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Hiroshima said so

At the moment, 18 threads in the catalog are about cars, /pol/ shit, or otherwise just generally have nothing to do with transportation. And they are the most active threads.

It was never ideal, but how did this board get so bad?
show us which threads bother you faggot
Communist faggots decided years ago that "urban planning" is somehow transportation. I wish they'd all be banned. /n/ should be about planes, trains, and boats. Not about complaining about cars/private property or showing off whatever new toy you bought to slap on your bicycle.
A child might see a train go past and think 'oh, that's cool'
that seems to be the level on which you want train discussion, the comfy level, which i do understand.

In reality, trains require political will and action to even exist. They're highly political, and the current car-centric system is the largest barrier to having a rail network.

How is this wrong? I can understand if you don't want to see anything stressful when you're looking or thinking about trains, if you just want to appreciate them in the abstract, as a child would, but you cunts seem to actually disagree that the wider political discussion is even valid at all. Explain it to me, go on.
You should hang from a rope.
Lycrafags usually keep to themselves so they're not that bad.
Making an off topic political thread on /n/ puts you 0% closer to your real life goals. Go to your town hall or something instead of ruining this comfy autism board.
you just know that this is that retard bitching about shit nobody cares about on the brit rail thread
ok so now you're not talking about ideas, or being comfy, you're just a reactionary asshole who is fueling every discussion you pretend to dislike and offering nothing else.

It's similiar to the /n/posters who think bicycles should just be for sport purposes and that people who actually view them as practical transportation don't belong on /n/.
nobody says this, and you're obviously that guy who spams njb threads about how america should be nuked and "american style" bicycles are the devil
>It's similiar to the /n/posters who think bicycles should just be for sport purposes and that people who actually view them as practical transportation don't belong on /n/.
nobody does this thoughbeit >>2013781
oh right I forgot you're not allowed to sweat because that's for extreme sports lycras. whenever I walk to work in the summer I make sure to wait until it's 11:30 PM so I don't show up at work and everyone thinks I'm a professional olympic walkist
again, nobody's saying this. i linked that thread because it was on topic rather than bitching about how cycling should be for sports only
>Making an off topic political thread on /n/ puts you 0% closer to your real life goals.
Practically nothing anyone does is significant. This is just nihilist nonsense.
Personally I've found some of the discussion on /n/ interesting and learnt some stuff from it.

If you want it to just be comfy here, as i FUCKNG SAID, that is a valid perspective, but politics is absolutely relevant to transportation. The uncomfy nature of the board is also always people bickering, this thread isn't comfy at all, if you wanted to have a less obnoxious discussion you would have worked out a way to reply to me and acknowledged some of what i said, as i have acknowledged your perspective, but you didn't do that.
>What’s with all the poor fags here. Can none of you afford a real bike? Just shitty rust hunks?

This excellent piece of bait is a good example. It's a road bike, for road cycling, and the poster is denigrating practical utility bikes.
I've said this in a previous thread many months ago and I'll say it again here: just because X encompasses Y does not mean that discussion of X is relevant on a board for the discussion of Y.
Your reasoning allows for politics on /ck/ simply because food regulation exists, or politics on /a/ just because broadcasting regulations exist.
The difference would be that neither cooking nor anime are in danger, and if there was a political will to damage them, say to ban fermented foods or depictions of little girls, then you would see discussion of those things on those boards.

I get your point about just because it's part of something doesn't mean that this is the place for it, but who decides that? The opposite is also true, that everything that comes under a category might be valid discussion in a place for discussing that thing, and isn't it ultimately up to the userbase? You don't like it, ok, but why do you think your opinion holds any weight?
So your solution to transportation being in danger is to make threads on /n/ discussing shit that doesn't move and e-celebs?
>who decides that?
The definition of transportation.
It's like if we were on a forum discussing polar bears and someone started a thread about climate change.

You could say 'this isnt the place for that', which might be fair if you just wanted to be comfy, but if you thought that because you didn't believe climate change was real and discussion of climate action pissed you off, then most of the userbase of the forum would probably despise you and not think you belonged there.

If you like something you should support it. Whether it's valid to have a political discussion in a comfy area is a different question.
I actually would agree that a lot of the content on /n/ is garbage, and i rarely engage with the garbage.

>X encompasses Y
i mean, does it, or not?
I would have more respect for what you're trying to accomplish if you posted about all the things you've done recently to further the cause of decent public transport instead of bitching and moaning about how America is doomed to someone who's not American.
I'm not american either, i'm not making those posts, and i do a lot in my life to actually try to help.
I shouldn't have to tell you that the definition of politics isn't the same as the definition of transportation, even if politics can affect transportation.
this is now really just nonsense semantics
Not accepting the distinction between X and something that affects X is how you justify having politics on literally every board.
Most based post I've ever seen on this board.
I think it's valid to not want political discussion, but if the reason is that you are politically hostile to supporting the thing that you want to talk about, then you're a cunt
The validity of the post you've just replied to should not depend on what my political stance is, considering my entire point is that politics just isn't relevant.
whatever cunt
I'm a massive train autist who regularly uses the suburban rail network in my city. Why are you calling me a cunt for not wanting this board to become another cesspit like /int/?
I fail to see any other reason as to why you'd call me a cunt because I have never once made a post that indicates that I am "politically hostile" to whatever you're supporting, unless the only thing you support is making this board worse.
No, Just bikes and redditard invasion. Used to be a comfy board for foamers to talk about trains, planes, and other machines. For some reason it's become the "urbanist" board. 'Urbanists" should be banned and send to /trash/.
kill yourself
Can't list all because of spam limiter, but see the following examples
>pol threads
>urbanist threads (I.E. seething about cars).

This post correctly identifies the problem. People who try to bring polishit into what is supposed to be a comfy board for autistic discussion of trains need to be banned. Urbanism isn't transportation, and insufferable faggots who try to turn everything political have killed this board, but it's not too late to save it.
>In reality, trains require political will and action to even exist
This is the kind of retarded shit I am talking about. Ban this retard immediately.
>It's like if we were on a forum discussing polar bears and someone started a thread about climate change.
A better example would be if this were a board discussing polar bears, and a bunch of retards came in and started bitching about cars, because cars are causing polar bear habitats to melt. Cars are only tangentially related to polar bears. Shut up and post cute polar bears or gtfo.
>People who try to bring polishit into what is supposed to be a comfy board for autistic discussion of trains need to be banned. Urbanism isn't transportation, and insufferable faggots who try to turn everything political have killed this board
They really have. I have most threads hidden now because they're either shill/political threads (urban planning, car whinging), or bike threads (which I just don't care about but don't mind sharing space with b/c cyclists don't shit up train threads and vice versa).

Urban planning is far broader than just transportation and because it's primarily public policy, belongs in other forums.
sounds like you're pro car, cagetroll. why do you support cars and hate polar bears? cars cars cars cars cars (this is totally on topic because I said so)
I like how the butthurt cagetrolls simultaneously label anyone in favor of Transit-Oroented Development a “communist” but also a free-market YIMBY shilling for development corporations.

Maybe you could do something with your time instead of being butthurt about trains on the train board.
Using the word cager should automatically give you a 3 day ban.
Unfortunately it only takes one retard who never lurked and does give a fuck to shit up a board by spamming their dog shit twitter threads every day. When this site turned into a place to dump shit you saw on other sites instead of somewhere for things you couldn't get on other sites it all went completely to shit. Reddit colonisers should all be fucking shot no exceptions.
Yes retard. I like cars. I like driving. I also like trains, buses, boats and planes. I enjoy utilizing all of these transportation methods. Rope yourself.
>How dare you discussing things that affect your life in a place dedicated to things that make or not make it possible.
How about No
>that affect your life
but it doesn't, all the /pol/posters (you) live in the burbs and drive everywhere
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i dislike that anon that says 'gaspipe BSO' but i didnt make a thread whining about it like a little bitch
I think he's a great guy personally. what did he ever do to you?

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