it certainly shouldn’t be unusable
>The leading edge of some of those cogs is clearly worn
I see you are unfamiliar with the concept of "Hyperglide"
turn a few knobs?
I think I should shorten it. guy was helping me out new chain on and I'm not sure he eyeballed it good.
and that is cleaned, believe it or not. I need to buy some tools to remove everything so I can clean it properly.
is there an easy way to get rust off?

hanger is the same as the thing above it where the baggage is screwed in, I think it's like it always was. housing is old and cracked but it's an old bike.

housing is very old, cable too, and shifters need to be overdone constantly to shift, I think I pinched the shift cable when I was installing the new legs so it might be bent a little
but it all worked on the new chain without skipsnat least.
also what kind of solvent? all I have is sole multiuser spray penetrating oil, that supposedly cleans too
you can see the metal folded over, that's not hyperglide

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>Trying to ride on my bike
>Sitting on saddle
>Feel a gentle pressure on my pelvic floor
>As I ride there's a consistent, rhythmic shifting of the pressure as I pedal
>Getting a stiffy
>Try to ride harder to get the blood going somewhere else
>Can't actually pedal standing comfortably for long so I'm back to sitting quick
>Even on the heaviest gear I'm still pedaling pretty fast so the rubbing just gets more intense
>Make it home horny as shit and have to crank one out right away
>Cum like a fountain because I've been "edging" for like 90 minutes riding
How the fuck do you avoid this?
I just want to ride my bike but my pelvic floor/crotch/balls are too sensitive to stimulation.
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why would you want to avoid this?
but also get a saddle with a cutout in the middle

It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
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>forester is wrong because david byrne is scared of muggings becoming common again
I wonder how much crack you have to smoke for this to sound like a plausible defense of segregationism
Today I will remind /n/
Obvious troll is obvious
he also falsified a bunch of the data he drew his dipshit conclusions from
Yes everything you disagree with is "trolling" and every post consisting more than an incomprehensible string of emojis and acronyms is "angry", thanks gen Z

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Last thread hit bump limit

Spring is coming, get the winter stuff when it's on sale. Except people from Argentina, for you, get the summer stuff when it's on sale

Anyone use winter-specific road or MTB shoes? I've been depending on overshoes for too long

Discuss bike apparel. Engage in catty tribalism between "lycra lout aero fred" and "practical normal not-a-cyclist' (actually still marketed to cyclists but with reverse psychology) apparel. Boast of your metric century (not a real century) wearing just jeans and a t-shirt. Conveniently, there is no strava of it but it totally happened I swear!

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What's up with all the korean road cycling social media content these days? It's like out of nowhere my feed is flooded with slender porcelain korean dolls spinning through rice fields on winspace builds without a single bead of sweat or split end
you're just caught in the coomer algorithm
got new bike for longer rides
got liner bib and shorts to go over it because???
realize combo is a shit
order normal bibs instead

Add joke chevrons as you wish.Bulge pride world wide.

got some rapha core at -50%, at which point its barely more expensive that Lidl seasonal cycling gear. Bitches love Rapha.
Not that expensive really, they are becoming more common, I got a frame for 120 euro +45 for each glass.
Compared to my old frame that had 7 years which was 60, accounting for inflation its at most a 50% cost increase for something that lasts way longer, you only need to replace springs/screws once worn out
rapha core is really bad though

how do you cope with not being able to use a nice bike because you fear itl get stolen from the bike rack?
i really want a nice old tourer but i think im just gonna have to settle for an old hybrid
are steel trek multitrack 700s and 720 hybrids ok bikes?
they look less stealable at least
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No one would look at that and think "THATS the bike I'm gonna steal and make profit off of"

Just get a good lock
where do you live
Buy a lock dummy
nobody's gonna steal your nice touring bike because who in their right mind would "tour" through high-theft urban centres?
that's why you need at least two bikes, a crusty one for cities and a nice one for everything else

plus I have to agree with the other posters ITT somewhat, I do think it's a great bike but it's really not the bike that'll catch a thief's eye
i love that people here ascribe proffesionalism to bike thieves, assume there has to be a motive of reasonable profit - if you live in a decent sized city it doesn't matter what you ride, even the shittiest bike will get stolen by some deranged crackhead eventually.
i used to see hoodied up degenerates picking away at locked up bikes on my early morning commute often, even saw one kid once with a trailer full of bits - it was all pleb tier stuff, nothing fancy or particularly valuable, but it was all there for him to take so he did.

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Post Your Bike Thread
Bike Path Edition

Previous Edition
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>we need a bike that is stable off-road
>I know, let's make it really tall, short and steep!
ah, those were the days
jk, old mtbs are always fun... just a bit twitchy
beautiful, looks so much better
...except for those zipties goddamn
also how are you liking that big rigid fork? I've been meaning to install one of those on an old 26" frame, should make the headtube a bit slacker
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Had it for a long time
super ballin
it's either flat where you live, or else you're a hardcunt.

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Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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Nice not
I'm new to this and just diving into learning as much as I can about steam right now, but just wanted to say if you didn't know (though you probably do), the NC Transportation Museum has a couple of those gorgeous streamline diesels (6133 FP7 and 6900 E8A) that pull their train rides sometimes. So if you wanna see one running that's the place to go, and you can ride in the cab of it for 25 bucks if I recall correctly.
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Thanks, I didn't know that. I was disappointed as well because I asked the tour guide what was wrong with 6914 and he could only tell me "Pending." I mean, give me some technical talk here. I know a bit about trains.
Me and the mrs have annual passes for the train museum here, it is extra comfy

There are old glasgow subway trains, old royal mail carriages with a timed challenge to sort mail at the required speed for a train post worker, signals and points you can control

This bit is my favourite, it is a controllable switch - but you need to get all the signals correct or it won't move the track. When people see my or my kids move the track and then completely fail at getting the signals right it is always top tier entertainment.

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uh oh
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Train oral sex.
Oh yah, they have the metal cages on the loco's windows. As does Argentina.
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>authorize passenger train to go back to the previous block just as the cargo train passed the yellow signal
This accident was peak retardation.
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train sex

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Chickenshit called off our strike.
Amtrak Joe is gone. It was inevitable, but still sad.
Wait he died? How'd that happen?
Maybe Mayor Pete will get in
he will go but will not be forgotten

lol this piece of fucking shit makes Boeing look good
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Russia never truly industrialized. There is an Austrian company that they depend on to make the machine tools for making shells.
Vodka, CSGO2 update.
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There is limited but obvious crossover.
>28 May 2014
I've been laughing at this screenshot for a decade and it still hasn't gotten old
Why is Delta using Russian jets?

How do you deal with heat when biking?

I planned for a long ride today but called it quits after 4 hours. I went through 5 gatorades and a couple of granola bars but still developed a strong headache and painful leg cramping. It was only 84F
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I got heat exhaustion yesterday. Felt the tingles, feeling sick, wanting to throw up, etc.

Normally I ride at 5:30 to 9:00. Yesterday I went to a group ride on my bike that started at 9:00. Group was slow so the ride was done around 12:00. Then I hung out with the bois till 1:00 or 1:30. Was high 90's at this point.
Made it 5-8 miles home and I was in a bad shape so I got a ride.
Next time I do the group ride when it's a 105+F day I will ride straight home post meetup, or dip in the lake like I should have.
Florida man here, I just embrace the sweat and got only flat terrain to deal with. I went on a 64 mile solo ride yesterday, my longest ride yet with temps reaching 95F / 70% humidity by the end of it. You say 84F but that's ideal summer riding temperature for me.

My summer routine:
Avoid riding between 12:00 and 18:00.
Plan routes and rests that take advantage of tree shade, pray for cloud cover too. Sprint in the sun, slow in the shade.
Sunscreen every 2 hours.
For water I pack at least 1oz per mile, the 64 mile ride demanded four 16oz bottles. This is assuming I hydrated properly beforehand and after the ride. Another anon mentioned 1 bottle per hour, sounds about close to my own calcs.
I prefer early morning rides, I eat a heavy meal the night before and then some fruits and trail mix when I wake up about 30 min before riding. Typically for rides I'll pack a protein bar or two and some electrolyte powder sticks.
I'm working to 100 mile rides by the end of the summer, pain is fun.
ride faster
Unzip my jersey. I recently got a $250 Walmart road bike that goes 16 - 17.9 mph average. It doesn't have a water bottle holder so my 6 miles daily commute is a bit more difficult on hot days. Unzipping the jersey definitely helps my performance.
Did 42 miles yesterday in 93F, 82% humidity. I got really stoned and listened to a Bible audiobook the entire time.

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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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coopling between consenting wagons
New Jersey rail
this is getting too lewd
Footage of Edison Station during rush hour

Literally cattle.
The jews were always right

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