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Post Your Bike Thread
Frenly Fall Edition

Previous Edition
Roast me
>steel is real
>1x8 STX group
>aliexpress parts
>meme tires

Really like how this build came together.
Serving me well so far as a daily commuter
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I like the fenders and the basket. Is it removable? Is the lock from ali because I bought a similar thing and it would rattle like a motherfucker. It also was super loose so when I was cycling with the lock in the same spot as you it swung over to the side and freaked me out a bit. It's in the basement gathering dust. Here is my commuter that sits folded both in my cars trunk and at work.
I sent a very rare retro bike to a renowned frame painter.
we spoke on the phone, and I explained exactly what I wanted, during the call I sent him some pictures via email, of the bike now, and how I wanted it to look, the original red and white. He said OK, no problem, we can do that.

During the ensuing email exchange I asked if he could also paint some other bits, fork lowers, brace and stem, I wanted these in a specific shade of blue, and again he said no problem, so I sent them with the frame. Once they arrived he emailed me to expect the work to be completed in about 6 weeks.

9 weeks passed and I'd heard nothing. So I sent an email asking for news. They replied saying that had been extremely busy, but not to worry as my bike was near the top of the queue.

7 weeks after that I recieved another email saying that the work was complete, I paid the balance and the bike arrived a week later.

They painted the frame and the parts in the blue. It turns out the phone chat we had was completely forgotten, and he'd simply seen the word blue in the email chain relating to the fork parts and stem he assumed the frame needed to be the same. The problem is there's no record of our original chat where we spoke at length about thr red and white, where the fades should be etc, so I can't even claim for incorrect work.

He's just an unprofessional disorganized retard, and I'm now stuck with a bike that needs repainting.

Why are people so fucking retarded?
When I was a bike noob just started lurking /n/, /n/ had a bit of a fetish for GT triple triangle frames.
I don't see that much anymore, but every time I see a GT bike it takes me back to those times. I've never ridden a GT, but I've been indoctrinated by /n/ to uncritically think triple triangle frames are awesome.
I still have a fetish for them, and am looking at an aluminum road bike locally.
I don't need more bikes but n+1 is calling.
0 fucks given.
A shame since at one time he might have cared, and it wouldn't have been hard to contact you again to confirm the design/paintjob.
GT’s are based
Here is my disc brake modded 650b graveler with shimano 105 drive
cool build
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Only major changes since last posting is a less extreme angled stem and a riser bar. Pretty useable, makes sense to reach for the drops now occasionally. Still might flip the stem for even more comfort.

Maybe a bit bigger cassette in the rear for these mountain climbs. 52x39 up front and I've put on some weight this year. I've been back to tracking my diet so maybe I'll avoid the need to do that though.

Wheels definitely need to get trued this week,
sick fade
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18 months later and I no longer have any lingering symptoms in my shoulder. Just intermittent "weather knee", but I have that in more places than just my shoulder.
Still managing to get in 2 miles a day, even though Pittsburgh has steeper hills than Seoul did.
that lounger park bench looks completely awesome
Once had a late 80's triple-triangle gt for about a year because I was off at a job and it just happened to be there. Not one you would glance and and think was any good. It also had the weird seatstay-mounted U-brake. That was some fun bike, god damn. Flexy and responsive
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Why ride such a heavy horrible shitter?
There are commuter bikes with fenders and 29" x 2" tires that weigh less than 9kg.
2 miles a day is literally nothing, you don't need an ebike for that
Hello fancy british man with smol mtb. Looks like a nice early rockshox fork and some neat low spoke count wheels. Add in the fancy cranks and you are ballin. Of course a fancy mtb frame with wishbone seat stays.
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eh, fixies are for fags but I'll revoke that statement since you have not shaved off the derailleur hanger on that classic frame, and you run full brakes. it's flat where you live?
I've never seen a chromed top tube before, is that factory spec or was that tube replaced at some point?
I bough it in Korea since a) They're half price there and b) I intended to haul one or more children and heavy boxes with it.
I would intermittently attach a bike trailer or rear child seat to the cargo frame over the rear wheel depending upon what I needed to haul.
I'm not going to be able to afford anything nicer for a while.
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It's single speed right now and it was setup for commuting back in 2009 or so.
Yeah 40 miles today with only 500ft of climbing+descending. Takes most of what I got to get up the couple 10% hills but I manage with the spider technique since I am heavy at 200lbs.

Factory as far as I know. Dad bought it off ebay in the early 2000's from denmark. So it could have been replaced before then.
I wasn't cognizant of the factory spec when we got it since I was a kid and more into anime at the time. Also not sure if he got it complete, or just the frame+fork but it has universal mod .125 brakes+levers, cinelli bars+stem, ofmega headset, campy record+36 hole mavic g40 up front and a laced up suzue track hub+mavic reflex rim. Origin 8 crank+cartridge bb that we installed back then.
I think it's a 48 or 46-18.

Oh, and here are some more pictures I took recently.
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that's a lovely bike
I suggest you upgrade your brakes.
How the fuck do you ride with seats that high? I know the deal about the full leg straightening, but do you really feel comfortable when occasionally riding on sidewalks and having to maneuver between young moms with trolleys/children/dogs/old people/other unpredictable obstacles? I tried to raise the seat but I just can't ride confidently if I'm unable to support myself with my foot in risky cases.
I prefer to use heel to pedal at full extension. That works for me when you use your fore foot it's pretty close.
I am fine maneuvering on my road bike>>2019036
I have always had good reactions and look far ahead so I am prepared. I don't do much sidewalk riding, but on the bike trail when I spot a potential issue I judge the possibilities
Dog walker+leash?
slow down and "on yer left" from far away
2 people walking on the correct side
on yer left
Hamplanets blocking the path?
on yer left doing 1mph to let them move.
same, go really slow.

Dabbing my foot? I used to mtb a ton and practice slow speed movements so I am very confident at that. So mtbing or doing tighter and tighter figure 8's are a good way to practice.
Half me says to keep em as is. Other half agrees with you. After training my forearms I can brake pretty fast now from the drops, but before as a DYEL it was scary stopping. Just aero levers would be huge.
Lol git gud

Seriously though, it’s not a problem once you’re used to it. You will however never have the same amount of control on a slammed road bike with narrow bars.

Consider it ”technical terrain” and have some fun instead if being anxious
learn to do a trackstand (point your front wheel to the right, up a small hill, and balance to stay still)

you've got it when you can do it no hands, forever
>point your front wheel to the right
>t. left pointing, left foot forward
you should be able to touch the ground with your toes, also your leg shouldn't be locked out at lowest point of the pedal, it should be slightly bent at the knee. if you're a casual sidewalk rider lowering the seat more is fine too, as long as your knees don't ache.
Hope you don’t have your own racing jersey. Then when you get hit by a car you’d look like a dumbass in a pool of your own blood.
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hate road fags
hate commuter wagies
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Cannondale I recently put together, love the simplicity, compared to my gearbox belt drive hydraulic brake bike.

It's an aluminium frame and is very fun on all and off road
How do you people takes these pictures without a visible stand? Is it hidden somewhere or do you photoshop it?
the bike is balanced so well it holds itself up
You can see the stick hidden behind the crank arm
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is a donkeypower more or less than a horsepower?
Are you doing food delivery anon? Is the weight manageable mounted out front like that?
I feel like it would impede with my ability to see and then dodge road defects with such a large cargo volume obscuring my view.
this honestly looks like an uncomfortable ride anon, there's a reason they usually have those things on their back or rear carrier
right, I'm sure the guy who intentionally set his bike up this way because he rides it all day everyday for a living just doesn't have a clear preference. I'll bet your shitty advice will be life-changing
I'm not trying to be an arm chair expert or anything, far from it. Just understandably curious regarding something different I am clueless about. As road fag I rarely attach much to my bike but I am getting more interested In bike packing and touring as well as doing more daily utility riding with my 90s MTB. My milk crate with bungies on the Walmart seat post rack is very sketchy and tipped over dropping my messenger bag with my laptop recently (thankfully not even a scratch). Clearly don't know what I'm doing and still learning.
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Mostly food but also general goods and oddities, whatever I can carry. At first not seeing my tire felt weird but after getting used to it I realized looking down is a bad habit, look forward, not down. Yes the weight slows handling but as long as the bag and its contents are secured, the handling won't be affected too badly. It's when the bag or items inside it are loose (or carrying liquids) there's a counter acting mass that prevents the bike from leaning into a turn acting like a mass damper. In regards to fore-aft balance, it's only a problem when unmounted. While mounted I weight much more than the maximum load rating of 55lbs so the center of gravity and balance is still within my control, unmounted though, the bike absolutely will fall forwards when fully loaded. Balancing the load is always a fun mini-game before the actual delivery game
oh it's absolutely uncomfortable, the bag has a frame that prevents me from holding the tops and drops properly. This bag wasn't intended for this bike but when I noticed it fits, I started using it with this bike as well, I just don't work using this bike as much as I used to. The first 6 months of courier work I did was with a rear rack but there's some flaws with the rear rack I don't like. First is handling, I find muscling the load through a corner easier than finessing the bike from low side sliding, especially with maximum loads. Second is short chainstays, I like snappy handling and rear racks/panniers requires long chainstays to prevent heel strikes. Third, I like to cowboy swing my leg lol, can't do that with large bag on a rear rack.
9 years of riding my bike all day every day now
>there's a reason they usually have those things on their back or rear carrier
the reason is that front racks are harder to setup, and usually require some custom work, or reconfiguration of cables, because they're in the way of your controls.
Any issues with a loose/stiff headset or front hub will be exacerbated.
A -good- stiff front rack setup takes some experimentation and thought, whereas rear racks just bolt on.

As for the steering dynamics, front load makes your steering heavier and it can be unwieldy, but rear rack introduces a swaying load which makes it unpleasant to ride out of the saddle, especially climbing steep hills 'tail wagging the dog'. Whereas front rack can plant your front wheel and make climbing easier.
You also have a rear weight bias on most bicycles meaning the rear wheel (the more difficult one to replace) is likely to incur damage and front rack helps with that.

Front rack also has the major added bonus of being visible which is nice for security in a city or just not sketching out that your load has maybe fallen off.

>My milk crate with bungies on the Walmart seat post rack is very sketchy and tipped over
yeah no shit dude. what you attached it to the rack with bungeys? That's not secure at all. Use zip ties and make sure you pull them tight with tools. Also those racks suck.
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If (You) have any interest in unconventional bikes, I highly recommend you check out Halfbike.
It's so fun to ride I'm willing to shill it for free.
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I wanna get swept bars but don’t know how to install
Get matching brakes levers.
Remove the bar tape.
Pull the brake cables out the brake levers.
Undo the bold holding the brake levers on and slide them off.
Undo the clamping bolt on the stem.
Slide bars out and replace with new ones.
Put new brake levers onto the new bars. Replace the cables.
Wrap or grips. Your choice.
How can one 'not know' ad in just imagine this?
Bikes are simply the worst kind of transport for carrying such loads. However, if you have no other choice and you can't split the load (half at the front, half at the rear) then backpacks are the only way to carry this kind of load, while maintaining maximum stability in all situations.
This keeps the load central and with it being 'part' of the rider, the rider has much more feel for balance, and control over the load.

Optimal is all three, the load split between front, rear and rider.
You’ll be want bars that are closer to 90’ swept back (Vader Bar) if using bar end shifters. Otherwise replace the bar ends with thumb shifters if using something like a Milan Bar.
are those... campy bar end shifters? You could sell them on ebay.

The way to get nice brake levers is find a nice non-functional STX or XT or whatever cantilever STI set, put it in a vice, hacksaw the broken shifter part , then file it smooth. Some of the exage level canti levers are quite nice even.

If you kept your shifters you could leave them installed and hacksaw the bottom of your drops off and clamp them in some aerobar / mtb bar end clampy mounts and also use that to strap a bag to.
Or, get downtube shifters.

The real problem you have is that the bike is too small for you. Try to buy something that gives you very minimal standover clearance, and that is old enough to not be too long for you. Then you can have drop bars at your saddle height without too ridiculous a stem. Or you can run alt/flat bars with cool 7 stems
Why do you say it’s too small for me? Cuz of where my stem is? I barely have any clearance as it is. Bike is a little big for me actually. It’s pretty comfortable now tho
>90’ swept back (Vader Bar)
also VO Left Bank
>Why do you say it’s too small for me?
because you have quite a lot of seatpost and you clearly want a more relaxed position because your bars are tilted and you're asking about meme bars.

french fit is a fistful of seatpost and that's what you should aim for if you want highish bars. It should be possible to have them at the level of your saddle.

>I barely have any clearance as it is.
nonsense, also, you don't need it, some ball squish is ok

>Bike is a little big for me actually
too long maybe, but something with a taller headtube/ seat tube would be better.
so it this a MTB or hybrid? I really like how these bikes look.
old school road bikes, sometimes known as the OTS "old ten/twelve speed" at one point in history there was a road racing boom in the 70s/80s which entered the used market prior to the 90s rigid boom. Much of those vintage road bikes are becoming hard to find
It's a mtb, hybrids did also exist back then

nowadays though, classic mtb fits a similiar niche to hybrids

OTS is redundant, because the decent classic road bikes now are from the late 80s/90s and are typically 7 speed
the more pressing question here is actually:
Why go with the endobutton technique? And why, when getting the endobutton still get k wires? People should just get a proper plate and be satisfied with a completely unsymptomatic shoulder within 12 weeks.
wtf are you talking about? that pic is impossible to mistake as any sort of road bike, and it's clearly a nineties MTB, not even from the bike boom era.
anon is probably a zoomer mtb'er and thinks any bike that doesn't have springs in the front and back is a "road bike"
oh, cool, there's a button you can put on the front brake that makes it lock and flips the bike now?
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>It's a mtb, hybrids did also exist back then
do people ride these in cities now as opposed to mtb trails? The handlebars seem very upright too.
lol derp i was looking at >>2020692 pic reading >>2020695 and didn't realize i was looking at the wrong bike
>bla bla also how did you know I barely ride my bike
probably this guy
endobutton is a newer "less invasive" reconstructive technique for a common and reocurring injury cyclists simply have a propensity to encounter: Faggastrophic AC joint explosion.
Thinking about taking a nice 90s mtb and putting a modern box stem and riser bar on it. These old rigid mtb's have long top tubes and stems, I'm hoping that bringing the bar back and up a bit will make the ride more comfy. What does /n/ think?
it was just a joke. maybe not a very good one but at least it was on topic. nobody cares about

>And why, when getting the endobutton still get k wires? People should just get a proper plate and be satisfied with a completely unsymptomatic shoulder within 12 weeks.
you really think anon up there doesnt care about his shoulder not being unsymptomatic after treatment? Ages after treatment even and perhaps will never be * insert popping noises *
um bacon so you converted a triple to a wide range double, but you left the outer ring in the outer ring position and you have to shift it by hand to jump over that gap? Why not move that ring to the middle ring position, then it would actually work with a derailer.

Or do you only use the large ring and just didn't remove the granny because it would require pulling the crank?
It's a good idea if the frame is right or too big for you and a terrible idea for a cramped flexy bike that doesn't fit you if it's too small
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,,,,wiresold the connectors crumble when pulling?,
,,total newordered.,
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Got my first road bike.
That's a dumb name for a bike.
looks nice, but yeah in English drag means a few things, all bad. what language/country?
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Nice, scrolled right past it the first time.
It's a lovely bike that fits me like a glove in every other way, and it's very stiff especially at the rear. It's just the reach is a bit long to be comfortable on longer rides. It was built for racing, and it's great when you want to sprint, but I rarely want to sprint.
what bag is that
Dragomir is the name of the guy who started the company.
USWE 9L saddle bag
>Hela Gewürzketchup bottle
Severly Based
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Blue Bull rides again
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my bicycle
Do you live in or near NJ because I swear I saw that exact bike 2 hours ago, golden age red cannondale with a spindly carbon fork
Nah, I live across the pond
Building up a bike, do you ever give in to "the temptation" to ride it early?

For instance, around midnight this new build was technically rideable.
You know, wheels, handlebars, etc. But I hadn't done the shifters or brakes.
And if I took the time to do them, I wouldn't have enough left for a ride.

What would you do in that kind of situation?
Tomorrow is not that far away, just finish the bike.
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>team decal and quad wrap downtube
Yeah I’m thinking based

The mismatched whatever tires do trigger my autism as I drink the GP5k koolaid. My last Vittorias were good but they were some fast Pro Slicks
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engage full length fender mode
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>tfw will never find a reseller of this bike
If I could have a bike, I'd want this one
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Already bought a freewheel with 7 rows (shimano megarange) plus proper shifters.
I guess the closest you'd get outside of obscure japanese auctions would be a Montague Boston. Kinda like the one posted right above you, except not all gross and ugly and multi-speeded.
Time to recycle this BSO and buy an actual bike
Why would you call it like that? It has undestructible frame and pretty decent gear (right now all what's left of original bike is a frame, reflective lights and support).
Don't waste words on a hipster, anon. They ain't happy unless they're paying through the nose for a BSO with the right branding.
Well, the opinion was unfair anyway. It's gear is mostly shimano on sunrace (yes, the lower end but still) and the frame was made by Kross (polish brand of bikes), not some chinese or indian crap from shitty steel. I trust that frame with my life, it's pretty heavy but it's absolutely solid, was riding in some very rough terrain, steep gravel roads full of rocks flying from under tires, fell few times - and the frame still has no scratch.
And I had fun upgrading this bike by myself.
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Better pic.
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Bike i build for my 13yo nephew.
wholesome and nice of you.
however, consider if you really want to gift a kid a bicycle with aerobars or any other 'alternative grip' bars where one of the grips doesn't offer access to brakes. Everyone learns the hard way that you sometimes wanto to be ready because you wont always be able to transition in time. They can learn that at a later age imo.
I've never heard of that brand but the paint and decals are fuckin A.
are you the guy who built a bike for your niece, too? his sister?
no, I'm not

it's an Italian bike company. They used to make their own frames. Now it's just an asian frame importer.
A common story.

it's the last thing to be concerned about considering how he and his crew ride on the public road
Ah yess, the highest quality polish brand, Kurwa Rover, with the highest grade of real yuropean hiten steel and highest quality components undoubtedly made by japanese craftsmen.
The random plastic garbage all over the bike really levels up the riding experience.
I'm very sorry my bike doesn't fit your quality standards, anon.
Just accept that you have horrible taste and your BSO is the lowest tier hypermarket bicycle, pathetic yuropoor.
just because you're right doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. what difference does it make what he rides to you?
BSO now means Best Shaped Object, objectively making anon's Best bike the best bike there ever will be and has been, fact
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>full leg straightening
Hasn't this been deboonked as sub-optimal?
Well I prefer straightish leg with heel to pedal, so you have a reasonable bend once your foot is on. Of course less is fine too until you get too short of leg extension, but it's better to have a little less extension then too much where you have to "rock the boat" with your hips swaying back and forth.
Sub-optimal is based on each rider. I know some pros had "low" seat heights but rode better like that. Others spin more, others mash more, etc. Each rider needs to try different things to find out their best position.

If you start pulling out some "optimal" studies like a pencilneck I am going to be dissapoint
>If you start pulling out some "optimal" studies like a pencilneck I am going to be dissapoint
I wish I could ignore the "optimal" studies :(
Then I could justify getting a picrel
> Others spin more, others mash more, etc. Each rider needs to try different things to find out their best position
Yeah, It makes sense that leg extension would be another personal thing, just how optimal pedaling speed is whatever feels right (learned that in a study)
Pros and cons with everything. I unironically think I might like oval rings since for some reason I like biopace... which is like a reverse oval...
Sometimes I think it's not supposed to make sense.
worse, training is not tra/n/sportation, and I was the anon supporting you earlier
Isn't that a little extreme? Why not try out the absolute crap oval chainrings? Sure the company tried to stalk hambini but the oval chainrings are legit
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The glowie stickers don't seem to like rain very much
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yeah, even if you clean properly, reflective tape/ stickers are not adhesive enough to last on bikes

i usually wrap them like bartape and seal one end off with other tape, sew them on to bags, or bolt them on to baskets like pic rel.
You're going in the right direction, there's less plastic garbage, but you forgot to replace the BSO with a bicycle lul
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white bar tape was a mistake
aliexpress brake pads are surprisingly good though
Possibly the ugliest bike on /n/.

>chinese carbon bling spacers and brake pad holders
>a fucking frame lock and kickstand
peak trolling

you should remove the spacers from your seat tube bottle cage. They're there to clear a front derailer which you don't have.

I think you would also probably prefer a + 7° or 17° stem, especially seeing as you're a slow and don't even have high gears. I'd do that when you swap out the tape again (cos you'll need a longer front brake cable), which imo, looks fine. Your rear piece of brake housing is slightly too long, it should be a single bend, not bend one way then the other.

You're also obviously riding with a backpack which is fucked so seeing as you love dumb accessory clutter get some framebags or a rack or osmething.

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