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Sup, hoes. Where do Anons that want the walkable city experience live? I am a software engineer, young guy, looking to grow my career so it has to be a city that at least has a tech sector.
I currently live in the 'burbs and it's fucking dogshit.
>go outside
>get in car
>come back
>get in house
>go outside later to walk the dog
>only children playing and parents outside
>people my age only leave their house to get in their cars and despawn from the map
>feels like nobody really lives here, just come to die
>everybody in their pod home

>I just want to live in a place where I can walk to most places and see my neighbors doing the same.
> I just want to live in a place where some dumb roastie on her phone can't dictate how quickly I can reach my destination.
> I just want to live in a place where I don't have to sit at a red light for 3 minutes when I'm THE ONLY CAR ON THE ROAD
>I just want to live in a place where I can walk to a bar and actually recognize the people there, like my cute neighbor
> I just want to live in a place where I can walk or bike to places.

I know you fucks all avoid homeless, libtards, and nignogs, so how are you guys liking living in these areas where these people are rampant, but you get to experience the walkable city life?
If I have to live another year in a lonely suburb as a young guy looking to have fun ima blow my brains out so how the fuck do anons deal with living in a place like NYC with all the shit that comes with it? Considering the move bros...
Try Chicago or Philly for walkability with a low cost of living.
>>2017733 (OP)
This almost reads like a parody of Reddit posts, down to an obsession with bars and drinking. Short answer is, moving to a place with more people around you won't make you more sociable, nor are urban-dwellers more sociable people.
t. cager butthurt that young people want to live somewhere pedestrian-friendly
NTAYRT, I’ve not been to Philly but everything I’ve seen has been very encouraging and so without personal experience I still second this recommendation. As a Masshole I’m obligated to say Boston as well but it’s nowhere near as affordable as Chicago or even Philadelphia from my understanding. Good tech opportunities especially out of Cambridge on the other hand. MBTA is kind of falling apart but it’s been getting some long overdue work lately. I hesitate to call Boston a world class city but is among the best in the US.
How do they compare to NYC and why those instead?
you're either old with a family or just hate people. I have no dependents and I have some youth left before I can close out this chapter of my life. I DO NOT want to spend it inside my house or fucking driving everywhere like a retard.
Cagetrolls are too autistic for reproducing lol. They just sit inside and monitor the Chinese basketweaving forums for any pro-transit posts so they can write out a butthurt reply.
Boston was top of my list. It has mostly white people and the crime is low. Great architecture. Holy fucking shit is it expensive though. NYC levels of expensive and most tech jobs pay mid to high 100k in salary. At least in NYC you get paid 225k+
they're mentally ill.
>muh freedom to drive

These motherfuckers have never been stuck in a traffic jam on the highway or waited at an empty intersection for a gay traffic light. There's nothing free about driving a car. You are cucked at every step by the government and other people. At least on the fucking train I know that bitch is going 150 MPH or whatever. No dumb motherfucker going 15 in a 35 is gonna slow down my commute. I visited Dallas recently and we were completely STRANDED without a car. Fucking garbage city planning.
>I visited Dallas recently and we were completely STRANDED without a car. Fucking garbage city planning.
Stop being too poor to rent a car
Why do cagers think everyone is as poor as they are
Chang, I don't know how you do it. The cagetrolls are just vicious. Thank you for keeping them in check.
I live in NYC. I see all "the shit that comes with it" as a convenient filter to keep out the people I wouldn't want to associate with

So in other words you'll have your "city phase" where you pretend to like it because it gets you social media clout, and then you'll tire of it and move to the burbs and post angry screeds on facebook complaining about how cities would be great except for all the minorities, why don't you just skip the city phase and buy some reddit karma off a malaysian click farm, we don't want you here
>There's nothing free about driving a car.

You think so?

I hate it when some jeet act too poor to rent a car. You can easily rent one instead of wasting valuable time waiting for the cheapest option.
Too quick to jump to conclusions, but it's pretty obvious you were not planning to rent a car.

Does anyone use Hivemapper and Natix? Just curious to know.
(you) are a trolling little faggot. I make more money than you and in the OP I tell you my career dumb fuck. I did rent a car the next day in Dallas.
It still didn't solve the problem shit for brains.

Can you try typing this without the mental illness. I'm confused. You live in NYC. How is it? Are you worried for your safety? Do you see bums everywhere? Is it extremely filthy? I've never been bro
>I make more money than you and in the OP I tell you my career dumb fuck.

Cocky folks always brag about the little employers give every month.

if you make 5-6 figure you can brag.

Renting was never part of your plan, but since your cheap option wasn't accessible, you just had to go with the next option.
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It's terrible. Tren de Agua has taken over my building and there are dead bodies and feces everywhere. What's more, every night a horde of bearded, lisping, drag queen librarians knocks on my door and tries to make me read books and use pronouns, I have to be very quiet so they think I'm not there, otherwise BLM and cancel culture will ruin my life.

Here's a picture of a biker gang that I just took, I am pretty sure they were antifa but they might have been MS-13. I have to pay $10,000 a day to the Italian Mafia (or La Cosa Nostra as they call it) to keep me safe from such outlaws.
come on anon dont be a bitch be straight with me.

You must get hemorroids from driving so much, cuck
At least it’s something I love doing. I own trucks and cars, including a camper RV. With my dashcam and Natix setup, I’m good to hit the road, unlike paypig jeet who find it too expensive to rent a car.
>I did rent a car the next day in Dallas.
>It still didn't solve the problem shit for brains.
My bad I presumed someone who could rent a car was also capable of driving it
I drive a car every day holy shit. I do not like driving and I am not a filthy pajeet scum. You like driving? Good for you! The west is full of empty roads for you to drive to your heart's content. Thanks for bumping the thread, idiots.
I grew up in a small walkable rural city in the mountains. Respectable size, about 40k population. If you're not from the area you have probably never heard of it.

What annoys me most is when I am advocating for walkable cities, I am talking about places like this. Small walkable cities with community where cars are not verboten but most places can be reached on foot or by bike with an inexpensive public transit system that goes everywhere in town and even to surrounding towns and loads of single family homes with lawns, etc. Every time there is a walkable city thread anti-walkies are only capable of thinking about sprawling metropolises with millions of citizens ridden with crime and hoards of angry niggers everywhere. No. My town is conservative, 95% white and 10 minutes away from thousands of square miles of of deep wilderness. This city isn't walkable because of a sudden fad towards walkability. It simply maintained it's traditional character instead of converting to a car-centric layout. In fact, the shitty parts of town are the parts that were developed later and are more car-centric.

Why are anti-walkies so offended by this?
What 40k population city has public transit?
Where? I only mention NYC because it’s the most walkable city. I’d gladly take a remote job and a pay cut to live in a place like this. What you described is my ideal situation but that shit is only found in Europe. Considering moving there but I don’t know man it’s really far and I’m afraid I won’t like it.
>>2017733 (OP)
>avoid homeless, libtards, and nignogs
try east asia i guess, western countries are absolutely fucked
I am being straight with you, you won't fit in here, no one likes people like you, please stay in your flyover state where you belong
because the majority of small cities in the US are not like that at all, they might have a single walkable downtown street that goes for a mile and the rest is split up by highways with no good way to get from your house (which is usually not near downtown) to places you want to go. it should be a goal to make those places more walkable, bikeable, more amenities close to where people live but you are making up a strawman to say urbanists only care about tokyo and NYC
>because the majority of small cities in the US are not like that at all, they might have a single walkable downtown street that goes for a mile and the rest is split up by highways with no good way to get from your house (which is usually not near downtown) to places you want to go
Very dubious claim
go on google maps and check most small towns/cities, especially outside of the northeast. there are exceptions but many lack pedestrian infrastructure and have housing outside of the downtown area and no busses, requiring cars.
>go on google maps and check most small towns/cities
I live in America, outside of the NE. You're out of your mind
>>2017733 (OP)
>i want to be where people are
you wouldn't talk to any of those people anyhow, and even if you did they'd think you were a psychopath for cold-approaching them.
if you're not FROM there, you'll always be an outsider. this is the way of things.
i live in america as well and you are blind as fuck or wilfully ignorant because if you've been to many towns you'll clearly see how most were transformed to be usable only by car.
They're not. You're being deceitful
Why is there a new dumbest thread on this board every single fucking day?
Call me whatever you like; doesn't change the fact that you can move anywhere but that won't change your personality. A year or two when you move to your "walkable neighborhood" you'll probably be blaming a nearby parking garage why you're still a shut-in.
>>2017733 (OP)

Horrible. My rent is high and trying to buy a place to live is too much money, let alone for kids. Walkable cities are places of death for my country and I wish we had a car centric sprawl like North America.
i can guarantee you 100% your rent issues are not due to walkable cities and american cities have no issue being extremely unaffordable with sprawl, see: LA
This, you'll still be a lonely shut-in just in a more cramped, loud environment. Work on being outgoing before you waste your time moving somewhere new. Go to the park, bar, etc. every other day even if it involves driving
you seem to have no idea how out-of-touch and deleterious to society actively defending such an approach is
>shitty concrete plains and autojew cuckery is the epitome of freedom by the way
>homeless, libtards, and nignogs
You're just going to get the asian equivalents of those
>>2017733 (OP)
You can move to Yurop. Amsterdam has a plenty of tech companies and is as walkable as you can imagine.
>> I just want to live in a place where some dumb roastie on her phone can't dictate how quickly I can reach my destination.
Just ride a bike, duh. Even if lane-splitting is not allowed in your state, it's unlikely to be actively enforced.
not in places like singapore or japan, at least not terms of magnitude. look at random streets toyko on google earth and then look at LA or SF and count the amount of tents and junkies on the street
amsterdam is an overpriced shithole
>Am I out of touch?
>No, it's everyone else who is!
Post pics from your walkable city, this is my CVS
I wouldn't expect any urbanist or YIYBY to acknowledge this post. They're ignore it or at most, fall back on "dilution is the solution" rhetoric.
japan has it's issues especially workplace related but this is completely true, you are completely safe at nearly all times. the worst thing you'll see is a few delinquents blasted on strong zeroes on the pavement. it's so shocking coming from the west coast and seeing you can be safe at all times of day, leave your bike outside, etc. north america really is a sick place desu.
>my city is a shithole so, take that urbanists!
Cities are shitholes because of the people living in them
There are plenty of walkable cities that aren't shitholes. No, I won't tell you where. We're full
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>His city isn't walkable
>Is that hecking trasherino??? Better isolate myself in a pod in a lifeless suburb where I don't have to interact with anyone who isn't a paranoid carbon copy of myself
so I heard you like green spaces and social interaction
>isolate myself in a pod
>don't have to interact with anyone
>paranoid carbon copy of myself
Ahh the city life
maybe you can interact with this guy? don't forget to knock

all taken from my neighborhood facebook group btw
>walkablerino cucks
Not a problem in my city try not living in shitholes
then your city is not diverse enough and is full of hecking carbon copies of yourself
anon in case you realized this is a racist website and the urbanists here would gladly live in single ethnicity cities.
then they'd just get lynched by their more consistent brethren that understand that the main purpose of urbanism is to wage war on the safety net and segregationism that sparse housing provides
Please go touch grass and take a shower
It's hilarious how butthurt the cage trolls are at this thread.

Young professionals will always want to live in walkable cities. It's a trend that grows more and more every year and all your shitposting will never reverse it.

Bump :)
Why are the educated and wealthy leaving urbanite shitholes then?
Urbanite cucks cope and seethe 24/7 lmao
Hopefully they can build urban infill to make more cities/neighborhoods walkable so more middle-class people can find a good neighborhood to live in.
>petty theft is a real issue for me personally that directly affects my life
What did anon mean by this post
Boston is great to bike in, I come in by bike from the suburbs and my biggest complaint is probably how sketchy it is crossing the green line tracks sometimes.

Cities in WV

>>2017733 (OP)

I live in Philly. It's not perfect but it might be some of the closest you are going to get to what you are describing.

I will be moving to WV soon though to avoid all of the negative externalities of typical walkable cities (nonwhites, hipsters) but still maintain some of the benefits of cities that weren't completely designed around the automobile.

If you speak Spanish and like their culture, Union City, NJ or North Newark are also the place to be. I am guessing a hipster like yourself is a pasty wyte boi like myself though,
Assuming you have a good career, you go there to make money and enjoy this type of lifestyle while you have your youth. A lot of people make their money and higher education, then move to start a family in a lower cost area.

That’s the way I see it, anyway.

How is Philly compared to NYC? Everywhere I’ve read online says nothing compares to it in terms of stuff to do. I plan to visit, but if NYC is too nasty then I’d consider a cleaner, nicer area. Is Philly cleaner?

Where? Also, does it have a growing tech scene?
I already have a social life. I don’t go out to places I want to go because they’re all in the city district and traffic is awful and the parking is even worse. I want to go out but every time it’s a fucking mission in a car. Not to mention drunk drivers are dangerous. I have to drive fucking everywhere in the suburbs. Even nearby places suck to walk to because everything is a stroad so it’s shit. Loud ass cars going 45 MPH, some shitty narrow sidewalk, and absolutely nothing but houses. It’s sucks ass
I am considering Europe but being far from old family members worries me. I’m not sure it would be easy to start a life ther, but it has everything I described above. Trains between cities and countries. Many walkable towns. Low crime rate in many places and lots of history. I could go on, but I would probably be a loner there.
You want the most helpful not-shitpost answer I can give you?

Join the Facebook group for whatever area you're interested in living in. It'll give you a better idea of what's there than any shitter on 4chan can tell you. All these are from my neighborhood facebook group except for the first pic...that was the CVS I bought my antibiotics at (I was expecting detergent and cosmetics not fucking candy)

Philly is NOT cleaner but it is definitely CHEAPER.
I live on the edge of a city. It takes 15-20 mins to drive into the centre and parking is expensive unless it's in the evening. The bus into the centre takes 43 minutes, park and ride takes 10 mins to drive and another 10 or so to for the bus to get into the centre. All this faff puts me off going much, if parking was cheaper I would go more often.
And yet you still live in your flyover cage suburb and won't leave, really makes you think
I moved from the suburbs to the city, actually. Feels good.
Not sure why you keep pushing you made-up bullshit lol. I guess it’s the last non-argument you can think of after all your other schizo shit got repeatedly debunked lol.
Shenzen, Chengdu, or Chongqing?
The great thing about walkability is that it’s shown to reduce crime and commute times.
That is indeed the great thing about walkability, Chang!
So first you say he was living in “flyover” America and now apparently he’s Chinese. Really shows how you have 0 argument.
Hope OP finds a good city to live in!
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>>2017733 (OP)
lol I live in a walkable suburb, I live in a 5 bed house I bought myself easily with a super low mortgage (£600 per month).

my town is ~10k people, I can walk in 5-10mins to:

3 small convenience stores
3 large supermarkets
12 pub/bars
10 cafes
primary school and high school
6 different playparks
train station
football pitches for my 7 a side group
football stadium for local team
2 museums
nature reserve
cycle path that goes coast to coast
swimming pool
sports halls

don't need a car for anything, even with the kids, they can live independently easily

my work is 15 mins by train, there are 8 trains per hour going in all directions to the nearest 2 big cities and a bunch of similar sized small towns

fuck living in big cities, just get a decent suburb
(pic related btw)
>>2017733 (OP)
Buffalo NY
>Moving to a place with more people won't make you more sociable

Lolwut. It had that effect on me, it's called "going outside" otherwise known as "touching grass"
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>just, like, drive car or walk
I know you live with your parents and look like pic related, don't even try to peddle your "dEfUnD pUbLiC tRaNsPoRtAtIoN" bullshit here, closet commie fag.
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Then why shove it down everyone's throats, faggot? Go to >>>/o/ where MAYBE you'll feel welcome in a retarded echo chamber of your own choice
Get a gun, cuck.
>don't even try to peddle your "dEfUnD pUbLiC tRaNsPoRtAtIoN" bullshit here, closet commie fag.
lmao, pot calling the kettle black right here
Ok Josh, you can continue to pay for car insurance out the nose (by order of the government lol) while the rest of us are free to CHOOSE our transportation options, unlike you who has become the government's good goy slave.

Don't care, didn't ask.
OK, here's the average suburb in the US
>supermarket is probably walmart, if you are lucky it's kroger or publix
>maybe a convenience store on the corner if you are very lucky and it's an old streetcar suburb
>1 or 2 pubs, both with huge parking lots
>cafe is dunkin and starbucks in strip mall
>train station shut down 60 years ago and is now a museum
>no cycle paths, if you are lucky you get a rail to trail
>maybe a community center
>no sidewalks
>need a car to do literally anything, path to school for kids is probably across an 8 lane highway
>everyone on /n/ is one person
Perhaps reddit would be more to your liking, flyover

t. the nonwhite you want mass-deported
>supermarket is probably walmart, if you are lucky it's kroger or publix
Suburbs have always had several grocery stores to choose from in my experience, it's never been just one or two stores. Plus I can drive 2 miles into the next towns over there are more stores there. The only places where grocery stores are really limited are in rural small towns well outside of metro areas.

>maybe a convenience store on the corner if you are very lucky and it's an old streetcar suburb
>1 or 2 pubs, both with huge parking lots
I don't go to convenience stores much and don't drink either so that not a deal killer. Most people don't either once they have families, people will meet at their friends' homes to hang out and watch ball games. I can see how that might be annoying if you were a bar hopper. There are typically bars and restaurants downtown anyway if you insist on having that aesthetic.

>cafe is dunkin and starbucks in strip mall
Usually they're in stand-alone stores to facilitate drive-thru service, which is fine because I can go in and sit down or get it to go.

>train station shut down 60 years ago and is now a museum
The alternative is having the railroad tear the building down because it's surplus to their needs.

>no sidewalks
You guys say this ad nauseam but if you go in any suburb you'll find sidewalks and even bike lanes.

>need a car to do literally anything, path to school for kids is probably across an 8 lane highway
They can ride the bus though. The trend in education for the past 30 years has been consolidation to save money, so the idea that everyone's kid is going to walk to the handful of combined schools is unrealistic.
British suburbs are nothing like retarded American suburbs. American NIMBYs would lose their shit if you tried to build something like a British suburb near them.

t. Been all over England
any city is walkable if you have the determination.
>an "average suburb"
>proceeds to list a whole bunch of exaggerated nonsense
Next time, don't bring such an unreasonable experience here. It is not worth discussing. I hate people who are indecisive.
I didn't intend to, but the idiot caused it. Next time, read through before jumping to conclusions
Yeah, that is a real concern. I'm making the move to Madrid, which I've already lived in for several months on normal tourist visas. I got lucky though and happen to qualify for their 2022 immigration law allowing descendants of spaniards that left during WW2 to get a citizenship. I actually do have distant family still here, just never met them. It's an amazing city, but Spain has a pretty bad employment market. I'm only making it work because I work remote. Still worried that I have no network there, I feel like I'm going to have to really dive into making connections immediately so if something ever happens to my job overseas I'm not left with a blown up career in Spain. But who knows, maybe something like that would force me back to the states.
Brits are crammed into a lot less space.
lol Scotland has a lower population density and overall population than indiana

It has nothing to do with population distribution and everything to do with laws around planning

All the towns where I live are relatively small (10k-30k) and all have dense cores where people live in apartments above shops/restaurants/cafes, and then have regular houses with gardens outside the centre (but still easy to walk into the centre)

It is this localised density that allows for walkable areas around train stations that link them all together, and parking isnt a requirement because everyone lives close to the services

I've been to quite a lot of the USA and canada, and every small town I've been to has a car park for the town centre, and people don't live in the centre, it is all businesses with huge car parks and 4 lane roads with one crossing

I would say it is very subjective what is better, some people prefer living with everything on their doorstep, and some people prefer living far enough away from everyone else. It's just difficult for north america, as having things on your doorstep or close to public transport basically requires living in a major city, or in one of the few small towns that have it (due to the scarcity, these are always horribly expensive)
Only half true, but you wrote this like a massive cunt. If you're moving to a city just to sit inside all day and only leave to get groceries or whatever, then no shit youre not going to meet more people. But living in a city/walkable area makes you immensely more likely to actually do shit you like to do as easily as possible.
Dogshit answer. All facebook community groups are full of busybody HOA types who constantly bitch. Literally none of them ever have positive things to say, they'll bitch about the most sterile and podlike suburb having a new car they don't recognize or someone mowing the lawn on tuesday at 4pm and not 5pm
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>lol Scotland has a lower population density and overall population than indiana
Typical /n/ cherry-picking and abject failure to understand geography.
Scotland has a lower average population density than Indiana because it's full of rugged highlands where it's hard for people to live and build homes. Plus, Scotland is often constrained by jagged coastline. Your 30k pop cities are clustered over relatively small areas.
Indiana meanwhile is flat, with some of the best farmland on the planet, a temperate climate, and almost no coastline. There are almost no geographic features in Indiana that would impede the spread of population. Furthermore, this geographic pattern extends into each of its neighboring states. Indiana's small towns are spread evenly across its entire area.
>It has nothing to do with population distribution and everything to do with laws around planning
The laws around planning evolve based on how the population distributes itself over time based on economic incentives and geographic pressures.
Funny how /n/ always fails so hard at such basic concepts.
I’m so glad I don’t live in the suburbs anymore.
t. start my car maybe once a week
I'm so glad cagers come to /n/ so they can flood the catalog with blog posts about their car
It only seems like /n/ is full of cagers to you, because you bait their attention with the intense stupidity of your posts.
>I've been to quite a lot of the USA and canada, and every small town I've been to has a car park for the town centre, and people don't live in the centre, it is all businesses with huge car parks and 4 lane roads with one crossing
Where are you talking about?
You being a cager is less of an issue than you blogposting about cars all the time. Does it say /n/ - cars up there? No? Then take it to /o/
been to small towns in Texas, California, Minnesota, Iowa, and all up and down the northeast corridor (work as a service engineer for industrial equipment)

In pretty much every town I've been to (even going to what the people i work with call "the nice historic towns") is just a strip mall with houses in all directions, and walking anywhere is seen as crazy.

Most weird moment, I remember walking through a nature reserve, and there were 2 women walking near me, they went back to the car park and I decided to keep going across the bridge to the other side of the river, and they had drove around the nature reserve to go to the other side and walk around there (they said to me "did you walk all the way here" - it was 10 minutes walk)
NAYRT, but that's been my experience as well in a lot of small towns (2k-20k population) in the US southeast, where my extended family all grew up. Some are turning business buildings on the main strip into back into mixed use buildings, but a vast majority of the housing is single-family on half-acre to an acre lot size sprawled on one side of the main street, with one or a few old 2 story apartment developments from the '70s on the other side. All of main street is built for you to park your car, and people drive half a mile from their house to go to the grocery store or what have you because the only road in town that has sidewalks is main street itself, and even that often has stupidly designed intersections that make walking more annoying than it should be.
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Even comparing aberdeenshire to indiana, the towns and villages in scotland are dense and the towns and villages in indiana are not. People in scotland have chosen (or the government has enforced it through planning) to live in dense towns and villages

Obviously you can take this to the extreme and you get the nile delta with hyperdense slum towns, which don't seem nice places to live

>The laws around planning evolve based on how the population distributes itself over time based on economic incentives and geographic pressures

I'd disagree, especially in countries where the local population had very little control over things like this in the past (highland and lowland clearances, for example, concentrated the population of scotland into towns rather than being homestead farmers)

Once again, I'm not saying "usa bad europe good", they are just different ways of organising society, and it's a sliding scale with north america and ireland at one extreme and egypt at the other, with everywhere else in between
>Can't name a single town you claim to be this way
Typical YIYBY
ok, I'll list a few:

martinez CA
mason city IA
farmington MN
hudson WI
beaumont TX
portland TX

that enough for you? there's loads more I've been to
Dahlonega, GA
Metter, GA
Statesboro, GA
Claxton, GA
Clarkesville, GA
Macon, GA

The fact that Statesboro is home to one of the largest universities in Georgia makes it especially dire, there's fucking nothing to do there other than drink or drive to Savannah or Macon. Macon's the largest one in my example, but the downtown is fucking desolate despite supposedly being a city of 150k. There's a fun bar street, but no easy way for residents to get to it unless they drive.
All of those except Portland feature traditional downtowns and have residential housing either in or adjacent to downtown. Final score 1 out of 6, better luck next time.

I've been to all of those except Clarkesville. Macon and Statesboro don't meet your own definition of a small town (2,000-20,000 population). Of the rest, the county's population exceeds the city's; you shouldn't be surprised that there's parking for people who drive there. Your complaints are too scattershot and just seem like whining.
I would consider Dallas because they’re building a ton of apartments there. But you’ll still need a car occasionally.
I knew you'd move the goalpost. Take it and fuck off back to >>>/o/
Keep trying little YIYBY
And you have never been stuck standing in an overcrowded train, or sitting opposite to some troglodyte, or some loud youths, or near some faggot eating his greasy, smelly junk food. Its uncomfortable and exhausting. At least in a car I sit comfortably, have my radio and AC.
>And you have never been stuck standing in an overcrowded train
I have on many occasions. I still prefer having to stand with a bunch of people on a train, because I can still read or study while I get where I'm going than having to pay attention to the road and deal with dumbass drivers. This may surprise you, but different people have different preferences and aside from the logistical and financial issues of forcing everyone to drive to participate in society, people should have multiple realistic transportation choices to get to work, family, friends, and leisure activities. A bus that comes once an hour and takes two hours to cover a 25 minute drive is not a realistic choice.
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Here's your traditional downtown bro:

4 lane road with no crossing points - check
Massive car parks on both sides - check
No benches anywhere - check
It's literally just all car parks

Just because it has a downtown doesnt mean downtown is anywhere worthwhile, have better standards pls
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>4 lane road with no crossing points - check
Main Street has crosswalks at every block and at least one mid-block (in front of City Hall).
>Massive car parks on both sides - check
Largest parking lots downtown are near the Downtown Event Center, City Hall, and the 3 museums that show up downtown, all places where people will be coming into downtown from other areas. Makes sense. They're not massive by US standards.
>No benches anywhere - check
Pic rel
>It's literally just all car parks
Another foreigner making up histrionic arguments about the US. You cherry picked and still found a way to screw up.

>have better standards pls
Beaumont is an industrial city. It's a place where people work. Summers are hot and sticky. Its economy is based on petrochemical production, which has had booms and busts in Texas. It's not going to be at the top of anyone's list of best cities in the state, and it's unreasonable to think that every city is going to be a place you will personally like.
I can tell you have never used a train.
read and study lmao, especially when its full and you are stacked liked sardines with subhumans
I can tell you have never used a train. All you know about trains comes from right-winger scareporn and 1990s Japanese news clips lmao
>>2017733 (OP)
>I know you fucks all avoid homeless, libtards, and nignogs, so how are you guys liking living in these areas where these people are rampant, but you get to experience the walkable city life?
I don't avoid them. Only some addicts are really bad company the others can just be ignored or even a fun partner for some i-will-never-see-you-again smalltalk
Maybe it's easie for me since I do't really live downtown so it's just some fun until I head back to my boring part of the city. You probably don't want to live right where the action is either as long as you still have to work, I recommend some outer parts with good pubic transport connections or a quiet street near a park or some nature.
>claims you can't read or do anything on a train because its packed with minorities
>immediately own-goals by posting comfy window seat train ride
Compulsive contrarianism is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of narcissism. Seek help. I'm happy for you that you have a comfy train though :3
Nta but let's stop pretending people do anything but stare at their phones scrolling social media and listening to music while riding the train.
Why do you think it's so difficult to read on a train? Not hard unless you're carrying some massive hardback around. Not my fault you fucks spend all your free time doomscrolling instead of reading a fucking book.
>Why do you think it's so difficult to read on a train?
I didn't say anything about difficulty
>Obviously you can take this to the extreme and you get the nile delta with hyperdense slum towns, which don't seem nice places to live
The Nile Delta is a perfect example of geography (and history) informing population distribution. The population looks like that because they bred like rats and there's nowhere else for them to go. The land beyond the extremely fertile delta is a desolate, inhospitable wasteland. So the population is forced to cram itself into cities while leaving room for precious farmland.

There's literally no amount of districting or planning that could turn Egypt into Indiana. To even start the conversation, you'd have to cull (literally) 98% of the population of the country, leaving less than 2 million people. Then you'd have to realize that the majority of Egypt is long and thin, with the river as the historically primary means of transportation. Imagine 5,000 people in Indianapolis are all given a completely random coordinates up to 120 miles away. No matter what coordinates you get, you'll wind up near a town in a place suitable for comfortable human living. Now imagine the same thing in Egypt. It wouldn't work. Even in smack in the middle of the delta, you're 30-60 miles from the sea or the desert.

Americans settling Indiana were free to spread out in every direction, and would naturally design cities and transportation to support their needs (which might include hundreds of people wanting to travel in a hundred different compass headings).

Try the same thought experiment with Aberdeen. You'll find half the people wind up in the North Sea and many of the rest stuck in the mountains.
>Even comparing aberdeenshire to indiana, the towns and villages in scotland are dense and the towns and villages in indiana are not.
And again, my point is that this is heavily influenced by the very different geography of the two locations.

If you actually want to try comparing at least vaguely similar cities geographically, at least try comparing Aberdeenshire to Portland, Maine or Portsmouth, NH. You'll still find the American preference for bigger yards, bigger cars, wider roads, and parking lots as well as more frequent indifference to meticulous landscaping. But it won't be as different as Indiana.
I see scrolling, looking out the window, reading (even real books), playing games, listening to music, having conversations, doing private phone calls, sleeping and on weekends drinking a lot. The rare activities are knitting and working on some paper.
ITT burgers complaining about being different types of burgers.
t. Europoor (enjoying life in a semi-rural setting)

Trying this hard
Jackson heights bro

How you like living out there? I used to hang out there some when I lived in Flushing. Always thought it was really charming. I live in BK now.
What's a cvs? And why are the haribos in the fridge? Is it in a super hot city?
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Migrant crisis which really started post-2021 ruined the area. Now it feels more like Petare than before. Too many Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, and Colombians. Just too many damn people in general. You can tell by the fist fights breaking out over parking, overflowing garbage cans on every street corner, street vendors clogging up the sidewalk from Junction to 103rd, Roosevelt resembling Times Square with the amount of people, and the millions of Chinese ebikes and mopeds buzzing around. Petty crime went up, it went from a place you could walk around with your cell phone out piss drunk at night to having to watch for any mopeds buzzing you or drunk loud Venezuelans/Colombians that might get stabby.

I moved to Flushing and while it's still pretty damn bad, it's not Jackson Heights. I'm one of the mentioned ethnic groups and it unironically resembles a LatAm country. Flushing is just dirty but most of the crime here is welfare section 8 Puerto Ricans that have been here longer than the Asians. Its less congested. There's still a lot of people but Asians are less likely to stumble out of bars, piss everywhere, and drive drunk.

A CVS is like a Boots, it's a pharmacy chain.

Haribos are behind the glass because this one is next to a subway station, so minorities like to run in, grab all the expensive candy to resell, then run on the subway 50m away

This one is specifically on Queens Blvd in Forest Hills

This is my local pharmacy, all the drinks are locked up. As I took this there was a facemasked brown guy with a hoodie helping himself to the razors and a middle aged Indian woman (worker) yelling at him

Dogshit answer, the busy bodies care about the community and there's just as many YIMBY retards (remember it's a inner city Facebook group, not a rural town) there to gaslight you to thinking everything is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago and you're just exaggerating and probably a little racist?
>the fist fights breaking out over parking
Free parking was a mistake. You should only be able to park for free if you physically own the land you're parking on.
He didn't say free parking, he said parking in general and you went on a rant about parking lots. It's like James Rolfe discussed specifically why parking garages were confusing and most of the comments were like "YEAH PARKING IS BAD BECAUSE CARS BAD"
But burgers on 4chins told me America was rich and Yurope is poor. lol what a fucking 3rd world shithole.
I mean I make 2-3x what my same exact transportation job makes in Germany while having better healthcare, pension, vacation, etc. I just lived in the Latin equivalent of Frankfurt or Naples. If you go even 30-45 mins away from here by car it improves dramatically.

He's missing the point that the area is way overdeveloped too. Partially its because of ethnic demographics (third world minorities living 20 to a home meant for 5 people). But also because of the migrant crisis that hit the southern border, a lot of them came to NYC because they had friends/family or knew there was a LatAm community already living here they could integrate into.

Parts of NYC are WAY overdeveloped, this is one of them. Unironically move to Philly you'll be better off.
lmao, he's obviously talking about free parking yet here you are getting defensive over it

>He's missing the point that the area is way overdeveloped too
>third world minorities living 20 to a home meant for 5 people
If 20 people have to cram into a 5 person home, the area is underdeveloped.
I'll take nobody needing to steal sweets en masse, thanks all the same thirdie
Or fresh off the boat minorities are just fine dealing with living conditions that first worlders aren't which is why they'll live 20 to a house and even go as far as renting out beds for shifts. Its not even cheap, avg room cost is $800-1000/no but your avg FOB Latino won't know better because he wants to be close to people he speaks the same language as

Again, not sure why you're arguing with me when you don't live here. Basic govt services can't keep up and banning cars isn't going to suddenly help things like garbage pickup or sewer capacity. Take the 7 Train from 7-9:30am and you'll see what I mean (IF you can get on, often you'll miss the first 1-2 trains cause it's literally a scene out of Mumbai rush hour). Its too congested and got worse after COVID.


Is it any different than living in Barcelona and needing a steel cable tether around your iPhone at all times? Or getting spat on by a Frankfurt Talahon? Or maybe getting accosted by a Albanian/Iraqi in Malmo.

Nice parts of the USA are unironically gate kept by cars. The only way to insulate yourself is by having literal FU money where you live in a city center or living somewhere inaccessible to public transit
>avoids the argument
I'll graciously accept your concession, fat thirdie.
Okay what's your argument ESL?
That's simply untrue, Jose.
You have to actually present a argument, not just get confrontational in a thread where someone is venting about how bad their area is and then walk away claiming you "won the argument".

Again, you're ESL or just plain dumb. Maybe it's a cultural difference.
they even arranged an impromptu heagoodboidindunuffin
effective culture export by USA
American cultural supremacy....I kneel (for George Floyd PBUH)
>lmao, he's obviously talking about free parking
Is it?
>Or fresh off the boat minorities are just fine dealing with living conditions that first worlders aren't
Plenty of white people in NYC are fine living in 450 sqft closet apartments, the problem is that unless you win a roulette for a controlled rent apartment that 450 sqft space is going to be $3k a month. When the cost for personal space is that high, you are obviously going to see large numbers of poorer people crowd into larger units instead. This is not a NYC phenomenon, this is the case everywhere in the US except podunk rural towns that are cheap specifically because there's no jobs, no opportunities, and as a result nobody wants to live there.

>he wants to be close to people he speaks the same language as
Families can afford more personal space and still live near each other if housing is cheaper, who woulda thunk?

>Basic govt services can't keep up and banning cars isn't going to suddenly help things like garbage pickup or sewer capacity
First off, I said no free parking on public ROWs:>>2020977, >>2021012. You're the one saying ban cars. These are not equivalent, and NYC is the most transit dense city in the US. It's a massive public policy failure to dedicate literally half of most roads to private vehicle storage, in a dense as fuck city.

Second, sewer and garbage capacity is a non-issue. NYC has had far higher numbers of people in it within living memory. There's no city infrastructure issue with handling sewage other than old pipes that needed to be replaced anyways, which is the case everywhere and would be the case even without adding more homes. Same goes for water. For trash, y'all seem to have only recently discovered the trash can, so I congratulate you there on joining the 20th century. Collecting trash more often or utilizing larger bins by removing some of that free street parking is trivial and has been done all over the world, in more populous cities than NYC.
>It's a massive public policy failure to dedicate literally half of most roads to private vehicle storage
That might hold more weight if the people that said such things didn't advocate for seldom-used bicycle lanes replacing popular street parking, or that anyone protesting such a change is some "car-brained right-winger" or some variant.
Bicycle lanes tend to get plenty of use as long as they're safe, IE have bollards to prevent cagies from using them anyways.

And no, carbrain is across the political spectrum. It's just that it's especially rich when small government conservative types scream when their automobile welfare might get taken from them. The government does not owe you a parking spot.
>Bicycle lanes tend to get plenty of use
Now compare bike lane use to car lane use
We aren't talking about car travel lanes nincompoop, we're talking about free street parking for cars.
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Just another morning in a walkable city ™
You can admit that car lanes carry far more people per unit time than bike lanes. It should be no surprise that car parking is prioritized.
Just another retard who can't clock a picture round.
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Any better?
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LOLOLOL!!!! Can I steal this joke please?!?
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Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
Thanks. My five-year-old will love it.
>>2017733 (OP)
>but you get to experience the walkable city life?
It's noisy. If you're close enough to walk/bike to places, you're close enough to traffic noise and sirens. You're also in a dense enough area that big errands (heavy deliveries/moving) and small errands (washing your car/hosting a gathering/walking your dog) are less convenient. But it is pretty nice to be able to casually walk 5 min to get fresh bread or go a park/library. Plus I feel like the neighbors are nicer.
Still missing my point anon. I don't care that it's car parking. I care that it's free car parking for private homes on public right-of-way. It's just another subsidy for wealthy homeowners at the expense of everyone else in the neighborhood. If the spaces were reserved for specific homes and those homeowners had to pay to use them, I'd have no issue with it.
Im worried about noise. I have a very autistic dog that gets triggered by a lot of noise and I value my sleep.
As for your other points, I plan on selling my car to live here. I don’t see how gatherings would be hard if most people walk or take public transport. Walking my dog worries me a lot because he likes dirt and grass and avoids other people and dogs.
>I care that it's free car parking for private homes on public right-of-way.
Nah, you're just being duplicitous in order to justify your personal fear of cars. No one should be surprised that the mode of transport which moves the most people and freight (and thus has the most overall economic impact) gets more space and money allocated to it.
From Madrid here.

I bike or take public transport for all my needs in the city and it's surroundings, to visit my vacation house I take the coach and have an e-scooter there.
So for walkability/accessibility without cars you're 100% covered.
To make friends download Meetup (app)
Go to language exchanges, hikes, dinners, networking events, board game evenings... whatever flies your boat.
That fucking app is a fucking cheat code in my 27 years of existance I've never had so much social activity, now I even host a WhatsApp group I created where I just add people I like and we hang like 2-3 times a week, helps me to socialize and helps them to meet new people. Although it depleted your social battery a lot, so you kinda have to force yourself, it gets easier.
Enjoy the city.
>>2017733 (OP)
>no one
>>2017733 (OP)
I'm Japanese and I live in a city that's not very walkable. I've lived in towns in the past where it was walkable, so I can compare the two.
Being able to walk to supermarkets, quiet libraries, large bookstores, and movie theaters is appealing even to an unsociable person like me. It was also nice to have a monorail station just a short walk from my apartment, so I could easily get to the city.
My current life feels like a real life only when I drive 30 minutes to a parking lot near the train station, then walk 10 minutes to the train station. The train takes me to Akihabara in an hour. Akihabara is where my soul belongs.
>>2017733 (OP)
having travelled to both tokyo and a few small towns on the izu peninsula, yeah not everywhere in japan is walkable or filled with stuff to do, but you'd be flabbergasted how bad it can get in the US and canada, neighborhoods twice the size of a japanese town without a single transit connection, convenience store (maybe one inside a gas station) or anything to speak of besides houses. if you think needing to drive everywhere in rural japan is bad then multiply that by 10x.
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Philly's streets are incredibly narrow by American standards, with most being 50' building-to-building or even less. This makes crossing streets somewhat easier than even parts of NYC, where Manhattan is bisected by wide north-south avenues every block for example.
Philadelphia is also wildly cheap in comparison. You can easily rent an entire rowhome for like 1.5k a month, and homeownership is unironically cheaper than in the surrounding suburbs.
Add to the fact it's smack in the middle of the NEC and the center of a fairly good regional rail network, Philly is genuinely one of the few areas in the US where car ownership is basically optional.
maybe some of the excess overtime pay we give NYPD could so toward more effective street sanitation
You're forgetting the most important thing
>I just want to live in a place where I don't have to be around minorities
you just want to whine about minorities on a topic you don't have any serious interest in
NYPD gets 5% of the city budget, this is the same city that discovered putting their trash in cans just 3 months ago

Philly is unironically a better deal. Ditto Chicago. You gotta be fucking stupid and super wealthy to consider NYC. Even Boston is a better deal if you have money.
That's one think I didn't like about Chongqing. You're punished for wanting to stroll around, unless you get to blocks of Flats, then you can stroll around forever (but you don't get anywhere)
>Bro just walk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPUBvOSWcYc [Embed]
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>Oh you like walkability? Well here's 5 blocks from a poor neighborhood in Philadelphia. Not so comfortable walking now, huh?
The funny part about it is that the reason all those poor junkies are in that one area is because of an unofficial agreement between cops, business owners, and politicians. Harass them if they go into "nice people" areas but otherwise leave them alone. It's something that every city does to a certain extent but philly's is in a high traffic location so it's easy to make these drama videos for clicks and have it look like the person is just randomly walking around philly
I highly recommend getting out of suburbia and living in a real city for a while at least. People in my backwoods home state have literally 0 concept of how infrastructure works. When you live in a real city the job opportunities are much better too. Doesn’t have to be so walkable you can live entirely car-free, but having large walkable areas and public transit is a life-changer.
Providence (Downtown and the East Side) are walkable, but its also becoming very expensive and there's honestly not much to do here. But aside from driving to work in a different city, I literally never touch my car.

Will note that "walkable" is very specific since only a suicidal maniac or homeless alcoholic rides a bike around here.
The better comeback is to point out that the only things they really brag about is the bodegas as if having a convenience store with a taqueria/hamburgers is a flex.
Providence is a beautiful town. When I lived in NYC I’d take the train up to Rhode Island a few times a year. Basically everything in Rhode Island’s awesome. I’d say Providence qualifies as quite walkable.
Beijing looks wonderful desu. I've visited Shanghai and it was shit but they say Beijing is much more livable.

https://youtu.be/lGT7OytAESA [Embed]
Move to Nashville bro. That city is amazing. And they just passed a transit referendum.
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Inverness is a lot of fun to walk around. There's pedestrian bridges, stairs, paths, tunnels, etc. everywhere.

German cities and towns are also really walkable. I like Munich. There are a lot of pedestrian-only roads cut off to vehicles. The tram system gets around everywhere. It's pretty nice.

There aren't any US cities I particularly enjoy. Almost all of the US is either:
A) 'walkable' but overpriced high-crime areas with lots of drugs
B) soul-crushing, suicide inducing suburbs
C) rural areas where all the old trails have been rid of so you can't even walk around and enjoy the scenery

just leave the US, it's shit here. ESPECIALLY if you're a remote worker or run an online business - holy fuck it's like getting a huge raise living somewhere else. You can get really nice luxury hotels in SEA for like 80$ a night, or you can live in a really nice home in all sorts of places for way lower rent than you would pay for a tiny shithole in the US. Food is often healthier since most countries don't allow some of the harmful chemicals and neurotoxins in US food. (And the rate of severe obesity is literally almost 10x lower in east asia than in the US.) Women are way nicer in europe and asia, they don't have the same level of hostility towards men that women in the english speaking world do, it's way easier to find a loving relationship. By gods if you have remote income just gtfo immediately.
>another white 4chan incel randomly bringing up south east Asia out of nowhere and wanting to get one of their poverty stricken green card seeking bug women

You guys seriously never stop
go outside please
>soul-crushing, suicide inducing suburbs
I agree, the lack of diversity and street art is appaling. No nice funny people sitting on the sidewalk to talk to either! Feels like Jim Crow era in here.
just wanna walk/cycle without the risk of getting hit by a cager
>Zombies, Kensington
>Becoming a ghost town, O Block
>Same price as New york but less things to do and everything closes down early
There are arguments to be made against nyc and better cities/towns in america than nyc, but this is not it
read >>2023245
even in supposedly """blue libtard cities""", segregation still fucking exists except now it's based on cash instead of being black

t. i used to live in chicago and sf
That's effectively still based on being black, since they're a disproportionately impoverished demographic.
>>2017733 (OP)
If you're good, go to zurich
man, philly is the most walkable/bikeable/affordable place i have ever been
You forgot NYC

>Schizos between 33rd and 42nd Street on 8th Ave, East NY, the whole fucking South Bronx, Arverne/East Rockaway, flood of Venezuelans/Ecuadorians/Colombians either doing snatch and grabs on unregistered chinese mopeds or getting drunk and stabby/rapey, and anywhere with public housing is guaranteed to be a shithole around a 5 block radius from it, buses running every day from the shit parts of Jersey like Paterson and Newark into Manhattan

If youre gonna point the bad parts of Chicago and Philly and gloss over the bad parts of NYC then it's a flawed argument
you've never left the touristy areas of manhattan because most of those places aren't anywhere near as bad as that part of 8th ave but that never discouraged other tourists from weighing in on topics they have no first hand knowledge of, so do go on
>>2017733 (OP)
my experience living in Manhattan
>wake up at 4am to garbage trucks
>go back to sleep
>6am rolls around, cacophany of horns from rush hour traffic begins
>continues until around 8pm
>Get ready for work in my 1 bedroom, 500sqft apartment that costs over 3k per month
>Head down 4 flights of stairs (walkup), have to push past a crowd of people lined up in-front of my building for the current thing
>head to the Subway
>usual homeless schizo covered in shit is sitting on his bench yelling at people
> get on line to board the train (yes this was real pre-covid)
>after about 2 trains go by, manage to squeeze on
>push through crowds of people to get to the stairs and leave the station
>sit in office cube for 8 hours and repeat in the evening.

Moved to the burbs. I have a house for what I was paying for a 1 bed apartment. I need a car to get around which is nice, keeps undesirables out of the neighborhood. I don't have to deal with homeless schizos all the time. There is traffic on my commute but sitting in my comfy car is 100x better than picrel. Being able to shop at big box stores saves a ton of money. Grocery stores in NYC are total ripoffs, plus I don't have to carry my groceries home. Now that I'm older I don't have a desire to go to out and party as much so that's a non-issue.

I literally live in Flushing and lived in Jackson Heights for 20+ years moving to Flushing in 2023. I was literally born in Elmhurst Hospital. The pictures earlier in this thread are actually mine. You sound like you've actually never left the city which is even worse, because there's tons of New Yorkers who fanboy this city not realizing theres a whole world outside the 5 Boros.

Are you seriously going to tell me East New York or Morrison Soundview is any better? And I love how you glossed over how interconnected the ghettos are to the nice parts of NYC. It means that somebody that lives in a shithole like Paterson can be in the lower East Side within an hour. The crazies on 8th Avenue are also there not just because you have methadone clinics but also because of the PA bus terminal. They either go back and forth from Jersey or get dropped off from other states/cities.
>muh car mods
oh you're one of those people who drives around at 100mph all night with insurance fraud plates and then posts about how much you love cops (because they let you get away with that shit)
well at least you admit to being a scumbag who can't even afford an ez pass. we have bins for you now, jump in one.
I have never once said anything bad about cars, either in this thread, or on this board. subhumans such as you are not the average driver. you are, however, why so many people hate cars.
>500sqft apartment that costs over 3k per month
Why did it get so expensive? I would recommend living in a big city because you can either save a lot of money or just work three days a week if you get a not so fancy apartment and get rid of the car but what the hell happened to the prices?
a lot of retards move to NYC thinking it's going to be like in their favorite TV show where people live in a stupendously luxurious area on a barista salary, then they find out that shit costs money and instead of accepting the 20 minute commute like normies they find a "hack" like renting an illegal conversion apartment that's violating all the fire codes and has something noxious like the lincoln tunnel or a loud nightclub on the first floor. then they realize it wasn't a cheat code and they really can't put up with it and they go online and bitch about how jews and immigrants are why they're not a winner
jews in real estate and immigrants living 20 to a house and renting rooms for $1000-1200 month have a lot to do with it, yes.
>reeeee minorities are lowering property values!
>reeeee minorities are raising property values!
schrodinger's brownoid
Actually slave labor immigrants (your Doordash moped drivers) are inflating demand which other wealthier minorities who own/buy/sell real estate take advantage of by restricting supply and overcharging. It's not just Jews, Jews just happen to be the majority in NYC (just look at Jared Kushner) but it's also Asians and Indians especially in the outerboroughs.

So yes, you're correct. Minorities are entirely to blame.
if i could fulltime wfh i would live in a van by the beach. if i had a nice paying job, i would go back n forth between a nice RV and an overland rig
I'm from Martinez. This guy is just making shit up.
>a lot of retards move to NYC thinking it's going to be like in their favorite TV show where people live in a stupendously luxurious area on a barista salary
this is one thing that always irks me about TV shows - it almost always has unrealistic depictions of living conditions relative to the characters salary
>They hate him because he spoke the truth.
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I agree with the sentiment but
>NYPD captain
where are they getting this information, walk past any precinct and look at the cars parked all over the sidewalk, they're not driving shitboxes, those oinkers are paid quite well for low IQ high school bullies
>>2017733 (OP)
Why do you faggots want to live in crammed cities so bad?

Living in the suburbs is super comfy, cleaner and you can ride your bike around safely
Yes because they live at work and have stable jobs that let you accumulate capital over a extended period of time. The latter you can experience with every govt job. Once you make $100k+ a year for a few years you run out of things to buy and start saving for a house/family (or get a gambling/alcohol addiction).

Banks will also finance anyone with a pulse and especially in NYC many will choose to rent in exchange for a nice car (and a $700-1200/mo car payment). You'll literally see the same in the parking lot of a MTA Bus Depot or a ConEd lot.
Not in a lot of American suburbs like in Texas
>rent in exchange for a nice car
Latrino behavior
It's just the universal cageoid mentality. Having a big heavy death machine is more important than anything even personal safety, and you're a loser and a commie if you disagree
>Having a big heavy death machine
sounds fun, maybe grow a pair instead of cutting it off
Because it's expensive and/or too hot? But that would affect everywhere else, too.
Cheaper (in some places). Easier. More fun if you prefer activities that require amenities or like to see different people every day.
>Inverness is a lot of fun to walk around.
Bad rates of dark wizard violence though.
Why even bother explaining anything? You're replying to a person who is mentally incapable of considering the benefits of a decision that may not apply to himself.
100% true
You can ride your bike safely in the city, where the average peed rarely exceeds 30km'h anyway. In the suburbs, on the contrary, it is impossible to ride a bike, because the distances are huge. And every dog has its own suv, in which it sits in a traffic jam for three hours a day, and then tries to compensate it by rushing headlong. All this time he scrolls through his Instagram feed. So in the suburbs you can only safely ride a bike around a flowerbed.
>the suburbs
>you can ride your bike around safely
You don't ride
My greatest dream in life is to one day acquire enough wealth and influence to build a worldclass walkable neighborhood in my home town and start fixing walkability in America.
I would move there anon
I think it can be achieved in a lot of American cities with just one or two block-sized buildings. It wouldn't be ideal but it would be a major improvement over the status quo.
I wish my brain wasn't totally incompatible with WFH, then I would move out of the USA. Got fired during COVID because I just can't transition into work-mode when sitting 5 seconds away from my bed. And unfortunately/fortunately all the high $$$ jerbs in my field are in the USA atm.
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I haven't posted in this thread yet, but I decided I'd give my two cents.
I grew up and live in rural Missouri, not so far from one of the big two cities of the state. I got a summer job in DC during the summer of 2024. I honestly was excited to live in a city for the first time, especially one with underground trains [spoiler]I'm a bit of a metro fan[/spoiler].
All of my family and friends though, just kept telling me how dangerous DC was, and how much the metro would suck, and that I would just be counting down the days until I got back to Missouri. I kinda just brushed them off, seeing as I'm a man, not a girl. I mean that in the sense that I wouldn't be in danger, as I feel like most people wouldn't fuck with an above average sized guy.
I enjoyed the shit out of DC and the metro and walking everywhere. Sure, the homeless can be annoying sometimes, but I never felt like I was in danger. I feel like a lot of people from unwalkable communities, like my family, who hear about walkable communities immediately imagine NYC in the 70s or something.
The metro was clean and reliable. There was literally nowhere I wanted to go or needed to go that I couldn't just walk or take the Metro.
>I feel like a lot of people from unwalkable communities, like my family, who hear about walkable communities immediately imagine NYC in the 70s or something.

This x1000. I moved to NYC from Alabama (got a really good job in Manhattan and gtfo'd my shithole state). Old people in Alabama were constantly asking me if I lived in "one of those bad neighborhoods" or would ask me about some bullshit they saw on Faux News. Even today my parents' neighbors will catch my mom walking down the street and run up to them talking about some crime that happened in New York.
They're completely oblivious to the fact that crime is much higher where they live. Birmingham even had a mass shooting where 21 people were shot.
Meanwhile in New York I have never even seen a crime. Homeless people are annoying but I'm happy not needing a car.
I get the same shit from "liberal" relatives in commiefornia, because they take everything they read in the nytimes as the literal word of god
Both of these read like the heckin hustle and bustle copypasta
the Dc metro was my first time using public transit, but this was as a little kid in the 80s. I thought it was really neat. we took the bus from way out in the suburbs to the train station, went into the city to see the Smithsonian and back, several days in a row. glad to hear it's still ok.
I've used metro transit in NY, Toronto, Chicago, SF, Atlanta, DC, and in Detroit, Nashville and Knoxville but it was bus-only. except for Atlanta where I now live, these trips were all a long time ago, though. Toronto and Chicago seemed best. Toronto had the streetcar and the trains were frequent and went everywhere. Chicago had insanely frequent bus service. I mostly rode the red line, including taking it to Wrigley Field, the station is just a block away.
I've lived in Atlanta over twenty years and just this last year was my first bad incident on transit in any city. mostly it was uneventful, but I've had plenty of friendly experiences, too.
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I fucking hate cars. Cars should only be used for off-roading.
Strongly recommend Philly. It has a lot of beautiful architecture and it's not expensive.
With the 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence coming up, Philly is going to get a lot of visitors and attention.
That's awesome, Chang! Attention and visitors are definitely good.
I was there for the first time last summer. Went to Independence Hall, the Museum of the American Revolution, Elfreth's Alley; all within easy walking distance of each other. Nice city.
My friend just moved there with his gf. It's his first time in a major city, I'm glad for the guy.
Ask your friend how Philly compares to Chongqing for us, Chang.
>>2017733 (OP)
I live in a walkable suburb in the UK. It means I've got basic stores a few minutes walk away, plus some other basic amenities (I happen to be close to the main city park and some woodland that's good for walks). There's a bus service every 30 minutes to the city, and another to the hospital.
There's plenty of things that I have to drive to (cinemas and theatres aren't close) but not for the basics. My neighbours are decent folks.
Boring blog
t. spammer who's showcasing his butthurt that other people online aren't cagebrained

LMAO. Love it when you own the cagetrolls, Chang!
... so San Francisco? Great city.
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>British suburbs are nothing like retarded American suburbs

lmao they're the same thing but shittier
This looks much denser than a typical American development. Also, I bet that the street layout actually makes sense and fits into the rest of the built-up area.
>Defending that shit
Sometimes you should just remain silent anon
It's not so much that I love European suburbia. I realize that it looks (and likely is) depressing as shit. I just hate with a fucking burning passion certain aspects of American suburbia. The obsession with cul-de-sacs and curvy roads, foregoing any sort of grid or connections to the city outside the development. The complete lack of even just small corner stores.
How's college?
Pretty good. Got three semesters left.
My bad.
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that's not a suburb, suburbs are a new world phenomenon
see the large patches of light population in this map? those are suburbs
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this is what europe looks like in comparison
no suburbs
>>2017733 (OP)
>> I just want to live in a place where some dumb roastie on her phone can't dictate how quickly I can reach my destination.
>> I just want to live in a place where I don't have to sit at a red light for 3 minutes when I'm THE ONLY CAR ON THE ROAD
driving is way faster than mass transit
>>I just want to live in a place where I can walk to most places and see my neighbors doing the same.
why do you hate people?
>>2017733 (OP)
I live in Portland. I don't have any plans to move but there are some serious cons.

>very walkable, good transit for anywhere in the city
>no reason to ever go to the burbs so lack of transit there not a problem
>eastside is still central and walkable and good for transit, but still cheap and not relegated to a commie block
>downtown is expensive but obviously has all the perks of being downtown
>people in portland tend to be young and social

>eight billion homeless people who ruin bike paths with tents, shit up transit by being gross and insane, and make every transit stop sketch
>downtown also sucks because of homeless people
>bike theft again re:homeless
>going out you will meet many many retards and trannies
>traffic is bad if you do ever want to drive anywhere between 4 and 6pm
>homeless and rampant theft has made lots of businesses close so there is significantly less to walk to than 4 years ago

Basically you're forced to put up with lots of bullshit in order to live a comfortable walkable life.

>I know you fucks all avoid homeless, libtards, and nignogs, so how are you guys liking living in these areas
The homeless are really the only ones that you cant avoid. lefties and Nogs mostly dont interact with you unless for some reason you directly bother them. The homeless really are an abject drain on life here and if the issue gets much worse Id leave. As it stands currently though as a 6' 20something male in decent shape Im not super worried for my safety, and i dont own anything worth stealing, so besides the screamy schizo homeless that make the bus stink Im not especially inconvenienced. One did try to move into my shed, though.
Uh... Oregon or Maine?
t. flyover
You mention homelessness. How is Portland on housing construction?
I imagine with California being so NIMBY a lot of their homeless bleed over into bordering states, highlighting the need for CA to build a lot more housing.
NIMBYs are the worst, Chang!
>>2017733 (OP)
Man, feells great to live in a 60K population walkable town with no nogs, ease of access to all essential services and utilities, beautiful parks and even night activities for those who fancy clubbing without having their kidneys punctured
>no nogs
This is the key one.
I want to get out my state and go back to NYC. I’m tired of looking at the same 4 avenues constantly, and everyone here knows each other.
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> Less than 5min from subway/elevated train
>Diverse restaurants & grocery store options within walking distance
>Public library, church, and community center within walking distance
>One ways + parking restrictions control car usage
>Still easy parking
literally every sitcom in the 90's was about some single people in their 30's living in spacious apartments in Manhattan while working some part time job and just chilling with their friends the rest of the time.
I blame that shit for the "OMG NYC is the greatest place on earth" craze of the 2010's where every millennial wanted to move there and live that lifestyle. glad it's finally dying out.
>glad it's finally dying out
Only for poorfags i guess. Otherwise the cicle would start again anyway.
True. Most of the people who leave NYC are working-class people who can’t afford it because there’s a massive housing shortage here.
Obviously what we need to do then is to tax them for not living in manhattan between battery park and 60th street. If they knew what was in their own interests they'd be doing that already, don't these idiots know no one needs a car in NYC?
It only taxes them if they decide to drive a car in that area, as it should.
Otherwise the money supports transit improvements for them.
It's propaganda silly. How else would you lure the scientists from China and Russia?
Does this count?
I also moved from Missouri (Wildwood) to D.C. Much better in the District.
I might actually take the pro-car anti-pedestrian trolls here seriously if they didn't all sound like autistic schizos foaming at the mouth.
Everyone with an opinion different than mine also happens to be an autistic schizo as well. Great minds think alike, Chang!

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