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Damn wtf are we supposed to do
Just share the normal road?
It works pretty well in europe.
More and more cities here implement a 30km/h speed limit which is great for cyclists. You can easily swim with the traffic. Its not really dangerous desu.
Plus a drivers license here is 3,5k€ and actually aquires some skill to get it.
We dont have crazy niggers and wiggers that get one with 20 bucks and 1 hour of driving on a parking lot.
For example check out dashcam channels from germany compared to US ones. You guys literally still live in the wild west if it comes to road safety.
30km/h isn't everywhere and while it may be a fine pace for you and I 90% of people are slow as fuck on their bikes and hold up everyone. Just widen the road plop and down a bike lane. Can even be at the cost of parking spaces idgaf.

>We dont have crazy niggers and wiggers that get one with 20 bucks and 1 hour of driving on a parking lot.
We still have enough morons on the streat who get it together for the exam and drive like absolute dogshit afterwards, I know some of them. You also have that thing for life and most people become worse drivers with age.
>dumb boomer doing dumb boomer things
I would be all for it. Sounds like our guy Doug here actually is a cyclist and understands cyclists needs.
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>Doug Ford
Praise Ford
>"Once lots of human beings have been produced, the problem becomes how to make them serve the economy in their everyday lives. “The problem was to find an economically sounder reason for consuming transport than a mere affection for primroses and landscapes. […] ‘We condition the masses to hate the country,’ concluded the Director. ‘But simultaneously we condition them to love all country sports. At the same time, we see to it that all country sports shall entail the use of elaborate apparatus. So that they consume manufactured articles as well as transport.’” Elaborate steps are taken to circumvent what’s “natural,” to such a degree that those who prefer simpler pastimes are looked upon with suspicion. “Mere affection” and enjoyment of natural things do nothing to stimulate the economy. So it’s necessary to go to great lengths to make people like and pursue things that will sustain the economy instead."
keep biking
drivers going to be fucking pissed when they realize any lane i'm in becomes a bike lane
>Plus a drivers license here is 3,5k€ and actually aquires some skill to get it.
>We dont have crazy niggers and wiggers that get one with 20 bucks and 1 hour of driving on a parking lot.
As nice as that would be here in the US, car dependency and car culture has forced our society to view driving as a "right" and not a "privilege" and so if we even try to implement such measures for the greater good, the same people who terrorize the street will be the loudest on social media regarding their "right" to drive
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based slow roller
Unless there are 2 bike lanes on each side, this won't even give them 1 more car lane, what's the point?
Sounds like he's got his head in the right place. Bike lanes are anti-bike. Forester did nothing wrong.
Ford is just a little dickhead child salty about having lost the Toronto mayor election countless years back, so now he's actively trying to ruin the city through provincial laws that are entirely about cities and have no business being provincial.
First off, Fuck Ford. I agree he's being a complete asshole and this is ridiculously stupid.
However, I think there is a legitimate, provincial/regional interest in things like transportation. Again, he's on completely the wrong fucking side of this and car-centric transportation needs to fucking go. But imagine some kind of crazy, edge-case scenario like, "a city reduces every road entering its boundaries to 1 lane in each direction, because it will fuck regional commuters and increase property values and density within city-borders."
Again, fuck Ford to hell and back for being a mouthfoaming idiot. But there is room for provincial standards in transportation within municipal boundaries. It just should be more shit like, "you need to protect right-of-ways for future transportation projects," and less "FUCK BIKES!"
If a bike lane replaces one of two traffic lanes you've basically halved the capacity of the road. People are so brain-rotted by their idea of "induced demand" they assume that just as traffic will magically materialize the second capacity is expanded, it will likewise poof out of existence if capacity decreases.
>works pretty well in europe
No it does not.
It's fine for residential areas, you are fucked on an arterial both if you chose to ride there or if you chose to speed limit to 30.
>3,5k€ and actually aquires some skill to get it.
I passed mine in Germany and Texas, the test was exactly the same. Texas just didn't require me to show proof of gorrillion hours of classes.
You could just do a credit check and be just as effective at filtering.
Texas also gave me equivalent of C+E right if the bat.
The negress at the DPS counter was too retarded to see Germany has reciprocity which is a clear rule. So I took the test instead as it was faster than arguing sense into her.
>driving in the parking lot
That's part one, before you drive on the road. You do your parking tests here too.
He does exercise that to build subways to Richmond Hill and shit
>remove bike lane
>now cyclists have to ride on the road
>traffic is slowed even than before
>does nothing to alleviate the real causes of congestion

Hey but at least he forced Loblaws to make Buck a Beer
cyclists belong on the sidewalk
Look on the bright side, for even more of the syclists their trip will become their last now, resulting in tangible improvement to society.
It's probably widely popular with all the obesefats in Toronto suburbs. This is politics by focus group, promise anything and everything as it focus groups well.
Someone call the Beaverton:
>Ontario Government Discovers How to Turn Cyclists into Ghosts, Reduce Traffic

>Faced with unprecedented gridlock and increasing polarization over bike lanes, Ontario is turning to an innovative solution. Government researchers have announced a new technique to efficiently turn cyclists into spectral riders and eliminate conflict on the roads.
>"Everyone knows ghosts are immaterial, so we can use the same lanes for both bikes and cars with no effect on traffic. It's a win-win," announced Transportation Minister Prabmeet Singh Sarkaria, in front of a ghost bike.
>"The secret is the bike. The connection to the bicycle at the time of death creates a phylactery which helps bind the soul to the material realm," explained one government scientist. "We'd like to eventually do the same with pedestrians, but running shoes are less effective for unexplained reasons."
>But not everyone is happy with the changes. We spoke to one driver who said, "I know if they're in the way then I can just driver over them like they aren't there, but it still feels weird seeing them biking around like that. I think they should stay off the road where I don't have to see them."
faggot boomer fatass
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>burying the 401
Wait until you see what Kevin Chevy has planned :P
but bike lanes
Beautiful. Anything that makes motorists miserable is objectively a great thing, love to see it.
Texas requires a driving test?
Oncoming traffic looks like its flowing fine. ;^)
Is that eastbound with the DVP on-ramp closed?
how is driving through a 25km tunnel supposed to be enjoyable either too? shit's so retarded
this poster is an uber eats deliverywala from Haryana
least deranged /n/iggertranny
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who hurt you
>Anything that makes motorists miserable is objectively a great thing
This is at least Reddit in its purest form, they don't care about pedestrians, trains, or bicycles, they just want to ruin others' lives.
Why do Canadians keep electing this retard? I only hear bad things about this guy.
>elect Henry Ford's grandnephew prime minister of Canada
>get mad when he removes bicycle infrastructure
What did the leafs mean by this?
https://www.barrietoday.com/local-news/poll-most-support-the-provinces-curbs-on-new-bike-lanes-9672312 nsisters...
I laughed, you should actually send this into the Beaverton
American identify politics are bleeding over the border into Canada.
Our elections now aren't really about issues or values, and more about "owning the lefties" or "making sure the conservatices don't win".
Also in Doug Ford's case, he actually was the better candidate by comparison, the Ontario Liberals were probably one of the worst ruling parties in the province's history.
>not prime minister
>not related to Henry Ford outside a perhaps distant relation
>American identity politics
If you look at the actual polls for new bike lane support (see >>2022815) it is universally hated.
>but the conservatives
The more liberal parties still support it, except for NDP and only mildly
>but the boomers
People of all ages dislike it
>but the rich
People of all income brackets dislike it
you're a racist tourist.
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i posted that as bait, it's a boomer newspaper website from barrie, which is bumfuckville compared to toronto. people from downtown hate this shit
>online poll
>only for bumfuckville local newspaper readers
Cope. The poll covered the entire Toronto area, BarrieToday and GuelphToday just retransmitted the survey from Village Media.

Its like how Reddit was big mad over the New York congestion pricing being postponed indefinitely and a straw poll of Democrat voters in NYC and found only a third opposed the delay. That's one reason why the state pushed it through anyway, if it was up to voters it would've gotten destroyed by a +20 or higher margin.
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nobody reads village media but 95iq normies

why are you defending the choices of retarded voters? why haven't you embraced the Xipill?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village_Media they don't even have a Toronto Hamilton or Ottawa paper dude
Do you agree that these are nasty and terrible
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anyone going to the critical mass rides for this? pic unrelated
Nope. The average speed sucks and there are only grannies, leftists and kids there.
I hate to ride with a slow af cadence because it just feels wrong if you're not riding in your powerband
treat it as a leisure ride?
slow rides are good for recovery and bike handling
and they have nothing to do with your cadence
>if you're not riding in your powerband
>leglette has a narrow powerband
imagine being such a leglette you can't slow spin a mega tall gear ratio lmao
Ride on the road. Keep the traffic at standstill.
>More and more cities here implement a 30km/h speed limit
Which means cagers will drive 30km/h minimum and try to keep it at 34km/h to just not get caught if there happens to be a radar speed check.
And going 30km/h on a 5% incline means >500W. Which rules out 99% of bike commuters the many people can't keep up the 200W needed to ride at that speed on the flat.
>make up arbitrary bullshit rules
>be surprised that people won't respect arbitrary bullshit rules
exactly how privileged are you? Bicycles can use any part of the road - stop being such a narcissistic faggot. Last time I checked, my road bike functions perfectly well on asphalt, concrete and sidewalks. Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit
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Doug Ford is a stupid man.
>how is driving through a 25km tunnel supposed to be enjoyable
Norway manages that fine.
Also, current highway probably isn't enjoyable either
>"studies show"
Actual studies listed/referenced:
>a project in NYC that added bike lanes but also turn lanes, which was probably the actual reason why traffic was flowing smoother—at best this is diluted
>mentions that Copenhagen added bike lanes but gives no information--how? At the expense of traffic lanes? Or not?
>brings up Paris and then finds that cars decreased between 2010 and 2018 while bicycles increased between 2018 and 2019...why the disparity? Why can't they compare numbers directly?
>mentions report directly from Toronto, where it is most relevant and the bike lanes were taken from traffic lanes, where traffic times increased on streets with bike lanes but "that doesn't count"
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>It works pretty well in europe.

>brit who's cycled all over the world
>feels safer on the shoulder of the interstate in Texas than on an average road in Britain
NTA. Not here to defend that, particular article.
But I was at the recent public meeting about the Bloor West lanes, and the traffic data shows a 3-4 minute increase. But it also showed more people were actually driving the speed limit (40 km/h). So, like, maybe the increase is because the average person isn't driving literally 25-50% over the speed the limit?
Maybe it's valid to increase travel times when people are fucking speeding?
This is clearly Bichael's fault
>nuh uh >:(
Very convincing.
>cites out-of-town study where they admit that the street itself also changed to allow for more smooth-flowing traffic
>cites out-of-town study where they admit nothing
>cites out-of-town study where they don't actually compare two data points
>cites actual in-town study where it proves Doug Ford had a point, but ignores it anyway
Not the big W you think it is
The cagetroll strawgrasping knows no bounds.
These are the kind of innovative transportation ideas we need here in the States
Wasn't there that kid who rolled coal all over a bunch of ironman athletes

if you drive into downtown you're a retard and deserve to be congested desu, t. Scarborough resident
>Wasn't there that kid who rolled coal all over a bunch of ironman athletes
The cyclists were out on narrow country backroads. The problem wasn't that he rolled coal on them; they likely refused to let him pass, the problem was that in the process he accidentally ran over half of them in the process.
...so you shouldn't roll coal?
Shouldn't have antagonized him in the first place. Rolling coal is kind of like punching someone in the face. It's bad behavior, and can happen unprovoked. It's the difference between a black dude punching you in the face and a black dude punching you in the face after you called him a nigger, repeatedly.
That’s the most shameless strawgrasping I’ve ever seen lmao
Yes, I'm sure the cyclists were minding their own business, letting vehicles pass by and this asshole comes out of nowhere and decides to run over half of them.
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CBC said they changed traffic signals to reduce about half the extra delay.
They said that in the meeting they were targeting a 1 minute increase compared to prior to the change. I doubt they have the data to back up that improvement just yet considering it just happened.
But all the data in the world won't fucking matter since the retards reject anything that doesn't conform to their starting position. They "feel slow" because they see bikes passing them. This enrages the cager, despite the fact that we will take turns passing each other for the next 2 km based on the lights.
It's a divide-and-rule tactic. They create drama with immigration, changes to lanes and badly timed traffic lights. It's easier to get mad/feel righteous about people you see rather than the responsible party hidden behind their machines and bureaucracy.
I was in the Netherlands and Germany in September, just copy what the Dutch have done. German cities and towns are way louder and traffic is way more chaotic than in the Netherlands, biking around the Netherlands was a lot of fun and I always felt relaxed walking around, Germany is so much louder it's a huge difference
why don't these asshole bikers just stay on the empty side walks
make the sidewalks 18 inches bigger so people can pass nicer...

Then again losing lanes is completely irrelevant when every traffic light reduces throughput to 1/5th of what the lane can do
>when you have never been to downtown toronto
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Here is your bike lane.

How was it like, for anybody who went?
Are you pretending literally every street is dundas and yonge at 4 pm ?
That’s so incredibly retarded. Can city council stop the from removing the lanes?
Yeah ok and then how many dead 11 year olds before people lampposted this fucking cunt?
No because the charter gave Ontario the power to do this and that's retarded

Also I wouldn't be shocked if it actually took $50 million to remove it

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